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01-31-2014, 11:59 PM #11161
02-01-2014, 12:00 AM #11162
Hello Dad
02-01-2014, 12:02 AM #11163
02-01-2014, 12:03 AM #11164
02-01-2014, 12:03 AM #11165
02-01-2014, 12:29 AM #11166
Rep range The ideal rep range for building size and stimulating hypertrophy is the 6 to 12 reps. Less than 6 reps will more or less increase strength and a degree of size, performing more than 12 reps will help build muscle endurance. Make sure that your reps fall within this range and your hitting true positive failure for the best chance of hypertrpohy. If your implementing one of the beyond failure methods such as forced & negs, rest pause or dropsetting you use a weight what is heavy enough to bring your positive failure at the low end of the rep range. An example for rest pause you use a weight what you will hit true positive failure at around the 4th rep then you would rest for around 10-15 seconds and do another couple of reps, then rest again for another 10-15 seconds and hit another 2 reps with the same weight. In total your doing 8 reps which is within range and your going to failure on each rest pause so you have a high chance of stimulating the right fibers to produce the best gains. As your rep range and strength increases towards a total of 12 reps you simple increase the weight being used so your constantly increasing intensity and overload, the two keys principles of any HIT programme. You use feeler sets to determine what weight you will be using on your working set, as you use different methods like dropsetting always makes sure you don't drop the weight to much so your not going over 12 reps in total. If you are you need to be using heavier weight on the drops so your rep range hits below the 12 reps in total. I always like to use around the 8 rep range in total and increase the reps upwards until I feel i can increase the weight so my rep range falls around the 8 rep range again. We are aiming for maximum muscle fiber recruitment hitting these rep ranges at failure will have the greatest potential for muscular growth. The above advice is for someone who is already advanced and is looking to build bigger thicker muscles, its not for someone who is building a base and foundation because these people can really benefit from using a lower rep range aswell as the above.
Stimulating growth
Remember going to true positive failure like I've describe previously hits the toughest muscle fibers what grow the biggest these are the fast twitch type 2b fibers, you hit these fibers and you will have the biggest chance of increasing in size. What we are aiming for is progression overload so you keep hitting the muscles with an increased weight so they need to change and adapt to the overload its being put under. This kind of continuous stress will have a reaction on the body and it will have no other alternative but to grow. We keep within the right rep range what stimulates the biggest growth and we continuously try and increase the intensity by increasing the reps then once the reps increase you increase the weight to bring the reps down within the correct range again. I can't stress enough about taking your muscle to true positive failure, this takes a lot of mental preparation. Before any muscle contraction occurs it originates from the brain sending signals to the nerves, the stronger the signal the more forceful the muscle contraction, in other words control your mind set pre working set and you will be in the best position to take your body to failure and beyond. I've commented many times how I go about doing my mental preparation but you master the mental side and you will see huge leaps in achieving your goals.Release the aggression by talking to your inner self and you will take your body to places its never been before. Stimulate growth by overloading your body to a state were its screaming for you to stop and no matter what you couldn't do one more rep even if your life depended on it, if you don't train in this fashion your not training hard enough.
Advanced training techniques
Forced and negatives
When your going to be implementing forced and negatives you need to be using a weight what your going to be hitting around the 3-4 rep range at true positive failure, then your spotter with help you with another 2 reps. I say 2 reps because its about the limit you can do once you have come to true positive failure and your partner is taking some of the weight off you, these forced reps will dig very deep into your muscle fiber recruitment. Once you have finished the forced reps the weight will be at the starting position and you start to complete negatives by lowering the weight very slowly, make sure you resist and fight the weight coming down and once at the bottom your partner will assist you to get the weight to the top of again and you will do another negative and you keep going until you cant do another negative, usually its around 2 negatives. Negatives done at this stage of a working set after positive muscle failure causes serious trauma to the muscle which will stimulate the release of growth factors. Your also 40% stronger on the eccentric part of the lift so once you hit failure in the lifting part of the exercise by yourself and adding forced with your partner the negatives will take you beyond and recruit further fibres like nothing I've experienced with any other training routine. Once this as been hit there is no need to do anything else because the damage has occurred and no more can be recruited only burn out and exhaustion. If we add the reps up you would be doing around 3-4 reps on the positive then 2 forced and then around 2 negative so in total your hitting around the 8 rep range. You have 3 strengths you have the positive, static and negative, the negative causes the most damage to the muscle and is the biggest cause of DOMS, you master negatives and you will see a huge improvement in muscle size and fullness.
Rest Pause
Again use a weight what you will be hitting true positive failure around the 3-4 reps range, put the weight down and rest for around 10-15 seconds which should give you around another 2 reps, then repeat and rest again and hit another 2+ reps again. Your completing a set of around 8 reps than you would normally use but your rest a couple of times within the set for around 10-15 second so you recover just enough to complete another 2 reps each time. This will recruit those tough type 2b muscle fibers and if you use your feeler sets correctly you can really cause some serious damage to your muscle and create an extreme amount of over load your body isn't use to. I like the 8 rep total mark but this isn't set in stone, you may prefer 10 reps in total or even 6 but just try and makes ure your in the 6-12 rep range and work from that to increase the intensity and overload.
Drop sets
This method needs a bit more thinking about but first lets explain what a drop set is. If we use DB curls for an example you would pick a weight again were you would be hitting around 3-4 reps at true positive failure and then get a set of lighter DB's and rep again for another couple of reps and then drop the weight again and curl another set of lighter bells for another 2-3 reps. You have to make sure you drop the weight enough to make sure you get around 2-3 reps out at failure but make sure you don't drop the weight to much, if your repping loads of reps out remember your trying to be hitting around the 8 rep range so when your doing your feeler sets its crucial to make the lighter db set just enough so you keep within the total rep range. Halfs/quarters or partials With partials you are doing a standard working set to which will involve you conducting a strict full range of motion to true positive failure, at this stage you would carry on doing half reps until its impossible to complete another half rep then do a quarter reps right down till you cant move the weight. A fine example would be DB side laterals were you would do strict reps till failure then carry on doing half reps so the DB's are only coming up half way then keep going till your hardly moving the weight from the side. There will be a bit of body assistance and sloppy form come into play towards the end but at this stage its fine just to get those deep muscle fibers working by going beyond failure. Extremely effective way to recruit those tough fibers we require with a constant tension approach.
Hit Supersets
Hit supersets entail you doing one exercise right after another with very little rest as in-between the two movements. With these types of supersets your still hitting the 6-12 rep range so your not doing anymore than 12 reps over two exercises, this is very important. Example you would go to true positive failure lets say on DB shoulder press and be at failure around the 5-6 rep then go straight into db side laterals for another 6 reps at the most which would be failure again. You have to make sure you use the right weight to hit the correct rep range so you don't go over the 12 rep ceiling otherwise you will trigger the muscle endurance and exhaustion and you wont tap into the tough fibers we require. Great examples is coupling compounds movements with isolation.Combination This protocol would consist of a combination of any of the above methods, you could use rest pause and on the second rest pause you may not be able to do anymore reps so you could go straight into a drop set to finish the working set of to failure and beyond. You could even use drop sets with partials on the last drop set to really increase the burn and intensity. The combination is endless, its how you feel to complete the workings set and what you need to do to make sure its a productive one. These are great for a back up plan if your working set starts to go wrong for any reason.
Using the above protocols is extremely tasking on your body and CNS so you need to make sure the training session are short but intense enough to stimulate growth. You also need to make sure you rest enough and have a good solid diet to suit your requirements. There is one thing for sure its impossible to train like this correctly for weeks on end, no matter how anabolic you are your going to need to pull back on the above movements and decrease the intensity and let the body fully repair and heal. This doesn't mean you have to stop training in this style just take a pullback training routine for a few weeks and lower the intensity and increase the rest days. Cortisol will fight against muscle growth so if you experience any over training symptoms its time to change things around to help your body repair and heal.
Feel sets The feel sets are sets what you will do previous your working set, these sets are done so you can determine what weight you will be doing on your working set. Sometimes on my first feeler set it feels light and I'm very powerful so the next feeler set I will put some poundage on and see how that feels, again if that feels easy I know I can go heavier on my working set. I also take in consideration what I am going to be doing whether its forced and negs or rest pause or drops, I just judge a weight what I will be hitting failure around the 4th - 6th rep mark or less and then incorporate the beyond failure protocols. I also remember what I did last time I did that movement because in the back of my mind I know I have to overload my body. I am always pushing heavier weights or trying to increase the intensity
Food is a major player when we are building muscle tissue or shredding bf. We need to eat enough energy releasing foods to fuel our workouts and also to promote muscle building. Nutrition is a very individual thing and nothing is set in stone no matter who tells you it is, its not. We are all different and have different levels of activity and we need to establish a baseline diet and work off this to suit your needs and goals. Make no mistake if you want to grow bigger thicker muscles than your going to have to eat big, train big and be consistent with everything you do. Once you establish your maintenance diet you can put a strategy together to add muscle and body weight or shred body fat. Learning how your body responds to different amounts of calories will be one most beneficial things you can do because this will open a plan to determine how you go about attacking and achieving your goals
02-01-2014, 12:31 AM #11167
muscle fibers
With HIT training we are specifically trying to stimulate a certain type of muscle fiber. We have different muscle fibers in the body and once you know how to train certain ones and the importance of making these grow you can design the ideal training routine to suit your goals. We are all aiming to add muscle tissue and we have to put ourselves under stress by progressively overloading our bodies so they have no alternative but to grow. All muscle contraction starts by nerves being activated, the stronger the nerve signal the more forceful muscle contraction can be applied to the lift. The nerves first get activated by the brain and this is where the mind muscle connection comes into play. I am always saying that you must get yourself in the right mind set for the working set, there are many ways to do this and ive explained many ways in my thread how I go about doing it, but the stronger the mind before the working set the better contraction and force can be applied to the muscle fibers. We can all do 10 reps with a certain weight but you can also really think about those ten reps and really activate the contraction in the muscle and work that muscle to the max and those reps will feel completely different. This is what separates a lot of people so before I move on really think about how you do reps and work that particular muscle to its max. I've seen many members saying they are doing so many reps with a certain amount of weight but I can say I bet a lot aren't really activating that muscle group to the max. Remember everything starts from within your brain, your inner self and how you go about attacking that working set. You have seen how I describe the zone I get myself into just prior to my working set and this is the zone you need to be in to fully work those muscle fibers to the max.
We are after activating the motoneurons within the network of nerves which is the signal for the muscle to contact, we have many different sizes but we are only interested in the large motonerurons which activate the large muscle fibers. We have slow switch and fast twitch fibers within the body and we are all made up of different amounts, that's why some of us grow bigger and faster and others struggle growing big thick muscles. Usually the guys who struggle with adding slabs of tissue on their frame are the guys who have more slow twitch fibers than fast, and the guys who are more genetically gifted with bodybuilding are the one who have more fast twitch. But either way you need to activate the fast twitch fibers and give yourself the best chance of building bigger larger muscles.The slow twitch ones are the ones what are more suited for endurance and are very resistant to fatigue the aerobic type athletes have a higher amount of these fibers over fast twitch.
Fast twitch muscle fibers are the ones we are concerned with activating and working. There are two types 2a and 2b. The type 2a ones are fibers which get activated when doing higher reps ranges lets say more than 12-15 reps, they are also the fibers what come into action around the 6-12 rep range. Type 2a fibers when activated correctly can grow in size and this is what many people tend to activate and see growth from when they start training. The type 2b fast twitch fibers are the ones what I adore lol these babies are the foundations of building bigger thicker muscles, if you activate these correctly they can grow tremendously in size and grow about 4 times the size of the 2a fast twitch fibers can, so you can see these are the ones what make the difference, but stimulating both type 2a and 2b fast twitch is getting the best out of both worlds but my personal aim and priority is to stimulate the type 2b fast twitch fibers and seriously breakdown these to get me some serious size on my frame.
What's the best way to stimulate the 2b fast twitch muscle fibers I hear you asking, well ive described it all the way through my thread but let me go over it again so you understand how important it is to have the right mind set what I speak of all the time and what kind of stimulation is needed to activate these tough fibers. Usually during a set of about 6-12 reps the type 2a are activated, you know the sets were your repping away and start struggle a little bit and rack it and move on. In basic terms your not going to true positive failure (I can go on and on what true positive failure is but trust me it takes along time to push your body to this limit and a lot of mental dedication its an advance training protocol) now if you took your set to true positive failure and you cant do anymore this is the time when the type 2b fast twitch fibers are activated, once you activate these fibers this is the best potential to really make your muscle grow bigger and thicker.
You will grow with normal sets and reps with modest intensity but if you want serious growth than you have to take your working set to true positive failure, this means using a weight what is heavy enough to make that working set very difficult and then going past true positive failure. Remember the type 2a fast twitch do all do all the work until you get to true positive failure then the type 2b come into play and these are the ones what produce the biggest gains in muscle size. You have to progressively overload your body each time you train, this means add more weight (or reps until you can add more weight) to stimulate growth, you also need to make sure your activating the type 2b fast twitch fibers which only get involved when you go to true positive failure. Your rep range needs to be between 6-12 reps at the failure point, I prefer around 6-8 reps range at failure. This is why its wise to have a partner when trying to activate the type 2b fast twitch fibers because you may think your going to positive failure but you wont be you need that reassurance of a partner who can just take that small amount of weight of the bar at true positive failure so you can mentally get past this sticking point. There are many advance protocols what you can use to get yourself to true positive failure which I've discussed in my thread.
HIT training will activate the tough type 2b muscle fibers and going to true positive will recruit all the muscle fibers which will give you the best chance of some serious tissue growth. Using advance training protocols like drop sets, rest pause, forced, negatives, supersets and even partials can be used to further your beyond failure training to help you activate the type 2b fast twitch fibers.
02-01-2014, 07:04 AM #11168
Wow, this prednisolone the Dr put me on for the inner ear infection is bloating me something crazy
. Supposed to have a casual night at work tonight if all hell doesn't break loose. Should be sitting down a good bit, ordering materials for upcoming projects, little bit of programming, etc. Was considering hitting the back today, but I may go with legs instead.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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02-01-2014, 08:41 AM #11169
Hit legs hard yesterday
Started with leg press for warmup started with 1 plate per side adding a plate every set til I hit the 6th set working got 5 reps and 5 forced with hands pushing my knees
Squats: 2 feel sets 1 working with 2 drops
Leg extensions: 1 feel, 2 working 2 drops on the first 3 drops on second
Lying leg curls: 2 feel sets, 2 working with 2 and 3 drops.
Legs were shot. While stretching between sets on the curls my legs buckled under my body weight. It was a good session
Off to hit delts and arms now.
02-01-2014, 04:47 PM #11170
02-01-2014, 04:52 PM #11171
Perfect timing on the repost Marcus. I was just thinking how I needed a refresher on said topic.
02-02-2014, 05:27 AM #11172
Just done back this morning and it was perfectly executed, my back exploded and feels very pumped. Lasted 45 mins and then did 20 mins cardio
I could fly with these wings now
02-02-2014, 06:00 AM #11173
Apparently I was overly positive thinking I could lift yesterday. Ended up getting the wife to massage my traps by rolling a baseball over them. I had bumped up the weight on shrugs Friday and tried to be super strict on form. Seems to have done the trick.
Headed by the grocery when I leave work and then today will be leg day.
Last edited by almostgone; 02-02-2014 at 06:16 AM.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.
02-02-2014, 08:00 AM #11174
02-02-2014, 08:05 AM #11175
02-02-2014, 08:20 AM #11176
I had been going to a walk in chiropractic clinic but he just wasn't doing anything for my lower back so yesterday I made an appointment with this lady I had seen in the past. I had almost instant relief and I just feel all around better upon waking this morning. As a result I had an amazing delt workout yesterday . I have been doing pre-exhaust for quite a while and yesterday I whent right into Smith machine presses. I warmed up then threw 275 on, I usually use 225 on these. I was able to get 4 reps on my own then 2 forced then dropped to 225 and got 3 more and 2 forced. I felt great. It's amazing how mentally draining a nagging injury can be and what a difference it makes when it goes away.
02-02-2014, 08:31 AM #11177
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Nice... What do you think she did differently?
02-02-2014, 08:55 AM #11178
Well..... Last night I chased a guy in the snow. Tore a ligament in my knee. I'm almost 100% positive...... I can't even bend it without pain.
No Insurance either so I'm going to have to figure something out. This job should but probably won't cover it.
02-02-2014, 09:01 AM #11179
02-02-2014, 09:03 AM #11180
02-02-2014, 09:09 AM #11181
Originally Posted by thunderthor70
They're not telling me anything. They made no mention of it. They're cheap and I'm afraid to push it and get fired a month or two later. It's how they work
02-02-2014, 09:16 AM #11182
02-02-2014, 09:17 AM #11183
02-02-2014, 09:25 AM #11184
Originally Posted by thunderthor70
Originally Posted by kelkel
I wanted to slap her.....
02-02-2014, 09:31 AM #11185
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Originally Posted by Hazard
I know you've worked really hard to get yourself in a position to hunt - but these guys just do not seem to care about their employees after what you've told me. Like I mentioned the other day, the reciprocity factor (loyalty up, loyalty down) seems to be non-existent with them. How do they expect their troops to be loyal to them when they show no type of commitment the other way?
There has to be other options for hunting in your region man.
My suggestion - go get your injury checked out and, if it's serious, i.e. A torn ligament, then notify them of your injury and request they notify their WC insurance carrier (which is what they're supposed to do anyway). If they refuse, call a lawyer bro. I know that's disappointing and not what you want to hear but they need to do the right thing and not walk all over their dedicated employees.
You would win the case and at least get a settlement which would give you time to heal and find another position.
Frustrated for you brother.
02-02-2014, 09:35 AM #11186
02-02-2014, 09:40 AM #11187
02-02-2014, 10:25 AM #11188
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Originally Posted by thunderthor70
02-02-2014, 10:28 AM #11189
02-02-2014, 10:50 AM #11190
Haz sorry to hear that, def take igi advice man. But hoping its not that serious
02-02-2014, 10:54 AM #11191
arms today
Close grip
2 warm, 1feel, 1 workingx6
Db overheads
1 feel, 1 working x 7 drop x 2
Preacher bar pull downs
1 feel, 1 working x 6 RP x 2 drop x 3
One hand reverse cable pulls
1 feel 1 working x 7 drop 3
Bent over iso curl
1 feel, 1 working x 7 drop x 4
Incline curls
1 feel 1 working x 6 drop x 3
1 feel 1 working x 6 RP x 1.5...drop x 2
02-02-2014, 10:59 AM #11192
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Damn Sfla looks vicious bro. Nice work. I like it.
02-02-2014, 11:03 AM #11193
02-02-2014, 11:03 AM #11194
02-02-2014, 11:04 AM #11195
So I need a little help or I out, starting this week or next I've increased hours to work and on top of my number one priority which is college, I may have to drop to a 3 day split.
The split I was thinking is:
Back and shoulders
Chest and arms
Can HIT still be implemented effectively to this split? There will be less sets per muscle group but will still go to failure on each.
I will add cardio in on off days but my gym doesn't open early enough or late enough to make a 4 day split for awhile anyway until I settle into this new routine.
Any advice would help greatly!
02-02-2014, 11:14 AM #11196
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Originally Posted by Sfla80
02-02-2014, 11:15 AM #11197
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Originally Posted by Sfla80
02-02-2014, 11:16 AM #11198
02-02-2014, 11:16 AM #11199
I just started to look into HIT again (researched awhile ago) and one of the splits I've come across and modified a little was a 3-day Upper Body Push/Pull and Legs. Looks like this:
Day 1 - (Pull) - Chest, Shoulders, Tris
Day 2 - Lower body
Day 3 - (Push) - Back, Bis
Others on here more versed in HIT might be able to give you better input though.
02-02-2014, 11:18 AM #11200
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Originally Posted by -KJ-
HIT can certainly still be implemented, Ive found that hit routines get me in and out of the gym much faster anyway.
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So far so good, they seem to be doing what they’re supposed to.
Expired dbol (blue hearts)