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  1. #961
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Im running on maintenance at the moment which is about 4000 cals. Allows me to lean down slowly and keep hold of the mass. Im very specific about my nutrient timing which to me makes a big difference in getting lean on 4000 cals or getting fat.

    Just 30mins AM cardio today and having a nice rest from weights.

  2. #962
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    legs this morning.

    Squats 15x70k 10x120k 8x170k 4x220k
    Leg press 3 sets of 8x400k supersetted with calve raises at same weight
    Ham curls 3 sets of 15
    Calves 3 sets
    Leg ext 3 sets of 12

    abs in eve 6 sets and 30 mins cardio.

  3. #963
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    arms today. Had a great WO real good pump.

    Weighted dips 3 sets of 8@50k
    EZ bar curls 3 sets of 10 @ 45k
    Skull crushers 3 sets of 10@45k with close grip presses str8 after for sets of 10
    Seated DB curls 3 sets of 10 @ 22k per side
    Rope pushdowns 3 sets of 15 @ 40k
    Close grip cable curls 2 sets of 15

    In eve 30 mins cardio.

  4. #964
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    off day yesterday apart from cardio and abs then shoulders today.

    Seated press 3 sets of 8x75k per side
    Seated lateral raises 3 sets of 8 x 22k per side
    Standing front raises 3 sets of 10x22k per side
    Shrugs 3 sets of 8x140k
    Calve raises 3 sets of 20 with stack on leg machine

    also did 30 mins cardio later on.

  5. #965
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    rested again today apart from abs and cardio. Planning on hooking up with a powerlifter friend of mine for some big benching tomorrow so figured I would swap rest days. Will be looking for a 175k or maybe a 180.

  6. #966
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    met up with my powerlifting buddy for some benching today. Had a good session. Tried some cheque drops before lifting and they really helped with focus.

    Bench 10x60 10x100 3x140 1x165 1x175 failed at 180
    Flies 3 sets of 7 x 42k per side
    Incline hammer press machine 3 sets of 12x45k per side
    Cable cross overs 3 sets of 12

    back in eve for abs and cardio.

    On a side note i thought i would list what im running at the moment
    Testex (cyp) 250mg EW
    Tren E 400mg EW
    Oral masteron 90mg ED
    Slin 10iu PWO
    GH 5iu daily

  7. #967
    llrockyll's Avatar
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    why the low dose of test? also how do u like the tren E compared to tren A? ive never ran tren E before.

  8. #968
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Getting similar results but without the daily shots. All good IMO. The low dose test was following some advice off of Tai, I was experiencing mood swings and anxiety while running this lot of tren , Tai suggested cutting out the caber and lowering test dose, Since taking his advice mood has stabilised and anxious feelings are gone.

  9. #969
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    good day again today. feeling full of energy at moment and finally seem to be cold/flu free!

    Back today

    Deads 10x70 6x140k 1x220k 1x250k fail 2x220k
    Barbell rows 3 sets of 10x120k
    low row machine 3 sets of 10x80k
    lat pulldown machine 3 sets of 8x80k
    3 sets of rear delt cable flies 10x25k

    6 sets of abs in afternoon.

    Bacj in eve

    Str8 legged deads 3 sets of 8x120k
    Ham curls 3 sets of 12
    Cardio 30 mins.

  10. #970
    hobbs9963's Avatar
    hobbs9963 is offline Associate Member
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    the basement
    Great log man. Very detailed and inspiring. Keep up the good work.

  11. #971
    Noobie4LIFE is offline Banned
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    Beast my hats off to you.

    Have Beasted it up that's for sure.

  12. #972
    Columbus's Avatar
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    beast just wsnted to say hi bro and you loook fab......hopefully we can forget the shit from the past.......good luck my homie

  13. #973
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    rest day today. just did my usual cardio this morn on empty stomach then chilled out at work. Got a sports massage tonight.

  14. #974
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    trained legs today all good!

    Squat 15x70k 8x140k 4x220k 1x260k 8x140k
    leg press 3 sets of 10x400k
    Calve raises 3 sets of 15x400k
    Leg ext 3 sets of 12
    Left the gym like i was going to puke.

    Did abs a bit later at work. Was going to do cardio but ended up getting nicked then released later so missed the cardio!!

  15. #975
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    bit tired this morn as i worked till late last night. got a good strong arms session in though. i always feel alright once im there and doing it. If you ever feel like slacking just tell yourself to go to the gym anyway. if you start and still feel crap then go home. I always stay....

    Str8 bar curls 3 sets of 10 x 50k
    Dips 1 warmup then 3 sets of 8 x 50k
    Pushdowns 3 sets of 15 x 50k
    DB curls 3 sets of 10 x 24k per side seated.

    45 mins cardio in eve before work.

  16. #976
    goose is offline Banned
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    Dude you on Oral masteron 90mg?? Thats a huge dose,what are the sides on that like?
    Last edited by goose; 02-07-2008 at 02:11 PM.

  17. #977
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    rest day today. just cardio and abs.
    Goose - yes mate at 90mg ED. That was the recommended dose as far as i had read. What would you go for? I have been quite angry lately maybe that's why!

  18. #978
    goose is offline Banned
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    The name "oral masteron " has been used incorrectly for years by (the place you got it from) it is infact 17aa-DHT (AKA STS-646 aka mestanolone) it is an incredibly potent CNS stim and aggression vehicle,on par with with halo in this respect,a very intricate drug in structure.With outragous strength gains,but a ton of sides,your dose is cool,never used it but on my hit list this year.

    17aa-masteron is superdrol,but the effects are vastly diffrent and superdrol at 90mg would be a killer.I would say the mood swings are the combo of this and tren ,back in the day I did tren and halo I became the devil,I could just kill a man,great fun tho....
    Last edited by goose; 02-08-2008 at 08:35 PM.

  19. #979
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose4 View Post
    The name "oral masteron " has been used incorrectly for years by (the place you got it from) it is infact 17aa-DHT (AKA STS-646 aka mestanolone) it is an incredibly potent CNS stim and aggression vehicle,on par with with halo in this respect,a very intricate drug in structure.With outragous strength gains,but a ton of sides,your dose is cool,never used it but on my hit list this year.

    17aa-masteron is superdrol,but the effects are vastly diffrent and superdrol at 90mg would be a killer.I would say the mood swings are the combo of this and tren,back in the day I did tren and halo I became the devil,I could just kill a man,great fun tho....
    It has certainly hardened me up nicely. Thought i would give it a go as i like to try new and unusual compounds. Have tried some sublingual cheque drops too. They are good for heavy days!! I am going to half the dose of the mestanolone and see if im a little less edgy!

  20. #980
    Columbus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001 View Post
    It has certainly hardened me up nicely. Thought i would give it a go as i like to try new and unusual compounds. Have tried some sublingual cheque drops too. They are good for heavy days!! I am going to half the dose of the mestanolone and see if im a little less edgy!

    my guess is that no response or acknowledgement means f oh well.....I did try to make amends....thats your choice.....

  21. #981
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    shoulders today. Slept in this morn after late work night and then decided to do some boxing during the day. Cardio has improved a good deal as im now doing a few rounds and not dying like i was before!! Probably not great for muscle gains but i gotta stay on form or i get beat up at work!

    Delts in eve

    Shoulder press machine 3 sets of 10 @ 75k per side
    Seated lateral raises 3 sets of 8 @ 24k per side strict
    Shrugs with BB 3 sets of 10 @ 150k
    Upright rows 3 sets of 7 @ 70k
    Cable front raises 3 sets of 12 @ 20k

  22. #982
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    back this morning. Good session.

    Deads 1 warmup with bar x 10 140kx10 180kx8 220kx4 220kx2
    Lat pulldown machine 3 sets of 10x60k per side
    BB rows 10x100k 8x140k 12x100k
    Cable lat pulldowns 3 sets of 12
    Rear delt DB flies 3 sets of 8 @ 17.5k per side.

    Went back in Eve for

    Str8 legged deads 3 sets of 8x120k
    Ham curls 3 sets of 15
    Abs 6 sets
    cardio 30 mins
    Last edited by perfectbeast2001; 02-11-2008 at 04:05 PM.

  23. #983
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    no weights today but did some ab work with a new medicine ball i bought. Typical boxer style ab stuff to toughen them up a bit. The went for a run with one of my dogs in the Eve for 30 mins.

  24. #984
    sorel_C is offline Member
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    Damn Bro,, your killing it,, keep it up man

  25. #985
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    Thx chris.

    Good chest session this morning,

    Bench warmup 15x60k 6x140k 2x160k 1x170k 180k fail, 5x140k
    Decline smith 3 sets of 8 x 100k
    DB incline flies 3 sets of 8 x 30k per side
    2 sets of cables to finish.

    went back in eve for 6 sets of calves and 30 mins cardio

  26. #986
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    arms this morning. a little bit tired this morn and really feeling the cold. I think my BF is sub 10% at the moment and its ****ing freezing here in the UK!! Ill have to buy some thermal under wear!

    Weighted dips 1 warmup no weight then 3 sets of 8x50k
    EZ bar curls 3 sets of 12 x 50k
    Push downs V bar 3 sets of 18 x 50k
    Seated DB curls 3 sets of 8 x 26k per side

    later in afternoon did a load of ab work with medicine ball then went for a run on the hills with my dog in the eve.

  27. #987
    Gears's Avatar
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    Nice work bro. Keep it comming.

  28. #988
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Thx gears. Rest day from weights but very hectic at work. ended up in court most of the day going witness for my mate then while i was doing that the old bill started smashing the door in at work so had to get down there sharpish and sort all that mess out. Worked into the night and got in late but managed to go for a run this eve between shifts!

  29. #989
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    good session today. went and trained legs this morning and switched to 5x5 training for the main excercise.

    Squats 1 warmup set of 10 the 5 sets of 5 x 200k
    Leg press 3 sets of 8 x 300k supersetted with calf raises 3 sets of 18
    Leg ext 3 sets of 15 x 50k

    Pretty hard work that squatting thats 5000k lifted in about 20 mins! Road my bike to work (about 5 mies) then home afterwards and did a few sets of abs in eve. All good!

  30. #990
    Gears's Avatar
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    Thats a lot of sets for 20mins, keep it up.

  31. #991
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    shoulders this morning with the 5x5 routine again. All went well!

    Seated press 1 warmup then 5 sets of 5 x 60k per side
    Seated lateral raises 3 sets of 8 x 25k per side
    Sgrugs 3 sets of 8 x 160k
    Front raises 2 sets of 10 x 22k per side
    Upright rows 2 sets of 10 x 60k

    took some pics today at gym, im pretty happy with how im looking, just gonna keep adding the mass! Went for a run with my dog in the eve before work.

    Hmm for some reason the site is not letting me post pics ill try again later

  32. #992
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    pics from earlier
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Beast's Workout Log-areps.jpg   Beast's Workout Log-areps-1-.jpg   Beast's Workout Log-areps-4-.jpg   Beast's Workout Log-areps-5-.jpg   Beast's Workout Log-areps-6-.jpg  

  33. #993
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    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Beast's Workout Log-raeps-2-.jpg   Beast's Workout Log-raeps-3-.jpg  

  34. #994
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    rest day today. just going to go for a bike ride and do some abs a little later. Im pretty pleased with everything at the moment. particuarly happy about how my backs is looking as i felt it was lacking and have def added some good lean mass there over the last couple of months, Will get some leg shots maybe later today.

  35. #995
    Gears's Avatar
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    You blew the f*ck up from your pics in July.

  36. #996
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    Been having a lot of grief at home. My stepson is the victim of a crime and has to be a witness. The people he is up against are looking at serving a few years and he has had some unpleasant texts and calls which last night nearly ended up with him being kidnapped!! Got him to trial alright but the police forgot to bring his recorded interview to court so gotta do it all again today!! The people he is up against are just druggy *****oles and were too scared to even look at me in court. I called them a bunch of ****s for good measure!
    Anyhows i had to train VERY early before court but put in a good session anyway!

    Bench 5x5 at 140k needed help on the last rep of the last two sets.
    incline hammer machine 3 sets of 8x100k
    Flies 3 sets of 6 x 35k per side
    Cables 3 sets of 12

    rode my bike for 8 miles of cardio.

    Added DNP at 200mg which should shed a little BF and also help prevent hypos with the slin/igf combo.

  37. #997
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    does it seem like it you need more off days from resistance training as you increase in size? (i.e. takes longer to recover)

  38. #998
    RJstrong's Avatar
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    Nice training log. Sorry to hear about the drama... best advice I can give you is just keep taking your anger out on the steel. Anyway, bro... keep it up you're looking strong!!!

  39. #999
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    Tai - yes it did seem that way. Thats why i changed to a 2on 1 off program to give more recovery time. Im finding the cardio is helping a lot with recovery though. Since i began more regular and harder cardio my enegy levels have increased dramatically.

    RJ - thx mate, yes i will take my anger to the gym. Crack heads arent even worth me breaking my knuckles on.

  40. #1000
    Columbus's Avatar
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    Hey, I';m not going to trash your thread like you ridiculed me on a different thread in which I was trying to help a fellow not get fat with 8K calories, but I just want you to know it was low....low class and I refuse to step your level. We know who looks better. End it.

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