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  1. #281
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    Bro... my gym only go's up to 110's!!! It is so fucking hard to do anything it's ridiculous.
    Can't wait to see the pics... and congrats on breaking parallel on squats, you'll always benefit more from going deeper. I congratulate you because you have a bad knee, meaning you must be workin yo ass off.

    Great job bro.


  2. #282
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
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    HG, actually breaking parallel is what helped cause my knees problems to begin with. I used to break parallel all the time back when I powerlifted. I am slowly getting back my strict form though.

    June 23, 2003

    Well another 200mg test, 200mg eq later and all is well. Acne seems to be back under control. No gyno or sore nipps (thank god). There is signs of my ever receeding hairline falling farther and farthe rbackwards, but since I shave my head anyways it's all good. Testicular shrinkage is remaining shrunk. Horny as ever but not getting any which is just making me that much more ferocious in the gym. Weight, won't know if there's any difference until this evening when I go to the gym. As for pics, we didn't get home until late last night and I will drop off the mfilm for development tonight on my wy to the gym. So pics will be up as soon as it's developed. (Cut me some slack guys, besides all the shit I've been going through with the wife, money is getting tight with the kids needing clothes and shoes) They will be up just as soon as I can get them up. I want to start putting a new pic up each month to see if any better development is occuring. My boy seems to finally be sleeping thru the night, so if he keeps this up I can start my cardio in the mornings again and get rid of some of this stubborn bf. Next week fina finally joins the BT team! I can't weight. LAst time I did fina I gained close to 25 lbs alone and my strength went through the roof! So I'm looking forward to it with great excitement. Well that's it for now my fellow lifters. Until tomorrow or later tonight.........

  3. #283
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
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    SON OF A BISCUIT!!!!!!! I swear I'm jinxed, cursed, voo-doo'd, something. I had back last night and w doing deadlifts. Well I go up to 405 and my right strap broke sending me fyling backwards. Well at 500 my left strap broke sending me and the weight to go crashing to the ground. Since I wasn't hurt yet I decided to keep going, I did manange 515 for 5 but decided not to push my luck with all the crap happening. So I hurridly finished my back workout and left the gym. Well I needd to go to the store for a few things and half way there my cars dies. So it's now stuck on the side of IH35 for anyone that cares. I'm about to leave it there, espcially since I just got done working on it a week or 2 ago. I just want one thing to go right...... I'm so sick and tired of all this shit happening to me. I swear the urge to start drinking again has never been worse. I don't want to throw my being sober now for 3 years down the toilet, but damn it I can't deal with all the shit that's happening in my life. I'm gonna go for now guys, at least until I cool off.

  4. #284
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    Take it easy man, drinking won't help anything and you know that. Your straps broke, easily replaced. Your car fucked up... this shit happens man. Use the Test to your benefit man, have more confidence, you're huge, you're the fucking man. Don't let this little bullshit that won't matter down the road fuck your shit up. Women are irrational, all of us understand the problems with your wife man. Take it easy, i dont know the situation, i won't judge it. From experience, i can only say swallowing your pride helps, don't argue, agree with them, be a man. This might sound like bullshit and not even make sense, but you sound desperate man and we all get that way sometimes. Just try not to start drinking man, everything really starts going down the toilet when you do.

    Peace man

    Listen to some good music, smoke a joint if you can, just relax for a few man.

    Then head to the gym, take care of business

  5. #285
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    Sorry if I sounded desperate, I was just venting. Trust me bro I get a bit emotional sometimes but it's all good. When it comes to the wife I've done my fair share of sucking up my pride and with the straps and the car, to hell with it all, todays a different day. Although a drink would be nice I'm not giving up my sobriety. Just having one of those days yesterday and today didn't start out any better. I do plan on beating the hell outta the weights tonight. I have shoulders and military press, any takers on me getting 335 or better up for at least 2-4 reps?

  6. #286
    jarrett is offline Senior Member
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    keep up the good work!! as for pics what am i gunna have to do come take them myself this weekend when im up there?

  7. #287
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    Originally posted by jarrett
    keep up the good work!! as for pics what am i gunna have to do come take them myself this weekend when im up there?
    Bring a camera ho! If you got a digital, bring it, pics will probably look better than my cheap ass disposable. You coming to San MArcos this weekend? The wife might be going out of town so.............. party at BT's house!......... as long as it's over by 9pm, cause that's my daughter's bedtime.

  8. #288
    jarrett is offline Senior Member
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    HAHA nah bro no party at yours your old lady would KILL you..

    actualyl im gunna be staying at NEEDTOBESWOLED's place gunna hit the river scope out some bitches, oh i mean CHICKS, drink some beers .. yadda yaddda yadda .. i was supposed to go up last week but work promited me from doing that.. mayube i can see if majorpecs can come out and play with us as well .and yeah i got a nice sony mavica digital camera.

  9. #289
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    Sweet! I was wondering why someone didn't call me Saturday like they were supposed to. Let me know when ya'll get into town. Where does NEEDTOBESWOLED live? San Marcos? Bring Major.... I don't care if you have to drag him behind the car! Let me know what's going on cause BT will come out to play for sure. (Well if I can find a babysitter )

  10. #290
    jarrett is offline Senior Member
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    yeah it'll be in san marcos about a 1/4 miles away from the university.
    majorpecs will prolly bitch out like he always does anyhow... hmm maybe i can lie to him and tell him theres gunna be a show up there .. then maybe he'll come ..

  11. #291
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    There ya go, he'll never know now. Just tell him I said for him to bring his punk ass down, hell he can bring his wife and kid that way my little girl can have someone to play with if that'll help.

  12. #292
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    someone needs a hug

  13. #293
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    uuuummmmmm... no thanks. I'm not the touchy feely kind of guy.

  14. #294
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    Originally posted by BIG TEXAN
    Let me know what's going on cause BT will come out to play for sure. (Well if I can find a babysitter )
    Just express mail 'em up here to new england and I'll watch over 'em for a little while. By the time they come back, you won't even recognize them. I'll instill in them the old New England charm that yields disdain for state universities and an awed reverance for private high schools. If you're lucky, they'll be quoting Melville and/or Hawthorne at the dinner table!

    On a serious note, would you care to explain a bit about the way you're able to work deads into your training with such regularity. I'd absolutely love to do this, but run into one of two problems each time I try:
    1. I train quads and hams (normally) on different days. As a result, there's rarely much time in between a quad or ham workout and back day. As a result of the lingering soreness in my quads or hams (sometimes both), my deadlifts suffer from that temporary weak link.
    2. On the other hand, on those rare occassions where there's some distance between quads/hams and back day, quads are likely to follow back day by a not so large distance. As a result, leg day tends to suffer from my quads already being pretty beat up from heavy pulling.

    Should I maybe do partials so that my legs don't take a monsterous beating? Or maybe stick deads in with quad training?? I'm curious as to not only how your split addresses these issues, but, narratively, how you deal with it. Thanks
    Last edited by BigGreen; 06-24-2003 at 06:25 PM.

  15. #295
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    of major brought his wife and kids then the wife could be your babysitter.....if that doesn't work, just give me a hell it's only 8 hrs

  16. #296
    jarrett is offline Senior Member
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    Originally posted by kc
    of major brought his wife and kids then the wife could be your babysitter.....if that doesn't work, just give me a hell it's only 8 hrs

    if she's comes up she can baby sit me aswell, you boys can find your own dates for the night

  17. #297
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    Originally posted by jarrett
    if she's comes up she can baby sit me aswell, you boys can find your own dates for the night
    Um sorry Jarrett, I'd twist ya into a pretzel before that happened.

    kc, better pack a bag because we'll keep ya here alot longer than 8 hours.

    BG, sorry bro I tried answering your question at work but had gotten interuppted. As for doing deads and legs in my routine I only do deads every other week, and the weeks I do do deads my squats do suffer some. As for what hurts after doing deads, my legs don'y hurt at all just my back. My split goes like this
    day 1- back
    day 2-shoulders
    day 3- rest
    day 4-legs
    day 5-chest
    day 6- bi's/tri's
    day 7- rest
    SInce I do hams quads, and calves all in one day, I have more of a rest etween ack and legs,

  18. #298
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    Well didn't make itto the gym last night, the car broke down Monday and I was working on it all last night to no avail. Also the wife didn't decide to come home until 9pm and the gym closes at 10pm so I took the night off. I will go tonight come hell or high water so tomorrow there will be something to update with.

  19. #299
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    Well hell did arise tonight and I again didn't make it to the gym. I discovered the problem with the car, the timing belt roke and in the process of trying to replace it I believe that I have broken my left thumb. For all that are curious it DOES hurt like a S.O.B.!!!! I have a doc appointment for tomorrow so I'll know then if it's broke or just amazingly swolen and sore. But if I'm ale to grip the bar I'll be at the gym tomorrow after the appointment so...... stay tuned. Are ya'll seeing a pattern here? First Majorpecs breaking his leg, know possibly me..... I think BigGreen is the mastermind behind this starting trend. He of course holding some type of grudge against us Texas folk, would resort to this kind of manner to out do any of us. So for all you out there beware of any New Englander out there.

  20. #300
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    YAO!!! good luck with that thumb man! oh...and stay away from old fishermen

  21. #301
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    T...Bro, I've been in class at work for the week and I come back to read your thread and what the F*! Happening? Someone's messin with your Karma (sounds very spiritual, but I don't know how spell millocio or italian curse)....anyways! you may be duct taping your hands to the bar bro and that's not going to be any fun, because if it's broke you won't be able to handle any weight on the Fer! I had a partial fracture in my thumb from playing football in the navy and man I couldn't do shiT! Sucked big time! Well, gots to go get edumacated...Get Well brother! STay large....and just a small subliminal message for you.........
    WHERE'S THE PICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!


  22. #302
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    Well if you haven't noticed I've been a bit busy. As for pics I'm gonna try and have a buddy take some with his digital this weekend if all works out right if not I'll post the crappy photo pics I already took.

  23. #303
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    Okay...first of all....BigTexan, at first opportunity I'll be up there hitting the river with you.

    Keep pluggin along on your cycle and just take all your frustrations out on the weights.

    and lastly...BigGreen, I do deads every week on Tuesdays at the beginning of my backworkout. I never do them other than tuesday so that I have Wednesday OFF. I do my legs on Friday so that I have SAT/Sun off....It seems that my back and legs take the longest to recover....

  24. #304
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    Okay...first of all....BigTexan, at first opportunity I'll be up there hitting the river with you.

    Keep pluggin along on your cycle and just take all your frustrations out on the weights.

    and lastly...BigGreen, I do deads every week on Tuesdays at the beginning of my backworkout. I never do them other than tuesday so that I have Wednesday OFF. I do my legs on Friday so that I have SAT/Sun off....It seems that my back and legs take the longest to recover....

    Oh yeah...I think we are going to see pics of BigTexan about as much as I think Jarrett is going to be a bodybuilder.

  25. #305
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    Major that was two of virtually the same posts in a row.
    However, what you said was very true.
    I now have reason to believe that the real Big Texan is a 15 year old 95 pound pothead who has been making all this up and now is stuck in a hard place seeing that we all want his pics!!! He will put it off for as long as possible, and soon, sadly enough, will have to fess up!!! BIG TEXAN, PROVE YOURSELF MY FRIEND... POST THE PICS, NO MATTER HOW BAD THEY ARE!!!

    We're on to you ...


  26. #306
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    Great diary Big T.

    I gotta admit though, One of the only things that kept me reading was the damn pics!! I kept reading and reading and week, this friday, tomorrow, next week FOR SURE!!!!

    I am almost inclined to send you a digital camera for free!!! (Almost, but I am not that wealthy)

    Anyways, congrats on your progress. Sounds like youv'e been a busy man in and out of the gym. Look forward to the pics when you get a chance.


  27. #307
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    Ok, ok, ok! If Jarrett brings his camera I will have him take pics, if not than I Will post the other ones for sure. I apologoze to all of you for dragging this out. I have never intended to or wanted to do so. For those of you that have been following things I'm in the middle of a seperation/ divorce and will say that my mind is elsewhere along with being very emotional right now (which is a surprise, cause I'm not an emotional person). I have missed the gym most of this week do to the wife and car trouble. I hope to make it there today after work so we'll see. If things get bad enough at home I may not be posting on here for awhile. Guys just understand that I'm expeiencing the most painfull period in my life thus far. I have never understood the phrase "having the world crumble around you" untill now. I feel as if the past 5 years of my life have meant nothing and has been a total waste. At the same time I keep questioning myself on where I went wrong being a husband. I'm beginning to feel like a failure, hell I never finished college, never finished my term in the NAvy, and now my marriage has failed. I think ripsid said it best when he mentioned me having bad karma or that I'm jinxed. Ok guys enough of me feeling sorry for myself. I am not one to typically make excuses for my behavior, as for the pics I've slacked and againa I apologize to all of you, they will be posted by Monday.

  28. #308
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    By god, I can't believe that you would accuse me of engineering some kind of voodoo curse, primarily because, as a purebread new englander, I could not besmirch my relatives by practicing any religion other than the oh-so-WASPY protestantism, even to spite Texas. However, if I had such abilities, you would have noticed their effects long before I ever stumbled across AR, as General Santa Anna would have been risen from the grave to finish the job and hand control of Texas over to me.

    Truth be told, I really have no grudge against sister went to school at TCU and one of my good friends from high school went to ACU. Additionally, I love "King of the Hill" and harbor a strong admiration for Yao Meng, as I did for Akeem Olajuwon.

  29. #309
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    Originally posted by Huge Presser
    Major that was two of virtually the same posts in a row.
    That's just one of the creative ways in which he post-whores. The ole "accidental" double post. If you search some of his old threads, you'll find that he double posts just about every fourth or fifth time he posts.

  30. #310
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    T, check your PM Bro!


    Stay strong!

  31. #311
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
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    Hey BigGreen, nothing but love for ya brother..... nothing but love.

    As for ripsid- thank you, you are one of the true meanings of the word brother.

  32. #312
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    Thanks T! It's greatly appreciated! as always got ya back!


  33. #313
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    Did any of you guys get loss of sleep from taking d-bol? because i keep tossin and turning during the nights for these last couple of days... i'm not sure what its from..

  34. #314
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    I have before, it wil subside most likely.

  35. #315
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    Well boys and girls, I missed the gym all week and made it in today to do a quick and easy shoulders and legs. I also met up with our good man Jarrett and took some quick pics, sorry no leg shots, and he'll post 'em as soon as he gets back to Houston. Guys don't be gentle either. Also Jarrett, black out my face would ya? I know I said don't worry about it but go ahead and black it out.

  36. #316
    Needtobeswoledup is offline Associate Member
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    Hey man just wanted to say your looking huge.... keep it up, dont get discouraged when life gets in the way of workouts.

  37. #317
    Needtobeswoledup is offline Associate Member
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    Oh and i'm curious where you buy your supps at? I haven't found anywhere around here with decent prices.... I'm considering mail ordering but dont want to go through the hassle.

  38. #318
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    You guys are from the Houston area right? Try, really good prices. He's out of Spring, TX. I think the store name is Nutrition Depot. Best prices you'll find throughout southern TX. If you're in the Austin area try The Smoothie Factory (2 locations in Austin with supplements) 1 location in San Marcos but i don't know if they carry supps. Good luck.

  39. #319
    Needtobeswoledup is offline Associate Member
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    I'm in san marcos, I think he's in the new braunfels area. Smoothie Factory is way over priced and there smoothies suck compared to smoothie king.

  40. #320
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    Needtobeswoledup, I use Allsportnutrition and trust me it's not a hassle, Jason and Brian are good guys. Also if you order early in the day you usually get your stuff in a day or two. Also thanks for the compliment, I'm just embarresed about the pics.

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