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  1. #41
    thegodfather's Avatar
    thegodfather is offline Dulce bellum inexpertis
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    1. I just recently turned 23 years old.
    2. I graduated summa cum laude...
    3. I used to have an extremely bad temper, and lose control and blackout.
    4. I lived with my grandparents for 5 years when I was younger.
    5. I failed a drug test my senior year of high school and got suspended for 2 months.
    6. Some people would consider me a snob, because I won't talk to a girl unless she is either in college or has a career (not a job).
    7. My first real girlfriend I dated on and off for about 5 years, she cheated on me and did drugs behind my back for a long time. I still have trust issues from that relationship.
    8. I feel like paying for anything on a monthly basis is humiliating. I want to be a multi-millionaire, I want nothing to be unobtainable for me, and I want to own it outright and not have to pay someone else to use whatever it is I want.
    9. I only like blondes
    10. I caught someone trying to break into my house once when i was 16, which is probably why I been hoarding guns and ammunition since I turned 21.
    11. I am easily annoyed by a number of things...Welfare recipients, ugly people, fat people, smelly people, illiterate people, so on and so forth.

  2. #42
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    4, That made me laugh out loud
    8, Thats not good my friend
    4-im addicted to crisps...i only eat them once a week now...could easily paste a 24 pack a day LOL

    5-i know its GREAT LOL (everyone has their opinion) but mine is...alchol is the worst drug ever!! if anyone drinks alchol and critises my rec drug use then i dont value thier opinion....if you dont drink then i will listen..

  3. #43
    countrybhoy's Avatar
    countrybhoy is offline Associate Member
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    1. i am 39 years old but look older
    2. i moved to ireland at the age of 19
    3. i meet my wife 2 days after i arrived in belfast. and never been unfaithful
    4. i am a really staunch nationalist and hate the british forces with a pasion
    5. i took up weigth lifting after seeing a picture of myself and nearly threw up
    6. i have 5 kids 2 daughters 3 sons
    7. my biggest fear is being buried alive
    8. my aim is to retire at the age of 45 and move to nashville
    9. i only got to know my eldest daughter when she turned 16 as her mother
    stopped me from seeing her all those year .
    10. suicide is something i think at about nearly every day .
    11.i am not scared of dying but living scares the shit out of me . i need to learn to relax and enjoy what i have in life rather than waste my time thinking about what i want .

  4. #44
    paddy155's Avatar
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    1. I am a refractory installer and bricklayer to trade.

    2. I done amateur boxing when I was young. Could have gone very far but had a problem with my nerves.

    3. I am very self consious about my weight especially when I was younger.

    4. I destroyed photo's of my childhood because I looked so skinny in them.

    5. I was so self consoius about my weight when I was younger,I would not wear a t-shirt on a summers day and would wear a pair of tracksuit bottoms under my jeans to make my legs look thicker.

    6. At high school I used to take a beamer,(red face) in front of class when I had to talk in front of people.

    7. when I left boxing when I was younger,I began to drink heavily and smoke cannabis for a few years untill I met my current partner and have never looked back .Gave up the buckfast, cannabis,cigarettes.

    8. Have a very short temper at times.

    9. when I am in a confrontation I getting the most scariest fealing of adrenaline pumping through my body and I do not know what I would be capable of if I had to use it.

    10. I have never been lured into drug dealing to make money unlike some of my friends.

    11. I am totally addicted to porn.

  5. #45
    elpropiotorvic's Avatar
    elpropiotorvic is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    1. I just recently turned 23 years old.
    2. I graduated summa cum laude...
    Great for u mate u should benincluded in the book meant to educate people about performance enhancing drugs what was ur degree in?

  6. #46
    paddy155's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oscarjones View Post
    5, when i was like 4 i had surgery cause my right nut didn't drop yet (LOL)
    Sorry, but I laughed my ass off when I read this.

  7. #47
    powerful intelligent is offline Associate Member
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    1. I am slated to graduate with my bachelors degree this spring ( it only took me ten years)
    2. I lost my mother when i was 15 and my father was not a large presence in my life. my grandmother raised me and i was hell for her. If there was one thing i could change it was my behavior during that time. but i cannot turn back time.
    3.Been to france germany mexico and prague- as you can observe in my other threads; i enjoyed paris the most.
    4. I have 10 half siblings and i am blessed to have each and every one of them. they sincerly consider me a brother. I have one sister full blooded sister and we are closest brother sister tandem you will ever see. Mess with one of us and you will get it!
    5.graduated high school with a 6th grade reading and writing level. Before you ask how is that possible understand that my school system was the worse school system in the state for 30 years.
    6. Had a stint in the military but got medicaly discharged for bedwetting (yes bedwetting). do you have any ideal how embarrasing it is to have your urine stained bedsheets dragged in front of you in front of your entire formation?
    7.Was academicaly dismissed from my first 4 year institution. I was not ready for the rigors of a four year school see number 4.
    8. Always was on the small side in terms of size. At 27 i was 220 pounds. I am 6ft 4in. I diversified my diet and incorporated olympic lifting in my workouts and at the end of 2 years I was 240 pounds solid. this was done w/o a/s.
    9.presently going through a divorce. am not looking for pity- this is my fault- I was not ready to drive a ferrari and i it wrecked it ( metaphor for our relationship).
    10.thought i was in love before but realized that it was really just fleeting. In spite of our experiences I think we do love each other.
    11. Love to read exercise and look good. I like having a hard powerful body. I like that in my women also. Like to wear tight clothing to show off my body hence the question about spandex!!.

  8. #48
    powerful intelligent is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Friend View Post
    1. I have a Pug
    2. I cannot control my emotions
    3. I hate most people i meet intensely
    4. I have only 1 person i would consider a true friend
    5. I was diagnosed with depression 8 years ago after attempting suicide, i am ashamed of my scars (currently in the process of being covered up by tatts)
    6. The hour i spend in the gym each day, is the best hour of my day
    7. I've never been with a blonde haired, blue eyed girl (really need to do something about it)
    8. I love tattoos, i don't have enough
    9. I'm lucky enough to have a loving, supportive family i get along well with
    10. I watch 'The secret life of an american teenager' and i love that shit!
    11. Nothing will stop me from getting what i want in life
    in regards to number 7, I been with two blonds. you are not missing out on anything special bro.

  9. #49
    *El Diablo*'s Avatar
    *El Diablo* is offline Respected Member
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    1. I was born in Jerusalem (Capital of Israel)
    2. I am jewish but has never warn my yamulke and im not religious and understand hebrew
    3. I eat meat and love all animals excpet fish and birds and give 1/10th of my income towards animals
    4. I started working at the age of 13 and paid my own way through school and working in the night
    5. My father is a multi millionaire and i dont want his money
    6. I done alot of graffiti in the London Underground and used to photograph for a magazine called Graphotism
    7. I have an IQ of 131 but i dont think that means anything in life
    8. I speak to my dog like i speak to humans, i ask them how their day where and treat them with utmost respect
    9. I dont eat any redmeat with bones, no ribs, T-Bone steak, tjops, etc
    10. I love wearing old clothes, i have a foot fetish and love Nike airmax 95's
    11. I sleep with the aircon on every night even when its winter here and 0 degrees celsius.

    Great thread OP aka Fatty Arbuckles

  10. #50
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    1. I got expelled from 3 schools/colleges
    2. I'm 5"11
    3. I'm only 23 years old
    4. I have a diploma in Personal Training, Sports Massge and Injury Rehab
    5. I love seafood
    6. I have a criminal record
    7. I have self confidence issues
    8. No tattos, plenty of scars
    9. I'm slightly crazy (well...can be)
    10. I support Man Utd
    11. I love horse racing

  11. #51
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Marcus....You turn.

  12. #52
    *El Diablo*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    1. I got expelled from 3 schools/colleges
    2. I'm 5"11
    3. I'm only 23 years old
    4. I have a diploma in Personal Training, Sports Massge and Injury Rehab
    5. I love seafood
    6. I have a criminal record
    7. I have self confidence issues
    8. No tattos, plenty of scars
    9. I'm slightly crazy (well...can be)
    10. I support Man Utd
    11. I love horse racing
    ^^u will lose ur criminal record and go less crazy if u stop supporting Fag United ..imo

  13. #53
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Last edited by marcus300; 10-02-2012 at 01:17 AM.

  14. #54
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    1, I had my own business for 15yrs at a very young age, which gave me more money than I could ever dream of.

    2, I got divorced in 2000 and the ex wife took half of everything and the other half: I made some bad investments, internet bubble burst! and 9/11 took the other through investments being re-rated, my saviour at the time was some properties I had, so I could start over again,

    3, I am dyslexic, some days I suffer really bad and it takes me ages to construct letters, other days I am fine, Same here!

    4, I work for the Government in a Security Specialised role which would suprise you all, in more ways then one!

    5, I have no big toe nails, had them taken off, WTF!

    6, I once was hospitalised for taking AAS, Opps!

    7, In my early years i was involved in the Porn industry, behind the scences and not infront of the cameras!

    8 I have two son's, who are the world to me but dont see them much, which hurts alot,

    9, I wear glasses (yes, to much of a good thing) Same here. I'm blind in my right eye.
    10, I have a good friend who has a cock bigger than a Pringles tube ( not related to no7),

    11, Ive ate cat food for a bet once,

    11.5, Ive got 3 tattoo's, all 3 are writing tatt's

    I can do 11.5 facts because I started the thread

  15. #55
    *El Diablo*'s Avatar
    *El Diablo* is offline Respected Member
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    Please ellaborate point no 4 mate? It sounds interesting

  16. #56
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    5, I have no big toe nails, had them taken off,

    6, I once was hospitalised for taking AAS, Opps!

    8 I have two son's, who are the world to me but dont see them much, which hurts alot,
    5- don't they grow back?
    6- what AAS did you do to get in the hospital, if you remember?
    8- that's great, how old are they ?

  17. #57
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by paddy155 View Post
    Sorry, but I laughed my ass off when I read this.
    Yeah, shit happens. The worst part was surgery and the taste of the Gas back then. It made me sick.

    Also, not being able to play on the playground was a bummer. Just imagine surgery on your nutsack... it was painful.

  18. #58
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oscarjones View Post
    5- don't they grow back?
    6- what AAS did you do to get in the hospital, if you remember?
    8- that's great, how old are they ?
    No they dont grow back if you have the roots taken out aswell,

    It was the continues use of AAS cycling and not having enough time off inbetween cycles, it increase my Red Blood Cells to a dangerous level and it gave me Polycthemia, chest pains, sleeping all the time, out of breath and felt awfull, I was taken in and monitored, also had to have a venus section a few times,
    Last edited by marcus300; 10-02-2012 at 01:17 AM.

  19. #59
    paulzane's Avatar
    paulzane is offline Productive Member
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    1. I am 54 years old.
    2. I don't feel too old yet.
    3. I have given up smoking for 30 years and hate smoke now.
    4. I have been in 2 porn movies but I am not saying which ones!
    5. I was married at the time of 4. so the wife wouldn't be happy.
    6. I spent 18 1/2 years in the British Military.
    7. I was captured and escaped "the enemy" in 1976 .... so lucky to be here.
    8. I was out shagging a Polish illegal in Germany during the "Cold War" whilst under open arrest (confined to barracks)
    9. I didn't get a long service and good conduct medal.
    10. I got arrested and charged for threatening 3,000 away supporters at a football match.
    11. Perhaps I am not as mad / bad as I used to be!

  20. #60
    Dukkit's Avatar
    Dukkit is offline Vitamin Enhanced Sociopathic Post Whore
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    1 i have a 20 year old bro whose happily married and im jealous

    2 i dropped out of school halfway through 11th grade

    3 ive never met my father

    4 the smell of broccoli makes me gag

    5 i have a huge sweet tooth

    6 freddy kruger movies are the only scary movies that gave me nightmares as a kid

    7 i date a 35 year old when i was 17. we dated for almost 2 years. she had a son that was older then me

    8 i enjoy my ass licked during sex WITH A WOMAN!! (sorry dsm)

    9 i was engaged once

    10 ive realized i can never be in a commited relationship as long as i cycle steroids

    11 i love this site

  21. #61
    Dukkit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos View Post

    7. I can't watch the same movie or read the same book twice... my mind can't deal with re-runs, or knowing what's about to happen.

    im the same exact way. my mind cannot sit still through the same things over. i cant fathom how ppl can watch movies like 4 times.

  22. #62
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Great thread.

    1) My father was a drunk, gone by the time I was 8, mom died of cancer when I was 15 and my brother died 4 days before my 18th birthday. I still have a sister.

    2) Wasted most of my life on drugs, alcohol and depression.

    3) Have way to many regrets

    4) Have no luck

    5) Was blessed with meeting my wife, never in a million years would I thought I would be saying this ever, but she is the best thing thats ever happened to me, wish I didnt wait 7 years to marry her.

    6) Im fuc'd in the head, steroids made it worst, Im done juicing.

    7) Love my fish and cats. My cat Biggie has been through most of my life with me, never left my side even through the hardest of times. He's dieing of kidney cancer, its killing me.

    8) Wish I had been more mature when my mom was dying, I regret not telling her how much I appreciate her sacrifices and how much I loved her, man she had a hard life.

    9) Love riding quads, just got a 250r, things are looking up.

    10) Cant keep a job, you think I speak my mind on this forum, shit meet me in person.

    11)Wish I listened to my uncle Pat and saved some I wish I saved some money.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  23. #63
    *El Diablo*'s Avatar
    *El Diablo* is offline Respected Member
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    Sorry about your close family and ur cat Biggy, thats gonna be a sad time for u mate.

  24. #64
    sigman roid's Avatar
    sigman roid is offline Ar's cockney geezer Retired
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    R.I.P T-MOS
    24,491 kicked out of school at 14
    2.spent time in prison
    3.flew a light aircraft at 11
    4.Im a qualified plumber/gas fitter/electrician/fitness instructor wife and children mean the world to me
    6.I have a bad temper which i have learned to control
    7. I love superbikes but keep braking them
    8.If i could change the past i would
    9.I cant stand my brother
    10.Im a huge Arsenal fan
    11.I hate arrogant people
    Last edited by sigman roid; 11-07-2009 at 02:51 PM.

  25. #65
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by *El Diablo* View Post
    Sorry about your close family and ur cat Biggy, thats gonna be a sad time for u mate.
    Thanks, trying to pre-pare myself.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  26. #66
    elpropiotorvic's Avatar
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    Keep em coming guys... Often times we think we are so special because something happened to us and bam we see our neighbour's story :... Much respect to the ppl that posted here to the rest it's a great release

    My condolences to everybody that has regrets over wasting time in drugs fights or just being disfunctional... I hope everyone makes their improvement


  27. #67
    warchild's Avatar
    warchild is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    1. my dad died when i was 10 of cancer.
    2. my mom died when i was 16/17 from pills/alcohol.
    3. i spent my teen years in CPS (child protective custody) b/c of my mom.
    4. i am 26yo and have more success than many older people i work with or know.
    5. i am on trt and weight lifting made me a well balanced person.
    6. i don't want to be married but want 2 kids cus i love kids.
    7. ive been a career firefighter since I was 19.
    8. i feel like i know some of you better here than my friends in real life.
    9. i hate sports or watching them and I think WWE is still the only real sport.
    10. i hate gangsters or thugs or people who think they are tuffer than others.
    11. for the first time in my life i am happy and confident in myself.
    Last edited by warchild; 11-07-2009 at 08:02 PM.

  28. #68
    dangerous dan's Avatar
    dangerous dan is offline Anabolic Member
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    the place i love the most

    1) Im joining the army (if they'll have me)
    2) One of my greatest ambitions in life is to travel, the usa, australia, china.
    3) Im a very impatient person and can somtimes get agrivated very easily over stupid things, i think it may run in my family. If i want it i want it now cant hang around for anyone or anything to happen
    4) When i was 16 i spent all my savings on football drink drugs...what a dick. 16-18 i look back on those two years as the most disapointing years of my life so far.
    5) Iv only ever purchased one book, the book was on football violence in my erlier years, i was totaly obsessed with football, and all the bad things that came with it...but one day i woke up.
    6) Iv never broke a bone in my body
    7) I really want to achieve somthing in life, if i do ill be a happy bunny
    8) Aswell as football i also have a big interest in boxing, and took part in training for about a year and loved it.
    9) My family find it hard to understand me
    10) Im very quick to judge
    11) Since joining the board iv took a turn for the good

    oh ye cool thread marcus
    Last edited by dangerous dan; 11-10-2009 at 12:29 PM.

  29. #69
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    1 i have a 20 year old bro whose happily married and im jealous

    4 the smell of broccoli makes me gag

    9 i was engaged once

    10 ive realized i can never be in a commited relationship as long as i cycle steroids

    1&9- Wow never thought I'd hear that from ur lips. I thought you were a man-whore!

    4- cauliflower too?

    10- i think it's possible! lots of guys can do it, so can you!

  30. #70
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    There are some really good post's and its nice to have an insight into your personal world, well done and keep them coming

  31. #71
    D7M's Avatar
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    1. I was a Carthusian monk once.

    2. I have a criminal record.

    3. I grew up in a pretty poor family.

    4. I worked several jobs and put myself through a BA, MA, and PhD.

    5. My next big goal in life is to compete.

    6. I shave my head twice a week.

    7. I have some strong obsessive-compulsive traits.

    8. I was engaged once.

    9. I have three tattoos.

    10. I'm single for the first time in a while, and it feels great!

    11. Besides bodybuilding, theology/philosophy are my favorite topics of study.

  32. #72
    warchild's Avatar
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    i do love threads like these, they pop up every once in awhile and really open your eyes to other members, even tho we might disagree with each other i see some similar things between us

  33. #73
    audis4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    Great thread.

    1) My father was a drunk, gone by the time I was 8, mom died of cancer when I was 15 and my brother died 4 days before my 18th birthday. I still have a sister.

    2) Wasted most of my life on drugs, alcohol and depression.

    3) Have way to many regrets

    4) Have no luck

    5) Was blessed with meeting my wife, never in a million years would I thought I would be saying this ever, but she is the best thing thats ever happened to me, wish I didnt wait 7 years to marry her.

    6) Im fuc'd in the head, steroids made it worst, Im done juicing.

    7) Love my fish and cats. My cat Biggie has been through most of my life with me, never left my side even through the hardest of times. He's dieing of kidney cancer, its killing me.

    8) Wish I had been more mature when my mom was dying, I regret not telling her how much I appreciate her sacrifices and how much I loved her, man she had a hard life.

    9) Love riding quads, just got a 250r, things are looking up.

    10) Cant keep a job, you think I speak my mind on this forum, shit meet me in person.

    11)Wish I listened to my uncle Pat and saved some I wish I saved some money.
    what do you mean BG? how did juice make things worse?

    glad things are looking up for you buddy!

  34. #74
    audis4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    There are some really good post's and its nice to have an insight into your personal world, well done and keep them coming
    I totally agree, really like reading posts like this.

    btw, marcus, can you expand on your current career or is that private?

  35. #75
    BJJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    1, I had my own business for 15yrs at a very young age, which gave me more money than I could ever dream of.

    2, I got divorced in 2000 and the ex wife took half of everything and the other half: I made some bad investments, internet bubble burst! and 9/11 took the other through investments being re-rated, my saviour at the time was some properties I had, so I could start over again,

    3, I am dyslexic, some days I suffer really bad and it takes me ages to construct letters, other days I am fine,

    4, I work for the Government in a Security Specialised role which would suprise you all, in more ways then one!

    5, I have no big toe nails, had them taken off,

    6, I once was hospitalised for taking AAS, Opps!

    7, In my early years i was involved in the Porn industry, behind the scences and not infront of the cameras!

    8 I have two son's, who are the world to me but dont see them much, which hurts alot,

    9, I wear glasses (yes, to much of a good thing)

    10, I have a good friend who has a cock bigger than a Pringles tube ( not related to no7),

    11, Ive ate cat food for a bet once,

    11.5, Ive got 3 tattoo's, all 3 are writing tatt's

    I can do 11.5 facts because I started the thread
    I am not surprised, not even a bit!

  36. #76
    Narkissos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    im the same exact way. my mind cannot sit still through the same things over. i cant fathom how ppl can watch movies like 4 times.
    Exactly man... it'd drive me crazy
    -Corey "Narkissos" Springer

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    Quote Originally Posted by texasmk4
    Nark is like intel, Brilliant inside and awsome outside :-)
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Here's a little-known-secret, that most people won't tell you: In the sphere of fitness, everything works.
    Every(intelligent)thing works (once aptly and consistently applied)
    It really is that simple.
    This is the perpetual bodybuilding paradigm
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  37. #77
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    1. My mother abandoned me when I was 3 years old and recently she died. I hate her.

    2. I was heavily beaten up by adults when I was 11 years old, that's why I learnt one martial art. Since many years, nobody can do that anymore to me.

    3. When I was young I had fit of giddiness (I could not even look outside a window). A few years later I took a sky diving license.

    4. When I was young I could not immerse my head into the water sea (I felt suffocated). A few years later I took a two stars open water scuba diver license.

    5. I love animals (all of them).

    6. I dislike many human beings.

    7. I believe in honesty and in scientific/historical researches.

    8. I cannot stand any form of overbearingness.

    9. I crossed The Tepre Pacificum into a submarine.

    10. I would like to study more than I currently do.

    11. I wanted to become an astronaut.

  38. #78
    the big 1's Avatar
    the big 1 is offline Senior Member
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    Marcus, why 11 things?


    1. Im a soldier in the british army. (infantry)
    2. Im 100% totally and utterly addicted to bodybuilding.
    3. Im a single guy.
    4. I've been on tour to afghanistan and fought the taliban.
    5. I have ulcerative collitus.
    6. Favourite meat = beef
    7. My bench, squat and deadlift total is 867lbs
    8. I talk monotone.
    9. I kill people for a living.
    10. I want to be hitman, need somone whacked, whos head is it? lol
    11. I wanna start a cycle soon.
    Last edited by the big 1; 11-07-2009 at 05:10 PM. Reason: 9 and 10 were poor facts.

  39. #79
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    1. I knew how to make alcohol before i knew what it was(I might have to explain that one lol)

    2. I competed in piano, trumpet, tennis(singles and doubles), music theory and composition at a state(and national in some cases) level for several years

    3. I have an addiction to helping people in any way possible

    4. I have never used a rec drug that i did not make myself(I don't trust most of the dealers where i live)

    5. A few years ago i was at risk for heart failure/diabetes due to obesity

    6. I have severe ADD and dyslexia, but for some reason i use numerical codes and sequences to aid me in memorization(For example, on the anatomy exam i just took yesterday i used these two sequences to allow me to recreate a table of the cranial nerves)

    115232616622 (SO4)MoTo-MassTrap5(Lr6)3Sg7(EqH8)ScmTrap11(Ton12)

    here's the table, see if you can figure it out lol

    7. My family disowned my mother and I

    8. I have never had an ex that i was not friends/**** buddies with after the breakup to this day

    9. I have seasonal depression and chronic pneumonia which i use bodybuilding(along with various other techniques) to control

    10. I am a knowledge whore, doesn't matter what it is, i want to learn and understand it

    11. The Number 1 Pick up Artist(PUA) in the world is a friend of mine and this summer i'll probably fly between london and the U.S. with him as one of his student instructors

  40. #80
    the big 1's Avatar
    the big 1 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by warchild View Post
    1. my dad died when i was 10 of cancer.
    2. my mom died when i was 16/17 from pills/alcohol.
    3. i spent my teen years in CPS (child protective custody) b/c of my mom.
    4. i am 26yo and have more success than many older people i work with or know.
    5. i am on trt and weight lifting made me a well balanced person.
    6. i don't want to be married but want 2 kids cus i love kids.
    7. ive been a career firefighter since of was 19.
    8. i feel like i know some of you better here than my friends in real life.
    9. i hate sports or watching them and I think WWE is still the only real sport.
    10. i hate gangsters or thugs or people who think they are tuffer than others.
    11. for the first time in m life i am happy and confident in my self.
    very sincere. number 10 i agree with, i hate thugs to.

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