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Thread: Cylon357's Super Cool Covid 2020 Weight loss comp log!

  1. #321
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Oy, I guess I'm walking tomorrow after all.


    Attachment 181285 Attachment 181286 Attachment 181287
    Can’t go wrong with cheat meals with friends and better yet taking photos of it! I hope you and your guests had a fantastic time! Nice looking meal, thank you!

  2. #322
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Oy, I guess I'm walking tomorrow after all.


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    If you do not do this once and a while what’s the point of all this shit we do? Hope you did not hold back Looks delicious.

  3. #323
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    So, I did YET ONE MORE 2.5 mile walk this morning. Felt like I needed it after over-indulging last night.

    Stitches are scheduled to come out in the morning. I. Can't. Wait. The doc will probably say something lame like "don't overdo it for the next few days" blah blah blah horse hockey! We will see. I'm also getting something called 'red light therapy' for some suspicious looking areas of my scalp.

  4. #324
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    Also, forgot to mention: I ordered Peptide Sciences BPC-157 and TB-500. They have a blend that is 5 and 5, and I ordered another 5mg of TB-500 so that I can dose 1mg TB-500 and 500 mcg BPC-157 per day for ten days.

    BTW, do NOT do the math on the cost! It is scary expensive from PS, and not much less from Thymosin Labs. Without discounts, those doses would cost $20 per day from PS and $17 per day from TL, though the dose from TL would be just a little short on the BPC-157. I totally understand why people scour the net for bargains and sometimes take chances. Heck, I have done it and had to toss bogus / underdosed / mis labeled product. Maybe I'll find that magic combo of PS quality, Peptide Warehouse cost, but I haven't found it yet.

    Anyhow, this will be my first time running the combo from Peptide Sciences. I don't expect much difference compared to the Thymosin Labs product but we will see. I also ordered some ModGRF 1-29 and Ipamorelin that I will run for a month or so at a low 100mcg per night, 5x per week. Might modify the dose, but that is a game time decision.

  5. #325
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    Stitches are out, yay! But gotta ease back into it, boo!

    2 to 3 weeks more for full healing and to get the green light. But I can "ease back into it" and lower body is a go. It might not be possible to do squats just yet, at least not with any significant weight, because of how I have to position my shoulders. THIS is a job for a belt squat setup! Unfortunately, I don't have a belt squat setup. But, I bet I can figure out some blocks, a dip belt and a few weight plates and be semi functional.

    Or, I could probably start with really low weights on everything. That is what I may do.

    And I guess I can be happy that the results came back and they got EVERYTHING of concern. The one on the shoulder had "2 genes that indicate possible melanoma" but it was not cancerous, nor was the one on my face. That one was the one that the lab and the doc both were like "ooh, we've never seen THIS". But yeah, it's all good they got all the margins, etc, so I'm GTG.

  6. #326
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    And I guess I can be happy that the results came back and they got EVERYTHING of concern. The one on the shoulder had "2 genes that indicate possible melanoma" but it was not cancerous, nor was the one on my face. That one was the one that the lab and the doc both were like "ooh, we've never seen THIS". But yeah, it's all good they got all the margins, etc, so I'm GTG.
    Now you have mystery growths on your body? Dude, things only keep getting better for you! Question, you weren’t possibly abducted by aliens were you?

  7. #327
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Now you have mystery growths on your body? Dude, things only keep getting better for you! Question, you weren’t possibly abducted by aliens were you?
    I'm hoping not, but maybe it wouldn't be quite as bad as we think:

  8. #328
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    2 mile walk and 1/2 mile jog tonight. I hit the weights for the first time in two weeks tomorrow, lets see how that goes.

    The last of the absorbable stitches on my face fell out, and that is cool.

    Ah, hells bells man, I'm ready to hit the weights! Just gotta go easy to see how that shoulder scar holds up.

    Still, all these things are first world problems, so I reckon it will be fine!

  9. #329
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    I'm hoping not, but maybe it wouldn't be quite as bad as we think:
    With Miss Honey Peach Bottom, hell no, not bad at all . !

  10. #330
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    With Miss Honey Peach Bottom, hell no, not bad at all . !
    Sheri Moon Zombie is, despite that name, developing into a good actress. Peep Rob Zombie's theatrical cut of "Halloween" for some good work on her part. She has come a LOOONNNGGG way from "House of 1000 Corpses".

  11. #331
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Sheri Moon Zombie is, despite that name, developing into a good actress. Peep Rob Zombie's theatrical cut of "Halloween" for some good work on her part. She has come a LOOONNNGGG way from "House of 1000 Corpses".
    I think the only Rob Zombie movie I have seen is “Devil’s Rejects” and I liked it a lot. I’ll try to check out Halloween. I hope your shoulder is getting better, I bet you are hungry to get back to the iron!

  12. #332
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    I think the only Rob Zombie movie I have seen is “Devil’s Rejects” and I liked it a lot. I’ll try to check out Halloween. I hope your shoulder is getting better, I bet you are hungry to get back to the iron!
    I personally like the theatrical cut of Halloween better than the director's cut. IMO, the director's cut is slightly less polished and just a little disjointed at times. Still, either is a good watch.
    Last edited by Cylon357; 08-25-2021 at 12:34 PM.

  13. #333
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    I got my Peptide Sciences order today. 2 of 2mg ModGrf 1-29, and 2 of 2mg Ipamorelin. I liked this combo from them when I have run it in the past. Good stuff.

    I also got 1 5mg TB-500 and 1 BPC-157 and TB-500 5mg / 5mg combo. I want to transfer them into the same bottle so I can do one shot, but I just reconstituted everything so I will let that wait until tonight.

    I'm lifting weights tonight, but man, I'm going to ease back into it. Life is a marathon, not a sprint and all that, but man, jonesing to get back under the bar. Patience is a thing, evidently. Pheh, I may do some light cable work, extensions, etc for a few days until it looks like my scar isn't going to open up. It's PROBABLY OK now, but they put some steri-strips on it Monday so I really can't see it right now.

    It should be healing nicely with the current run of TB-500 and BPC-157, plus I am doing about a half unit of hgh in the morning. I can't seem to do a full unit without messing with my tinnitus and giving me night time headaches. But maybe now I can conduct the "small dose hgh in the AM and peptides in the PM" experiment I've been thinking about.

  14. #334
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    Ah, man, it felt good to be back under the weights tonight!

    SUPER light to test things out, like 95 pound squats and benching with the empty bar, but it felt good.

    No dips yet, too much pressure on the shoulder. Some light curls and tricep work, plus I went ahead and did some light one arm rows with the 25 lb weight plates. Single legged cafe work until they were aching.

    1/2 mile walk to warm up, one mile walk to cool down. You might think I would be SICK OF WALKING by now, but it IS a good way to get LISS and cool down.

    I'm going to start the Peptide Sciences stuff tomorrow, probably with the TB-500 and BPC-157 in the morning along with a half unit of hgh, then the Mod/Ipa combo in the evening. Lets see where we land!

  15. #335
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    I had a busy Saturday. Spent several hours working on The Wife's car, most of the time was spent wondering 'how the hell do I get THAT off of THIS??' But in Florida, in August, it's kind of like a steam room - though to be honest the humidity wasn't quite that bad, and I was working in the garage with a fan blowing on me most of the time. Anyhow, turns out there is STILL some work to be done, because of course and I mean OF COURSE, while I was there, I discovered several other things that need fixing. Still, it is easy stuff. Just a radiator and fan switch, though I will do the hoses and thermostat while I am there.

    When I got done with all that, I hit the weights again, Jack! Super easy stuff: light pulldowns, over head press with just the barbell, some super light curls, shrugs and one arm rows. I did move the one arm rows up to 40lb dumbbells from the 25lb plates on Wednesday. I know that is still ridiculously light, but the shoulder is healing and I do NOT want to tear that open. Anyhow, the standard 1/2 mile walk to warm up, 1.5 to cool down and then a hop in the pool.

    I did my first Ipamorelin / MogGRF 1-29 injection last night just before bed. 100mcg each, sub q in the glute region. Man, those 31g 6mm needles are cool. I do seem to have a bit of an issue drawing at times, like it takes a while to fill the syringe. No bigs, just something I have to watch out for.

    Everything is groovy!

    BTW, here is the shoulder. Progress, but not quite there yet.

    Cylon357's Super Cool Covid 2020 Weight loss comp log!-cylonshoulderwip.jpg

  16. #336
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    I got a decent workout in last night, considering that I am babying things due to the shoulder.

    Have to use light weight? Reps are the name of the game then!

    20 to 30 reps on lighter sets, though I did just do 10 to 15 on my last set of squats, since I was working up a bit more in weight and the bar sits dangerously close to the wound site.

    I also did leg extensions for the first time in months. My bench sucks for them, though, and instead of "leg extensions", it feels like "knee exploders". Thus, why I haven't done them in months.

    Got a nice level of hurts so good pain in the chest out of the high rep bench press. That was nice!

    Keeping busy overall. I have a long weekend starting tonight, but plenty to do. That radiator I talked about earlier ain't gonna fix itself...

    Enjoy the weekend, whenever yours may start!

  17. #337
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    Just a 2.5 mile walk yesterday, but today begins both my long weekend and 'Radiator Fest 2021'. Hunting down parts is the killer today, I have to drive to the dealership to pickup a thermostat (that I might not end up using) and driving = time not turning a wrench.

    I did order some rucksack / sandbag equipment that should be here next week. Not in a hurry to use it, but it will be in the rotation by October 1. At that point, I should be GTG on the shoulder.

    BTW, here is what it looks like this AM. Progress, but as I have said before and I'm sure we are all aware, this whole 'heal your body like Wolverine' bit is pure click bait BS.

    Cylon357's Super Cool Covid 2020 Weight loss comp log!-cylonshoulderwip-part2.jpg

  18. #338
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    Radiator Fest 2021 wrapped up yesterday. It was a complete success, though I really would have preferred to use the radiator I ordered from RockAuto instead of the one I bought at AutoZone. The one from RA was a Denso unit, and just looked higher quality than the one from AZ (Duralast brand). But, it is all good. Did the raidator, both fans, radiator cap and coolant flush and refill.

    Today's workout will be either weights or a jog, I haven't decided yet. I basically have until Tuesday to chill, so I'm going to take advantage of that!

  19. #339
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Radiator Fest 2021 wrapped up yesterday. It was a complete success, though I really would have preferred to use the radiator I ordered from RockAuto instead of the one I bought at AutoZone. The one from RA was a Denso unit, and just looked higher quality than the one from AZ (Duralast brand). But, it is all good. Did the raidator, both fans, radiator cap and coolant flush and refill.

    Today's workout will be either weights or a jog, I haven't decided yet. I basically have until Tuesday to chill, so I'm going to take advantage of that!
    I like my auto parts from this guy. However, for brakes I always use Callahan.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Cylon357's Super Cool Covid 2020 Weight loss comp log!-024e49d0-5b1c-47ad-ba02-b561a6dcae30.jpeg  

  20. #340
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    Shoulder looks like it’s healing up nice! Did you run peptides or anything to try to accelerate healing?

  21. #341
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    Quote Originally Posted by DinAZ View Post
    Shoulder looks like it’s healing up nice! Did you run peptides or anything to try to accelerate healing?
    Yes indeed. I am running 1mg TB-500 + 500 mg BPC-157 right now, along with one half IU HGH roughly 5 days a week in the morning. I would like that to be 7 days a week, at least for the TB/BPC, but I sometimes forget and timing is kind of important, so I skip a dose if I can't get that right.

    I'm going to add 100mcg/100mcg ModGRF 1-29 / Ipamorelin in the PM starting... well, maybe starting tonight, but definitely by tomorrow night. The trick with that is figuring out exact timing. It revved me up just a little the last time I took it a few days ago, but that was right at bedtime. About 30 minutes prior should be good.

    BTW, I can't take even a full 1 iu of hgh daily, it causes tinitis to flare a bit at that level. But a half IU doesn't seem problematic and in the long run adds value... 2.5 IU per week for a year is 130 IU. Far from ideal, but since I take it in the AM, I'm speculating that it won't interfere with natural production. I have also only used UGL thus far, it might be that if I ever try true pharma hgh, I will be hooked and happy.

  22. #342
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    I like my auto parts from this guy. However, for brakes I always use Callahan.
    I'm not going to lie, I could not place the character lol! The actor was easy and I was like dammit, what is this from? Figured it out and no spoilers for anyone else!

  23. #343
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Yes indeed. I am running 1mg TB-500 + 500 mg BPC-157 right now, along with one half IU HGH roughly 5 days a week in the morning. I would like that to be 7 days a week, at least for the TB/BPC, but I sometimes forget and timing is kind of important, so I skip a dose if I can't get that right.

    I'm going to add 100mcg/100mcg ModGRF 1-29 / Ipamorelin in the PM starting... well, maybe starting tonight, but definitely by tomorrow night. The trick with that is figuring out exact timing. It revved me up just a little the last time I took it a few days ago, but that was right at bedtime. About 30 minutes prior should be good.

    BTW, I can't take even a full 1 iu of hgh daily, it causes tinitis to flare a bit at that level. But a half IU doesn't seem problematic and in the long run adds value... 2.5 IU per week for a year is 130 IU. Far from ideal, but since I take it in the AM, I'm speculating that it won't interfere with natural production. I have also only used UGL thus far, it might be that if I ever try true pharma hgh, I will be hooked and happy.
    The peptides seem to work it definitely seemed to heal quick, but since I’m not living with It my perception of the time could be wrong.

    Peptides have had me curious a while and now that things are settling down I think I’ll order the BPC & TB500 like we talked about before.

    I had a quack Dr that was giving me 3IU a day after my injury but he got fired. I think it helped healing but didn’t really like it because I have minor neuropathy and the extra hand numbness made using tools or shooting a basketball rough. If 1iu or less per day is effective I may reconsider. HGH is one of the more costly compounds also so the lower dosages are easier on the wallet.

  24. #344
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    Quote Originally Posted by DinAZ View Post
    The peptides seem to work it definitely seemed to heal quick, but since I’m not living with It my perception of the time could be wrong.

    Peptides have had me curious a while and now that things are settling down I think I’ll order the BPC & TB500 like we talked about before.

    I had a quack Dr that was giving me 3IU a day after my injury but he got fired. I think it helped healing but didn’t really like it because I have minor neuropathy and the extra hand numbness made using tools or shooting a basketball rough. If 1iu or less per day is effective I may reconsider. HGH is one of the more costly compounds also so the lower dosages are easier on the wallet.
    The docs seem pleased and a little surprised that it is healing so well, especially as I am 50+, but of course I am impatient as hell with it lol! Like, Wednesday. Wednesday is the day when I will be at 4 weeks and when I should be able to hit the weights properly (none of this babying things business).

    I'm assuming that was 3 IU of pharma HGH. I would not mind having that quack doctor, especially if his quackery could get the HGH covered by insurance Anyhow, I have tried two different UGL hghs, both have the same effect on my tinitits*. One seems a little 'dryer' and the other a little 'wetter' but that could be my imagination, or maybe one is really not hgh or something.

    *= I don't think I spelled tinitis right, but I saw it and thought hey, that looks like 'tiny tits' and my inner Beavis could NOT stop laughing

  25. #345
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    I'm not going to lie, I could not place the character lol! The actor was easy and I was like dammit, what is this from? Figured it out and no spoilers for anyone else!
    Glad you figured it out

  26. #346
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    Back to the normal routine tonight, if not just yet normal weights.

    Did my squat routine, kept the weight lighter and the reps higher.

    The calves were fun, 30 reps with barbell calf raises followed immediately by 15 single leg raises, unweighted, each leg. Achey breaky calves! I'm NOT sorry I went there :P

    Some dumbbell rows, working the weight up a little more each week, followed by leg curls and super light but high rep bicep curls finished the weight portion. No HIIT tonight, but I did walk about 3/4 of a mile, then jog (slog) about a half mile to wrap up the workout. Hop in the pool, some yoga stretches and now I'm having protein and a bagel, waiting on the feral cat to show.

    Life is not bad, ladies and gents! Thankful every day.

  27. #347
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Back to the normal routine tonight, if not just yet normal weights.

    Did my squat routine, kept the weight lighter and the reps higher.

    The calves were fun, 30 reps with barbell calf raises followed immediately by 15 single leg raises, unweighted, each leg. Achey breaky calves! I'm NOT sorry I went there :P

    Some dumbbell rows, working the weight up a little more each week, followed by leg curls and super light but high rep bicep curls finished the weight portion. No HIIT tonight, but I did walk about 3/4 of a mile, then jog (slog) about a half mile to wrap up the workout. Hop in the pool, some yoga stretches and now I'm having protein and a bagel, waiting on the feral cat to show.

    Life is not bad, ladies and gents! Thankful every day.
    Congrats on the return! Appreciate & focus on all of the things we have in life! Darn right Cy, life ain’t bad & tons to be thankful for!

  28. #348
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    Bench day today. No dips yet, but man that shoulder is close!

    I did do some cable work, including sort of a modified rear delt fly. Thats going to be interesting when I can get at it without the scar raising concerns.

    I wanted to do a 2 mile walk to wrap things up, but the rain conspired against me. Still, I got in a mile and will walk in the AM, so it will be fine.

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    Had a back day today. No deadlifts yet, but I may phase them out for a bit. I know: blasphemy! But my knees have not been hurting much at all since I reduced weights and haven't done deadlifts.

    Anyhow, today I figured out how to use the barbell to lock my body down so I can do pulldowns with a decent amount of weight. That was awesome and I took advantage of it. Like, I dunno, 10 sets, maybe, of pulldowns with various grips. Lats were chatty, Jack!

    Moved on to barbell rows, about half my normal 6 to 8 rep weight. But hey, easing back into it and I call it progress.

    Overhead press was next as I consolidated days. This was big, but the shoulder help up fine. Not quite normal weight, but close to 80% so that's a win in my book.

    Shrugs, bicep curls, pushdowns and calf work rounded out the weights. 1 mile walk to warm up, 2 mile walk as LISS to finish and life is good.

    The Wife made some turkey chili and man, that is some good stuff. Gonna sleep well tonight!

  30. #350
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    Squat day today, yay! Still keeping it light but high huffing and puffing reps. I will keep that up until October as I have plans for the last quarter of the year, goals wise.

    Started with squats. High reps really suck with squats if you are hitting parallel or just below. But it is a good kind of suck.

    Did my calves. They were asking me 'what did we do wrong???' because I punished them tonight. Stiff legged deadlifts rounded out the weights for the legs.

    I was unsure about what to do for back, so I tried a short range, low rep set of pullups. Seemed to do OK, but I'm still babying that scar (though admittedly I think it is GTG - better safe than sorry). Did dumbbell rows followed by bicep curls to round out the weights tonight.

    Jogged a little over a half mile, then walked it back to cool down. Did some yoga stretches, hit the shower, had some protein and a banana (that's what she said), and now, I'm hanging with you degenerates. That's ok, we are all degenerates now and then.

    Life is good!

  31. #351
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    Last night had a decent bench workout. Still light and high reps which, by the way, I may carry forward for a bit. I kind of like the change of pace. I'm still not ready for dips yet with the shoulder.... ah, actually, the shoulder is almost certainly good to go, I'm just being super cautious. I have a 6 week checkup next week where they will almost certainly give me the green light, but I can do other stuff between now and then.

    Barbell bench, pushups with the handles, a set or two with various grips for each exercise. Skull crushers, d-bell flyes and super light lateral raises rounded out the weights. I did a 1 mile walk to warm up plus a 2 miler for LISS. 3 miles is enough Today is an off day and I intend to enjoy it.

    Still doing the TB-500 and BPC-157 combo, I have a few more days on that. I have been alternating .5 to 1 iu HGH in the morning with 100mcg each ModGRF 1-29 and Ipamorelin, just trying to see which I like best in the morning. Sometimes I will do the Mod/Ipa 30 minutes pre-workout, just as a variation to see how I like that. Not bad so far.

    It DOES seem that with this run of Mod/Ipa, I get a little more revved up if I take it at night, more than in previous runs. This is the real reason I have been changing my injection schedule regarding these compounds. Same source, so maybe I am just reacting differently.

    Enjoy the weekend!

  32. #352
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    Awesome progress, I’m glad to hear the shoulder is doing well!

    How long do you run the peptide combo total? I’ve wondered if a month is sufficient, or if by the time spending that much is it better to try for longer.

    My recovery time is much worse now that I’m not taking test. I could see low dose HGH & peptide combos being a great option for those off anabolics.

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    Rando information: our gaddang washing machine is on the fritz. It wouldn't run or drain, so I changed the drain pump. Now, ironically, it will run but still not drain. Since the cost of repair is approaching the half the cost of new, we are getting a new one delivered Monday. Apparently now, wifi enabled appliances are a thing. I'm not sure this is a good idea... it sounds like how the machines start talking to each other (about us) and eventually rise up. Who knew Skynet was really going to start with toasters, washers and fridges?

    All that said, I'm starting to run out of clean workout clothes. This is a tragedy of Biblical proportion. I THINK I have enough to make it through Monday. Fingers crossed.

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    I read there is a shortage of some appliances because of the silicon shortage for microchips(same with cars, GPUs, etc).

    Why we need a smart fridge or smart dryer is beyond me. I even saw a vaporizer with bluetooth the other day. Some of this stuff seems totally unnecessary at best, and at worst it seems like a security risk.

  35. #355
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    Quote Originally Posted by DinAZ View Post
    Awesome progress, I’m glad to hear the shoulder is doing well!

    How long do you run the peptide combo total? I’ve wondered if a month is sufficient, or if by the time spending that much is it better to try for longer.

    My recovery time is much worse now that I’m not taking test. I could see low dose HGH & peptide combos being a great option for those off anabolics.
    I normally run TB-500 and BPC-157 together for four weeks, but I'm likely to add another week or two this time. This combo might be helping my knee pain... it could be the others (ModGrf 1-29, Ipamorelin or the low dose hgh) or some combo of those, but I'm liking it.

    Pic of the shoulder progress this morning.

    Cylon357's Super Cool Covid 2020 Weight loss comp log!-20210917_103917.jpg

  36. #356
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Rando information: our gaddang washing machine is on the fritz. It wouldn't run or drain, so I changed the drain pump. Now, ironically, it will run but still not drain. Since the cost of repair is approaching the half the cost of new, we are getting a new one delivered Monday. Apparently now, wifi enabled appliances are a thing. I'm not sure this is a good idea... it sounds like how the machines start talking to each other (about us) and eventually rise up. Who knew Skynet was really going to start with toasters, washers and fridges?

    All that said, I'm starting to run out of clean workout clothes. This is a tragedy of Biblical proportion. I THINK I have enough to make it through Monday. Fingers crossed.
    We had to replace our washer a couple of years ago & I went to the laundromat out of absolute necessity. It was like a comedy sketch when I put in too much soap. Even the people working there were laughing. We go through so much laundry, it’s an every other day thing for us - no washer/dryer = misery.

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    Good back / upper body workout today.

    Last week I combined back and shoulder workouts, did the same thing today. I could get used to not doing deadlifts!

    Did more pulldowns to get started, various grips. Still keeping reps in the 10 to 12 range for working sets. Thought about doing some pullups, but eh, let me let that scar heal completely. So, I did one arm rows instead and was definitely feeling it in my lats. Not ready to glide away or anything but give me a while and lets see

    Overhead press was next. This is really the one that should worry me about the shoulder scar, but it isn't giving me grief. All good there. Moved on to shrugs to really make the back / shoulder groups say 'dammit man, leave us alone for a minute!!'

    So I did. I moved on to push downs, alternated with super light bicep curls for sets of 20. 3 sets each of those but wait, there's more! I did 3 sets of lateral raises, just to let the delts know who the boss really is.

    No walks today because of rain, though I did spend about an hour washing windows prior to working out, and maybe 30 minutes trying to help the next door neighbor with a pool problem they were having. Finished our "Mulligan's Stew" meal, pic below. That patty looking thing is a salmon burger from Costco's frozen food department. A bit dry, but we did grill it. I bet it would pop if it were skillet fried, like a salmon patty!

    Cylon357's Super Cool Covid 2020 Weight loss comp log!-cylon357dinner.jpg

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    In a total BTW, rando observation, a couple of days ago, I finished off the last of my Peptide Sciences BPC-157 and TB-500, and yesterday, I finished off the last of my reconstituted Thymosin Labs blend. So, I was thinking 'well, I know I have some more TL blend, but I think that is about it'. Well, happy surprise! I had several things I had forgotten about... It's like Christmas in Cylon-ville! Some PS ModGRF 1-29 and Ipamorelin, 4 Prohealix, 2 Epitalon from Umbrella Labs, Some TL BPC-157, HCG from IDK where and finally some IGF-1 LR3 from Umbrella Labs. That last one is likely going to be tried out soon...

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    Squat day, baby!

    Squats started it off. Man, I am digging this lighter weight and higher reps thing. My working set was 15, huffy and puffy at the end. Got to 12 and thought 'getting tough', hit 13 and was like 'there is NO WAY I am doing 13 reps!', got to 14 and was like 'wheeze might as wuh wuh well wheeze get 15'. OK, it wasn't that bad, but man my knees do seem to appreciate it.

    Did calf work next, just raises off the block. For some reason tonight, they were firey! Like if someone were watching me after the set and had no idea what was going on, they might think the floor was on fire. But good feeling all the same.

    Did lat pulldowns... man, figuring out that technique of using the barbell to hold my body down was awesome. Did 4 sets in total, 2 sort of medium grip, 2 narrow, palms facing each other. I like to do legs heavy with back light, and back heavy with legs light. "Light" means one, maybe two easy exercises for that body part.

    Anyhow, lying hamstring curls and bicep curls with the kettlebells (there they are, you knew I hadn't forgot them!) rounded out the weights. I did a full mile walk to warm up before the weights, and, get this: a full mile jog for my MISS (Imma call that 'medium intensity steady state') wrap up. Thought I might die, but what was important was that my knees aren't dialoging with me too much. This is week 3 of my 3/1 week scheme, so deload is next week so I will have time to recover fully.

    Two other items. 1 - the doc gave me the all clear today for full weight bearing exercises! Yay! But I kind of like this lower weight, higher rep thing, so I may keep it around for a while. 2 - I'm looking to finish 2021 out strong, so in 2 weeks, I'm getting after it. Lets see what I can get done in 90 days!

  40. #360
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    Congrats on the clearance for the shoulder!

    I’m in a rhythm as well, let’s end this year in grand style!

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