Results 81 to 120 of 662
01-10-2011, 03:09 PM #81
Trained legs 2nite
Leg Press
Leg Curls
Standing Leg Curls
Seated calf raise
Calf Press (on leg press)
Ive just done my food prep for another 2 days, just chilling now watching some TV
01-10-2011, 03:37 PM #82
Base, this thread amazes me, its great to come look at at certain points of the day. Its motivating and also a good place for some food tips!
Just want to ask you a couple questions if you dont mind, just for my own interest.
What is the best time do you personally feel and the best intensity for losiing that extra bit of fat? i notice that your cardio routine right now is pretty intense, that takes great dedication, i personally HATE cardio.
Also have you done a cut like this before? and what sorta results did you get from it?
Great respect and keep up the good work
01-10-2011, 03:53 PM #83
Thanks man, keep subed and Im sure there will be lots more info
I love cooking, if this was a gaining thread I could show you guys loads more intresting stuff.
Im thinking of making a chicken breast chilli con carne and sharing some pics. I will have to see what the macros work out to be, im sure I can fit it in somewhere
Do you not have a trainer in the challenge?
Im quite happy to share my opinions with you but I really think you should stick to ur trainers plan. One problem I have seen on this site is guys not sticking to one persons plan, people get flustered and change things too much
But my opinion on fat burning is;
*Lots of cardio must be done. Multiple times per day
*Cardio should be taylored to the amout of glycogen available (Fasted = LIC, Fueled = Higher Intensity)
*You need to get into the routine of getting up and doing ur cardio
*Weight Training should stay Intense, big compound movements, 6-12 rep range
*Calories should be as high as they can be
*Carbs should be consumed around and durring Weight Training and High Intensity Cardio
*No weight training = no demand for a rich fuel source = cut back on carbs, keep them with breakfast after ur cardio
*No more than 2 Lbs per week should be lost (After the first week or so)
*I would do HIIT but I think it is too intense and will interfere with my cardio, recovery and leg training
*Cheat for 1 meal per week
Those are my basic rules
01-10-2011, 04:04 PM #84
Oh i do have a trainer, and am very happy with the routine we got going, and will definatly stick to what my guidelines are!! just interested in others views such as yourself, the cardio question always interests me! definatly not undeminding my trainers thoughts, he knows what he is doing.
I think you are very much right on the getting used to getting up and getting into a routine of cardio in the mornings.
Thanks for that, by the way the chicken breast chilli il be staying tuned for that lol
01-10-2011, 04:07 PM #85
Bed 22.05
Alarm set for 06.25 for cardio
Had a good kip last nite as I was called out to work and got 2 hrs extra in bed, I think i got about 9 hrs of sleep
Baseline signing off!
01-11-2011, 01:48 AM #86
The most important thing is to not cheat or slip up on the program
Once you slip up, you have lost your edge, you are no longer sharp, you have not achieved anything, its game over and you know it
Stick to the program and look forward to ur cheat meal's
01-11-2011, 06:18 PM #87
SO its a late one tonight, no work tomorrow so will be getting 9 hrs of sleep hopefully
trained chest and triceps today, did the following
Hammer strength incline
Flat Flys
Push Downs
Scull crushers
Machine dips (really deep)
then my 30mins of 1 on 3 off interval training
Diet is all going ok with no slip ups...
Im not even going to mention diet again untill I need to change it or eat somthing different to what is stated on page one of this thread.
There will be no slip ups on the food or training part for the next 12 weeks, i can garentee that for sure
A plan is a plan for a reason, it should not be broken
Bed 00.17
Alarm 09.30
Sweet dreams about me winning this competition guys
01-12-2011, 05:19 AM #88
So I have done my AM cardio and just finnished my first meal
The cardio is starting to get easy. 30 mins goes by quickly, especially when I have some posts to reply to (so please talk to me lol)
Im thinking about upping the cardio to 45 mins, will maybe do this at the 3 or 4 week point
Im gona just wait now to post my pics, they should be up next monday or tuesday
I have to go away for work next wednesday. I should be able to do my Morining cardio and hopefully the hotel will have a gym so i can do my evening session and them the AM cardio the next day.
I should be back to do my weight training on the thursday night
01-12-2011, 07:43 AM #89
This will be a good log to follow mate. I used your oat recipe last night but with rasins and it was very nice. Good look with your 12 week program.
01-12-2011, 08:44 AM #90
01-12-2011, 09:01 AM #91
The oat biscuits, I'm not a pancake guy really. I'm getting abit more daring in the kitchen recently coz I'm sick of the same old chicken and brown rice ha.
01-12-2011, 03:40 PM #92
I have picked up an injury!
Nothing to worrie about too much tho
I think i have sprained the ligament in the bottom of my foot, either leg pressing with crap different trainers or when doing calf presses
The only thing that it affects is my ability of depress the clutch in a car
Which means no work for me untill it is rite
Can still do cardio and probly leg training, just not calf training
No biggie
01-13-2011, 12:45 PM #93
keep going bro, although we are in competition together your motivation inspires me, are you looking forward to the next round of photos?
01-13-2011, 12:55 PM #94
Hope the injury heels up quickly mate, at least it wasnt a serious injury. its better to have you in the comp rather than out
01-13-2011, 02:09 PM #95
Thanks guys
It is called plantar Faciitis
Exactly what i thort it was
Anyway, my m8 had to drive me to the gym 2nite and he had to get off after the weight session
So im at home now doing my cardio. Im not going to do the intervals because of this foot, however i will extend the session to 40 mins as a half way compensation
I have some new pics, i will be getting them up here in 40 mins
Lets see if there is any progress
01-13-2011, 03:13 PM #96
13.01.10 - Progress after 10 days of dieting, 9 days since last pics
01-13-2011, 03:14 PM #97
01-13-2011, 03:19 PM #98
Lookin good base. Keep up the good work and dedication. I'll be following this thread.
01-13-2011, 03:26 PM #99
01-13-2011, 06:03 PM #100
I think I see a difference. Except I cannot see your ankles!
01-13-2011, 06:53 PM #101
You're coming along nicely base. You can't expect a ton of change in only 10 days, but I can't wait to see you in another 10! With cutting, somewhere between the 2nd and 3rd month always seems to be where the magic happens for me. Now, if I can just GET there without fvcking it up!!!
You're doing well bro, keep going - and i'll be trying your oatcakes this weekend!
01-14-2011, 02:01 AM #102
2nd and 3rd month for cutting GB ? That's the kind of info I need to keep going:-)
Oat cakes for me too this weekend
Looking good base, if your off work with ur ankle think of all the extra hours you can train
01-14-2011, 03:08 AM #103
I definitely see progress. Your program is tight and your diet is spot on. If I were the type to worry, I would be worried about you. Great dedication and a perfect bulk to start with. I am following closely bro.
I have a client (not trainee) with plantar. Do you really have this or is it a strain? If you really have it then you should get on some orthotics and also ice your feet immediately and consistently. Plantar fasciitis is a huge pain in the ass man. Cortisone will help... This is something you will have for life so watch it closely. No surgery or fix for it.
01-14-2011, 03:23 AM #104
Thanks for the support guys, i really do apreciate it
Twist, im not sure if I actually have it, i think it may be a strain, im going to the docs today to get a note to either let me go to work or not
I think only time will show the severity of this injury
Im just thankfull that it really only effects me driving. I can walk with a kind of limp (have to walk on my heel LOL). Its not going to stop me going to the gym or doing my LIC. Im not going to do intervals while i have this because its just not wise, PWO cardio will be increased to 45mins of low/mod intensity cardio
That equates to an extra 45 mins cardio per week (at a lower intensity)
All other 30 min sessions are now extended to 35 mins ( this will add a total of 35 mins extra cardio per week
Im going to keep the diet the same for now
Once again, thans for the kind words people
Everyone needs a little help and drive, we are only human, by supporting me you are keeping me on the straight and narrow
01-14-2011, 03:36 AM #105
Weight is at 185.2
Down 1.4 since the 10th
Maybe be a bit too much but in going to stick with it untill next tueaday and see what my weight is then
This is simpl a process of monitoring weight loss and the mirror to get the diet on point
01-14-2011, 03:44 AM #106
Weight training last nite was back and abs
We did kind of a higher voloum wrk out han normal
Wide grip straight bar pull downs
Chest supported tbar row
Close grip cable row
Hyper extensions
Leg raises
Did about 4 or 5 sets for each back exercise, probly 3 on each for the abs
01-14-2011, 03:48 AM #107
Originally Posted by rossapplecart;548***5
Put one cup of oats on a plate, mix in one third cup water, spread out into a big biscuit
Then put raspberrys and splenda on top, crush and mash them up into the mix a little
Microwave on full for 5 mins
Eat and enjoy
01-14-2011, 07:59 AM #108
01-14-2011, 09:31 AM #109
01-14-2011, 12:21 PM #110
So I have been to the doctor today and she told me that I have not got plantar Faciitis, i have sprained the ligament tho
I am glad
Just eaten my pre orkout meal and w8ing on my lift to the gym (remember i cant drive LOL)
Tonight is Delts and Biceps, we will also throw in some traps as we managed to forget to train them with back last night
My energy has been great so far, carbs around the workouts is defo the way forward for me. When I do have to drop some carbs Im thinking the first place I will get rid of them is PWO, maybe do 0.5 cup of oats rather than 1 cup. That will drop my carb intake by 30 grams down to about 200g per day
As I said b4 I have added 5 mins to each low intensity session for now
If my foot is bad doing the intervals i will just do low intensity for 45 mins rather than 30 mins of intervals
01-14-2011, 04:19 PM #111
you the man base, keep it up bro
01-14-2011, 05:58 PM #112
Lol cheers
Anyway guys i managed to do the intervals with no problems
Gotta get up early in the morning, need to go food shoping and buy some supplies to make my new spud gun.
Yeh you heard it, spud gun lol
Im also a weapons freak, especially home made things LOL
Any man in this world would love a real spud gun, i will post pics of my mk2 one some time and get this mk3 one made up asap
Im not mad, honest, i just love making things, food, weapons, anything!
01-14-2011, 07:52 PM #113
Your dedication and determination is really amazing. Thanks for doing this thread and sharing your experience as it is motivating me to get my ass back in gear after the holidays.
No doubt that you will reach your goals with the work ethic and mental fortitude you're showing. BTW, you're gonna have a sick V taper at 10% - your upper back/lats are wide as hell!
Looking forward to pics of your tater gun - I made one back in the day but don't know what happened to it and have been thinking of making another.
01-15-2011, 03:56 AM #114
I woke up happy today, the same as last saturday. Not because i have to do a morning cardio session, but because i know i have my cheat meal today!
I have bee waiting all week, thinking about this meal over and over again, this is my reward and i love it
Stick to the program guys and love the rewards
One cheat a week feels so much better than 2 or 3, im happy that ive achieved exactly what i have set out to
The more you stay dedicated, the more dedicated u want to be
01-15-2011, 12:27 PM #115
That cheat meal was epic. I cooked fo the family
Lamb tagine
Lamb meat balls
Mushrooms bacon and feta cheese
Fried potatoes
Chorizo butter beans
Home made garlic mayo
Chibatta breat
Dam it was good, so good i cant even think about what i want next week
01-15-2011, 12:27 PM #116
Forgot the crispy chicken wings
01-15-2011, 05:55 PM #117
So today I actually dropped the oil from all my meals (4 chicken breast meast) since I knew that I would be killing it with the cheat meal
I had my pancakes first thing (shake b4 cardio)
then 2 chicken meals
then my big cheat meal
and just had 2 chicken meals in one now
Anyway, on to more intresting things. The first picture is of MK2 Spud Gun, it is a big fire extinguisher with a 2 inch barrel welded onto it. It has a BBQ lighter for the ingnition and you use hair spray as the fuel. This one is louder than any shotgun I have ever heard! It stands about 6ft tall.
This one below is MK3, ive made this today, its a smaller fire extinguisher with at 1.25 inch barrel that is just over 1m long. Ive use liquid plastic on the inside and outside to keep the barrel in place. The ignition is from an electric lighter and is mounted in the original fire extinguisher handel at the back
PM me for details on how to make one
01-16-2011, 04:39 AM #118
Weight is 188 thismorning (Day after cheat meal)
No craving and foods yet which is goodLast edited by baseline_9; 01-17-2011 at 08:54 AM.
01-17-2011, 08:53 AM #119
The foot is healing up well
Ibuprofen and lots of rest
I whent to a wedding last night and had one diet coke
Its not on the plan but I made the decision to at least try and fit in by drinking somthing other than tap water LOL
Anyway its a diet coke so it doesnt count towards anything
I have got legs tonight, not sure if im going to train calves because of my foot. If I do it will be verry light and not full ROM
My weight was 184.4 thismorning after drinking a 300ml shake
Im thinking about adding some carbs back in to slow the weight loss, maybe an aditional 30g in the form of oats preworkout
Any thoughts FG?
03.01.11 - 193
05.01.11 - 189.3
10.01.11 - 186.6
14.01.11 - 185.2
17.01.11 - 184.4
So basically its 2.2 Lbs in the second week of dieting(which is ok i supose)... Hmmmmm I dont want more than 2 but I think next weeks numbers may show less than 2. My problem is that I have never done this B4 and dont know what to expect
Last edited by baseline_9; 01-17-2011 at 09:08 AM.
01-17-2011, 12:21 PM #120
What are your daily macro totals now? I am sure they are listed somewhere in this thread but I didnt see them on this last page.
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