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  1. #641
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    Trained legs this morning, didnt feel great at the start but mood improved during WO.

    Squats 4 working sets 200k for 2 being the last.
    Leg press 3 working sets in the 12-15 rep range
    Leg ext 3 working sets 10-15 reps

    Calf raisess on leg press 3 sets
    Calf machine 2 sets
    abs 6 sets

    Had a sports massage again tonight, he found my legs were very tight and he loosened them up nicely. Then i went to sauna and chilled.

  2. #642
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    off day today, just cardio and chilling!

  3. #643
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    back at it today with upper back, bis and abs. good workout especially bis which i shot with IGF pre WO and were pumped to all hell afterwards

    BB rows 4 working sets up to 120k for 6
    Pulldowns widegrip behind neck 3 working sets
    Hammer strength MTS rows 3 working sets
    single arm lat pulldowns 2 high rep sets

    Seated DB curls 3 working sets
    Preacher curls 3 working sets

    Abs 6 sets.

    Usual Slin PWO. Will be running some brown top GH as of next week long with the slin and coming off the IGF tomorrow for 5 weeks. I am going to do 300iu brown tops then run some jins and see how the two compare as there is much specualtion at the moment about the qulity of generics compared to jins.

  4. #644
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    2nd chest day + delts today. Really good session, totally pumped and vascular in gym and feeling great.

    Incline chest press 4 working sets up to 120k for 6
    Seated smith shoulder press 3 wroking sets up to 120k for 6
    Lateral DB raises 3 working sets up to 24k per side
    Front cable raises 3 working sets
    shrugs 3 working sets
    upright cable rows 3 working sets

    Woo good pump and came out of gym feeling tops...

  5. #645
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    rest today

  6. #646
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    another great WO today. my new split is giving me much better recovery.
    Lower back and hams this morn and i will be back this eve for abs and cardio plus a nice sauna!

    Deads 4 working sets up to 200k for 4
    BB rows underhand 3 working sets up to 140k for 6
    Str8 legged deads 3 working sets up to 140k for 5
    Ham curls machine 3 working sets

    well happy with those weights and really pumped afterwards. Great!

  7. #647
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Felt a little tired this morning although i had a pretty good sleep. Anyhow didnt feel great for WO but it went well anyhows...

    flat smith 3 working sets up to 120k for 6
    decline press machine 3 working sets
    DB incline flies 3 working sets up to 30k per side for 8
    Cable x overs flies seated 2 sets to pump.

    Dips 3 working sets up to 40k added for 8
    Tricep machine 3 working sets

    Cardio in eve.

  8. #648
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    Ruckin with the Rozzers!!
    i know its been a while but thanks for the advice will chat to him.been away a

  9. #649
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Leg day today, it was real good. Little eph before WO and i was ready to roll!!

    Squats 4 sets up to 200k for 4 (failed at 5)
    Leg press 3 working sets up to 400k for 8
    Leg ext 3 working sets
    Calf raises on leg press 3 working sets
    Calf machine 3 working sets

    Still shooting slin PWO at 14iu with 80g WMS + pro (30G iso)

    Back on a little DNP run too and using the infamous red/white caps. Less sides but better results!! lost half a K of fat already!! Looking lean and pumped!! Will get some pics this week..

    Back in the eve for abs 10 sets then into the steam room and spa...

  10. #650
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    rest day cardio only

  11. #651
    Mike Dura's Avatar
    Mike Dura is offline Senior Member
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    I admire your commitment and dedication. I wish I trained in a gym with guys like you. Back in the eightees I took for granted that I was surrounded by a gym full of serious bodybuilders. Even though I was just a teen, they admired my work ethic and I admired their incredible physiques and experience. These days, I don't see anyone in the gym who's as serious as I am about going at it. Back in the day, I'd trust anyone to spot me during squats and I felt confident about going to failure or doing forced reps. These days, that would be a mistake.

  12. #652
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    ^yes mate tell me about it!! Mind you all those idiots who look like crap in the gyms are making guys like us look better!! More idiots I say!!! Apart from when i need a spot on leg day...

  13. #653
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    LoL. Yeah but people in the gym kind of gawk at you and I don't know about you but it's hard to keep yourself composed. Sometimes I feel my face twitching. To be honest though, I liked being around people who were better because I'd hook up with them and train even harder. I'll never forget training legs with this Jewish guy Scott Cohen who had freaky huge legs and did it all. Supersets, giant sets, descending sets, super high reps...The next day I'd have the shitz. He was juiced to the gills for sure but this guy trained so hard. I learned what I was made of and at the end of the day, I could confidently say, I can train as hard as anyone down there. I felt proud about that. I love the challenge and I love being thrown in almost over my head. When everyone around you is training like beasts, it brings out your, dare I say it, "perfect beast" LoL

    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    ^yes mate tell me about it!! Mind you all those idiots who look like crap in the gyms are making guys like us look better!! More idiots I say!!! Apart from when i need a spot on leg day...

  14. #654
    hillshooter is offline Associate Member
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    Beast, I can't find it if you have posted. What is your new split exactly? Call me a copycat.

  15. #655
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    sun - lower back and hams + abs
    mon - chest and tris
    Tues - quads and calves + abs
    weds off
    Thurs - upper back and bis + abs
    Fri - Incline bench and delts + traps

    all main body parts get 3-4 excercises for 3-4 working sets of 6-12 reps, always to failure on each working set as i build the weight.
    Smaller parts get 2-3 excercises for 3 sets each. again same rep range.
    Ideally it would look like 1st excercise warmup set (no more warmups at all for this bodypart) then 1st set 10-12 reps to fail, up weight then 8-10 reps to fail, up weight then 6-8 reps to fail. Repeat for each excercise apart from warmup.

  16. #656
    hillshooter is offline Associate Member
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    looks like a great split. I am going to try it

  17. #657
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    I made it specifically to target back width as i was told this was a weak point in last comp. I also added two bench days as i am trying to build strenth and mass in upper body. It all seems to be working well for me.

  18. #658
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    edited due to Ross,s stupid post being removed... Thx admin or mod!!
    Last edited by perfectbeast2001; 05-16-2007 at 04:42 PM.

  19. #659
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Started feeling a bit crappy this morn, i have some kind of bug which is a bit of a cough but no big deal but once into the WO it went great.

    Chins 3 sets
    DB rows 3 sets up to 40k per side for 10
    Lat pulldowns 3 sets
    Kneeling cable rear delts 3 sets + one set standing to finish

    BB curls 3 sets
    Cable curls single arm 3 sets
    Standing cable (in fonr bi pose) 3 sets

    HUGE pump in Bis, I used glycerol today so i think that helped some. 2 tablespoons in pre WO shake with about 2 pints of water.

  20. #660
    Zelos is offline Associate Member
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    Impressive legs , amazing !!!!
    It's definitivly your strong point !
    btw , how seo worked on your bi's ?

  21. #661
    Columbus's Avatar
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    Last edited by Columbus; 05-18-2007 at 11:20 AM.

  22. #662
    bpm1's Avatar
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    lost in translation
    Quote Originally Posted by Columbus
    PB hate me, but this one toss're body is dying bro....reason why you feel like shit everyday...look how many times you are sticking yourself with shit....comon
    sorry to jump on your thread pb i read this post and reacted but ive edited it. sometimes its hard to keep my mouth shut, anyways still following along and watching your progress, peace brother!
    Last edited by bpm1; 05-18-2007 at 03:42 PM.

  23. #663
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Thx BPM, Columbus I have reported your ridiculous post. How many times must I ask you to stay out of my thread... And you have the nerve to say MY body is dying, Look in the mirror! PPl get ill some times thats life. Get over it and go eat some food.

    Good session yesterday and rest day today. Didnt have time to post yesterday as i worked right through till late, anyhows.

    Incline bench 3 sets at 120k for 6
    Standing BB shoulder press 3 sets up to 60k for 8 (careful form no bouncing with legs)
    Seated lateral DB raises 3 sets up to 14k per side for 10
    Front cable raises 3 sets
    Shrugs with BB up to 170k for 6

    Rest day with no cardio but im working day and night. Planning on a little cheat day tomorrow and going to an american italian restaraunt for Calzone and choccy fudge sundae MMMMM!!!

  24. #664
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    Great WO this morn, still got a bit of a cough and runny nose (as well as everyone else in my workplace) but this kind of made me angry that it might mess with my lifting so i went in to gym psyched. Motorhead on MP3. Some little kid was doing DB curls at the squat rack (where i wanted to Deadlift) and was using vinyl girls weights doing like 200 reps so i went over and headbutted the bar (big bump on head) Growled and loaded bar up with plates. Kid moved away.

    Deads 1 warmup followed by three working sets up to 200k for 4
    Stiff legged deads 3 working sets up to 150k for 6
    Ham curls 3 working sets heavy (dont know weight as plates are just numbered.

    That took me 45 mins so i stopped there. Abs later!!

  25. #665
    Zelos is offline Associate Member
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    PB how worked syntherol on your bi's ?
    amazing legs bro !

  26. #666
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    I ran a syntherol log you can read it there in my sig. I was not able to ascertain how much of a result was permanent due to the drastic cut in BF I had to attain before comp, I would say I am now happier with my Bis as they look more even and rounded. I will possiblt try an SEO again there but with my lower BF so i can monitor results more accurately.

    Feeling really shitty and ill today. Totally bunged up cou***ng and sneezing ect. Still trained though and i am having off day tomoorow.

    Flat bench 3 working sets 130k for 6 last set drop set.
    Incline DB bench 3 wroking sets of 40k for 8,
    Cable flies 4 working sets of 12..10,8,6

    Skull crushers 3 working sets 40k x 8 last set followed by close grip press for 8
    Rope pushdowns 3 working sets last set triple drop set.

  27. #667
    Zelos is offline Associate Member
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    so the use of seo was not concluded for you ?

  28. #668
    BigLittleTim is offline Senior Member
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    Say it aint so...

    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    Some little kid was doing DB curls at the squat rack (where i wanted to Deadlift) and was using vinyl girls weights doing like 200 reps so i went over and headbutted the bar (big bump on head) Growled and loaded bar up with plates. Kid moved away.
    This is NOT the PerfectBeast I know!

    MY PerfectBeast encourages everyone to strive to be his or her best, in and out of the gym.

    Perhaps now the kid realizes there's no place for him in weightlifting and it would be better for him to be at home watching television and eating snacks.

  29. #669
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    ^LOL well i get a little over excited on deadlift day!! and the vinyl weights were too much for me too take!! I'm hoping it motivated him to growl and headbutt a vinyl DB before commencing his 200 reps.

    Back at the gym after an off day yesterday. Leg day with a bit of a cold is not much fun but it went pretty well.

    Squats 4 working sets 190 for 6 being the heaviest
    Leg press 3 working sets 320k for 10 heaviest
    Leg ext 3 working sets

    Calves 6 sets
    abs 9 sets

  30. #670
    BigLittleTim is offline Senior Member
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    P.B., while you're at it, put a bug in his ear that he's not working-out with enough weight, or with correct form, and shouldn't be on the squat rack doing curls anyway.

    Slip in a word about diet, and eating enough protein during the day, and getting off the fat & sugary snacks...

    Kids like that always remind me of who I was twenty years ago. Wonder what my earlier life would have been like if a real bodybuilder, who knew how to work-out, had made me feel at home in a gym...

    With the muscles comes the role-model thing, too. Guys will take their cue from you. You've inspired how many guys on A.R. over the years? Don't forget about the young fellas who see you everyday at the gym.


  31. #671
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    ^ I would dearly love to give advice but it kind of screwed me up at my old gym which is one of the reasons i changed gyms. Many of the guys at the old gym asked for advice on "getting bigger". When the advice I gave them was based around "boring" thhings like diet ( i even wrote out free diets for some ppl) and training those ppl began to talk about me behind my back. They would say I only got results because of the HUGE ammounts of gear i was apparently taking. Now I even helped some guys with cycle advice and was very honest about my own cycles but when my advice was for sensible dose and duration followed by good PCT they started gossiping again and saying I was constantly on gear ect ect... It got real old. The bottom line was that they could not be bothered to do a proper diet or train hard and they would rather blame my results on drug use than admit there sub standard reults were due to lack of dedication. I am trying to keep myself to myself at the new gym to avoid such pettiness. I am however writing a book while i work in the day (im the manager so i get lots of spare time!!) and i hope my experiences in book format might be able to help others achieve there goals!!!!

    Upper back and Bis today. awesome pumps!!

    Chins 3 sets
    BB rows 4 working sets 140k for six being best
    Lat pulldown 3 working sets
    Cable rear delts standing 3 working sets

    Incline bench DB curls 3 sets
    Standing BB curls 3 sets
    Preacher curls machine 2 sets.

    Arms were about to explode!!!

  32. #672
    Mick_540 is offline Junior Member
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    when's the book coming out pb?

  33. #673
    BigLittleTim is offline Senior Member
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    Yeah, I've gotten some of that too. Still, I try to offer encouragement where I see that it might do some good.

    Jealousy is a terrible thing. Added to laziness it becomes truly ugly. If I wanted to become a millionaire, I'd find the richest man I knew and ask him how he did it. If I wanted to become a competitive bodybuilder I'd find the biggest guy in my gym and ask him how HE did it.

    Finding out that it's nothing but a lot of hard work and discipline and hanging on when everyone else has let go, and then badmouthing the successful guy who's clued you in on the way to go, is just typical lazy-ass folly.

    Congrats on the new job in management, and having the leisure to write a book! Know it's gonna be a great resource for the serious bodybuilder.


  34. #674
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    Feeling knackered today from the DNP and hot weather!! got through a workout which in the end turned out well.

    Incline bench 3 sets 130k for 6
    Shoulder press machine 3 sets with stack
    Seated lateral DB raises 3 sets 14k per sider for 10
    Seated DB shrugs 3 sets 12 with 40k per side
    BB upright rows 3 sets with 60k

    abs 9 sets.

  35. #675
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    ^^ thx tim I hope the book turns out well, its going to be a getting in shape for the average joe type book based on my experiences.

    Rest day today.

  36. #676
    JUGGERNAUT69 is offline New Member
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    dude still cant find nothing on clen !!

  37. #677
    JUGGERNAUT69 is offline New Member
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    Help!! cant find your faq

  38. #678
    Zelos is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JUGGERNAUT69
    Help!! cant find your faq
    Clen Faq. You better like it it took me ages.

  39. #679
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    Good session today. I am a little bit unsettled today as i have to work wierd hours and i usually have a day off today but due to bank holiday i am running security for a big party. My OCD goes crazy when times and meals change!! Still i had a good one at the gym and got a good set of heavy daeds out, the heaviest I have ever done under 90k bodyweight.

    Deads 4 working sets and 1 warmup last set 210k for 3
    Good mornings 3 working sets up to 80k for 10
    Ham curls 4 working sets last set a drop set
    abs 6 sets

  40. #680
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    worked till 4am so i slept in and made this an off day, I will have to train through the week now but sleep is im,portant!!
    Good party at work last night (bank holiday free party) Swifto was there but he was just a little bit drunk!!!

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