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Thread: Things That Piss You Off At The Gym?

  1. #201
    wrestless is offline Junior Member
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    Old War stories from guys telling you how much they used to do.
    Guys doing 1 set and then running to the drinking fountain like they overworked themselves.
    Guys doing like a 3 inch movement on the leg press just to say they did 10 plates
    Guys that dont flush after dropping an Anaconda in the toilet I mean for Christ sake man
    Guys 130 pounds puffing up in the mirror come on you have to see that

  2. #202
    Deltasaurus's Avatar
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    people with bad form, you know power clean curls, no ROM on squat, ego presses lol
    people who snag my machines
    people who dont wipe down their equipment after they soak it in sweat


  3. #203
    rich1234's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wrestless View Post
    Old War stories from guys telling you how much they used to do.
    Guys doing 1 set and then running to the drinking fountain like they overworked themselves.
    Guys doing like a 3 inch movement on the leg press just to say they did 10 plates
    Guys that dont flush after dropping an Anaconda in the toilet I mean for Christ sake man
    Guys 130 pounds puffing up in the mirror come on you have to see that
    to expand on the first- old guys telling you you do too much supplementation and too much weight for your age!!!!!!11

  4. #204
    Dukkit's Avatar
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    this mutha fukka yesterday

    now there was this big (as in fat) freakin italian poindexter who ive seen at my gym 2 times! 2! in the 18 months ive been going there. and hes actually very strong. (ive noticed his lifts) but hes about 20% body fat. comes in with his hair gelled. and walks around like hes gods gift

    so i come in, i start doin dips to warm up. i get a lil hot. so i take off my long sleeve and just have the muscle tee on. so then he walks over and takes his long sleeve off and just has muscle tee on. then he puffs out his chest and walks by me like hes showing me up. whatever. i have better things to do.. like lift.

    so then a few sets later i look over and hes blatantly reading my fukkin workout log. and get this... he has a smirk on his face... like hes laughin at my weights. now im 6'3 220lb 10% bf. im not big. im not strong. but im a good lookin muther fukker.

    so i walk over to him... grab my book and say "it sucks dont it"
    he goes... "what?"

    i say.... "that i cant lift half as much as you meatball. but im 5 times better looking"

    and i walk away.

    he just stared at me the rest of the workout. but let me tell you. i had an amazing workout. all my lifts were all time highs.

  5. #205
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    this mutha fukka yesterday

    now there was this big (as in fat) freakin italian poindexter who ive seen at my gym 2 times! 2! in the 18 months ive been going there. and hes actually very strong. (ive noticed his lifts) but hes about 20% body fat. comes in with his hair gelled. and walks around like hes gods gift

    so i come in, i start doin dips to warm up. i get a lil hot. so i take off my long sleeve and just have the muscle tee on. so then he walks over and takes his long sleeve off and just has muscle tee on. then he puffs out his chest and walks by me like hes showing me up. whatever. i have better things to do.. like lift.

    so then a few sets later i look over and hes blatantly reading my fukkin workout log. and get this... he has a smirk on his face... like hes laughin at my weights. now im 6'3 220lb 10% bf. im not big. im not strong. but im a good lookin muther fukker.

    so i walk over to him... grab my book and say "it sucks dont it"
    he goes... "what?"

    i say.... "that i cant lift half as much as you meatball. but im 5 times better looking"

    and i walk away.

    he just stared at me the rest of the workout. but let me tell you. i had an amazing workout. all my lifts were all time highs.

  6. #206
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    dude... a mans workout log is like his personal diary. you dont go reading other ppls diaries. that shits personal

    and then you wanna smirk like im small or something. bitch, get on the treadmill and come back when you got a six pack like mine.

  7. #207
    Indymuscleguy's Avatar
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    1. Weights left lying around or still on the bar
    2. Sweaty benches
    3. Screaming and Yelling as if they were having an orgasm
    4. Sitting on a bench forever
    6. Talking on the phone while lifting or pissing at a urnal!

    C'on guys...I travel a lot for work. Airport toilets are never flushed!!

  8. #208
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    this mutha fukka yesterday

    now there was this big (as in fat) freakin italian poindexter who ive seen at my gym 2 times! 2! in the 18 months ive been going there. and hes actually very strong. (ive noticed his lifts) but hes about 20% body fat. comes in with his hair gelled. and walks around like hes gods gift

    so i come in, i start doin dips to warm up. i get a lil hot. so i take off my long sleeve and just have the muscle tee on. so then he walks over and takes his long sleeve off and just has muscle tee on. then he puffs out his chest and walks by me like hes showing me up. whatever. i have better things to do.. like lift.

    so then a few sets later i look over and hes blatantly reading my fukkin workout log. and get this... he has a smirk on his face... like hes laughin at my weights. now im 6'3 220lb 10% bf. im not big. im not strong. but im a good lookin muther fukker.

    so i walk over to him... grab my book and say "it sucks dont it"
    he goes... "what?"

    i say.... "that i cant lift half as much as you meatball. but im 5 times better looking"

    and i walk away.

    he just stared at me the rest of the workout. but let me tell you. i had an amazing workout. all my lifts were all time highs.

    dude... a mans workout log is like his personal diary. you dont go reading other ppls diaries. that shits personal

    and then you wanna smirk like im small or something. bitch, get on the treadmill and come back when you got a six pack like mine.

    ^^^ hey you weak bastard ...who says im not good looking *LOL* ....... and btw ...who said he could read ?

  9. #209
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    ^^^ hey you weak bastard ...who says im not good looking *LOL* ....... and btw ...who said he could read ?

  10. #210
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    ok i was waiting for the cable pull down machine and this f ing guy was taking like 8 min breaks between sets geez he sees me waiting and he was a damn stick figure anyways wtf? and the damn gym was packed then he just gets up and walks away does not say shit just walks away what a damn tool

  11. #211
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    when personal trainers give wrong advice to their own clients!!!!

    i overheard a trainer telling one of her clients "you should do your cardio before your weights because its what you want to focus on"


  12. #212
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    bump !

  13. #213
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    Gay dudes hanging out in the locker room.

  14. #214
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    *chicks standing in front of the water fountain, for 30 min, then looking at me funny when i ask them to "Pardon me" as i walk through them...

    *guys who do half reps - and look at me like they want some

    *you never hear me swear but her goes ... f-ing(freaking) people who dont put weights away

    *people who put weights away that are not in order (5s over 25s, 45s over 10s)

    *people who offer me advice when i am doing 3x there weight

    *the fat guy, who told me he used to be really strong, that told me i should do half reps with bench press, cause i can do more weight!!! ... duh!!! any body could moving the bar 3 inches

    *the girl/guy on the cell talking way too loud in the middle of every thing for 45 minutes

    *my wife when she works out with me and says, "wow, you can lift all that weight but you can make the bed? you cant carry the laundry down stairs? ...bla bla"(not totally hate)

    *my wife when she asks me how many more sets i have after 30 minutes and she is board(not totally hate)

    *the first three months of any gym after new years resolutions

    *the large(fat 320+) woman who was dripping in sweat from "who knows what" compaining that i was not wiping down the equipment after using it(like i ever do or will)

    *parking behind the gym and having to walk all the way around to get in cause of all the new people

    *gay dudes in the locker room (that is not so bad, it is when they lisp talk and stare and smile - )

    *waiting for equipment

    *having some one wait for a piece of equipment im on

    *closing time when i am not done

    *punks in jeans, wife beater, crooked hat, and their underwear hanging out swinging up 25s doing curls (bie's)

    *girls who distract me

    *when my cell phone is almost out of power and i have not finished maden 09 foot ball, between sets

    *though it works out as a helper some times - having to poop (that means i most likely have really bad gasss)

    *ac to high in the gym

    *people who spit snot or that green nasty stuff in the drinking fountain

    thats about all

  15. #215
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    this mutha fukka yesterday

    now there was this big (as in fat) freakin italian poindexter who ive seen at my gym 2 times! 2! in the 18 months ive been going there. and hes actually very strong. (ive noticed his lifts) but hes about 20% body fat. comes in with his hair gelled. and walks around like hes gods gift

    so i come in, i start doin dips to warm up. i get a lil hot. so i take off my long sleeve and just have the muscle tee on. so then he walks over and takes his long sleeve off and just has muscle tee on. then he puffs out his chest and walks by me like hes showing me up. whatever. i have better things to do.. like lift.

    so then a few sets later i look over and hes blatantly reading my fukkin workout log. and get this... he has a smirk on his face... like hes laughin at my weights. now im 6'3 220lb 10% bf. im not big. im not strong. but im a good lookin muther fukker.

    so i walk over to him... grab my book and say "it sucks dont it"
    he goes... "what?"

    i say.... "that i cant lift half as much as you meatball. but im 5 times better looking"

    and i walk away.

    he just stared at me the rest of the workout. but let me tell you. i had an amazing workout. all my lifts were all time highs.
    thats funny... now way should he be looking at you work out book, and i am sure your strong enough, if he lost that fat he would be 30% weaker btw

  16. #216
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    Quote Originally Posted by rich1234 View Post
    to expand on the first- old guys telling you you do too much supplementation and too much weight for your age!!!!!!11
    o ya i for got that one... then i try to be polite and just listen - so they go on and on

  17. #217
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hamish&Andy View Post
    When I walk into the change room and all I get is a face full of 6 different old men's balls. For fvck's sake put on some clothes. They walk around the change room naked as if there's nothing weird about it.
    lol i almost fell off my chair... that is so true and so gross - i mean you dont have to hid or anything but put a towel on (and they are always wearing filp flops)

  18. #218
    mx3 is offline Senior Member
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    new years resolution people: you know will be gone within a month tops why bother they flood the gym so I have to wait an hour to get on a bench while they work ten different muscles with bad form and they take all the parking spots.

  19. #219
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    Quote Originally Posted by WOLFCRAFT View Post

    Not because they are from Bosnia, but because they hang out in groups of ten or more and just dick around the whole time they are in there. They play grab ass with each other or try to talk to girls and every ten minutes one does a set then flexes in the mirror for an hour.
    Also, do you need that much hair gel to work out? I know it looks really good with that tribal tattoo, but shit. And I know your baggy jeans help you pick up chicks but you think you could put some ****ing gym shorts or pants on?
    These guys monopolize the entire gym when they're in there, shout their gibbish back and forth, and annoy the unholy shit out of me!! And if they're not running around (literally running) the gym, or seeing how hard they can jump kick the punching bag, then they're throwing me dirty looks.
    Sorry if this comes off racist, like I said it's not WHO they are that pisses me off, it's what they do.
    **** those ****in ****s.
    ditto, you have to add that they talk so that you cant understand them - and all you can think is they are talking smack about you... there 5 or 6 in my gym that are "mma" stars back home and shadow box the mirror after each set - so frustrating

  20. #220
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Sorry tough guy but nothing says what you can or can't do in the squat rack. You two acting immature and why you would post that is beyond me.
    dude i do that where else could you do 495 lbs and do shrugs? or 405 or 315 - i can see not doing curls there but shrugs...?

  21. #221
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    man its funny cus i live in az and all this sh8t happens at my gym too

  22. #222
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    I live in fl and it a lot of old gay men...

  23. #223
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    There is this one college kid who comes into the gym everyday with a white wifebeater and his ipod and shit and the kid is probably 5'7-8 and weights 220ish however you know when someone has big arms but its more because they are fat and undefined rather than actually big in a muscular sense? I mean he has muscle but he has a substantial amount of fat on him (my guess would be 16%+) anyway the only reason he wears it is so he can flex his arms in the mirror and I swear it looks like a log, no definition at all. I wanna tell him to do some cardio or something and he constantly tries to show his strength off whenever im doing an exercise near him.

    This one happened to me recently, I was at the gym and im doing shrugs and I got enough weight on it to gather attention from people around me. Anyway, I do my set and go to take a drink and put the weight on for my next one. Im walking back when I see 3 skinny ass college kids around the shrug machine and I can only assume one of them was saying "this probably isnt that heavy" and he himself weighed maybe 130 pounds. Anyway he tries to LIFT it and he can barely get it 3 inches of the rack before he lets it fall on the rack again.

    Then he turns around only to see me staring him down with my headphones on and my face expression basically said "What the **** were you thinking?" and he walked away embarrassed as hell and I just stood there for a second laughing inside like "what the random".

  24. #224
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    There is this one college kid who comes into the gym everyday with a white wifebeater and his ipod and shit and the kid is probably 5'7-8 and weights 220ish however you know when someone has big arms but its more because they are fat and undefined rather than actually big in a muscular sense? I mean he has muscle but he has a substantial amount of fat on him (my guess would be 16%+) anyway the only reason he wears it is so he can flex his arms in the mirror and I swear it looks like a log, no definition at all. I wanna tell him to do some cardio or something and he constantly tries to show his strength off whenever im doing an exercise near him.

    This one happened to me recently, I was at the gym and im doing shrugs and I got enough weight on it to gather attention from people around me. Anyway, I do my set and go to take a drink and put the weight on for my next one. Im walking back when I see 3 skinny ass college kids around the shrug machine and I can only assume one of them was saying "this probably isnt that heavy" and he himself weighed maybe 130 pounds. Anyway he tries to LIFT it and he can barely get it 3 inches of the rack before he lets it fall on the rack again.

    Then he turns around only to see me staring him down with my headphones on and my face expression basically said "What the **** were you thinking?" and he walked away embarrassed as hell and I just stood there for a second laughing inside like "what the random".
    lmao, i was at a gym i go to for just back, i was on the hammer low pull (i love that piece) i loaded the weights on, and had 455 lbs on... as i went to get a drink, he walked up to me and bet me i couldnt do any reps with it... then he proceeded to get on the low pull, pull on it(didnt even move it an inch), and explain to me that he had already done a ton of sets so he was tired... then he called his girl and lifting partner over to watch me pull out 5 or 6 reps... normally i would like the attention - however after i was done he stated to any body who was listening that i was just showing off and didnt need to do that much weight... i almost back handed him


  25. #225
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    I always love the guy who fights for the best parking spot at the gym, just to only get on the tread mill. I mean why not park really far away, you are gonna be walking one way or another.

  26. #226
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    I hate the guys at my gym that think they are huge after their first day working out. I think its so funny how they walk around like badasses and weigh about 150

  27. #227
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    Guys that take up too much space in the locker room.
    Fat **** sitting there in a towel with his shit all over the place, and of course he's in the locker right next to mine.

  28. #228
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    New personal trainers at the gym who scan me in and remind me that I have a free 30 min session with a personal trainer and ask if I wanted to take it with them? Guy was about 6'2 160lbs at most. I'm 5'10 198 12%...

  29. #229
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12 View Post
    I hate the guys at my gym that think they are huge after their first day working out. I think its so funny how they walk around like badasses and weigh about 150
    Hahaha omg YES! Or guys who wear wifebeaters the first time they're in the gym.

    I also hate guys who weigh 150lbs and do cardio before summer to "cut up". I just want to grab them and say "WHY ARE YOU BURNING CALORIES!? HOLD ONTO THEM, YOU NEED THEM, HOLD ONTO THEM FOR DEAR LIFE!"

  30. #230
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    this mutha fukka yesterday

    now there was this big (as in fat) freakin italian poindexter who ive seen at my gym 2 times! 2! in the 18 months ive been going there. and hes actually very strong. (ive noticed his lifts) but hes about 20% body fat. comes in with his hair gelled. and walks around like hes gods gift

    so i come in, i start doin dips to warm up. i get a lil hot. so i take off my long sleeve and just have the muscle tee on. so then he walks over and takes his long sleeve off and just has muscle tee on. then he puffs out his chest and walks by me like hes showing me up. whatever. i have better things to do.. like lift.

    so then a few sets later i look over and hes blatantly reading my fukkin workout log. and get this... he has a smirk on his face... like hes laughin at my weights. now im 6'3 220lb 10% bf. im not big. im not strong. but im a good lookin muther fukker.

    so i walk over to him... grab my book and say "it sucks dont it"
    he goes... "what?"

    i say.... "that i cant lift half as much as you meatball. but im 5 times better looking"

    and i walk away.

    he just stared at me the rest of the workout. but let me tell you. i had an amazing workout. all my lifts were all time highs.

    why you so mean to the meataball Dukki, he no get no puussiiiiiiii!!!!! hahahaha

  31. #231
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    I gotta add this one b/c I just saw it...

    really, really skinny guys doing literally 500 or so crunches. And that's all he did.

  32. #232
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    Quote Originally Posted by derek7m View Post
    I gotta add this one b/c I just saw it...

    really, really skinny guys doing literally 500 or so crunches. And that's all he did.
    hey 146.5. isnt that skinny!, plus im only burning the fat off my abs when i do them so its ok!

  33. #233
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    ah, going for that Taylor Lautner look, huh?

  34. #234
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zino View Post
    hey 146.5. isnt that skinny!, plus im only burning the fat off my abs when i do them so its ok!
    Is it working??
    Coz when i was 130 than 140 and so on it didnt help me much.

    Now i'm at 170lbs.

    And to all the guys that make fun of 130lb guys, how do you know they aren't getting into all serious...
    I was 134lbs when started..... I knew people made fun of me but you gotta start some where?....

  35. #235
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    I have a guy at my gym who wears board short a tight wife beater. about 30%bf and does the air guitar constantly. who does the air guitar?

  36. #236
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    Quote Originally Posted by gst528i View Post

    Now i'm at 170lbs.

    And to all the guys that make fun of 130lb guys, how do you know they aren't getting into all serious...
    I was 134lbs when started..... I knew people made fun of me but you gotta start some where?....
    I guess i was blessed and havent weighed 130 since i was about 11 haha. Football always kept me big and after i got done with it i cut off the fat but stayed at about 215

  37. #237
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    ..... New year resolution members. Even though they'll be gone by Valentines Day, YOUR IN THE WAY NOW!

  38. #238
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    Quote Originally Posted by gst528i View Post
    Is it working??
    Coz when i was 130 than 140 and so on it didnt help me much.

    Now i'm at 170lbs.

    And to all the guys that make fun of 130lb guys, how do you know they aren't getting into all serious...
    I was 134lbs when started..... I knew people made fun of me but you gotta start some where?....
    yah, I'm not knocking skinny guys who are just starting. I'm just saying....the skinny guy I saw should not have been doing tons of crunches, it was a waste of calories for him. Shoulda been doing squats and deads.

  39. #239
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    I stopped working out at commercial gyms not because of the 160-170lb guys but because of the 215-230lb guys who "think they are strong" because they criticize the 170lbs guys even though they were there just over a year ago. None of them are truly strong and I laugh when I see them talking big shit about their 405lbs shrugs and 315lb bench presses for 5. They hate on guys like me who are truly strong and not trying to be good looking. I've always heard comments like "If I did as much juice as him, I'd be as strong as him". Stupid shit like that. I've left 820lbs in the squat rack for a water break and watched some wannabe big 230lb guy try to budge it and almost shit himself! LOL! I was doing rack pulls. I've had similar guys attempt to bench press right beside me only to get crushed by the weight I'm repping for 8-10.

    So I hear all this tough guy talk about 160lb weaklings from guys who truly aren't that strong in this thread and it makes me laugh. I actually have a lot of respect of those 160-170lbs guys because everyone starts somewhere. It's the pompous, "I think I'm big" guys who need attitude adjustments. It was almost sickening.

    Now don't get me wrong, living in Vegas, there are plenty of serious LW strongmen and powerlifters and bodybuilders in the 220-250lb range who aren't asses. But it's the pretty boy "you may be stronger, but I look better guys" who piss me off!!! It's these guys that aren't stronger than the high school athletes I train. These are also the guys who after finding out I played pro football bore the shit out of me with their stories of high school greatness!!

    Ok I'll get off my

  40. #240
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    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    I stopped working out at commercial gyms not because of the 160-170lb guys but because of the 215-230lb guys who "think they are strong" because they criticize the 170lbs guys even though they were there just over a year ago. None of them are truly strong and I laugh when I see them talking big shit about their 405lbs shrugs and 315lb bench presses for 5. They hate on guys like me who are truly strong and not trying to be good looking. I've always heard comments like "If I did as much juice as him, I'd be as strong as him". Stupid shit like that. I've left 820lbs in the squat rack for a water break and watched some wannabe big 230lb guy try to budge it and almost shit himself! LOL! I was doing rack pulls. I've had similar guys attempt to bench press right beside me only to get crushed by the weight I'm repping for 8-10.

    So I hear all this tough guy talk about 160lb weaklings from guys who truly aren't that strong in this thread and it makes me laugh. I actually have a lot of respect of those 160-170lbs guys because everyone starts somewhere. It's the pompous, "I think I'm big" guys who need attitude adjustments. It was almost sickening.

    Now don't get me wrong, living in Vegas, there are plenty of serious LW strongmen and powerlifters and bodybuilders in the 220-250lb range who aren't asses. But it's the pretty boy "you may be stronger, but I look better guys" who piss me off!!! It's these guys that aren't stronger than the high school athletes I train. These are also the guys who after finding out I played pro football bore the shit out of me with their stories of high school greatness!!

    Ok I'll get off my
    It was you reading dukkits log!

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