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  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shsm View Post
    Heres a mobile link incase you're on your smartphone like some of us:

    His friend count has dropped from 124 to 117 since I found his page.

    **His mother was a teacher at the school according to CBS


    I apologize for the false alarm. CBS already exposed his pictures on the broadcast to all of America. Poor guy.

    Huge money coming for this kid. Freedom of speech and right to bare arms at its finest today

  2. #42
    Shsm is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rwy View Post
    Huge money coming for this kid. Freedom of speech and right to bare arms at its finest today
    No kidding...he'll never be riding the bus again after this.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    I know a lot of people will be back on the ban the guns band wagon. But lets think about this. If a killer or killers want to kill that wont stop them unfortunately. They can just as easily obtain propane tanks filled with propane and put time delay fuses on them and put them in the schools or where ever and still produce the same terror. Or like terrorists they can fill a van up with fertilizer and use it as a weapon. Hell there are lots of web sites that tell how easy it is to produce such destructive devices. We need to figure out what is making these people snap and go postal like they are or lose all of our freedoms and end up like a Russia or China or England where there are cameras every where you walk drive or stay and everything you do or say is recorded. But to Englands credit crime is less over there. It just sucks that drastic measure have to be enforced to try to stop the lunatics these days.
    After reading this i'm curious, how would you feel about armed security guards in school? I've always thought it would be a good idea. Maybe it could stop things like this from happening

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Armykid93 View Post
    After reading this i'm curious, how would you feel about armed security guards in school? I've always thought it would be a good idea. Maybe it could stop things like this from happening
    Well I think we need to look back into history say back in the 50 or 60's and see what has changed to cause this. And then try to fix it so we don't have to go to the drastic measures of making schools look like prisons. Something major has changed since then and until we can figure it out nothing will work..IMO Obviously one thing has changed and that is how little life is now valued here in the US and elsewhere. And society has definitely changed since then as we no longer live in a two parent environment like Leave IT To Beaver where the entire family has meals together and talks about their day at school or work etc. And now it seems no one is accountable for their actions as everything is excused by the psychiatrist telling us well the kid went postal due to him not getting a gerbil when he was 5 so it wasn't his fault. But then again look at all the drugs all the kids are now on. And I'm talking the legal ones like prozac and ritalin. There are a butt load of kids on these drugs and no one knows the long term affects.....till now...Hmmmm..Eh who knows

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rwy View Post
    Huge Gun reform coming and its about time. I sit here saying I need to get a gun to protect myself from people like this but the body line for every 100 people that are sane you have one person out there that isnt and this is what happens. There isnt even a punishment for these people bc half the time they kill themselves.

    I am going to the hobbit right now. I dont even know if I want to go.
    Funny you mention gun reform. China doesn't have guns like we have in nearly every home but they are killing their kids just as fast as us only using knives. 32 children were killed just here while back over there by a knife toting killer at a local school. We can outlaw weapons till the cows come home and they will still find a way to kill. Until we find the root cause and fix it were screwed...

  6. #46
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    While I agree with closing loopholes in gun laws chances are these assholes would have passed no problem, simple truth is most of these psychopaths do not have a felony criminal history.

    As far as lack of gun laws being the problem, simple fact is that the states with the loosest gun laws have the least violent crimes. Simply because in a carry state if you pull a gun chances are someone who is present will have one also and shoot you dead no trial no jury no plea bargain.

    While a total ban on guns would do a lot of good it would take hundreds of years to clear the illegal guns off the streets meaning that all of us reading this would be denied guns while most all criminals would have them.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigshotvictoria View Post
    I'm trying to make a point that has nothing to do with banning guns or not. I'm gonna go bash my head into the wall, i'll be much less painful. Ban the guns, don't ban the guns, it's not the point I'm trying to make. While both sides argue over guns, a bunch of school children were murdered in cold blood for reasons unknown.

    My thoughts and condolences to all those involved, truly a tragedy.
    I understand what you're saying, banned or not, the psychos are what needs to be addressed. Good sentiment, but not likely, you cant expect or predict a violent act when 75% of the people are "normal" and "just snap" and 2 hours later theres a school or mall shooting, 10% are actually good, thought out plans that are semi/well executed, 5% are just morons who dont know what thier doing and a small percentage are those we KNOW are going to hurt someone. You dont know someones crazy until they do something crazy lol

    **percetages are just for effect, I didnt put a whole lot of research into it, just trying to get an idea across

  8. #48
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    While I agree with closing loopholes in gun laws chances are these assholes would have passed no problem, simple truth is most of these psychopaths do not have a felony criminal history.

    As far as lack of gun laws being the problem, simple fact is that the states with the loosest gun laws have the least violent crimes. Simply because in a carry state if you pull a gun chances are someone who is present will have one also and shoot you dead no trial no jury no plea bargain.

    While a total ban on guns would do a lot of good it would take hundreds of years to clear the illegal guns off the streets meaning that all of us reading this would be denied guns while most all criminals would have them.
    where did you get this fact. Because i have seen the complete opposite.

    9. States with stricter gun control laws have fewer deaths from gun-related violence.
    Last year, economist Richard Florida dove deep into the correlations between gun deaths and other kinds of social indicators. Some of what he found was, perhaps, unexpected: Higher populations, more stress, more immigrants, and more mental illness were not correlated with more deaths from gun violence. But one thing he found was, perhaps, perfectly predictable: States with tighter gun control laws appear to have fewer gun-related deaths. The disclaimer here is that correlation is not causation. But correlations can be suggestive:

    “The map overlays the map of firearm deaths above with gun control restrictions by state,” explains Florida. “It highlights states which have one of three gun control restrictions in place – assault weapons’ bans, trigger locks, or safe storage requirements. Firearm deaths are significantly lower in states with stricter gun control legislation. Though the sample sizes are small, we find substantial negative correlations between firearm deaths and states that ban assault weapons (-.45), require trigger locks (-.42), and mandate safe storage requirements for guns (-.48).”
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  9. #49
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    I'm sick of all this guns are to blame, drugs are to blame, mental illness is to blame and laws are to blame.

    It comes down to a lack of good old fashioned home values taught to us by our parents. The family structure has broken down and therefore the values we learned as children are no longer being taught to our youth. It's time to get back to where we were 40-50 years ago!

  10. #50
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    How could I not think about my 6 yr old daughter , dropped off at school this am? I cant even fvcking imagine.

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by lstbred View Post
    I understand what you're saying, banned or not, the psychos are what needs to be addressed. Good sentiment, but not likely, you cant expect or predict a violent act when 75% of the people are "normal" and "just snap" and 2 hours later theres a school or mall shooting, 10% are actually good, thought out plans that are semi/well executed, 5% are just morons who dont know what thier doing and a small percentage are those we KNOW are going to hurt someone. You dont know someones crazy until they do something crazy lol

    **percetages are just for effect, I didnt put a whole lot of research into it, just trying to get an idea across
    But people don't "just snap". There are signs. Often these people have been mentally ill for ages and A)The signs weren't recognized or B)They were recognized, but the support required for the person to function wasn't available/ wasn't enough. I work front line health care on the streets and deal with the mentally ill daily, many of which are very capable or have hurt others in the midst of a psychosis. We have a father on trial right now in my neck of the woods who had been diagnosed bipolar, but others missed the signs of his manic state. He repeatedly stabbed his son to death because voices told him in order to save the world he must kill his son. Now lets just say for arguments sake that he shot his son, would removing the gun have stopped his psychosis from driving him to murder his son?

    So the sad fact is, if we don't know someone is crazy, more often than not it's because we didn't recognize the signs. Sometimes there just wasn't the necessary tools in place when we do know; James Holmes was seeing a specialist in schizophrenia before he entered that theatre in the depths of psychosis, he didn't just snap out of nowhere.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we need to lock up the crazies, in fact I strongly advocate for increases to mental health prevention, treatment, and support. But one has to ask the questions. Why did they do it? What could we have done to prevent it? These are much better than "Lets take the guns away" and will produce much better results.

    In fact you couldn't be more wrong, and people like you making up facts and numbers are the reason the stigma around mental health exists, and the reason it's so much harder for the few advocates the mentally ill have as it sways general opinion into believing in falsehood. This stigma means cuts in funding for mental health, which directly leads to mentally ill not receiving the support they need and unleashing them unto the world broken and capable of anything in the depth of psychosis.
    Last edited by Bigshotvictoria; 12-14-2012 at 03:11 PM.

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    How could I not think about my 6 yr old daughter , dropped off at school this am? I cant even fvcking imagine.
    Jimmy, i couldnt imagine.

    just found out i have a cousin. Dont know them, they are distant who was at the school. Thankfully she if fine
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  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    Jimmy, i couldnt imagine.

    just found out i have a cousin. Dont know them, they are distant who was at the school. Thankfully she if fine
    The one time I'm envious of you not having kids Gixx...with these wack job incedents happening it's a fear every day. I've read some of the FB posts of high school kids my daughter goes to school with. There is at least one of these wound up wack jobs going to every school in the country!

  14. #54
    senorrebo is offline Associate Member
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    Absolutely ****ing horrible. I can't imagine the holiday season will ever be the same for the families affected.

  15. #55
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    I disagree, people do just snap, not all, but some. One thing people are seeming to forget is YOU DONT HAVE TO BE CRAZY TO KILL PEOPLE, we as society put this stigma on everyone of these people, an excuse if you will, "he did it because he was bi-polar" Someone could be pissed off and start taking people out, not having a conscience or any type of feeling towards other people doesnt in its self make you crazy, they might do a crazy act but that doesnt mean you have mental issues.

  16. #56
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    Seems like they can never just kill themselves, the idiots always take people with them.

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup
    How could I not think about my 6 yr old daughter , dropped off at school this am? I cant even fvcking imagine.
    The parents among us would agree. I have a 5 year old son and daughter who's almost 2. I lost a daughter nearly three years ago. You don't recover from that loss. The wounds run very very deep.
    Last edited by MuscleInk; 12-14-2012 at 03:33 PM.

  18. #58
    senorrebo is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    The parents among us would agree. I have a 5 year old son and daughter who's almost 2. I lost a daughter nearly three years ago. You don't recover from that loss. The wounds run very very deep.
    Sorry for your loss, MI. I lost a daughter 7 years ago. It never gets easier, it just eventually got to a point where I could get out of bed without my first thought being the thought of wrapping an extension cord around my neck.

    I was lucky enough today to get to spend the day at home with my son and though I will only be able to talk to my daughters tonight via Skype, I'll take that any day.

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevelifts View Post
    Seems like they can never just kill themselves, the idiots always take people with them.
    That's a great observation. Yeah if they would just only go off somewhere and kill themselves without having to take any innocent bystanders out with them it wouldn't be so bad. If they are mad or ticked off don't take it out on innocent folks. But they didn't get the memo...

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post

    Well I think we need to look back into history say back in the 50 or 60's and see what has changed to cause this. And then try to fix it so we don't have to go to the drastic measures of making schools look like prisons. Something major has changed since then and until we can figure it out nothing will work..IMO Obviously one thing has changed and that is how little life is now valued here in the US and elsewhere. And society has definitely changed since then as we no longer live in a two parent environment like Leave IT To Beaver where the entire family has meals together and talks about their day at school or work etc. And now it seems no one is accountable for their actions as everything is excused by the psychiatrist telling us well the kid went postal due to him not getting a gerbil when he was 5 so it wasn't his fault. But then again look at all the drugs all the kids are now on. And I'm talking the legal ones like prozac and ritalin. There are a butt load of kids on these drugs and no one knows the long term affects.....till now...Hmmmm..Eh who knows
    Good point. Still think if we had maybe police officers in school, this would happen less

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by senorrebo

    Sorry for your loss, MI. I lost a daughter 7 years ago. It never gets easier, it just eventually got to a point where I could get out of bed without my first thought being the thought of wrapping an extension cord around my neck.

    I was lucky enough today to get to spend the day at home with my son and though I will only be able to talk to my daughters tonight via Skype, I'll take that any day.
    Thanks Senorrebo. I relate to everything you said. The emptiness is a daily reminder of what was and what was lost. You eventually find a way to continue. My regrets and condolences to the parents affected by today'a terrible tragedy.

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post

    The parents among us would agree. I have a 5 year old son and daughter who's almost 2. I lost a daughter nearly three years ago. You don't recover from that loss. The wounds run very very deep.
    sorry for ur lose....I ha e two kids 8 and an d my girlfriend are thinking about home school....actually feared up on this one...just Fu*kn horrible

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Armykid93 View Post
    Good point. Still think if we had maybe police officers in school, this would happen less
    I understand your point, but this is America! And we should be able to solve these problems without having to turn our very schools into a police state. If our grandparents could come together to fight and ultimately win against the Nazi Regime in world war 2 then surely we can solve these issues. And what has changed? I don't remember ever wanting to come to school and blow away everybody. Although there was one dufus there that I wanted to break his legs.

  24. #64
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    Ok not to make light of this terrible tragedy. But...Here goes. Ok guys and girls get ready. The news media is going to run this into the ground and are off to a great start. Every TV station is running nothing but this incident all day long. And tonight TV will probably be preempted as well with Specials like NBC How did this happen, and CBS Why didn't we see and ABC What did we do wrong, and FOX, Why do we deserve this. Well you get the picture. Get ready for a mass dose of this incident. Oh and already all the radio stations are being blanketed by this as well. Again not to make light of this but there is such a thing as overkill on a story and American media doesn't seem to know when to let up..IMO

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va

    Well I think we need to look back into history say back in the 50 or 60's and see what has changed to cause this.
    Shol, the 50's and 60's were just as fvcked up as today. Things just weren't as publicized. Think about minority rights, the way women were treated, the fact that you had to destroy your spouses "good name" to divorce. You could go to jail or be ordered shock treatment for being gay. The national guard opening fire during a Kent State student demonstration, lynchings, mob hits, CIA mind experiments, the Tuskegee Project where we gave blacks syphilis and watched them die. Crap like this has been around forever and violence is our generations cross to bear.

    Is it justified? Hell no. Do we do our best to help end it yes sir. Every generation thinks it can't get any worse. Unfortunately every generation is proven wrong by their children.

    Please don't take what I said as a personal attack. These are merely my opinions. I hold you and the other board members within the highest regard.

  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    Ok not to make light of this terrible tragedy. But...Here goes. Ok guys and girls get ready. The news media is going to run this into the ground and are off to a great start. Every TV station is running nothing but this incident all day long. And tonight TV will probably be preempted as well with Specials like NBC How did this happen, and CBS Why didn't we see and ABC What did we do wrong, and FOX, Why do we deserve this. Well you get the picture. Get ready for a mass dose of this incident. Oh and already all the radio stations are being blanketed by this as well. Again not to make light of this but there is such a thing as overkill on a story and American media doesn't seem to know when to let up..IMO
    don't worry. in two weeks or less, just as in the case of the batman theater shootings, no one will be talking about this and everyone will be back to monday night football and dancing with the stars. it's like I posted in that thread, there have been almost 500 murders in Chicago this year. many kids under 18 and even several toddlers and infants. but no one, including the media, gives a fukc about those people. since there isn't just one shooter using an "ak" as the ignorant media refers to any weapon used in a mass murder, and since there aren't piles of dead bodies in one sensational story, the networks don't find these facts newsworthy.

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigshotvictoria

    But people don't "just snap". There are signs. Often these people have been mentally ill for ages and A)The signs weren't recognized or B)They were recognized, but the support required for the person to function wasn't available/ wasn't enough.
    Apathy and indifference. To help the sick, we need to work on the "well" first.

  28. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by HitIt View Post
    don't worry. in two weeks or less, just as in the case of the batman theater shootings, no one will be talking about this and everyone will be back to monday night football and dancing with the stars. it's like I posted in that thread, there have been almost 500 murders in Chicago this year. many kids under 18 and even several toddlers and infants. but no one, including the media, gives a fukc about those people. since there isn't just one shooter using an "ak" as the ignorant media refers to any weapon used in a mass murder, and since there aren't piles of dead bodies in one sensational story, the networks don't find these facts newsworthy.
    Yeah exactly. I was thinking more along the lines of how many of our young service members were killed today in Afghanistan and not one word about it due to this story taking all else out of the equation by the media...

  29. #69
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    I live about 2 miles from where the first school shooting was, its something that these people wont forget, everytime something like this happens it brings back bad memories for them.

  30. #70
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    yep, time to medicate, and or lock up crazy..
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  31. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rwy View Post
    Huge money coming for this kid. Freedom of speech and right to bare arms at its finest today
    Actually... it sucks to be this dude. He IS NOT the killer according to CNN as of right now. IT WAS HIS YOUNGER BROTHER... and this dude found out WTF is going on through FB and when the FBI grabbed him. Holy shit.... talk about a bad day....

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  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va

    Yeah exactly. I was thinking more along the lines of how many of our young service members were killed today in Afghanistan and not one word about it due to this story taking all else out of the equation by the media...
    I have been thinking about this all day. But if they made a national news conference on every solider killed it doesn't give them a reason to push a agenda that they want to push.

    As a father of 3 and rescue personnel my heart and prayers go out to the men and women who will no longer get to hold their babies. Never be able to kiss them etc. As a rescue personnel I can not imagine the images that will stick with them for the years to come. I have some that stick with me to this day. I have such a heavy heart for all that were effected. Such a sad sad thing. I can't shake it right now, I don't understand these things.

  34. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by AXx View Post
    I have been thinking about this all day. But if they made a national news conference on every solider killed it doesn't give them a reason to push a agenda that they want to push.

    As a father of 3 and rescue personnel my heart and prayers go out to the men and women who will no longer get to hold their babies. Never be able to kiss them etc. As a rescue personnel I can not imagine the images that will stick with them for the years to come. I have some that stick with me to this day. I have such a heavy heart for all that were effected. Such a sad sad thing. I can't shake it right now, I don't understand these things.
    I honestly don't think any of us can or will understand it.

  35. #75
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    I wouldn't be surprised if somehow Steroids are dragged into it.....

  36. #76
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    Well, as tragic as this is, is anyone really surprised?

    I don't want to come off in a cold manner, but cmon...what will it take to admit you guys have a problem over there concerning firearms.

  37. #77
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    they just said the guns he had he purchased legally
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  38. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    While I agree with closing loopholes in gun laws chances are these assholes would have passed no problem, simple truth is most of these psychopaths do not have a felony criminal history.

    As far as lack of gun laws being the problem, simple fact is that the states with the loosest gun laws have the least violent crimes. Simply because in a carry state if you pull a gun chances are someone who is present will have one also and shoot you dead no trial no jury no plea bargain.

    While a total ban on guns would do a lot of good it would take hundreds of years to clear the illegal guns off the streets meaning that all of us reading this would be denied guns while most all criminals would have them.
    Yeah, banning guns isn't going to make them go away. I mean they've made drugs illegal and how difficult is it to get your hands on some?

  39. #79
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    This is an absolute tragedy, but i find it sadly ironic that this is front page news, yet you never hear about the estimated 20,000 people that died of starvation yesterday, dying today, and will die tomorrow. Someone dies of starvation every 3.6 seconds. But this involves kids, right, that makes it different. 15,000,000 children die every year because of starvation. Again, todays events are absolutely tragic, but I can't help but wonder what all these people screaming gun control have done to save a single one of these 15,000,000.

  40. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    they just said the guns he had he purchased legally
    Does it change anything that they were purchased legally or illegally??

    If he is really 20, then purchasing a handgun in the state of CT is ILLEGAL!!!

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