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01-04-2011, 04:34 PM #1
** Baseline's Transformation - Everything Included **
Ok guys, before people start aying im breaking the rules I have already had this ok'd by the guy who came up with the idea of this whole challenge
This thread is going to be a day by day log, it is going to include everything that I do, everything that I eat, how I feel, when I sleep, im going to be completly up front and log exactly what im doing
OK lets get started!
01-04-2011, 04:34 PM #2
Weight - 193 Lbs
Height - 5' 7.5"
08.00 - 100g Oats, 2 while eggs, 1 cup egg whites
11.00 - 8 oz chicken breast, salad, 10ml GNO
14.00 - 8 oz chicken breast, salad, 10ml GNO
17.00 - 8 oz chicken breast, salad, 10ml GNO, 100g Oats
INTRA WORKOUT 40g Dextrose, 15g BCAA's
20.00 - 60g Whey, 100g Oats
21.30 - 8 oz chicken breast, salad, 10ml GNO
Legs and Calves
5 min warm up on Bike + 3 Light sets of leg ext
Leg press - 4 plates x 30, 6 plates x 20, 8 plates x 15, 10 plates x 12, 12 plates x 10, then one big drop set all the way back down to 6 plates (2 plates at a time)
Hack Squats - 2 plates x 12 reps x 2 sets
Lying Leg Curls - 20 kg x 20, 30 x 15, 40 x 10, 50 x 8, then one big drop set
Dumbell SLDL - 30kg x 12reps x 2 sets
Seated Calf Raise - 20kg x 20, 40 x 15, 60 x 8, then one big drop set
Donkey Raise Machine - 80kg x 15, 100 x 12Last edited by baseline_9; 01-04-2011 at 04:52 PM.
01-04-2011, 04:41 PM #4
Good luck !
My legs ache from reading .
01-04-2011, 04:50 PM #5
Wake up at 09.50 (no work)
09.50 - 30g Whey
30 Mins Low Intensity Cardio (Spin Bike), heart rate around 150 which im happy with
10.30 - 1 cup egg whites, 1 cup oats (100g), 5 blue berrys, lemon juce, (made a pancake)
13.00 - 8 oz chicken breast, salad, 10ml GNO
15.30 - 8 oz chicken breast, salad, 10ml GNO
17.30 - 8 oz chicken breast, salad, 10ml GNO, 1 cup oats (in form of my oat biscuits that I have made)
INTRA WORKOUT 40g Dextrose, 10g BCAA's
Cardio is PWO and i drink andother 5g of BCAA's during this
PWO - 1 cup egg whites, 100g oats
22.40 - 8 oz chicken breast, salad, 10ml GNO
Chest and Tris
5 min warm up on bike
DB Bench - 17.5kg x 20, 25 x 12, 32.5 x 8, 50 x 3+1 Forced, 40 x 8, 35 x 10 into a dop set with 25kg
Incline hammer Press - 25 kg a side x 15, 30 x 12, 35 x 8, I added some partials onto the end of my last set at the top of the movement
Floor Flys - 12.5 x 20, 15 x 14, 17.5 x 10
Tricep Pushdowns - 20 kg x 15, 25 x 12, 30 x 8, 35 x 6 with cheat reps at the end and a drop to 25 kg
CGBP - 60 kg x 12, 80 x 6, 60 x 10 (not sure on the reps here)
Machine Dips - 56kg x 15, 62 x 10, 62 x 8
PWO cardio - Intervals, 3 mins low/ medium intensity, 1 min all out
Did this for a total of 30 mins, 10 mins rowing, 10 mins Recumbent Bike, 10 mins stationary Bike
01-04-2011, 04:56 PM #6
01-04-2011, 04:56 PM #7
01-04-2011, 04:59 PM #8
Im feeling good, my carbs have dropped drastically but I still feel ok ATM
Currently Aiming for 300g Protein, 220g Carbs, 60g Fat
No work tommorow so will get up at 09.30 and do 30 mins of cardio
01-04-2011, 05:15 PM #9
This is my little beauty that I managed to get for £100!
She is going to be my best friend for the next 12 weeks, but a rite pain in the arse, literally
Rite next to my pic of the one and only Yates
Last edited by baseline_9; 01-04-2011 at 05:19 PM.
01-04-2011, 05:33 PM #10
Base, you do have a solid starting point, you lean out and you will be impressive, no matter where you place in the contest. I wish you the very best and have faith in your ability and desire to achieve amazing results in the next 12 weeks.
01-04-2011, 05:37 PM #11
01-04-2011, 05:44 PM #12
01-04-2011, 05:46 PM #13
01-04-2011, 05:47 PM #14
Good luck Baseline! and this is a great idea.
01-04-2011, 05:51 PM #15
01-04-2011, 05:55 PM #16
Good luck baseline, once you lean out you are going to look great!! i think we are aiming for the same type of results here, i wish you the best
01-04-2011, 06:08 PM #17
Ok so...
This is my whole routine
Mon - Legs and calves in evening
Tue - LIL (Low Intensity Cardio) for 30 mins fasted (1 scoop of whey), chest and tri's, Interval Training PWO for 30 mins
Wed - LIL (Low Intensity Cardio) for 30 mins fasted (1 scoop of whey), LIC again for another 30 mins in evening
Thu - LIL (Low Intensity Cardio) for 30 mins fasted (1 scoop of whey), back and abs, Interval Training PWO for 30 mins
Fri - LIL (Low Intensity Cardio) for 30 mins fasted (1 scoop of whey), delts and bi's, Interval Training PWO for 30 mins
Sat - LIL (Low Intensity Cardio) for 30 mins fasted (1 scoop of whey), some sort of casual cardio in the afternoon (walk the GF's dog for and hr)
Sun - Rest completly
Diet Plan - carb rotation
Mon - 220g Carbs split into 4 meals (60g @ Breakfast, 60g Pre Workout, 40g Intra Workout, 60g Post Workout)
Tue - 220g Carbs split into 4 meals (60g @ Breakfast, 60g Pre Workout, 40g Intra Workout, 60g Post Workout)
Wed - 60g Carbs @ Breakfast only
Thu - 220g Carbs split into 4 meals (60g @ Breakfast, 60g Pre Workout, 40g Intra Workout, 60g Post Workout)
Fri - 220g Carbs split into 4 meals (60g @ Breakfast, 60g Pre Workout, 40g Intra Workout, 60g Post Workout)
(I will also be having a cheat meal on friday nights so all macros may go up)
Sat - 60g Carbs @ Breakfast only
Sun - 60g Carbs @ Breakfast only
If you havnt already notice my carb sources are pretty simple, oats and dextrose if im training with weights
Protein will be kept around 300g, fats will be between 50 and 60g a dayLast edited by baseline_9; 01-04-2011 at 06:21 PM.
01-04-2011, 06:13 PM #18
So basically it's going to look just like mine? Lmao, jk bro.
I'll be following along Base, looking to see some impressive results from you. You have a great solid base, just need to get your bodyfat down and you will be gtg. Of course, you won't be able to win the contest as my trainee's already have that wrapped up, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't put maximum effort in! =P
GL brotha
01-04-2011, 06:16 PM #19
Oh by the way baseline, the sun 3.....enough said
01-04-2011, 06:19 PM #20
01-04-2011, 06:50 PM #21
Bed @ 00:48
Its a late one but no work 2moro
01-04-2011, 07:21 PM #22
You are in perfect starting point for this contest Base. I dont want to put extra pressure on you but...if you nail these next 12 weeks you are going to be very tough to beat.
01-04-2011, 07:44 PM #23
Nice work bro - looking really thick. Once you drop the BF you'll probably actually look bigger.
What's your total cal intake gonna be in relation to your estimated TDEE?
01-05-2011, 03:54 AM #24
Cheers FG
Thats some good motivation
I know that if i do not win it is not because anyone out worked me
Thats for sure, i have set his plan and i will not deviate from it
Everyone looks bigger when they are leaner, generaly
I do not bother with TDEE, i think its unreliable at the best of times (im talking the calculations to work it out)
Cals are at around 2500
01-05-2011, 03:58 AM #25
Excellent base, huge potential and if you dial everything in correctly your going to one of the top achievers.
01-05-2011, 03:59 AM #26
09:40 wake up
Weight 189.3
Big drop in weight but im expectin it in the first week as my body adjusts
09:50 starting my cardio, drank -10g of BCAA's, out of whey
Legs are in bits from mondays session, calves are verry tight, cardio defo loosens them up a bit
Plan for today is to finnish cardio which im doing as i type, eat meal 1, go shopping for food
Im going to try and show u how i prep my food
Stay tuned
01-05-2011, 04:01 AM #27
01-05-2011, 05:04 AM #28
Ok, this is how I make my Oat Pancakes
510 cals
5g fat
70g carbs
41g protein
1. Blend up 1 cup of oats, get thim in a fine powder (while doing this get a non stick pan on the flame, get it hot!)
2. Add 1 cup of egg whites
Your mix will look somthing like this, you may need to shake the blender to get it all to mix
3. Add half to the pan and cook untill it looks done all the way through, well nearly
4. Flip ur pancake and cook for another min, it may stick when u flip it but be patient, as it cooks it will free up from the pan.
Serve with some raspberrys on top and a sqweeze of lemon juce.
01-05-2011, 05:19 AM #29
^^ look yummmm, care to share?
01-05-2011, 07:47 AM #30
Ok, so ive just got back from the shops and done my food prep for 2 days
Im going to talk you through what Ive done
What did I buy
I get my butcher to bag up my chicken breasts in 2Lb Bags (one days worth)
First thing to do is clean ur chicken up - trim and crap off the breasts
Once they are sorted bash them out so that thy are the same thickness all over, then cut them up into chunks if u want
While u are bashing the chicken out geat a pan on a high heat (full blast)
Drop ur chicken into the pan and spread it all out so that no pieces are overlaping (it may take a few batches, I did 4lbs in 2 go's)
Once all the chicken in spread evenly start the timer, 6 mins, season the chicken with salt and pepper!
After 6 Mins flip it all over and then cook for 1 more min
Put ur chicken out on a grill rack and let it cool.
01-05-2011, 07:49 AM #31
Then I make a big salad up (yes that is a builders bucket LOL)
Split my salads up between 4 boxes each with 2 compartments, and thats it done!
01-05-2011, 07:52 AM #32
** Best Salad dressing ever **
I use this alot now, I love it and you will too!
This is a recipie for a wicked salad dressing that they use at 'Wagamamas' Japaneese reastraunt.
Makes about 125ml (4fl oz). Can be kept in the fridge for a few days.
2 teaspoons finely chopped shallots
2.5cm (1in) piece of fresh root ginger, peeled and grated
1 small garlic clove, peeled and finely chopped
1½ tablespoons rice vinegar
1 tablespoon tomato ketchup
1 tablespoon water
100ml (3½fl oz) vegetable oil
3 tablespoons light soy sauce
So basically all u do is combine the ingredients in an old jar and shake the hell out of it...
Its sounds like a load of ingreedients but you can get them at most supermarkets easily
Honestly guys you will not be disapointed with this recipie, it really kicks ass!
Macros other than the Fat are not really worth counting unless ur really picky...
Fat per 12.5ml = 10g aprox
01-05-2011, 07:54 AM #33
01-05-2011, 08:52 AM #34
Im already planning my cheat meal for this Friday, I always plan it and think about it all week LOL
Im thinking a good home made burger made with 50% chuck mince and 50% extra lean mince, home made garlic mayo, crispy bacon, cheese, crunchey salad, cherry tomatoes all in a nice sweet toasted bun with a big side salad and loads of dressing
Thats a fairly 'clean' cheat meal TBH
My plan is to eat out every other week, so basically I will eat one home made cheat meal one week and then go out for somthing to eat the next week
When I was gaining I would eat out 1 or 2 times a week, gotta tidy it up now tho
Im making myself hurngry now LOL
01-05-2011, 03:07 PM #35
see the pics . .how many days will it last . .or did i miss you saying it already ?
01-05-2011, 03:43 PM #36
Excellent log keep it up base
01-05-2011, 04:34 PM #37
01-05-2011, 04:36 PM #38
Ok so ive been called out to work ATM
Not a problem because ive already done my 2nd cv session of the day
30mins was fine
I had 50g whey b4 the cardio and 10g BCAA's and 5g glutamine durring
01-05-2011, 06:34 PM #39
Back from work and ready to go to bed
All meals eaten as planned, 2x cardio done
Alarm set for 08.25 to do my cv
Calves are realy sore!
Chest is swole from yesterday
Pain in tri's is developing
All good in camp baseline
01-05-2011, 09:14 PM #40
i ment how long will the food that you bought last you ?
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