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08-04-2013, 09:15 PM #5321Member
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Typical macro;s are 315, 200, and 50
would I keep about the same for back loading and just hit all carbs in first 2 post workout meals?
08-06-2013, 06:40 PM #5322
very informative,thank you.
08-07-2013, 11:51 AM #5323Banned
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ron... modes on cardio equiopment accurate????
There he is. Vincent Neil Anderson. 4.2 kg (9.25 lbs). Born August 4th. I haven't eaten a decent meal in a week. Pizza's and bags of KFC. Not good. The baby's great though and so is Da.
08-09-2013, 11:23 PM #5325
Congrats bro !!!
Originally Posted by The Titan99
08-10-2013, 05:57 AM #5326Originally Posted by The Titan99
08-10-2013, 06:10 AM #5327
Congrats Titan
08-12-2013, 12:39 AM #5328
Thanks a lot guy's.
08-12-2013, 06:01 AM #5332
Do you think an 8 week cycle is best for a first time cycle or does this only apply to someone intending to follow your load/deload/load...?
08-16-2013, 10:05 AM #5334
Staying on all the time won't cause "bitch tits"? I thought ur body needs pct and time to get naturally producing testosterone to prevent this.
08-16-2013, 01:48 PM #5335New Member
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My question in new member form:...Started cycle and having some issues... your help is appreciated
That's my question forum ( I really need a few questions answered if you can be of any help, Thanks)...
Here it is again:
I am 45 yrs and started with Test (sus) 1cc/ml and in same stick using Tren at .5cc/ml.... twice per week (started last week)
Second week on.
After my workout partner and I both did same and Pinned ourselves in the Quad Muscle; within 2 days we both developed pain and some muscle swelling below where we Pinned just above the knee in The muscle. Felt like our muscle was swelling and sore (as if it had been worked out). We did not do any leg work out yet.
Next time we did other Quad with same amounts and this time it was severely worse. So the 3rd time we did it back in the same leg as the 1st time. My workout partner is experiencing some pain today (stuck yesterday). I am doing fine now but starting to fell some slight pain.
Okay, so with that info,... what is going on?... Is this normal?
We where worried about moving to the arms or buttock to Stick yet.....
I did Test (Sus) only (1 cycle) 12 years ago with no pain or problems, but only Pinned in my Buttock.
Also, should we be using the same needle to stack Test (Sus) and the Tren?
Any recommendations and knowledge will be extremely helpful.
Also, what are the storage requirements after opening the Bottle... Refrigerate or room temperature?
08-16-2013, 07:34 PM #5336Junior Member
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Hey Ronnie, what is your opinion in regards to the use of an AI during a 20 week slingshot? Would you say Aromasin at about 12.5mg every day for the full 20 weeks is ok to do? I'm currently on a 20 week slingshot (in my 5th week now) and having been using Aromasin at 12.5mg a day since week 2.
08-17-2013, 03:08 PM #5337New Member
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Hi i have read the first 30 pages and from page 100 to last. This is the most educated thred i have read. Bean reading aboute anabolics fore 4 years when i have time of so getting a good understanding what things do.
I am 29
1,84 m
Traning fore 7 years but not in the gym so now i want to get som muscle.
My gear
40ml test e
20ml masteron
200 10mg dbol
Aromasin just in case
Hcg i want babys
1-8 500mg test 3 times
9-10 250mg in 1 shot w
11-18 600mg test
19-20 250 test
My firs qustion is regarding masteron if estro lvls going upp during cycle how mutch shud i start whith in mg and do i need to take same amount during deloade?
Dbol want to try it during 2 reloade if my body feels good from the test
Would masteron benefit my helth more good then bad whith test dbol?
I am thinking of 30mg dbol a day but thinking its best to take it from w15-18 its safest if i get eny sides sins my cycle is nerly over rigt?
Hcg only fore 2 w since used during cycle
Thx fore explended thred and sorry fore bad spelling
hey Ronnie, your advice on shoulder rehab with the lifestyle cables and decline hammer strength helped so much and really worked.
curious if you had any opinion or advice on brachialis anticus pain. and how to fix it?
*deep tissue massage helps for 2-3 days no pain, then it comes back.
*its the little things that hurt it the most, trying to take lids off buckets, trying to move the waist band on my trck suit pants to piss or take them off kills.
* started using straps for teh first time in my life and has helped tenfold
* laterial raises kill it, but the nautilus side raise machine from the 70/80s dont hurt it at all...
* wide grip curls or concentration curls dont bother it
*reverse triceps pushdowns hurt it unless i strap up
any advice you can suggest would be greatly appreciated.
08-17-2013, 09:53 PM #5339New Member
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Would the slingshot training system work when you're not cycling steroids ?
I'm going to be training clean for a while and I'm trying to find out what a solid system is to read up on and get stuck into - can you reccommend one if slingshot is targeted at candidates on gear? Thanks!
08-20-2013, 06:23 PM #5340New Member
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I'll have to reread this later.
08-20-2013, 06:58 PM #5341New Member
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Hey ronnie just coming off a pretty lengthy cycle wanting to give this slingshot theory a try. Even tho I'm coming a blast going into a cruise would the 2 week deload still be enough time off for me? Cycle consisted
20 week
750 mg test
400mg deca
Felt tho that my gear was severely underdosed, also this is not my first cycle. Looking to do about the same doses with another brand for this method.
Another question I had was about the 2 week priming phase befor the reload. If I'm using 250mg for the 2 week deload would my dose stay at 250 mg a week during the priming phase or would I start my reload phase with the test and deca, the first 2 weeks being the priming phase.
Thanks ronnie like everyone stated awsome information, wish I had found this when I first had started feels like I'm learning all over again lol.
08-21-2013, 03:34 PM #5342
Hello my friend,
1st cycle 12 weeks test e 350mg - deca 200 mg
2nd cycle 12 weeks test e 125 mg - tren a 75 mg eod - winni 50 mg ed
I'm starting my 3rd cycle next week
29 y
179 cm
80 kg
14 %
Goal is to get as much lean muscles as possible while trying to make my bf around 5 %
And the plan is to run a 16 week cycle
1-16 test e 125 mg ew
1-4 anadrol 50 mg ed
1-14 tren e 400 mg ew (with bromocriptine)
11-16 winni 50 mg ed (oral)
13-16 var 50 mg ed
9-16 hcg 3000iu ew
PCT nolva and clomid
The diet is gonna be around 3500 cal, 350,250,80
1. Do you think my goal is reasonable?
2. Is it a good idea to train each body part twice a week?
3. I'm thinking of drop-sets using maximum weights during cycle, do you recommend that or you got other suggestions?
4. I'm thinking of starting the cycle with t3 and clen to help me lose more fat, what do you think?
5. How to avoid getting bloated from anadrol, should I run nolva with it?
6. Should I run nolva with HCG?
7. Would be better to remove winni and run anavar for 6 weeks instead of 4, or just keep it this way and use them both?Last edited by MFM; 08-21-2013 at 03:54 PM.
08-26-2013, 01:38 AM #5343
Best read since joining this forum, thanks Ronnie.
An 8 week cycle will work but a 20 week slingshot cycle works better because it gives you more time to build with virgin receptor sites and more time for the body to adapt to holding onto the extra mass gains- hence more muscle will be maintained post cycle given hcg or hmg is used during pct.
Run. Have a cc of masteron 3x per week along test. Go ahead and run d-Bol at beginning of second 8 week reload for 8 weeks and have arimidex ready in case of Gyno. Stay on masteron during deloads.
Continue with deep tissue massage to break down scar tissue buil-up. Avoid all offending movements and do more high rep warm up sets or body parts involving the inflammed area. It can take up to a year to get over this kind of tendinitis. Don't try and work through the pain on exercises that are not user friendly because it could turn into tendonosis were the inside of the tendon becomes compromised!
08-27-2013, 03:27 PM #5351New Member
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08-28-2013, 11:23 AM #5352
Hey Ron,
I read your advice to "Norway84" to stay on masteron during deloads.
I have a reload coming up consisting of
1000 mg Test C
1000 mg Mast E
During my deload, should I take 1 ml each of Test and Mast, or do you mean to keep ALL of the Mast?
I've heard that Mast is best to run for longer periods, so it makes a lot of sense to keep the Mast during deloads!
Thanks brother.
08-28-2013, 04:56 PM #5353New Member
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1st/2nd cycle sust 250 ew for 10 weeks.
3rd cycle test e 250 ew and eq 300 ew for 10 weeks.
4th cycle test e 500 ew and eq 600 ew weeks 1-10 and whinny 50 eod weeks 8-12.
I'm planing on doing my 5th cycle and wanted some ideas of what would be the best stack to gaing as much lean mass that will stay on. My last cycle was 5 months ago I've never had problems with side effects.
28 years old
Around 8% bf
I've been working out for the last 10 years off and on.
09-02-2013, 11:00 PM #5354
Thanks Ronnie, should be ready to get started soon. Training changed a bit leading into my last meet, and working on planning out the next roughly 8.5 weeks till my next meet. Of course not knowing what I can handle during the reloads with the prop can change how I train afterwords. It gets complicated especially since I am cutting and have lost 30 lbs and plan to drop another 30 by spring.
09-07-2013, 02:55 AM #5355New Member
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great post
Hey Ron, long time no talk. I've been busy as hell as you can imagine!! You too I take it. I was wondering what you thought about giving Da some HGH. Is it wise while breast feeding? How much to start with? As you can imagine the 10 lb. baby didn't do her body any favors.
09-15-2013, 02:56 AM #5357New Member
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thanks for the informational post brother. A lot of info to take in best to read a couple of time to really absorb everything..
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