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  1. #241
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Rose View Post
    Wow 4 pages worth matt, looks like i wont be sleeping tonight.
    We need a guy like yourself to sort this out bro, ive read so many conflicting articles and studies that my head is about to explode....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  2. #242
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    I'm going to read two pages the thread, read the rest tomorrow and then have a poke in some books and stuff. Its 3:03am here now, time for bed.

    One thing i know, it's hard to test stuff in my country. I can buy my AAS, take it to my universities lab, and run a fluorescence test on AAS the with thin layer chromatopgrahy because of the a,b-unsaturated ketone and know for sure if its real or not. I can ask a few of my peers about peptide analysis as i do not know the chemistry of amino acid sequences that well, i will ask and get back to you guys. Now if i wanted to send something off for testing, i cannot send a vial or alarm bells will ring and i will have problems, and for you guys, you can't send stuff overseas, because, a) you cant get blood through my quarantine and customs (not that it will matter the blood will degrade) and b) you cannot send vials either. Now when i test stuff at my lab, i always have my supervisor up my ass because i am just a student, but i do get away with a lot of things due to my after hours access.

  3. #243
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Rose View Post
    Well if we work in identity matrices then we can do a bit of linear algebra here.

    so we know that I(n) multiplied with itself will cancel itself out. Simple matrix algebra.

    So lets say

    He = A = 1
    She = B = 1
    Heshe = I
    SheHe = I

    So now Heshe*SheHe*You(he) = I*I*A = I^-1*1 = 0*1 = 0, therefor not a cheater.
    Awesome ! When I get caught in bed with haz's she-male I'm going to show my b/f the equation, thank you !

  4. #244
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Awesome ! When I get caught in bed with haz's she-male I'm going to show my b/f the equation, thank you !
    I thought haz was the shemale?

  5. #245
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Rose View Post
    I thought haz was the shemale?
    Naa, he's a male that let's me treat as a she.

  6. #246
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Rose View Post

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Rose View Post
    Ok BJJ the working is above.

    For the rest of you guys.

    People say the towers fell due to a pancake affect. If this was true to tower would take over 100 seconds for it to collapse, and the internal structure WILL STILL BE STANDING.

    Like BJJ stated, the actual tower took around 11 seconds to collapse. Now in a vacuum the tower would take 9.18 seconds to collapse. So the only thing that gets close to that type of fall is a PLANED DEMOLITION!

    It is IMPOSSIBLE for the tower to fall in 11 seconds with the 'pan cake' effect. My maths above proves that the towers fell in a matter that would only indicate a planned demolition or such along those lines.

    BJJ is 100% correct, that for the tower to fall in that time frame, it must fall only onto air not onto the floor below it.
    I liked the way you reached the obvious conclusion.
    Nice writing...

  7. #247
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    Will a Rolex work in a zero gravity environment?

    also is it posable to experience a "g" (as in gravity) in space? I know the answer to this.

  8. #248
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    Why am I whoring in this thread to make it to post # 2000??

  9. #249
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    Is it true that the sum of the square root of an iso seleze triangle is equal to the sum of the squre root of its remaining sides?

    And if both you and DSM were in the same closet at the same time, who would exit first and why? Would there be a smile or frown on the exiting persons face?

  10. #250
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    Quote Originally Posted by OSUPatrick View Post
    Will a Rolex work in a zero gravity environment?

    also is it posable to experience a "g" (as in gravity) in space? I know the answer to this.
    Yes it will work but you will experience a slight relativistic shift in time.

    Yes as well. No matter where in space you are, gravity will always be acting upon you. Gravity is an infinitive, endless force and its strength is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between two objects, i.e. you and any other object in space. You may be in a region where gravity may be negligible in respect to yourself, but you will always have a gravitational force acting upon you.

  11. #251
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    Is it true that the sum of the square root of an iso seleze triangle is equal to the sum of the squre root of its remaining sides?

    And if both you and DSM were in the same closet at the same time, who would exit first and why? Would there be a smile or frown on the exiting persons face?
    Only if it is right angled, and only if you mean that the sum of the largest side is equal to the other two sides. And its isosceles, .

    I would walk out with a smile, but dsm would walk out first, and with tears because i would of tore him a new hole. It's not my fault he isn't accustomed to big penis's.

  12. #252
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    I liked the way you reached the obvious conclusion.
    Nice writing...
    There is only one conclusion.

    That what i wrote is very simple, i could write many pages on the subject with many more complex calculations. But that is all that is necessary for proof, not accuracy.

  13. #253
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Rose View Post
    The chlorine has no effect on the pruning of your skin. This is due to a phenomenon known as osmosis. Osmosis is described as the movement of water molecules through a semi-permeable membrane (aka your skin, cells etc) from a high concentration to an region of lower concentration until a state of equilibrium is reached. So basically, if you have a membrane (skin) and you have a cup of water with salt, and a cup of pure water, and separate them between the membrane, the water will move without inputted energy, to the side with salt as it wants to make both sides have an equal amount of salt, and hence achieve ionic/solute equilibrium. So basically, in your hands, feet, epidermis, you have water in your cells, 70% + of your body is water. In your cells, the movement of water in and out of cells (aka into the blood, into the lymphatic fluid, into cells, etc) is controlled through osmosis. It is non preferential and will move anywhere to achieve an equilibrium. So when you get into the pool, your epidermis extracellular fluid has a lower concentration of salt and minerals then the water in the pool around you. So naturally with osmosis, the water begins to exit your skin and move to the pool. This causes your epidermis to dehydrate, as it is losing water and prune up. This is why your skin gets wrinkled. Osmosis is slow, and takes a while; this is why it happens over a few hours. Now this is the reason then insist you put pool salt into your pool, to top this from happening. Remember dehydration can be fatal, so pelase drink plenty of water while swimming.

    Dark matter
    No one knows. Well everyone knows what matter is, its everything we can see, touch, feel. Well believe it or not, there is 5x more mass in the universe that is invisible and cannot be touched or seen. This matter is called dark matter, as in unseen matter. It is still tangible matter though. The simplest explanation I can give you, is that dark matter is pure energy, energy that is at such a high plain of excitement, that it has yet to slow down and start to form quarks, protons, neutrons, and hence atoms, and hence the matter we know. IT is the building block for sub atomic particles, and hence atoms. You see we can see things at a certain energy level, with is our matter we can see and touch, but when you go beyond this energy level, we cannot comprehend its existence. However we know it is there because it interacts with our electromagnetic spectrum. Simple enough?
    Sorry to piss on your thread again but I feel compelled to correct a few points as a former professional scientist. Which is how science

    First, the reason the skin wrinkles is not specifically known. However dehydration of the skin is not one of the more favored theories. The reason for this is that the integumentary system specifically the outer keratinized cells of the Epidermis are considered water proof or resistant. When a cell is keratinized it is said to be "water proofed." However water will leak in or out of sweat gland in the hands and feet. It is thought currently that neural output due to ion movement within theses structures causes vasoconstriction of the underlying layers to help regulate ion homeostasis. This causes a negative turgor pressure which pulls the skin down. The reason that the hands and feet experience this more than other areas is because the hands and feet do not have oil glands but have a large relative amount of sweat pores vs that of other areas of the skin. I know it's splitting hairs but it's an important distinction between a purely osmatic cause.

    Secondly osmosis is not particularly described as a slow process. If given a true semipermeable membrane the factors controlling the rate of equilibrium is that of the osmotic pressure and osmotic gradiant. Even at equilibrium water molecules pass back and forth between the semipermeable membrane. This is sometimes described as dynamic equilibrium in biology.

    Lastly, dark matter by definition does not radiate any EM energy in any spectrum. It's presence can only be detected by it's gravitational effects on space/time, normal matter or gravitational lensing. Matter and energy are interchangeable. Which is why there is also a term called dark energy.
    Last edited by MuscleScience; 07-10-2010 at 11:21 PM.
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  14. #254
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    Sorry to piss on your thread again but I feel compelled to correct a few points as a former professional scientist. Which is how science

    First, the reason the skin wrinkles is not specifically known. However dehydration of the skin is not one of the more favored theories. The reason for this is that the integumentary system specifically the outer keratinized cells of the Epidermis are considered water proof or resistant. When a cell is keratinized it is said to be "water proofed." However water will leak in or out of sweat gland in the hands and feet. It is thought currently that neural output due to ion movement within theses structures causes vasoconstriction of the underlying layers to help regulate ion homeostasis. This causes a negative turgor pressure which pulls the skin down. The reason that the hands and feet experience this more than other areas is because the hands and feet do not have oil glands but have a large relative amount of sweat pores vs that of other areas of the skin. I know it's splitting hairs but it's an important distinction between a purely osmatic cause.

    Secondly osmosis is not particularly described as a slow process. If given a true semipermeable membrane the factors controlling the rate of equilibrium is that of the osmotic pressure and osmotic gradiant. Even at equilibrium water molecules pass back and forth between the semipermeable membrane. This is sometimes described as dynamic equilibrium in biology.

    Lastly, dark matter by definition does not radiate any EM energy in any spectrum. It's presence can only be detected by it's gravitational effects on space/time, normal matter or gravitational lensing. Matter and energy are interchangeable. Which is why there is also a term called dark energy.
    Very interesting MS, i will have to read up on that as i would love to add it to my knowledge base. I was taught its effects were from osmosis in high school, and have never done much reading on it apart from that, so thats great to know. I will gladly eat my humble pie, and you are more than welcome to correct anything that you feel like. . Like i said, i liek to be corrected, it means next time i can givethe correct answer. Yep, but would you say our cells are a true true semipermeable membrane?

    I don't recall if i said it did radiate EM, i said that it interferes with our EM. If my memory serves correct, its main composite of 'regular' dark matter (exluding dark energy, hard dark matter, etc) is neutrinos, which then have a nice interaction with different colored quarks, bosons and leptons. Gravitational lensing can only show the existence of the matter, it still takes some quantum mechanics to explain the distribution of energy amongst the subatomic particles. Much is still unknown and theory however. Pass me your two cents on the matter (no pun intended ) MuscleScience, it would be interesting to see another view on the matter at hand.

  15. #255
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Rose View Post
    Very interesting MS, i will have to read up on that as i would love to add it to my knowledge base. I was taught its effects were from osmosis in high school, and have never done much reading on it apart from that, so thats great to know. I will gladly eat my humble pie, and you are more than welcome to correct anything that you feel like. . Like i said, i liek to be corrected, it means next time i can givethe correct answer. Yep, but would you say our cells are a true true semipermeable membrane?

    I don't recall if i said it did radiate EM, i said that it interferes with our EM. If my memory serves correct, its main composite of 'regular' dark matter (exluding dark energy, hard dark matter, etc) is neutrinos, which then have a nice interaction with different colored quarks, bosons and leptons. Gravitational lensing can only show the existence of the matter, it still takes some quantum mechanics to explain the distribution of energy amongst the subatomic particles. Much is still unknown and theory however. Pass me your two cents on the matter (no pun intended ) MuscleScience, it would be interesting to see another view on the matter at hand.
    The cells in the human body have specific structures to allow water molecules to pass in and out of the cells freely. These are called aquaporins, which are membrane spanning proteins that allow the selective transport of water molecules in and out of the cell single file. Many human cells have these pores. Most cells to some degree can regulate their ion/water content within the human bodies environment. However if these cells where placed in a hypo/hypertonic solution they would not be able to regulate themselves effectively enough and would ultimately die.

    Dark matter does not interact with any know EM energy source whether it be visible light, xray, gamma Ray ect. This is how this form of matter got it's name because it can not be physically seen in a direct manner. Only it's gravitational effects can be measured. For example the Hubble Space Telescope mapped regions of dark matter only by measuring the gravitational lensing effect. Basically this form of matter is invisible, if you shined dark matter with a flash light, you would not see any light being reflected back. Essientially the light would pass right through the matter as though it wasn't there. It simply does not interact with the dark manner in any measurable way.
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    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

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  16. #256
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    Here is one I don't understand.

    How is someones voice for example able to be packaged into an EM source and then transmitted then reproduced back as sound either from radio or telephone signals?
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

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    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

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  17. #257
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Rose View Post
    Very interesting MS, i will have to read up on that as i would love to add it to my knowledge base. I was taught its effects were from osmosis in high school, and have never done much reading on it apart from that, so thats great to know. I will gladly eat my humble pie, and you are more than welcome to correct anything that you feel like. . Like i said, i liek to be corrected, it means next time i can givethe correct answer. Yep, but would you say our cells are a true true semipermeable membrane?

    I don't recall if i said it did radiate EM, i said that it interferes with our EM. If my memory serves correct, its main composite of 'regular' dark matter (exluding dark energy, hard dark matter, etc) is neutrinos, which then have a nice interaction with different colored quarks, bosons and leptons. Gravitational lensing can only show the existence of the matter, it still takes some quantum mechanics to explain the distribution of energy amongst the subatomic particles. Much is still unknown and theory however. Pass me your two cents on the matter (no pun intended ) MuscleScience, it would be interesting to see another view on the matter at hand.

  18. #258
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    Here is one I don't understand.

    How is someones voice for example able to be packaged into an EM source and then transmitted then reproduced back as sound either from radio or telephone signals?
    One method is the pressure in microphone causes a piezo crystal to create voltage which is sent down line to create another voltage through another piezo crystal, which in turn creates pressure through the speaker.

  19. #259
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    Quote Originally Posted by auslifta View Post
    One method is the pressure in microphone causes a piezo crystal to create voltage which is sent down line to create another voltage through another piezo crystal, which in turn creates pressure through the speaker.
    Right the peizoelectric effect, but how is it that this can be used to generate a tv image? Or is it the same mechanism???
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

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    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

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  20. #260
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    Mr. Rose?!?
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

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    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

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  21. #261
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    How does a prion convert normal proteins into prion proteins? Does it break hydrogen bonds, or does it cause dipole moments which effect the tertiary structure of the normal protein?

  22. #262
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    Is it physically possible for a man to suck a golf ball through a garden hose? Wouldn't it be subject to the inside diamater of said garden hose relative to the length. Not to mention the amount of suction created from the man. Or would the suction amount only be relative to the speed at which the golf ball would travel through the garden hose? Would the gravitation of the moon during high tide affect the man during this feat? And would it be easier doing this at sea level verses high in the mountains of Silverton Colorado at 9,218 feet?

  23. #263
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    Mr. Rose?!?
    Sorry MuscleScience, i just home from an interstate trip, thought i would check up on the board before i headed to bed. I'll be back tomorrow after work to answer your questions boys and to finish our discussion MS.

  24. #264
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Rose View Post
    Sorry MuscleScience, i just home from an interstate trip, thought i would check up on the board before i headed to bed. I'll be back tomorrow after work to answer your questions boys and to finish our discussion MS.
    miss me???

  25. #265
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevey_6t9 View Post
    miss me???

    hehe jks

  26. #266
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    i have a vial of either test prop or sustanon , how do i tell what it is without pinning it?

  27. #267
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    Are Copper Bowls Really Better for Whipping Egg Whites?

  28. #268
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    Last edited by BJJ; 08-21-2010 at 10:59 AM.

  29. #269
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    Mr. Rose,

    How good are you at geophysics?

  30. #270
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    how do you cure cancer? bet ive got you stuck now~!

  31. #271
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    What did u get for chemistry in ur HSC? I'm failing hard, its breakin my balls

    edit: oh and i might see u next year at uni if i manage to get a high enough uai/atar
    Last edited by IMunchRoidz; 09-08-2010 at 06:33 AM.

  32. #272
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    Mr. Rose,

    How good are you at geophysics?
    Post your question away!

    Quote Originally Posted by IMunchRoidz View Post
    What did u get for chemistry in ur HSC? I'm failing hard, its breakin my balls

    edit: oh and i might see u next year at uni if i manage to get a high enough uai/atar
    How does top 15 in the state sound? What you need help in? Let me know when your at the University of Sydney and ill drop by and say hey.

    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
    Are Copper Bowls Really Better for Whipping Egg Whites?
    Do i look liek a cook? haha. I read up on it, and i can see the the theory behind it, so yes it really is better, but i doubt much copepr ions will migrate away from the bowl unless you use a whisk with a higher hardness factor.

    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    How does a prion convert normal proteins into prion proteins? Does it break hydrogen bonds, or does it cause dipole moments which effect the tertiary structure of the normal protein?
    My biological knowledge base is fairly limited at this time, especially on specifics such as prions, musclesciene would better anwear this. But i did read up on the two theory's associated with prion replication and i have to say i agree with theory in fibrils and their linear propagation and then fibril breakages.

    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post

    Dark matter does not interact with any know EM energy source whether it be visible light, xray, gamma Ray ect. This is how this form of matter got it's name because it can not be physically seen in a direct manner. Only it's gravitational effects can be measured. For example the Hubble Space Telescope mapped regions of dark matter only by measuring the gravitational lensing effect. Basically this form of matter is invisible, if you shined dark matter with a flash light, you would not see any light being reflected back. Essientially the light would pass right through the matter as though it wasn't there. It simply does not interact with the dark manner in any measurable way.
    From what I've read dark matter particles scatter of nuclei, to me this is an interaction with our spectrum. I am no theoretical physicist, and i stated not to post question of this kind because there is no definitive answer, just theories. I can understand the attempt of physicists to explain that dark matter is the building blocks of matter itself, it seems to make sense, but until we develop better direct and indirect detection methods we will never know. For example we have many gamma-ray telescopes, positron detectors, majorana particle detectors, cryogenic detectors and noble liquid detectors just to name a few, and noen have been 100% on anything.

  33. #273
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    Okay, Mr. Rose, here it goes. It is MOST IMPORTANTLY that you explain what you are doing.

    A combined seismic reflection and seismic refraction experiment is carried out using a single source placed at S (see attached figure) and recievers distributed along the surface from S continuously to the right (i.e. from S to A and also beyond A). The subsurface comprises a single layer overlying a half space. The layer has a P-wave velocity of 2,500 m/s and the half space has a P-wave velocity of 4,000 m/s. The boundary between the layer and the half space is inclined at 5 degrees from a point vertically beneath S to a point vertically beneath A. The boundary then is inclined upwards at an angle of 4 degrees (see figure). Using this information calculate and plot (on a time vs. distance plot) the following:

    (a) travel times for direct waves
    (b) travel times for reflections from the down dipping portion of the boundary
    (c) travel times for reflections from the up dipping portion of the boundary
    (d) travel times for refracted waves from the up dipping portion of the boundary
    (e) critical distance for refractions from the up dipping portion of the boundary

    Does any part of the surface receive reflections from both the down dipping and up dipping portions of the boundary? If so, please indicate that portion of the surface.

    Finally use your time-distance plot to identify and locate the various crossing distances.

    **Note that the figure is not to scale, so you cannot just simply use Snell's Law.** Both attachments are the same figure, just one is a PDF and the other is a JPEG. So whatever works better for you, as you need to print it out.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Ask Mr.Rose any Science/Maths/Engineering/Chemistry/Physics Question.-geophysicsfigure1.jpg  
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  34. #274
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    Sweet. Ok I'm going to troll my library for applied geophysics textbooks to find some equations. Any particular equations/laws/theory's you recommend or any particular textbooks?

  35. #275
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Rose View Post
    Sweet. Ok I'm going to troll my library for applied geophysics textbooks to find some equations. Any particular equations/laws/theory's you recommend or any particular textbooks?

    I'll have to check tomorrow for possible equations.

    The textbook though is "Looking Into The Earth: An Introduction to Geological Geophysics" by Alan E. Mussett and M. Aftab Khan

    In that book, probably chapters 5-7. You got PM.
    Last edited by xlxBigSexyxlx; 09-14-2010 at 10:31 PM.

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    Ok i just gotta find some relevant propagation equations for this problem. Shouldn't be hard at all. When is this due btw?

  37. #277
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Rose View Post
    Ok i just gotta find some relevant propagation equations for this problem. Shouldn't be hard at all. When is this due btw?
    Next Wednesday. The 22nd or 23rd. The sooner the better though. I have a lot on my plate these next couple weeks. lol, I hate it!

  38. #278
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    Hey bigS, just so you don't freak thinking i aint doing it, i am . Still gotta do a few things, ill scan it up probably by tonight.

    How are you going with it?

  39. #279
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    Well i went through a bit, but the only thing im sure about is what I am about to post below in the scan. The only problem i have is trying to understand a years worth of geophysics in a day, hahaha. I'm pretty sure you got the shit i posted down already, it wasnt hard, im trying to do the rest but im got to understand the principles first. Still working on it.

  40. #280
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    ****...i did something with partial derivatives and found out I was way off today.... **** me.

    btw, that scan came out blurry for some reason

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