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  1. #481
    BigLittleTim is offline Senior Member
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    New pics look GREAT! Very noticeable increase in size of biceps. Congrats!

    Question: When was the last time you were completely off cycle? Your use and combination of A.S. and other compounds are very well thought-out. I'm wondering how you'll apply your knowledge in the off season. What do you intend to do for, and after, PCT? How long will you be off before your next cycle, and do you intend to do some bridging with Test. when "off"?

    Inquiring minds want to know!


  2. #482
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    hey tim hope you are well. Thanks mate glad you liked the pics. Well i have been running a very long cycle due to the upcoming comp in april. I will be having at least 3 months off of AS directly after comp. I will be running an agressive PCT and then I will continue to run an AI. I will also be running GH,IGF,MGF,SLIN in various combos during off time. This will allow me to recover and hopefully carry on growing. I will be monitoring blood levels and posting them throughout this time.

    Bit of a change around today as i train legs with a friend in the afternoon. So it was back to AM cardio then off to train legs at 4.30pm. Had a great session. Nice heavy squatting and got a solid pump going.

    leg ext light warmup 2 sets
    Squats 6 sets (managed 8@180k and 4@190k for heavier sets) all good form.
    Leg press 4 sets last set with a drop set (that hurt)!
    Leg extensions 3 sets
    ham curls 4 sets.

  3. #483
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    trained this morning, weights followed by cardio. I really enjoy morning training now. Feel more awake and much stronger.

    Seated machine shoulder press 4 sets
    DB lateral raises 4 sets
    DB front raises 3 sets
    shrugs DB 3 sets
    Upright cable rows 2 light sets to pump.

  4. #484
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    well I did my arms today and now I have a 2 day rest period. Again the AM training was better.

    Dips weighted 3 sets
    Close grip bench 3 sets
    rope pulldowns 2 sets

    abs 6 sets

    Seated DB hammer curls 3 sets
    DB concentration curls 3 sets

    30 mins cardio.

  5. #485
    jbarkley's Avatar
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    Beast, I hate to bother you, but I read so many differing opinions on reconstituting Long R3 Igf. I got the bottles from Lions and they are one Ml vials. I have BW and just ordered some AA as I have read the BW causes breakdown of the Igf. 1 ML is = to 1000 Mcg so in reconstituting with 2 mil. of liquid then would 1 cc be = to 500 mcg? Thanks for any help that you can give me, I have read your post and you obviously have a wealth of knowledge and I respect your intel.

    Livestrong, Jeff

  6. #486
    RIPPED BAZ is offline New Member
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    absolutly brillant thread , keep up that hard work bro and the best of luck

  7. #487
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbarkley
    Beast, I hate to bother you, but I read so many differing opinions on reconstituting Long R3 Igf. I got the bottles from Lions and they are one Ml vials. I have BW and just ordered some AA as I have read the BW causes breakdown of the Igf. 1 ML is = to 1000 Mcg so in reconstituting with 2 mil. of liquid then would 1 cc be = to 500 mcg? Thanks for any help that you can give me, I have read your post and you obviously have a wealth of knowledge and I respect your intel.

    Livestrong, Jeff
    hey there mate. Lions stuff comes with 10ml of solution (sodium chloride) simply reconstitute with that and you will have a solution that corresponds to the marks on a u100 pin (20iu = 20mcg and so on). It will keep fine in the fridge for a long period.

  8. #488
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Well i just had 2 days off the weights. Stayed on with cardio of course. Back to the gym today though. Feeling good after time off. Diet has remained pretty much the same and im still dropping fat.

    Deads 4 sets
    chins 3 sets
    BB rows 3 sets
    Close grip pulldowns 3 sets
    rear delt cable flies 3 sets
    cardio 20mins

    second cardio session in eve in between pro/fat meals 30 mins.

  9. #489
    mamias20918756 is offline Associate Member
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    Eating chicken with pasta
    nice bro i assume u converted 2 of ur meals, which are consumed before eve cardio, from carb/pro to fat/pro?
    So u limited ur carb meals to 3??
    Also why not up the cardio to 30 min 2ice a day?

    Great log bro...keep us posted

  10. #490
    jbarkley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    hey there mate. Lions stuff comes with 10ml of solution (sodium chloride) simply reconstitute with that and you will have a solution that corresponds to the marks on a u100 pin (20iu = 20mcg and so on). It will keep fine in the fridge for a long period.
    Thanks Bro, I appreciate your time and knowledge.....

  11. #491
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mamias20918756
    nice bro i assume u converted 2 of ur meals, which are consumed before eve cardio, from carb/pro to fat/pro?
    So u limited ur carb meals to 3??
    Also why not up the cardio to 30 min 2ice a day?

    Great log bro...keep us posted
    they were already pro fat. I only eat carbs pre and post workout when cutting.
    I wont up cardio every day yet as there is no need. I am cutting quite happily, no point going overboard and wasting muscle mass. Ill save that for the final 4 weeks if needed.

    Trained chest today. Looking quite lean but still fairly ful which is great. Veins and definition starting to show nicely.

    Flat DB bench 4 sets
    Incline flies DB 3 sets
    Incline hammer machine press 3 sets
    Pec decl 3 sets
    cable flies 3 sets

    abs 6 sets
    cardio 30mins.

    PWO straight away then home for ppwo an hour later. Then im off to workd for the day with a lunch box full of pro/fat meals.

  12. #492
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    had a high carb day today. Basically swapped a pro/fat meal for a pre workout carb/pro meal and also added prunes to my other 2 carb meals today. I am doing this every leg day for a little added energy and to boost metabolism (I prefer to do this than having a cheat meal). I have a feeling my RBC is climbing as im feeling a little tired lately. Having some bloodwork next week. I will also be ordering some blood donor kit from a medical supply site so i can lose a pint of blood this week. I know it seems extreme but I would rather do these things myself than let some annoying doctor lecture me for 30 mins while he does it.

    Great leg day today, got a new personal record squat. 200k for 4 good below parralell reps. Knee wraps and neoprene belt were worn.

    Light leg ext. warmup 3 sets
    Squats 6 sets
    Leg press 4 sets (lasr set drop set)
    leg extensions 3 sets
    ham curls 3 sets
    standing calf 4 sets

    Damn my legs hurt like all hell now!

  13. #493
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    carbs back to 250g today. Feeling a bit tired still - probably due to increase RBC. I have booked in to blood clinic for friday so no need to do it myself!!

    DB press 4 sets
    Lateral DB raises 4 sets
    Shrugs 4 sets
    Front cable raises 4 sets

    30 mins cardio.

  14. #494
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Trained arms this morning and a bit of abs. Starting to feel real drowsy during the day so I know my RBC is up. Cant wait to lose some blood tomorrow!! Arms felt good training. Weighed in at 94kilos this morning. Also decided to use clen for run up to contest despite recent worries about heart cell death, i shall be using 10g of Taurine ED to help counteract this alledged problem

    EZ bar curls 3 sets
    Preacher machine 3 sets
    DB curls 2 sets

    abs 6 sets

    V bar pushdowns 3 sets
    Close grip bench 3 sets
    kickbaks 2 sets

  15. #495
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    well i have had my usual 2 days off of weights and been working day and eve too. I gave blood on friday and I felt immediately better (less tired). Will book in for blood test this week. Started to feel a litle ill tonight and i have a bit of a cough, hope it doesnt turn into anything nasty!!

    Back today

    Deads 4 sets
    BB rows 4 sets
    Close grip pulldowns 4 sets
    DB lat pullovers 4 sets (last set with 45k DB)
    Rear delt flies on incline bench 3 sets.

    Cardio was done this evening between pro/fat meals as i had to hurry off after morning gym to get the weekly shop.

  16. #496
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Well after training back I started to feel very ill. Been in bed all day with a fever. If I had missed gym today then I would have had too miss chest, that wasnt happening so I took some paracetamol and ECA and went and trained. Pretty good session too!!

    Incline Smith 4 sets
    Hammer machine seated flat press 4 sets (awesome pump)
    DB incline flies 4 sets
    Pec deck 4 sets
    Abs 6 sets

    20 mins cardio later on which made me feel like crap. Shot some b12 and megadosed vit c plus took liv52 and milk thistles, all in all I feel a lot better just left me with a cough.

    Diet has been revised a little.

    Meal 1 - 5 egg whites (cal 80, pro18), Oats 80g (cal295 carb51 pro12 fat5), 1scoop whey (cal112, carb2.5, pro23, fat1.5). sprinkle cinnamon. TOTALS - Cal 485, carbs 53 pro 50, Fat 6.5


    PWO - 2 scoop whey (cal224, carb5, pro46, fat3), WMS 80g (cal280 carb68) TOTALS – Cal519, carbs73, pro58 fat 3

    PPWO - Tuna 1/2 tin (cal 72,carb0 pro15 ), Oats 40g (cal150 carb25 pro6 fat2) 1scoop whey (cal112, carb2.5, pro23, fat1.5) TOTALS – cal335 carbs27 pro45 fat3

    meal 4 - 175g chicken (cal289 pro54 fat5) Coconut Oil (cal83 fat9g) TOTALS – cal372, pro54, fat14

    Meal 5 - 175g chicken (cal289 pro54 fat5) Flax Oil (cal83 fat9g) TOTALS – cal372, pro54, fat14

    Meal 6 - 175g chicken (cal289 pro54 fat5) hemp Oil (cal83 fat9g) TOTALS – cal372, pro54, fat14

    Before Bed – Lean Mince200g (cal328 pro51 fat12) TOTALS cal328 pro51 fat12

    DAILY TOTAL Cal 2783Carbs 150 Protein 354 fat 66.5

    Each chicken meal served with a handful of fibrous green veg bringing carbs to approx 200g per day in total.

  17. #497
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    still feeling like crap today but had to go in too work as my boss trains in the same gym as me!! Had a great leg session. I was so pissed off about feeling ill that i was determined to break personal squat record. I also wanted to piss off a powerlifter who trains legs the same time as us. He always says we are pussy bodybuilders so i wanted to show him a thing or two!

    Warmups on leg ext 3 light sets
    Squats 7 sets (5th set 3 reps at 220k)
    Leg press 4 sets all 12 reps without lockout
    Leg ext 3 sets high reps
    Ham curls 4 sets
    Standing calf 4 sets

    Phew, actually feel better afterwards! Training legs is the way to kick illness! BTW the powerlifter managed 3 reps at 220k too so i equalled him!

  18. #498
    mma_badboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    I also wanted to piss off a powerlifter who trains legs the same time as us. He always says we are pussy bodybuilders so i wanted to show him a thing or two!

    Phew, actually feel better afterwards! Training legs is the way to kick illness! BTW the powerlifter managed 3 reps at 220k too so i equalled him!
    lol nice one, great log, I've learnt a lot from your post. Keep up the good work!

  19. #499
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    Thanks mma glad you like it!

    Couldnt log in yesterday due to my internet provider being down AGAIN (NTL).
    Yesterday trained shoulders

    Lateral DB raises 4 sets
    Hammer machine press 4 sets
    DB front raises 4 sets
    BB shrugs 3 sets
    Upright rows 3 sets 3 sets.

    Cardio 30mins as usual.

    Today trained arms

    Rope pushdowns 4 sets
    Dips weighted 4 sets
    DB skull crushers 3 sets

    DB seated curls 3 sets
    Preacher curls on machine 3 sets
    DB hammer curls standing 3 sets

    Abs 8 sets.

    Usual cardio. Feeling lots better now too. Have two days off of weights then commence winny and tren (along with test p that im already running) for 6 weeks. GH is down to 2iu per day. Also running clen 100mcg ED + taurine 10g per day.

  20. #500
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    two days off weights but been doing cardio. Wnet and trained back today at a different gym for a change. Gym is small and a bit crap but change of enviroment did me good. Managed to dead lift 210 for 2 after a few gruelling sets which i was happy with. Started winny and tren today. At the moment I am running the following

    winny 50mg inj (Zambon) ED
    Winny 50mg Oral ED (from a popular UGL, think yellow squares)
    Tren A 75mg ED (again from UGL)
    Prop 50mg EOD just for a test base (currently using russian amps)
    GH 2iu ED.

    I am running the winny as oral and inj as they both have benefits. Anthony Roberts wrote an excellent article here describing this Anthony Roberts- New Article (Winstrol, Oral Vs/ Injectable) based on his theories I am hoping to benefit from both versions of the compound. As for the tren well its a great all rounder and should even help with a little fat loss, the only negative I got from tren last time was lack of libido.

    Back day

    Chins 3 sets followed by 2 sets pulldowns
    Deads 5 sets
    Low pulley row close grip 4 sets
    BB rows 4 sets
    Bent over rear delt flies 4 sets

  21. #501
    Mazzive_T's Avatar
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    beast! aint been on here for a while. Looking awesome bud, keep it going! I think your gunna come bang on condition just when you want it. And your right btw, those protein pancakes are gorgeous! I might travel down south to your contest, ive always wanted to attend one. What dates are they?

    Regards, T.

  22. #502
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Thx massive. Comp is on the 1st April at Portsmouth guildhall. Look up UKBFF south coast for details. Hope you can make it!

  23. #503
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Bit tired today probably after those heavy deads yesterday. Chest this morning.

    Flat bench 4 sets (im going to never flat bench again as all i got was sore shoulders AGAIN)
    DB flat flies 4 sets
    Machine inclne press 4 sets.
    Incline flies on cable machine 3 sets
    standing cable flies 2 sets

    Abs 8 sets.

    Cardio 30mins between pro/fat meals this eve. I have found doing cardio late in the day between pro/fats is working well for me.

  24. #504
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    Gruelling leg session this eve. Felt great though. Starting to see a little added def from changes in diet plus the winny and tren . Its all good!

    warmup leg ext
    Squats 7 sets
    Leg press 3 sets last one is a drop set
    Leg ext 3 sets
    Ham curls 4 sets last set high reps 25
    Standing calf raises 4 sets.

  25. #505
    bpm1's Avatar
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    lost in translation
    what do you figure your bf is at right now?what are you shooting for at comp time? ps good job showing that powerlifter what was up!

  26. #506
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    im about 8% ish wanna come in at around 5%

  27. #507
    y100adics's Avatar
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    Looking amazing PB, good luck at your show.

  28. #508
    Columbus's Avatar
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    8%!!?!?! Wow! You are diced.......lets see those pics!!
    Last edited by Columbus; 03-02-2007 at 06:44 AM.

  29. #509
    bpm1's Avatar
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    lost in translation
    no crap man you are looking awesome!, not only ripped but some nice mass, wow!

  30. #510
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    thx y100 and BPM, pic was last week, looking a little more shredded now after diet and cardio changes so im pretty pleased with everything.

    columbus get out of my thread, I got no time for your stupid bullshit anymore.

    Well that being said and done, Had another good session today. Didn't really feel like training but tried to get focused and ended up having a good one.


    Seated press 5 sets
    lateral DB raises 4 sets
    Front cable raises 4 sets
    DB shrugs 3 sets
    Upright cable rows light high reps 3 sets

    20 mins cardio PWO.
    30 mins cardio in eve between pro/fat meals.

  31. #511
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    thrained arms and abs today. Supersetted all 3 excercises between bis and tris. Kept reps between 12-15 with super stict form.

    EZ bar curls with back agaisnt wall 3 sets supersetted with
    Dips 3 sets
    Seated DB curl S/S with
    DB overhead ext standing 3 sets
    Rope curls 3 sets S/S with
    Rope pushdowns 3 sets

    abs 9 sets
    20 min cardio

    another 30 min cardio between pro fat meals in eve.

    Well now I have two days off lifting but I will be doing 60 mins cardio both days.

  32. #512
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    had my two days off and low carbed (150g daily). Trimming down nicely. Trained back this morning. I used some NO-Xplode that I got given as a free sample. I have never used it before. Apart from the facy my shaker actually did EXPLODE when I shook it up I didnt notice anything at all so that got a big thumbs down. Workout still went well though.

    Close grip chins 3 sets followed by 2 high rep close grip pulldowns
    Deads 4 sets (light week higher reps)
    Hammer strength lat iso machine 4 sets
    DB rows supersetted with rear delt flies 3 sets
    2 sets cable rear dely x-overs
    20 mins stepper for cardio

    30 mins x-trainer in eve between pro/fat meals.

  33. #513
    y100adics's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    I used some NO-Xplode that I got given as a free sample. I have never used it before. Apart from the facy my shaker actually did EXPLODE when I shook it up I didnt notice anything at all so that got a big thumbs down.
    Same here man, I used it for a couple weeks and after the first few times, didn't do much at all. The only thing that I've used that works for me for workout is Amp by ergopharm.

  34. #514
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Y100 yes I like AMP too it's pretty much the only "legal" stim supp that I find works. The other one I use is Rocket fuel coffee.

    Trained chest this morning. Im feeling a little tired which I think is down to low estrogen levels and low carbs. I will lower A-dex to .2 ED see if that helps. I am also having a high carb day tomorrow which should make me feel a bit more lively.

    Incline DB press 4 sets (still managed 8 reps with 50k per side for set 3)
    Incline DB flies 3 sets
    Seated hammer machine press 4 sets
    Pec dec 4 sets, last set super high reps (30)

    Abs 6 sets
    20 mins stepper cardio (to add some def to the legs)

    30 mins x -trainer this eve.

  35. #515
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Cardio this morn 30 mins on stepper.

    Wicked leg session this eve. Kept to lower weights higher reps and i am pumped to all hell, legs ache already.

    warmup leg ext 2 sets 20 reps.
    Squats 3 sets normal, 2 sets close stance, 2 sets front squats.
    Super set leg press with leg ext 3 sets 15 reps on each.
    Ham curls 4 sets
    seated calf 4 sets
    standing calf 4 sets

  36. #516
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    insane asylum
    Hey beast pics and progress looking great And I have learned alot watching your thread

  37. #517
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    thx y100 and BPM, pic was last week, looking a little more shredded now after diet and cardio changes so im pretty pleased with everything.

    columbus get out of my thread, I got no time for your stupid bullshit anymore.

    Well that being said and done, Had another good session today. Didn't really feel like training but tried to get focused and ended up having a good one.


    Seated press 5 sets
    lateral DB raises 4 sets
    Front cable raises 4 sets
    DB shrugs 3 sets
    Upright cable rows light high reps 3 sets

    20 mins cardio PWO.
    30 mins cardio in eve between pro/fat meals. day..I was just rooting you on bro....nice thread tis all......and you look good.

  38. #518
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Thx Canadian glad you like.

    Columbus, STFU.

    Thought I might feel a bit knackered today but I got up feeling good. Went and trained shoulders.

    DB seated press 4 sets.
    Lateral raise machine 4 sets (dont ever use this but it gave me a new muscle ache so it was good)
    Front raises with a plate supersetted with DB shrugs 3 sets.
    Upright rows 3 sets

    Stepper 20 mins
    Eve cardio X-trainer 30 mins.

  39. #519
    Dangerdan's Avatar
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    I have been following your thread from the Beginning Beast; by far the best, most complete log I have read in my short time here on the boards.

    Great improvements since the start of the log (arms have definately improved). Chests, lats and traps are all looking nice and full. Legs continue to look good, but they have always seemed a strong point. I think you definately can get a bit leaner for the show and I know you are working towards that as well.

  40. #520
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    Thx Canadian glad you like.

    Columbus, STFU.

    Thought I might feel a bit knackered today but I got up feeling good. Went and trained shoulders.

    DB seated press 4 sets.
    Lateral raise machine 4 sets (dont ever use this but it gave me a new muscle ache so it was good)
    Front raises with a plate supersetted with DB shrugs 3 sets.
    Upright rows 3 sets

    Stepper 20 mins
    Eve cardio X-trainer 30 mins.
    ok....I tried.....f yourself..

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