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Thread: August Most Improved Competition [ENTRY OPEN until start]

  1. #361
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    You should black out your name on your under wear.
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  2. #362
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    Dropping down is the easy part. The toilet will stop me. I’ll have to tie a towel to the door knob to pull myself up. Lol
    Haha, lol. That's hilarious!
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  3. #363
    PeanutbutterDC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    HH- most females in US take great offense with that word.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    I love that Charger, always the gentleman, tactfully explained that, but rest assured HH no offense was taken. It's all about context for me

    Ya soft cvnt
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  4. #364
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    Quote Originally Posted by cousinmuscles View Post
    New gym has a posing room so I should be able to get good pics.

    Here's my plan for all twelve weeks.

    Week 1-4 no AAS, will use peptides (GHRP+GHRH). Cutting phase, cardio daily, moderate/low carb diet with refeed days when needed. About 2500 calories on the low carb days. Around 250g protein, 150g carbs, 100g fats

    Cutting phase daily routine (optimistic):
    Peptides upon waking up, cardio, work, lift every other day after work (cardio on non lifting days) - peptides before lifting/cardio too. First and last meal either homemade protein bar or quark (type of cottage cheese) in the blender with berries et.c. Meal 2,3,4 will be chicken, lentils/kidney beans/chickpeas, vinaigrette on flaxseed oil. Supplements: NAC, fish oil, niacin (waiting for it to arrive)

    Week 5-12, 350mg test prop, 350mg NPP. Clean bulk with a little cardio and possibly peptides here too to maintain bodyfat and if possible even lower it (have accomplished this twice before). About 3500 calories, 200-250g protein, 400g carbs, 100g something fat. Meal plan similar except first and last is protein bar (larger size), and meal 2-3-4 will not have spinach for bulk but bulgur or rice for carbs.

    Daily routine similar to cutting but cardio only at night on non lifting days. Will try to keep using peps for fat loss. Same supps but more NAC on cycle.

    Another goal will be to keep bloods, lipids especially, not too bad with the cycle. This is why I am experimenting with niacin, it should help with HDL especially. Then the high fiber, high omega 3, low sat fat diet should help on top of that.
    Hey Cuz,
    You may not need, or not need as much, of the peptides in the last half of your cycle. By then your IGF-1 is likely to be high from the first four weeks and the test will help keep it there. Perhaps, during that time, you would benefit most from using the peptides in fasted cardio, after wake-up, to help lipolysis.
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  5. #365
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    You should black out your name on your under wear.
    I’m confused. Why would they put a mans name on women’s underwear?
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  6. #366
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    I’m confused. Why would they put a mans name on women’s underwear?
    To keep the capebuffalo's out. Property of: xxxxx
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  7. #367
    hollowedzeus is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    I’m confused. Why would they put a mans name on women’s underwear?
    Mate. I've had enough of you.

    I'm shaving my legs tomorrow. Are you happy now
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  8. #368
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    Quote Originally Posted by hollowedzeus View Post
    Mate. I've had enough of you.

    I'm shaving my legs tomorrow. Are you happy now
    You made me laugh out loud
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  9. #369
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quester View Post
    Hey Cuz,
    You may not need, or not need as much, of the peptides in the last half of your cycle. By then your IGF-1 is likely to be high from the first four weeks and the test will help keep it there. Perhaps, during that time, you would benefit most from using the peptides in fasted cardio, after wake-up, to help lipolysis.
    Yep I don't even think the IGF will go high enough to make a noticeable difference, it didn't before despite peptides 4 times per day. From what I have been told by veterans, even 2-4 iu GH won't do much for gains but 10+ iu will. I don't even have access to GH lol.

    I think I am going to do just that, keep the cardio and peptides in the last 8 weeks, but less. Right now its cardio AM, lifting PM, or cardio AM and PM, alternating days. I think I'll just keep the AM fasted cardio with peptides for the last 8 weeks. It's still quite a lot for fat loss considering it's every day.

  10. #370
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    Damn that’s a lot of volume
    Get a little excited sometimes! Haha

    Quote Originally Posted by guitarzan View Post
    Attachment 173724
    Got a good chest and tri workout in, then 25 mins elliptical. Never got under 50% incline, or 25% resistance. Did kinda a mix of liss and hiit. Definitely lost some
    Definitely looks like a good workout!

    Quote Originally Posted by Charlie67 View Post
    Clearly I'm going to have to up my game... Good work!
    Lol Thanks!

    Quote Originally Posted by bethdoth View Post
    No more comp for me ... I am off to go camping and boating for 4 days. Will eat drink and have fun. You all have fun in the gym and eating your protein!!
    Enjoy!! Sounds like fun!

    Quote Originally Posted by hammerheart View Post

    Situation in room was much better than yday, still did poorly initially at the DB presses so moved to smith to squeeze delts for good. Upright rows done at smith feel good too. Finished in a pool of sweat, which also is good. Arms tomorrow.
    Glad today was a better day!

    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Ah ok, I hear that.

    I use it from time to time. It has it's place, as you said. Not to be abused though.

    I guess from a pure bodybuilding standpoint, it's better actually. Pump up a muscle.

    Lately I've become more powerlifty 1 lift specialized
    Powerlifting style training is fun! I have done a few variations over the past two years.

    ~“We believe that we are all saved the same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus.” Acts 15:11~‬ *NLT‬‬

  11. #371
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    Starting to figure out something about t3. While on it recently, I noticed I got tired and short winded very easily. It was so bad, i would get sick to my stomach sometimes when my heart rate got up from just lifting, as if I'd been running so hard it made me sick. I never linked the two, but have no doubt that's what it was. Though fat loss was tremendous, I also couldn't get any muscle or strength gains. Even on tren , I think it was catabolic. That was probably my last run with t3
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  12. #372
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    Tonight's upper body fun:

    Bent rows, 3 x 3-5
    Pullups, 2 to failure .... So like 3 reps, lol.
    Rack chinups, 2 to failure
    Flat BB press, 3 x 3-5**
    Dips - Chest-focused weighted, 2 x 6-10
    DB shoulder press 3 x 6-10
    EzBar curls superset with skill crushers 3 x 10-12

    ** Funny how when I'm alone, i can only do 5, but when i get a spotter, even if they don't touch the bar, I do 9. Take note kids, have someone you want to impress stand behind the bar when you bench.

    Good workout overall.

  13. #373
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    Quote Originally Posted by cousinmuscles View Post
    Right now its cardio AM, lifting PM, or cardio AM and PM, alternating days. I think I'll just keep the AM fasted cardio with peptides for the last 8 weeks. It's still quite a lot for fat loss considering it's every day.
    I heard the key with peptides is sleeping in. Probably you should just skip the AM cardio. While you're at it, maybe think about going to bed early and skipping the PM cardio as well. I also heard donuts helped peptide absorption.
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  14. #374
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    Quote Originally Posted by guitarzan View Post
    Starting to figure out something about t3. While on it recently, I noticed I got tired and short winded very easily. It was so bad, i would get sick to my stomach sometimes when my heart rate got up from just lifting, as if I'd been running so hard it made me sick. I never linked the two, but have no doubt that's what it was. Though fat loss was tremendous, I also couldn't get any muscle or strength gains. Even on tren, I think it was catabolic. That was probably my last run with t3
    Interesting.... I've never used it, but I've read that T4 is similar in nature, but a weaker. Maybe you'll tolerate that a little better if you ever decide to try again?

    Out of curiosity, how much T3 were you taking?

  15. #375
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    Quote Originally Posted by guitarzan View Post
    Starting to figure out something about t3. While on it recently, I noticed I got tired and short winded very easily. It was so bad, i would get sick to my stomach sometimes when my heart rate got up from just lifting, as if I'd been running so hard it made me sick. I never linked the two, but have no doubt that's what it was. Though fat loss was tremendous, I also couldn't get any muscle or strength gains. Even on tren, I think it was catabolic. That was probably my last run with t3
    I am same way on T3. I can metabolize anything into zero fat gain so I dont need T3 anyway. The very few times I took t3 I got so freaking shaky and hungry that I stopped taking it.

  16. #376
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charlie67 View Post
    Interesting.... I've never used it, but I've read that T4 is similar in nature, but a weaker. Maybe you'll tolerate that a little better if you ever decide to try again?

    Out of curiosity, how much T3 were you taking?
    Way to much, till I figured out my resting hr was 120! It was well over 100 mcg, I think at one point I had gotten up to 175 mcg . Even at 25 mcg my resting hr was in the 80's. I'm sure lower doses would not have been as catabolic, but probably wouldn't have burn fat as well

  17. #377
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I can metabolize anything into zero fat gain .
    Bragger... bragger.... If I smell McDonalds I jump 3 pounds.
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  18. #378
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charlie67 View Post
    Bragger... bragger.... If I smell McDonalds I jump 3 pounds.
    Me too man.
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  19. #379
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charlie67 View Post
    Bragger... bragger.... If I smell McDonalds I jump 3 pounds.
    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Me too man.
    Its a blessing and a curse. I cat eat 10,000 calories a day and not get fat but I wont grow stupid fast either.

    Nutitionists and anyone trying to tell you what meal is best for your personal muscle gain, are a joke.
    Maybe everone else is normal and I'm just not.

    I watch some of you guys counting macros and planning each day though and I feel like you all would do much better than I with my metabolism.
    I fall more into the CT Fletcher "4 bigmacs ED" class. Eat big get big.
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  20. #380
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Its a blessing and a curse. I cat eat 10,000 calories a day and not get fat but I wont grow stupid fast either.

    Nutitionists and anyone trying to tell you what meal is best for your personal muscle gain, are a joke.
    Maybe everone else is normal and I'm just not.

    I watch some of you guys counting macros and planning each day though and I feel like you all would do much better than I with my metabolism.
    I fall more into the CT Fletcher "4 bigmacs ED" class. Eat big get big.
    Maybe you're hyper thyroid!
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  21. #381
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    Quote Originally Posted by guitarzan View Post
    Maybe you're hyper thyroid!
    Lol that is exactly what I said as well.

  22. #382
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    Quote Originally Posted by guitarzan View Post
    Maybe you're hyper thyroid!
    Do not ever call me a thyroid!

    I dunno... Need bloodwork. I wasnt last time I checked.

  23. #383
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Do not ever call me a thyroid!

    I dunno... Need bloodwork. I wasnt last time I checked.
    6 years ago????

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  24. #384
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    6 years ago????

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Long time. I actually gotta get my insurance bloodwork copy.

  25. #385
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    If I knew something was off... Would I stop and fix it?

  26. #386
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    If I knew something was off... Would I stop and fix it?
    If it's thyroid yes , easily solved with synthroid .

    It's not too big a deal if treated. Heck we takes these drugs for fun.

    If you let it get bad, the resulting 2ndary diseases are fucked
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  27. #387
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    If it's thyroid yes , easily solved with synthroid .

    It's not too big a deal if treated. Heck we takes these drugs for fun.

    If you let it get bad, the resulting 2ndary diseases are fucked
    I would think a high resting hr would be a symptom?
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  28. #388
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    Quote Originally Posted by guitarzan View Post
    I would think a high resting hr would be a symptom?
    Got that.

  29. #389
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Got that.
    Hmmm, I would definitely check it out. That could hinder muscle growth, not to mention what couch said
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  30. #390
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    Morning all,

    Time for a little cardio.

    ... wearing this vest makes me feel like I'm about to breach a crack house.

    I hope y'all have a fantastic day!


  31. #391
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charlie67 View Post
    Morning all,

    Time for a little cardio.

    ... wearing this vest makes me feel like I'm about to breach a crack house.

    I hope y'all have a fantastic day!

    Get it!

    Bout to head to gym any work back and bi's, then cardio. Probably gonna do hiit on the treadmill. Legs are still tired from the elliptical, and then bike ride later yesterday
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  32. #392
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charlie67 View Post
    Morning all,

    Time for a little cardio.

    ... wearing this vest makes me feel like I'm about to breach a crack house.

    I hope y'all have a fantastic day!

    Me too
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	B8A41920-5EC1-4BD1-8067-09DF4F712C8D.jpg 
Views:	71 
Size:	1.06 MB 
ID:	173729
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  33. #393
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    B.B. curls ran the rack x2

    Alt dB curl 1 feeler 1 working

    Db hammer curls 1 feeler 1 working

    High cable concentration curls 2 working

    V bar push downs 1 warm 2 working

    French press 2 working

    Skull crushers 2 working

    Rope press downs 2 working

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	E32B7C87-03C0-4EAD-BC8B-04B2E8EB0EC1.jpeg 
Views:	73 
Size:	375.0 KB 
ID:	173730
    marcus300 and PeanutbutterDC like this.

  34. #394
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post

    Click image for larger version. 

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Views:	73 
Size:	375.0 KB 
ID:	173730
    Don't let those guns set off all that ammo! Are those rounds for your concealed carry weapon, lol.
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  35. #395
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charlie67 View Post
    Don't let those guns set off all that ammo! Are those rounds for your concealed carry weapon, lol.
    Lol. It is for my everyday carry ( truck gun) but not my concealed carry.

  36. #396
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    Haha Charlie I saw the pic before I read the post, I thought oh cool you're a SWAT guy. I need something like that for weighted pushups btw.

    Will compile your pics later Zeus forgot last night lol

    Half cardio this AM, severe glute and lower back DOMS had me walking like a duck. If it doesn't go over next deadlift day I'll just someone lighter recovery work for the first exercise.

    Tried niacin (nicotinic acid the flush kind) woops! Don't take 500mg at one folks, it's one hell of a ride. I was red like a lobster for an hour, skin swollen, hearing impaired, needles in the skin of extremeties etc.

    Dumbbell bench later tonight.
    hollowedzeus likes this.

  37. #397
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    Me too
    Click image for larger version. 

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Views:	71 
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ID:	173729
    I think people who lawfully carry guns should get a small tax break.
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  38. #398
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    Quote Originally Posted by cousinmuscles View Post
    I need something like that for weighted pushups btw.
    I LOVE mine. Its the kind with sand bags in it, so I can very the weight from 0-100.

    Quote Originally Posted by cousinmuscles View Post
    Tried niacin (nicotinic acid the flush kind) woops! Don't take 500mg at one folks, it's one hell of a ride. I was red like a lobster for an hour, skin swollen, hearing impaired, needles in the skin of extremeties etc.
    500?!? Dang CM, lol.

    Why are you taking it?

  39. #399
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    Got great back and bi workout in. Treadmill for 25 mins, but it was fast paced walking on a incline. Couldn't muster up the energy to run. Still got hr up, so better than nothing
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  40. #400
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quester View Post
    I think people who lawfully carry guns should get a small tax break.
    I agree completely.
    BG likes this.

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