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  1. #761
    Dangerdan's Avatar
    Dangerdan is offline Senior Member
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    Just caught up on your log beast. Looks like the offseason is going well.

  2. #762
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    Thanks buddy, yeah everything is going good.

    Going to train twice today. so far i have trained back this morn.

    Deads 4 sets last set 250K for 1 (new PB)
    Lat pulldowns 3 sets
    Low row machine 3 sets
    DB pullovers 3 sets

  3. #763
    Dangerdan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    Thanks buddy, yeah everything is going good.

    Going to train twice today. so far i have trained back this morn.

    Deads 4 sets last set 250K for 1 (new PB)
    Lat pulldowns 3 sets
    Low row machine 3 sets
    DB pullovers 3 sets
    Congratz on pulling 250 beast!

  4. #764
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Thanks danger. Yeah i was real happy, quarter ton dead!!!

    Forgot to add last night that i went back to gym and trained hams, rear delts and abs.

    Today chest

    Flat bench 4 sets up to 160k for one. Had to stop there due to elbow hurting like hell.
    Flies DB 3 sets with 34k per side 6-8 reps
    Decline bench 3 sets 8 with 100k
    Cable x overs 4 sets

  5. #765
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Weds OFF

    Thurs Legs after 3 gours sleep!

    Squats 4 sets. Puked in set 3. Squatted 250k in set 4 for 1 new PB!!!
    Leg press 3 sets of 15
    Calf raises on press 3 sets
    Leg Ext 2 sets
    Claf machine 3 sets

  6. #766
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    yesterday I felt knackered in the morning but i had to go train shoulders. Had a reasonable session but nothing ground breaking.

    Millitary press machine 3 sets up to 75k per side for 8
    Seated lateral DB raises 3 sets
    Shrugs 3 sets
    Cable front raises 3 sets

    Saturday = Rest

  7. #767
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    well what a hectic weekend. loads of work on as usual and my stepson acting like a tit and waking me up in thew middle of the night didnt help. I thought we had burglars so i went down stairs tooled up at 3 in the morn to find a room full of drunk teenagers that my stepson had invited to stay. Slaps were dished out all round!

    Yesterday i trained back. This week is a lighter weight high rep week.

    BB rows 3 sets up to 120k for 8
    Str8 leg deads 3 sets of 8 with 140k
    Lat pulldown 3 sets of 10
    low row machine 3 sets 10
    Ham curls 3 sets of 15
    Rear delt cables 3 sets

    Today chest

    Flat bench 4 sets up to 130k for 8
    Flat flies 3 sets of 10 with 24k per side
    Decline nech 3 sets of 10 with 100k
    Cable x-overs 3 sets

  8. #768
    BigLittleTim is offline Senior Member
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    How's the PCT going?

    Hey Beast,

    How goes it? Glad to hear your strength is WAY up.

    I asked once, during your last cycle, what you intended for your PCT. You said you planned to have "at least 3 months off of AS directly after competition." and then planned a textbook "Anthony Robts." PCT while continuing to run an AI; running GH, IGF, MGF, SLIN, etc. in varioius combos during "off" time.

    I'm wondering how it turned out in actual practice. Have you modified your original line-up, finding certain things have been working while others haven't? How have you combined the various compounds, and at what dosages?

    I appreciate your scientific approach, and meticulous record-keeping. It's a great resource for us and will make a good basis for your book.

    Cheers, mate.


  9. #769
    ACTION8888 is offline New Member
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    looking good

  10. #770
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigLittleTim
    Hey Beast,

    How goes it? Glad to hear your strength is WAY up.

    I asked once, during your last cycle, what you intended for your PCT. You said you planned to have "at least 3 months off of AS directly after competition." and then planned a textbook "Anthony Robts." PCT while continuing to run an AI; running GH, IGF, MGF, SLIN, etc. in varioius combos during "off" time.

    I'm wondering how it turned out in actual practice. Have you modified your original line-up, finding certain things have been working while others haven't? How have you combined the various compounds, and at what dosages?

    I appreciate your scientific approach, and meticulous record-keeping. It's a great resource for us and will make a good basis for your book.

    Cheers, mate.

    Hey buddy. Well after comp I ran AR PCT along with his Myogenx supp. The PCT worked well and after 6 weeks libido was back up ect. I ran slin,igf and mgf and GH. GH started at 3iu and went up to 5 slowly. The slin I run right through at 10iu PWO. I ran two courses of IGF for 4 weeks each with 4 weeks break in betweeen. I ran mgf during the second IGF run. I awas able to add some lean mass during PCT and kept adding slowly thereafter too. However with the very heavy compound training i have been concentrating on I found my recovery time was totally sucking. I began to feel tired all the time and lacked motivation (overtraining). I was training 5 1 hour sessions per week. I had two options - train less, run gear. I chose option 2. I am in the middle of a basic AS bulker while still running the peptides.

    Basic bulker.

    1-14 test Cyp 1 gram per week.
    1-12 deca 650mg per week
    1-6 Var 60mg ED
    6-12 winny 50mg ED
    1-14 proviron 50mg ED

    running caber to combat prolactin levels and arimi if needed.

  11. #771
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    day off tuesday due to a pain in my arm then i went to see my massage guy who ran some electro stimulation through it and gave it a good going over. All seems a lot better now.

    Trained arms today

    BB curls 3 sets
    Str8 bar pushdowns 3 sets
    DB hammer curls 3 sets
    Tricep machine 3 sets
    Preacher machine 3 sets
    Rope pushdowns 3 sets.

  12. #772
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Really good leg session today. Huge pump and felt like puking.

    Squats 3 sets of 10 @ 170k
    Leg press 3 sets of 12 @ 300k
    Leg ext 3 sets
    Calf raises on press 4 sets of 20 with stack.

  13. #773
    PEWN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    Really good leg session today. Huge pump and felt like puking.

    Squats 3 sets of 10 @ 170k
    Leg press 3 sets of 12 @ 300k
    Leg ext 3 sets
    Calf raises on press 4 sets of 20 with stack.

    strong leg day...

  14. #774
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pewntang
    strong leg day...
    yes not bad but that is a light week.. Week before was 250k

    Felt real lazy this morn so spent some extra time in bed. Went to gym in eve instead and had a good session. Being light week it was all high rep stuff again

    Incline press 3 sets at 100k for 10
    Shoulder press machine 3 sets of 10
    Lateral cable raises 3 sets of 12
    Shrugs 3 sets of 10
    Front cable raises 3 sets of 12

  15. #775
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    saturday was rest day.

    Trained today and felt good and recovered after a long sleep this morning.
    Another high rep week this week (in the 6-12 range). Weight is down to 99K after dropping a little water and some fat. Gear seems to be working great (test,Deca ) but i have added some winny this week and as usual it is making a big difference. Winny seems to be the only oral i can tolerate and it makes me grow and adds detail, I love the stuff.

    Deads 1 warmup then 3 working sets of 170K for 8
    DB rows 40K per side. 3 sets of 10
    Lat pulldowns 3 sets close grip
    Rear delt cable flies 3 sets of 10
    Standing lat cable pulldowns 3 sets (new excercise and really felt it in lats)

    Returned to gym later for some abs 9 sets then off to the sana and spa.

  16. #776
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    forgot to log yesterday/ Been real busy with work!!

    yesterdays chest session wasn't great. Ended up with no pump at all and didn't really feel in the mood.

    Flat bench 3 sets of 120k for 8
    Decline DB press 3 sets of 10 40k per side
    Flat flies 3 sets of 12 at 20k per side
    Cable x-overs 3 sets of 15
    air press 2 sets light high rep.

    Today was going to be a day off but i did some sparring (boxing) at work and felt pretty lively so i headed to the gym for legs.

    Squats 3 sets of 6 @ 200k
    Leg press 3 sets of 12
    leg ext 3 sets of 12
    Calf raises 6 sets.

  17. #777
    PEWN's Avatar
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    im caught up on your log now... keep it up...

  18. #778
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    wednesday was rest day

    Today did a great arms and abs session and got real good pump going.

    DB curls 3 sets with 20k per side for 10
    Dips 3 sets weighted for 10 with 25k
    Cable curls 3 sets
    Tricep pushdowns 3 sets

    abs 9 sets

  19. #779
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    another great session this eve. Felt really pumped.

    Incline press 3 sets of 10 @ 100k
    Military press BB 3 sets of 8 90k
    Lateral DB raises 3 sets up to 10 @ 26K per side
    Shrugs BB 3 sets 100k for 12
    Upright rows 3 sets on cables to finish.

  20. #780
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    took saturaday off as its my busy work day (work all day through the night till 4am). Trained back and hams today. Again a real good pump staying in a high rep range.

    Deads 3 working sets up to 6@190k
    str8 leg deads 3 sets up to 120k for 6
    Hammer strength lat machine 3 sets of 12
    Low row machine 3 sets of 12
    Standing lat pulldowns on cables 3 sets
    rear delt cable flies 3 sets

    went back in eve for ham curls 3 sets
    abs 9 sets
    cardio 20 mins.

  21. #781
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    feeling good again this morning. i feel more energetic at the moment. I think my GH dose has finally settled to a comfortable level of side effects. Now im less bloaty and not feeling sleepy all day, Starting to lean up nicely as my diet is cleaned up a little and the GH is starting to work its magic.

    Chest today. all 3 working sets

    DB Press 40k per side for 10
    DB flies 24k per side for 10
    Decline bench 90k for 10
    Cable flies sets

    later on in the day 30 mins kick boxing (sparring and pad work)

  22. #782
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    got a couple of pics today.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Beast's Workout Log-imgp0003.jpg   Beast's Workout Log-imgp0015.jpg  

  23. #783
    snatchgrip's Avatar
    snatchgrip is offline New Member
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    Jesus man you do look like a beast lol.

  24. #784
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Thx snatch!!

    Well another day of feeling great and having a good WO.

    Arms this morn. Im starting to get some growth in Bis finally and im relly feeling a better contraction now and getting a good pump. Im making sure i give a good squeeze at the top of each movement.

    Skull crushers 3 working sets of 8 @ 60k
    EZ bar curls 3 sets of 12 @ 40k
    Dips 3 sets of 15
    DB curls 3 sets at 18k per side for 10
    Rope pushdowns 3 sets of 12
    Preeacher machine 3 sets of 12

    Sports massage tonight. No problems showed up just got a few bits of movement on the spine.

  25. #785
    BigLittleTim is offline Senior Member
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    Great new pics, Beast.

    You look better... bigger!


  26. #786
    thetank's Avatar
    thetank is offline Anabolic Member
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    im source cheks
    hey man, you look awesome. definately a huge change from your last pics when you were more bulked, before your show..shoulders and arms look like they have packed on alot no doubt...and i cant believe you still have abs?! props on the progress, you have been kicking your bodys ass, and it shows.

  27. #787
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Thx guys glad you like. its good to have others opinions as i dont notice the change in myself as it is so slow.

    Day off yesterday apart from cardio and abs.

    legs this morn.

    squats 4 sets of 10 @ 170k
    Close stance smith hack squats 3 sets at 100k
    Calf raises on leg press 3 sets
    Leg ext 3 sets
    calf machine 3 sets.

  28. #788
    manc's Avatar
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    kinnel your gettin massive!!!!!!.........keep up the inspiring work
    Last edited by manc; 08-24-2007 at 04:11 PM. Reason: cant spell

  29. #789
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    Shoulders yesterday

    Incline bench 3 sets at 100K for 10 (went up to 140k and snapped bench)
    Seated hammer press machine 3 sets of 10 @ 55k per side
    Lateral DB raises seated 3 sets 12 @ 14k per side
    Upright rows 3 sets of 10 @ 50k
    Shrugs 3 sets of 10 @ 100k.

    also during earlier day i did 10 sets abs and 30 mins boxing.

  30. #790
    BigLittleTim is offline Senior Member
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    "Snapped bench"??

  31. #791
    BigLittleTim is offline Senior Member
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    Great shoulders, by the way, Beast.

    Question: I've substituted dumbbell front-raises for upright rows, as the upright rows were destroying my wrists as the weights got heavier. Do you find upright rows indispensible for shoulders, or have you also tried front-raises as an equivalent exercise?

    I seems to me that they both work the shoulder with the same movement, but the front-raises completely remove the stress and twisting of the wrists.



  32. #792
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    I widen my grip for the upright rows and it takes the stress off the wrists.

    Real busy day today with work but got a good back WO in

    Heavy week

    Deads 4 sets up to 220K for 1 (pulled an arm muscle so stopped at 220)
    Stiff leg deads 3 sets of 120k for 6
    Chins 3 sets of 6
    Low row machine 3 sets of 10 with stack
    Lat machine (pulldown) 3 sets of 8 with stack
    Rear delt cable flies 3 sets of 10

  33. #793
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    off on monday apart from some cardio. back at it today for a heavy low rep chest session.

    Flat bench 4 sets up to 160k for 1
    Decline bench 3 sets up to 140k for 1
    Flat DB flies 3 sets up to 36k per side for 4
    Cable crossovers 4 sets in the 10 rep range.

    30 mins cardio and abs in evening,

  34. #794
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    Great day today. I went out for a meal last night at an all you can eat chinese buffet. This morning I felt strong as hell which was good as it was heavy leg day.

    Squats 4 sets up to 260 for 1 (best ever)
    Leg press 3 sets up to 420 for 4
    Leg Ext 3 sets with stack for 6 (100k i think)

    Went back in eve for

    Calves 6 sets
    abs 9 sets
    cardio 20 mins

  35. #795
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    arms today. Tried NO Xplode before training today. I gotta say i was impressed. Great pump and felt pretty amped up.

    EZ Bar curls 3 sets of 8 @50k
    Weighterd Dips 3 sets of 8 @ 50k
    DB curls 3 setsof 8 @ 18k per side
    Str8 bar pushdowns 3 sets of 100k for 10
    Close grip cable curls 3 sets of 10
    Rope pushdowns 3 sets of 10

  36. #796
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Had another good session yesterday. Did 20 mins boxing and the guy training me asked me to go hard on him to give him practice. I told him not a good idea as he is lighter than me. He seemed to think speed would prevent him getting hit. He was wrong as i walked str8 through his guard and split his lips for him LOL. Good cardio session though!


    Incline bench 3 sets up to 160 for 1
    Shoulder press machine up to 75k per side for 8
    Lateral DB raises up to 28K per side for 6
    Shrugs up to 180k for 6 3 sets
    Cable front raises 3 sets of 10

  37. #797
    Renesis's Avatar
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    Nice way to break your friend ;d

  38. #798
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    LOL It was character building!!

    Well a real hectic couple of days with work all hours. Rested yesterday with no weights and just a little ab work. trained back today and im back to the 6-12 rep range this week.

    Deads 1 warmup then 3 working sets of 8 @ 170k
    BB rows 3 sets of 10 @ 100K
    Lat pulldowns wide grip 3 sets of 8 @ 75k
    Rear delt DB flies on incline bench 3 sets of 12 @ 12k per side
    Standing lat pulldowns with cables 3 sets of 12.

  39. #799
    Tbone1975 is offline Member
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    This is an awesome log PB. You're killin' those lifts! Great job! Serious strength.

  40. #800
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    ^thx mate glad you like it^

    Chest this morning. Having real probs getting a good pump for chest lately but today flet pretty good.

    Flat bench 3 sets of 10@ 100K
    Incline DB bench 40k per side for 8 3 sets
    Flat DB flies 3 sets of 10 @ 24k per side
    Cable x-overs 3 sets of 15

    abs 9 sets.

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