Results 481 to 520 of 662
04-27-2011, 08:34 PM #481
I vote for T-Bone, I have never liked marbled steaks better, although I know that is how you judge the better steak, I even trim my fat off my steaks before cooking. Give me a bison t-bone anyday! And it is bodybuilder friendly.
04-28-2011, 12:20 AM #482
Basically slim, when meat is dry aged the fat becomes like wax... It is not mushey, but more hard and waxy...
When you cook a steak with a load of marbling in the meat the fat melts...
Fat = Big time flavour, it also stops the meat drying out at all when you cook it...
The marbling in that wagyu isn't like the tough chewey strip of fat that you get on the side of a cheap vac packed Sirloin/NY strip steak from the supermarket..
You could take a lump of that fat and almost melt it in your hand by poking it with ur finger lOl
Remember were talking fine produce here and not bodybuilding food....
If that wagyu steak weighs 300g, I would be the fat content was 100-150 LOL
Strip would be my second choice....
It is basically an extension off the ribeye but just further back in the animal... The marbling is not as great and you only get one type of meat (you the the outer muscle in a rib eye which IMO is the best part of meat on the whole animal... More tender than fillet)
For a BB strip would be better, but still a high fat content...
Yes your right about fillet...
Good for beef Wellington but that's about it IMO
I tell u what TB, if ur ever in the UK hit me up... I will cook u a big fat ribeye with all the fat on and you will change ur mind...
Thing with a fatty steak is it has to be of good quality (the meat needs to be aged or it will be chewy fat) and it needs to be cooked right (in a screaming hot pan or on a screaming hot BBQ very quickly)
It also needs Rosemary and butter LOL
Never had a bison Steak...
One reason I dnt really get much t bone is simply because I don't think the fillet adds much to the steak except a big price tag... I would much rather have a sirloin alone
04-28-2011, 04:29 AM #483
Just did 45 mins of cardio this morning due to time constraints... Think I will do 30 PWO 2nite anyway..
A pic below for reference... This is b4 my cardio... Crap pic but at least it's somthing
Feel kind of like I did b4 where my skin in my abs bEcamenkind of tighter around my obleques...
Shal I blast it for 3-4 and try and get much leaner...
Or shall I just cruse along... My cursing is still 1hr cardio a day and low carbs tho...
Hmmmmm, think I will just leave it open... If I wanna do more cv I will... If I don't then I won't...
04-28-2011, 06:34 AM #484
Another reason I like t-bone is that I prefer the flavor of the meat closest to the bone, plus I eat my steaks rare - med rare. You should probably come to the US and hang out with us, I'll hook you up with bison steaks and change your mind!
Your chest appears to need some work, what exercises are you doing for that?
04-28-2011, 07:14 AM #485
04-28-2011, 07:29 AM #486
I know it does... It's a bad weak point...
Moving forward I think I will be heavy benchpress one day a week and for he other day it will be incline Dumbell and Decline BB....
The development is gonna start coming now that I'm at a point where I can actually start growing... Been yo-yo'ing for way too long now...
Once I start benching each week and progressively add weight I am hoping to bring It up... It has already been noted as a major weak point TB... So well spotted in crap pic
04-28-2011, 07:30 AM #487
04-28-2011, 08:51 AM #488
I decided to do something a little different with my chest routine:
I am doing 1 week on the bench (bench press, incline bench press, etc) and then the following week, only my first set (of each exercise) on the bench, all subsequent exercises with dumbbells. I am doing the first set on the bench mainly to monitor progress - i.e. always trying to beat the previous week, either by adding weight, more reps, or less rest between sets. Then going to dumbbells for what will provide better development IMO, especially CNS development
Flank has always been my go to steak for day to day.... sometimes top sirloin.
04-28-2011, 12:32 PM #489
I've been trying something similar to GB, I only perform barbell incline bench, because I want that thickness in my center and at the tie-in to the shoulder, so I want to go heavy. All my flat bench(except one day) for the last two weeks has been dumbbell.
04-28-2011, 07:31 PM #490
I do like DB presses a lot... I also really like the standard benchpress... Done in a kind of powerlifting style...
Elbows tucked, strong arch, planted feet, pull the bar down...
It is a much 'safer' why to bench...
The flat bench has gotten too much shit lately... It is not the movement that is injuring people, it is the technique....
Bench like a PL (with a BB twist) and you will greatly minimise injury IMHO...
I did 4 sets to failure of BB press on tuesday and my chest is still killing me today... Strange... Good thing with low volume is the ability to not have to worry about saving some in the tank... Give 4 sets 100%, mentally it allows you to push yourself hard...
Did my lower body hypertrophy session 2nite... Amazing session...
Leg press... 3 sets 10 reps
Hack squat..3 sets 10 reps
Seated hammer leg curl... 3 sets 10 reps
Lying leg curl... 3 sets 10 reps
Seated calf raise... 3 sets 10 reps
Standing calf raise... 3 sets 10 reps
Each muscle group is waned up with the first one of the 2 movements for that bodypart... Then 3 sets to failure and then onto the second exercise... Straight into 3 sets to failure after a light 'feel' set...
I really love working at this rep range... I feel I get a lot out of it... 2niyes session really was good... My quads are hurting me already ( +5 hrs )...
After our session I asked my training partner if he wanted to come over for a steak...of corse he did...
We had baked potato and flank steaks on the BBQ with a glass of diet cherry coke... Brilliant... Then went out to a club/bar for a change and to meet my girl... All in all a good night... Nice to relax and see a load of my old m8's...
05-03-2011, 03:27 PM #491
Bumping this thread... Get it back to page 1
05-03-2011, 03:36 PM #492
Thanks for that LOL
I am still here... Just have some other stuff to deal with ATM... extra work etc...
Only update I can give is that im changing all my chicken meals to Turkey Breast... and all my broccoli is now raw...
getting back intot he swing of things after a couple of bumpy weeks post holiday and with all the bank holidays etc... (went away for a few days which doesnt help much)
05-04-2011, 02:14 AM #493
05-04-2011, 02:37 AM #494
05-04-2011, 02:06 PM #495
Ok, so I am just fed up with dieting now and think that I have gone for too long now.... I need to begin making some progress and hopefully spring board a little and maybe even make a bit of a body re-comp....
I am currently doing 45 mins of cardio in the AM every day and 60 mins on saturday and sunday....
I plan to now gradually add some carbs back into my diet and keep the cardio where it is....
I am hoping to get to a point of limbo, where I am balanced around my TDEE...
I then plan to carry on increasing the carbs gradually while gradually dropping a few cardio sessions... After doing this for a few days I will be introducing some AAS...
I plan to continue to do 4 cardio sessions per week as follows
Tue - AM or PWO - 30 mins Medium Intensity High Incline Walking or stepmill
Thu - AM or PWO - 30 mins Medium Intensity High Incline Walking or stepmill
Sat - AM - 60 mins Medium Intensity High Incline Walking or stepmill
Sun - AM - 60 mins Medium Intensity High Incline Walking or stepmill
I also plan to cycle my carbs depending on my training schedule but as im not sure where my carbs need to be ATM im not going to make any specific numbers up but it will go somthing like this due to my draining schedule...
Mon - High Carb - 300g (maybe more)
Tue - Moderate Carb - 250g
Wed - Lower Carb - 200g
Thu - High Carb - 300g (maybe more)
Fri - Moderate carb - 250g
Sat - Moderate Carb - 250g
Sun - Moderate Carb - 250g
I think that most of my carb sources is going to be oats.... I think i am simply going to make up one big tupaware tub of oats in water and eat it over the day mixed with some bannana, almonds and rasins (Saving the Bannana and rasins mainly for Breakfats and PWO)...
For fats I will be sticking with Fish caps, EVOO and natty Peanut butter.... Additional fats will be partitioned from Larger carb meals (Breakfast, Pre-WO and PWO)
I have changed my main protein source from CHicken Breast to Turkey Breast and I like it.... (Edit - Just checking the macro's of turkey and although the fat content is much lower so is the protein content.... Strange because I thought Turkey was actually higher in protein
My main Protein sources are going to be Chicken Breast, Flank Steak, Lean Ground Beef, whey protein and maybe some eggs whites and a little cottage cheese...
I will still be having one cheat meal per week, probably on a saturday night and will probably relx my diet on a saturday but still aim to hit all my macros for the day... But maybe just not with optimal foods at the best times etc...
Still not 100% sure on the way my training is going to go.... Un-decided... But whatever I do I will be focusing on big lifts and coming in each session and beating last weeks weight or reps...Last edited by baseline_9; 05-04-2011 at 02:31 PM.
05-04-2011, 02:24 PM #496
Diet for today is as follows
0.5 cup oats
60g whey
8oz turkey breast
1.5 cups broccoli
5 Fish Caps
8oz turkey breast
1.5 cups broccoli
5 Fish Caps
8oz turkey breast
0.5 cup oats
1.5 cups broccoli
5 Fish Caps
60g Whey
20g Peanut Butter
8oz turkey breast
1.5 cups broccoli
10g Peanut Butter
05-12-2011, 03:39 PM #497
Brilliant Lower Body Hypertrophy session 2nite...
Getting to a point now where I seem to be close to the weights I need to be using...
Only problem is I keep getting stronger each week so I am chasing the weights...
Last week leg press 3 work sets as follows...
200kg + sled x 10
200kg + sled x 9
200kg + sled x 8
This week
205kg + sled x 10 for 3 sets...
Next week will be 210kg... Hopefully for 3x10....
Loving this routine.... So far nothing bad to say about it personally... And that is the truth...
Please guys check out the routine in my siggy
05-12-2011, 03:42 PM #498
Today's diet consisted of...
4x8oz chicken breast
200g oats
15g fish oils
25g dextrose
2 small bananas
60g whey
8oz flank steak
05-13-2011, 11:54 AM #499
05-13-2011, 01:59 PM #500
05-14-2011, 07:33 PM #501
Only part of this routine (in general, not yours specifically) that bugs me is the lack of bi training 2x a week. I feel like bi's can easily be trained 2x a week since they recover quickly, but on the upper body power day there really is no bi work - unless you go with something like medium-narrow grip chins for back. I guess rows hit bi's somewhat as well though.
05-17-2011, 08:36 AM #502
Not too much to report over the past few weeks so this log has been kind of empty....
I have slowly been increasing my carb intake to where I am now at about 260g...
Carbs on training days as follows...
2 bananas
300g sweet potato
200g oats
20g dextrose
My protein intake is the following
2 lbs of chicken breast
8 oz lean beef (flank usually)
4 scoops of whey (120g)
My fat intake is all natural fats except I add 10-15 fish caps per day and maybe a spoon of natty peanut butter...
So looking at it my daily macros off the top of my head are about...
350p (very high - this may drop a lil)
2935 cals
I think I will be ok around 3k....
Forgot to mention that I have just begun my cycle.... Let's grow a lil...
05-17-2011, 09:02 AM #503
I thank you every single day for posting your pancake recipe with photos which inspired me to go out and get the oats and make 'em!
Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.Author Unknown
05-17-2011, 09:07 AM #504
I did not know you were following that recipe... Hahaha
Yeh thy are good... Ur making me want one now lol
ATM I'm doing 100g oats with 60g whey mixed into it with a banana...
Hmmmmmm..... Oat pancake with zero carb chocolate sauce and a sliced banana...
I thank you slim for inspiring me to buy some zero carb chocolate sauce...
05-17-2011, 09:45 AM #505
^^^ I did tweak it a bit and added some cottage cheese which helps to make it more fluffy plus some vanilla extract, nutmeg and splenda.
I grew up not liking mushy oatmeal so your pancakes helped me to get some oats in my system.Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.Author Unknown
05-17-2011, 11:34 AM #506
05-17-2011, 12:27 PM #507
where the hell do you get 0 carb chocolate sauce lmfao
05-17-2011, 02:24 PM #508
05-17-2011, 02:44 PM #509
It may not be 100% carb free but it will be in comparison to normal choc sauce
05-17-2011, 05:11 PM #510
Chocolate protein powder in the oats, eh? I've never tried, it's always sounded kinda nasty to me so I use vanilla. If you say it's good, i'm gonna give it a shot. What type of powder is it? I'll use my Myofusion for now which already tastes pretty damn good.
05-17-2011, 08:36 PM #511
Looks a bit like chile with sliced bananas~ LOL!
Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.Author Unknown
05-19-2011, 04:28 AM #512
Lil experiment...
Chicken breast
Egg whites
Corn flakes
Cajun seasoning
Not bad at all...
05-19-2011, 04:33 AM #513
05-19-2011, 04:41 AM #514
05-19-2011, 02:24 PM #515
Feeling good after my Lower Body Hypertrophy session
All my lifts have gone up.... leg press in going up well... I can now complete 3 x 10 at 15kg heavier than 2 weeks ago!
Gear may help a lil but IMHO I dont think it will be helping that much ATM.....
Plan is to keep blasting this split for as long as I can.... currently really enjoying it as well....
I am currently experimenting with making a protein pudding.... will post it as soon as i have perfected it...
05-19-2011, 06:10 PM #516
05-19-2011, 06:18 PM #517
05-19-2011, 06:43 PM #518
Coat them with eggwhite then drudge them in smashed up carbs of your choice with whatever seasoning you like, and bake in the oven on 400 til coating is crispy and chicken is done.
05-19-2011, 06:46 PM #519
05-19-2011, 07:37 PM #520
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First Tren Cycle (blast)