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  1. #121
    BJJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by elpropiotorvic View Post
    1. I love my father more than anyone else in the world, he has showed me great things
    2. I really think I have grievances towards him because of the way he raised me
    3. I love my mother and I don't tell her that too often or let her know too often * tear drops from my eye*
    4. I have a one year old and I don't tell my mother because she has health issues and I really fear if I tell her I would be responsible in part for her death
    5. I lied to my mother about my fathers affairs with our old housekeeper
    6. I went tro private school since I was 3 till I was 15 and screwed up and was taken to public school but then cried enough to be put in another private school and then didn't screwed up but it happened like the boy who cried wolf ( my dad didn't believed me so he put me in public school where I was hated and loved by many
    7. I wish I could go back in time with the knowledge j have right now about how life works and do it right this time and not screw the big chances I had( I still have a lot so can't complain that much)
    8. I will never let anybody other than the people in this forum know that I have touched or considered the use of AAS ( even if it has been just var)
    9. I really wish I could be locked up in a cage with the guy who raped my sister( the worst is he is the brother of my fathers now wife -he didn't know at that time my sister only let us know ast year after more than 10 years of relationshi-and the hitmen that tried to kill my dad and kidnap me *chest pounds eyes go watery*
    10. I am a role model in my community but a lot of people don't know that I have cheated and sometimes even lied to women about whether I'm single or not( I really wish I coul practice entirely what I preach and be freely
    11. I really wish I can be an example to humanity and leave a big footprint in this world ... I WILL DO IT
    7 sometimes I think that too.
    10 what does that mean?

  2. #122
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by inheritmylife View Post
    1. I cry easily. My entire family is stoic German, but the waterworks are always on for me. I just watched The Fountain and surprise, surprise, blubbered like a baby.

    2. My friends call me Asian Inside (like Intel Inside) cause I have an iq of 142 but lack common sense and am very gullible.

    3. My grandfather was born in Scotland.

    4. I lost my virginity at 22 to a 37 year-old, married woman. I feel that I was taken advantage of, imagine that.

    5. I was institutionalized by my folks for 2 years at the seasoned age of 14 for smoking dope and being 'unruly'.

    6. My fiance is the warmest, purest, most forgiving person I have ever met. I am truly blessed. I wonder everyday how a putz like me snagged an angel like her. If she left me it would break me I think.

    7. I was a raging drunk for 5 years. I can't remember posting on this site more than I care to remember.

    8. I am socially awkward and envy the male camaraderie that I see between members of this board. It comes so easy to some of you guys.

    9. My baby brother is a brilliant artist and musician. A friend of his beat him up and keyed his car. I will end him if I ever run into him. I never stuck up for him when I was a kid, and now that I am grown, beating the crap out of someone is a big deal. Jesus...

    10. My favorite food is sauerkraut.

    11. I cycled heavily before I ever put together and followed a sound diet.
    That is pretty good, everyone in my family loves sauerkraut. I cant stand that shit!!!
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

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    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

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  3. #123
    warchild's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=BJJ;4938351]7 sometimes I think that too.
    he might be a potiltion

  4. #124
    BJJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    1) Even though im English, I think Australia is the best place on earth.
    2) Im an animal lover. Yes I eat meat, but I don't believe cruelty to animals is necessary or a "God given right". I think people that are cruel to animals are bullies, and I don't like anyone that preys on the weak. Cruelty to children is terrible as well and I hate reading about something bad of that nature in the paper.
    3) This is hands down my favourite forum on the net.
    4) If I could turn the clock back 12 years or so, i'd have probably joined the military. Im too old now (32) but I always thought id be a good soldier.
    5) I've lived in the Himalayan mountains for 3 and a half weeks, possibly one of the greatest experiences of my life.
    6) I've only been in love once in my life.
    7) I used to be a very angry and dark person a few years ago. I like to think of myself as a "Born again Optimist" now.
    8) I look very good for my age. Most people that meet me for the first time think im in my early twenties. When in fact im in my early thirties.
    9) I have a loud voice. But part of the reason for that is that I think i have bad hearing, and i think ive had bad hearing for about 15 years now.
    10) Right now in time i've lost utter faith in virtually all politicians, and it seems very hard to determin what, if any, the absolute truth to this world is. As much as I love politics, it depresses me.
    11) I dont like the colour pink on a bloke, I think it looks effeminate and gay. Its a girls colour. And what annoys me more, is that im judged as being "homophobic" for not liking the colour or "not being confident in my sexuality". Damn, i didnt realise dressing like a fairy made a man these days??
    1 what makes you think that?
    2 I agree.
    5 was that a holiday or a pilgrimage?
    8 we have something in common.

  5. #125
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    what does that mean?
    look up irish car bomb

  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by CHUCKYthentic View Post
    1. i am the youngest of 3 (have a lil step bro i consider my blood bro though)
    2. grew up in the southwest, never been further east than TX
    3. chucky is a nickname, not real name
    4. finally about to graduate college (im 25 took my time LOL)
    5. i love tattoos and have a lot
    6. not religious
    7. slightly crazy
    8. only like dark haired women, no blondes
    9. very protective, trustworthy and loyal (so my friends tell me)
    10. have had my ass kicked ONCE, and never again. great lesson. got him back the 2nd time
    11. addicted to sex

    ...this was kinda hard. i could go on though haha
    6 what do you believe?

  7. #127
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    BG: I feel for you my friend, could you explain abit more why your stopping AAS pls?
    Im done poisoning myself and abusing another drug. Im happy where I am, the drugs realy werent doing anything for me anymore. With the amount of diet and training knowledge Ive learnt here I can do just fine with out it. Its all about diet and training. With that over time you get great results, better muscle, it just takes more time and dedication then using gear.

    All of a sudden I just dont want to inject myself with generic GH from China, shit they cant even get pet food right and Im shooting some shit that I have no idea where it was made. Cant imagin they care to much about us over here. Same with UGL oils, same shitty hormone powder coming from China, just look at how shitty the gear has gotten over the past 5 years.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  8. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by kojak_x View Post
    1: Im a butcher

    2: I grew up poor and had nothing to eat for about 6 years.

    3: My father would give me a doller a day for lunch and I really appreciated it. It got me fries. I will never go hungry again even if it means causing someone else misery.

    4: Im crazy about all information, documentries, books. I must know everything about anything. To bad its not much use to me.

    5: I have few friends but the four that I do have are like brothers and i would do anything for them. Im talking real friends.

    6: I try to enjoy the simple things in life. For example sometimes when I lay my had to sleep I think to myself how lucky I am to have a warm bed, soft, in my own place, with my health. While people around the world are going hungry and sleeping on the floor. I feel like Im so lucky.

    7: I don't believe in God.

    8: The older I get the less I know what I want in life.

    9: I Play world of warcraft. Big computer geek, I even have a degree as a e-commerce web developer.

    10: Everything I own I bought since I started working at 13 after school. My condo is my pride and joy.

    11: My health is most important to me.
    7 what do you believe then?

  9. #129
    warchild's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    Im done poisoning myself and abusing another drug. Im happy where I am, the drugs realy werent doing anything for me anymore. With the amount of diet and training knowledge Ive learnt here I can do just fine with out it. Its all about diet and training. With that over time you get great results, better muscle, it just takes more time and dedication then using gear.

    All of a sudden I just dont want to inject myself with generic GH from China, shit they cant even get pet food right and Im shooting some shit that I have no idea where it was made. Cant imagin they care to much about us over here. Same with UGL oils, same shitty hormone powder coming from China, just look at how shitty the gear has gotten over the past 5 years.
    very good points BG. So no TRT nowadays? The post about you stopping made me think the steroids f'd with you mentally or put you in the hospital.

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by CBGB View Post
    1. I have been with my wife for 10 years
    2. I have three children
    3. My family had no indoor bathroom from the time I was 5-11
    4. I ratted out my oldest brother in middle school and sent him to prison for 6 years
    5. I'm the only one in my family to earn a college degree
    6. I'm a recovering alcoholic
    7. I have been playing the drums since I was 13 and still suck
    8. I was "kidnapped" by my fathers family when I was 3
    9. I put as many miles on my motorcycle every year as my car.
    10. I run a 3 month long fundraiser every year for the March of Dimes. Bikers for Babies
    11. I spent almost a full year in 4 different mental wards when I was 26

    11.5 I'm happy
    11 was it useful?

  11. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    7 sometimes I think that too.
    he might be a potiltion
    what do yo mean?

  12. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    look up irish car bomb
    got it, thnks

  13. #133
    audis4's Avatar
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    ^car bomb is an alcoholic drink i think it has red bull?

  14. #134
    CHUCKYthentic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    6 what do you believe?
    honestly man, i really dont have a good argument here LOL i know that might be a horrible excuse, but hear me out...

    i wasnt raised religious. my parents and sisters are/were raised catholic. niether really follow the catholic church anymore, or very serious if they do. me not being raised religious is why i cant argue it, basically have nothing to back myself up. i choose to be neutral

    i am happy, i believe in being as good of a person as possible cuz i feel doing so will pay off, ive experienced it. not a bad person and dont ever plan on it (however u want to define bad)

    although.... i do believe there to be a higher power of some sort. is it God? i dont know, maybe it is maybe it isnt. i feel at ease believing opposed to not believing in a higher power

    cuz shit, if judgement day comes in my lifetime, i sure as hell do not want to be left behind

    i know some of the things i said above may sound contridicting or confusing. this topic is just not that important to me, there are far more important things in life IMO

    im happy and i want all those around me to be happy, as well as the rest of the world. whatever anyone else believes, i support, its there perogative i guess...

  15. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by CHUCKYthentic View Post
    honestly man, i really dont have a good argument here LOL i know that might be a horrible excuse, but hear me out...

    i wasnt raised religious. my parents and sisters are/were raised catholic. niether really follow the catholic church anymore, or very serious if they do. me not being raised religious is why i cant argue it, basically have nothing to back myself up. i choose to be neutral

    i am happy, i believe in being as good of a person as possible cuz i feel doing so will pay off, ive experienced it. not a bad person and dont ever plan on it (however u want to define bad)

    although.... i do believe there to be a higher power of some sort. is it God? i dont know, maybe it is maybe it isnt. i feel at ease believing opposed to not believing in a higher power

    cuz shit, if judgement day comes in my lifetime, i sure as hell do not want to be left behind

    i know some of the things i said above may sound contridicting or confusing. this topic is just not that important to me, there are far more important things in life IMO

    im happy and i want all those around me to be happy, as well as the rest of the world. whatever anyone else believes, i support, its there perogative i guess...
    Bold is the key I believe.
    It makes sense to me.
    Thank you for sharing this.

  16. #136
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    Quote Originally Posted by warchild View Post

    what do yo mean?
    sorry spelt it wrong and quoted wrong, he said he respected in his community but cheated on his wife so he must be a politition

  17. #137
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    2 after how many cycles this happened?
    6 I am glad you specified the gender.
    8 Which is it?
    Noted by myself and then girlfriend after 3rd cycle of Test, Deca and Stan. Longtime ago, no PCT


  18. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    11 was it useful?
    First 3, No. They were a place to stay when nobody else could deal with me anymore.
    4th was a stepping stone. My head didn't clear untill I got back to the basics and kept focus on what I needed to do. They gave me back the tools I needed to function properly. I feel better and brighter than ever.

  19. #139
    calgarian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    5 which ones?
    8 why exactly?
    11 what does that mean?
    1. Diploma in Computer science from Pakistan.
    2. Diploma in Oracle from Oratech. Usa
    3. Diploma in Object oriented software technology from University of Calgary.

    Had mum's(sp?) when i was young and my testicles never grew enough to make enough testosterone . I need to take test to make up for it.
    Read up my posts and u will know. Even my Endocrinologist said that he jas never seen testosterone levels that low and a guy that horny
    Last edited by calgarian; 11-08-2009 at 06:30 PM.

  20. #140
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    Ok Here it goes

    1) I am a Leo
    2) I have 5 brothers and 5 Sisters
    3) I'm Studying to be a psychiatric nurse
    4) I have only slept with one person
    5) I spent four Months of this year in 2009
    6) i Suffer From depression, Gad and have a borderline personality disorder
    7) I post on AR whilst naked and touching myself
    8) I want to learn German and Russian
    9) Im an xboxaholic
    10) Training and education comes numero uno to me
    11) Only ever loved 2 people, one of them is me

  21. #141
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by warchild View Post
    very good points BG. So no TRT nowadays? The post about you stopping made me think the steroids f'd with you mentally or put you in the hospital.
    yes 100mgs of cyp every 2 weeks, doctor administered. Steroids did effect my life, Im aggressive by nature and it made it worst, just changed the way I thought and that changed the direction of my life. Its time to stop letting drugs dictate my life.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  22. #142
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    Quote Originally Posted by bg View Post
    yes 100mgs of cyp every 2 weeks, doctor administered. Steroids did effect my life, im aggressive by nature and it made it worst, just changed the way i thought and that changed the direction of my life. its time to stop letting drugs dictate my life.

  23. #143
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    drugs get me soo depressed and so does alcohol now so i stay away from both

  24. #144
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    Im done poisoning myself and abusing another drug. Im happy where I am, the drugs realy werent doing anything for me anymore. With the amount of diet and training knowledge Ive learnt here I can do just fine with out it. Its all about diet and training. With that over time you get great results, better muscle, it just takes more time and dedication then using gear.

    All of a sudden I just dont want to inject myself with generic GH from China, shit they cant even get pet food right and Im shooting some shit that I have no idea where it was made. Cant imagin they care to much about us over here. Same with UGL oils, same shitty hormone powder coming from China, just look at how shitty the gear has gotten over the past 5 years.

    I think your going to the same place where I've been for over the past 3 yrs, welcome

    Thanks for sharing.

  25. #145
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    1 what makes you think that?
    2 I agree.
    5 was that a holiday or a pilgrimage?
    8 we have something in common.

    1) Well for one, the weather in Australia is great, the women are amazing, the people in general are amazing. Its relaxed and the cost of living out there is a damn sight cheaper than England. Very genuine people over there, and just the way the country is run is even spot on.

    5) The Nepalese trip was kind of both. I was travelling round the world a few years back and Nepal never even crossed my mind till I got to Thailand. Everyone was doing the whole "thailand-laos-cambodia-vietnam" crap, you know everyone does that. I wanted something different. Some guy recommended Nepal to me, I researched it and decided I wanted to go be in the Himalayas, that it was something I wanted/needed to do. I never got a true appreciation for the Natural World till I did that. There is so much I could talk about in the time I spent up there, one particular moment was getting to 15,000 m, and looking up. All I could see were stars, nothing else in my perephreal vision, no buildings, no trees, planes, birds, nothing. Just space. I literally felt closer to the Heavens. I want to do it again, at least once more before my time is up.

    8) Yeah it's a blessing. I joke with people that i'll live forever.

  26. #146
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    Even my Endocrinologist said that he jas never seen testosterone levels that low and a guy that horny
    hahaha thats strange,

  27. #147
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    Quote Originally Posted by oscarjones View Post
    1&9- Wow never thought I'd hear that from ur lips. I thought you were a man-whore!

    4- cauliflower too?

    10- i think it's possible! lots of guys can do it, so can you!
    lol i became a man whore after my engagement was over

    cauliflower if its cooked. then the smell will get me.

    and i dont think I WANT TO. lol

  28. #148
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    hahaha thats strange,
    cause he asked me how is my sex drive and I said i can go 5 times in a row anytime , he looked at me funny and said i believe you but thats the first time for a guy with that low test levels...

  29. #149
    *RAGE*'s Avatar
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    1) I just turned old
    2) I have been married more times then I would like to remember
    3) I am never happy no matter what is going good in my life
    4) I give my kids and wife everything I make
    5) I have been told the only reason I like to going over seas is so someone else will kill me, death wish, I dont have a death wish, but if it happens it is gods will,
    6) I hate waiting for anything and want things to happen now
    7) I treated my parents like shit and they are both gone
    8) I cant spell to save my life
    9) I spent ten years in the military and it was the best time of my life.
    10) I am not a bodybuilder and never wanted to be one just love working out
    11) Life has been real good to me, better then I deserve!!!

    I have not been on as much, but this site helped me over this past year when I was recovering from some major injuries.

  30. #150
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    1. I'm half Japanese

    2. I went to work in a mill after highschool. At 34, I got laid off and started college.

    3. I've competed in 8 MMA matches at 170 lbs. My record is only 3-5 (mediocre at best).

    4. I'm majoring in Psychology and minoring in Japanese language.

    5. I'm a recovered alcoholic and cigarette smoker.

    6. I started working out and triaining martial arts to fill the void left by addiction.

    7. I've never had children, although I'd like to have one (maybe with my current girlfriend).

    8. I'm the Editor in Chief of my college newspaper.

    9. My primary objective in life is to improve the world somehow. On some level, I feel like I can make up for all the people I've hurt when I was drinking.

    10. I cried while watching Seven Pounds, Braveheart and Schindler's List.

    11. I've done about 7 cycles, and still don't feel like I've gotten PCT down yet.

  31. #151
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    RAGE: No 3, why is that?

  32. #152
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    Ok...... lucky for me my wife is a techno-phobe

    1, I have been married for 23.5 years to a woman I have never loved and regretted marrying, but loves me.

    2, I have 3 children whom I love more than life itself.

    3,I was involved in a church for 25 years until 18 months ago and stupid enough to let it rule my life with stupid beliefs such as sex before marriage=no salvation, unless you marry and no divorce. ( answers num 1)

    4,Up until 18 months ago I had only slept with three women incl my wife ( all virgins ). Now it's 5 ( not all virgins).

    5, I believe in a creator but he is not around now ( part of why I left the church).

    6,I never drank alcohol from the age of 18 to 43, or went out except to church functions.

    7, I have recently discovered and love how attractive I am to women. ( I get hit on every time I go out). Needless to say I have started going to pubs etc.

    8, Bandaged my mothers wrists too many times after so many failed suicide attempts. She couldn"t even get that right.

    9,I left home at 15 because I couldn't stand her any more. She's dead now, it was suicide not sure how don't care, all I know is I have a lot of issues because of her.

    10, This site has taught me a lot about life from aas, to diet, to correct lifting technique, to the best way to wipe my arse, oh and how to communicate (still a lot to learn) Thankyou.

    11, I have not cried for 25 years.

  33. #153
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    Quote Originally Posted by *RAGE* View Post
    1) I just turned old
    2) I have been married more times then I would like to remember
    3) I am never happy no matter what is going good in my life
    4) I give my kids and wife everything I make
    5) I have been told the only reason I like to going over seas is so someone else will kill me, death wish, I dont have a death wish, but if it happens it is gods will,
    6) I hate waiting for anything and want things to happen now
    7) I treated my parents like shit and they are both gone
    8) I cant spell to save my life
    9) I spent ten years in the military and it was the best time of my life.
    10) I am not a bodybuilder and never wanted to be one just love working out
    11) Life has been real good to me, better then I deserve!!!

    I have not been on as much, but this site helped me over this past year when I was recovering from some major injuries.
    number 3 is me all the way bro. im never happy with anything or anyone and its killin me

  34. #154
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    1, Why would you stay with her and waste so much time?

    4, wooow

    6, Thats some achievement, well done

    8, how sad

    11, how come?

  35. #155
    powerful intelligent is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by auslifta View Post
    Nice thread Marcus....... here I go

    1) I have saved a persons life.

    2) I backpacked around Europe, want to do Sth America next.

    3)When I was 12 I saw my dad try to kill my mother, still the worst day of my life.

    4)I love my dog more than most people I know.

    5) I believe in a god, but not religion.

    6) I have been in such a low state I contemplated suicide.

    7) I have been in love once.

    8) I want to own 10 million in property by the time i'm 45

    9) I recently turned 27. (still feel 20)

    10) I want kids but not marriage,

    11) I hate violence to people and animals.
    hey man in regards to seeing you parents in that state i feel for you. Have contemplated suicide before also. stay up

  36. #156
    chicmagnet's Avatar
    chicmagnet is offline Senior Member
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    Marcus, thanks for asking...
    1,Kids. Why I'm still here.

    4, Tell me about it, but it is something I now regret.


    11, Not sure just won't let myself

  37. #157
    *RAGE*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    RAGE: No 3, why is that?
    Not sure and wish I could tell you bro, I have made a lot of money and lost a lot of money in my life I live in what I believe in the best state and have a great house, healthy kids but guess I always want more, not like money just over all happiness. I wish I could explain it better bro

  38. #158
    CBGB's Avatar
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    This is the most interesting thread I have seen all year. I can't stop watching it.

  39. #159
    *RAGE*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CBGB View Post
    This is the most interesting thread I have seen all year. I can't stop watching it.

  40. #160
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by CBGB View Post
    This is the most interesting thread I have seen all year. I can't stop watching it.
    Ive got an idea which will follow insink with this thread, my plan is to do some interviews with some of the people who have posted, it will be in its own thread and be in more indepth, it wont be cluttered with comments just interviews which will go into more detail on what they have mentioned in here, something like 20 questions and I will ask people to PM me questions they would like me to ask the person who i will interview that week.

    sounds interesting?

    I think it will be a good follow on from this because we all want to know further into the facts!

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