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  1. #1241
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    they worked for me !

    anyway just been taking it easy with things this week. the move plus the comp has left me pretty tired so i didnt want to push it. will be business as usual next week!!

  2. #1242
    TJM7275 is offline Banned
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    No Steroids for you..NEXT
    What the F**K is up my Brittish Brother????
    Haven't heard from you in a long time... How are thing going on the " Personal Side "?????
    Hope all is well and if you need anything were there for ya bro

  3. #1243
    200byjune's Avatar
    200byjune is offline Senior Member
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    great job man. sorry about the misses

  4. #1244
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    thx guys. all good here. i have settled in well at my friends house and im feeling a lot happier now. internet is finally sorted so i can start logging again.

    trained legs this morn and practiced getting depth right. got some good squats out at 220k but then got a bit of a twinge so didnt go too mad. went onto front squats then some ext. all good!

  5. #1245
    Obro's Avatar
    Obro is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001 View Post
    they worked for me !

    Yup. They work for me this time. Awesome to watch. Congrats again.

  6. #1246
    Gears's Avatar
    Gears is offline Member
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    I need to start front squatting, do you feel it at all in your lower back when you do that?

  7. #1247
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    no mate thats why i like it after squats when my back is aching!! a lot less strain on back but you will need to use a lighter weight than your used too!!

    all going well here. sorry havent been on for a while. it took some time to get internet at my new address. ive settled in pretty well and getting back into routine nicely. its a big change after 9 years of having my chicken cooked for me!!
    trained legs today

    squats 100x10 140x10 180x8 220x4 220x4
    leg press 3 sets of 10 x 360k
    ham curls 3 sets of 15 with stack
    calf raises 3 sets of seated with 80k

  8. #1248
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Good job at the comp Beast. You handled the weight easily.

  9. #1249
    Mazzive_T's Avatar
    Mazzive_T is offline Member
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    hey beast long time no speak, just thought id say keep the training going matey, as a friend once said to me when i was in a situation like yours "get your head down through the shit and youll come out the other side a better man"

    Hope things are sorting themselves, Take Care Bud.


  10. #1250
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    thx guys. things are going well here. still training hard! trained arms today. nothing groundbreaking but just a good solid session and a nice pump. im gonnna sift through my pms now i got loads to answer!!

  11. #1251
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001;2***295
    Hi all. Will be starting a clean bulk on monday 31/07/06. I cut down for the summer to see what I looked like and I have decided to compete next April in the UKBFF south Coast. I am undecided whether to enter first timers or a weight class but theres plenty of time to think on that one.
    I have been training seriously for around 3 years and before that on and off but never seriously. At one point I was 22 stone of flab which took me a year to cut!!

    Stats: age 30, Height 5'9" weight 87kilos BF arond 14% (did cut back to about 10% for summer but I have slowly started ramping up carbs ect in the last month.

    Cycle experience. This will be my 5th cycle. I ran a couple of badly researched cycles when younger, other than that I have run test E, Dbol and Deca twice and Prop, Winny and Tren just before summer. Also used various fat loss compounds (ECA,Clen ,T3)

    I have been clean for over 2 months and have been saving the pennies for this next cycle which is as follows.

    1-20 GH 4iu ED (will start with 2iu for first week then increase)
    1-5, 11-15, IGFLr3 (Lions) 40mcg post workout (mon-fri) shot IM
    6-10 16-20, Novorapid Slin 8iu PWO Shot IM
    1-12 EQ 600mg per week split twice weekly
    1-13 Test E 1000mg per week split twice weekly
    1-4 Dbol 50mg ED taken 1 hour pre workout with grapefruit juice
    1-4 Liquidex .5 per day
    4-end Nolvadex 10mg per day
    1-20 T4 100mcg ED
    1-13 HCG 500iu twice weekly
    16-20 PCT Nolva,Clomid.


    10.30 Wake, BCAA 5g, L cart 1g, HMB 1 G, Arginine. GH

    11.00 Cardio 30mins

    12.00 BCAA 5g, ALA. L Glutamine 5g Lean Protein. Oatmeal, Whey. Multi Vit, Vit C, Glucosamine, D Liver, RALA/Bitoin, Liv52, Garlic, ANY MED

    2.30 Lean Protein. Oatmeal, Whey. RALA/Biotin, Vit C, Saw palmetto 2. Lcart. GH , Grapefruit juice, Meds

    3.30 Creatine, Folic, Taurine, Arginine,

    3.55 Shake, BCAA.

    4.00 Workout

    5.00 PWO, Taurine, BCAA, Glutamine, Creatine. Isolate,Dex

    6.00 Lean Protein, Oatmeal. Saw palmetto 2

    8.30 Lean Protein, veg, Coconut Oil, EFA, Lecithin, Liv 52. Vit c

    11.00 Lean Protein, veg, Flax, Vit C. Lecithin
    1.15 Lean Protein, veg, Flax, Vit C. Lecithin

    Home – Micellar Casein, EFA, Liv52

    I may chane the 8.30 to a lean protein carb meal but I am quite sensitive to carbs and will monitor this as i go. I want to avoid any sloppy weight gain. I will not be consuming any cheat meals. I have not had a cheat meal in over a year. I do not drink alcohol ever and I no longer smoke (gave up a year ago). as you can see I love oatmeal. I buy jumbo organic oats and eat them with cinnamon, splenda, a soop of whey and some low GI dried fruit (prunes,apple,blueberries,apricots). Lean protein consists of Chicken,Tuna,Lean beef mince,lean steak, egg whites, Smoked mackerel, and occasionaly soya protein.
    The reason I get up late and got to bed late is that i work 6 nights a week as a doorman in clubs not because im a lazy SOB!

    I am very serious about winning this competition. My family have stuck by me with my obsessive dieting and schedule and I would like to have something to show for all this to make them proud. Feel free to add constuctive crits and any advice especially nearer the comp for cutting and prep are all greatly appreciated. I have included some pics which were taken by my stepson hence the slightly dubious quality but you get the idea!!
    When do you work?

  12. #1252
    NQtex is offline New Member
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    Good thread... thanks for staying on the updates

  13. #1253
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    hey guys sorry the updates havent been so regular. i been working lots of hours to cover my house move and split and all is ok. my computer at work is down until next week then i will be back to normal!! training is going well and ive just been maintaining due to stress. all well though and intensity is back.

  14. #1254
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    Damn beast never a dull moment with you. Keep your head up bro

  15. #1255
    3dbigrigs's Avatar
    3dbigrigs is offline Junior Member
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    love your log beast, hang in there and like a prev person said, get some tail in the mean time, I am sure you will have no problems. Time heals all wounds. ! your rock man!

  16. #1256
    ray0414's Avatar
    ray0414 is offline Member
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    so i started reading the log, and i seen ur pix u first posted, and i thought, dam u looks alot better in his avatar, then a few pages later i realized the thread was started like 2 years ago lol. so i guess what im saying is u look alot better then when u started this log!

  17. #1257
    svalleyg135 is offline Associate Member
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    whats in your pwo shake and how long do you wait between your shake and your ppwo meal?

  18. #1258
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    yo beast where you at bro? i hope all is well with you have been an inspiration to me and im sure many others on the board and i miss reading your updates.respectfully,boyd

  19. #1259
    vishus's Avatar
    vishus is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by newbie-screwbie View Post
    When do you work?
    he just said in his log he works 6 nights a week as a doorman at a nightclub haha read the log you quoted on again

  20. #1260
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    Hey beast, just wanted to throw a general thanks your way. I've read a lot of your posts and I find you to be one of the more inspirational posters on this site. Your smart, you push yourself and encourage others to do the same, and have the links in your sig as an easy way to help newbies like myself. So thanks for being here!

    I don't know if I'll ever to get the body you have at my age despite my best efforts but you give me something to strive for, and in a tough but supportive way through your posts on the site. Thanks for giving back, newbies like me need it and your probably don't get nearly enough thanks as you deserve. So here's a big thank you from me bro!

  21. #1261
    ironaddict69's Avatar
    ironaddict69 is offline Senior Member
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    I'm going to thank you as also, Well said 40plus. Beast you never failed to help wether I posted here or sent you a PM. Dont fret the divorce and this other stuff, Time heals all and God will take care of you.

    PLUS YOUR A STUD! Those women are On you I'm sure.

  22. #1262
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    Hi all. thanks for all the kind messages. basically a few months ago i was arrested for conspiracy to supply class c drugs. my money, computer and many other items were seized. my mail was opened before it reached me. there is an open ended search warrant on my house. i am under strict bail conditions and lucky im not in prison on remand. i have been checking my email at girl friends house but no computer or cash to buy one at home also had a lot of grief from my ex who in the end turned agaist me so badly she is now a witness for the prosecution. really stressful times. im still training though. weigh 102k at about 9% and still lifting heavy weights!!! thats all good. im going to try log in more often. things will get better once the case is heard as ill be able to reclaim my computer and money ect. hope everyone is well. the new profile pic going up is a midelling photo from a couple weeks ago. yes i know im a gay icon!!!

  23. #1263
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    Nice to have you back, sorry to hear about your ordeal. Good luck bro.

  24. #1264
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    great to have you back PB
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  25. #1265
    oneshot's Avatar
    oneshot is offline Anabolic Member
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    he has returned! sorry to hear bout all that drama, hope it blows over and all is well in the end. good to have ya back hoss

  26. #1266
    Crypt keeper is offline New Member
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    I just read this entire thread and logged in to compliment. Unreal man. Amazing transformation. Congrats

  27. #1267
    marcopolo78 is offline Female Member
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    Hey PB!!!

    You look awesome! I wanted to say that and ask about your supplements. You once recommended r-ala, l-carnitine, and you still? Is there anything you'd recommend for weight loss in addition to cardio and a clean diet? You helped once before, hope you can again.

  28. #1268
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    i had to go away for a little while myself,its rubbish.
    i was in the wrong place at the wrong time,but im not gonna blame anyone else just learn and move try and help friends out and these things happen.
    i just wanted to say next to loving my mrs,hugging my mom,opening all my post and getting of the few things i had to do is catch up on your thread.
    been following it for years,your a bit of a ledg (legend for those outside uk)
    i wish i was joking but i did get a little grief from the mrs for spending an hour or so catching
    sorry to hear you have had some rough times but im sure i can speak for everyone hear and say.....beast we missed your ocd...its fikin

    good to have you back

  29. #1269
    xnotoriousx's Avatar
    xnotoriousx is offline Anabolic Member
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    Damn sucks about the conspiracy. Hope you beat it. Looking very very solid btw

  30. #1270
    llrockyll's Avatar
    llrockyll is offline Member
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    hope you can log in soon PB and let us know how everything is going

  31. #1271
    zunair is offline Junior Member
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    i had just started my first ever cycle with testoviron 500 mg and deca 200 mg per week...the cycle has been startd 2 weeks ago but i kant see any gains yet...i need serious help...if anyone can do i can send him my pic...and then you can give me better suggestions...but telling u the truth my body bloats and theres no muscle at all...

  32. #1272
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    Quote Originally Posted by zunair View Post

    i had just started my first ever cycle with testoviron 500 mg and deca 200 mg per week...the cycle has been startd 2 weeks ago but i kant see any gains yet...i need serious help...if anyone can do i can send him my pic...and then you can give me better suggestions...but telling u the truth my body bloats and theres no muscle at all...
    so instead of starting your own thread you keep bumping old ones asking peeps that havent logged on in months or years this same question?.......obviously you did no resurch before you hoped on cycle cus if you did you would now that any long estered compound takes several weeks to kick not even gonna bother asking for stats cus you are obviously not ready for aas......

  33. #1273
    cj1capp's Avatar
    cj1capp is offline Anabolic Member
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    thinking of you PB hope all is well with you.

  34. #1274
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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    Any updates mate, i know its been a while....

    Hope all is good with you...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

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