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  1. #841
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    day off yesterday then back for arms this morn.

    Im currently down to 2 shots of test per week now along with the igf and GH. I am tapering the AS slowly down to one shot of test per week TRT. I decided to taper slowly as i have noticed abrupt discontinuation causes me hormone related sides such as hives and also HS (the painful lumps i get on my thighs. This slow ramp down seems to be working nicely,

    Decline seated DB curls 3 sets of 10 @ 18k per side
    Weighted dips 3 sets of 7 @ 50k
    Cable str8 bar curls 3 sets of 10 @ 30k
    V bar pushdowns 3 sets of 12 @ 60k
    Standing cable double biceps 3 sets of 12
    Single arm cable pushdowns 3 sets of 10

    abs 8 sets

  2. #842
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    good leg session this morning.

    Squats 3 sets of 8 @ 170k nice and deep and slow.
    Leg press 3 sets of 10 @ 300k
    Leg ext 3 sets of 12
    Adductors 3 sets of 10
    a**uctors 3 sets of 10

  3. #843
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Felt tired as hell this morn so decided to have a little cheat food today and train in evening. Ate some choccy and a kebab as well as lots of clean food, Felt good by the time i hit the gym and looked nice and pumped.

    Military press machine 3 sets of 12 @ 60k per side
    Seated lateral DB raises 3 sets of 10 @ 14k per side
    Shrugs 3 sets of 12 at 60k per side
    Calf raises on leg press 3 sets of 15
    Calf raise machine 3 sets of 15

  4. #844
    mkcay7979's Avatar
    mkcay7979 is offline Associate Member
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    wow your doing great ....I will get there ...

  5. #845
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    ^^thx bud!

    Ok had sat off as rest day but had a great day today. Lower back and hams and abs in morn then upper back in eve

    Deads 3 sets of 9 @ 170k
    Str8 legged deads 3 sets of 7 at 120k
    Ham curls 3 sets of 15

    abs 9 sets


    BB rows 3 sets up to 110k for 10
    Close grip pulldowns 3 sets of 10 @ 70k
    Low row machine 3 sets of 12 @ 70k
    Seated cable single arm lat pulldowns 3 sets of 12
    Rear delt cable flies 3 sets of 10

  6. #846
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    Greate thread!

    PB-How long have you been on GH?
    I am on my 6 month now and it yust seems to be getting more and more effective, even at the same dosage...

    By the way, you do deadlift in the morning, and an exercise like barbell row in the evening...Doesnt this "wear" on your lower back somewhat?

  7. #847
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    Thx Vitor. I been running GH this time for about 3 months. I ran before for about 5 months. I am planning to continue indefinately this run! I am really start ing to see some results from it now, leaner with an increase in LBM.

    I find that splitting the back WO like that actually helps with anyt lower back pain. I do suffer from lower back pain (compression sqeezing the sciatic) but it tends to be after I have done quite a few sets. By splitting the routine and resing well between i have suffered no back pain at all.

    Today was chest. Another great pump.

    Flat bench 3 sets of 10 @ 120k
    Decline bench 3 sets of 10 at 100k
    DB flies 3 sets of 6 at 28k per side
    cable x-overs 3 sets of 15.

    then went off to work and got a full body wax for free while i was supposed to be working hard!

  8. #848
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    No training today apart from a little cardio and a sports massage.

  9. #849
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    great legs session this morning culminating in a 250k x2 squat which i was very happy with,

    squats 4 sets 70k x10 170k x 8 210k x5 230k x 2 250k x2
    Leg press 300k x12 for 3 sets
    leg ext 3 sets of 10

    abs 9 sets

  10. #850
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    arms this moring.

    EZ bar curls 3 sets of 50k 10 reps
    Weighted dips 3 sets of 10 @ 50k
    Standing DB curls 20k per side for 8
    Sjull crushers 70k x 6 for 3 sets
    Close grip cable curls 3 sets of 12 @ 19k
    rope triceps 3 sets of 12

  11. #851
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    felt a little tired today but WO went nicely anyhow.

    Shoulders in morn

    Standing BB press 3 sets of 6 @ 70k
    Lateral DB raises 3 sets of 10 @ 28k per side
    Shrugs 3 sets of 10 @ 130k
    Upright cable rows 3 sets of 10

    EVE calves/abs

    6 sets of calves
    9 sets of abs.

  12. #852
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    rest saturday then back at it sunday but had to do chest instead of back as i had work so time was at a premium. Good chest session though.

    Bench 3 sets 100kx10 140kx7 140kx7
    Flies 32.5k per side 3 sets of 6
    Hammer incline press 80k 3 sets of 10
    Pec dec 3 sets of 15

  13. #853
    ironaddict69's Avatar
    ironaddict69 is offline Senior Member
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    your gettin pretty strong my man!

  14. #854
    number twelve's Avatar
    number twelve is offline All Natty...Kinda~Winning Member Transformation Contest!
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    great log pb keep it up

  15. #855
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    Thx guys glad your enjoying the log. Missed writing it yesterday due to busy schedule. There was a party at work due to some of us getting charges dropped and bail conditions lifted. We had some cake and fireworks. Then went out to a strip club which was quite a laugh.

    training yesterdsay was 2 back sessions one in AM and one Eve.

    Deads 4 sets 170kx8 210kx5 230kx1 250k fail 230kx1
    Str8 legged deads 120k x 8 for 3 sets
    Ham curls 3 sets of 12
    abs 9 sets

    Chins 3 sets of 7
    DB rows 3 sets of 10 @ 38k per side
    Hammer lat iso pulldown 3 sets of 8 @ 45k per side
    Rear delt cable flies 3 sets of 15

    Today I nearly didnt get up due to not much sleep but the missis complained about missing gym so i went and did legs to punish myself for being a *****!

    Squats 170k for 3 sets of 8
    Leg press 300k for 3 sets of 10
    Leg ext 3 sets of 15.

    Ended up with huge leg pump which caused me to fall over while walking from gym.

  16. #856
    number twelve's Avatar
    number twelve is offline All Natty...Kinda~Winning Member Transformation Contest!
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    thats awesome that your lady is there to motivate you

  17. #857
    ironaddict69's Avatar
    ironaddict69 is offline Senior Member
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    wow beast you train heavy almost year round. You get your muscle growth sets in but then max as well, im a firm believer in that type of training (its what i do too) however when i go heavy with deads regularly i hurt my lower back muscles. how do you avoid the injuries?

  18. #858
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Hey there guys. Well I do try to have 3 lighter weeks and one heavy low rep week. That dead session was the last of my heavy week last week. Now i will be in the 8-12 rep range for 3 weeks. I find this is what helps me avoid lower back pain. I also make sure i have good core strength with plenty of weighted ab work. I try if i can to keep squats and deads far apart from each other as both of these are hard on the back.

    Arms today.

    EZ bar curls 3 sets of 60k 8 reps
    Weighted dips 3 sets of 8 @ 50k
    DB hammer curls 3 sets of 10 with 20k per side
    Close grip bench 3 sets of 100k for 7
    Single arm cable preacher 3 sets of 10
    Tricep v bar push downs 3 sets of 10

  19. #859
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Oops forgot to log shoulder WO from friday. Been a bit busy as the club i work got taken over and i had to pull extra work to keep the door there.

    Friday shoulders

    Seated hammer press machine 3 sets of 10 75k per side
    Seated lateral DB raises 3 sets of 12 @14k per side
    Upright rows 3 sets of 10 @ 50k
    DB front raises 3 sets of 10 @20k per side

    Sat off.


    Back AM
    Deads 3 sets of 8 @ 170k back started flaring up so kept it lighter than normal
    Chins 3 sets of 6
    Lat pulldowns 2 sets of 10
    MTS row machine 3 sets of 10 @ 40k per side
    Low row machine 3 sets of 12
    Standing lat pulldowns with single cables 3 sets of 12
    Rear delt flies 3 sets of 8
    Wooo high volume today!!

    Str8 legged deads 3 sets of 10 @ 90k
    Ham curls 3 sets of 10
    Abs 9 sets

  20. #860
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Good chest session this morn.

    Bench 3 sets of 5 @ 140k
    Decline smith 3 sets of 10 @ 90k
    Flat flies 3 sets of 8 @ 26k per side very slow with lots of stretch
    Cable x-overs 3 sets of 15.

  21. #861
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    had tuesday off, feeling really drained after a couple of hard lifting days and lots of work to do as well. Tried to chill as much as poss and ate some cheat food to boost energy levels a little. Felt better this morn so went and trained legs. My missis took my video cam down to gym to film me squatting as my friends and I have decided to make a BB vid featuring heavy and/or unusual lifts, just for fun of course. I have a pal who does video editing so he will set it all to music ect...
    I am now running just 1 shot of Cyp per week and 7iu GH 5/2. I will stay like that for a good few months now only adding some slin or igf every so often.

    Squats warmup set of 10 @ 60k, 8 @ 170k, 5 @ 210k, 1@ 250k on video which i will try post up tomorrow.
    Leg press 3 sets of 12 @ 300k
    Leg ext 3 sets of 12 huge huge pump by this point, unable to walk properly.

  22. #862
    goose is offline Banned
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    How often do you have sport massage? How does it help you?

    Very nice numbers,your going to kill that show this time.....

  23. #863
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Hey goose! Well I go see a guy every two weeks. He gives me 90 mins of heavy tissue work and assisted stretching. It is very unpleasant at the time but afterwards you feel like a million bucks. He has helped advise me on lifting and posture to prevent injury. Also he has worked out toghly balled knots of muscle which could become weak points if left unnatended, These weak points are likely to tear or snap if neglected and heavy lifting is resumed. He basically is able to keep me up to date on joint, tendon and muscle health. His assisted stretching makes sure the muscles have returned to there natural position and are not balled up. Increase in blood flow and vascularity after massage is very noticable and it definately enhances the pumps i get for days after wards.

    Arms today...

    EZ bar curls 4 sets of 10 @ 50k
    Weighted dips 3 sets of 8 @ 50k
    One arm DB preacher curls 3 sets of 7 @ 20l
    Pushdowns str8 bar 3 sets of 12 @ 75k
    Standing double Bi cables 3 sets of 15
    Single arm cable triceps 3 sets of 12

  24. #864
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    few pics taken this morning
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Beast's Workout Log-08112007-1-.jpg   Beast's Workout Log-08112007-2-.jpg   Beast's Workout Log-08112007-3-.jpg   Beast's Workout Log-08112007-4-.jpg   Beast's Workout Log-08112007-5-.jpg  

  25. #865
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  26. #866
    custcdngsxr's Avatar
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    Nice lifts bro, your transformation and progress always amaze and inspire me.

  27. #867
    number twelve's Avatar
    number twelve is offline All Natty...Kinda~Winning Member Transformation Contest!
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    nice lifts PB...btw thank god you had your ipod the music in the background would kill me lol

  28. #868
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    ^lol^ yes i was listening to mudvayne - dig for the squat.

  29. #869
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001 View Post
    His assisted stretching makes sure the muscles have returned to there natural position and are not balled up.
    I work as a massage/physical therapist so I know how importent that is when you train heavy,(to avoid muscle tears), along with releasing trigger-spots in the muscles.
    My buddy didnt belive in neither streching or massages, and 2 days ago he tore hes left pec on the flat bench, that could be the end of line for him...

    Anyway, are you content with the synthol run you had? Did it leave permanat size on your biz? (your bizeps looks well developed like the rest of you now.)

  30. #870
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Hey Vitor, well i dont think the risks are wort it considering the minimal benefits i got from it. It temporarily added a little size but it was uncomfortable and some of it is probably still stuck in my arms now which is not a pleasant though. If it had given me an extra 1/2" permanently i would say its great but it didnt.

    Training went great yesterday. Looking pretty pumped and lean and feeling good.

    AM shoulders.

    Seated hammer press machine 4 sets 80k 12 reps 120k 8 reps 140k 5 reps 80k 8 reps
    Lareral DB raises 3 sets of 12 @ 25k per side
    DB shrugs 3 sets of 15 @ 50k per side
    Upright rows 3 sets of 10 @ 60k
    Front cable raises 3 sets of 12

    Back in the eve for cavles 7 sets and abs 12 sets. Then my one armed powerlifting buddy showed up and decided to make me do his feats of strength with him. All of which he beat me on. he curled 42.5k witrh one arm, he did a grip machine and doubled my score, one arm tricep with the stack and plates, one arm dead of 120k (it was the dripping that was hard with that). I got some video footage for a highlight reel were going to make so i will post up with thye other vids i alrady stuck up there.

  31. #871
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Rest day saturday then a nice lie in sunday before back training. Again split back into upper and lower and do 2 sessions on sunday.

    Lower AM.

    Deads 4 sets of 8 @ 170k
    Str8 legged deads 2 sets of 8 @ 120k then stopped due to lower back pain.
    Ham curls 3 sets of 12
    abs 7 sets

    Upper Evening

    Bent over BB rows 3 sets of 8 @ 120k
    Lat puldown 3 sets of 10 @ 70k
    Incline bench BB rows 3 sets of 12 @ 25k per side
    Cable lat pulldowns 3 sets of 10
    Rear delt cable flies 3 sets of 10

    Then a nice sauna and spa.

  32. #872
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Real good chest session today. i was shooting some more stuff for our amature highlight video were going to make so i got some footage to post up too.

    Flat bench 60kx10 100kx10 140kx6 160kx1 180k fail 100kx8
    Incline machine 3 sets of 10 @ 80k
    Flat DB flies 3 sets of 6 @ 30k per side
    Cable flies 3 sets of 15

  33. #873
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Tuesday was rest day but back today for legs. Going to have a couple of lighter higher rep weeks to give myself some revery time.

    Squats 3 sets of 8 @170k
    Leg press 3 sets of 12 @ 300k
    a**uctors 3 sets
    aductors 2 sets
    Leg ext 3 sets of 12,

  34. #874
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    sorry been a bit late with the updates its been a busy week.

    Thurs Arms

    EZ bar curls 3 sets of 6 @ 55k
    Weighted dips 3 sets of 7 @ 60k
    Seated hammer curls 3 sets of 10 @ 20k per side
    Rope pushdowns 3 sets of 12
    close grip cable curls 2 sets of 15

    abs 6 sets

    Friday shoulders and calves

    Seated hammer strength shoulder press 3 sets 80kx12 120kx10 160x4
    Seated lateral raises 3 sets of 12 @ 15k per side
    front DB raises 3 sets of 10 @ 20k per side
    Shrugs 3 sets of 10 140k
    Calves 6 sets

  35. #875
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Saturday was rest day.

    Today my back was feelig a little tender so i kept it a little easier as i do not want a back injury.

    AM lower back
    deads 3 sets of 8 @ 170k
    Str8 leg deads 3 sets of 8 @ 120k
    Ham curls 3 sets of 10
    abs 6 sets

    PM upper back
    Chins 2 sets of 8
    pulldowns 2 sets of 10 @ 70k
    Bent over rows 3 sets of 10 @ 90k
    DB pullovers 3 sets of 7 @ 40k
    Iso lat pulldowns 3 sets of 12 @ 70k
    Rear delt cable flies 3 sets of 6

  36. #876
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Chest today.

    Flat bench 60kx12 100kx10 140kx6 160kx1 170k fail forced rep x2
    Decline smith 3 sets of 7@100k
    DB flies 3 sets of 10 @ 25k per side
    Cable x-overs 3 sets of 12

  37. #877
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    I bought some grippers yesterday to improve my grip strength. Im thinking of doing a powerlifting meet just for fun but my grip is a concern for deads. So i bought some BG grippers rated from 150lbs up to 350lbs. I can close up to a 250. I have been waiting on the 300 arriving in the post to see how i am with that as the 350 i have i cannot close fully. Im really getting into this grip stregth thing its pretty cool. Im going to get certified as a "captain of crush" as i can easily close the ironmind #3.

    Trained legs today and had a pretty good one. I had my sports massage last night and my guy was able to sort out a couple of plroblem areas i had in my back. Higher rep week this week

    Squats 3x10@170k 1x2@220k
    Leg press 3x10@380k
    Leg ext 3 sets of 12
    abs 6 sets

  38. #878
    smokeyd's Avatar
    smokeyd is offline Grade A Whore/Banned
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    just checked out the thread, good work!!!

  39. #879
    thetank's Avatar
    thetank is offline Anabolic Member
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    im source cheks
    damn man..i havent been on here for a are looking ****in massive! its almost ridiculous how different you look. in all honesty thinking back to the first pics i saw of you on this site, ide of thought it would have taken you years of hard work to get to the size you are now, and youve done it in less then one. im impressed man, ****in A.
    keep it up bro, inspiring shit!!

  40. #880
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Thanks guys, Yes im really pleased how things are going. Its mostly been down to my pretty strict diet regimen which can be a drag at times but it does get results....
    Im still on TRT one shot of cyp per week plus growth and slin. Will be running a cut after xmas.
    Havent logged for the last couple of days due to working a few seriously long days. I still trained but i didnt have time to write them up. Basically its a higher rep week so thursday was arms and friday shoulders. All the usual excercises in the 6-12 rep range. Had a nice rest day today. Im feeling great at the moment. lots of energy and really hammering the workouts!! Still been training with grippers too. I am a couple of mm off of shutting the 300lb gripper...

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