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  1. #241
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
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    OK guys nothing really new to say but since I'm just past the half way mark I'd comment on some things. First off, sides really haven't flared up like I expected. Perphaps because I've kept my dosages relativly low (400mg a week). Water retention is little to none, no gyno (thank god), acne has become somewhay of an annoyance, not really a problem. Sex drive is out of this world which isn't helping since the wife and I are having our problems. As for the injections, this is my frist cycle that I've used spot injections. Normally I just shoot in the glute, and by the 4th week I'd have scar tissue forming making it difficult to get the needle to break the skin. Well I've been rotating between my delts, quads, and once tried my calves (which hurt like heel for 2-3 days afterward) and I will say for those of you not willing to spot inject, you have no clue to what you're missing. It's nice to have a damn near fresh spot to hit each time. Mood has stayed the same, but I do feel myself getting aggitated a bit easier. Diet seems to be right on the money, but as the end of the cycle comes near I'll be lowering my carbs again, to try and burn off some excess fat. As for pics, guys I'm trying. None of you would understand the crap I'm going through right now, and our money problems don't seem to be improving. But I amshould be recieving my bonus check this week and when I get it, pics will get posted, I promise. I am also debating trying a dbol bridge at the end of this cycle. Also since I'll have been n for so long, I'll be running hcg 500iu's ED for the last 2 weeks and than onto clomid and the dbol.

  2. #242
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    Loving the updates Big T... I really hope you and your wife can get things straightened out. I appreciate you sharing the personal aspect of your life along with cycle results throughout this diary... I feel this diary is one of the best. Congrats and great job bro.


  3. #243
    BigGreen's Avatar
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    Originally posted by BIG TEXAN
    As for the injections, this is my frist cycle that I've used spot injections. Normally I just shoot in the glute, and by the 4th week I'd have scar tissue forming making it difficult to get the needle to break the skin. Well I've been rotating between my delts, quads, and once tried my calves (which hurt like heel for 2-3 days afterward) and I will say for those of you not willing to spot inject, you have no clue to what you're missing. It's nice to have a damn near fresh spot to hit each time.
    I'm giving very serious consideration to shooting my calves just for the hell of it. I'd like to try tren one day but AM NOT sticking my quads every day...i don't care how big they get and how much room there is to manipulate. For some reason I just can't envision myself hitting delts; i'd probably try pecs before delts, as I'm not afraid of shooting my pecs so much as I'm petrified of the notion of somehow (even though it's physically impossible) shooting through my pec and into my heart. Just one of those weird fears I can't get over.

  4. #244
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
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    I know what you mean BG! Spot injections scared the hell out of me at first. A buddy of mine shot tren in his calves ED and had no pain, I shot test/eq and it hurt like hell. In a few weeks when I include fina my injection sites will rotate like this calves, quads, delts, bi's, and possibly tri's if I can muster up the courage, I may be like you and try hitting the chest. Let me know how yuor spot injects go, I'm curious to see if pain or soreness differ with everyone.

    Huge Presser- I add in all my personal details for 2 reasons. 1- it gives me a chance to vent out my frustrations and 2- I believe everything that happens to you, whenther, physically, mentally, or emotionally, has an impact on your gains, and performance. If anything I post or talk about in my cycle diary can or does help anyone in their goals it is all worth while.

  5. #245
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    Agreed my friend... in the beginning of my diary I contemplated sharing information about past years that described my lack of strength and physical maturity and eventually lead to me thinking I was a weak, pathetic person. I believe adding in personal details definately make a diary more exciting... and it surely helps newbies consider other aspects of life before starting a cycle. Once again, thanks bro.


  6. #246
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
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    Another 200mg of test and 200mg of eq went painlessly into my left quad. I'm a bit tired today, Blackhawk Down kept me up pretty late last night. I was so tired this morning it took me like 15 minutes to withdraw from each vial.. I'm definatly gonna miss the injections when this cycle ends. Every Monday and Thursday morning I seem to get out of bed a little easier knowing I have my anabolic cocktail awaiting me in the other room.

    Well last night was back and deads went especially well. I did my 3 warm up sets and than did 405 for 10 reps, 455 for 8, 475 for 8, 500 for 6, and 525 for 5. I was gonna try heavier but I already could feel my 3pm meal trying to re-enter the world. Also I have taken advice and been doing bent over barbell rows and can definatly feel it more in my back and lats than doing dumbell rows.

  7. #247
    FKITLETSGO's Avatar
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    How much weight have you gained fucker huh huh punk? lol I have went back three pages and no weight updates...peace bro im bout to start rt gear cycle.....peace

  8. #248
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
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    Oh, well since you asked so nicely
    Starting weight- 232
    Highest peaking point- 244lbs
    Current- 239lbs (I missed about 4 days last week and I've been working alot on our vehicles and my diet went to shit. I'm back now adn busting my ass to possibly hit 250.)
    In 3 weeks I'll be adding fina in my mix of things and hope this will get me going again in gaining weight. Of course I think I've gained more than the scale is showing cause my bf has dropped significantly and lbm has gone up a shitload. Pics will be up this weekend, and I have come to realize my starting body fat was alot higher than I had first thought.

  9. #249
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    Go Big T! Keep the updates comin... great job on deads bro sounds like strength is through da roof! Keep pumpin.


  10. #250
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
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    Well I'm back to 240lbs again. I had shoulders last night and I lifted like a mad man. Military press on the smith machine again.
    Military press
    warm up
    105 for 15 reps
    155 for 12 reps

    195 for 10
    245 for 8
    265 for 8
    285 for 7
    315 for 6
    325 for 3 (just wanted to see if I could lift it)

    Behind the neck military press hammer machine
    230 for 10
    250 for 8
    270 for 8
    300 for 6

    reverse pec dec
    150 - 8
    160 - 8
    170 - 8
    180 - 8

    side dumbell raises (don't know the "technical name"
    30- 8
    35- 8
    40- 8
    45- 8 (all these are performed with slow and controled movements, with a 2 second pause and sqwueeze at the top of the lift)

    front dumbell raises (supersetted with side raises, same weights and number of reps)

    shrugs on smith machine
    195 for 15
    245 for 15
    264 for 12
    285 for 10 (all reps performed with full range of motion and held and squeezed for a 2 second pause at the top of the lift)

    abs, calves and went home and died!

  11. #251
    majorpecs's Avatar
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    Originally posted by BIG TEXAN
    Oh, Pics will be up this weekend
    yeah right....and i'm santa claus

  12. #252
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    Hey Santa, can I get a Pro Street Custom with a 280 rear wheel and 136 ci engine with big fat loud assed...sorry about the curse santa...pipes! and I want a big fat cycle! with a years worth of gh and all the <a href="" target="_blank">protein</a>/mrp/<a href="" target="_blank">protein</a> bars and free gym membership with the bestest equipment and noone else but me an my bro's can go to and just lift with a live performance by (the old metallica! not the new Pussified version) AC/DC (bon scott to sing with Brian) Jimi Hendrix, Mudvayne, Slypknot, and whole shit load more.! ]
    Also, Santa a 4.0megapixel camera for my man Big Tex! SO HE CAN POST HIS F'N PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You know what though bro, I don't want to see them because I'll never see 240 except if I just drink beer 24/7 and eat crisco icecream cones with chocolate jimmies! If I see how f'n huge you are I'll feel even worse than I already do about my physic!


  13. #253
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
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    damn ya'll! I have the damn pictures getting developed, I just ain't got the cash right now to pay for 'em. Both cars were down for repair, the "witch" (being nice) for a wife that I have spends the rest on stupid shit! PICS WILL BE UP THIS WEEKEND, even if I have to go borrow some damn money from a friend or rob a bank.

  14. #254
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    Hell Big T, now Big Green AND myself have pics up and we started well after you.. cmon man get with the program
    Keep the updates coming.


  15. #255
    BigGreen's Avatar
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    Originally posted by BIG TEXAN
    or rob a bank.
    Wait, that's a joke? I thought all Texans got their cash by robbing banks and/or heisting a train. learn something new everyday. (I'm sooo sorry, i can't stop, it's an addiction now).

  16. #256
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    Originally posted by BigGreen

    Wait, that's a joke? I thought all Texans got their cash by robbing banks and/or heisting a train. learn something new everyday. (I'm sooo sorry, i can't stop, it's an addiction now).

  17. #257
    kc's Avatar
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    Originally posted by BigGreen

    (I'm sooo sorry, i can't stop, it's an addiction now).

  18. #258
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
    BIG TEXAN is offline Respected Member
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    Ok fishboy!

  19. #259
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    Friday I had legs and wass in a bit of a hurry so I just stopped at 500 for 6 reps and finished up real quick. I had a birthday dinner to go to. Other than that it went good. Today I had chest and did some iceps along with it. I did 315 for an easy set of 6 and did 335 for a not so easy 5. My shoulder started to aggrevate me again and went a it lite on incline and decline. Acne is flaring up again. I believe it to be just from cleaning the yard up all weekend long. We got a crap load of rain and high winds and 2 of thge trees in my front yard fell barely missing the house. So we cut them up and hauled off all the limbs. As for pics.... I got 'em. I just want to aske a few friends at my gym for their opinions before I post them. They are not that great since our camera is extremely cheesy. Weight is holding at 242 today, I think I may have caught a bug because my stomach has been feeling funny all day today. Until tomorrow!

  20. #260
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    Alright! But don't ask your bros for their opinions... we've waited long enough!
    Great job.


  21. #261
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
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    Did another 200mg test, 200mg eq in my right delt. This time as I pulled the needle out a bit of the juice squirted out. Not to worry, I wiped it of my shoulder and licked it clean. I'm not about to waste any AS yet. OK so I'm apperntly a junkie. Pics will be up as soon as I figure out which ones I like and which ones suck ass!

  22. #262
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    T, just post them bro! WE'll pic you apart brutally! !
    Just kidding.... Throwem up like you do the 350lb military bro!


  23. #263
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
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    ripsid, that's what I'm afraid of.... soon brother soon.

  24. #264
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    Bro, the last thing you should worry about is that! If you're 6'2 245 I won't say a thing, but positives! You're a F*n House! And from everything you've described you have nothing to worry about! T, I'm 175 (f'n lost 5lbs somewher F*K!) and if you saw the pics I posted, I obviously do alot of work for no results! Serious bro!
    You're a house be proud!


  25. #265
    BigGreen's Avatar
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    Originally posted by ripsid
    Bro, the last thing you should worry about is that!
    Yeah, I'll second that...I was petrified of putting up my pics, though after the fact it wasn't that bad. My big fear now is the after pics...I'd hate to go through all this and have everyone say, "it looks like you didn't gain a pound!" But, I'm sure I'll get over that as well. I'm sure you'll hate putting them up, though, within an hour of doing so you'll be glad you did.

  26. #266
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
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    Sorry I'm slipping with my diary. Things are crazy around here. With the talk of divorce in the air and with us two trying to resolve this like adults I'm not hjaving much time for anything else. As soon as we get some of our issues resloved I'll have time to post pics. I'm actually excited to hear what ya'll think are my weak spots, besides my calves. I already know this. I did manage time to do shoulders today. I managed to get th 105's up for my last 2 sets of 6 on db military press, and my weight seems to be on the rise again. I'll post more tomorrow, I'm going to bed.

  27. #267
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    I know what your weakness is already bro it's the lack of weight! You should be putting up 225's by now! Comeon! Stop F'n around!

    Really, I know the situation your in bro and I as you know we were some similar situtations here and take your time in the gym as your temple! Trust me! Problem I had was that my bedroom was where all my weights were so I'd have to workout at home! Stay strong brother remember I think it's "What doesn't kill you will only make you stronger" . No matter what the outcome is this is a learning experience and as tough as it is, in no time at all it will be over. You have a long life ahead of you brother! this is just a small amount of time for you!


  28. #268
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    No worries about the diary bro... hope you can get things resolved with your wife. The diary is still rollin and everything sounds good!
    Keep pumpin bro.


  29. #269
    quez82's Avatar
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    Yeah definitely fix things with your wife.. I'm enjoying this post alot
    you guys are fantastic ... quez

  30. #270
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
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    Thanks again for the encouragement guys. Ripsid, 225's huh? The day I'm pressing though's is the day I'm competing in the "O" brother. I skipped the gym tonight to finally have "the talk" with the wife. All has turned out good my AR family (or so I believe for now). We have decided to stay together and make this work. There are a few things that are needing to change on both sides and we are both willing to do what is needed. I am happy with the decision although a small part of me was becoming thrilled with the notion of becomming single once again. Only time will tell if I made the right choice here. Thanks for being patient, understanding and supportive in this dreary time in my life. I will say that out of all the cycles I have done, that this particular one will be the "one" that will stand out from the rest and not for any gains made either but just from the emotional rollercoaster I have been riding most of these weeks that I've been on. Well as of tomorrow it's back to business as usual and to kicking ass in the weight room. I'm still holding on to the hope of hitting 250 this cycle. In week 14 (2 weeks form this one) fina will be brought into the picture and depending on funds I may add some others. Thanks again guys and pics are coming!

  31. #271
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    i'm glad you settled everything... as long as your both happy thats good to hear... now you can get back to business in the gym and not worry about coming home and arguing

  32. #272
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    T, brother all my prayers for your success with the wife it's tough especially with the illness but as long as you love her and she loves you, that's all that matters! I got your back! OH, I guess I'm not hooking you up at the wedding!


    Kick that ass Bro!

  33. #273
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
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    Originally posted by ripsid
    OH, I guess I'm not hooking you up at the wedding!
    Hey wait, this changes everything! Watcha got set up for me?

  34. #274
    majorpecs's Avatar
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    Good to hear things are working out BigT...and you better hurry up and hit that 250 because I'm starting my next cycle in about 3 weeks:

    Weeks 1-20 Test Enanth 750mg/wk
    Weeks 1-15 Equipose 750mg/wk
    Weeks 14-22 Winny 100mg/ed

  35. #275
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    GD! My both of my Texas bro's hittin a cycle at the same time! Holy Crap I'll be busy as hell reading both plus, Big Greens, and madmax's! SHit I won't be able to work anymore! I'll just quit and read your threads all day!

  36. #276
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    Mine ends in 9 weeks and 4 months after that it's right back on with this one
    Week 1-4 anadrol 100mg ED
    Week 1-20 test 750mg
    Week 1-18 eq or deca 600-750mg
    Week 10-22 fina 75mg ED
    Week 16-22 winstrol 50mg ED
    Week 1-22 50mg Proviron ED
    Week 11-12 hcg 500 iu's ed
    Week 21-22 hcg 500 iu's ed
    Week 23- clomid 300/100/50

  37. #277
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    Well here's the debate for me with what I have right now, hoping to start soon, but I may be going to Chili for a few weeks for business:
    1-10 Test En 400mg
    1-10 Deca 300mg
    8-14 400 primo 200 2x a week
    May try to add anadrol or dbol to start (insert your advice here)
    running liquidex .50 eod
    15-18/19 - noval + clomid to finish this whole thing off...
    You know it's my 1st and I may try to add some test for a couple more weeks along with the primo.
    I don't know but you guys are pissing me off with this 250lb talk! I'd be happy to get to 200! Jumped on the scale yesterday I'm down to 175 and I'm 'ing my ass off!


  38. #278
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
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    With this being your first cycle, go withthe dbol . I would wait to mess with anadrol until you get a few cycles under your belt. It's the most liver toxic steroid that I know of so it's not for newbies. You'll hit 200 fast enough bro. Give it time and EAT, lift, EAT, lift! (oh yeah, get some sleep in between there from time to time too. )

  39. #279
    Join Date
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    Sweet seems like only yesterday when I started reading your thread!
    Are you gonna do another diary for this cycle as well?

    BT... Where's our pics bro???
    I thought you said yesterday was the day!


  40. #280
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    No worries HP, the pics sucked and we're going to the coast today and I'll be taking better picks. When we get back Sundat night I'm sending them to Pete235 who'll resize them and post 'em for me. Well as for updates Thursday did another 200mg test 200mg eq in my left delt. I must be developing scar tissue finally because I had to push a bit harder to get the pin in this time and I heard several small popping noises in the process like the needle was pushing through scar tissue. Oh well part of the game. Any how I did legs Thursday and stayed at 500 for my last 2 sets. I'm working on going low (breaking parallel) and strict form. Chest was yesterday and I used the db's. If my gym doesn't order some heavier ones (only goes up to 120's) I'll have to staick with barbell's. 120's I tossed up for my last 2 sets with an easy 8 each set. Today I have to go do some quick bi's and tri's before we leave. I'll post more when we get back. Peace ya'll!

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