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Thread: Atomini's NOOPEPT log!!!

  1. #321
    Zodiac82's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ElDude View Post

    Got the same scale myself last week, works great! Still waiting for this damn Noopept to get in though!!! Yeesh, I ordered 10g of it 11 days ago and still nothing. The place I ordered it from has the shittiest customer service ever and won't get back to me!
    lol same here I ordered 9 days ago and I just got an email today thats its been sent out today

  2. #322
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    Quote Originally Posted by cancer82

    lol same here I ordered 9 days ago and I just got an email today thats its been sent out today
    I've got good customer service but still takes forever! Tracking says it just got processed in Vancouver, CAN so I should have tomorrow or Wednesday!

  3. #323
    boz's Avatar
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    I have been seeing alot of different capsuels sizes ranging from 0 - 5.

    Which would be the ideal size if im weighing up 10mg caps? Or it doesnt matter?

  4. #324
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    I don't even bother capping it any more, too much hassle. Besides, won't matter any ways now that I am sublingually dosing it all the time now.

  5. #325
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    I don't even bother capping it any more, too much hassle. Besides, won't matter any ways now that I am sublingually dosing it all the time now.
    In saying that, do you know which size would be ideal?

  6. #326
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    I was never aware of what size caps I used. I honestly would buy a bottle of Jamieson brand time released Vitamin C (the one with the little beads in the capsule instead of the tablet), I would open up the capsule and just wash the beads down with water and then stick my Noopept into the capsule. It's a great way of re-using capsules but I don't know what size they are, but I was able to fit 30mg of Noopept into them.

  7. #327
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    I just attempted to mix my Noopept with alcohol and tried to allow it to absorb sublingually. I have a left-over bottle of 108.2 proof (54% alcohol) bottle of Wild Turkey Rare Breed whisky. I measured my Noopept, dumped it into a shot glass, and added maybe a QUARTER of the glass with whiskey, stirred it up until the majority of the powder was dissolved, and then put it under my tongue.

    Conclusions - I feel as though it is much easier to just sublingually dose the Noopept in its powder form rather than dissolve it in alcohol and do it, because the alcohol is much more difficult to remain under the tongue. The good news is that even if some or most of it did not absorb sublingually, whatever was swallowed should get through the GI tract quickly without being broken apart by enzymes or undergo hepatic metabolism. This is because Noopept is soluble in alcohol, meaning that the Noopept molecule contains unique properties that allow it to hold intermolecular forces and unique polarity (chemistry terms) that makes it highly attracted to the alcohol molecule. This means the alcohol should essentially 'force', 'push' or 'facilitate' the Noopept directly through the GI tract quickly into the blood fast enough so that the enzymes and acids don't destroy a lot of it, let alone it reaching hepatic metabolism.

    Therefore, my conclusion is that mixing it in alcohol is good for better absorbtion through the GI tract via typical oral dosing. It is not good for sublingual dosing.

    At the end of the day, I am going to just let the powder rest under the tongue. If I ever need to orally dose Noopept (through the GI tract), then I will mix with alcohol and drink it. I hope this update provided informative for everyone.
    Last edited by Atomini; 01-30-2013 at 06:55 AM.

  8. #328
    Brick's Avatar
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    Just got my noopept.

    Did a 30mg dosage

    I apologize if you mentioned this before but I don't have time to sift through the pages (class soon). But what does it taste like? I put it under tounge and it tasted like shit. A bitter taste I would say. Is this correct?

  9. #329
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    I'm not sure if this is a placebo but it feels like my field of vision is wider. I mean this by even though I am looking at something (my phone for example) I notice and can pay attention to my surroundings better

  10. #330
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    man it tastes like hell

  11. #331
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    Yeah its bitter, mine tastes the same, funky smell to it too.
    mine's from Phoenix Raw nutrition

    So is that little spoon accurate or not ? i took 2 of those little micro spoons twice today. targeting 60mg. says in description it has between 10-15mg a level scoop

  12. #332
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmySidewalk
    man it tastes like hell
    Thanks. It tastes like chemicals made by the devil

  13. #333
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    Yup, i've mentioned that the powder tastes very very bitter and rancid. I've become used to it by now. I have read on other forums that Piracetam is SO HORRIBLE TASTING that it makes Noopept taste GOOD!!! LOL.

    JimmySidewalk, yeah the spoon is not accurate at all, do not use it. You need an accurate microscale for proper measurement and dosing of this stuff. I saw the stupid tiny spoon that came with my powder, I looked at it and I was like "WTF is this shit!?" and threw it away. They claim each scoop is 10 grams. BULLSHIT! I trust my scale, not some stupid spoon meant for ants and spiders. In fact, the tiny spoon/scoop is SO small that when you scoop out a spoonful, you can't even shake the powder out of the spoon, it gets stuck in such a small spoon.

    Once again, you need a microscale for anything measured in mg.

  14. #334
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    So I am in the stand up tanning booth (yes with my phone) and it feels so hot but different. Not hot but more like every part of me is noticing the change in temperature.

  15. #335
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brick View Post
    So I am in the stand up tanning booth (yes with my phone) and it feels so hot but different. Not hot but more like every part of me is noticing the change in temperature.
    still waiting for delivery -_-

  16. #336
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    Received my phenylpiracetam today, contemplating starting a log.

  17. #337
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    Quote Originally Posted by boz View Post
    Received my phenylpiracetam today, contemplating starting a log.

  18. #338
    Edwin23q is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by boz View Post
    Received my phenylpiracetam today, contemplating starting a log.
    Wouldn't hurt mate, I'd be a regular visitor , lol.
    I'm expecting my "real" noopept on Monday.

    Sent from my iPhone using Forum Runner

  19. #339
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    Noopept taste great compared to ciccus powder.

  20. #340
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Noopept taste great compared to ciccus powder.
    ahh i beg to differ lov mate, i just took a sample dose under my tongue, i was so tempted to smashed it down with water or a drink while it was under my tongue, that taste was putrid. Im also supposed to leave it under neath my tongue for at least 15 mins felt like it dissolved quicker than that for me, with my saliva all around it.

  21. #341
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    Quote Originally Posted by boz View Post

    ahh i beg to differ lov mate, i just took a sample dose under my tongue, i was so tempted to smashed it down with water or a drink while it was under my tongue, that taste was putrid. Im also supposed to leave it under neath my tongue for at least 15 mins felt like it dissolved quicker than that for me, with my saliva all around it.
    Have you tasted raw ciccus powder? Noopept doesn't taste good by any means and I can stomach quite a bit but I could not deal with the taste of ciccus powder.

  22. #342
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Have you tasted raw ciccus powder? Noopept doesn't taste good by any means and I can stomach quite a bit but I could not deal with the taste of ciccus powder.
    Cant say i have, in saying that yes im sure there is mush worse tasting things out there, i just wont be looking forward to it everyday or jumping and clapping for joy to doing it the sub method lol.

  23. #343
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Got mine today. Took 20mg tonight and will build up on it from here. Excited with what I'm reading, and hoping to enhance some of my marketing and presentation efforts with my business. Will subscribe to the continued progress of this thread/log.

  24. #344
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    Correct me if i me wrong, im sure atomini mentioned in some of his posts with this pep, that there was no immediate effects, since it has to build up in your system overtime. I took a dose today i went off the pic here with the coins, not sure of the dose lol all i can see is wow. Got my scales on the way.

    quote from atomini found it Well guys, this is exactly what i've been saying thus far. Noopept is not an immediate-effect drug. It is very much like AAS. Nobody experiences gains in the first week or two within starting their cycle!

    - Improving focus and becoming distracted less frequently
    - Elevated mood level, not so much a euphoria, but just a general feeling of clarity and switched on.
    - Quick thinking, no hesitation on what to say next
    - Reduced anxiety levels alot, which i think has alot to do with the sleep benefits i think mentioned by lov
    - Words that i never even use in my vocabulary before, were being spoken verbally in convo which i found weird lol

    I will jot and note all my effects on a day to day basis as im more than likely will do a log noopept vs phen

    Overall atomini is onto something with this product, has not been a disappointment for me.
    Last edited by boz; 01-31-2013 at 02:42 AM.

  25. #345
    007. is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts

    Have you tasted raw ciccus powder? Noopept doesn't taste good by any means and I can stomach quite a bit but I could not deal with the taste of ciccus powder.
    How's your treatment going? I'm still waiting for mine in the mail. Waiting for that good sleep.

  26. #346
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    Yesterday was day one. Beside light changes on how I 'view' and 'see' the world (discussed in earlier post) my sleep changed.

    Let me first state the following:

    1. I am quite possibly the greatest sleeper on this forum.
    A. I have never use sleep aids of any kind
    B. I have slept through the past three earthquakes my province has experience. Not large but large enough for me to have things fall off shelves
    C. I can nap whenever wherever. Got 5 mins in a cab? Done etc

    2. I have an 11 week old son. He sleeps well too (3-4 hours) but still needs to be fed and changed. My gf does most of this but I still wake up to help.
    A. This being stated, I immediately fall asleep after.

    3. My sleep quality is always great. Lots of energy throughout day.

    4. I am horrible with mornings. I often snooze button for an hour plus. Even missing meals because of it.

    I have been cutting hard. This involves morning fasted cardio. On Thursday I have class at 830 and I wanted to get up at 630 for 700 fasted cardio before. This is an hour before I usually do and I am usually RIGHT ON TIME for class. Never early.

    So I went to bed at 11pm. Fell asleep around 12 (gotta get my sex on). I slept through the night. 620 hit. I rolled over. Got up. And went on with my day! Boom baby great success!!!

    Also, I am quite forgetful. Often making 3-4 trips from car to house to get lunch keys etc. I have not forgotten anything and find myself remembering things in anticipation of forgetting them.

  27. #347
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    Quote Originally Posted by boz View Post
    Correct me if i me wrong, im sure atomini mentioned in some of his posts with this pep, that there was no immediate effects, since it has to build up in your system overtime. I took a dose today i went off the pic here with the coins, not sure of the dose lol all i can see is wow. Got my scales on the way.

    quote from atomini found it Well guys, this is exactly what i've been saying thus far. Noopept is not an immediate-effect drug. It is very much like AAS. Nobody experiences gains in the first week or two within starting their cycle!

    - Improving focus and becoming distracted less frequently
    - Elevated mood level, not so much a euphoria, but just a general feeling of clarity and switched on.
    - Quick thinking, no hesitation on what to say next
    - Reduced anxiety levels alot, which i think has alot to do with the sleep benefits i think mentioned by lov
    - Words that i never even use in my vocabulary before, were being spoken verbally in convo which i found weird lol

    I will jot and note all my effects on a day to day basis as im more than likely will do a log noopept vs phen

    Overall atomini is onto something with this product, has not been a disappointment for me.
    For the most part, the bulk of Noopept's neurotropic effects are cumulative and slow-building. HOWEVER, with that being said, there are some immediate effects that I did experience within 30 minutes of taking my very first dose when I first started use. Some individuals may be more responsive and sensitive to Racetams, and will experience immediate effects tempered with the cumulative slow building effects. I seem to be one of those.

    If you are in a high degree of tune with your body and you know how you respond to things, what to look for, and are very aware of your mental and cognitive state on a daily basis, you will definitely see some immediate effects. But the heavy hitting effects of this compound are usually seen a week, two weeks, and further into use. It only continues to build as time progresses.

  28. #348
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    Quote Originally Posted by cancer82 View Post
    lol same here I ordered 9 days ago and I just got an email today thats its been sent out today
    Where did you order from? I am not sure if we can ask/list sources on here? I am assuming so as noopept is legal. I ordered mine from Elevated Labs. Still have not gotten anything from them and it has been 13 days. Ordered noopept on Jan 18th, got an e-mail from them saying it shipped on the 23rd. On the 29th i got an e-mail from them saying it never shipped and that they were re-shipping it that day. Never got a confirmation e-mail that it shipped and still haven't heard from them. Do not order from Elevated Labs, they suck. Posted a comment on their FB page about their shitty service, they took the post down and banned me from their page.

  29. #349
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    Quote Originally Posted by ElDude View Post

    Where did you order from? I am not sure if we can ask/list sources on here? I am assuming so as noopept is legal. I ordered mine from Elevated Labs. Still have not gotten anything from them and it has been 13 days. Ordered noopept on Jan 18th, got an e-mail from them saying it shipped on the 23rd. On the 29th i got an e-mail from them saying it never shipped and that they were re-shipping it that day. Never got a confirmation e-mail that it shipped and still haven't heard from them. Do not order from Elevated Labs, they suck. Posted a comment on their FB page about their shitty service, they took the post down and banned me from their page.
    uhhh well thats not promising news....thats who I ordered from....on the 19th and on the 29th said it has been shipped

  30. #350
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    Quote Originally Posted by cancer82 View Post
    uhhh well thats not promising news....thats who I ordered from....on the 19th and on the 29th said it has been shipped
    Hahaha, yeah. They are frustrating as hell. I ended up order from another place called New Star Nootropics. They seem legit, great reviews and great customer service and they gave me a tracking number. Ordered from them 2 days ago, package should get here this afternoon. Now I am trying to get my $$$ back from Elevated.

  31. #351
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    We need to make a good thread (or perhaps post this in the Noopept informational thread that I made) on which are the best sources to order from now that a lot of us have tested the waters on different Noopept sources out there.

  32. #352
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    Quote Originally Posted by ElDude View Post

    Hahaha, yeah. They are frustrating as hell. I ended up order from another place called New Star Nootropics. They seem legit, great reviews and great customer service and they gave me a tracking number. Ordered from them 2 days ago, package should get here this afternoon. Now I am trying to get my $$$ back from Elevated.
    I used new star. Good to go!

  33. #353
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    I've ordered from an EBay source (25g) and a UK online source (1g). are quite pricy. I ordered just 1g so that I can compare it with the cheap 25g I've ordered from a Chinese source. Once they arrive ill post about quality.

  34. #354
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    Quote Originally Posted by ElDude View Post
    Where did you order from? I am not sure if we can ask/list sources on here? I am assuming so as noopept is legal. I ordered mine from Elevated Labs. Still have not gotten anything from them and it has been 13 days. Ordered noopept on Jan 18th, got an e-mail from them saying it shipped on the 23rd. On the 29th i got an e-mail from them saying it never shipped and that they were re-shipping it that day. Never got a confirmation e-mail that it shipped and still haven't heard from them. Do not order from Elevated Labs, they suck. Posted a comment on their FB page about their shitty service, they took the post down and banned me from their page.
    HUGE Thank you for a heads up. I ordered a bottle, to test out, from Amazon and was planning on ordering bulk from EL. Thanks you for the heads up. I'll look elsewhere.

    As far as effects for me. I have a problem with my mind going faster than my mouth in conversations. Often stumbling at some point and it's as if the "wheel just fell off my train of thought" and I become a loss for words. However a day day or so after starting I've been able to find and use my words more effectively in conversations. That's awesome. I still don't find myself sleeping better or better focus. I started a couple online classes and I find myself drifting off to other thoughts.

    A footnote, I often awake in the middle of the night and my mind starts thinking about what I need to do the next day. It feels like a panic attack, heart racing, elevated adrenaline, etc, but since starting NOOPEPT I still awake with thoughts of what I need to do the next day but I'm much calmer about it.

    I'm very happy with what I'm finding with this stuff right now and will be buying the powder in bulk. Thanks Atomini for starting the brain revolution.

  35. #355
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    I just received my Choline Bitartrate today in the mail, but first I will explain everything that has occurred from the moment I got it until now.

    However, I need to preface this by mentioning a side effect i've been experiencing that I have not yet logged: I started experincing the headaches over the last 3 days, BUT VERY VERY MINOR. The headaches have been so minor in fact that if I didn't think about them, I wouldn't even realize they're there. But I figured the Noopept (alongside my occasional use of Adderall) might have been causing an ever so slight Acetylcholine depletion in my nervous system, but not enough to impact me in a big way. That's why I didn't log it, it wasn't anything affecting me enough to make note of.

    So, I left my house to head to the gym but I first stopped in at the post office to pick up my next batch of Noopept alongside the 1kg giant ass bag of Choline Bitartrate that should last me until such time as the sun expands enough to destroy planet earth (all for a measly 12 bucks or whatever I paid for this massive amount). I was SO excited and wanted to start the Choline right away that right there in the parking lot I pulled out my microscale, put it on the passenger seat, ripped open the bag, and started scooping and measuring it. I measured approximately 2.5g of Choline Bitartrate powder (I plan on using 1-2g daily).

    As I was doing this, someone walked by my car, saw what I was doing, and her jaw dropped and she ran into the post office. I thought to myself "well shit, time to down this crap and head to the gym ASAP before she calls the police thinking i'm some cocaine dealer here". So, BOOM, scooped the powder into my mouth AND I DIDN'T EVEN NEED TO WASH IT DOWN WITH WATER!!! Choline Bitartrate seems to be so water soluble that it instantly becomes soluble with your saliva in the mouth. I was going to wash it down with water but I didn't even need to. I swished some of it around in my mouth to move it under the tongue and let it absorb sublingually, and even by then it was almost all gone in my mouth. The taste of Choline Bitartrate is actually quite pleasant, almost as though it has a citrus type of taste to it that can seem quite strong but it was actually very VERY good tasting in comparison to Noopept (and the absorbtion was so quick, it blew my mind). And off to the gym.

    Let me tell you guys this: CHOLINE + NOOPEPT + WORKOUT = BEAST MODE ON!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I was SO fvcking focused during my workouts, so motivated, words cannot describe it. Incredible. Just incredible. Pumps didn't seem to be as great as usual BUT it is likely because I was not paying attention to any of that, so I will disregard that. I got a very very good workout in regardless.

    Now, upon driving home.... oh my god. Everything was CLEAR, just CRYSTAL CLEAR!!! My mind was PERFECT. I cannot describe it. I just can't. Colors have suddenly become extraordinarily vivid, shapes of objects just stand out, the beauty of everything coming out... holy shit. Even right now, the light and colors coming out of my monitor right now as I type this is distinctively pronounced compared to before I included the Choline into my Noopept regimen.

    I also probably shouldn't say this, and I don't reccomend anyone do this, but I was doing about 5 things at once while driving home that I shouldn't have been doing AND I WAS STILL AWARE OF EVERYTHING AROUND ME, ALL OF THE CARS, THE TOTAL FLOW OF TRAFFIC, EVERYTHING!!!!!!!! And whatever I was doing in addition to driving was still at almost 100% efficiency. At the same time I was aware of every single driver in every vehicle and what they were doing... and this will sound very strange, but it was almost as if I was in their vehicles aware of every movement and action in anticipation of what every driver would do on the road. My mind was and still is right now a calculating constantly moving machine. I remember looking out to the side of my window as I drove by this patch of rural farm looking land, and I was making note of the fields of corn or whatever the hell I saw about HOW BEAUTIFUL it was, and I looked up to the sky and thought to myself "HOLY FVCK!!!!! THAT'S THE MOST INCREDIBLE THING I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!" as the colors, the clouds, EVERYTHING stood out in incredible prominence and importance. I just can't explain it better than that. It was BETTER than that! I was also very nice to a lot of other drivers on the road, letting people in, allowing others to merge (not that I don't usually do these things, but it was as if I was thinking to myself "why not, I have no problems being the nice guy on the road". Yet I was still driving like a speed demon as I usually do.

    Now i'm home, had my post-workout meal and everything, and nothing has subsided. My mind is racing a mile a minute right now. I cannot believe this, it is in-fvcking-credible. I have not even taken Adderall today. I will be doing it tomorrow though, but this is a good baseline measurement of how the Choline + Noopept combination is affecting me.

    I thought about the effects i've been experiencing and I am well aware to look out for placebo effects. But this is so distinct and so incredible that I am convinced this is NOT A PLACEBO WHAT SO EVER. This is just amazing. I feel as though the Choline intake felt like some sort of a super booster shot right into my body that potentiates the effect of Noopept a thousand fold. No kidding. I am dead serious.

    I will never take Noopept without Choline ever again. EVER.

    I feel like I can take on anything, I feel invincible, I feel like I can learn anything and recall it instantly a million times over, I feel driven to accomplish anything. I feel like i'm king.

    Once again, Noopept + Choline = a massive boost in psychotropic effects that is unspeakable. And I am using the absolute cheapest of Choline variants, too. Noopept is great on its own, but Choline amplifies the effects so incredibly it is amazing. It is an indispensible addition to any Nootropic or Nootropic stack.

    I think I may have found something that I love more than Trenbolone...

  36. #356
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post

    I just received my Choline Bitartrate today in the mail, but first I will explain everything that has occurred from the moment I got it until now.

    However, I need to preface this by mentioning a side effect i've been experiencing that I have not yet logged: I started experincing the headaches over the last 3 days, BUT VERY VERY MINOR. The headaches have been so minor in fact that if I didn't think about them, I wouldn't even realize they're there. But I figured the Noopept (alongside my occasional use of Adderall) might have been causing an ever so slight Acetylcholine depletion in my nervous system, but not enough to impact me in a big way. That's why I didn't log it, it wasn't anything affecting me enough to make note of.

    So, I left my house to head to the gym but I first stopped in at the post office to pick up my next batch of Noopept alongside the 1kg giant ass bag of Choline Bitartrate that should last me until such time as the sun expands enough to destroy planet earth (all for a measly 12 bucks or whatever I paid for this massive amount). I was SO excited and wanted to start the Choline right away that right there in the parking lot I pulled out my microscale, put it on the passenger seat, ripped open the bag, and started scooping and measuring it. I measured approximately 2.5g of Choline Bitartrate powder (I plan on using 1-2g daily).

    As I was doing this, someone walked by my car, saw what I was doing, and her jaw dropped and she ran into the post office. I thought to myself "well shit, time to down this crap and head to the gym ASAP before she calls the police thinking i'm some cocaine dealer here". So, BOOM, scooped the powder into my mouth AND I DIDN'T EVEN NEED TO WASH IT DOWN WITH WATER!!! Choline Bitartrate seems to be so water soluble that it instantly becomes soluble with your saliva in the mouth. I was going to wash it down with water but I didn't even need to. I swished some of it around in my mouth to move it under the tongue and let it absorb sublingually, and even by then it was almost all gone in my mouth. The taste of Choline Bitartrate is actually quite pleasant, almost as though it has a citrus type of taste to it that can seem quite strong but it was actually very VERY good tasting in comparison to Noopept (and the absorbtion was so quick, it blew my mind). And off to the gym.

    Let me tell you guys this: CHOLINE + NOOPEPT + WORKOUT = BEAST MODE ON!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I was SO fvcking focused during my workouts, so motivated, words cannot describe it. Incredible. Just incredible. Pumps didn't seem to be as great as usual BUT it is likely because I was not paying attention to any of that, so I will disregard that. I got a very very good workout in regardless.

    Now, upon driving home.... oh my god. Everything was CLEAR, just CRYSTAL CLEAR!!! My mind was PERFECT. I cannot describe it. I just can't. Colors have suddenly become extraordinarily vivid, shapes of objects just stand out, the beauty of everything coming out... holy shit. Even right now, the light and colors coming out of my monitor right now as I type this is distinctively pronounced compared to before I included the Choline into my Noopept regimen.

    I also probably shouldn't say this, and I don't reccomend anyone do this, but I was doing about 5 things at once while driving home that I shouldn't have been doing AND I WAS STILL AWARE OF EVERYTHING AROUND ME, ALL OF THE CARS, THE TOTAL FLOW OF TRAFFIC, EVERYTHING!!!!!!!! And whatever I was doing in addition to driving was still at almost 100% efficiency. At the same time I was aware of every single driver in every vehicle and what they were doing... and this will sound very strange, but it was almost as if I was in their vehicles aware of every movement and action in anticipation of what every driver would do on the road. My mind was and still is right now a calculating constantly moving machine. I remember looking out to the side of my window as I drove by this patch of rural farm looking land, and I was making note of the fields of corn or whatever the hell I saw about HOW BEAUTIFUL it was, and I looked up to the sky and thought to myself "HOLY FVCK!!!!! THAT'S THE MOST INCREDIBLE THING I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!" as the colors, the clouds, EVERYTHING stood out in incredible prominence and importance. I just can't explain it better than that. It was BETTER than that! I was also very nice to a lot of other drivers on the road, letting people in, allowing others to merge (not that I don't usually do these things, but it was as if I was thinking to myself "why not, I have no problems being the nice guy on the road". Yet I was still driving like a speed demon as I usually do.

    Now i'm home, had my post-workout meal and everything, and nothing has subsided. My mind is racing a mile a minute right now. I cannot believe this, it is in-fvcking-credible. I have not even taken Adderall today. I will be doing it tomorrow though, but this is a good baseline measurement of how the Choline + Noopept combination is affecting me.

    I thought about the effects i've been experiencing and I am well aware to look out for placebo effects. But this is so distinct and so incredible that I am convinced this is NOT A PLACEBO WHAT SO EVER. This is just amazing. I feel as though the Choline intake felt like some sort of a super booster shot right into my body that potentiates the effect of Noopept a thousand fold. No kidding. I am dead serious.

    I will never take Noopept without Choline ever again. EVER.

    I feel like I can take on anything, I feel invincible, I feel like I can learn anything and recall it instantly a million times over, I feel driven to accomplish anything. I feel like i'm king.

    Once again, Noopept + Choline = a massive boost in psychotropic effects that is unspeakable. And I am using the absolute cheapest of Choline variants, too. Noopept is great on its own, but Choline amplifies the effects so incredibly it is amazing. It is an indispensible addition to any Nootropic or Nootropic stack.

    I think I may have found something that I love more than Trenbolone...

    Shit. Now I really cant wait. I feel this will be an invaluable addition to assisting me with study.

  37. #357
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    Quote Originally Posted by evander87 View Post
    HUGE Thank you for a heads up. I ordered a bottle, to test out, from Amazon and was planning on ordering bulk from EL. Thanks you for the heads up. I'll look elsewhere.

    As far as effects for me. I have a problem with my mind going faster than my mouth in conversations. Often stumbling at some point and it's as if the "wheel just fell off my train of thought" and I become a loss for words. However a day day or so after starting I've been able to find and use my words more effectively in conversations. That's awesome. I still don't find myself sleeping better or better focus. I started a couple online classes and I find myself drifting off to other thoughts.

    A footnote, I often awake in the middle of the night and my mind starts thinking about what I need to do the next day. It feels like a panic attack, heart racing, elevated adrenaline, etc, but since starting NOOPEPT I still awake with thoughts of what I need to do the next day but I'm much calmer about it.

    I'm very happy with what I'm finding with this stuff right now and will be buying the powder in bulk. Thanks Atomini for starting the brain revolution.
    evander, did you get the powder from Amazon or the pre-made pill form? Thanks

  38. #358
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    Quote Originally Posted by wh1spa View Post
    Shit. Now I really cant wait. I feel this will be an invaluable addition to assisting me with study.
    One thing to keep in mind:

    - I started the Choline several weeks into regular Noopept use.

    Starting Choline right when you start the Noopept may not be as noticeable. My situation is exactly like I said, its like adding a super booster injection that amplifies the effects of the Noopept which have already accumulated and are in full force over the last few weeks of use. So, i'm not sure if this will impact you or anyone else as intensely if you were to start the Choline at the same time you start the Noopept. This is why its good to keep everyone here updated on how you do it compared to how I am.

  39. #359
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    Quote Originally Posted by OdinsOtherSon View Post
    evander, did you get the powder from Amazon or the pre-made pill form? Thanks
    Oral dissolve pill. Thinking I might buy the powder from there as well though.

  40. #360
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    i have my stuff ive been under the weather so i will start it next week i so hope its worth it cant wait

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