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  1. #1041
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by camaro0583 View Post
    here are some pictures need help... i want to make sure they are real before using.

    I belive they are white and on one side there is a letter C and the other side has a line

    On the back of the package it say's Clenbuterol .04... Is that the real thing??????

    Attachment 88540
    Attachment 88539
    Attachment 88541
    Attachment 88542
    Please dont post stuff like this in my log. I do not do fake/real gear pics as I cannot keep up to date with all the ugls and changes ect. post it in the pics forum, there are guys there who will be able to help.

    I workout in the morning as i feel awake and strong then. I do my cardio in the eve after work as this is the only viable time i can do it,

    Forgot to log yesterday.

    Squats warmup x10 then 3 sets of 220k x4 then 2x240k
    Leg press 3 sets of 12x380k
    Calfes 6 sets standing and seated
    leg ext 3 sets of 12

    no cardio.

    Right now onto today

    dips weighted 3 sets of 10x50k
    EZ curls 6x70k then 2 sets of 12x50k
    Skull crushers 3 sets of 12x50k
    seated db curls 3 sets of 8x26k per side
    2 sets of rope pushdowns x20
    2 sets of rope close grip curls x15

    30 mins cardio and abs 9 sets in eve

  2. #1042
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    off day today. just did cardio. Rowing 6.4K in 30 mins.

  3. #1043
    *El Diablo*'s Avatar
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    Souf Afrika

  4. #1044
    rockinred's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=camaro0583;3859458]here are some pictures need help... i want to make sure they are real before using.

    I belive they are white and on one side there is a letter C and the other side has a line

    On the back of the package it say's Clenbuterol .04... Is that the real thing??????

    Camero??? wtf? This is a log thread, show some respect....I would just edit that stuff right now and ask for permission before doing something like that.

  5. #1045
    rockinred's Avatar
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    PB, good job on 180K... no small feat. good job, i'm still keepin an eye in here from time to time for motivation.

  6. #1046
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    thx rockin

    Felt like crap this morning. went and trained shoulders but did not have a great workout. Felt tired and my wrist hurt like hell.

    Seated shoulder press on smith 3 sets of 6x100k
    Seated lateral DB raises 3 sets of 10x24k per side
    Shrugs 3 sets of 8x150k
    cable front raises super setted with single arm lateral side raises 3 sets of 12 on each

    had a relaxing afternoon at home then back to the gym in eve for abs 9 sets and 30 mins cardio.

  7. #1047
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    legs today as my wrist was still aching.

    Squats warmup 15x70k then 3 sets of 10x170k
    Leg press 3 sets of 12x340k
    Calf raises 3 sets of 20x340k
    Leg ext 3 sets of 15

    relaxed at work for the rest of the day!

  8. #1048
    *El Diablo*'s Avatar
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    " Squats warmup 15x70k then 3 sets of 10x170k "

    Beast, thats heavy 170K.... Ur def inspiration

  9. #1049
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    thx el.thats my light high rep week....

    Trained this morn as i felt so full of energy that it was best to use it and take tomorrow off instead as ive got lots of work on tomorrow.

    Chest bench warmup 15x60k 5x140k 2x160k fail 180k 5x140k
    Incline hammer machine 10x45k per side, 6x65k per side 2x85k per side 5x65k per side
    DB incline flies 3 sets of 8x30k per side
    abs 12 sets

    30 mins cardio

  10. #1050
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Rest day today. cardio AM a couple of miles up on the hills mountain biking. Then chilled out. my legs ****ing ache though!

  11. #1051
    jAcKeD!!!!'s Avatar
    jAcKeD!!!! is offline chemically engineered
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    those are some huge improvements in the past couple of years !! congrads bro.

    what are you currently cycling now? i wasnt able to find anythign but it on ur first post 2 yrs ago

  12. #1052
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    hey jacked. i currently run TRT with a shot of test EW and GH ED. I also use slin or igf PWO. just finished a cycle of tren ,test and winny. Wont be using tren again after some nasty sides.

    Trained back this morn.

    Deads warmup 10x70k then 10x170k, 5x220k 4x220k had to stop due to back aching
    chins 3 sets of 8 very slow reps
    close grip pulldowns 3 sets of 9x70k
    low row machine 3 sets of 12x70k
    rear delt cable flies 3 sets of 12

    going back to gym later not sure what im doing yet going to see how the back feels.

  13. #1053
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    damn i been snowed under with work and missed the log yesterday. great problems for my OCD!! Anyhow i just did cardio so that nice and easy. I rested from weights as im trying to get my workouts to start fitting specific days so my missis can come to the gym with me more (she gets pissed when she realises its a rest day)

    Today did Shoulders in the morn and arms in eve.

    Seated shoulder press warmup 40kx15 then 120kx10 160kx4 120kx6
    Seated DB laterals 3 sets of 10x25k per side
    Upright rows 3 sets of 10x60k
    front cable raises 3 sets of 10
    abs 9 sets

    then in eve
    dips warmup no weight x15 then 50kx10 75kx4 50kx7 25k x 6
    str8 bar curls 3 sets of 12x40k
    st8 bar pushdowns 3 sets of 15x70k
    concentration curls (i hate these) 26k per side x 6 20k per side x 6 20k per side x 5
    rope pushdowns 2 sets of 15
    ez bar cable curls 2 sets of 15
    abs 3 sets
    cardio 20 mins.

    Back on HRT dosing now 1 shot test EW and peptides here and there oh and GH 4iuED glotropin. First time i used this brand ill let you know what its like in a week or so.

  14. #1054
    Obro's Avatar
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    It's taken me about 3 weeks (stop / start) to read every post on all 27 pages.
    Inspirational suff and your dedication and focus could not be bettered.
    I was dissapointed to read you might not compete again in Apil. I was looking forward to that almost as much as the Masters.
    Thanks for a great read PB.
    I'll continue to follow your journey for sure.

  15. #1055
    B*R*A*D UK's Avatar
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    keep up the good work.
    i dj so i now what them nights are like . good job bouncing. i live near tall trees in the uk no loads of dore lads

  16. #1056
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Hey guys thanks a lot im glad your enjoying the thread. And good to see more UK guys getting involved here too!

    Trained legs this morning.

    Squats warmup 15x70k 10x120k 8x170k 6x220k 4x240k 1x270k (not quite parralel though as no spot and felt a little unsafe)
    Front squats 3 sets of 8x120k
    Leg ext 3 sets of 15

    Went down to a specialist sports show store after training and got fitted with a pair of trainers. Guy was very helpful and i ended up leaving with the most comfortable supportive trainers i have ever worn. I suffer from hard skin and blisters when doing cardio so these along with the special socks he sold me are invaluable. All in £90. Considering many pay that and more for fashion trainers then i would say its money well spent.

  17. #1057
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    hey guys, rest day today but did cardio this morning. the new trainers and socks are great - no more pain!! cardio is actually enjoyable!

  18. #1058
    hdrider135 is offline Banned
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    any new pictures?

  19. #1059
    Obro's Avatar
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    Hi PB,
    I could be wrong but I can't recall seeing any forearm isolation excercises like wrist curls. Sometimes I think it's overkill and they get worked enough but I always chuck em in on really good days. What's your thoughts on that dude?
    Last edited by Obro; 03-19-2008 at 03:25 AM.

  20. #1060
    ironaddict69's Avatar
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    What nasty sides did you get from tren Beast?

  21. #1061
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    no new pics yet im afraid. obro i dont do any forearm iso excercises but i do use grippers (captain of crush) and powerballs at work.
    Hey iron if you look at the Tais cycle advice thread i have written a pretty concise summary of my tren sides there.

    bit of a mad day today.

    Trained chest this morn

    Falt bench 15x60k 10x100k 6x140k 2x160k
    incline DB press 3 sets of 10x40k per side
    DB pullovers 3 sets of 8 x 40k
    DB flies 2 sets of 10x25k per side
    Cable x overs 2 sets of 20

    Got arrested on way to work and pent 7 hours in the cells did about 1000 crunches while i was there. Just got out on bail tonight

  22. #1062
    Obro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001 View Post

    Got arrested on way to work and pent 7 hours in the cells did about 1000 crunches while i was there. Just got out on bail tonight
    Dude thats 3 times since your log started. None of our business but I'd love to know why. Good old human natured noseyness.

  23. #1063
    CUTLIFTER is offline New Member
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    4 X 75KG on dips!! Awesome!! Id like to see the vid of that.
    Im up to 60kg for 5ish reps. Im 79 kilos, awesome exercise, so hard, like weighted chins.

  24. #1064
    PT's Avatar
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    bro you are one of the most dedicated and hard working people i have ever seen. if you can stay out of jail you'll be golden. im not sure how it is in the uk but you dont want to me in an american cell in the winter months because there crowded and cold as hell. anyway you have a close to perfect diet and a perfect routine. i will definatly be checking back

  25. #1065
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    Thx guys!! its not that im really doing anything wrong myself. I do security work for a variety of places and people. Some of the people who employ me seem to be quite popular with the police. I dont ask questions i just do my job. Sometimes i get pulled into things because of this but the charges are always dropped as i am not involved in anything illeagal myself.

    Trained back this morning.

    Weighted chins 3 sets of 6x10k
    Deads warmup 15x60k 10x100k 10x140k 8x180k 5x220k popped a vessel in my eye and it filled with blood!
    Seated low pulley row 3 sets of 12 with stack
    hypers 2 sets of 10
    Rear delt flies with cable 3 sets of 10
    Ham curls 2 sets of 20

    went back later for 30 mins cardio.

  26. #1066
    hdrider135 is offline Banned
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    hey beast how much time do you wait between your PWO shake and your PPWO meal? thanks

  27. #1067
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    hey HD. I have a pwo shake straight after workout containing 80g of waxy maizre starch and 5g creatine mono. Then 15 mins later I have 50g of whey isolate. Then 45 mins later i eat a meal with 40g pro and 80g complex carbs.

    Rest day today just did cardio AM for 30 mins.

  28. #1068
    hdrider135 is offline Banned
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    thanks for the good info man keep up the good work

  29. #1069
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    after a good rest yesterday back at it again this morning for a good session

    Weighted dips 15x no weight 10x50k 4x75k 6x50k 15x no weight
    ezbar curls 3 sets of 10x50k
    tricep pushdowns 3 sets of 15
    DB curls 3 sets of 9x26k per side
    overhead rope triceps 2 sets of 20
    cable double bis 2 sets of 12

    went back in eve for 30 mins cardio

  30. #1070
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    good session today. got it all out the way in the morn as i have work tonight due to the bank holiday weekend.


    Seated hammer press 3 sets of 12x75k per side
    Seated lateral raises 3 sets of 8x26k per side
    DB front raises 3 sets of 12 x 22k per side
    Shrugs 150k x 10 170kx8 190kx6
    abs 9 sets
    cardio 30 mins,

  31. #1071
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    worked late again last night but still managed to get my ass up for legs this morning...

    squats 15x70k 10x170k 5x220k 1x260k 8x170k
    front squats 3 sets of 6x120k
    leg press machine 3 sets of 12x180k
    calf raises 3 sets of 25x180k
    leg ext 3 sets of 12

    no cardio today.

  32. #1072
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    rest yesterday then chest this morning.

    Flat bench 60kx10 100kx10 140kx2 160kx1 180k fail.
    decline bench 3 sets of 10x100k
    Flat DB flies 3 sets of 8x26k per side
    cables 3 sets of 12
    cardio 30 mins.

  33. #1073
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    back and hams today.

    Chins 4 sets of 6 weighed at 10k with mixed grips
    Deads 10x170k 5x220k 4x220k
    BB rows 3 sets of 8x110k
    lat pulldown machine 3 sets of 10 x 90k
    Straight leg deads 3 sets of 10x110k

    cardio 30 mins abs 9 sets.

  34. #1074
    Lach01 is offline Associate Member
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    hey PB awesum log, made me well motivated, put mine to shame lol keep up the hard work.

    How do you find doing back and hams together? get better pull on the hams when they havent been done with quads?

  35. #1075
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lach01 View Post
    hey PB awesum log, made me well motivated, put mine to shame lol keep up the hard work.

    How do you find doing back and hams together? get better pull on the hams when they havent been done with quads?
    Thanks buddy. Well the main reason i do back and hams together is because i like straight leg deads for hams. I suffer from lower back pain if i overuse my back so i find by keeping all stressfulll back bending excercises to one day it gives my lower back plenty of recovery and i dont get so much pain.

    Had a bit of a mammoth day today as i am changing my workout days around next week (to suit my missis) so i had to cram two in today.

    Rhis morning shoulders

    seated press 3 sets of 8x60k per side
    Lateral DB raises 3 sets of 15 x 22.5k per side
    Upright row 3 sets of 12x60k
    rear delt flies 3 sets of 10

    cardio 30 mins

    then back in eve for arms

    weighted dips 20 no weight 3 sets of 8x50k then 10xno weight
    Decline DB curls 3 sets of 8x22.5k per side
    Pushdowns on cable 3 sets of 12x70k
    Preacher curl 3 sets of 8 (dont know the weight)
    Rope pushdowns 2 sets of 15
    close grip super set with wide grip curls 2 sets of 10x40k wide and 8x20k close

  36. #1076
    Lach01 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001 View Post
    Thanks buddy. Well the main reason i do back and hams together is because i like straight leg deads for hams. I suffer from lower back pain if i overuse my back so i find by keeping all stressfulll back bending excercises to one day it gives my lower back plenty of recovery and i dont get so much pain.
    may give a shot like that have a back injury from rugby from when i was younger and didnt think of keeping all the similar movements together. once again keep up the good work, how tall are you btw if you dont mind me asking?

  37. #1077
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    5' 9" mate im a short arse!

  38. #1078
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    reast day yesterday (just abs and cardio) then back at it today. Went out to a friends party last night (karaoke) and had 2 pints of guiness. Thats about the same ammount of alcohol i drank in the whole of the year!! I was a bit wobbly!! i am an ex alcoholic so i wasnt sure if it was a great idea but i actually was able to stop drinking and say no more which i could never have done before. Bodybuilding is far too important for me now to just say **** it and jeopordise a weeks training by getting rat assed. So i wont be drinking again for a year or so!! It made me weaker today.

    Bench 15x60k 12x100k 6x140k 1x160k failed! then fail again lesson - dont drink!)
    Incline hammer press 15x40k per side 12x55k per side 7x70k per side
    DB flies 3 sets of 8x37.5k per side
    cable x overs 3 sets of 12 very slow and holding the last part of movement.

    had a rest then back in eve for 45mins cardio.

  39. #1079
    goose is offline Banned
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    God damm,I love it,real hardcore character,never knew you had problems with booz.Sky is the limit for you beast,dont forget to post a review on the HGH your using.

  40. #1080
    Obro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001 View Post
    reast day yesterday (just abs and cardio) then back at it today. Went out to a friends party last night (karaoke) and had 2 pints of guiness. Thats about the same ammount of alcohol i drank in the whole of the year!! I was a bit wobbly!! i am an ex alcoholic so i wasnt sure if it was a great idea but i actually was able to stop drinking and say no more which i could never have done before. Bodybuilding is far too important for me now to just say **** it and jeopordise a weeks training by getting rat assed. So i wont be drinking again for a year or so!! It made me weaker today.

    Bench 15x60k 12x100k 6x140k 1x160k failed! then fail again lesson - dont drink!)
    Incline hammer press 15x40k per side 12x55k per side 7x70k per side
    DB flies 3 sets of 8x37.5k per side
    cable x overs 3 sets of 12 very slow and holding the last part of movement.

    had a rest then back in eve for 45mins cardio.
    Jeezuz. I just did a PB on the bench of 3 x 80kg. You're doing 100% more. Awesome.

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