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10-11-2012, 02:56 PM #1121
GI - I will reply tomorrow because i'm about to leave work and don't want to give you a half-assed answer. Hang in there for me bro!
Have you tried a lower carb higher fat approach in order to maintain 3000 calories? Sorry if you've stated this already, but what are your current stats, and how many grams of protein are you taking right now?
Re: digestive enzymes - definitely. I took a few for protein, but also supplemented chromium. You should start supplementing with it if you don't already. Most people use picolinate, but when I was working with Nark he switched me to polynictinate as he feels it's superior. Give it a shot. 30 mins before each meal.
10-11-2012, 04:00 PM #1122Originally Posted by gbrice75
My current bf is like 12-13%. On average you can see 4 to 6 abs.
I can post pics when i get home. May take some time, have to black out my face.
10-11-2012, 04:10 PM #1123
10-11-2012, 04:12 PM #1124
10-11-2012, 04:29 PM #1125
10-11-2012, 07:09 PM #1126
10-12-2012, 08:55 AM #1127
Yea, that was my suggestion to lower my carb intake and raise fat.
5'4 26 172lbs
I was taking 300g protein/300g carbs/66g fat for the past week. Before that I was at 2000 calories in a cut and got down to roughly 6% body fat but was always fatigued. That was roughly on week 7-8 on my cycle. Once I got to 6% I was happy with that and wanted to use the remaining weeks of my cycle (since it just started to kick in) to put on size. I upped the calories to 3000 and the next day I couldn't move. That lasted about a week, figuring my body had to get use to the calories, but I just couldn't function throughout the day, so I came up with running a 40p/35c/25f split to get in the 3000 calories. With that, I'd be taking in 300g protein, 260g carbs and 83g fat. Today is the first day I'm giving that a try so I guess we'll see how it goes. Just wanted to hear your opinion and see if you agreed with changing up the split instead of lowering my calories. Also wanted to see if you thought it was just from the carbs and not something else, like fiber. Yesterday I dropped my calories to 2500 just to see how I felt, and I feel a lot better at 250g carbs as opposed to 300g.
10-12-2012, 10:55 AM #1128
Very nice. Don't be shy about adding 1 whole egg here. Whole eggs have a ton of nutrients. Don't worry about the small bit of fat, it's worth it for everything else you get out of the yolk. IMO.
Meh. You can probably do without the almonds, especially adding the whole egg in meal 1 if you choose to. I'd probably just do a protein/veggie here with a few fish oil caps.
Pointless. I'd ditch it. It's a high sugar/sugar only food and provides little nutritional value. I wouldn't recommend fruit here, but if you want to keep it, go with a real piece of fruit vs. a fruit cup.
So if I'm understanding this correctly, you have no preworkout meal, and the closest 'meal' to your workout was a fruit cup? You need to fix this ASAP. IMO, preworkout nutrition is more important than PWO, if I had to pick one. Lean protein plus complex carb.
Don't be shy about adding a small amount of complex carb here. Don't worry about what time of day it is. Worry about feeding your body what it needs, WHEN it needs it, i.e. around your workout window. You're not fueling your workout now, and you're not fueling your body PWO. Big mistake IMO.
I'd ditch the milk. 3/4 cup is not a big deal, but if you're concerned with bodyfat, you don't need sugar in your meals.
Not necessarily. This is written as if it's an absolute, and that's not the case. There are other things that have to be in place for your body to store fat. Carbs at night aren't automatically stored as fat, although I will say that when the goal is to reduce bodyfat, I keep my carbs focused around when my body needs them, as stated before. In other words, be more concerned with feeding your body carbs when it NEEDS them rather than when NOT to eat them.
Debatable, but I also err on the side of caution until we know for certain. Furthermore, there are better fat choices than flax (fish oil for instance), and if you're eating a meat-rich diet, I see no need to incorporate soy.
I can't comment on anything other than food choices as you haven't really provided macro nutrient info, at least entirely. But for now, I hope this helps.
Not bad, fairly lean, I think you're spot on with 12-13%. Just need to pack on some overall size and you'll be well on your way!
My friend, I think you get bored easily, as do I!
Since you're on cycle, why not just bump protein instead of fats, or 50/50 fats and protein? On cycle is the one time I see the benefit of higher protein intake than normally needed. Clearly, if you feel better on 250g carbs than 300g, you need to stick with that. No point if taking 300g if you feel like crap and it messes up your day, workout, etc. I'm not personally a fan of higher fat diets, which is why i'm making this suggestion. You can reevaluate when you come off, but chances are you'll be reducing calories anyway so it might just cancel out.
10-12-2012, 11:21 AM #1129
10-12-2012, 11:22 AM #1130
Thanks! Any thoughts on the calories i need to get to 185lbs and 9%bf. I keep coming up with different numbers.
10-12-2012, 12:09 PM #1131
Sounds good to start. Definitely do go over 20% fats. If anything, bump protein to 50% or even higher and reduce carbs and/or fats as needed. 15% fats is ideal for a lean bulk (or a cut for that matter) IMO.
So you want to get to 185lbs at 9%, and you're currently 12-13% - at what weight? I'm really sorry if you've already posted it bro, I'm not trying to give you the runaround it just gets difficult to manage multiple questions lol! Basically I need to calculate how much fat you need to lose while maintaining LBM.
10-12-2012, 12:15 PM #1132
Im 170lbs right now. No worries my friend. So far ive came up with 2700 and 3500 calories to achieve my goals.
In december i will be starting another cycle to prepare to compete again. So ill be running test, anavar and im not sure if im adding mast or primo yet to the cycle.
Keep in my i train 6days a week and 2-4 times a day. Mma, bjj, cardio, and weight trainer. Im going to have to change things up alot i feel to reach and maintain my goal now.
10-12-2012, 01:17 PM #1133
Ok, so you want to gain 15lbs overall, but lose roughly 5lbs of bodyfat in the interim. So you'll need to put on roughly 20lbs of LBM. How long are you planning to allow for this transformation? I just want to be sure we're being realistic here.
10-12-2012, 01:23 PM #1134Originally Posted by gbrice75
10-12-2012, 02:16 PM #1135
I'm certain 20lbs is attainable, don't get me wrong. But AAS aside, it takes a lot longer to put on 20lbs of REAL clean/lean muscle than most people realize. Just ask Fireguy. Hope you're willing to put in some time and dedication. It's a long journey, but a rewarding one... so i'm told.
10-12-2012, 02:20 PM #1136
Well i train full time, so i can do it. I just need a set diet/calorie plan.
10-12-2012, 02:32 PM #1137
You need a 'add lean mass' plan IMO. Bulking/cutting won't work for you, especially given your activities (MMA, etc). It's a slower process but at least you should be able to keep bodyfat under 15% at most. It's not hard man... high protein, moderate-high carbs on workout days and especially around the workout window, low/no carbs on non-workout days.
I'd start you at 250g protein and 60g fat. That wouldn't change from day to day. Carbs are the only changing factor. So you're already at 1,540 calories every day. Fill in carbs as needed. Maybe upwards of 200-300g on training (weight training) days, less on cardio only days, and very little to none on complete rest days (and I hope you have at least one. If not, do it!).
10-12-2012, 03:01 PM #1138
10-12-2012, 03:33 PM #1139Originally Posted by gbrice75
10-13-2012, 08:03 AM #1140
I cut back the protein from 300g to 250g and it all went away. Weird... My body can't absorb all that protein. Is there anything I can do to help that? I know everyone is different, but how are IFBB's taking in double+ what I am. Do they just live with that feeling that I was feeling?
10-13-2012, 08:20 AM #1141
10-13-2012, 08:23 AM #1142
So when you reduced carbs you felt better, but when you reduced protein you also felt better? What were carbs at when you cut back on the protein? If you want to be sure, run protein low and carbs high to see how you do. Hopefully you're not having a problem with both. If so, we need to identify what protein is causing you the problem... my guess would be dairy.
You should look into bromelaine and betaine HCL
10-13-2012, 09:40 AM #1143
I'm not taking in any dairy, I'm lactose intolerant. My diet is also gluten free.
I was taking 338g protein, 300g carbs, 49g fat. Was having a problem so I cut back to 250g protein and 250g carbs and felt fine. I upped my protein the next day to 300g but kept carbs at 250g and started to feel what I originally felt. Today I upped my carbs to 275g and cut my protein to 250g and I'll see how I feel today.
I think 275g carbs/250g protein I'll be fine, but I'd like to be able to take in more protein especially since I'm on cycle.
Protein sources: 99% lean chicken, 99% lean turkey, 90% lean beef, egg whites, Metabolic Nutrition Protizyme protein powder
Carb sources: Sweet potato, Ezekial bread and Bob's Red mill rolled oats
Fat sources: Whole eggs and Extra virgin olive oil
I was fine at 2000 calories when I was cutting eating the same foods as above.Last edited by ANIMAL; 10-13-2012 at 09:43 AM.
10-13-2012, 10:36 AM #1144Originally Posted by gbrice75
Good point. Whats your thoughts on calories each day?
10-15-2012, 07:52 AM #1145
Cut protein back to 250g and put carbs at 275g and I was fine. Do you have any suggestions on how I can absorb more protein?
10-15-2012, 02:22 PM #1146
Ah ok, gotcha.
Yep, this is what we need to see. You cut back on both initially so who knows.
I hear you, but don't discount the benefit/role of carbs for muscle growth. Protein can't do it alone!
Sounds very clean, good job.
Great. We can conclude it's not an issue with any choices then, there's simply a threshold of carbs and/or protein (let's hope it's not both) that your body simply doesn't respond well to.
Did you say you were taking bromelaine and/or betaine? Sorry, I can't remember lol
10-15-2012, 09:31 PM #1147
No, I am not taking either one of those. What is the benefit of either?
Today was the second day taking in 2500 calories, 275g carbs/250g protein/45g fat and no problems. Tomorrow I am going to up calories to 2750 and take in 300g carbs/250g protein/50g fat and see where I feel.
I have no objection taking in more carbs then protein, I guess you can say I've watched too many videos of IFBB guys and see how much protein they take in.
This is my diet that I've put together:
Meal 1:
2 pieces ezekial bread
3 whole eggs
Meal 2:
5oz 99% lean grilled chicken or 4oz 99% lean turkey
.5 cup brown rice or 165g sweet potato
dark green vegetable
Meal 3:
5oz 99% lean grilled chicken or 4oz 99% lean turkey
.5cup brown rice or 165g sweet potato
dark green vegetable
Meal 4 (Pre-Workout)
400g sweet potato
6oz 93% lean beef
Meal 5 (Post-Workout)
2 scoops protizyme protein
1.75cup Bobs red mill rolled oats
Meal 6:
5oz 99% lean grilled chicken or 4oz 99% lean turkey
dark green vegetable
Total: 2720cal/305g carb/254g protein/55g fat
I guess each day I will up carbs and see where it takes me at this point. I've read a few places that people suggest drinking .5 gallon water/100g protein. If that's true, then I 100% wasn't taking in enough water. Could explain my dehydration as well.
11-02-2012, 03:02 PM #1148
Hi GB,
I am thinking about switching from low carb diet to 2000 cals per day diet. What is the best way to do that without the quick water weight gain that happens whenever I start eating carbs?
11-07-2012, 02:21 PM #1149
You're bound to retain some water when you start carbs again. You can take a diuretic but unless you're stepping on stage or going to the beach, I don't really see the point. It's water. Make sure you're drinking a lot of it and you'll retain less. I wouldn't sweat it personally.
11-21-2012, 03:45 PM #1150
Bump!!! Longest this thread has gone without any activity... sad!!
11-21-2012, 04:03 PM #1151
seen as how your feeling a bit under appreicated,
i'm sure your familiar with the UD2.0 carb cycling diet?!!
have you any experience with using a modification of it for bulking. so extrending the anabolic phase for a 7-14 days and cutting for 5 days. (aprox days)
ive given myself until the end of the year until i bulk, but with the success of cutting with the UD2.0 along with strength gains and a bit of extra mass im wondering if it could be a way to go. albeit slighly more complicated than a straight lean bulk, but may be good to at least keep current bf%, or 'high hopes' to reduce slightly more throughout.
i know 405 experimented with it, just wondered if you had any plans or advice.
11-21-2012, 06:07 PM #1152New Member
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Lately I've only been confusing myself about postworkout protocol to help me gain LEAN muscle and loose body fat at the same time. In the summer I used 25g dextrose, followed by a whole mean of 6oz chicken, 3/4 c brown rice, and 2 c veg. I got REALLY skinny using that as my post workout method and didnt really gain much muscle. Then long story short I kinda crashed my metabolism, gained 15lb and now am having trouble getting back on track.
I read contradicting evidence on whether or not to spike your insulin pwo if your trying to lose fat. And i've read that you should skip the spike and go straight to a protein shake with all your supplements (glutamine, glycine, greens, whey isolate)
so whats more important? The insulin spike or the glycogen re-load? How does a gal keep from becoming butch or a toothpick and find the nice tight lean middle ground?!!
11-22-2012, 08:09 PM #1153
lol, not at all... but thanks!
Familiar with, but haven't actually run the diet. It just never seemed to fit my goal at the time. I know it's a tried and true diet though, and i'm a huge fan of Lyle McDonald. I still plan to experiment with UD2.0 in the near future.
We may be doing it around the same time. I'll continue to bulk until sometime in February, then i'll be running an aggressive cut. I haven't decided 100% what i'm gonna do yet (it'll definitely be a carb cycle though), but it could very well be UD2.0 or a modified version. Keep me posted and i'll do the same for you!
Personally, i'm not a fan of spiking insulin PWO at all, especially when the primary goal is to burn bodyfat.
One in the same. The insulin spike is part of the glycogen reload process - however it's absolutely not necessary to spike insulin in order to replenish glycogen stores. Complex carbs will do the job just as well, without big peaks and dips in BGL.
Definitely stop worrying about becoming butch. It takes men, who are genetically engineered to add much more muscle mass than women (99 times out of 100, genetic freaks aside), YEARS to get 'bulky'. As any guy on this board who has spent years in the gym naturally. It's an unfounded fear that women have. Trust me, you will not get bulky. To put your mind at ease, i'd suggest cardio-intensive training. Use circuit training, short rest periods, higher rep ranges (15-20), higher volume/lower weight. All you could possibly do is build a nice, lean physique, assuming diet is on point. Good luck, hope this helps!
12-02-2012, 09:49 PM #1154
GB, I have noticed in many diets that for a last meal people include fat and protein. What is the thinking on eating fat before bed? I have never done this especially when slimming down. I always eat my fats and carbs earlier in the day and mostly protein later.
Can you address the later in day fat intake?
12-03-2012, 09:55 AM #1155
Generally, there's no problem with eating fat before bed, depending on the amount. I always keep my fat intake moderate with just about every meal... so 10g of fat before bed is no biggie, 50g would be, IMO.
The thinking behind this is most people (when cutting) will keep carbs focused around the earlier part of the day and/or their workout window, and stay away from them in the evening when energy requirements are much lower. It's tough to eat 'straight' protein without any fat - I mean, just about every meat has some fat, cottage cheese, etc. So a lot of people (me included) get fat by default as it's built-in to protein sources. That, plus a few fish oil caps for good health.
12-04-2012, 10:37 AM #1156
GB, I am starting my diet to get my body fat down and had a question. I am trying to keep my carb intake limited to in the morning and pre/post workout and not as much at night. Trying to eat them only when my body needs them. My problem is that I fly for a living and there are times where I have long(8-10 hour) flights and I am not sure how to eat while I am flying. I am basically sitting in a chair for 8 hours and using no energy so should I limit my carbs on those days or eat the same amount of carbs that day regardless. Also, there are times when I fly all day/night and can be up for 20 hours or so. On a usual day off work I eat 5-6 times a day along with working out so on those days where I will spend 20 hours on the airplane should I just space the meals out more or eat more meals that day because I am up longer(still try to eat every 3 hours or so). Any advice is appreciated. Thanks.
12-04-2012, 11:53 AM #1157
12-04-2012, 12:01 PM #1158
Gb! IF diet...would a preworkout be ok instead of bcaa? 1 scoop has 4.5 cals from fat. I can't imagine that would matter much huh?
12-04-2012, 12:07 PM #1159
Do u think a preworkout tht contained only 4.5kcal of fat would matter? Instead of bcaa's? On the IF diet? I'd think that would b a trace calorie huh
12-04-2012, 12:09 PM #1160
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