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  1. #1001
    Columbus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001 View Post
    Been having a lot of grief at home. My stepson is the victim of a crime and has to be a witness. The people he is up against are looking at serving a few years and he has had some unpleasant texts and calls which last night nearly ended up with him being kidnapped!! Got him to trial alright but the police forgot to bring his recorded interview to court so gotta do it all again today!! The people he is up against are just druggy *****oles and were too scared to even look at me in court. I called them a bunch of ****s for good measure!
    Anyhows i had to train VERY early before court but put in a good session anyway!

    Bench 5x5 at 140k needed help on the last rep of the last two sets.
    incline hammer machine 3 sets of 8x100k
    Flies 3 sets of 6 x 35k per side
    Cables 3 sets of 12

    rode my bike for 8 miles of cardio.

    Added DNP at 200mg which should shed a little BF and also help prevent hypos with the slin/igf combo.

    I guess God treats those how they treat others....hey, if things arent going well, just add more gear, hell, why stop now, I mean I think you just surpassed the most gear used by anyone on this board......where re the balloons, sparklers, fireworks!! Congrats!!

  2. #1002
    Mazzive_T's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Columbus View Post
    Hey, I';m not going to trash your thread like you ridiculed me on a different thread in which I was trying to help a fellow not get fat with 8K calories, but I just want you to know it was low....low class and I refuse to step your level. We know who looks better. End it.
    it wasnt 8k calories it was 6k, and im not fat im 6ft 194lbs with 16% bf. i didnt want your criticism i wanted your advice, but even then i didnt ask for it.

    So stop the over-exaggerating bullshit, like you normally do.

    Yeah we all know who looks better, and its not you.

    Why dont you post up some pics of you then in the members pics forum, and put the link here. Then we can judge who looks better, can't we?

    And as for your last post, about AAS usage, i cant really comment as beasts cycle is nothing to do with me, but what i can say for all to see is that beast has clearly stated in posts before this that he does not wish for you to post here. So why dont you respect his wishes, and not post, and especially not comment on his personal grief that he is currently encountering, and how you think that adding a compound to his cycle is a result of this.


  3. #1003
    Big Papi JR. is offline Junior Member
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    Sorry to hear about your problems Beast. Goodluck dealing with all that.

    I have a question about those cheque drops you used. How did you like that compound? Did you notice any dramatic strength increases or insane focus and aggression? This stuff seems real interesting.

    Also, are u taking any liver supps? 90mg of superdrol is an extremely high dose and could be extremely liver toxic.

    Goodluck man, I'll be following your journey.

  4. #1004
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    columbus go back to rehab you sad drug addict and stop giving people terrible diet advice. Unlike you the guy you were "advising" wants to grow and is not obsessed with seeing his abs 365 days of the year. its called bulking, something you know 0 about. You are not in a position to critique my AS use when you cannot control your rec drug use. get back to your pipe and STFU.

    Thanks for the sympathy guys all the probs are sorted now and my son gave his evidence today without any more grief. Hopefully that will be the end of it and the sad druggies will get a good long sentence.

    Pretty good day of training today lower back and hams this morning and upper back in the eve.

    Deads 5x5 started at 200k but realised i needed to drop the weight to complete the 5x5 so the final four sets were at 170k which was about right.
    st8 legged deads 3 sets of 8 x 120k
    Ham curls 3 sers of 15
    Low row 3 sets of 12 x 90k

    Chins with 10k 10,8,6,4
    Bent over rows 3 sets of 10 x 80k underhand
    Lat pulldown machine 3 sets of 12 x 90k
    Rear delt cables 3 sets of 12
    abs 9 sets

  5. #1005
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Papi JR. View Post
    Sorry to hear about your problems Beast. Goodluck dealing with all that.

    I have a question about those cheque drops you used. How did you like that compound? Did you notice any dramatic strength increases or insane focus and aggression? This stuff seems real interesting.

    Also, are u taking any liver supps? 90mg of superdrol is an extremely high dose and could be extremely liver toxic.

    Goodluck man, I'll be following your journey.
    I found the cheque drops helped me focus for powerlifting but would not use for any other reason. I dropped the oral masteron as it was making me tired and moody. that was about a week ago. feeling much better now and cardio is easier for some reason, I take a precription liver sup called livercure. I have found it improved appetite and i have no liver issues so it must be working!

  6. #1006
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    just realised i now have over 1000 posts in my log YAY!

  7. #1007
    camaro0583 is offline Junior Member
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    Exclamation can you help me?

    i just put an order for some clen , and need some advice. I am 6" and 275lbs, i want to bring my body fat below 10%. I already lost 20lbs on my own and still on my diet. I was wondering if you can give me some feed back and or food and work out schedule. Also if I should stack clen with anything or just take clen. also a good cycle to use clen for my goal.

    Thank you

  8. #1008
    spywizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Columbus View Post
    I guess God treats those how they treat others....hey, if things arent going well, just add more gear, hell, why stop now, I mean I think you just surpassed the most gear used by anyone on this board......where re the balloons, sparklers, fireworks!! Congrats!!
    wow.. i think especially since it is in his workout log.. this would be flaming.. lets try and not say things about people that is not supportive in their own logs..

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  9. #1009
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001 View Post
    just realised i now have over 1000 posts in my log YAY!
    Keep up all the GREAT work PB....


  10. #1010
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by camaro0583 View Post
    i just put an order for some clen , and need some advice. I am 6" and 275lbs, i want to bring my body fat below 10%. I already lost 20lbs on my own and still on my diet. I was wondering if you can give me some feed back and or food and work out schedule. Also if I should stack clen with anything or just take clen. also a good cycle to use clen for my goal.

    Thank you
    shoot me a pm. What is your current BF? What does your current diet look like?

  11. #1011
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    rest day yesterday so just cardio (rode to work and back about 8 miles all in)

    Legs today.

    5x5 squats at 210k
    leg press 3 sets of 8 x 340k
    calf raises 3 x 15 @ 340k
    leg ext 3 x 15

    might do cardio later but legs are ****ed so none this morn!!

    will do some boxing style ab work during the day.

  12. #1012
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    had to train this afternoon after a couple of long and windy bike rides to day so i was pretty tired already. Not ideal.

    EZ bar curls 3 sets of 10x50k
    EZ bar skull crushers 3 sets of 10x60k
    Standing DB curls 3 sets of 8 x 24k per side
    Pushdowns v bar 3 sets of 12x50k
    Standing cable double bis 2 sets of 15
    Single arm cable kickbacks 2 sets of 12

    And then had a nice rest before work tonight!!!

  13. #1013
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    had a rest day yesterday and just did the normal 8 miles of biking and some abs at work. Back at it today for shoulders

    5x5 seated hammer press at 65k per side and could have got 70 i think will move up next week
    Seated laterals 3 sets of 8 x 25k per side
    Shrugs 3 sets of 12 x 140k
    cable front raises 3 sets of 12

    went for a run with my dog in the eve and then chilled out.

  14. #1014
    Big Papi JR. is offline Junior Member
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    beast, what supps are you using atm?

    btw, i'm talking about otc/legal stuff lol

  15. #1015
    rocket22 is offline Junior Member
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    just read all 26 pages PB, really informative and will definitely be keeping up with your log. People like you are great assets to this board

  16. #1016
    Gears's Avatar
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    Don`t ever let this thread die beast, I`m counting on you!

  17. #1017
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Papi JR. View Post
    beast, what supps are you using atm?

    btw, i'm talking about otc/legal stuff lol
    Fish oil 8 caps a day. vit C 6000mg ED, b12 1000mg couple times a week, livercure, Nexgen mutivits 4 caps a day, Core 100% pre WO sup 1 scoop, 1 scoop dymatize iso 100 while training, 2 scoops WMS and crea mono PWO, +15 mins 2 scoops iso. Progen meal replacement with breakfast oats.

  18. #1018
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    thx rocket and gears glad you like it

  19. #1019
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    good strong back session this morning. Dropped the 5x5 as i felt it was robbing me of energy for my other excercises which are just as important. I am doing 3x5 now.

    3x5 Deads at 210k then 1 rep at 240k
    Weighterd chins with 10 kilos 3 sets of 8
    Low row hammer machine 3 sets of 8 x 40k per side
    Close grip pulldowns 3 sets of 8 x 60k

    Another 8 miles on the bike today.

  20. #1020
    llrockyll's Avatar
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    have you stopped taking BCAA's? i was thinking about dropping them myslef and switching to LBA's.

  21. #1021
    Fordfan01's Avatar
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    hey Pb have u gotten ne of my pm's? Seems like they aint been working right

  22. #1022
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    rocky, I have been drinking 1 scopp of iso 100 during training in my water as i have been unable to obtain my usual liquid aminos. I will be back on them when they arrive though.

    Ford - you got PM mate.

    Rest day today. Did some abs and went for a run with my dog.

  23. #1023
    Princes_Gate is offline Associate Member
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    I was on here a couple years ago but forgot my username. You got JACKED since I've been away!

    Good work mate, very impressive...Columbus still being Columbus I see, lol

  24. #1024
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    thx princes always good to hear!

  25. #1025
    Beefkake31's Avatar
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    Wow PB that's some amazing gains you've made from your first pics till now, you're starting to go from "he's pretty big" to "eh bro did you just see that guy".

  26. #1026
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Thx beef!!

    Another good day of training today. Legs.

    Squats 3 sets of 4x220k 240kx2 260kx1
    Leg press 3 sets of 8x380k
    Ham curls 3 sets of 15x90k
    Calf raises 3 sets of 12x380k

    No cardio today as my legs needed a break!

  27. #1027
    RJstrong's Avatar
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    Great job!!! I think your log is a great example of why the 3 powerlifts are so important to quality results. Nothing fancy just right to the point. Heavy compound movements work every time. Keep it up bro... besides getting really strong you're looking awesome!!!

  28. #1028
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Thx RJ. I couldnt agree more. I see so many people doing all isolation exercises in the gym from start to finish. They complain they cant get bigger but why would they? The body needs to be pushed and heavy compound movements are the key. I think people avoid them because they are hard but its the hard stuff that gets the results...

  29. #1029
    *El Diablo*'s Avatar
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    Nice pics Perfectbeast2001!

    Nice room bye the way!

  30. #1030
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Great chest sessi9on this morning. Feel really powerful this week so im making the most of it with some big lifts (for me!)

    Bench warmup 10x60k, 5x140k, 2x160k, 1x180k (yep four plates indeed!) 6x140k
    DB incline bench 3 sets of 10 x 40k per side
    DB flies 3 sets of 6 x 34k per side
    Cable x overs 3 sets of 15

    later did 9 sets of abs and rode to and from work.

  31. #1031
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    Rest yesterday and arms today. Ill make it quick cos im in between shifts and i dont have long.

    EZ bar curls 3 sets of 8x60k strict
    Weighted dips 12x0 8x50k 5x75k 3x75k drop set to 2x50k total failure
    Seated DB curls 3 sets of 8 x 26k per side
    cable pushdowns 3 sets of 15x50k

    Rode my usual 8 miles today the wind was a bastard though!

  32. #1032
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    another good day of training today. Really feeling well at the moment. I think the extra cardio is helping to give me energy and boost my immune system. I am recovering much faster than usual.

    Seated military shoulder press machine 5x160k 4x160k 4x160k
    Seated lateral DB raises 3 sets of 10x25k per side
    Upright rows 3 sets of 10x80k
    Front cable raises 3 sets of 15 x 30k

    Had a chill out round at my mums house for mothers day then back to the gym in eve for abs 9 sets and 30 mins at 130hr on the x trainer.

  33. #1033
    Maverick_J8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001 View Post

    Rode my usual 8 miles today the wind was a bastard though!
    Isn't it just. My gym was closed Saturday due to an electricity pylon falling in the road, which consequently cut off all the electricity supply to the sports centre.

    Missed session.

  34. #1034
    soulstealer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001 View Post
    Great chest sessi9on this morning. Feel really powerful this week so im making the most of it with some big lifts (for me!)

    Bench warmup 10x60k, 5x140k, 2x160k, 1x180k (yep four plates indeed!) 6x140k
    DB incline bench 3 sets of 10 x 40k per side
    DB flies 3 sets of 6 x 34k per side
    Cable x overs 3 sets of 15

    later did 9 sets of abs and rode to and from work.
    Yo congrats on that shit bro!!! awsome

  35. #1035
    johnsomebody's Avatar
    johnsomebody is offline Senior Member
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    Looks to me like if you were to compete now you'd blow everyone else away!

  36. #1036
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Hey thanks guys!

    Well had a rest day yesterday. Just did the usual biking for cardio,

    Today went really well. Trained lower back and hams in the morning and upper back abs in eve. No amazing heavy lifts this week though as im looking for more reps and let my body recover a little.

    deads 3 sets of 2x220k then 10x170k
    Straight leg deads 3 sets of 8x120k
    Bent over rows 3 sets of 8x120k
    Ham curls 3 sets of 12

    rode to work and back

    Then eve session
    3 sets of weighted chins 8x15k
    Lat pulldowns 3 sets of 10x70k
    Iso lat machine 3 sets of 8x50k per side
    side lat pulldown 3 sets of 12x70k
    Rear delt cable flies 3 sets of 8
    abs 9 sets

  37. #1037
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    chest this morning

    bench warmup then 3 sets of 140k for 5
    Decline bench 3 sets of 8x100k
    DB flies 3 sets of 8x30k per side
    Cable crossovers 3 sets of 12 last set drop set with 2 more sets of 10

    Biked to work as usual.

  38. #1038
    *El Diablo*'s Avatar
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    Well done Beast, but u go in the morning and then the evenings to Gym riight? Do you get more results like this? or do you just prefer it that way?

  39. #1039
    camaro0583 is offline Junior Member
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    Exclamation Clenbuterol question real OR FAKE

    here are some pictures need help... i want to make sure they are real before using.

    I belive they are white and on one side there is a letter C and the other side has a line

    On the back of the package it say's Clenbuterol .04... Is that the real thing??????

    Click image for larger version. 

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  40. #1040
    Schmidty's Avatar
    Schmidty is offline Test Is Best!
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    Quote Originally Posted by camaro0583 View Post
    here are some pictures need help... i want to make sure they are real before using.

    I belive they are white and on one side there is a letter C and the other side has a line

    On the back of the package it say's Clenbuterol .04... Is that the real thing??????

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_6460.JPG 
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Name:	IMG_6463.JPG 
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