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Thread: Project diet

  1. #121
    human project's Avatar
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    12-31-12 (woke up at 8:30)

    Sleep last night was miserable. I went to bed and just laid there for over an hr so I got up and took 2 100mg trazidone.. Waited almost an hr and still wasn't even slightly tired actually feeling really anxious. I figured this may be because of missing meals yesterday. I ate 1/2 lb potatoes and 10oz beef..... Still couldent sleep took another trazidone; waited almost an hr still no sleep so I went and ate 2tbs peanut butter and 2cups of milk. Then I fell asleep for 15min and woke up wide eyed. So back to the kitchen for 2 more tbs of peanut butter and 2 more cups of skim milk along with my fourth 100mg trazidone.... Long story short I finaly passed out (no idea of time) and woke up at 8:30. As soon as I finish my 32oz black coffee its off to do fasted cardio.

    9:30-10:30 1hr fasted cardio 3-4mph 3.5incline
    2 scoops no explode
    10g bcaa
    2g Tauren

    Quote Originally Posted by human project
    6 gummy vitamin
    Ocuvite lutein
    Green coffee bean extract
    10,000iu d-3
    800 iu e
    1 aspirin
    1000mg c
    600mg co q 10
    630mg green tea 25mg hoodia
    100mg doxycycline
    11:30 88mg tren
    44mg test enanthate
    50mg proviron

    12:00 1/2lb beef
    1/2lb potatoes

    2:00 40min cardio walking 3-4mph 3.5incline
    2iu hgh
    50mg proviron
    10g bcaa
    2g Tauren
    Zero carb energy drink

    2:45 60g whey isolate

    4:00 1/2lb tilipia 4 gummy vitamins

    5:30 1/2lb tilpia
    1/2 cup uncooked rice

    7:30-8:00 30min circuit lift
    2iu hgh
    88mg masteron
    42mg sust
    20mg Aderall IR
    1 redline extreme energy drink
    10g bcaa
    2g Tauren

    8:15 10oz beef
    1/2 cup uncooked rice

    This was today after my circuit lift (10wks out sat)

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	131164

    11:00pm 60g whey protein isolate

    12:30 1/2 lb grilled chicken

    I've eaten and worked out great today but.....
    It's New Years and I'm a tad bit wasted....
    Obv didn't add alcohol bc I don't even know how much I've drank..... If its any constitution then its only been wiskey, vodka, and diet soda....

    3:20am 3 100mg trazidone
    50mg proviron
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Project diet-image-3426568383.jpg   Project diet-image-2757850901.jpg  
    Last edited by human project; 01-01-2013 at 03:20 AM.

  2. #122
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    It would be easier if you laid out your cycle completely in one thread. You are listing your compounds but they are spread out over different posts and it's kinda hard to keep up with. Why are you running sust and e? You were taking nolva and now proviron ? Or are you running both?

    You're running a lot of compounds. How long are you going to run the HGH and slin?

  3. #123
    human project's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete
    It would be easier if you laid out your cycle completely in one thread. You are listing your compounds but they are spread out over different posts and it's kinda hard to keep up with. Why are you running sust and e? You were taking nolva and now proviron ? Or are you running both?

    You're running a lot of compounds. How long are you going to run the HGH and slin?
    In my last few post I started making one post for the entire day. Like I said I am not a scheduled bodybuilder by any means. My cycle changes frequently depending on many factors such as amount of money able to be spent, availability of compounds, time, location "I travel quite often".

  4. #124
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    where is ur proposed carb cycle?

  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<---
    where is ur proposed carb cycle?

    Hey 405, glad to see you come over and check out my thread. I've had logs before but after reading yours I had to have one of my own.

    I don't exactly have one yet. I was kinda hoping for some example ones to try and I can adjust it weekly to fit. I honestly don't see being able to drop lower then 100g of carbs in a day for the sake of energy or hunger without Aderall. I can get a script from my doc but honestly don't really like it. May try it on my low carb days.

  6. #126
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    dude with the stuff ive seen u eat in ur log here and the impression i get of ur diet, with ur genetics based on ur avi if u actually followed a good diet u could be ripped like a mofo man!

    as far as contest prep thats way over my head dude.

    i can tell u cycling carbs is the way to go as well as fasting. look at my description of what im doing in atominis thread in the nutrition section to get an idea of the logic behind it. let me know wht u think.

  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<---
    dude with the stuff ive seen u eat in ur log here and the impression i get of ur diet, with ur genetics based on ur avi if u actually followed a good diet u could be ripped like a mofo man!

    as far as contest prep thats way over my head dude.

    i can tell u cycling carbs is the way to go as well as fasting. look at my description of what im doing in atominis thread in the nutrition section to get an idea of the logic behind it. let me know wht u think.
    I actually did take a look at that and it seemed to work well with my schedule. My workout regime is almost the same. No one takes enough rest between big lifts for mass, strength, and size.

  8. #128
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    Woke up at 7:45........ Ughhhhhh...!!!!!!!!

    8:00-9:40 (back to sleep)

    9:45 88mg tren
    88mg masterone
    42mg test enanthate
    42mg sust
    50mg provirone

    11:15 1hr fasted cardio 3-4mph 3.5incline
    16oz black coffee
    10g bcaa
    2g Tauren

    12:30 1/2lb chicken

    1:00 500mcg hcg

    2:00 60g whey isolate

    2:45 50mg proviron

    3:30 35min cardio "treadmill" 3-4mph 3.5incline
    10g bcaa
    2g Tauren
    2iu hgh

    4:45 10oz chicken and tilapia

    Quote Originally Posted by human project
    6 gummy vit
    Ocuvite lutein
    Green coffee bean extract
    10,000iu d-3
    800 iu e
    1 aspirin
    1000mg c
    600mg co q 10
    630mg green tea 25mg hoodia
    100mg doxycycline
    6:15 2 scoops no explode
    Tramadol "my hand is messed up from hitting the speed bag..... Accidentally hit the board that holds it up and knocked a knuckle back

    7:15 2iu hgh
    Cardio 1hr and 20min elliptical level 10 (heart rate around 150bpm)
    10g bcaa
    2g Tauren

    8:45 60g whey protein isolate

    9:30 1/2lb trimmed top round
    1/2 cup white rice

    10:30 2tbl spoons peanut butter
    2 cups skim milk

    11:00 keto

    11:45 Milk thistle extract
    (Standardized to contain 80% silly matin 192mg
    XTRA premium blend 560mg
    Last edited by human project; 01-01-2013 at 11:41 PM.

  9. #129
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    what r ur current stats HP??

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<---
    what r ur current stats HP??
    I'm 6'2 between 237-240 right now. I'm coming down from 264.

  11. #131
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    whats ur bf%?? look somewhere between 8-9%

    maybe u can help me with something. im currently between 9-10%bf and my abs freaking suck! i do hanging legs (pike) for 2 sets 15-20 reps plus decline crunches same sets/reps but i think maybe my problem is i havent built my ab muscles. like theyre just not big enuff. seems like u should see them more as my skin over them is fairly thin..

    any suggestions?? maybe i can make gains with them now cuz im still eating at a deficit.. have u ever done heavy ab work to build urs up?

  12. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<---
    whats ur bf%?? look somewhere between 8-9%

    maybe u can help me with something. im currently between 9-10%bf and my abs freaking suck! i do hanging legs (pike) for 2 sets 15-20 reps plus decline crunches same sets/reps but i think maybe my problem is i havent built my ab muscles. like theyre just not big enuff. seems like u should see them more as my skin over them is fairly thin..

    any suggestions?? maybe i can make gains with them now cuz im still eating at a deficit.. have u ever done heavy ab work to build urs up?
    I really don't do any conventional ab workouts. I do tons of core work tho. Core and lower back power movements really seem to have built my abs. You woildent believe how much strongman workouts help fill in the normal gaps and flaws in most bodybuilders. Guarantee there's no one who is actually good in strongman training with small forearms, calves, traps "although I still do" rear delts, legs, and even abs. Strongman competitors rarely have low enough bf% to see abs but if anything there abs are usually waaaayyyyyy over developed. Small normally weak muscle groups compared to bigger more prominent muscles have no choice but to grow. Not only bc of the huge strain but the abstract movements being repeated over and over until failure every time really helps those groups that I think of as being the same type of muscle groups by way of how they grow. These of coarse being calves, abs, and traps. All muscle groups that grow best under large repetitions and heal very quickly.

  13. #133
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    12:00am 1/2lb trimmed top round
    1/2 cup white rice
    5 gummy vitamins

    1:00am 2tbs peanut butter
    2 cups skim milk
    50mg proviron

    5:00am 60g whey protein isolate
    16oz water.

    Sleep from about 1:30am- until about 7:15

    Last night at the gym I weighed 231.5lbs after my cardio.

    7:30-10:00 back to sleep for a nap

    10:30 88mg tren a
    88mg mast
    42mg sust
    67mg test cype and enanthate
    50mg proviron
    3 7.5mg Vicodin

    11:30 16oz black coffee
    2 scoops no explode
    4 gummy vitamins

    12:30pm fasted cardio (eleptical 1 hour 790 calories burned)
    2iu hgh
    10g bcaa
    2 g Tauren

    2:00 1/2lb chicken and tilipia
    1/2 cup white rice

    2:40 2,000mg Arginine

    4:00 1/2lb 97% lean ground beef
    1/2lb potatoes

    6:30 60g whey protein shake
    THC candy bar

    9:30 1/2lb 93%lean ground beef
    1/2lb potatoes

    10:45pm 2tbl spoons peanut butter
    40oz of skim milk

    11:30 60g whey isolate
    16oz skim milk
    Keto .25mg
    Provirone 50mg
    3 100mg trazidone
    Last edited by human project; 01-02-2013 at 11:02 PM.

  14. #134
    human project's Avatar
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    4:45am 60g whey protein isolate
    16oz milk

    8:00 cardio 20min walk treadmill 3-4mph 3.5 incline
    2 scoops no explode
    5gummy vita

    8:30 88mg tren a
    88mg mast
    50mg proviron
    42mg test sust
    67mg enanthate and cyp mix

    9:30 60g whey isolate
    16oz 1% milk

    12:15 1 scoop no explode
    10g bcaa
    2g Tauren
    16oz black coffee

    12:30-1:30 cardio 3-4mph 3.5 incline

    2:30 5iu Insluin

    2:45 creatine shake with 6.5g creatine and 33g o sugar

    3:00 60g whey protein shake
    1% milk 16oz

    3:30 10oz fish
    1/2 cup rice

    About 4:00 started crashing
    Started with 50 cal sunny d
    16 oz cran grape juice
    3 pop cycles

    4:15-5:30 nap

    6:00 50mg proviron
    5 gummy vita
    Ocuvite lutein
    Green coffee bean extract
    10,000iu d-3
    800 iu e
    1 aspirin
    1000mg c
    600mg co q 10
    630mg green tea 25mg hoodia
    100mg doxycycline
    Milk thistle extract
    (Standardized to contain 80% silly matin 192mg
    XTRA premium blend 560mg

    6:15 sugar dropped again (this u-500 is a bitch)
    3-4 pop cycles
    1scoop of creatine drink 33g of sugar
    6 cups 1% milk
    60g whey protein isolate

    7:30 1/2 lb potato
    1/2lb 97% lean ground beef
    2 pieces of American cheese (because I deserve it!!!!!)

    8:30 leg workout
    Intra workout protein bar
    190 cal fat 6 carb 27 protein 12

    Pwo 1 can regular coke

    The rest of the night this is what I ate no times sorry....

    Two pop cycles
    Cranberry almond thins cal 100 fat 3.5 carb 15 pro 3
    Smart seeds cal 120 fat 6 carb 16 pro 3

    11:30pm 1/2lb potato
    1/2lb 92% lean beef

    11:40 50mg proviron
    2000 mg Arginine
    Milk thistle extract
    (Standardized to contain 80% silly matin 192mg
    XTRA premium blend 560mg
    Last edited by human project; 01-03-2013 at 11:36 PM.

  15. #135
    human project's Avatar
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    12:15 60g whey protein isolate
    16oz 1% milk
    5g bcaa

    9:00 300mg deca
    50mg proviron
    83mg tren
    83mg mast
    33mg test enanthate
    42mg sust
    2,000mg Arginine
    Milk thistle

    9:30 10oz fish
    3 table spoons of olive oil
    1/4 cup Irish steal cut oats

    11:30 60g whey protein isolate
    16oz 1% milk
    5g bcaa

    1:00 30g whey protein isolate
    5 raw eggs
    16oz milk
    50mg proviron

    3:30 1/2lb 92% lean ground beef
    1/2lb potatoe
    2 thick slices of cheddar cheese

    4:15 50mg d Bol

    5:30 .5mg prami

    5:30-6:30 workout back

    6:45 pwo 5iu insulin
    2iu hgh
    Creatine shake 33g sugar

    Click image for larger version. 

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    Last edited by human project; 01-04-2013 at 06:48 PM.

  16. #136
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    After I took my insulin shot yesterday I just decide to have the rest of the day a chest day. I need a good reload bad and this new type of insulin I've just began to play with and is a little more tricky. Sorry for no posts but that would be impossible..... Lets just say until 1:15am on 1-5-13 I had a chest meal.

  17. #137
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    Woke up 7:00am
    16oz black coffee

    8:00 2 scoops no explode
    50mg d Bol
    82mg tren
    82mg masteron
    2000mg Arginine
    42mg sust
    67mg enanthate cyp blend
    Xphedria supplement "OTC"

    8:30 1 hr 5min fasted cardio (elliptical 897 calories burned) heart rate kept over 150

    10:45 52g whey protein
    50mg proviron

    11;00 .5mg Letro

    11:30 ghrp 2 200mcg
    Cjc 100mcg

    12:15 10oz tilipia

    2:00 hgh frag 100mcg

    2:30 beef and broccoli with steamed ride (don't know amounts ate out...)

    3:00 .5mg prami

    5:15 ghrp 2 200mcg
    Cjc 100mcg

    5:00 cardio walking treadmill 3-4mph 3.5incline

    5:40 200mcg hgh frag

    6:00 1lb tilipia
    1 cup uncooked rice

    8:00 ghrp2 200mcg
    Cjc 100mcg

    8:30 10oz 92% lean ground beef
    1/2lb potato

    10:30 2tbs peanut butter
    16oz skim milk

    I laid around and watched movies all day with the gal... What that really means is I slept on the couch all day while she watched her shows... I just woke up every so often to eat mg meals... This is obviously the reason for hardly any sleep last night
    Last edited by human project; 01-06-2013 at 11:13 AM.

  18. #138
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    3:30am 52g whey protein

    11:00 wake up
    .5ng prami
    20mcg clen
    Milk thistle
    50mg provirone
    16oz black coffee

    11:20 ghrp 2 200mcg
    Cjc 100mcg

    11:30 30min cardio treadmill 3.5incline 3-4mph
    11:40ish hgh fragment 200mcg
    15g bcaa

    12:30 10oz 92% lean ground beef
    1/2lb potato

    12:45 82mg tren
    67mg test enanthate cyp blend
    82mg masteron
    34mg deca

    1:00 50mg d Bol
    2000mg Arginine

    1:30 ghrp 2 200mcg
    Cjc 100mcg

    2:25 hgh frag 200mcg

    3:00 10oz fish tilipia
    2 cups cooked rice

    4:25 52g whey
    16oz skim milk
    5g bcaa

    5:45 10oz tilapia.
    2 cups cooked rice

    8:00 ghrp2 200mcg
    Cjc 100mcg

    8:30 hgh frag 200mcg
    8:40 cardio elliptical 30min

    9:50 10oz 92% lean ground beef
    1/2 lb potato
    8 gummy vitamins
    2 tbs olive oil

    10:40 52g whey protein
    4 cups skim milk
    2tbs peanut butter
    Last edited by human project; 01-06-2013 at 10:39 PM.

  19. #139
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    6:35am 200mcg ghrp 2
    100mcg cjc
    Back to sleep

    8:00 wake up
    200mcg hgh frag
    50mg d Bol
    .5mg prami
    40mcg clen
    30min cardio treadmill 3-4mph 3.5incline

    8:40 weight 230.4lbs (down almost 65lbs!!!!!!!) I was still well over 260 in oct lmfao!!!!

    8:45 52g whey protein
    5g bcaa
    16oz skim milk
    2000ng Arginine
    4 gummy vitamins

    9:00 82mg tren a
    82mg mast
    33mg test
    33mg deca

    9:50 ghrp 2 200mcg
    Cjc 100mcg

    10:20 8oz tilapia
    1tbs olive oil

    11:15 hgh frag 200mcg

    12:00 10oz beef
    1/2lb potato

    1:30 2 scoops no explode

    2:00 ghrp 2 200mcg
    Cjc 100mcg

    2:30 hgh frag 200mcg

    2:40ish 1hr 5min eleptical 846cals burned

    4:10 8oz 92% ground beef
    2 cups cooked rice

    4:50 50mg proviron
    4 gummy vitamins

    5:00 52g whey
    16oz skim milk

    7:00 ghrp2 200mcg
    Cjc 100mcg

    7:40 8oz 92% lean ground beef
    2 cups cooked rice

    9:15 60g whey isolate

    9:40 400mcg hcg

    10:30 8oz 92% lean ground beef
    2 cups cooked rice

    11:00 .5mg keto
    Last edited by human project; 01-07-2013 at 11:01 PM.

  20. #140
    bcaasdirty's Avatar
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    ive been following...lookin good bro!

    have you planned out the week leading up to your show yet (carbs/water/etc)?

  21. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by bcaasdirty
    ive been following...lookin good bro!

    have you planned out the week leading up to your show yet (carbs/water/etc)?
    Thanks bud; No not at all. I've never done a bodybuilding comp and I feel so unprepared in every aspect.... Please help with any area..

  22. #142
    Join Date
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    Nice log man, I'll be following.

    I see you're listing all your gear daily but what's it look like per week? Just trying to get a idea of what all your running.

  23. #143
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman
    Nice log man, I'll be following.

    I see you're listing all your gear daily but what's it look like per week? Just trying to get a idea of what all your running.
    It has really changed from week to week. Ill start making a week recap tho... Thanks for following

  24. #144
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    Quote Originally Posted by human project View Post
    Thanks bud; No not at all. I've never done a bodybuilding comp and I feel so unprepared in every aspect.... Please help with any area..
    ill dig through my old notebooks tomorrow and pick through how I prepared the week of and post tomorrow. Keep at it bro!

  25. #145
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    Quote Originally Posted by bcaasdirty

    ill dig through my old notebooks tomorrow and pick through how I prepared the week of and post tomorrow. Keep at it bro!
    Thanks man. You have any pointers on what to do when at the show... I've never even watched a show before.

  26. #146
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    Wake up 6:00am

    6:15 .5mg prami
    40mcg clen
    50mg proviron
    2000mg Arginine

    6:50 2 scoops no explode

    7:20 ghrp2 200mcg
    Cjc 100mcg

    82mg tren
    82mg masteron
    67mg deca

    8:25 hgh frag 200mcg
    8:30 cardio
    1hr eleptical

    10:00 26g whey protein
    16oz skim milk

    10:50 ghrp2 200mcg
    Cjc 100mcg

    11:15 7 egg whites 3 whole eggs
    2tbs olive oil
    2 prices of pepper jack cheese

    1:15 ghrp2 200mcg
    Cjc 100mcg

    1:50 2 scoops no explode
    10g bcaa
    2g Tauren

    2:00-2:30 nap

    2:40 hgh frag 200mcg
    Cardio treadmill 3-4mph 3.5incline

    Weight 230.2lbs at 3:20pm

    3:30 8oz top round steak
    1cup cooked rice

    4:00 50mg d Bol
    50mg proviron

    4:15 ghrp2 200mcg
    Cjc 100mcg

    Workout biceps: I literally just wrote on a page saying I haven't done a bicep workout in a long time and it made me think I should hit one. Plus I really didnt even want to workout.

    Pwo 60g whey protein isolate
    2tbs peanut butter

    8:00 handful of blackberries

    9:00 400mcg hgh frag

    10:30 I gave in and made a huge sandwich
    The rest of the box of blackberries
    Last edited by human project; 01-09-2013 at 12:01 AM.

  27. #147
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    Quote Originally Posted by human project View Post
    Thanks man. You have any pointers on what to do when at the show... I've never even watched a show before.
    Are there any shows around the area you can go to before yours? I def suggest going if you can!
    A few things:

    -Get there as early as possible. This well allow you to secure your 'spot' back stage to place your belongings and get situated for the day.

    -Bring a friend or training partner that will help you throughout the day--you're gonna need someone to apply the final few coats of tanner/bronzer, last second check your poses

    -Bring a pillow! (I didnt do this, wish I did, there were a TON of competitors and prejudging can be lengthy, take a snooze or 2)

    -Bring an old pair of sweats/sweatshirt or zip up to wear while backstage---it was friggen cold back there!

    -Pack snacks to eat throughout the morning (I munched my way through ricecakes etc)

    -Talk to your fellow competitors--for me, everyone I talked to was nice and no one was a dick (very refreshing after the 'hostile' attitude some friends/family had during prep). I made it a point to seek out the bigger dudes to get some last second tips before going on stage for posing and stage presence.

    -Enjoy the moment! Relax, socialize with other competitors, take lots of pictures of yourself backstage (another thing I didnt do!)--you're in the BEST shape of your life, you accomplished something 99% of others could never do, savor the moment and be proud!!

    -Treat yourself like a king for your meal between prejudging and the night show...a group of us went out to Applebees and I got their quesadilla burger w/ all the fixins and a big ass plate of fries...I was worried about spilling over, but so the story goes, I looked a lot better at the night show (for the "fans") than I did at prejudging (where the show is won)

    Ill post up some more as I think of them. I'll post the routine I followed the week of later on today, hope this helped!

  28. #148
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    Quote Originally Posted by bcaasdirty

    Are there any shows around the area you can go to before yours? I def suggest going if you can!
    A few things:

    -Get there as early as possible. This well allow you to secure your 'spot' back stage to place your belongings and get situated for the day.

    -Bring a friend or training partner that will help you throughout the day--you're gonna need someone to apply the final few coats of tanner/bronzer, last second check your poses

    -Bring a pillow! (I didnt do this, wish I did, there were a TON of competitors and prejudging can be lengthy, take a snooze or 2)

    -Bring an old pair of sweats/sweatshirt or zip up to wear while backstage---it was friggen cold back there!

    -Pack snacks to eat throughout the morning (I munched my way through ricecakes etc)

    -Talk to your fellow competitors--for me, everyone I talked to was nice and no one was a dick (very refreshing after the 'hostile' attitude some friends/family had during prep). I made it a point to seek out the bigger dudes to get some last second tips before going on stage for posing and stage presence.

    -Enjoy the moment! Relax, socialize with other competitors, take lots of pictures of yourself backstage (another thing I didnt do!)--you're in the BEST shape of your life, you accomplished something 99% of others could never do, savor the moment and be proud!!

    -Treat yourself like a king for your meal between prejudging and the night show...a group of us went out to Applebees and I got their quesadilla burger w/ all the fixins and a big ass plate of fries...I was worried about spilling over, but so the story goes, I looked a lot better at the night show (for the "fans") than I did at prejudging (where the show is won)

    Ill post up some more as I think of them. I'll post the routine I followed the week of later on today, hope this helped!
    I will see if there is a show in my area. Do you recommend I get a coach for the show? Can you give me a breakdown of exactly what I need to know or have prepared??

  29. #149
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    Quote Originally Posted by human project View Post
    I will see if there is a show in my area. Do you recommend I get a coach for the show? Can you give me a breakdown of exactly what I need to know or have prepared??
    If I could do it over, I would have gotten a coach for my show.

    I put together my own prep through researching forums and compiling other competitors experiences, plus I had helped my college housemate in his prep and was his backstage guy for the same show the year before so I had an idea of what to expect the day of. Was it the best way to do it? Probably not, it never hurts to have the watchful eye of someone who gets paid to do this for a living.

    What, specifically, do you mean by stuff you need to know or have prepared? I'll be glad to help you out as best I can!

  30. #150
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    Quote Originally Posted by bcaasdirty

    If I could do it over, I would have gotten a coach for my show.

    I put together my own prep through researching forums and compiling other competitors experiences, plus I had helped my college housemate in his prep and was his backstage guy for the same show the year before so I had an idea of what to expect the day of. Was it the best way to do it? Probably not, it never hurts to have the watchful eye of someone who gets paid to do this for a living.

    What, specifically, do you mean by stuff you need to know or have prepared? I'll be glad to help you out as best I can!
    You know where to find a good coach?

  31. #151
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    Quote Originally Posted by human project View Post
    You know where to find a good coach?
    Offhand I don't. If it was me I would probably start asking the trainers at the gym and see if they could make any recommendations or at least point you in the right direction

  32. #152
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    3:30am 20g whey isolate

    Wake up 7:00am.... Damn near no sleep last night.... Feel good tho

    9:00am ghrp2 200mcg
    Cjc 100mcg

    9:30 1/2lb top round steak
    1 cup cooked rice

    10:00 50mg d Bol
    .5mg prami
    40mcg clen
    50mg proviron
    82mg tren
    82mg masteron
    67mg deca
    .5mg Letro

    10:30 fit and active protein shake
    Cals 190
    Carb 25
    Fat 6
    Protein 10

    11:20 200 mcg hgh frag

    12:45 muscle milk

    1:30 200mcg hgh frag

    1:40-2:40 nap

    3:00 ghrp2 200mcg
    Cjc 100mcg

    4:00 1/2lb top round
    1 cup white rice
    4tbs peanut butter
    5cups milk 1%
    1 red apple

    6:30 workout Dorian Yates blood and guts training chest

    "Workout went great!!! I'm loving this new two warm up one working set with one min rest between all three sets. The intensity was crazy and I felt huge; actually puked when I got home and wasn't sick. Never thrown up on a chest day."

    9:30 isopure whey protein shake
    40g protein

    10:30 50mg d Bol
    50mg proviron

    11:30 1/2lb steak
    1cup white rice
    Last edited by human project; 01-10-2013 at 02:54 PM.

  33. #153
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    6:30 ghrp 2 200mcg
    Cjc 100mcg
    Back to bad

    10:15 woke up
    200mcg hgh frag
    .5 prami
    82mg tren a
    82mg mast
    67mg deca

    11:00 50mg d Bol
    50mg proviron

    11:15 hgh frag 200mcg

    11:45 12oz top round steak
    1 cup cooked rice
    2 pieces of pepper jack cheese

    2:00 cardio 40min treadmill 3-4mph 3.5incline

    3:302tbs peanut butter
    4 cups skim milk

    3:45 8 egg whites 2 whole eggs.... "10 eggs"
    2 cups cooked rice
    2oz cheese

    6-7 workout back "Dorian Yates blood and guts workout"

    7:15 isopure 40g whey protein isolate

    8:00 4oz ground beef in a corn taco she'll with about 1oz of cheese

    10:30 protein bar met-rx big 100
    Calories 390
    Fat 12
    Carbs 40
    Protein 30
    Last edited by human project; 01-11-2013 at 12:54 AM.

  34. #154
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    12:00 ghrp 2 200mcg
    Cjc 100mcg

    12:45am 10oz ground 80/20 beef
    1 cup cooked rice

    2:45 hgh frag 200mcg

    3:15 60g whey protein isolate
    32oz 1% milk
    2tbs peanut butter

    5:30 hgh frag 200mcg

    9:00 wake up
    Hgh frag 200mcg
    100mg tren
    82mg mast
    33mg deca
    60mcg clen
    50mg proviron

    11:45 ghrp 2 200mcg
    Cjc 100mcg

    12:45 12oz beef
    1 cup white rice
    2 cups mixed vegetables

    2:25 hgh frag 200mcg

    3:15 60g whey protein isolate
    16oz 1% milk

    4:00 750mcg hcg

    4:45 10oz 80/20 ground beef
    1 cup cooked rice

    9:00 leg workout

    10:00 40g isopure whey protein

    10:50 hgh frag 200mcg

    11:30 60g whey protein isolate
    16oz 1% milk
    Last edited by human project; 01-11-2013 at 10:50 PM.

  35. #155
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    5:30 hgh frag 200mcg

    7:00 hgh frag 200mcg

    9:00 wake up
    50mg proviron
    82mg tren
    33mg deca
    .5mg Letro
    60mcg clen

    9:30 60g whey protein isolate
    16 oz 1oz milk

    11:00 hgh frag 200mcg

    11:45 8oz fish tilipia (couldent eat this meal....ate maybe five bites and had to stop)
    1 cup white rice
    50mg proviron

    12:50 ghrp 2 200mcg

    1:15 finish the rest of my last meal

    2:00 60g whey protein isolate
    4tbs peanut butter
    50mg proviron
    Prenatal vitamin

    3:00 7g bcaa
    2.5g glutamine
    1 redline energy drink

    4:00 lift shoulders
    60g whey protein isolate

    6:15 1/2lb tilipia
    1 cup white rice
    2 xr's 15 Aderall (hopefully this keeps me from pigging out tonight, "going to dinner with friends")

    8:30 12oz cooked sirloin steak
    1/2 plain baked potato
    1 large Cesar salad dressing on the side
    Last edited by human project; 01-14-2013 at 08:42 AM.

  36. #156
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    thanks for posting.

    I am bulking for the first time without giving up cause I gain a few lbs of fat haha

    So I really need to do a middle of the night eating or shake?

    I think you and stem or Kel are the only ones who ever talk about this? sorry if I am hijacking

  37. #157
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    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox
    thanks for posting.

    I am bulking for the first time without giving up cause I gain a few lbs of fat haha

    So I really need to do a middle of the night eating or shake?

    I think you and stem or Kel are the only ones who ever talk about this? sorry if I am hijacking
    Yea if your bulking you need to consume as many calories as your body possibly can without gaining a shit ton of fat. I usually keep adding calories until I break 13% then I usually cut back down. If your trying to bulk you need to have some kind of food burning in your system at all given times. I eat every waking 1.5hrs when bulking and at least one meal and two shakes in the night
    Last edited by human project; 01-13-2013 at 02:17 PM.

  38. #158
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    Wake up 11:00

    11:15 60g whey protein isolate

    11:30 50mg proviron
    80mcg clen
    .5mg primidixol
    82mg tren
    33mg deca

    12:15 1/2lb 80/20 ground beef
    1 cup rice
    50mg d Bol

    12:30 45mg Aderall "hopefully this will help with my hunger"

    3:00 2 scoops no explode
    10g bcaa

    3:15 ghrp 2 200mcg
    Cjc 100mg
    Cardio 1hr 3.5inclime 3-4mph

    Weight 227.0lbs

    4:20 100cal muscle milk

    5:30 1/2lb 92^ lean beef
    1 cup white rice

    7:30 6.4oz thins
    10 ritz crackers
    1tbs merical whip

    8:15 60g whey protein isolate
    50mg proviron

    6:45 14g bcaa
    5g glutamine

    10:45 200mcg hgh frag
    Last edited by human project; 01-13-2013 at 10:57 PM.

  39. #159
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    3:00 200mcg hgh frag
    Back to bed

    5:15 wake up
    80mcg clen
    82mg tren
    33mg deca
    Andro gel 2 pumps
    Prenatal vitamin
    50mg proviron
    1,3 dimethylamine supplement
    75mg Aderall

    6:45 cardio (woke up this early to come to the gym and forgot my damn hgh frag!!!!!!)
    1 hour 5 minutes elliptical 850 calories burned

    14g bcaa
    5g glutamine

    8:20 200mcg hgh frag

    9:00 30g whey protein isolate

    9:45 6oz tilapia

    10:00 7g. Bcaa
    2 g glutamine

    10:20 15mg Aderall

    10:30 15mg Aderall

    11:25 30g whey protein isolate
    7g bcaa
    2.5g glutamine

    11:50 ghrp2 200mcg
    Cjc 100mcg

    12:15 1 scoop no explode
    5g bcaa

    12:30 1,3 dimethylamine supplement
    Cardio 7.25mile trail with really rough terrain and very hilly

    3:15 prenatal vitamin

    3:30 ghrp2 200mcg
    Cjc 100
    Last edited by human project; 01-14-2013 at 03:23 PM.

  40. #160
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    howd you feel on the clen +dmaa+addy? sounds like a fun stack!

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