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  1. #241
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    if I take a crap, is that exercise for my butt-hole?

  2. #242
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    When you lose fat- where does it go? is it lost forever? or has a theory been developed to explain its disappearance?

  3. #243
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    if I take a crap, is that exercise for my butt-hole?
    No but if you did pinching off exercises or bear downs then that would be a form of exercise.

  4. #244
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    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    When you lose fat- where does it go? is it lost forever? or has a theory been developed to explain its disappearance?
    Fat can for simplicity be though as nothing more than potential chemical energy. Much like solid rocket fuel in the primary lift phase of the space shuttle.

    When the body needs energy more than what is being provided by diet, the stored energy in fat is called upon to a higher degree. The energy in fat does not disappear it is merely converted from one form of energy to another. In this case mechanical energy to perform work.

    This conversion is not 100% effective, most of the energy is converted to heat which is a by product of metabolism. Other metabolic by products such as CO2 are respired out, which constitutes the bulk of the mass lost when someone is trying to lose fat.
    Last edited by MuscleScience; 03-18-2009 at 11:18 PM.

  5. #245
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    bump...Have a few free days

  6. #246
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    What do you think of HIT training versus HVT????

  7. #247
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    Quote Originally Posted by A2thej2008 View Post
    What do you think of HIT training versus HVT????
    I think with both you have to be careful with over-training. This is very goal specific question however traditionally higher volume training is associated with more muscle hypertrophy. Were as higher intensity is associated with improvements of strength. In recent years some new studies have question the validity of these statements. The exercise organizations are starting to amend their recommendations on exercise for intermediate and advanced exercisers.

    From the current literature and what other professionals are doing my take on exercise programs is simple this. If you have a sound fundamental design and have adherence to the exercise program virtually any exercise routine will work. Its really a matter of trial and error as to what will work the best for someone. I never say that this program will work best for someone before they try it. What works for one person may not be best for another.

    I know its vague but that is were the current research on the subject leaves us.

    Here is what one of the best pure exercise science organizations has to say on weight training.


    Official Journal of The American
    Society of Exercise Physiologists (ASEP)
    Volume 7 Number 3 June 2004


    What is really known about the science of resistance training is contrary to the opinions expressed in the Position Stand. That is, the preponderance of research strongly suggests that gains in muscular strength, hypertrophy, power, and endurance are the result of the following simple guidelines:

    • Select a mode of exercise that feels comfortable throughout the range of motion. There is very little evidence to support the superiority of free weights or machines for increasing muscular strength, hypertrophy, power, or endurance.
    • Choose a repetition duration that will ensure the maintenance of consistent form throughout the set. One study showed a greater strength benefit from a shorter duration (2s/4s) and one study showed better strength gains as a result of a longer duration (10s/4s), but no study using conventional exercise equipment reports any significant difference in muscular hypertrophy, power, or endurance as a result of manipulating repetition duration.
    • Choose a range of repetitions between three and 15 (e.g., 3-5, 6-8, 8-10, etc.). There is very little evidence to suggest that a specific range of repetitions (e.g., 3-5 versus 8-10) or time-under-load (e.g., 30s versus 90s) significantly impacts the increase in muscular strength, hypertrophy, power, or endurance.
    • Perform one set of each exercise. The preponderance of resistance-training studies shows no difference in the gains in muscular strength, hypertrophy, power, or endurance as a result of performing a greater number of sets.
    • After performing a combination of concentric and eccentric muscle actions, terminate each exercise at the point where the concentric phase of the exercise is becoming difficult, if not impossible, while maintaining good form. There is very little evidence to suggest that going beyond this level of intensity (e.g., supramaximal or accentuated eccentric muscle actions) will further enhance muscular strength, hypertrophy, power, or endurance.
    • Allow enough time between exercises to perform the next exercise in proper form. There is very little evidence to suggest that different rest periods between sets or exercises will significantly affect the gains in muscular strength, hypertrophy, power, or endurance.
    • Depending on individual recovery and response, choose a frequency of 2-3 times/week to stimulate each targeted muscle group. One session a week has been shown to be just as effective as 2-3 times/week for some muscle groups. There is very little evidence to suggest that training a muscle more than 2-3 times/week or that split routines will produce greater gains in muscular strength, hypertrophy, power, or endurance.

    In reality, progression in resistance training is simply adding enough resistance, which is a consequence of getting stronger—not a requisite—to stay within the desired range of repetitions and maintain a specific degree of effort. This is achieved while maintaining the precise exercise form for each aspect of the chosen protocol. Complex manipulation of any or all of the previously discussed resistance-training variables in an attempt to enhance gains in muscular strength, hypertrophy, power, or endurance in novice, intermediate or advanced trainees is primarily based on unsubstantiated opinions, and lacks sufficient scientific evidence - empirical or theoretical - for support.
    Last edited by MuscleScience; 01-05-2009 at 04:19 PM. Reason: typos typos

  8. #248
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    thank you

  9. #249
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    Why is it taking me forever to get cut?

  10. #250
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    Quote Originally Posted by A2thej2008 View Post
    Why is it taking me forever to get cut?
    You look pretty lean to me judging from your avvy, so I really couldnt tell you.

  11. #251
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    My Abs aren't here yet.

    do u have abs?

  12. #252
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    ^^^we all have abs...

  13. #253
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    visible abs*

  14. #254
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    Quote Originally Posted by A2thej2008 View Post
    My Abs aren't here yet.

    do u have abs?
    LOL, I did but a couple broken legs put and end to them. I had been sub 10% body fat for most of my adult life prior to a series of injuries. I will tell you this it is way harder to get the fat off once its on than to stay lean, at least it was for me. Once I was down to my desired BF content I could stay there for years. In fact from the time I was 18 to 25 I was never higher than 10% body fat for any stretch of time. I use to go very lean usually around 5 or 6% but I am extremely vascular and I had ab veins and all the ladies said they were gross. That kind of hurt my feelings so after that I tried to get a little high BF but it didnt work, until the injuries. Now I just pray for 6 months of healthy training as I have not had that in almost 4 years.

  15. #255
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    Quote Originally Posted by peachfuzz View Post
    ^^^we all have abs...

  16. #256
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    im just tired of not having abs and am wondeing if im doing something wrong or being impatient

  17. #257
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    Quote Originally Posted by A2thej2008 View Post
    im just tired of not having abs and am wondeing if im doing something wrong or being impatient
    Just cardio and diet, the last few percent of body fat that one tries to shed is really hard to get off. The body wants to naturally hold onto the fat as an insurance policy in case of famine. Of course in America we are all feast and no famine.

    You may want to look at your simple carb intake and also starchy carbs to. Look and see how much protein your getting in relation to the rest of your caloric intake. Though not likely the body can convert excessive amounts of amino acids into fat stores indirectly via glucose conversion (gluconeogenesis) if the body is under extreme pressure to find calories somewhere else.

    Just for comparison, after my first injury I could not run or do any type cardio for a year. My BF % when I started training again was 21%. Once I was able to start doing cardio and diet properly I dropped to just over 11% bf, that took me roughly two months. My goal was to get to about 8% BF which is good for me, not to veiny and still have a respectable 6 pack. It took me another 2 months to drop that last 4 % basically, and was right around 7% BF until I hurt myself again....LOL
    Last edited by MuscleScience; 01-05-2009 at 06:36 PM.

  18. #258
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    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    When you lose fat- where does it go? is it lost forever? or has a theory been developed to explain its disappearance?
    yes, but the explaination disappeared

  19. #259
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    Quote Originally Posted by A2thej2008 View Post
    im just tired of not having abs and am wondeing if im doing something wrong or being impatient
    ya me to - i m calling my mom and day and yelling at them right now...

  20. #260
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    Based on scientific research, what is the minimum age for safe steroid use . I know the general opinion is 21, but what dangerous side effects could be expected for someone between 18 and 20?
    Edit: for example, a Test enth cycle with proper pct?

  21. #261
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    Well I would prefer not to talk about AAS related topics since this is not my area expertise unless it is purely physiological in nature, but I think this is a good debate to have.

    My thinking on this topic is based on this. A lot of nasty side effects that are reported that are not exaggerated by the media do happen to individuals that have not completely gone through secondary sexual maturity. (puberty)
    We all know about the premature fusion of growth plates, increase in acne and this is a big if even in the literature, mood changes.

    I take from the literature and not necessarily my personal feeling on the subject that taking steroids before sexual maturity is probably risky to say the least. The reason I say not my personal feeling is that If I had to do all over again I would have jumped on when I was 18 or 19 because I saw the incredible effects that it had on some of my friends pitching ability. I was about 2 MPH on my fastball from having a shot at a Pro career. Instead now I am a know it all science nerd....LOL

    I am not going to sit here and be a hypocrite and say no no no. I will try to interject my reasoning behind it not my personal feelings per say. One thing that is not entirely clear for individuals is the phycological effects it can have on the maturing brain. The Pineal gland of the brain is important gland that facilitates and eventually terminates the process of puberty. Around the late teens to early twenties the Pineal gland is signaled to shut down and it eventually calcifies and because inactive in adults or at least that is what it believed.

    The Pineal Gland is an endocrine gland and secretes many different hormones durning childhood. In fact it is quite large in children and very active. Melatonin is one of its major hormones it secretes and is believed to slow the process of puberty. Testosterone or Estrogen is believed to signal the reduced secretion of melatonin thus eventually leading to full sexual development.

    Now if you introduce these hormones in large doses typical of steroid cycles. How does this effect the normal maturity and development of the brain and reproductive system. These are all concerns in primary hypogonadism in children receiving hormone treatment. I do not think the literature is entirely clear as a body of evidence, though it is not something I have read up on extensively.

    These are just my thoughts on using at an early age and in no way am I implying anything bad can happen my point is these are concerns that need to be thought about by young users.
    This was in response to a similar question

    Quote Originally Posted by rich1234 View Post
    Based on scientific research, what is the minimum age for safe steroid use . I know the general opinion is 21, but what dangerous side effects could be expected for someone between 18 and 20?
    Edit: for example, a Test enth cycle with proper pct?

    If you were going to base it off the science then no age is a good age to start a steroid cycle.

    The author of this study called it a major public health issue.

    This study talks about under reported side effects because of a lack of detail on how much drug is administered when doing studies.

    This study the author concluded that "In the wake of important scientific advances during the past decade, the positive and negative effects of AAS warrant reevaluation."

    Below is a link to a full text review article on steroid abuse .
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by MuscleScience; 10-07-2009 at 08:01 PM.

  22. #262
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    Im doing Diet and Cardio and im pretty lean now but want to get leaner so i can see my abs, Are oats a starchy carb? or just taters?

  23. #263
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    Thanks, was a good read !

  24. #264
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    Quote Originally Posted by rich1234 View Post
    Thanks, was a good read !
    As we know the science is flawed and for ethical reasons no one will ever really know the true side effects of long term or even short term usage of AAS without speculation being the primary agent of evidence.

  25. #265
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    When preparing for a a rewarm really necessary?

    I ask as we have to do it in the gym instructor course im doing but i find it utterly pointless!

  26. #266
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    Quote Originally Posted by rich1234 View Post
    When preparing for a a rewarm really necessary?

    I ask as we have to do it in the gym instructor course im doing but i find it utterly pointless!
    What do you mean by rewarm before a workout?

  27. #267
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    1.Warm up...
    3.rewarm....(like a second,smaller warm up)
    At least thats what we are being taught!
    I keep trying to tell the teacher that its pointless as the muscles are still kept warm while stretching!
    Am i right or wrong? lol

  28. #268
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    Quote Originally Posted by rich1234 View Post
    1.Warm up...
    3.rewarm....(like a second,smaller warm up)
    At least thats what we are being taught!
    I keep trying to tell the teacher that its pointless as the muscles are still kept warm while stretching!
    Am i right or wrong? lol
    Well it kind of depends what type of work out your doing. If your lifting weights then all you need is a descent warm up to facilitate muscle contraction. (treppe effect)

    Stretching before weight lifting is not recommended and can according to some studies decrease strength and possible increase the risk of injury.

    If your doing some sort of athletic event then stretching is ok and does help improve athletic performance. It does not reduce the risk of injury. Even though this goes against conventional wisdom, all the recent studies and experts point otherwise.

    As far as a rewarmup I really do not see the need for a second warmup. Having said that something in his experience may have lead him to this training philosophy and that certainly is his right, I myself do not employ this method when I train or design programs.

  29. #269
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    Ok, I have a question for you. Sorry if it was asked already. I didn't see it.

    What do you believe is the maximum amount of protein (in grams) that a natural bodybuilders body can utilize per day?

    In my 13 years of weight training I have heard so many conflicting opinions ranging from 4g per Lb of body weight, all the way as low as 0.76g per Kg of body weight. I have always typically stayed in the range of around 1.5g per lb of body weight.

  30. #270
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    I am almost 4mnths post s.l.a.p. repair on my (r) shoulder. Things are going great, except for some slight pain between the anterior delt and lateral delt.

    My R.O.M in the shoulder and surrounding area is getting better but is seems hindered, by my own accord or seems to be in my opinion to be swollen. Is this still possible or is this a protective measure?


  31. #271
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    Quote Originally Posted by VeraDeMilo View Post

    What do you believe is the maximum amount of protein (in grams) that a natural bodybuilders body can utilize per day?
    Good question...or even per meal?

  32. #272
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    Quote Originally Posted by VeraDeMilo View Post
    Ok, I have a question for you. Sorry if it was asked already. I didn't see it.

    What do you believe is the maximum amount of protein (in grams) that a natural bodybuilders body can utilize per day?

    In my 13 years of weight training I have heard so many conflicting opinions ranging from 4g per Lb of body weight, all the way as low as 0.76g per Kg of body weight. I have always typically stayed in the range of around 1.5g per lb of body weight.
    This is a good question and I cant really give you a direct answer. I have seen studies that say in one sitting that a person can absorb 20g at a time I have seen as high as 60g at a time.

    As far as strength trained athletes the general recommendation according to the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) is between 1.5-2.0 g/kg of body weight as of May of last year. This is what I general recommend and follow myself, with the ability to change intake as needed.

    Sorry I cant give you a more cut and dry amount.

  33. #273
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    Quote Originally Posted by 10nispro View Post
    I am almost 4mnths post s.l.a.p. repair on my (r) shoulder. Things are going great, except for some slight pain between the anterior delt and lateral delt.

    My R.O.M in the shoulder and surrounding area is getting better but is seems hindered, by my own accord or seems to be in my opinion to be swollen. Is this still possible or is this a protective measure?

    Its possible I have seen athletes that were released by their docs that still had some lingering pain, swelling and decrease ROM. Keep in mind that these players were deemed fit to resume normal exercise and practice.

    You may naturally guard a little bit from and injury it is very commonly seen.

    I would consult your doctor if you have concerns as I am not a medical doctor....

  34. #274
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    Your answer more than helped me. I stood in front of a mirror and did a few reps with my eyes closed and then opened them and viewed a guarding affect. I will continue doing my stretches and exercises and let time heal all.

    Again you have been helpful...Thanks

  35. #275
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    Quote Originally Posted by 10nispro View Post
    Your answer more than helped me. I stood in front of a mirror and did a few reps with my eyes closed and then opened them and viewed a guarding affect. I will continue doing my stretches and exercises and let time heal all.

    Again you have been helpful...Thanks
    Your welcome,

  36. #276
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    Cyanocobalamin b12, is it ok to use to, in part, help promote hunger?

  37. #277
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    Quote Originally Posted by higherdesire View Post
    Cyanocobalamin b12, is it ok to use to, in part, help promote hunger?
    There is certainly a low risk of toxicity from b12 supplementation being that its a water soluble vitamin. I am not sure how much supplementation of b12 increase hunger, I could find very few references on this in any of my resources that I have available. I know that some athletes take it and if they feel it helps them and its cheap then who am I to tell them not to take it. Besides its very safe and only a few conditions are contraindicated for its usage.

    The National Institute of Health has this to say of B12 supplementation.

    "The Institute of Medicine of the National Academies did not establish a UL for this vitamin because vitamin B12 has a very low potential for toxicity. The IOM states that "no adverse effects have been associated with excess vitamin B12 intake from food and supplements in healthy individuals"

  38. #278
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    THanks. I had heard that the cyanocobalamin variety had cyanide in it and thus was inferior to the other kind(forgot the name). For injection then just 1/2" deep is fine? Thanks in advance.

  39. #279
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    Quote Originally Posted by higherdesire View Post
    THanks. I had heard that the cyanocobalamin variety had cyanide in it and thus was inferior to the other kind(forgot the name). For injection then just 1/2" deep is fine? Thanks in advance.
    The cyanide group is picked up during processing and actually makes it a very stable form of b12. This is why it is the preferred variety of b12 because it is cheap to make and is chemically stable.

    Without getting into a bunch of chemistry that I barely understand (if I understand it at all...) you do not have to worry much about the cyanide group killing you or causing problems.

    As far as needle length, whatever length gets it into the muscle.

  40. #280
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    This is a good question and I cant really give you a direct answer. I have seen studies that say in one sitting that a person can absorb 20g at a time I have seen as high as 60g at a time.

    As far as strength trained athletes the general recommendation according to the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) is between 1.5-2.0 g/kg of body weight as of May of last year. This is what I general recommend and follow myself, with the ability to change intake as needed.

    Sorry I cant give you a more cut and dry amount.
    Thanks, I assumed there was no 100% set amount. Otherwise everyone would be preaching the same advice by now. Was just curious what you thought personally. Thanks for the info, I appreciate the response.

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