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  1. #281
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    Quote Originally Posted by m16a2
    I'm not sure if your saying this, but I think your saying that fats can be broken down into usable energy (glucose) and the byproducts are ketones. Regardless, the brain feeds on glucose.
    the ketones are also used by certain parts of the brain for energy...
    it happens when glucose-intake is low.
    calcium and unused ketones are exerted by peeing!
    dehydration is a factor that will decrease the effeciency of conversion of nutrients and will leave an entire organism fatigued!

  2. #282
    Da Bull's Avatar
    Da Bull is offline Banned
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    Greatest thread EVER!

  3. #283
    SV-1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kingofmasters
    what is wrong with the dutch ?
    Who are the Dutch? I thought people from Holland were called Hollandaise.

  4. #284
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    Quote Originally Posted by SV-1
    Who are the Dutch? I thought people from Holland were called Hollandaise.

  5. #285
    Join Date
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    BTW SV-1 where did you gather that info from for that "antidote"

    A peptide company?

    DNA-primers are super-expensive...

    And what do you guys think about the spot-removing expiriment?

  6. #286
    SV-1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kingofmasters
    BTW SV-1 where did you gather that info from for that "antidote"
    " A PDF file about an antidote to DNP ."

  7. #287
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    no it is an antibody for Rat DNA research (a marker probably!), why else would it be such a small amount and would it state "rat"?

  8. #288
    hatchblack is offline Associate Member
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    Good abreviated summary post on that second link. Not nearly as detailed as KOM stuff but still good basics.

    Somene clarify for me why we are not supposed to eat high sugar/starchy carb foods while on DNP (minus the heat effect) Is it because that attempts to bring glycogen stores back up while DNP is keeping them down and burning fat...?

  9. #289
    TheChosenOne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kingofmasters
    I wouldn't do DNP on a cycle!
    DNP is best done alone!
    Especially because the motivation to train etc. goes away on DNP!

    Try doing it 2 weeks after finishing PCT (that way you will know how much muscle you gained and what your fatpercentage is when you finished and thus then lower that percentage!).

    Here is my logic behind this thinking. Please dismiss it if you think it is assanine. I struggle to get to the gym to lift 4 days per week being that I work generally 10hrs and drive another 2.5. I am running Prop while cutting with my main goal being fatloss. I am not in this cycle to gain mass (although if any comes along it would be a bonus). I am merely elevating my test levels to curb catabolism. My thinking is that with the DNP during cycle I could cut the last bit of fat away and then begin gearing up for what would be my winter bulker in another 10 weeks. Often times I find that most weight gain comes during PCT anyway which would be tolerable if I lost the last remaining bit due to the DNP usage. If I am not satisfied by my weight gain after PCT I should be able to combat that with the IGF or even another short DNP cycle. Also I will be running IGF PCT to help retain muscle. Please enlighten me if my thinking is off here.

  10. #290
    TheChosenOne's Avatar
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    Theres no way you have stayed away from this thread this long KOM. I'll put it to the top for you to answer.

  11. #291
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheChosenOne
    Theres no way you have stayed away from this thread this long KOM. I'll put it to the top for you to answer.
    He lives in Holland, the times are different. He's probably sleeping right now. Give him a break brotha

  12. #292
    Lozgod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by iNvid
    He lives in Holland, the times are different. He's probably sleeping right now. Give him a break brotha
    He was up earlier, we were discussing the details of our Transdermal Penis Enlargment Cream we are going to produce. It really works he posted studies and everything. I will be taking orders soon.

  13. #293
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lozgod
    He was up earlier, we were discussing the details of our Transdermal Penis Enlargment Cream we are going to produce. It really works he posted studies and everything. I will be taking orders soon.
    See thats just further proof. I knew that Loz would vouch for KOM's quest for a superior manhood.

  14. #294
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheChosenOne
    See thats just further proof. I knew that Loz would vouch for KOM's quest for a superior manhood.
    Heres the link.
    Enlarged Shlong?

  15. #295
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheChosenOne
    Theres no way you have stayed away from this thread this long KOM. I'll put it to the top for you to answer.
    I'm sorry bro, you could have PM'd me though!

    I really don't understand your story, it's a bit chaoticly put!

    But I'll try to tell explain it (please tell me if I misunderstood what you said).
    You are at the moment on PROP with your main target being fatloss, and the prop being for you not to get catabolic.
    You experience Weightgain during PCT (you mean good gains or fat?), but you want to loose fat in time for you to start your winter cycle!

    I do not know what works best for you, so this is merely a guideline!

    If you feel comfortable on Test Prop and your heavy job isn't too stressful (heat, lifting or other factors) while on DNP -->

    Just do a 20 day cycle of 200 mg DNP along with the prop and don't go the gym.

    The 200 mg DNP with your tiresome job doesn't need another stress factor like Training.
    (seeing you want maximum fatloss and weightgain isn't your first priority).
    The prop will prevent you from getting catabolic!
    Also run the T2 and T3 with it and raise the T3 to 3 times 25 mcg a day
    (The Test prop will make your weightlosses favourable in a
    "WORST-CASE-SCENARIO" of about a 90/10 fat to muscle ratio with the DNP and the T2/T3).
    If after 20 days (when you are almost 2 weeks at your peak) you feel that you can hold on for another 10 days
    (only if results aren't where you want them to be!!) then do that!


  16. #296
    hatchblack is offline Associate Member
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    All this science is somewhat overwhelming. I am glad that with Diet I have been pretty successful with weight loss and getting lean. Any reason for me to mess with the whole T2 and T3 thing.

    I figure that a little DNP would shred me right up. I only have like 10lbs to loose to be as lean as I want to. 10 day of DNP at 200mgs should do the trick.

  17. #297
    hatchblack is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SKiN
    Good point......... KOM?
    Hey Skin...didn't you used to be Tough Guy....why the name change...?

  18. #298
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    Quote Originally Posted by hatchblack
    All this science is somewhat overwhelming. I am glad that with Diet I have been pretty successful with weight loss and getting lean. Any reason for me to mess with the whole T2 and T3 thing.

    I figure that a little DNP would shred me right up. I only have like 10lbs to loose to be as lean as I want to. 10 day of DNP at 200mgs should do the trick.
    10 days is too short!

    What I don't get --> This thread was started on Fatloss by DNP to be more keepable.

    Then people asked me about experiences, and I shared the new approach of LONGER LOW DOSE cycles opposed to SHORTER HIGH DOSE cycles!

    Now instead people want to do SHOTER LOW DOSE cycles

    Look DNP on lower doses is quite comfortable, and if it is your first run with it then go ahead and experiment with 10 day cycles!

    Just DNP works its magics on longer cycles (so will the ancillaries) and so if you have ran it before, please note running it for another 2 weeks after it has peaked (so total is 20 days) will really give you the best results!

    (Also you better do 20 days of DNP and not feel "at your best" and have the hassle of the many supps + plenty water + inconveniences like sweating and the dry mouth for 20 days and get the results you want
    instead of doing like 3x 10 day cycles and feeling like that for 30 days +
    3 times "the off days" while DNP clears your system + 3 times carb depleting in advance to get the same results!)
    Unless you really have a low bodyfat already (under 10%) then a short dose short cycle is the best way to go!


  19. #299
    hatchblack is offline Associate Member
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    This would be my first cycle of DNP . I am not at <10% BF but would be very close by the time that I approach doing DNP. I was also mainly looking at it from a PCT supplementation stantpoint to keep the T4 to T3 conversion and TSH rebound in check. I don't want to have to mess with T3 supplementation and I thought that cycles of length greater than 10 days that you need to supplement with T2/T3. That stuff always worries me more than the DNP to tell you the truth.

    I have read the whole post, I just may have missed some parts. Thanks again for all your great info.

  20. #300
    mic79 is offline New Member
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    Any guys have info on crystal DNP ?Half life,issues with water rentention etc comparisons with the powdered version?This thread is awesome BTW.

  21. #301
    SKiN is offline Member
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    Your a BADASS KOM...

  22. #302
    LeanMeOut's Avatar
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    One up on you

  23. #303
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    KOM. Its guys like you that make me wish I had payed attention and took an interest in science class back in high school.
    It took me about an hr to read this post, but I really enjoyed all the info!!!!

  24. #304
    joevette's Avatar
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    Ok, I didn't read this whole thread because it's so long but I thought I'd throw in my 2 cents. I would not reccomend using DNP during pct. I used it for the first time starting at day 1 of pct. It was a cutting cycle and I was 189@11% bf. I was going to finish off with the DNP. I used 200mg for the first 2 days then 400mg days 3-6 and 600mg on the last day. On the last day of the cycle I was [email protected]%bf. 8 days after the cycle ended and nearly all of the dnp was out of my system I was 180@14% bf. So I definatly lost muscle.

    I think next time I'm going to do it on cycle to help keep muscle mass and intensity in the gym.

  25. #305
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    Quote Originally Posted by joevette
    Ok, I didn't read this whole thread because it's so long but I thought I'd throw in my 2 cents. I would not reccomend using DNP during pct. I used it for the first time starting at day 1 of pct. It was a cutting cycle and I was 189@11% bf. I was going to finish off with the DNP. I used 200mg for the first 2 days then 400mg days 3-6 and 600mg on the last day. On the last day of the cycle I was [email protected]%bf. 8 days after the cycle ended and nearly all of the dnp was out of my system I was 180@14% bf. So I definatly lost muscle.

    I think next time I'm going to do it on cycle to help keep muscle mass and intensity in the gym.
    That may because you ran it that high!!
    (so you will get lethargic + pump and motivation to train goes away).
    I am no expert on the matter of DNP during PCT...
    But I think 20-30 days @ 100 or 200 mg is far more suitable than an 8 day blitz-cycle during PCT!!

  26. #306
    georgie24's Avatar
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    why in the world would anyone do dnp during pct? the sh!t baffles me to no end

  27. #307
    Mr Juice is offline Associate Member
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    I started my DNP cycle yesterday. I have a question dude, will this products do it?

    1) Vitamin C- 1 gram every day
    2) Vitamin E- 1 gram every day
    3)ALA- 200mg every day
    4) 2 pinnaple shakes juice with yogurt

    I was planning on doing a 5 day cycle at 200mg, because of work. I start on Monday my first day at my full-time work. I think I'm going to bump my cycle for 2 full weeks. Will this PCT I have be ok?

    Mr. Juice

  28. #308
    monkeyrela is offline Female Member
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    probably sound stupid now but what is DNP ?

  29. #309
    SV-1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by monkeyrela
    probably sound stupid now but what is DNP?

    I have a sneaking suspicion the answer to that question just might be found somewhere on this thread.

  30. #310
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    Quote Originally Posted by SV-1
    Here are two excel spreadsheets I made to help people plan their DNP cycles.

    DNP - Single Time Dosing: This sheet is for when the time between all doses is going to be the same (IE every 12, 24, or 36 hours). It's easier and faster to use.

    DNP - Multi Time Dosing: This sheet is for when the time between doses is going to vary (IE second dose in 24 hours, third dose in 12 hours, fourth dose in 36 hours). Because every dose time needs to be entered individually it takes a little more time to use.

    Just saw these

    Best post ever!

  31. #311
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    Quote Originally Posted by kingofmasters
    That may because you ran it that high!!
    (so you will get lethargic + pump and motivation to train goes away).
    I am no expert on the matter of DNP during PCT...
    But I think 20-30 days @ 100 or 200 mg is far more suitable than an 8 day blitz-cycle during PCT!!
    Yeah, you're probably right. This next time I'm running it on cycle with some T3, but the time after that I may try a more moderate and longer dose during PCT.

  32. #312
    iNvid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by monkeyrela
    probably sound stupid now but what is DNP?
    Read this thread. Then read And read again and again.

  33. #313
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    Here a very good progress update of SpyWizard!

    and here is SV-1 -->
    A great job by putting every relevant thing about DNP in practice together!


  34. #314
    LeanMeOut's Avatar
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    One up on you


  35. #315
    alert is offline Junior Member
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    was just curious as to some of the dnp gurus opinions on me running past my 8 days at 200mg till 14 days ... apparently people have went 3 weeks and tested there tyroids and found that they were bad normal .. and upon stoping dnp ... returned to normal ... so i figure i should be alright at 14 .. and the sideeffects arn't even an issue ... what ya think mates ?

  36. #316
    SV-1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alert
    was just curious as to some of the dnp gurus opinions on me running past my 8 days at 200mg till 14 days ... apparently people have went 3 weeks and tested there tyroids and found that they were bad normal .. and upon stoping dnp ... returned to normal ... so i figure i should be alright at 14 .. and the sideeffects arn't even an issue ... what ya think mates ?
    I think it's fine. Even if your T3 levels are very low from the DNP it wont be enough to stop fat loss, and your levels will spring right back after you stop the DNP.

  37. #317
    iNvid's Avatar
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    Been getting some PMs about weightloss and DNP . This needs to be bumped ^^ Great thread

  38. #318
    MaNofSteeL is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by iNvid
    Been getting some PMs about weightloss and DNP. This needs to be bumped ^^ Great thread
    Definately is!

  39. #319
    tubgut is offline New Member
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    back to the top

  40. #320
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