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Thread: The mainstream media did this to America

  1. #281
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    Quote Originally Posted by C27H40O3 View Post
    No you didnt, you didnt point out anything. you only called me a fat ass.

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    I think, to put things a bit more tactfully that what has thus far been put across, I’ll throw in my two cents on this whole thing.
    I agree with you 100% that the biggest problem plaguing ALL communities (and disproportionately affecting dense populations of lower income minorities for both cultural and genetic reasons) is preventable death spawning from our current culture of overconsumption and reduced physical demand. It also has a knock on effect of screwing up fertility rates and offspring quality. At this rate, we’ll be the first species to ever eat itself into extinction.
    I think what DLD is pointing out the simple adage of “be the change you want to see in the world”. You have a resource here that (assuming you take the time to learn and are willing to apply the information) provides you with unending opportunities to learn and make those changes. If you can’t do that, you’re not much better than the wideass health official or doctor pontificating about said issues in those communities.
    I was once a morbidly obese person in terrible health as well, but I applied what I learned and undid nearly three decades worth of metabolic damage. As I always tell people though, it’s simple, not easy. The formula is simple; applying it is the hard part. Even the statistics bear this out, because the spread of accurate nutrition and metabolic information has done precisely fuck all to stem the tide of adipose tissue lapping onto the shores of our species.
    As such, you’re deflecting the current topic with a problem that doesn’t have an applicable solution, short of forcefully restricting peoples food choices and intakes, and I feel like DLD is merely pointing out that your lack of improvement exemplifies this point. You clearly don’t have a solution. No one does. So why bring it up in the face of another problem that is currently being broached, if not just to deflect?

  2. #282
    C27H40O3 is offline Admin Sent Me Away.
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I got a DUI at my own house... heck no offer to bring me home, I was home! I was washing my car in the driveway then I pulled it out to turn it around and back it up the other direction and I slipped the clutch on some sand (they sand the crap out of the roads here cause all the snow and ice we get) and the car went into the trees (500 hp race tires a clutch and sand on the road don't mix well)
    I got pissed that my car was in the trees and so started taking shots of whisky big time. while looking up tow trucks to get my car out of the trees.
    well where I live we have neighborhood security guards that drive around (such a perk of living in a wealthy area eh) . well they saw the car off the road and called the cops to come check it out.. cops show up 3 hours later and I'm pretty drunk and pissed off by that time. they arrest me and give me a DUI for drinking in my own home.

    the DUI business has become a money making business . the cops criminalize everyone now and hand out DUIs like candy to keep feeding the system.
    another guy I know got arrested for sitting in his driveway drinking a beer in his truck listening to music. he got a DUI sitting in his own driveway. wtf.
    now they have lowered the limit so much that having a single beer at a restaurant and driving home will catch you a DUI .. they are criminalizing the F out of people to indite them and take their money . I'm out at least 12k thus far from that DUI. heck even in jail I got a bill in the mail for the meals.. I had to pay thousands to get an interlock installed on my car. I had to go through nearly 2 years worth of mandatory DUI counseling every week, all of which I had to pay for. I had to piss in a cup 50+ times all of which piss tests I had to pay for.. etc etc..
    they hand out DUIs like candy and lower the limits to criminalize normal people and take their money. its a scam.

    I'm against drunk driving. if you go to a bar to get drunk then take an uber home or have a plan. don't ever drive drunk .. but people getting DUIs in their one driveway and all these road blocks they set up to try and catch someone for having one beer at happy hour after work is total bullshit .. they are just trying to take freedoms away and make money for themselves in the false front name of "public safety" .

    in my state, in order to get a driver license you have to sign a waiver saying you can be taken into custody and blood tested at any time.
    if you have car keys in your pocket and your just walking around down town bar hopping, an officer can just arrest you and take you in for blood test and if you refuse to get tested you get a max penalty DUI, when you weren't even anywhere near your car.
    its a total loss of freedoms..
    its not a black or white issue . this big govt bullshit system wants to own and take away from everyone.

    slavery by rich white left wing elitists was never abolished, it was simply transferred to include everyone now

    absolutely correct. You described the problem completely and gave egregious examples of police misconduct. You should have sued the cop for false arrest and denial of your civil rights. You are allowed to drink in your driveway. He didnt observe you driving drunk.

    That blood test shit sucks. They dont have that ridiculous shit in my state. How can the government be allowed to do something as invasive as a blood test just to check compliance with a vehicle and traffic law? In my state, if you refuse, you will get your license suspended for a period of time. A judge would have to sign an order for a blood test, and that is only if there are serious injuries involved, never in the absence of an accident with injuries.

    The DWI arrest has developed for two reasons, one is financial, the second is psychological.

    Firstly, Over the last 25 -30 years, going back to when all this DWI hysteria started, thousands upon thousands of cops have become accustomed to the easy Overtime from a DWI arrest to pay their mortgage, and live above their means. Its too easy to just go out, pull someone over late at night, and make them blow. Two weeks later you have a few hundred bucks more in your paycheck.

    The second reason is more nuanced. Many small police departments, apparently like where Gearhead writes about, have a police force that never gets to play cop. they never get to feel like the real cops they see on TV shows. they never to get to put the cuffs on someone and feel like they are catching bad guys. It bothers them. Never get an opportunity to feel like crime fighters, except for one type of incident, a DWI arrest. Thanks to DWI enforcement, they get an opportunity to feel like they are real cops, pulling folks out of the car, cuffing them, searching their car, fingerprinting them, and generally walking someone around in cuffs. In so many small towns and quieter areas, such as Mayberry, the cops never get to put their hands or handcuffs on anyone if it wasnt for a DWI arrest. They went for decades just being Barney Fife on a slow day. Their self esteem is lifted by pretending that they are fighting crime by catching outlaws, but in reality they are visiting misery on a harmless motorist.

    Thanks to the national push for DWI arrests, assisted by federal money for checkpoints and DWI task forces, and multi-agency holiday operations, small towns and police departments have filled their coffers with funds related to DWI enforcement.

    It is a new cottage industry. Proceeds from the sale of confiscated cars. court fees, fines, supervision fees, kickbacks from interlock companies to pass laws and and then get awarded the contracts to put their monitoring devices in defendants' cars. Kickbacks to lawyers for referring clients to unnecessary counselling. Counselling centers bilking insurance companies for unnecessary treatment. DWI classes. Driver responsibility fees assessed and collected for the government. Probation fees, insurance company surcharges. the list goes on and on. It has become an industry, and it criminalized two generations of americans.

    It is a total scam, perpetuated and instigated by that fraudulent non profit of mad mothers. They started this whole bullshit.

    You younger brothers have no idea how it used to be. Cops would make you walk home, throwing your keys in your trunk. or tell you to come by the precinct the next day to get the keys. they used to save arrests for real criminals. small town cops were happy serving the residents instead of alienating them by arresting them, all to pay their mortgage or feel like a big man.

    I always drove in a big city since i learned to drive. DWI was a non issue. the cops had enough to do with real crime, they didnt bother with nonsense like that. Some of my friends growing up became cops. And we all got stopped growing up and were told to walk home. My man said, in the early 1980's when he was first a cop, if you brought a DWI or domestic violence arrest in, you were mocked by the boss and asked if you were afraid of the street by wanting to stay inside with a bullshit arrest. It was a great time to be young.

    We could drive out to the adjacent suburban county and hit night spot after nightspot. The county was loaded with them. They were all open until 4AM and there were plenty of women looking to hook up. It was great. Now, they are all gone. DWI enforcement destroyed the local nightlife industry. Folks became so deathly afraid of getting stopped and having their life disrupted for a decade that they stopped going out. There was a thriving economy, which is now gone. Restaurants and diners used to depend on the late night crowd to stay in business. many closed now. its dead out there at night now. The cops, by being greedy, killed the goose that was laying their golden eggs.
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  3. #283
    C27H40O3 is offline Admin Sent Me Away.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gallowmere View Post
    As such, you’re deflecting the current topic with a problem that doesn’t have an applicable solution, short of forcefully restricting peoples food choices and intakes, and I feel like DLD is merely pointing out that your lack of improvement exemplifies this point. You clearly don’t have a solution. No one does. So why bring it up in the face of another problem that is currently being broached, if not just to deflect?
    What did i bring up? Me being fat? I never brought that into this discussion.

    It was used by someone else to deflect from addressing my point on BLM.

  4. #284
    C27H40O3 is offline Admin Sent Me Away.
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    What did i bring up? Me being fat? I never brought that into this discussion.

    It was used by someone else to deflect from addressing my point on BLM.

    He had to go back and dig up my introductory post that I posted upon joining this board and he copied and pasted it into this thread. It clearly has nothing to do with the topic of this thread, but I guess it made him feel better about himself being in better shape than I am. Whatever.

    (this is a REPOST with edits since there is no edit button.)

  5. #285
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    Quote Originally Posted by C27H40O3 View Post
    What did i bring up? Me being fat? I never brought that into this discussion.

    It was used by someone else to deflect from addressing my point on BLM.
    You brought up how preventable death is a bigger problem, and implied that it should be BLM’s focus, instead of their current tract.

  6. #286
    Proximal is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by C27H40O3 View Post
    absolutely correct. You described the problem completely and gave egregious examples of police misconduct. You should have sued the cop for false arrest and denial of your civil rights. You are allowed to drink in your driveway. He didnt observe you driving drunk.

    That blood test shit sucks. They dont have that ridiculous shit in my state. How can the government be allowed to do something as invasive as a blood test just to check compliance with a vehicle and traffic law? In my state, if you refuse, you will get your license suspended for a period of time. A judge would have to sign an order for a blood test, and that is only if there are serious injuries involved, never in the absence of an accident with injuries.

    The DWI arrest has developed for two reasons, one is financial, the second is psychological.

    Firstly, Over the last 25 -30 years, going back to when all this DWI hysteria started, thousands upon thousands of cops have become accustomed to the easy Overtime from a DWI arrest to pay their mortgage, and live above their means. Its too easy to just go out, pull someone over late at night, and make them blow. Two weeks later you have a few hundred bucks more in your paycheck.

    The second reason is more nuanced. Many small police departments, apparently like where Gearhead writes about, have a police force that never gets to play cop. they never get to feel like the real cops they see on TV shows. they never to get to put the cuffs on someone and feel like they are catching bad guys. It bothers them. Never get an opportunity to feel like crime fighters, except for one type of incident, a DWI arrest. Thanks to DWI enforcement, they get an opportunity to feel like they are real cops, pulling folks out of the car, cuffing them, searching their car, fingerprinting them, and generally walking someone around in cuffs. In so many small towns and quieter areas, such as Mayberry, the cops never get to put their hands or handcuffs on anyone if it wasnt for a DWI arrest. They went for decades just being Barney Fife on a slow day. Their self esteem is lifted by pretending that they are fighting crime by catching outlaws, but in reality they are visiting misery on a harmless motorist.

    Thanks to the national push for DWI arrests, assisted by federal money for checkpoints and DWI task forces, and multi-agency holiday operations, small towns and police departments have filled their coffers with funds related to DWI enforcement.

    It is a new cottage industry. Proceeds from the sale of confiscated cars. court fees, fines, supervision fees, kickbacks from interlock companies to pass laws and and then get awarded the contracts to put their monitoring devices in defendants' cars. Kickbacks to lawyers for referring clients to unnecessary counselling. Counselling centers bilking insurance companies for unnecessary treatment. DWI classes. Driver responsibility fees assessed and collected for the government. Probation fees, insurance company surcharges. the list goes on and on. It has become an industry, and it criminalized two generations of americans.

    It is a total scam, perpetuated and instigated by that fraudulent non profit of mad mothers. They started this whole bullshit.

    You younger brothers have no idea how it used to be. Cops would make you walk home, throwing your keys in your trunk. or tell you to come by the precinct the next day to get the keys. they used to save arrests for real criminals. small town cops were happy serving the residents instead of alienating them by arresting them, all to pay their mortgage or feel like a big man.

    I always drove in a big city since i learned to drive. DWI was a non issue. the cops had enough to do with real crime, they didnt bother with nonsense like that. Some of my friends growing up became cops. And we all got stopped growing up and were told to walk home. My man said, in the early 1980's when he was first a cop, if you brought a DWI or domestic violence arrest in, you were mocked by the boss and asked if you were afraid of the street by wanting to stay inside with a bullshit arrest. It was a great time to be young.

    We could drive out to the adjacent suburban county and hit night spot after nightspot. The county was loaded with them. They were all open until 4AM and there were plenty of women looking to hook up. It was great. Now, they are all gone. DWI enforcement destroyed the local nightlife industry. Folks became so deathly afraid of getting stopped and having their life disrupted for a decade that they stopped going out. There was a thriving economy, which is now gone. Restaurants and diners used to depend on the late night crowd to stay in business. many closed now. its dead out there at night now. The cops, by being greedy, killed the goose that was laying their golden eggs.
    I’m against you guys on this one.

    This is just one of dozens of charts available.

    I can slam 4 drinks in one hour and still stay below the limit ffs. I get where you guys are coming from, but I’ve witnessed too much tragedy from this issue and it seems like a no-brainer to me.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails The mainstream media did this to America-a2f7d009-53de-4b6b-a677-d0291b905f00.jpg   The mainstream media did this to America-65599014-313a-4da1-bc22-a8fab9f52725.jpg  

  7. #287
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gallowmere View Post
    You brought up how preventable death is a bigger problem, and implied that it should be BLM’s focus, instead of their current tract.
    Parent’s night and open house at our school cracks me up. I have so many parents annoyed with me because my kids are going back home and telling their parents what to and not to cook/eat.

    We’re always breaking out the acceptable body weight charts and BP monitors. It’s said how many obese kids I have and how many already have HBP.

    And I definitely mention to my black and Hispanic kids to pay special attention (particularly when we do a show of hands on family history of CV disease, HBP & Diabetes 2).

    I am going to make a statement though relevant to this thread. In the past few years (particularly this past school year), we had never seen such severe and blatant racial issues in our school.

    BTW, the May 31’st hanging has video evidence that it was a suicide (thank god).

  8. #288
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Parent’s night and open house at our school cracks me up. I have so many parents annoyed with me because my kids are going back home and telling their parents what to and not to cook/eat.

    We’re always breaking out the acceptable body weight charts and BP monitors. It’s said how many obese kids I have and how many already have HBP.

    And I definitely mention to my black and Hispanic kids to pay special attention (particularly when we do a show of hands on family history of CV disease, HBP & Diabetes 2).

    I am going to make a statement though relevant to this thread. In the past few years (particularly this past school year), we had never seen such severe and blatant racial issues in our school.

    BTW, the May 31’st hanging has video evidence that it was a suicide (thank god).
    My staunch Libertarianism is never more challenged than when I see a fucking child with obesity to the point of metabolic disorder. It’s child abuse to a degree that’s probably worse than what most classify as “abuse”, because of the lifelong impacts on development, metabolic health, psychological health, etc.
    I’m not talking about the slightly jiggly kid who gets winded during the mile “run” either. I’m talking about the fucking cases we’re seeing now where kids are having to be put on fucking insulin at age nine, purely to keep their body from poisoning itself with all of the excess energy being dumped into their rotund asses. I’ll stop at “their parents have failed them”, but a dark part of me wants to go to “their parents should be fucking beaten to within an inch of their lives”.

  9. #289
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gallowmere View Post
    My staunch Libertarianism is never more challenged than when I see a fucking child with obesity to the point of metabolic disorder. It’s child abuse to a degree that’s probably worse than what most classify as “abuse”, because of the lifelong impacts on development, metabolic health, psychological health, etc.
    I’m not talking about the slightly jiggly kid who gets winded during the mile “run” either. I’m talking about the fucking cases we’re seeing now where kids are having to be put on fucking insulin at age nine, purely to keep their body from poisoning itself with all of the excess energy being dumped into their rotund asses. I’ll stop at “their parents have failed them”, but a dark part of me wants to go to “their parents should be fucking beaten to within an inch of their lives”.
    We’re (wife and I) at Starbucks (truly a huge cause of never seeing an end to this crap). The kid wants to get this chocolate Frappuccino with extra chocolate chips, whip cream and a caramel drizzle. The oh so responsible dad asks the clerk “hey there’s not too much caffeine in there, right?” The clerk says no, the dad is relieved and my wife is pinching & whispering to me to shut the fuck up.

    The kids here are addicted to that shit and the sugary energy drinks out here.

  10. #290
    C27H40O3 is offline Admin Sent Me Away.
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    Quote Originally Posted by tarmyg View Post
    Probably these ones:
    I see by your posts you seem to be mixing up class and race. I agree that there is a class issue in this country. That is the root of most of our problems. Any discrimination is mostly due to class, not race.

    That being said, I'll admit that i had to stop at around ten minutes. the video is a mix of grade school level history, misleading statements, and unsupported speculation and supposition.

    see this video that debunks your premise by debunking another similar video that rehashes many of the same discredited points that your video puts forth.

    He makes the same common sense points that I usually make, so i will let his video stand as the bulk of my reply.

  11. #291
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    We’re (wife and I) at Starbucks (truly a huge cause of never seeing an end to this crap). The kid wants to get this chocolate Frappuccino with extra chocolate chips, whip cream and a caramel drizzle. The oh so responsible dad asks the clerk “hey there’s not too much caffeine in there, right?” The clerk says no, the dad is relieved and my wife is pinching & whispering to me to shut the fuck up.

    The kids here are addicted to that shit and the sugary energy drinks out here.
    It’s one of those things that I try to avoid judging in generalities, for one reason alone: with my daily activity level, I require slightly over 4000 kcals to hold weight, even when I’m off cycle.
    As such, I can’t presume to know what a kid’s daily energy demands are, what they may have done (or will be doing ) on that particular day, etc. We’ve all known those teenage and 20-something athletes who can treat their body like a dumpster, but the fire’s burning so hot that it’s irrelevant.
    However, aaaaaall of that thought goes out the window when said concoction is being dumped into a kid who is a clear metabolic trainwreck, or well on their way there.

  12. #292
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gallowmere View Post
    It’s one of those things that I try to avoid judging in generalities, for one reason alone: with my daily activity level, I require slightly over 4000 kcals to hold weight, even when I’m off cycle.
    As such, I can’t presume to know what a kid’s daily energy demands are, what they may have done (or will be doing ) on that particular day, etc. We’ve all known those teenage and 20-something athletes who can treat their body like a dumpster, but the fire’s burning so hot that it’s irrelevant.
    However, aaaaaall of that thought goes out the window when said concoction is being dumped into a kid who is a clear metabolic trainwreck, or well on their way there.
    Well, the massive amounts of glucose being consumed during the school day that consists of them largely sitting on their butts from 8 - 3 is not going to get burnt off. Particularly, when we have a mid-morning “nutrition” break and then for lunch the kids shoot back over to Starbucks, Seven Eleven (coincidentally each are a 5 minute walk from our school) or In & Out burger washed down with a giant soda. PE is no longer a requirement and vending machines are a large revenue source for public schools.

    Even if you are an athlete and do work out after school, that’s an easy 7 hour stretch where the kid’s insulin receptors are getting bombarded daily.

    In addition, I ask my kids to ask their parents if they can get their blood sugar and triglycerides tested. Way too many of my kids are coming back high on one or both.

    God, I love seeing my kids change their eating habits or seeing them at my gym after school. I’m going to miss that badly.
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  13. #293
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gallowmere View Post
    My staunch Libertarianism is never more challenged than when I see a fucking child with obesity to the point of metabolic disorder. It’s child abuse to a degree that’s probably worse than what most classify as “abuse”, because of the lifelong impacts on development, metabolic health, psychological health, etc.
    I’m not talking about the slightly jiggly kid who gets winded during the mile “run” either. I’m talking about the fucking cases we’re seeing now where kids are having to be put on fucking insulin at age nine, purely to keep their body from poisoning itself with all of the excess energy being dumped into their rotund asses. I’ll stop at “their parents have failed them”, but a dark part of me wants to go to “their parents should be fucking beaten to within an inch of their lives”.
    meanwhile we have tons of under weight under fed and malnourished kids as well .
    its a shame one kid is eating 8000 cals per day mainly all junk carbs and becoming obese and diabetic and another kid is going without meals all together.

    government isn't going to fix that problem. they are incapable of doing much of anything other then pay themselves.

    the community is the better option .. I do live in a fairly wealthy town/area, but we do have plenty of poor and needy as well.
    between the community ran food banks and churches and charities here etc.. we get tons of food to people. and I'm not talking garbage cheap food either , families struggling will get quality steaks, organic chicken and free range eggs, fresh veggies, etc.. locally owned restaurants and other businesses will buy extra food and donate it weekly . people here get high quality organic meats delivered to their homes and they always order extra and donate some.

    I think some communities are just so 'each for themselves' and cut throat that they don't operate that way at all .. and if you are in need in one of those communities you go to govt for assistance and not your local neighbors.

    we take care of each other .. heck even my neighbor knowing I've had 5 back surgeries and struggle with back pain comes over randomly in the winter and snow blows my driveway for me (in return we bake him and his wife cakes.. my daughter is a good baker)

    anyhow - I just find in interesting how some kids are going without food in certain communities and others are getting obese. seems like such a contrast.
    the solution starts with the family first and then the greater community mindset at large (definitely don't want government in control)
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  14. #294
    C27H40O3 is offline Admin Sent Me Away.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    I’m against you guys on this one.

    This is just one of dozens of charts available.

    I can slam 4 drinks in one hour and still stay below the limit ffs. I get where you guys are coming from, but I’ve witnessed too much tragedy from this issue and it seems like a no-brainer to me.
    you posted charts and government handouts. where are the studies that lead to those conclusions? i always like to see the original documents, not some government bureaucrat's interpretation of the data.

  15. #295
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    When you are talking about kids, sometimes the obesity is just until the hormones balance out. In sixth grade, I had a huge belly on me. Once I reached puberty, I got skinny fast with no real change in diet.: actually a worse diet than before.

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  16. #296
    C27H40O3 is offline Admin Sent Me Away.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gallowmere View Post
    You brought up how preventable death is a bigger problem, and implied that it should be BLM’s focus, instead of their current tract.
    Yes, i believe that they should be directing their energy towards this topic, if black lives really did matter to them. I agree with you. My BMI, whatever it may be, has nothing to do with the issue.

  17. #297
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Well, the massive amounts of glucose being consumed during the school day that consists of them largely sitting on their butts from 8 - 3 is not going to get burnt off. Particularly, when we have a mid-morning “nutrition” break and then for lunch the kids shoot back over to Starbucks, Seven Eleven (coincidentally each are a 5 minute walk from our school) or In & Out burger washed down with a giant soda. PE is no longer a requirement and vending machines are a large revenue source for public schools.

    Even if you are an athlete and do work out after school, that’s an easy 7 hour stretch where the kid’s insulin receptors are getting bombarded daily.

    In addition, I ask my kids to ask their parents if they can get their blood sugar and triglycerides tested. Way too many of my kids are coming back high on one or both.

    God, I love seeing my kids change their eating habits or seeing them at my gym after school. I’m going to miss that badly.
    Well, glucose metabolism/conversion/storage does occur over about a 24 hour period, so assuming energy balance is a thing, and specific nutrient needs are being met, it’s not problematic. But as GH pointed out, our biggest issues come from these kids who are choking more than double their needs down their faceholes on a daily basis.
    The human body is amazingly adaptive and resilient when it comes to what it can survive and thrive on, and the massive differences in diets in pre-modern West cultures are a great testament to this. However, what we have in the here and now is total fucking energy overload that we were never meant to handle.

  18. #298
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    When you are talking about kids, sometimes the obesity is just until the hormones balance out. In sixth grade, I had a huge belly on me. Once I reached puberty, I got skinny fast with no real change in diet.: actually a worse diet than before.

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    Very true, but bear in mind Charger, as I pointed out, I’m not talking about “a bit jiggly and gets winded with moderate physical effort”. That’s a quick and easy fix, even if puberty itself didn’t take care of it (which is often does).
    I’m talking about the kids who are actually being developmentally fucked up by the sheer amount of energy being poured into their faceholes on a daily basis.

  19. #299
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    Quote Originally Posted by C27H40O3 View Post
    you posted charts and government handouts. where are the studies that lead to those conclusions? i always like to see the original documents, not some government bureaucrat's interpretation of the data.
    There is a LOT of studies out there confirming impairments with alcohol usage at .08 and lower. At I’ve seen more than my share and have used them in my classroom as well.

    I respect what you are saying/asking regarding data though, but truly don’t want to dominate my time over finding information that I’ve seen so repeatedly in my adult life.

    Regarding the scale handed out by the DMV, was that imo, still being able to consume 4 drinks in an hour and drive legally, seems more than fair to me.

  20. #300
    C27H40O3 is offline Admin Sent Me Away.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    There is a LOT of studies out there confirming impairments with alcohol usage at .08 and lower. At I’ve seen more than my share and have used them in my classroom as well.

    I respect what you are saying/asking regarding data though, but truly don’t want to dominate my time over finding information that I’ve seen so repeatedly in my adult life.

    Regarding the scale handed out by the DMV, was that imo, still being able to consume 4 drinks in an hour and drive legally, seems more than fair to me.
    how much do you weigh?

  21. #301
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gallowmere View Post

    I’m talking about the kids who are actually being developmentally fucked up by the sheer amount of energy being poured into their faceholes on a daily basis.
    You have a way with words. LOL

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  22. #302
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    When you are talking about kids, sometimes the obesity is just until the hormones balance out. In sixth grade, I had a huge belly on me. Once I reached puberty, I got skinny fast with no real change in diet.: actually a worse diet than before.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I am aware and was very similar to you around 6th grade.

    I’m commenting at what I see and have seen at my school for 20 years regarding diet.

    Stop at Starbucks before school, there’s the kids. First 2 periods of class every day, multiple students with venti (x-large) sugary Frappuccinos or Energy drinks. 10:15 for “Nutrition”, almost all simple carbs. Go to 7 Eleven at lunch for my Diet Pepsi craving; lines of kids buying pure garbage for lunch. Don’t have a lunch pass to go get food off campus? It gets delivered. The first period after lunch is like the first period of the morning; it’s a fast-food fest.

    Multiple vending machines everywhere with pure garbage in them (the healthy stuff doesn’t sell and make $ for the school).

  23. #303
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    Quote Originally Posted by C27H40O3 View Post
    how much do you weigh?
    I’m 6’2”, 220 at just about 15% BF.

    But when we do dine out, my wife drives because it’s just not worth the risk, even though dinners usually extend beyond an hour.

    I love my Vodka Martinis and good wine!

    Dude, we went to this high-end place that was matching up sushi to different sakes and whisky - holy fuck! And if for some goofy reason a restaurant doesn’t serve alcohol, I don’t care how good the food is, I ain’t going, lol.

  24. #304
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    I’m 6’2”, 220 at just about 15% BF.

    But when we do dine out, my wife drives because it’s just not worth the risk, even though dinners usually extend beyond an hour.

    I love my Vodka Martinis and good wine!

    Dude, we went to this high-end place that was matching up sushi to different sakes and whisky - holy fuck! And if for some goofy reason a restaurant doesn’t serve alcohol, I don’t care how good the food is, I ain’t going, lol.
    Shit, try having a CDL with Hazmat. I can’t even blow a .04 while driving my personal car, for that reason alone.

  25. #305
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    There is a LOT of studies out there confirming impairments with alcohol usage at .08 and lower. At I’ve seen more than my share and have used them in my classroom as well.

    I respect what you are saying/asking regarding data though, but truly don’t want to dominate my time over finding information that I’ve seen so repeatedly in my adult life.

    Regarding the scale handed out by the DMV, was that imo, still being able to consume 4 drinks in an hour and drive legally, seems more than fair to me.
    state laws vary .. but in my state if you had a couple drinks and were not technically drunk or going to blow over the limit , but you got in a wreck and hurt someone or destroyed property .. your going to jail . no matter if you have one drink and barely blow a reading at all (in my state they make you blow and take your blood).
    whereas if you got in that same wreck and hit a fire hydrant lets say but you had zero alcohol in your system, you'd likely just get a fine for the fire hydrant . but with one drink in you now your going to jail and getting a possible felony.

    me personally , I will never have a single drink at a restaurant. cause I know the scam exists. they make these laws to criminalize normal parts of society (like have a beer after work during happy hour).
    they promote all these beer commercials during football games , tail gating parties, happy hour etc.. and promote going out and drinking, and then on the other hand your going to be criminalized and end up paying out thousands to the govt system and becoming its slave.

    4 drinks and driving home is not fair at all .. your tire blows out and you end up hitting a public stop sign, your going to jail simply cause you had some alcohol in your system.
    the have all sorts of loopholes to get you a DUI and get you into the system and take your money and enslave you.
    having even 2 drinks and getting behind the wheel is a horrible idea with the laws they have on the books now.

    in my state there are 58,000 DUIs given out per year. not because tons of people are out their driving drunk, but simply because its the job of the state patrol to set you up and get you processed.
    that many DUIs generate about 700 million dollars in revenue.. they will go out of their way to get you a DUI cause the system wants your money

  26. #306
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gallowmere View Post
    Shit, try having a CDL with Hazmat. I can’t even blow a .04 while driving my personal car, for that reason alone.
    Forgive my ignorance if I get this mixed up please. But, because you have a license to drive a commercial vehicle that is transporting hazardous materials, you’re restricted to .04 in your personal vehicle and when off-hours?

  27. #307
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    There is a LOT of studies out there confirming impairments with alcohol usage at .08 and lower. At I’ve seen more than my share and have used them in my classroom as well.

    I respect what you are saying/asking regarding data though, but truly don’t want to dominate my time over finding information that I’ve seen so repeatedly in my adult life.

    Regarding the scale handed out by the DMV, was that imo, still being able to consume 4 drinks in an hour and drive legally, seems more than fair to me.
    I ask because there is alot of flawed research out there on topics such as this, and opiod abuse. Often, if you follow the money, you will see the bias in the research. I like to see the original documents because often you can find a nefarious connection to funding from a source that makes the whole document suspect, and likely biased.

    A couple of years back, when i visited my orthopedic guy, i saw a new chart under his glass on his desk. it was giving suggestions about suggested doses and duration that doctors should write opioid prescriptions for. they were lower than what he was writing. i asked him where it came from, he said one of the girls found it in the office mail, so she put it there for him. he said it was not really useful because it was geared more to general practitioners, and it too much of a one size fits all recommendation, and the numbers seemed a bit low. I looked at the source of the info. It was printed by the National Association of Medicaid Directors. Sounds legit, right?

    Of course not. Follow the money. I researched that entity, and found that the stated purpose of their existence was to help local governments' medicaid programs cut costs and save money. Nowhere did it have improving patient care listed anywhere. One of their main goals is to get doctors to prescribe less medication, thereby lowering the cost to medicaid programs. Meanwhile, the patient suffers increased pain levels and diminished quality of life.

    It was like the cigarette companies who financed the medical studies that said smoking was good for you.

    Dont take research at face value to form an opinion, without using critical thinking to reading it. ALways follow the money.

    The author on alot of DWI research is Ralph Hingson, who was discredited when he failed to report that he was on the board of MADD at the same time that he was producing alot of DWI research. To see what a scam MADD is, read this article.

    In a three-page 1998 report, sociologist and MADD national board member Ralph Hingson claimed that lowering the nationwide drunk-driving arrest threshold from .10% to 0.08% blood alcohol concentration (BAC) would save 500 lives a year. Despite being thoroughly discredited by highway traffic safety experts — the U.S. General Accounting Office labeled his claim “unfounded” in its 1999 report to Congress — MADD continued to cite his research and repeatedly used it to convince many states to adopt “.08” legislation.

    College Drinking Study Is Intoxicating Scam
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  28. #308
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    The mainstream media did this to America

    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Forgive my ignorance if I get this mixed up please. But, because you have a license to drive a commercial vehicle that is transporting hazardous materials, you’re restricted to .04 in your personal vehicle and when off-hours?
    That’s correct. By applying for and acquiring the license, you are subjected to stricter laws and harsher punishments, due to the nature of being what’s considered a professional driver. You forget your license at home, you get a verbal warning. I forget mine? Instant 3 point violation. This applies regardless of what vehicle I am driving on a public roadway.
    Ya’ know, kinda like how I keep saying the cops should be held to higher standards and harsher punishments due to their station.
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  29. #309
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    I ask because there is a lot of flawed research out there on topics such as this, and opioid abuse. Often, if you follow the money, you will see the bias in the research. I like to see the original documents because often you can find a nefarious connection to funding from a source that makes the whole document suspect, and likely biased.

    A couple of years back, when i visited my orthopedic guy, i saw a new chart under his glass on his desk. it was giving suggestions about suggested doses and duration that doctors should write opioid prescriptions for. they were lower than what he was writing. i asked him where it came from, he said one of the girls found it in the office mail, so she put it there for him. he said it was not really useful because it was geared more to general practitioners, and it too much of a one size fits all recommendation, and the numbers seemed a bit low. I looked at the source of the info. It was printed by the National Association of Medicaid Directors. Sounds legit, right?

    Of course not. Follow the money. I researched that entity, and found that the stated purpose of their existence was to help local governments' medicaid programs cut costs and save money. Nowhere did it have improving patient care listed anywhere. One of their main goals is to get doctors to prescribe less medication, thereby lowering the cost to medicaid programs. Meanwhile, the patient suffers increased pain levels and diminished quality of life.

    It was like the cigarette companies who financed the medical studies that said smoking was good for you.

    Dont take research at face value to form an opinion, without using critical thinking while reading it. Always follow the money.

    The author on much of DWI research is Ralph Hingson, who was discredited when he failed to report that he was on the board of MADD at the same time that he was producing a lot of DWI research. To see what a scam MADD is, read this article.

    In a three-page 1998 report, sociologist and MADD national board member Ralph Hingson claimed that lowering the nationwide drunk-driving arrest threshold from .10% to 0.08% blood alcohol concentration (BAC) would save 500 lives a year. Despite being thoroughly discredited by highway traffic safety experts — the U.S. General Accounting Office labeled his claim “unfounded” in its 1999 report to Congress — MADD continued to cite his research and repeatedly used it to convince many states to adopt “.08” legislation.

    College Drinking Study Is Intoxicating Scam

    REPOST needed to fix spelling and grammar, due to lack of edit button.

  30. #310
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    state laws vary .. but in my state if you had a couple drinks and were not technically drunk or going to blow over the limit , but you got in a wreck and hurt someone or destroyed property .. your going to jail . no matter if you have one drink and barely blow a reading at all (in my state they make you blow and take your blood).
    whereas if you got in that same wreck and hit a fire hydrant lets say but you had zero alcohol in your system, you'd likely just get a fine for the fire hydrant . but with one drink in you now your going to jail and getting a possible felony.

    me personally , I will never have a single drink at a restaurant. cause I know the scam exists. they make these laws to criminalize normal parts of society (like have a beer after work during happy hour).
    they promote all these beer commercials during football games , tail gating parties, happy hour etc.. and promote going out and drinking, and then on the other hand your going to be criminalized and end up paying out thousands to the govt system and becoming its slave.

    4 drinks and driving home is not fair at all .. your tire blows out and you end up hitting a public stop sign, your going to jail simply cause you had some alcohol in your system.
    the have all sorts of loopholes to get you a DUI and get you into the system and take your money and enslave you.
    having even 2 drinks and getting behind the wheel is a horrible idea with the laws they have on the books now.

    in my state there are 58,000 DUIs given out per year. not because tons of people are out their driving drunk, but simply because its the job of the state patrol to set you up and get you processed.
    that many DUIs generate about 700 million dollars in revenue.. they will go out of their way to get you a DUI cause the system wants your money
    Oh, I more than understand where you are coming from, I do.

    But, where you and I differ on many topics is that I don’t have an issue with laws, even if I agree, they do tend to try to limit my freedoms. I’m not saying either of us are right or wrong, that was just my upbringing & how I continue to think.

    Oh hell yeah - you’ve got massive alcohol at sporting events, a lot of hypocrisy there (particularly how all the leagues are so strong against any pot). Dude, there’s parking lots at bars, tell me that makes a lot of sense.

    And yeah, everything is geared to $, $, $ and more $. I understand that, but accept that that’s the way it is and prepare for the consequences.

    Some numb nuts rear ended me last year on the way to school, while stopped at a red light. The idiot was so high or drunk he didn’t even knew he had hit my car. The damage was so negligible and he was so wasted (plus I couldn’t be late for work), I just said fuck it and drove off.

    Me personally, I’ve long felt I’ve had a guardian angel on my shoulder. How the hell I made it home all those nights in my youth after tons of drinking, I’ll never know. Only once did I wreck my car. Thank God I never hit another person.

    Another time, mysteriously we stayed up later than our normal habit during the work week and we’re watching tv. Some drunk drove through our bedroom wall and crushed our bed. He proceeded to then park his massive 70’s era sedan in the rear parking lot with parts of the wall on his hood. Idiot.

  31. #311
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gallowmere View Post
    That’s correct. By applying for and acquiring the license, you are subjected to stricter laws and harsher punishments, due to the nature of being what’s considered a professional driver. You forget your license at home, you get a verbal warning. I forget mine? Instant 3 point violation. This applies regardless of what vehicle I am driving on a public roadway.
    Ya’ know, kinda like how I keep saying the cops should be held to higher standards and harsher punishments due to their station.

    TY for clarifying.

    And lol about higher standards. In that light, I’m happy I don’t work where I teach. You hear kids tell stories of seeing their teachers look obnoxiously drunk at local restaurants. Do the teachers have a right to do so, hell yeah. But still imo, a bad look.
    Last edited by Proximal; 06-20-2020 at 12:49 PM.

  32. #312
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    Quote Originally Posted by C27H40O3 View Post
    I ask because there is a lot of flawed research out there on topics such as this, and opioid abuse. Often, if you follow the money, you will see the bias in the research. I like to see the original documents because often you can find a nefarious connection to funding from a source that makes the whole document suspect, and likely biased.

    A couple of years back, when i visited my orthopedic guy, i saw a new chart under his glass on his desk. it was giving suggestions about suggested doses and duration that doctors should write opioid prescriptions for. they were lower than what he was writing. i asked him where it came from, he said one of the girls found it in the office mail, so she put it there for him. he said it was not really useful because it was geared more to general practitioners, and it too much of a one size fits all recommendation, and the numbers seemed a bit low. I looked at the source of the info. It was printed by the National Association of Medicaid Directors. Sounds legit, right?

    Of course not. Follow the money. I researched that entity, and found that the stated purpose of their existence was to help local governments' medicaid programs cut costs and save money. Nowhere did it have improving patient care listed anywhere. One of their main goals is to get doctors to prescribe less medication, thereby lowering the cost to medicaid programs. Meanwhile, the patient suffers increased pain levels and diminished quality of life.

    It was like the cigarette companies who financed the medical studies that said smoking was good for you.

    Dont take research at face value to form an opinion, without using critical thinking while reading it. Always follow the money.

    The author on much of DWI research is Ralph Hingson, who was discredited when he failed to report that he was on the board of MADD at the same time that he was producing a lot of DWI research. To see what a scam MADD is, read this article.

    In a three-page 1998 report, sociologist and MADD national board member Ralph Hingson claimed that lowering the nationwide drunk-driving arrest threshold from .10% to 0.08% blood alcohol concentration (BAC) would save 500 lives a year. Despite being thoroughly discredited by highway traffic safety experts — the U.S. General Accounting Office labeled his claim “unfounded” in its 1999 report to Congress — MADD continued to cite his research and repeatedly used it to convince many states to adopt “.08” legislation.

    College Drinking Study Is Intoxicating Scam

    REPOST needed to fix spelling and grammar, due to lack of edit button.
    I hear you. I base my opinion on how I know it effects me. I can tell that even with one drink my reflexes are a touch off. I also made that realization when I was trying very low dose THC for my blood pressure.

    Out here, you had better be on your “A” game when driving. I never drove in NY when I lived there briefly (but had some interesting cab rides, lol). Chicago driving was crazy. Los Angeles? Fucking maniac -city & there’s hardly a time with little traffic. My reflexes and my car have saved my ass on a few occasions.

  33. #313
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    TY for clarifying.

    In that light, I’m happy I don’t work where I teach. You hear kids tell stories of seeing their teachers look obnoxiously drunk at local restaurants. Do the teachers have a right to do so, hell yeah. But still imo, a bad look.
    I remember the first time I was forced to acknowledge the reality that my teacher was a real person. It was just that weird breaking of childhood naïveté that comes the first time you come across a teacher grocery shopping, getting gas, whatever.
    I can only imagine how weird that would have been for me had said teacher been tanked at a restaurant, instead of buying asparagus at an IGA.
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  34. #314
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    state laws vary .. but in my state if you had a couple drinks and were not technically drunk or going to blow over the limit , but you got in a wreck and hurt someone or destroyed property .. your going to jail . no matter if you have one drink and barely blow a reading at all (in my state they make you blow and take your blood).
    whereas if you got in that same wreck and hit a fire hydrant lets say but you had zero alcohol in your system, you'd likely just get a fine for the fire hydrant . but with one drink in you now your going to jail and getting a possible felony.

    me personally , I will never have a single drink at a restaurant. cause I know the scam exists. they make these laws to criminalize normal parts of society (like have a beer after work during happy hour).
    they promote all these beer commercials during football games , tail gating parties, happy hour etc.. and promote going out and drinking, and then on the other hand your going to be criminalized and end up paying out thousands to the govt system and becoming its slave.

    4 drinks and driving home is not fair at all .. your tire blows out and you end up hitting a public stop sign, your going to jail simply cause you had some alcohol in your system.
    the have all sorts of loopholes to get you a DUI and get you into the system and take your money and enslave you.
    having even 2 drinks and getting behind the wheel is a horrible idea with the laws they have on the books now.

    in my state there are 58,000 DUIs given out per year. not because tons of people are out their driving drunk, but simply because its the job of the state patrol to set you up and get you processed.
    that many DUIs generate about 700 million dollars in revenue.. they will go out of their way to get you a DUI cause the system wants your money
    absolutely. its a big scam to criminalize whole generations of middle class folks all over the country. thats the bulk of the arrests. the poor areas of big cities dont have the issue. folks walk to the corner bar, or take the subway. and the cops are too buisy to bother wioth DWI in the first place. its the suburban and rural areas that have the problem with the over zealous cops.

    The egregious thing is that you are screwed even if the drinks had nothing to do with the accident. We had an instance in my state where a guy was coming home from a wedding he attended. he had a few drinks and was stopped at a red light behind a car of mexicans. while waiting for the light to change, a drunk driver crashed into the rear of his car, which in turn forced his car into the rear of the car full of mexicans. several of them in the back seat died. the poor driver in the middle car, who couldnt have avoided the accident even if he wasnt drinking, was charged with vehicular homicide. it was a travesty of justice. they even charged him for bribery, for telling the cop to hold the contents of his pocket while he was fumbling around looking for his wallet at the scene. scumbag state police asshole.

  35. #315
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    So by that reasoning....

    Plotting to bomb an embassy is fine because they haven't done it?
    Remember: just because they are plotting doesn't mean they will...
    Remember you said: "It’s punishing someone for what they might do, instead of what they have done."

    If it isn't fine then:
    1: Can we stop them from plotting further...
    2: Just wait and try to catch them in the act...
    3: Do we have to wait until the bomb goes off?

    Now, I understand your point that 0.08 (or whatever it is) might be too low.
    In that case, make it higher.
    There has to be some limit at which someone is obviously driving impaired and endangering the lives of others.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gallowmere View Post
    Do you really need me to go dig up the stats on the disproportionate amount of blacks that are in prison for non-violent offenses? The ones about how they were, by more than a factor of ten, impacted more than any other race by the War on Drugs and it’s methods, including stop and frisk nonsense?
    How about how most of said non-violent offenders end up with absurd sentences due to piling on of time for shit like possession of a firearm? .
    Yes, bring stats to prove your point. And remember that correlation is not causation.

    Disproportionate to what, their numbers in relation to society, or their numbers in relation to criminals?

    Dealers will be impacted more by the war on drugs than non dealers. What is your point? The war on drugs was a federal program, stop and frisk was a local program. Don’t confuse the two.

    And how do you justify not giving an armed drug dealer more time than an unarmed one? I saw what armed dealers did to my city in the early 1990’s.

    Young crack dealers, 17-18 years old with Uzis and Tech-9’s shooting up the city to protect their drug spot. Teen angers selling corners for tens of thousand dollars to other teenage dealers. You clearly have no ides about what it was like here and elsewhere. That’s where that crackdown came from.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gallowmere View Post

    I’m not putting this all at the feet of the police. The legislature is even more to blame.
    Honestly, most of us here are fucking criminals in all but being caught and convicted. We just have the benefits of having controlled substance choices that are much harder to find, and due to their nature, don’t require as frequent of dosing for effect.
    I believe that drugs should be treated as a medical issue, rather than a legal issue, like alcohol use. We have enough laws against public disorder, drunk driving, child neglect, to cover the result.

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    So by that reasoning....

    Plotting to bomb an embassy is fine because they haven't done it?
    Remember: just because they are plotting doesn't mean they will...
    Remember you said: "It’s punishing someone for what they might do, instead of what they have done."

    If it isn't fine then:
    1: Can we stop them from plotting further...
    2: Just wait and try to catch them in the act...
    3: Do we have to wait until the bomb goes off?

    Now, I understand your point that 0.08 (or whatever it is) might be too low.
    In that case, make it higher.
    There has to be some limit at which someone is obviously driving impaired and endangering the lives of others.
    Plotting to bomb an embassy is fine, its just talk until you take concrete steps to carry out it out, such as buying bomb making materials, or taking photos of the layout. Then it becomes chargeable as a conspiracy.

    Sure, if you clearly cant control the car, and you are all over the road or similar shit, then you are a risk to others. You demonstrated your inability to control the car. But if you are driving home fine, after a couple of drinks, and there is no issue, you haven’t shown yourself to be a threat to anyone.

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    What the mainstream media (AKA the propaganda arm of the People's Demoncratic Army) deliberately neglected to tell you this week

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    On police shooting you didn't hear about this in the news week ...

    ... because the citizen they killed was white

    ...Hannah Fizer was driving to work Saturday night in Sedalia when she ran a red light and was stopped, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol.

    Authorities say Fizer told the deputy she had a gun and threatened to shoot him — prompting the officer to open fire on her. She died a short time later....
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    Now that the BLM terrorists have taken their road show to Atlanta, CNN has such a warm fuzzy about their "peaceful protests" that they've put up a chain link fence around their headquarters HQ there to guard against them.

    So, Herr Doktor Fronkensteen, what do you think of your little monster now?

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    Washington Lawmakers Only Interested in Gun Control for Law Abiding

    Video surfaced of “Raz the Warlord” of Seattle’s infamous Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) or recently renamed the Capitol Hill Occupied Protest (CHOP), handing out AR-15s from his Tesla’s trunk.

    This is the same city and state that’s crushing law abiding gun owners with layers of gun control laws, yet when the laws for which they voted are blatantly violated, there are no repercussions. Seattle Police confirmed a department-wide letter warned police not to respond to calls within the CHAZ, unless there’s a mass casualty, active shooter or structural fires. A police spokesperson clarified police are responding to calls, asking callers to meet them outside CHAZ barricades.

    “Seattle is not under siege and we are responding to every call and every area of the city,” Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best told CNN. “Admittedly there are barricades that prevent us from going in as quickly and efficiently as we like to. We recognize that we have to make sure we protect everyone’s safety in this situation.”

    AR-15 Tesla Truck Special

    Gun control zealots in Washington, including Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee and Democratic Mayor Jenny Durkan, have shown little interest in enforcing existing gun control laws. This is the case even after videos of Activist Raz Simone, a hip-hop artist known as “Raz the Warlord” was seen in a livestream video on YouTube handing out AR-15s from the trunk of his Tesla. That’s a violation of Seattle’s safe storage ordinance.

    “Somebody over there who’s 18 know how to use a gun?” asks a figure believed to be Simone. He’s later seen in the video carrying an AK-47 and a holstered handgun on his right leg.

    One young man raises his hand and responds, “18.”

    “Take the clip out and put it back in,” Simone instructs him.

    “No one’s going to f****** ask me why I’m walking around with an AR-15?”

    “No, just come right back here,” Simone instructs before telling him, “Keep the barrel down.”

    “I got you, just don’t say any names,” Simone’s warns before the video ends.

    Laws, If You Enforce Them

    Seattle Police Assistant Chief Deanna Nollette told reporters that Washington is an open-carry state but it is illegal to use a firearm, or other instruments, with the purpose of intimidation. No arrests of gun wielding or gun distributing “protesters” have occurred....

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