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  1. #241
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RANA View Post
    1. I was physically abused by my drunk father growing up

    2. I was kicked out of my home by the age of 14

    3. I am happily married to the love of my life (13 yrs married)

    4. I have two amazing sons, they are my life

    5. I have never beat my boys

    6. I have spent over 20 years in an elite military unit (don’t ask)

    7. I have been to over 40 different countries more then once

    8. I have taken numerous lives in combat and only combat

    9. I have developed memory loss both short term and long term (traumatic brain injury)

    10. I love my country more then you could imagine

    11. I am an amazing father!!!
    #11 is probably the best one I have heard so far!

    Thank you for serving!!!
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

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    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

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  2. #242
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    #11 is probably the best one I have heard so far!

    Thank you for serving!!!
    Thanks, this is so important to me, I told myself that I would never be like my dad.

  3. #243
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RANA View Post
    Thanks, this is so important to me, I told myself that I would never be like my dad.
    Credit to you, well done

  4. #244
    BJJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RANA View Post
    1. I was physically abused by my drunk father growing up

    2. I was kicked out of my home by the age of 14

    3. I am happily married to the love of my life (13 yrs married)

    4. I have two amazing sons, they are my life

    5. I have never beat my boys

    6. I have spent over 20 years in an elite military unit (don’t ask)

    7. I have been to over 40 different countries more then once

    8. I have taken numerous lives in combat and only combat

    9. I have developed memory loss both short term and long term (traumatic brain injury)

    10. I love my country more then you could imagine

    11. I am an amazing father!!!
    1 What was your age?
    2 Where were you sent?
    10 Why do you love your country so deeply?

  5. #245
    paulzane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RANA View Post
    9 I hate not remember daily shit, it kills me. I dont remember conversations, names, people, events, etc... I drives me nuts
    Most people are like that here through drink/drugs!!

  6. #246
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    1 What was your age?
    2 Where were you sent?
    10 Why do you love your country so deeply?
    1 since I could remember until I was kicked out
    2 I was sent anywhere I had my cloths in a trash bag. I lived under a bridge for 6 months until an amazing family took me in.
    10 I have always loved my country, for all the wrongs we do, we do much good around the world.

  7. #247
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    i never knew all that Rana

    very cool that your such a great father. i never met mine and my step dad beat the shit out of me... so i can relate to not wanting to be like your father and to raise your kids as best you can. props to you

  8. #248
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    2 What is like to have a sister?
    6 What facts do you have to support such a theory?
    7 What do you think there will be after one's organic death.
    11 How old are you?
    1.With nothing but girls around you end up playing what they want barbies, dress up, etc .. you know, but when they got older I had a lot of dates from their friends, my reward I guess.

    2.No facts just how it made me feel. Maybe I should say the desire to learn and study was stronger. The ability to concentrate and solve problems also.

    3. Same as and other organic death rot.

    4. 46

  9. #249
    BREW-MAN's Avatar
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    1. i started juiceing at 130lbs and 3 weeks after i first joined gym

    2.i am uneployed

    3.i have a 4 year daughter who means the world to me

    4. i have had swine flu

    5.when i was 15 i owed money to a local guy for weed and he punched me in the face while he had a red hot cheese pasty in his hand and the cheese went all over my face and gave me bad burns

    6.i am on my lap top at least 14 hours per day

    7.i have been scammed 4 times on the net

    8.i love chineese food

    9.i smoke

    10.i think canabis is a very bad rec drug and fuks with peoples head

    11.i leave me xmas shoping untill xmas eve.

  10. #250
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    2, how long for?
    5, that made me laugh out loud
    6, why?

  11. #251
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post

    2, how long for?
    5, that made me laugh out loud
    6, why?
    2,2 years

    5, yer looking back it was funny

    6,well i say am unemployed but there is some work i do online but its not full time ,i like to read and reserch thing ,i am reserching and reading alot on bio fuels at the moment.

    i have alot of saveing so working it not very important for me at the mo.

  12. #252
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    Quote Originally Posted by BREW-MAN View Post
    2,2 years

    5, yer looking back it was funny

    6,well i say am unemployed but there is some work i do online but its not full time ,i like to read and reserch thing ,i am reserching and reading alot on bio fuels at the moment.

    i have alot of saveing so working it not very important for me at the mo.
    Thanks, your on my long list

    The interview thread will soon be up and running, please keep sending me your members who you would like to be interviewed.

  13. #253
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    hey Marcus,

    did anyone send my name for the interview??? Just wondering if anyone like me

  14. #254
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    hey Marcus,

    did anyone send my name for the interview??? Just wondering if anyone like me
    Yes your on the long list

  15. #255
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Yes your on the long list
    ok cool....

  16. #256
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    cal reminds me of sally field...

    " u like me, u really like me"

    attention whore.....

    j/k man

  17. #257
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    cal reminds me of sally field...

    " u like me, u really like me"

    attention whore.....

    j/k man
    Just that....proud of it.

  18. #258
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    Quote Originally Posted by BREW-MAN View Post
    1. i started juiceing at 130lbs and 3 weeks after i first joined gym

    2.i am uneployed

    3.i have a 4 year daughter who means the world to me

    4. i have had swine flu

    5.when i was 15 i owed money to a local guy for weed and he punched me in the face while he had a red hot cheese pasty in his hand and the cheese went all over my face and gave me bad burns

    6.i am on my lap top at least 14 hours per day

    7.i have been scammed 4 times on the net

    8.i love chineese food

    9.i smoke

    10.i think canabis is a very bad rec drug and fuks with peoples head

    11.i leave me xmas shoping untill xmas eve.
    Where did you get it? and how long did it take to get rid of it?

  19. #259
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    ok here goes mine fellas...
    1. my father died when i was 9 of cancer.
    2. my mother is the most important thing in my life, she is my life.
    3. i have 2 amazing god children, niece and raise them as my own.
    4.i have a sister and brother, both older, children are my sisters.
    5. i threw my brother out of family 9 years ago before beating him to point he was in hospital. we have made amends and he is now back in family life.
    6. i have no care of what anyone thinks of me.
    7.i have been shot in the shoulder.
    8. i love marijuana, however am not a stoner but do smoke every day.
    9. i smoke a pack of cigs a day.
    10. i really hate liberals, they drive me fvking crazy
    11. this site is like my daily therapy

    i really dont like personal shit in open about myself, but u guys inspired me...

  20. #260
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Where did you get it? and how long did it take to get rid of it?
    got it in the uk ,had it for around 6 days ,used tamiflu .

  21. #261
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    ok here goes mine fellas...
    1. my father died when i was 9 of cancer.
    2. my mother is the most important thing in my life, she is my life.
    3. i have 2 amazing god children, niece and raise them as my own.
    4.i have a sister and brother, both older, children are my sisters.
    5. i threw my brother out of family 9 years ago before beating him to point he was in hospital. we have made amends and he is now back in family life.
    6. i have no care of what anyone thinks of me.
    7.i have been shot in the shoulder.
    8. i love marijuana, however am not a stoner but do smoke every day.
    9. i smoke a pack of cigs a day.
    10. i really hate liberals, they drive me fvking crazy
    11. this site is like my daily therapy

    i really dont like personal shit in open about myself, but u guys inspired me...

  22. #262
    sigman roid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    ok here goes mine fellas...
    1. my father died when i was 9 of cancer.
    2. my mother is the most important thing in my life, she is my life.
    3. i have 2 amazing god children, niece and raise them as my own.
    4.i have a sister and brother, both older, children are my sisters.
    5. i threw my brother out of family 9 years ago before beating him to point he was in hospital. we have made amends and he is now back in family life.
    6. i have no care of what anyone thinks of me.
    7.i have been shot in the shoulder.
    8. i love marijuana, however am not a stoner but do smoke every day.
    9. i smoke a pack of cigs a day.
    10. i really hate liberals, they drive me fvking crazy
    11. this site is like my daily therapy

    i really dont like personal shit in open about myself, but u guys inspired me...
    I was waiting for yours Moose your like me i dont like putting my shit out there but i thought what the fuk might as well

  23. #263
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    i knew it was coming..

    meaning when i smoke, people do not know.. im no rookie kid who gets high and giggles and chows the whole fridge.. i use it as a relaxer at the end of the day..
    i smoke responsible, or as responsible as one can..

  24. #264
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    yeah siggy, i saw u posted urs so i said wtf...

  25. #265
    elpropiotorvic's Avatar
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    I think it's great therapy... Thanks Marcus for coming up with this... Some members I use. To think they were plane motherfvckers now I see them differently

  26. #266
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    Quote Originally Posted by sigman roid View Post
    I was waiting for yours Moose your like me i dont like putting my shit out there but i thought what the fuk might as well
    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    yeah siggy, i saw u posted urs so i said wtf...
    You can always post unimportant stuff in your life, nothing to personal. When the interviews start they can be either lighthearted or as deep as you would like to go.

  27. #267
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    Pin it to win it!
    Seeing people open up like this makes me wish I would have posted some different stuff in mine. Maybe I'll get interviewed and can post it then.

  28. #268
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    Quote Originally Posted by stack_it View Post
    Seeing people open up like this makes me wish I would have posted some different stuff in mine. Maybe I'll get interviewed and can post it then.
    Post again. I dont see any rules other than honesty.

  29. #269
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    Quote Originally Posted by stack_it View Post
    Seeing people open up like this makes me wish I would have posted some different stuff in mine. Maybe I'll get interviewed and can post it then.
    Re-post them if you want to open up more, it isnt a problem and of course you will be interviewed

  30. #270
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    ok here goes mine fellas...
    1. my father died when i was 9 of cancer.
    2. my mother is the most important thing in my life, she is my life.
    3. i have 2 amazing god children, niece and raise them as my own.
    4.i have a sister and brother, both older, children are my sisters.
    5. i threw my brother out of family 9 years ago before beating him to point he was in hospital. we have made amends and he is now back in family life.
    6. i have no care of what anyone thinks of me.
    7.i have been shot in the shoulder.
    8. i love marijuana, however am not a stoner but do smoke every day.
    9. i smoke a pack of cigs a day.
    10. i really hate liberals, they drive me fvking crazy
    11. this site is like my daily therapy

    i really dont like personal shit in open about myself, but u guys inspired me...

    8, why do you smoke?
    5, why did you throw him out?

  31. #271
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    i dont drink, and marijuana just evens me out. it just makes me relax, its weird, i act more normal when im high then when im not..
    it is really a end of the day thing, some people have a scotch/drink, i use my volcano vaporizer.

    my family, mom and sis and I are really close, typical italian brother just took advantage of my mother financialy and thought it was ok..he then made a disrespectful comment to her which landed him in ER with broken ribs and broken jaw..
    it is all water under bridge now as he has become a better person, someone i am proud to call my brother...he is 9 years older then me.,.

  32. #272
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    1. Im 34 years old
    2. I love my wife to death but somehow unable to show it
    3. I have two boys ages 3 and 5
    4. I own my own medical company
    5. I miss my parents as they moved away
    6. i quit drinking 3 months ago
    7. I wish my di*K was atleast 1"
    8. I loose my temper way to fast.
    9. Im currently on probation for assault.
    10. I look down on those who smoke pot.
    11. I like to beat off on the days the wife dont put out.

    Thats me

  33. #273
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    Quote Originally Posted by hummerman View Post
    1. Im 34 years old
    2. I love my wife to death but somehow unable to show it
    3. I have two boys ages 3 and 5
    4. I own my own medical company
    5. I miss my parents as they moved away
    6. i quit drinking 3 months ago
    7. I wish my di*K was atleast 1"
    8. I loose my temper way to fast.
    9. Im currently on probation for assault.
    10. I look down on those who smoke pot.11. I like to beat off on the days the wife dont put out.

    Thats me

    whats the difference between that and drinking?

  34. #274
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    Quote Originally Posted by hummerman View Post
    1. Im 34 years old
    2. I love my wife to death but somehow unable to show it
    3. I have two boys ages 3 and 5
    4. I own my own medical company
    5. I miss my parents as they moved away
    6. i quit drinking 3 months ago
    7. I wish my di*K was atleast 1"
    8. I loose my temper way to fast.
    9. Im currently on probation for assault.
    10. I look down on those who smoke pot.
    11. I like to beat off on the days the wife dont put out.

    Thats me
    7, at least your honest
    10, say hello to mooseman lol
    4, what kind?

  35. #275
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    whats the difference between that and drinking?
    I had to watch it ruin my brothers life and see my mother always upset of his pot use.
    Im also watching it ruin the wifes brothers life aswell.

    Some people can handle it............and others cant.

  36. #276
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    That's an intersting debate it should even have it's own thread...

  37. #277
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    7, at least your honest
    10, say hello to mooseman lol
    4, what kind?
    4, Its a manufacture of ophthalmology products
    7, Well no point saying i got a 12" dong when its only 6-7"

  38. #278
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    Quote Originally Posted by hummerman View Post
    I had to watch it ruin my brothers life and see my mother always upset of his pot use.
    Im also watching it ruin the wifes brothers life aswell.

    Some people can handle it............and others cant.
    they are weak ass people then.
    marijuana is not addicitve, there are no physical withdrawls from it..they must have issues.

    either way, i wissh them the best..

  39. #279
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    Thanks Mooseman33 for the PM

    I honor your pot smoking abilities.....

    Now piss off and go burn a twisty and relax.

  40. #280
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    Not addicitve?????

    What you smoking??

    Never mind......

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