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Thread: Atomini's NOOPEPT log!!!

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    Atomini's Avatar
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    Atomini's NOOPEPT log!!!

    Alright guys, I have only 6 words to start this post with:

    Performance enhancing drugs for the brain.

    Thats right, compounds that enhance cognitive performance, memory recall, memory storage, etc. One member here knows I started this two days ago. I was not originally going to post this up here, since this is an AAS forum and it would be out of place but I figured it wouldn't hurt to share this information with all of you, since after all this is just a different form of performance enhancement. But this is why i'm sticking this here in the lounge instead of the rest of the forum because it really doesn't belong anywhere but here, since it is essentially off-topic to the topic of AAS. This isn't a recreactional drug and it is 100% legal to buy and use, however it is hard to find. I have actually been observing, studying and eyeing this particular compound for about half a year now, and it is called Noopept. Let me first introduce you guys to it in case you have not heard of it.

    This was a compound developed in Russia, and a cool thing about it is that Noopept is a PEPTIDE! However, what is awesome about it is that it is a peptide that can be administered orally because it is a peptide that is all of about 3 amino acids long. This allows it to easily be small enough to be absorbed via the GI tract without being ripped apart by digestive enzymes and acids. It easily is small enough to penetrate the blood-brain barrier as well, where it is most effective and does its work. It belongs to a family of performance enhancing compounds known as Racetams.

    Noopept I would say is considered the Trenbolone of Racetam compounds and cognitive performance enhancers. Overall, any performance enhancing drug for the brain is known as a Nootropic. It was developed recently (about 3 years ago or so), and it has been found to be 1,000x stronger than the strongest Racetam that came before it, which is Piracetam. It also exhibits some positive and beneficial effects on the brain that other Racetams do not.

    Racetams such as Noopept ARE NOT like Adderall. I have Adderall prescribed for my ADD, and it does assist in studying but it does not enhance the brain's capability and functions of protein transport, memory recall, memory storage, or any other of these functions. Adderall is a brand name for a mixture of approx 85% Dextroamphetamine and 15% Levoamphetamine. They are stimulants and serve only to keep an individual on-task more, provide wakefulness and energy, and allow the user to concentrate a great deal more. But it does not actually improve learning function like Noopept would. I just want to make that clear.

    Noopept can be found from some research chem companies. That is all I can say at this point, although I did locate a raw powder source and purchased 10 grams of powder which is a great deal considering the effective dose of Noopept is:

    10 - 30mg taken 1 - 3 times daily. Preferrably with food (a high protein meal) since Noopept is a peptide it will be transported and processed faster with other protein ingested.

    I am currently doing: 30mg two times a day. I have been doing this since Wednesday this week, so it has been about 3 days so far and let me tell you this: IT IS FVCKING INCREDIBLE! Research shows that Noopept stimulates the expression of two very important proteins, nerve growth factor (NGF) and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Both of these proteins enhance the creation and protection of new brain cells. In fact, Noopept may speed up your brain’s production of brain cells to a greater degree than any other Nootropic. This all means Noopept should increase brain plasticity pretty significantly. If you're studying and practicing this new habit of concentration then there's no reason it can't have lasting effects even after you've stopped taking it. IT MEANS ITS EFFECTS REMAIN AFTER ADMINISTRATION HAS CEASED! When it comes to the noticeable feeling Noopept provides, people have nothing but good things to say. Noopept improves people’s attention, awareness and memory. When I was researching it, I was seeing people's reports of increased visual clarity, slight euphoria, improved memory and awareness. Social situations seem to flow better and speech is improved. ALL of these of which I have personally experienced myself already after taking it for only two days. I am studying a ton of shit in school, trying to get through tough science programs, so I need every edge I can get here.

    My experiences and observations thus far:
    - I could tell it was working within the first 30 minutes of taking it. I got to task on one of my projects, and the words just flowed like crazy, and my response times and things I was remembering were effortlessly coming back. Gave me more drive and motivation too! When researching this stuff, apparently its peak performance attributes and its effects only continue to build to its peak 5 - 7 days after starting use, so apparently this isn't even as good as it gets!!

    - Studying is effortless, writing is incredible. Speech with other people is godlike. Words flow, memories recall with no problems.

    - Definitely noticed an increased motivation and drive for things. Even last night, I was at one of my jobs and I wasn't interested in being there at all. We were being taught lessons on different things and even though I had absolutely ZERO interest at all, I WAS STILL CLUED IN TO EVERYTHING and following everything perfectly (while still saying to myself in my head "when the fvck is this shit over and when can I go home").

    - Essentially, I also feel more motivated to do EVERYTHING to the point where I don't necessarily need my Adderall as much as I used to! But when I combine my Adderall script with Noopept.... nothing stops me!!!! Not advanced calculus, not chemistry, NOTHING. I could sit through a 5 hour lecture on complex biochemistry and my focus, thinking, and attention WILL NOT WANE!!!

    - Ever since starting this stuff 2-3 days ago, I can confirm I have been waking up with much more energy and ready to go in addition to all of the other mental benefits. I can't say whether or not I am getting deeper or better sleep, but if the state of wakefulness, energy, and readiness when waking up is any indication of anything, it must be helping me get better sleep!

    It has been shown in studies to be a neuroprotective and an anti-oxidant in the nervous system and the brain. It is also used to treat Alzheimers pateints as well as treatment for individuals with brain damage from physical impact, etc. This is one miracle drug for the nervous system!

    Side Note: While doing my in-depth research in this stuff over the last several months, you know what i've discovered? There is literally a whole subcultrure of Nootropic drug users, just like the anabolic steroid using community here, where they stack different Nootropic drugs in order to enhance brain and cognitive performance, just like we do with AAS (only its centered around performance enhancement of the brain of course). And like I said, Noopept from what I have seen is basically the Trenbolone of Nootropics, as it is 1000 times stronger than the strongest nootropic before it (Piracetam), only it doesn't come with a bunch of undesirable side effects like Trenbolone does. It is just like how we use AAS, only you dont need to cycle Nootropics.

    SIDE EFFECTS: None. Some users of OTHER Racetams have reported increased anger. This hasn't been the case with Noopept. There is also no need to cycle Noopept, although many individuals will do 3 months on, 1-2 months off. I may do this as well just to see if it does have any effect.

    So guys, don't be surprised if my posts and everything around here start becoming even more Einsteinian and packed full of more knowledge than usual lol. I will keep this thread updated with changes and such.

    P.S. Please do not PM me for sources for this stuff, I will not answer. The last thing I need is a giant flood of "hey bro can you tell me where you got your Noopept?". It's 100% legal and you can find it easily if you look hard enough, and I already clued in that some research chem websites sell it as a research chem... They are all totally legal for purchase and consumption, and there is nothing in sight concerning any potential banning of these substances - they are almost 100% void of negative side effects (but when did that ever stop governments and the FDA from banning shit, right?). Either way, they fall into an even more comfortable legal zone than research chems do, so feel free to buy away and use!

    By the way, I typed this whole thing up in about 10 minutes. I love this shit. Now, I have school in about 15 minutes so I have to take my 30mg dose with my meal and get going!

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    Oh man, i have the biggest exam of my life in a little over a week, I wish I new about this stuff earlier!!!!!! I can't even find Adderal to help study. Do you think theres a lot of faked Noopept? I just found this info, it sounds pretty cool:

    Noopept is the most powerful analogue of the original smart-drug "Piracetam" available in the world. Developed in Russia as a treatment for alcohol-induced brain damage and is also sold over the counter there as a general intelligence booster in healthy individuals.*

    Improves memory, verbal fluency, body coordination, awareness and mood. Also helps fight fatigue and supports creativity by increasing communication between both hemispheres of the brain.*

    Excellent as a study aid; increases mental vigilance without causing insomnia; decreases fatigue associated with lack of sleep; can be useful in martial arts and other sports that require body coordination; supports against brain damage associated with alcohol abuse; can also be used to avoid caffeine withdrawals.*

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    Very interesting. Subscribed

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    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Great find Antomini! Thanx for sharing. I'm definitely gonna find some & give it a go.

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    I'm on my way to school at the moment and will rey to reply to all of your questions as soon as I have the time.

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    twitz's Avatar
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    Wow! This is interesting! Thanks for sharing your experience 

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    So, it's all over the internet! Is this like the oral B-12 version that doesn't work as well? Must you get it from a "research chemical lab" or from any vitamin store? Not looking for a source but don't want to buy the wrong stuff!

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    Bigshotvictoria's Avatar
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    I'm reading up a bit on this stuff, are you also taking Choline Citrate along with it?

    Also, I cannot seem to find info on Noopept's half-life. Any idea what it is? I've found it dosed at 30mg/pill, but am wondering if dosages are best split into 10mg/3xday or if one dose of 30mg/day is good.

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    guinea pig, love it!


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    Tron3219's Avatar
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    Man, this sounds amazing! It's like the green pill on Bourne legacy!
    If b interested in this Goethe simple fact that I work incredibly long hours (100-120/wk) and get mentally drained. It's funny that you posted this, I've been on the prowl lately for a good cognitive boost. I'd like to hear more! Subscribed!

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    Cdt labs? Is that a legit manufacturer?

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    Bigshotvictoria's Avatar
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    f*** it, ordered some up.

    Lets hope i didn't just buy a bag of corn starch.
    Last edited by Bigshotvictoria; 01-18-2013 at 11:55 AM.

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    side effect: increased anger. doesn't this mean anger has to preexist? lol

    in all seriousness though this sounds pretty interesting if not TGTBT. i'll give it a try though since it does sound so good. is the powder in crystal form?

  15. #15
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    Just a heads up for Canadians, after doing some research apparently it is Illegal to sell Noopept in Canada, but legal to import up to three months supply.

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    Well hardy har har. Make sure you have a microscale that measures mg so you dose your powder properly.

    I'll answer all your specific questions later when I get home on the computer. I'm out right now

  17. #17
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    Im already to smart. If I took something like this I could no longer speak down far enough to communicate with most of you.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 01-18-2013 at 01:38 PM.

  18. #18
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    this stuff is NOT too good to be true. I have noticed a significant different in only 3 days of use and it continues to improve more and more. Because I am involved more heavily in school and studying than most others, I think I would be able to gauge and experience any positive changes at a far greater degree than other individuals who are not in school or whatever.

    Everyone, look at it this way: it is just like AAS. In fact, its general MO is the EXACT SAME as anabolic steroids : you can't take this stuff and sit around all day and expect to become Einstein in a few days. You MUST engage the brain in a stimulus of mental exercise and learning of some sort in order for any Racetam to exhibit its benefits. This is why many websites that are informational resources on Nootropics actually have downloadable programs to 'exercise the brain' essentially. The more learning, problem solving, and stimulus you provide the brain with while on any Nootropic, the better your results! Only good thing is you dont need to eat like a beast to make progress with cognitive performance enhancers like you can with Racetams and Nootropics.

    Just keep that in mind.

    AAS + doing nothing = no results. Right?

    AAS + training and eating properly = great results. Right?

    Nootropics + no mental stimulus = no results.

    Nootropics + mental stimulus = great results.

    Same idea here. Oh and by the way, an indicator of whether or not your Noopept may be legit is if the powder smells almost like mushrooms. This is only in regards to the raw powders, NOT any liquid solutions common of research chem stuff. Even if the powder doesn't smell like mushrooms, it may still be real. But in such a case, i'd just email or ask your source just to confirm.

  19. #19
    Tron3219's Avatar
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    And this stuff is as legal as a multivitamin correct?

  20. #20
    Atomini's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tron3219 View Post
    And this stuff is as legal as a multivitamin correct?
    As far as my research has indicated, it is legal in the United States, and to a lesser extent in Canada as well as a nutritional supplement. But you will not find this stuff in vitamin shops, supplement stores, or anything. You'll find it only sold in specialty stores and websites. Or you can buy the actual pharm grade product from Russia or wherever.

  21. #21
    evander87's Avatar
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    Subscribed and thanks for the info. I'm starting some schooling next week actually so this is fantastic timing.

    As it's been asked, to your knowledge is this stuff faked, or is it readily available that most is going to be legit?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini

    As far as my research has indicated, it is legal in the United States, and to a lesser extent in Canada as well as a nutritional supplement. But you will not find this stuff in vitamin shops, supplement stores, or anything. You'll find it only sold in specialty stores and websites. Or you can buy the actual pharm grade product from Russia or wherever.
    Interesting, wondering how often is replicated and bunk...

    Btw I pm'ed u ato

  23. #23
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    As far as fake/bunk Noopept goes, I don't know what the rate of fakes are like on the market. I would imagine there is a low incidence of fake product simply because this stuff is legal practically everywhere, but scammers and counterfeit operations always exist. But i'm guessing its very low with Noopept and Racetams in general. Hell, you can freely buy the actual pharm grade Noopept in Russia for christ sakes. Fakes can't be that bad but its always a possibility and individuals should be aware of course.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini
    As far as fake/bunk Noopept goes, I don't know what the rate of fakes are like on the market. I would imagine there is a low incidence of fake product simply because this stuff is legal practically everywhere, but scammers and counterfeit operations always exist. But i'm guessing its very low with Noopept and Racetams in general. Hell, you can freely buy the actual pharm grade Noopept in Russia for christ sakes. Fakes can't be that bad but its always a possibility and individuals should be aware of course.
    Kind of my thought process on it, just wanted to see if u had any insight.

    Another thing I'm curious about is its probability to become addictive. Not so much chemically, but the coming down off of what seems to b best described as a high lol.

  25. #25
    Bigshotvictoria's Avatar
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    Atomini, are you supplementing with choline as well?

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    As far as fake/bunk Noopept goes, I don't know what the rate of fakes are like on the market. I would imagine there is a low incidence of fake product simply because this stuff is legal practically everywhere, but scammers and counterfeit operations always exist. But i'm guessing its very low with Noopept and Racetams in general. Hell, you can freely buy the actual pharm grade Noopept in Russia for christ sakes. Fakes can't be that bad but its always a possibility and individuals should be aware of course.

    I just ordered some and it should be here before I start class.

    Thanks for the info.

  27. #27
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    I am not getting any 'high' off this stuff. I feel more motivated and confident, etc. But there is no high like amphetamines would give me or whatever. There should be no issues with halting administration of this stuff and judging by the fact that this stuff promotes the growth of new brain cells and proteins, these developments should not dissapear after you stop taking it unless you start getting hammered every night on whisky and kill all the newly created brain cells with alcohol. The only issue with coming off may be an 'addiction' to the heightened neurological and mental acuity. But even so, there should not be much reduction even after long term use. But, we will see what happens when I cycle off of it in a couple months or whatever. I suspect nothing detrimental should occur. But that's what this log is for isn't it?? To find these things out.


    I am not taking any Choline Citrate with it. I have not read anything about this combo either. What have you found? Please share. From my knowledge of the nervous system, I am ASSUMING that the additional supplementation of Choline alongside Racetam compounds should further potentiate the positive effects in the brain by way of more abundant Acetylcholine present in the nervous system and in the synapses between neurons so that the increased activity provided by Noopept becomes even greater. I'll have to google people's experiences with this when I get home, but I might as well pick some Choline up and throw it into the mix as well. Couldn't hurt!

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post

    I am not getting any 'high' off this stuff. I feel more motivated and confident, etc. But there is no high like amphetamines would give me or whatever. There should be no issues with halting administration of this stuff and judging by the fact that this stuff promotes the growth of new brain cells and proteins, these developments should not dissapear after you stop taking it unless you start getting hammered every night on whisky and kill all the newly created brain cells with alcohol. The only issue with coming off may be an 'addiction' to the heightened neurological and mental acuity. But even so, there should not be much reduction even after long term use. But, we will see what happens when I cycle off of it in a couple months or whatever. I suspect nothing detrimental should occur. But that's what this log is for isn't it?? To find these things out.


    I am not taking any Choline Citrate with it. I have not read anything about this combo either. What have you found? Please share. From my knowledge of the nervous system, I am ASSUMING that the additional supplementation of Choline alongside Racetam compounds should further potentiate the positive effects in the brain by way of more abundant Acetylcholine present in the nervous system and in the synapses between neurons so that the increased activity provided by Noopept becomes even greater. I'll have to google people's experiences with this when I get home, but I might as well pick some Choline up and throw it into the mix as well. Couldn't hurt!
    This is exactly what I've found, in fact a couple of resources have stated that no Racetam compounds should go without Choline supplementation, as Racetams work with acetycholine to illicit their effects, and 90% of the population has a choline deficiency. Although my knowledge of A&P is limited to what is required for my profession, I assumed the same as you. Here's one link that also has a breakdown of the other Racetams and their specific cognitive effects and half-lives:
    Last edited by Bigshotvictoria; 01-18-2013 at 03:09 PM.

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    Today was the second time I combined my Adderall script with Noopept and Noopept seems to be having a very distinctive effect of potentiating the effects of Adderall, so much so that I am seriously considering dropping my Adderall dose by half when running cycles of Noopept. 20mg of Adderall really felt almost double today what it normally is like. Still feeling it now. I'm not complaining though, its great but its pretty strong. Actually on second thought... I can't drop my Adderall dose as I given 20mg capsules, I can't split it in half.

    Either way, mental acuity and focus was absolutely incredible today at school. I was reviewing some old chemistry work, found some old practice questions on a sheet that I never did. I started pounding away at them and getting most answers correct without even reviewing the chapter that the questions covered...
    Last edited by Atomini; 01-18-2013 at 06:29 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigshotvictoria View Post
    This is exactly what I've found, in fact a couple of resources have stated that no Racetam compounds should go without Choline supplementation, as Racetams work with acetycholine to illicit their effects, and 90% of the population has a choline deficiency. Although my knowledge of A&P is limited to what is required for my profession, I assumed the same as you. Here's one link that also has a breakdown of the other Racetams and their specific cognitive effects and half-lives:
    Any idea of Choline is available at common supplement/drugstores like Shoppers Drug Mart? I've never ever even thought of getting some until now, and i'm getting fed up with having to go to specialty supplement stores and websites that are out of my way to get shit. Would be great if I could just run to the local Walmart or Shoppers Drug Mart nutritional supp section and pick some up on the way home...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini

    I am not getting any 'high' off this stuff. I feel more motivated and confident, etc. But there is no high like amphetamines would give me or whatever. There should be no issues with halting administration of this stuff and judging by the fact that this stuff promotes the growth of new brain cells and proteins, these developments should not dissapear after you stop taking it unless you start getting hammered every night on whisky and kill all the newly created brain cells with alcohol. The only issue with coming off may be an 'addiction' to the heightened neurological and mental acuity. But even so, there should not be much reduction even after long term use. But, we will see what happens when I cycle off of it in a couple months or whatever. I suspect nothing detrimental should occur. But that's what this log is for isn't it?? To find these things out.
    I described it as a high becaus of some reviews I read had descriptions of increased awareness, more vibrant colors, etc. and u hit the nail on the head, it seemed like the first 15 minutes of a meth high lol but I see where ur coming from as far as there shouldn't be any down grading as it creates new, not just enhances what's there. I'm really looking forward to this log, as its exactly what it's for. I'm going to order some as well and I'll create a log as no two people are the same. Thanks for the info and education big guy!

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    Any idea of Choline is available at common supplement/drugstores like Shoppers Drug Mart? I've never ever even thought of getting some until now, and i'm getting fed up with having to go to specialty supplement stores and websites that are out of my way to get shit. Would be great if I could just run to the local Walmart or Shoppers Drug Mart nutritional supp section and pick some up on the way home...
    The Noopept that I've ordered is in caps with 10mg Noopept, 100mg CDP-Choline, and 200mg N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine. I've found a couple of research companies online that sell Noopept and Choline, mostly as citrate. The N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine is supposed to increase dopamine levels for increased mood and focus. If I like this product I'll buy Noopept and Choline without the NALT next time. I'm not sure how effective it is at increasing dopamine levels, but I'm thinking about possible down regulation of the dopamine receptors, although I can't imagine the increase would be too significant, and nowhere near meth or cocaine which do down regulate dopamine receptors.
    Last edited by Bigshotvictoria; 01-18-2013 at 03:19 PM.

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    I don't need to worry about dopamine... I've got my Adderall for that and that's good enough. It probably makes what you got look like child's play lol. The amphetamines in my Adderall gives me a dopamine rush like the dopamine secretion in my synapses have been turned from a garden hose into a god damn fire hose. And as I mentioned in my log update, the Noopept seems to be potentiating this EVEN MORE.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    I don't need to worry about dopamine... I've got my Adderall for that and that's good enough. It probably makes what you got look like child's play lol. The amphetamines in my Adderall gives me a dopamine rush like the dopamine secretion in my synapses have been turned from a garden hose into a god damn fire hose. And as I mentioned in my log update, the Noopept seems to be potentiating this EVEN MORE.
    Any idea if you can get generic adderall as a research chem? My research mice have a big exam coming up.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tron3219 View Post
    I described it as a high becaus of some reviews I read had descriptions of increased awareness, more vibrant colors, etc. and u hit the nail on the head, it seemed like the first 15 minutes of a meth high lol but I see where ur coming from as far as there shouldn't be any down grading as it creates new, not just enhances what's there. I'm really looking forward to this log, as its exactly what it's for. I'm going to order some as well and I'll create a log as no two people are the same. Thanks for the info and education big guy!
    Oh now that you mention it like that, DEFINITELY! I've been experiencing all of that for sure. Experiences seem different for me, and I am having a greater appreciation for things and experiences, even mundane things during the day like driving. BUT it isn't intense and I wouldn't call it a high. But it is noticeable.

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    After some more reading, I've learned that Racetams potentiate common hallucinogenics. Since the majority of hallucinogenic are tryptamines (Psilocybin, Mescaline,LSD, DMT) and structurally are very similar to serotonin, it would make sense that Racetams have a potentiating effect of serotonin and other neurotransmitters similar in structure such as melatonin and di-methyl-tryptamine. This could explain the increase in positive mood and energy, the increase in colour perception, and other effects. I'm just drawing parallels here, but it makes sense to me. Anyways, I'll stop clogging up your log, good luck Atomini, and thanks for bringing this stuff to my attention; I'll be up all night researching!!!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigshotvictoria View Post
    Any idea if you can get generic adderall as a research chem? My research mice have a big exam coming up.

    Adderall is just brand name for amphetamines. Amphetamines are Schedule 1 or 2 drug here in Canada. Hence totally illegal to possess without a script. No chance.

    And btw I am getting FLOOODS of PMs from people. I already told you all I will not answer sourcing PMs. I'll try to answer some but I am out right now and posting from my phone at the moment. I'll try to reply to PMs when I get home.

  38. #38
    Far from massive's Avatar
    Far from massive is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Great thread Atomini,

    I had read about Racetams in the past but had not given them much recent thought, however now I think I may jump on the wagon. I have always had an above average IQ but after having a bad reaction to interferon and then a subsequent spinal tap with resultant CSI leak, I have a lot of trouble processing thoughts clearly, short and long term memory etc.

    So I think I will take the plunge and see how it works for the old and senile amoung us!

  39. #39
    faither's Avatar
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    Choline is to stop headache or tip sensitivity of your toung you can some times get when taking noopept . darren1, on 14 January 2013 - 11:38 AM, said:
    I am on the same boat. I just ordered Noopept off ebay (5 grams) the only thing i've heard from my limited research is to take it with choline to prevent headaches

    I've never used choline and I've never experienced any headaches so it may not be needed by some people

    I will be trialling Noopept by itself for three weeks and I think my first stack will be with piracetam because I am experiencing tip of the tongue syndrome at the moment and I think it helps with verbal fluidity

    I will add a choline source if I stuack with piraceta.Green tea: Contains conservative amounts of caffeine and l-theanine which have synergistic effects to begin with. L-theanine is the main thing we're going for, as it provides clean anti-anxiety effects. Make it in quarts at a time and bring it with you throughout the day. Perhaps mix a sweetener into it if the natural taste is not agreeable with you. There's also green tea extract and bulk powder l-theanine. I prefer the natural product which contains anti-oxidants.

    Aniracetam: Also provides anxiety reduction and other cognitive benefits. I haven't tried this combination quite yet.

    Noopept in itself has anxiety reducing qualities, but in some ways it can increase anxiety. The is both dose and situational dependant, for me at least.

    The end result of taking 30mg noopept, 2 cups of green tea, weight lifting and cardio is very potent for concentration and productivity.
    Edited by Force, Yesterday, 08:10 PM.

  40. #40
    Atomini's Avatar
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    I have not experienced any headaches, and I am using a pretty hefty dose. I will not be surprised if I even see performance benefits and gains in the gym from Noopept as well, and of course I will document EVERYTHING here.

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