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  1. #361
    BJJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cvictorg View Post
    Have your liver and HDL values started to come back to normal levels?
    Have no idea yet I am still running my last week of pct.
    Then, three days waiting and I shall start my GSH protocol.
    Then, I am going to get a new, final and complete blood work.
    So, still 16 days for the BW.

  2. #362
    cvictorg is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Have no idea yet I am still running my last week of pct.
    Then, three days waiting and I shall start my GSH protocol.
    Then, I am going to get a new, final and complete blood work.
    So, still 16 days for the BW.
    What is a GSH protocol??

  3. #363
    BJJ's Avatar
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    GSH (Glutathione) Intramuscular Injection

    Quote Originally Posted by cvictorg View Post
    What is a GSH protocol??
    Here is where I asked for help and the great Merc. showed up:

    GSH (Glutathione) Intramuscular Injection

  4. #364
    BJJ's Avatar
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    Tomorrow, I am going to start a ten days clen as follows:

    My PCT will end on day 2 of clen so, after other 11 days I'll start my GSH protocol for ten days. Then, by the end of the month I take my final BW, 21 days after my pct and 28 days after my last clomid ingestion.

    The data values should be, by then, accurate.

  5. #365
    pwnflow is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Tomorrow, I am going to start a ten days clen as follows:

    My PCT will end on day 2 of clen so, after other 11 days I'll start my GSH protocol for ten days. Then, by the end of the month I take my final BW, 21 days after my pct and 28 days after my last clomid ingestion.

    The data values should be, by then, accurate.
    What's clen? Doesn't don't fit clenbuterol so I doubt it's that.

  6. #366
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    Quote Originally Posted by pwnflow View Post
    What's clen? Doesn't don't fit clenbuterol so I doubt it's that.
    Sure it's clenbuterol .
    What's the deal? Why are you writing it does not fit?

  7. #367
    pwnflow is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Sure it's clenbuterol .
    What's the deal? Why are you writing it does not fit?
    Lol was sleepy last night so didn't see what I posted. Meant dosing doesn't fit but realized now you obviously meant mcg and not mg. Nvm.

    Just noticed that you ceased clomid. Why so?
    Last edited by pwnflow; 12-06-2009 at 05:00 PM.

  8. #368
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    Quote Originally Posted by pwnflow View Post
    Lol was sleepy last night so didn't see what I posted. Meant dosing doesn't fit but realized now you obviously meant mcg and not mg. Nvm.

    Just noticed that you ceased clomid. Why so?
    My target is to finish the cycle having higher values of either FSH and LH, in comparison to those before the beginning of the cycle.
    In order to do this, I added clomid to my pct which, in reality, was not needed since throughout my cycle both FSH and LH kept being within the normal ranges.
    So, two weeks of clomid should be enough.

  9. #369
    BJJ's Avatar
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    11th Week (3rd Week PCT)

    60 oxa - 3.436 Kcal - (Biceps & Triceps, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    60 oxa - 3.550 Kcal - (Back, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Bursts of Heat

    60 oxa - 3.199 Kcal - (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Appetite, Diarrhea, Tiredness

    60 oxa - 3.340 Kcal - (Legs)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Appetite, Diarrhea, Tiredness, Face Swelling, 8 mg Loperamide

    60 oxa - 2.799 Kcal - (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Appetite, Diarrhea, Tiredness, Face Swelling, Yellow Skin (left biceps & shoulder), 8 mg Loperamide, 25.000 iu Neomycin

    60 oxa - 3.646 Kcal - (Chest)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Appetite, Tiredness, Yellow Skin, 1 g Acetylsalicy Acid

    60 oxa - 3.912 Kcal - (Shoulders)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin, 600 mg Acetylcysteine

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.411

    The first week was very hard to go through. No will to eat at all and lots of problem to understand if the diarrhea was due from oxandrolone or liv.52; also I got a persistent sore throat.
    The strength increase was considerable, especially on legs and shoulders.
    As daily supplements throughout the cycle: (Multi Vitamins/Minerals 1 tb, Vitamin C/Ester 3 gr, EFA complex 6 gr, ALA 600 mg, LIV.52 2 tabs, CLA 4 gr, ZMA, Tribulus Terrestris 3 gr, Chromium Picolinate 400 mcg, Acetyl L-Carnitine 600 mg, Coenzyme Q10, Glutamine 35 gr, BCAA 20 gr, MT Gakic Hardcore 8 tbs (only before w/o), UN Animal Flex 1 pckt.

    Day 8
    60 oxa - 2.415 Kcal - (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Appetite,Tiredness, 25.000 iu Neomycin, 8 mg Loperamide, 600 mg Acetylcysteine

    Day 9
    60 oxa - 3.400 Kcal - (Biceps & Triceps)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Appetite

    Day 10
    60 oxa - 2.760 Kcal - (Cardio 35’)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Appetite

    Day 11
    60 oxa - 4.208 Kcal - (Legs)
    Sides & Notes: Oxandrolone kicked in

    Day 12
    60 oxa - 3.332 Kcal - (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 13
    60 oxa - 3.645 Kcal - (Back)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 14
    60 oxa - 3.976 Kcal - (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request)

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.392

    At day 11 finally Anavar showed me its potentiality by improving my strength incredibly. Not only the power to lift was improved but also the reps needed to exhaust the muscles.
    Furthermore, I am starving again especially after the work-outs.
    The diarrhea was given by Liv.52. I solved the problem by taking only 1 tab in the morning.

    Day 15
    60 oxa – 3.698 Kcal – (Chest)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request), Back pain on the lumbar right region

    Day 16
    60 oxa – 3.645 Kcal – (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request), Back pain on the lumbar right region

    Day 17
    60 oxa – 3.591 Kcal – (Shoulders)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request), Diarrhea, 8 mg Loperamide

    Day 18
    60 oxa – 3.016 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request), Back pain on the lumbar right region
    Blood Work: Blood Analyses After 18 Days of Oxandrolone at 60 mg ED

    Day 19
    60 oxa – 3.125 Kcal – (Biceps & Triceps)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request)

    Day 20
    60 oxa – 3.332 Kcal – (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request), Sinusitis, 400 mg Acetylsalicy Acid

    Day 21
    60 oxa – 3.129 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request), Sinusitis, Headache, 2 g Paracetamol, 500 mg Acetylcysteine Antibiotic, 600 mg Acetylcysteine

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.362

    I understood that the best time to take oxandrolone is after the meals, not before or during, otherwise I get diarrhea and this apart from ingesting Liv.52.
    Unfortunately, I got a bit sick yesterday and today is even worse. Every year I suffer from sinusitis which I hope to cure as fast as possible.
    In regards of the results of blood analyses above reported, my bilirubin values decreased within the normal range, as expected. Oxandrolone seems "to cure" Gilberts's syndrome (which I have).
    Of course, either LDL, HDL and Transaminase went up; as well as azotemia which was already a bit higher and surely it could not start declining during the cycle.
    Strangely, creatinine stayed at the same level but this is good in relation with azotemia.
    What I do not understand are the values related to LH, FSH and HGH compared with DHEAS. Hopefully my endocrinologist, if not someone in here before, will explain this issue.

    Day 22
    60 oxa – 5.096 Kcal – (Legs)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request), Sinusitis, Diarrhea, 100 mg Nimesulide, 500 mg Acetylcysteine Antibiotic, 600 mg Acetylcysteine, 25.000 iu Neomycin, 10 mg Diazepam

    Day 23
    60 oxa – 4.003 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request), 10 mg Diazepam

    Day 24
    60 oxa – 3.650 Kcal – (Back)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request)

    Day 25
    60 oxa – 4.021 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request)

    Day 26
    60 oxa / 50 mes – 4.374 Kcal – (Chest)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request)

    Day 27
    60 oxa / 50 mes – 5.338 Kcal – (Biceps & Triceps)
    Sides & Notes: Libido is Back, Back pain on the lumbar right region

    Day 28
    60 oxa / 50 mes – 3.071 Kcal – (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Back pain on the lumbar right region

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 4.221

    Fortunately sinusitis, which I had between day 20/22, went away quickly.
    At day 26 I added 3 gr of Tribulus Terrestris daily.
    Since also from day 26 I am ingesting Mesterolone, my libido in back and I have very hard erections. Furthermore, I feel I can last longer while having sex.
    My daily Kcalories intake was brought up to more than 4.000 (just checking how much fat I will store comparing to when I was eating/training the same, naturally).
    This afternoon I underwent a full abdominal echography to see the overall situation and try to figure out if the pang I felt sometimes around my lower back was due to a kidney problem. The response was negative, all the organs are fine and was told it might be a problem related to training, probably a muscular micro-lesion less than 1mm, therefore not visible.
    The persistent sore throat, reported at week 1, it is still there.[/QUOTE]

    Day 29

    60 oxa / 50 mes – 5.723 Kcal – (Shoulders, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Back pain on the lumbar right region, Problems to fall asleep because I took the last tabs of Oxandrolone around midnight, 2 g Ketoprofen foam, 10 mg Diazepam

    Day 30

    70 oxa / 50 mes – 4.790 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Back pain on the lumbar right region, 2 g Ketoprofen foam

    Day 31

    70 oxa / 50 mes – 5.999 Kcal – (Legs)
    Sides & Notes: Back pain on the lumbar right region

    Day 32

    70 oxa / 50 mes – 3.461 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Back pain on the lumbar right region, Diarrhea, 8 mg Loperamide, 10 mg Diazepam

    Day 33

    70 oxa / 50 mes – 2.763 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Back pain on the lumbar right region, 200 mg Nimesulide, 4 g Ketoprofen foam

    Day 34

    70 oxa / 50 mes – 4.321 Kcal – (Chest & Back)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 35

    60 oxa / 50 mes – 3.973 Kcal – (Biceps & Triceps)
    Sides & Notes: Back pain on the lumbar right region, Diarrhea, 100 mg Nimesulide

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 4.432

    So, in 19 days I took 6,6 lbs of lean mass (estimate) while fat increased a bit more but still under control (considering also I am not eating low glycemic index carbs at all) and water kept at the same value.
    I would say so far, oxandrolone is showing its ability to increase the lean mass controlling either the fat and the water.
    I am quite satisfied because I think I can easily go down to 12% bf retaining most of the lean mass acquired. I will act so the last ten days of the cycle. Till that time, I want to continue eating that much calories and proteins. Perhaps I can start eating more oats instead of pasta and rice.
    At day 30 I started to ingest 10 mg more of Oxandrolone daily, for a total of 70 mg.
    At day 35 I went back to 60 mg since I noticed no differences at all and the back pain on the lumbar right region came back again in a vigorous way. I am getting tired of this also because in spite of the echography I took lastly (which was fine), the pain is always there and seems to get worse after I ingest Oxandrolone. I had no possibility, as previously stated, to go taking blood analyses a few days ago, but I’ll go tomorrow morning. I want to see if the values related to the liver and the kidneys have stabilized or not. In negative case, it could be an explanation for the pain. Surely, I cannot keep taking nimesulide to get rid of the pain since it is very liver toxic too and gives diarrhea.
    Strength keeps increasing.
    The persistent sore throat, reported at week 1, it is finally gone.

    Day 36

    70 oxa / 50 mes – 3.640 Kcal – (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Nil
    Blood Work: Blood Analyses After 36 Days of Oxandrolone at 60/70 mg ED

    Day 37

    70 oxa / 50 mes – 3.511 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Back pain on the lumbar right region, 100 mg Nimesulide

    Day 38

    60 oxa / 50 mes – 3.332 Kcal – (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 39

    60 oxa / 50 mes – 3.042 Kcal – (Cardio 30’)
    Sides & Notes: 10 mg Diazepam

    Day 40

    60 oxa / 50 mes – 3.046 Kcal – (Cardio 30’)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 41

    80 oxa / 50 mes – 4.050 Kcal – (Biceps & Triceps)
    Sides & Notes: Diarrhea, Dizziness late after dinner (several hours)

    Day 42

    60 oxa / 50 mes – 4.824 Kcal – (Legs)
    Sides & Notes: Diarrhea, Dizziness late after dinner (just a few minutes)

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.635

    On day 41 I tried to raise the input from Oxandrolone by ingesting 20 mg more, for a total of 80 mg. The results were dizziness and confusion. The morning after I felt also some kind of hallucination and both yesterday and today the diarrhea came back. I decided not to push my luck and from day 42 I went back to 60 mg ed. After all, I had good results so far and see no reasons to screw everything up.
    This week I ate a bit less to see if I could obtain a better definition but I also had the possibility to work-out only two days, so this made my effort fruitless.
    Regarding my sperm, I realized it is more viscous than before and it seems also heavier.
    Wondering if PCT is required since both LH and FSH are (and always were) within the normal ranges.

    Day 43

    60 oxa / 50 mes – 2.637 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Took 150 mg of Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid) by mistake

    Day 44

    60 oxa / 75 mes – 2.659 Kcal – (Shoulders)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 45

    70 oxa / 75 mes – 2.511 Kcal – (Chest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil
    +0.10 oxa

    Day 46

    70 oxa / 75 mes – 3.373 Kcal – (Back)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 47

    70 oxa / 75 mes – 2.754 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Sore Throat/Ears/Head, 2 g Paracetamol

    Day 48

    70 oxa / 75 mes – 2.564 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Sore Throat/Ears, 2 g Paracetamol

    Day 49

    70 oxa / 75 mes – 3.237 Kcal – (Biceps & Triceps)
    Sides & Notes: Sore Throat, 2 g Paracetamol

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 2.819

    On day 43, I wrongly took 150 mg of Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid) at breakfast. I had an intestine discomfort, which lasted the entire morning.
    On day 44, I raised the Mesterolone (Proviron ) daily intake of about 0,25 mg.
    On day 45, I raised the Oxandrolone (Anavar) daily intake of about 0,10 mg.
    I did not notice any improvement of any sort.
    I figure out that strength increase ceased, even though I have not pushed to the limit to avoid injuries since I work-out in solitude.
    This week I lowered my daily Kcalories intake because I realized I was putting on too much fat. I should be now back to 14% or less maybe, while by the end of last week I surely was above 15%.
    In any case, in the next weekend I am going to check my stats again.
    In the following and last week (8th), I am going to lower the daily intake of anavar down to 60 mg while starting from tomorrow morning I shall not ingest proviron anymore.
    I need to see if mesterolone is related to the upsurge of my LH and FSH values. So, next Saturday I shall take the last blood work on cycle and accordingly, I set up the proper pct.

    Day 50

    60 oxa – 2.589 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Cough, 2 g Paracetamol, 10 mg Diazepam

    Day 51

    60 oxa – 3.299 Kcal – (Shoulders)
    Sides & Notes: Cough, 1 g Paracetamol
    Sperm Analyses: Sperm Analyses After 51 Days of Oxandrolone at 60/70 mg ED

    Day 52

    60 oxa – 3.051 Kcal – (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Cough, 1 g Paracetamol

    Day 53

    60 oxa – 2.978 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 54

    60 oxa – 2.897 Kcal – (Legs)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 55

    60 oxa – 3.040 Kcal – (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 56

    70 oxa – 2.598 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil
    Blood Wok: Blood Analyses After 56 Days of Oxandrolone at 63 mg ED (Averaged)

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 2.921
    Daily Average Bulking KCalories Intake (56 days): 3.159
    Oxandrolone Daily Ingestion Average (56 days): 63 mg

    Nothing particular to report on this final week, except I lowered the total daily intake of Kcalories to prepare myself for the following three weeks of PCT, where I am going to use 3.000 Kcalories on a daily average with 300/330 grams of protides.
    Furthermore, after discontinuing the Mesterolone at day 49, the FSH dropped back while testosterone free doubled, +100%.

    Being on my first cycle, I believe I had good results especially in strength.
    After almost 20 years of martial arts as well as training in the gym plus other spare sport activities, I started this cycle with a bit of concern in relation to some elbows pangs I have felt in the last months. So, I never pushed to the limit really and always trained in solitude to avoid that.
    Furthermore, I was not able to accomplish a ”perfect” diet regime throughout the cycle, as I wanted to, due to personal reasons which also led me to sleep no so goodly and enough.
    Said that, I believe I could have achieved better results but I am satisfied anyway.

    As reported during the cycle, Oxandrolone gave me some strong dizziness at 80 mg ed.
    For the rest, except a total loss of appetite the first week or so and some diarrhea till I understood when to ingest the drug (after main meals), I would say I have gotten only benefits. The pang on my elbows disappeared after one week supporting what I read regarding the ability of Oxandrolone to cure problems related to ligaments and tendons, or in case to relieve the associated pain.
    Another good ability was in regard of water percentage in the body. I ate a lot, compared to what I have burned especially in the first weeks, and I got just a little fat on and no water retention at all. This is good for martial artists or any other sport where the “not useful” weight is an issue.
    Regarding vascularization, I cannot say I noticed any improvement because I did not mean to use this compound to get ripped, while I wanted more strength and see how much lean mass I could obtain. I started the cycle at 12,9% bf, went up to 14,6% bf and then back to 14% bf now, more or less. However, I tried to reduce the daily Kcalories at the end of the cycle but mostly helped me to reduce the fat I have put on, not to see any veins on my chest.

    Overall Strength Increase: 35% (estimate)

    Squat (legs) 100 kg (220 lbs) 130 kg (286 lbs) +30%
    One Arm Dumbbell Row (back) 30 kg (66 lbs) 44 kg (96,8 lbs) +46,66%
    Bench Press with Dumbbells (chest) 30 kg each (66 lbs) 40 kg (88 lbs) +33,33%
    Military Press with Dumbbells (shoulders) 24 kg each (52,8 lbs) 34 kg (74,8 lbs) +41,66%
    Dumbbells Curls (biceps - seated) 24 kg each (52,8 lbs) 30 kg (66 lbs) +25%
    Dumbbells Curls (triceps - lying down) 18 kg each (39,6 lbs) 24 kg (52,8 lbs) +33,33%

    Lean Body Mass Acquisition (LBM): 9,043 kg (19,89 lbs)
    by Whole Body Hologic QDR-4500W DXA Fan-Beam Scanner

    (current-previous)/previous*100 = (+) increase% or (-) decrease%

    Day 57
    Day 1 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.555 Kcal – (Chest)
    Sides & Notes: Flatulence, 20 mg Tadalafil

    Day 58
    Day 2 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.556 Kcal – (Biceps & Triceps)
    Sides & Notes: Increased size of testicles

    Day 59
    Day 3 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.484 Kcal – (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 60
    Day 4 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.596 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 61
    Day 5 pct

    50 clo / 40 nol – 2.708 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Testicles back to normal

    Day 62
    Day 6 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.383 Kcal – (Shoulders)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 63
    Day 7 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.513 Kcal – (Chest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.399

    Strength kept being at the same level while muscles, right after I stopped the ingestion of Oxandrolone, started to ache for a few days.
    Testicles increased the day after I started my pct, but after a few days came back to their normal size.
    At day 5 (61) I ingested 40 mg of Tamoxifen Citrate to see if I could notice any difference but that day I could not eat as much as I had to, so I thwarted the attempt. In any case, having also used 50 mg of clomid, 20 mg of Nolva should be enough.
    While, I shall get a full blood work to be compared to the one taken before the cycle, after my detox protocol (GSH), which will start three days after the end of PCT.
    Regarding Tadalafil, I took it at day 1 to give it a try, in spite of during the entire cycle I had loss of libido but never problems to have sex normally. Anyway, I noticed no differences while my intestine became full of gas in about two hours. Fortunately, the morning after I was fine again.

    Day 58
    Day 8 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.907 Kcal – (Back, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 59
    Day 9 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.583 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: 4 mg Loperamide

    Day 60
    Day 10 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 4.345 Kcal – (Legs, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 61
    Day 11 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.697 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 62
    Day 12 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.510 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 63
    Day 13 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.912 Kcal – (Back, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 64
    Day 14 pct

    20 nol – 3.093 Kcal – (Chest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.721

    Strength decreased a bit. If I could achieve a “x” weight for 10 reps, now I go up to 8 max.
    On day 14 (64), I ceased ingesting clomid, so the rest of the final week will be only nolva 20 mg ed.

    Day 65
    Day 15 pct

    20 nol – 3.373 Kcal – (Shoulders)
    Sides & Notes: 10 mg Vardenafil

    Day 66
    Day 16 pct

    20 nol – 4.365 Kcal – (Biceps & Triceps, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 67
    Day 17 pct

    20 nol – 3.566 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: 2 g Ketoprofen foam

    Day 68
    Day 18 pct

    20 nol – 3.366 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: 2 g Ketoprofen foam, 10 mg Diazepam

    Day 69
    Day 19 pct

    20 nol / 0,06 cln – 3.552 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 70
    Day 20 pct

    20 nol / 0,06 cln – 3.607 Kcal – (Legs)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 71
    Day 21 pct

    20 nol / 0,08 cln – 3.014 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.549
    Daily Average PCT KCalories Intake (21 days): 3.556

    On day 69 I started a ten days cyle of Clenbuterol (60/60/80/80/100/100/100/100/60/60). After that, 3 days off in order to start a 10 days GSH detox protocol. Then, I shall have my final and complete blood work done.
    Last edited by BJJ; 12-13-2009 at 02:18 PM.

  10. #370
    im9boss is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2009
    first i wanted to thank you BJJ. i can't tell you how much useful info i got from this thread + with the help of you guys. the closer i get to starting my cycle, in preparing myself, i'm trying to get my supplements in order. I read the supps your taking, and included a few in mine. wanted to see what you guys think of the supps i have for:

    liver protection
    liv52(livercare), milk thistle, nac, r-ala, vitamin c & e

    flax seed oil, niacin

    tribulus, avena sativa

    am i missing anything? are any of these unecessary?

  11. #371
    im9boss is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2009
    does anyone know anything or have any input about using HCG on a var cycle to prevent balls shrinking, loss of libido and to help with the LH and FSH problem??

  12. #372
    BJJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by im9boss View Post
    first i wanted to thank you BJJ. i can't tell you how much useful info i got from this thread + with the help of you guys. the closer i get to starting my cycle, in preparing myself, i'm trying to get my supplements in order. I read the supps your taking, and included a few in mine. wanted to see what you guys think of the supps i have for:

    liver protection
    liv52(livercare), milk thistle, nac, r-ala, vitamin c & e

    flax seed oil, niacin

    tribulus, avena sativa

    am i missing anything? are any of these unecessary?
    Thanks, much appreciated.
    Will you cycle with var only?

    In any case, if you take flax seed oil, you need to ingest also EPA and DHA which you can find in wild salmon. FSO has only ALA in it.
    Also, if your cycle has testosterone you do not need any tribulus... save it for PCT.
    Furthermore, do not forget acetyl l-carnitine and coenzyme Q10 as well as chromium picolinate and one multi Vitamins/Minerals tab per day.
    Last edited by BJJ; 12-09-2009 at 01:43 PM.

  13. #373
    BJJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by im9boss View Post
    does anyone know anything or have any input about using HCG on a var cycle to prevent balls shrinking, loss of libido and to help with the LH and FSH problem??
    For the loss of libido I used Mesterolone (Proviron ) which also helped me with LH and FSH.
    I did not experience any testicles shrinkage.

  14. #374
    im9boss is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Thanks, much appreciated.
    Will you cycle with var only?

    In any case, if you take flax seed oil, you need to ingest also EPA and DHA which you can find in wild salmon. FSO has only ALA in it.
    Also, if your cycle has testosterone you do not need any tribulus... save it for PCT.
    Furthermore, do not forget acetyl l-carnitine and coenzyme Q10 as well as chromium picolinate and one multi Vitamins/Minerals tab per day.

    yea im running var only. no testosterone or proviron because my number one fear is hair loss(runs in family, and yea all that good stuff), which is one of the many reasons i chose var.

    and thanks for the tips on the other supplements. always learning something new here....

  15. #375
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    Glutathione (GSH)

    Glutathione is a small molecule made up of three amino acids, which exists in almost every cell of the body. However, glutathione, must be generated within the cell from its precursors before it can work effectively in the body.

    Glutathione (GSH) is a tripeptide. It contains an unusual peptide linkage between the amine group of cysteine and the carboxyl group of the glutamate side chain. Glutathione, an antioxidant, helps protect cells from reactive oxygen species such as free radicals and peroxides. Glutathione is nucleophilic at sulfur and attacks poisonous electrophilic conjugate acceptors.

    Thiol groups are kept in a reduced state at a concentration of approximately ~5 mM in animal cells. In effect, glutathione reduces any disulfide bond formed within cytoplasmic proteins to cysteines by acting as an electron donor. In the process, glutathione is converted to its oxidized form glutathione disulfide (GSSG). Glutathione is found almost exclusively in its reduced form, since the enzyme that reverts it from its oxidized form, glutathione reductase, is constitutively active and inducible upon oxidative stress. In fact, the ratio of reduced glutathione to oxidized glutathione within cells is often used scientifically as a measure of cellular toxicity.

    The presence of glutathione is required to maintain the normal function of the immune system. It is known to play a critical role in the multiplication of lymphocytes (the cells that mediate specific immunity) which occurs in the development of an effective immune response.

    Furthermore, the cells of the immune system produce many oxiradicals as a result of their normal functioning, resulting in a need for higher concentrations of antioxidants than most cells. Glutathione plays a crucial role in fulfilling this requirement.

    There are several ways a body can manufacture glutathione. It is true it takes 3 amino acids for the body to manufacture glutathione but our bodies can take food, turn the foods into the substance to manufacture the 3 needed amino acids needed to manufacture glutathione. This is also the natural method for a body to create glutathione. As an example, asparagus and watermelon will make glutathione.
    With all of the breaking news regarding glutathione as an antioxidant as well as part of the reason for the development of autism, many supplements are suddenly jumping on the glutathione bandwagon.

    One thing that has been overlooked by many still is the role of glutathione within the liver as well as the role of glutathione transporting a toxin to the liver. There is considerable more to glutathione than having it in the cells. When you need intracellular glutathione quickly, the best method and safest method is with a whey protein.

    Increasing intracellular levels of glutathione is critical with drug withdrawal and it is vitally important that any supplement not cause a drug/supplement interaction.

    Additional Glutathione Information and Clinical Trials

  16. #376
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    12th Week (4th Week PCT)

    60 oxa - 3.436 Kcal - (Biceps & Triceps, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    60 oxa - 3.550 Kcal - (Back, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Bursts of Heat

    60 oxa - 3.199 Kcal - (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Appetite, Diarrhea, Tiredness

    60 oxa - 3.340 Kcal - (Legs)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Appetite, Diarrhea, Tiredness, Face Swelling, 8 mg Loperamide

    60 oxa - 2.799 Kcal - (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Appetite, Diarrhea, Tiredness, Face Swelling, Yellow Skin (left biceps & shoulder), 8 mg Loperamide, 25.000 iu Neomycin

    60 oxa - 3.646 Kcal - (Chest)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Appetite, Tiredness, Yellow Skin, 1 g Acetylsalicy Acid

    60 oxa - 3.912 Kcal - (Shoulders)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin, 600 mg Acetylcysteine

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.411

    The first week was very hard to go through. No will to eat at all and lots of problem to understand if the diarrhea was due from oxandrolone or liv.52; also I got a persistent sore throat.
    The strength increase was considerable, especially on legs and shoulders.
    As daily supplements throughout the cycle: (Multi Vitamins/Minerals 1 tb, Vitamin C/Ester 3 gr, EFA complex 6 gr, ALA 600 mg, LIV.52 2 tabs, CLA 4 gr, ZMA, Tribulus Terrestris 3 gr, Chromium Picolinate 400 mcg, Acetyl L-Carnitine 600 mg, Coenzyme Q10, Glutamine 35 gr, BCAA 20 gr, MT Gakic Hardcore 8 tbs (only before w/o), UN Animal Flex 1 pckt.

    Day 8
    60 oxa - 2.415 Kcal - (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Appetite,Tiredness, 25.000 iu Neomycin, 8 mg Loperamide, 600 mg Acetylcysteine

    Day 9
    60 oxa - 3.400 Kcal - (Biceps & Triceps)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Appetite

    Day 10
    60 oxa - 2.760 Kcal - (Cardio 35’)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Appetite

    Day 11
    60 oxa - 4.208 Kcal - (Legs)
    Sides & Notes: Oxandrolone kicked in

    Day 12
    60 oxa - 3.332 Kcal - (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 13
    60 oxa - 3.645 Kcal - (Back)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 14
    60 oxa - 3.976 Kcal - (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request)

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.392

    At day 11 finally Anavar showed me its potentiality by improving my strength incredibly. Not only the power to lift was improved but also the reps needed to exhaust the muscles.
    Furthermore, I am starving again especially after the work-outs.
    The diarrhea was given by Liv.52. I solved the problem by taking only 1 tab in the morning.

    Day 15
    60 oxa – 3.698 Kcal – (Chest)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request), Back pain on the lumbar right region

    Day 16
    60 oxa – 3.645 Kcal – (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request), Back pain on the lumbar right region

    Day 17
    60 oxa – 3.591 Kcal – (Shoulders)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request), Diarrhea, 8 mg Loperamide

    Day 18
    60 oxa – 3.016 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request), Back pain on the lumbar right region
    Blood Work: Blood Analyses After 18 Days of Oxandrolone at 60 mg ED

    Day 19
    60 oxa – 3.125 Kcal – (Biceps & Triceps)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request)

    Day 20
    60 oxa – 3.332 Kcal – (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request), Sinusitis, 400 mg Acetylsalicy Acid

    Day 21
    60 oxa – 3.129 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request), Sinusitis, Headache, 2 g Paracetamol, 500 mg Acetylcysteine Antibiotic, 600 mg Acetylcysteine

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.362

    I understood that the best time to take oxandrolone is after the meals, not before or during, otherwise I get diarrhea and this apart from ingesting Liv.52.
    Unfortunately, I got a bit sick yesterday and today is even worse. Every year I suffer from sinusitis which I hope to cure as fast as possible.
    In regards of the results of blood analyses above reported, my bilirubin values decreased within the normal range, as expected. Oxandrolone seems "to cure" Gilberts's syndrome (which I have).
    Of course, either LDL, HDL and Transaminase went up; as well as azotemia which was already a bit higher and surely it could not start declining during the cycle.
    Strangely, creatinine stayed at the same level but this is good in relation with azotemia.
    What I do not understand are the values related to LH, FSH and HGH compared with DHEAS. Hopefully my endocrinologist, if not someone in here before, will explain this issue.

    Day 22
    60 oxa – 5.096 Kcal – (Legs)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request), Sinusitis, Diarrhea, 100 mg Nimesulide, 500 mg Acetylcysteine Antibiotic, 600 mg Acetylcysteine, 25.000 iu Neomycin, 10 mg Diazepam

    Day 23
    60 oxa – 4.003 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request), 10 mg Diazepam

    Day 24
    60 oxa – 3.650 Kcal – (Back)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request)

    Day 25
    60 oxa – 4.021 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request)

    Day 26
    60 oxa / 50 mes – 4.374 Kcal – (Chest)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request)

    Day 27
    60 oxa / 50 mes – 5.338 Kcal – (Biceps & Triceps)
    Sides & Notes: Libido is Back, Back pain on the lumbar right region

    Day 28
    60 oxa / 50 mes – 3.071 Kcal – (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Back pain on the lumbar right region

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 4.221

    Fortunately sinusitis, which I had between day 20/22, went away quickly.
    At day 26 I added 3 gr of Tribulus Terrestris daily.
    Since also from day 26 I am ingesting Mesterolone, my libido in back and I have very hard erections. Furthermore, I feel I can last longer while having sex.
    My daily Kcalories intake was brought up to more than 4.000 (just checking how much fat I will store comparing to when I was eating/training the same, naturally).
    This afternoon I underwent a full abdominal echography to see the overall situation and try to figure out if the pang I felt sometimes around my lower back was due to a kidney problem. The response was negative, all the organs are fine and was told it might be a problem related to training, probably a muscular micro-lesion less than 1mm, therefore not visible.
    The persistent sore throat, reported at week 1, it is still there.[/QUOTE]

    Day 29

    60 oxa / 50 mes – 5.723 Kcal – (Shoulders, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Back pain on the lumbar right region, Problems to fall asleep because I took the last tabs of Oxandrolone around midnight, 2 g Ketoprofen foam, 10 mg Diazepam

    Day 30

    70 oxa / 50 mes – 4.790 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Back pain on the lumbar right region, 2 g Ketoprofen foam

    Day 31

    70 oxa / 50 mes – 5.999 Kcal – (Legs)
    Sides & Notes: Back pain on the lumbar right region

    Day 32

    70 oxa / 50 mes – 3.461 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Back pain on the lumbar right region, Diarrhea, 8 mg Loperamide, 10 mg Diazepam

    Day 33

    70 oxa / 50 mes – 2.763 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Back pain on the lumbar right region, 200 mg Nimesulide, 4 g Ketoprofen foam

    Day 34

    70 oxa / 50 mes – 4.321 Kcal – (Chest & Back)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 35

    60 oxa / 50 mes – 3.973 Kcal – (Biceps & Triceps)
    Sides & Notes: Back pain on the lumbar right region, Diarrhea, 100 mg Nimesulide

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 4.432

    So, in 19 days I took 6,6 lbs of lean mass (estimate) while fat increased a bit more but still under control (considering also I am not eating low glycemic index carbs at all) and water kept at the same value.
    I would say so far, oxandrolone is showing its ability to increase the lean mass controlling either the fat and the water.
    I am quite satisfied because I think I can easily go down to 12% bf retaining most of the lean mass acquired. I will act so the last ten days of the cycle. Till that time, I want to continue eating that much calories and proteins. Perhaps I can start eating more oats instead of pasta and rice.
    At day 30 I started to ingest 10 mg more of Oxandrolone daily, for a total of 70 mg.
    At day 35 I went back to 60 mg since I noticed no differences at all and the back pain on the lumbar right region came back again in a vigorous way. I am getting tired of this also because in spite of the echography I took lastly (which was fine), the pain is always there and seems to get worse after I ingest Oxandrolone. I had no possibility, as previously stated, to go taking blood analyses a few days ago, but I’ll go tomorrow morning. I want to see if the values related to the liver and the kidneys have stabilized or not. In negative case, it could be an explanation for the pain. Surely, I cannot keep taking nimesulide to get rid of the pain since it is very liver toxic too and gives diarrhea.
    Strength keeps increasing.
    The persistent sore throat, reported at week 1, it is finally gone.

    Day 36

    70 oxa / 50 mes – 3.640 Kcal – (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Nil
    Blood Work: Blood Analyses After 36 Days of Oxandrolone at 60/70 mg ED

    Day 37

    70 oxa / 50 mes – 3.511 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Back pain on the lumbar right region, 100 mg Nimesulide

    Day 38

    60 oxa / 50 mes – 3.332 Kcal – (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 39

    60 oxa / 50 mes – 3.042 Kcal – (Cardio 30’)
    Sides & Notes: 10 mg Diazepam

    Day 40

    60 oxa / 50 mes – 3.046 Kcal – (Cardio 30’)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 41

    80 oxa / 50 mes – 4.050 Kcal – (Biceps & Triceps)
    Sides & Notes: Diarrhea, Dizziness late after dinner (several hours)

    Day 42

    60 oxa / 50 mes – 4.824 Kcal – (Legs)
    Sides & Notes: Diarrhea, Dizziness late after dinner (just a few minutes)

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.635

    On day 41 I tried to raise the input from Oxandrolone by ingesting 20 mg more, for a total of 80 mg. The results were dizziness and confusion. The morning after I felt also some kind of hallucination and both yesterday and today the diarrhea came back. I decided not to push my luck and from day 42 I went back to 60 mg ed. After all, I had good results so far and see no reasons to screw everything up.
    This week I ate a bit less to see if I could obtain a better definition but I also had the possibility to work-out only two days, so this made my effort fruitless.
    Regarding my sperm, I realized it is more viscous than before and it seems also heavier.
    Wondering if PCT is required since both LH and FSH are (and always were) within the normal ranges.

    Day 43

    60 oxa / 50 mes – 2.637 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Took 150 mg of Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid) by mistake

    Day 44

    60 oxa / 75 mes – 2.659 Kcal – (Shoulders)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 45

    70 oxa / 75 mes – 2.511 Kcal – (Chest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil
    +0.10 oxa

    Day 46

    70 oxa / 75 mes – 3.373 Kcal – (Back)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 47

    70 oxa / 75 mes – 2.754 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Sore Throat/Ears/Head, 2 g Paracetamol

    Day 48

    70 oxa / 75 mes – 2.564 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Sore Throat/Ears, 2 g Paracetamol

    Day 49

    70 oxa / 75 mes – 3.237 Kcal – (Biceps & Triceps)
    Sides & Notes: Sore Throat, 2 g Paracetamol

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 2.819

    On day 43, I wrongly took 150 mg of Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid) at breakfast. I had an intestine discomfort, which lasted the entire morning.
    On day 44, I raised the Mesterolone (Proviron ) daily intake of about 0,25 mg.
    On day 45, I raised the Oxandrolone (Anavar) daily intake of about 0,10 mg.
    I did not notice any improvement of any sort.
    I figure out that strength increase ceased, even though I have not pushed to the limit to avoid injuries since I work-out in solitude.
    This week I lowered my daily Kcalories intake because I realized I was putting on too much fat. I should be now back to 14% or less maybe, while by the end of last week I surely was above 15%.
    In any case, in the next weekend I am going to check my stats again.
    In the following and last week (8th), I am going to lower the daily intake of anavar down to 60 mg while starting from tomorrow morning I shall not ingest proviron anymore.
    I need to see if mesterolone is related to the upsurge of my LH and FSH values. So, next Saturday I shall take the last blood work on cycle and accordingly, I set up the proper pct.

    Day 50

    60 oxa – 2.589 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Cough, 2 g Paracetamol, 10 mg Diazepam

    Day 51

    60 oxa – 3.299 Kcal – (Shoulders)
    Sides & Notes: Cough, 1 g Paracetamol
    Sperm Analyses: Sperm Analyses After 51 Days of Oxandrolone at 60/70 mg ED

    Day 52

    60 oxa – 3.051 Kcal – (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Cough, 1 g Paracetamol

    Day 53

    60 oxa – 2.978 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 54

    60 oxa – 2.897 Kcal – (Legs)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 55

    60 oxa – 3.040 Kcal – (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 56

    70 oxa – 2.598 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil
    Blood Wok: Blood Analyses After 56 Days of Oxandrolone at 63 mg ED (Averaged)

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 2.921
    Daily Average Bulking KCalories Intake (56 days): 3.159
    Oxandrolone Daily Ingestion Average (56 days): 63 mg

    Nothing particular to report on this final week, except I lowered the total daily intake of Kcalories to prepare myself for the following three weeks of PCT, where I am going to use 3.000 Kcalories on a daily average with 300/330 grams of protides.
    Furthermore, after discontinuing the Mesterolone at day 49, the FSH dropped back while testosterone free doubled, +100%.

    Being on my first cycle, I believe I had good results especially in strength.
    After almost 20 years of martial arts as well as training in the gym plus other spare sport activities, I started this cycle with a bit of concern in relation to some elbows pangs I have felt in the last months. So, I never pushed to the limit really and always trained in solitude to avoid that.
    Furthermore, I was not able to accomplish a ”perfect” diet regime throughout the cycle, as I wanted to, due to personal reasons which also led me to sleep no so goodly and enough.
    Said that, I believe I could have achieved better results but I am satisfied anyway.

    As reported during the cycle, Oxandrolone gave me some strong dizziness at 80 mg ed.
    For the rest, except a total loss of appetite the first week or so and some diarrhea till I understood when to ingest the drug (after main meals), I would say I have gotten only benefits. The pang on my elbows disappeared after one week supporting what I read regarding the ability of Oxandrolone to cure problems related to ligaments and tendons, or in case to relieve the associated pain.
    Another good ability was in regard of water percentage in the body. I ate a lot, compared to what I have burned especially in the first weeks, and I got just a little fat on and no water retention at all. This is good for martial artists or any other sport where the “not useful” weight is an issue.
    Regarding vascularization, I cannot say I noticed any improvement because I did not mean to use this compound to get ripped, while I wanted more strength and see how much lean mass I could obtain. I started the cycle at 12,9% bf, went up to 14,6% bf and then back to 14% bf now, more or less. However, I tried to reduce the daily Kcalories at the end of the cycle but mostly helped me to reduce the fat I have put on, not to see any veins on my chest.

    Overall Strength Increase: 35% (estimate)

    Squat (legs) 100 kg (220 lbs) 130 kg (286 lbs) +30%
    One Arm Dumbbell Row (back) 30 kg (66 lbs) 44 kg (96,8 lbs) +46,66%
    Bench Press with Dumbbells (chest) 30 kg each (66 lbs) 40 kg (88 lbs) +33,33%
    Military Press with Dumbbells (shoulders) 24 kg each (52,8 lbs) 34 kg (74,8 lbs) +41,66%
    Dumbbells Curls (biceps - seated) 24 kg each (52,8 lbs) 30 kg (66 lbs) +25%
    Dumbbells Curls (triceps - lying down) 18 kg each (39,6 lbs) 24 kg (52,8 lbs) +33,33%

    Lean Body Mass Acquisition (LBM): 9,043 kg (19,89 lbs)
    by Whole Body Hologic QDR-4500W DXA Fan-Beam Scanner

    (current-previous)/previous*100 = (+) increase% or (-) decrease%

    Day 57
    Day 1 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.555 Kcal – (Chest)
    Sides & Notes: Flatulence, 20 mg Tadalafil

    Day 58
    Day 2 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.556 Kcal – (Biceps & Triceps)
    Sides & Notes: Increased size of testicles

    Day 59
    Day 3 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.484 Kcal – (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 60
    Day 4 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.596 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 61
    Day 5 pct

    50 clo / 40 nol – 2.708 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Testicles back to normal

    Day 62
    Day 6 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.383 Kcal – (Shoulders)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 63
    Day 7 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.513 Kcal – (Chest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.399

    Strength kept being at the same level while muscles, right after I stopped the ingestion of Oxandrolone, started to ache for a few days.
    Testicles increased the day after I started my pct, but after a few days came back to their normal size.
    At day 5 (61) I ingested 40 mg of Tamoxifen Citrate to see if I could notice any difference but that day I could not eat as much as I had to, so I thwarted the attempt. In any case, having also used 50 mg of clomid, 20 mg of Nolva should be enough.
    While, I shall get a full blood work to be compared to the one taken before the cycle, after my detox protocol (GSH), which will start three days after the end of PCT.
    Regarding Tadalafil, I took it at day 1 to give it a try, in spite of during the entire cycle I had loss of libido but never problems to have sex normally. Anyway, I noticed no differences while my intestine became full of gas in about two hours. Fortunately, the morning after I was fine again.

    Day 58
    Day 8 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.907 Kcal – (Back, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 59
    Day 9 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.583 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: 4 mg Loperamide

    Day 60
    Day 10 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 4.345 Kcal – (Legs, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 61
    Day 11 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.697 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 62
    Day 12 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.510 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 63
    Day 13 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.912 Kcal – (Back, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 64
    Day 14 pct

    20 nol – 3.093 Kcal – (Chest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.721

    Strength decreased a bit. If I could achieve a “x” weight for 10 reps, now I go up to 8 max.
    On day 14 (64), I ceased ingesting clomid, so the rest of the final week will be only nolva 20 mg ed.

    Day 65
    Day 15 pct

    20 nol – 3.373 Kcal – (Shoulders)
    Sides & Notes: 10 mg Vardenafil

    Day 66
    Day 16 pct

    20 nol – 4.365 Kcal – (Biceps & Triceps, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 67
    Day 17 pct

    20 nol – 3.566 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: 2 g Ketoprofen foam

    Day 68
    Day 18 pct

    20 nol – 3.366 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: 2 g Ketoprofen foam, 10 mg Diazepam

    Day 69
    Day 19 pct

    20 nol / 0,06 cln – 3.552 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 70
    Day 20 pct

    20 nol / 0,06 cln – 3.607 Kcal – (Legs)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 71
    Day 21 pct

    20 nol / 0,08 cln – 3.014 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.549
    Daily Average PCT KCalories Intake (21 days): 3.556

    On day 69 I started a ten days cyle of Clenbuterol (60/60/80/80/100/100/100/100/60/60). After that, 3 days off in order to start a 10 days GSH detox protocol. Then, I shall have my final and complete blood work done.

    Day 72
    Day 22 pct

    0,08 cln – 2.700 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 73
    Day 23 pct

    0,10 cln – 3.416 Kcal – (Biceps & Triceps)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 74
    Day 24 pct

    0,10 cln – 2.907 Kcal – (Shoulders)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 75
    Day 25 pct

    0,10 cln – 3.038 Kcal – (Back, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: 8 mg Loperamide, 2 g Ketoprofen foam

    Day 76
    Day 26 pct

    0,10 cln – 3.094 Kcal – (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: 2 g Ketoprofen foam

    Day 77
    Day 27 pct

    nil – 3.324 Kcal – (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: 3 g Ketoprofen foam

    Day 78
    Day 28 pct

    0,06 cln – 3.233 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.101

    Nothing to report.
    Last edited by BJJ; 12-18-2009 at 02:37 PM.

  17. #377
    pwnflow is offline Associate Member
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post

    After that, 3 days off in order to start a 10 days GSH detox protocol. Then, I shall have my final and complete blood work done.
    Looking forward to this. Good Luck.

  18. #378
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    Quote Originally Posted by pwnflow View Post
    Looking forward to this. Good Luck.
    I am also curious to see if my values are back to normal and if my GS is really disappeared.

  19. #379
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    Furthermore, I will have the opportunity to experiment with ed injections in regards of my next test prop cycle.

  20. #380
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Furthermore, I will have the opportunity to experiment with ed injections in regards of my next test prop cycle.
    Wow you choose prop as first inj cycle? Brave! No way I can stick needle ED on the first cycle! Have you planned out how long you will take it and the PCT?

    On side topic, Why did you choose oxanabilic as your brand of anavar ?
    Last edited by pwnflow; 12-17-2009 at 04:44 AM.

  21. #381
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    Quote Originally Posted by pwnflow View Post
    Wow you choose prop as first inj cycle? Brave! No way I can stick needle ED on the first cycle! Have you planned out how long you will take it and the PCT?

    On side topic, Why did you choose oxanabilic as your brand of anavar?
    Surely 8 weeks, maybe 10.
    For PCT I was thinking about clomid and instead of Nolvadex to get Toremifene.
    Yet, I do not know if I want to run HCG during the cycle.

    I have chosen Oxanabolic over others because I have read good feedbacks on the factory which makes it.

  22. #382
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    Toremifene is a novel SERM - Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (anti estrogen) that is supposedly more powerful than Nolvadex and may have less side effects than other anti estrogens. It also lowers bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase good cholesterol (HDL).

    Primarily used to treat breast cancer in post-menopausal women, it has a great a potential to be used in men as well for various medical conditions.
    Since Toremifene has been in market but much less time than Tamoxifen it has fewer medical studies. However due to similarities in action with other SERMs like Nolvadex though being more potent it has probably even greater potential to treat the same conditions doctors use Nolvadex to treat.

    These are extracts from research and studies conducted by various groups and published in various places. These extracts are for informational purposes only. They should not serve as a medical advice and do not suggest any self-medicating.
    This research suggests Toremifene as an alternative to Nolvadex. The Toremifene group had a greater response than the Tamoxifen group did. It also demonstrates the Toremifene group had lower incidence of undesirable effects.
    Phase III randomized trial of toremifene vs tamoxifen in hormonodependant advanced breast cancer.

    Efficacy and safety of toremifene (TOR) 60 mgs/dayly/o.r. was compared with tamoxifen (TAM) 40 mgs/dayly/o.r. in a group of postmenopausal women with advanced breast cancer, without previous systemic therapy for advanced breast cancer. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study was a prospective double-blind randomized trial. All treated patients presented with positive estrogen receptors. Main end points were response rates, toxicity profile analysis, time to progression and survival. WHO and ECOG criteria were employed for response evaluation while toxicity was assesed according to WHO guidelines. Curves were constructed by means of Kaplan-Meier methodology and were compared by means of log-rank test. RESULTS: From January 1996 to January 1999 a total of 217 patients were included in the study (106 in the TOR branch and 111 in the TAM arm). Both groups of patients were homogeneous regarding the main prognostic factors. A response rate of 64% (68/106) was observed in the TOR group as compared with a 52% (58/111) in the TAM group. Median times to progression and overall survival were not significantly different. A lower incidence of undesirable effects was apreciated in the TOR arm. CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest that TOREMIFENE (FARESTON) is an efficient and well-tolerated agent for the therapy of postmenopausal women with hormonal positive receptors advanced breast cancer, and must be considered an alternative to TAMOXIFEN (NOLVADEX) as first line therapy for ER+ advanced breast cancer patients and as well as an adjuvant treatment.

    Toremifene (Fareston) lowered LDL (bad Cholesterol) and increased HDL (good cholesterol) when given to men receiving androgen-deprivation therapy for prostate cancer.
    Study published in Journal of Clinical Oncology, April 2008
    Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center

    We evaluated the effects of toremifene, a selective estrogen-receptor modulator, on fasting serum lipid levels in men receiving ADT for prostate cancer. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In an ongoing, multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase III fracture-prevention study, 1,389 men receiving ADT for prostate cancer were randomly assigned to receive toremifene (80 mg/d) or placebo. In this interim analysis of 188 patients, changes in fasting serum lipids from baseline to month 12 were compared between the placebo and toremifene groups. RESULTS: Changes in serum lipids differed significantly between the groups. Mean (+/- SE) total cholesterol decreased by 1.0% +/- 1.7% from baseline to month 12 in the placebo group and decreased by 8.1% +/- 1.4% in the toremifene group (P = .001 for between group comparison). Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol increased by 0.8% +/- 2.5% in the placebo group and decreased by 8.2% +/- 2.5% in the toremifene group (P = .003). In contrast, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol decreased by 4.9% +/- 1.2% in the placebo group and increased by 0.5% +/- 2.2% in the toremifene group (P = .018). Triglycerides increased by 6.9% +/- 4.2% in the placebo group and decreased by 13.2% +/- 3.6% in the toremifene group (P = .003). CONCLUSION: Toremifene significantly decreased total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides, and increased HDL cholesterol in men receiving ADT for prostate cancer.

    Toremifene increases Testosterone , FSH, sperm count and quality in men with fertility problems.
    Study published in Fertil Steril, October 2007
    Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece.

    To evaluate whether toremifene, a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM), has a beneficiary effect on all three main sperm parameters. DESIGN: Prospective interventional clinical study. SETTING: University hospital. PATIENT(S): One-hundred subfertile men with idiopathic oligozospermia. INTERVENTION(S): Toremifene (60 mg daily) was administered to all men for 3 months. At baseline and at the end of each month, serum concentrations of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), testosterone, inhibin B, and sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) were measured. At baseline and at the end, semen analysis was performed and sperm concentration, spermatozoal motility and normal sperm forms were determined. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Gonadotropin, testosterone, inhibin-B levels, total sperm count, sperm morphology and motility. RESULT(S): Toremifene administration resulted in a significant increase in FSH, testosterone, SHBG, and inhibin B levels, as well as in sperm concentration, percentage motility and normal sperm forms. Twenty-two men's partners achieved pregnancy within 2 months of the end of treatment. At the end of the third month, serum FSH levels were significantly higher in the men whose partners did not achieve pregnancy, and total sperm count and normal sperm forms were significantly lower compared with the group of men whose partners achieved pregnancy. CONCLUSION(S): Toremifene administration for a period of 3 months in men with idiopathic oligozoospermia is associated with significant improvements of sperm count, motility, and morphology, mediated by increased gonadotropin secretion and possibly a direct beneficial effect of toremifene on the testes. The above findings are also indicative of a better testicular exocrine (improved sperm parameters) response to treatment in men whose partners achieved pregnancy compared with those who did not. Further randomized, placebo-controlled trials should be conducted to determine whether this particular selective estrogen receptor modulator can be useful as an initial approach in men with oligozoospermia.

    Toremifene (Fareston) increases bone mineral density in men receiving androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer.
    Study published in Journal of Urology, January 2008
    Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston

    We evaluated the effects of toremifene on bone mineral density, a surrogate for fracture risk, in men receiving androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In an ongoing, multicenter, phase 3 fracture prevention study 1,392 men 50 years or older with prostate cancer receiving androgen deprivation therapy were randomized to 80 mg toremifene per day or placebo. Bone mineral density of the lumbar spine, total hip and femoral neck was assessed using dual energy x-ray absorptiometry. In this planned interim analysis of the first 197 subjects we compared bone mineral density changes from baseline to month 12 between the placebo and toremifene groups. RESULTS: Compared with the placebo group men in the toremifene group had significant increases in bone mineral density at each evaluated skeletal site. Lumbar spine bone mineral density decreased 0.7% in the placebo group and increased 1.6% in the toremifene group (between group comparison p <0.001). Total hip bone mineral density decreased 1.3% in the placebo group and increased 0.7% in the toremifene group (p = 0.001). Femoral neck bone mineral density decreased 1.3% in the placebo group and increased 0.2% in the toremifene group (p = 0.009). Between group differences in the change in bone mineral density from baseline to month 12 were 2.3%, 2.0% and 1.5% for the lumbar spine, total hip and femoral neck, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Toremifene significantly increased hip and spine bone mineral density in men receiving androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer. The effect of toremifene on the fracture risk is being assessed in the ongoing randomized, controlled trial.

    Toremifene helps in prevention of prostate cancer in men with high grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia
    Study published in Journal of Urology, September 2006

    A randomized, double-blind, dose finding, placebo controlled, parallel group clinical study was done to determine the incidence of prostate cancer in men with high grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia treated with toremifene. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 514 patients with high grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia and no evidence of prostate cancer on screening biopsy were randomized to 20, 40 or 60 mg toremifene, or placebo daily for 12 months. Patients underwent re-biopsy at 6 and 12 months. RESULTS: The number of evaluable patients, that is those with 1 on study biopsy who were compliant, was 447. The cumulative risk of prostate cancer was decreased in patients on 20 mg toremifene compared with placebo (24.4% vs 31.2%, p <0.05). The annualized rate of prevention was 6.8 cancers per 100 men treated. In patients with no biopsy evidence of cancer at baseline and 6 months, the 12-month incidence of prostate cancer was decreased by 48.2% with 20 mg toremifene compared with placebo (9.1% vs 17.4%, p <0.05). The 20 mg dose was most effective but cumulative and 12-month incidences of prostate cancer were lower for each toremifene dose vs placebo with a cumulative risk of 29.2% and 28.1%, and a 12-month incidence of 14.3% and 13.0% for 40 and 60 mg, respectively. Gleason scores were similar across treatments. The overall incidence of drug related and serious adverse events did not differ between any of the toremifene groups and the placebo group. CONCLUSIONS: Toremifene decreased the incidence of prostate cancer by 1 year and had a tolerability profile comparable to that of placebo in a high risk population.

  23. #383
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Surely 8 weeks, maybe 10.
    For PCT I was thinking about clomid and instead of Nolvadex to get Toremifene.
    Yet, I do not know if I want to run HCG during the cycle.

    I have chosen Oxanabolic over others because I have read good feedbacks on the factory which makes it.
    Why not use nolva and fareston and drop the clomid. Nolva and clomid anyways work the same way by enhancing the release of gonadotropins so it's better to opt for novla over clomid as clomid is know for its potent possible side effects on vision.

  24. #384
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    Quote Originally Posted by pwnflow View Post
    Why not use nolva and fareston and drop the clomid. Nolva and clomid anyways work the same way by enhancing the release of gonadotropins so it's better to opt for novla over clomid as clomid is know for its potent possible side effects on vision.
    The following, thanks to Swifto, should answer your question:

    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    Drug Saf. 2001;24(14):1039-53.

    Comparative tolerability of first-generation selective estrogen receptor modulators in breast cancer treatment and prevention.
    Curtis MG.

    Department of Obstetrics/Gynecology, University of Texas at Houston, Houston, Texas 77026, USA. [email protected]

    In general, the selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) currently indicated for the treatment and prevention of breast cancer, i.e. tamoxifen and toremifene, are fairly well tolerated. However, tamoxifen has been shown to induce hepatocellular carcinomas in rats, but not in humans, and can increase the risk of endometrial cancer in humans by two to three times. Other potentially serious adverse effects which have been associated with tamoxifen and toremifene therapy include vasomotor symptoms, an increased risk of venous thromboembolic events, and an increased incidence of cataracts and ocular toxicity, fatty liver, and nonmalignant hepatic and uterine changes. In addition, long term tamoxifen use almost always results in resistance to the drug and, indeed, has actually been shown to promote tumour proliferation in human breast cancer cells. Both tamoxifen and toremifene display drug interactions with a variety of drug classes. The adverse events associated with these compounds have raised significant concerns regarding their widespread use for the treatment and prevention of breast cancer. In addition, because of the weakness and scarcity of the data on toremifene, any conclusions about its tolerability remain tentative until outcomes of ongoing clinical trials in the adjuvant setting are known. A third SERM, raloxifene, is the focus of several large randomised trials examining its efficacy in the prevention of breast cancer. At present, each potential adverse event needs to be weighed against potential benefits in the decision to undergo SERM treatment. An array of therapies is currently available for patients with breast cancer and women at increased risk of disease; the risk-to-benefit ratio for each agent should be carefully examined in determining the most advantageous regimen.

    PMID: 11735660 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

    If given the coice, 2nd Gen SERMs should be used. This study was done in 2001 and since then, Toremifene has been shown to be safer than Tamox.
    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    Toremifene on lipid profiles:

    J Clin Oncol. 2008 Apr 10;26(11):1824-9.

    Toremifene improves lipid profiles in men receiving androgen-deprivation therapy for prostate cancer: interim analysis of a multicenter phase III study.
    Smith MR, Malkowicz SB, Chu F, Forrest J, Sieber P, Barnette KG, Rodriquez D, Steiner MS.

    Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center, Yawkey 7038, 55 Fruit St, Boston, MA 02114, USA. [email protected]

    Comment in:

    Eur Urol. 2008 Nov;54(5):1202-3.

    PURPOSE: Androgen-deprivation therapy (ADT) is associated with greater risk of incident coronary heart disease and hospital admission for myocardial infarction; treatment-related increases in serum lipids may contribute to greater cardiovascular disease risk. We evaluated the effects of toremifene, a selective estrogen-receptor modulator, on fasting serum lipid levels in men receiving ADT for prostate cancer. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In an ongoing, multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase III fracture-prevention study, 1,389 men receiving ADT for prostate cancer were randomly assigned to receive toremifene (80 mg/d) or placebo. In this interim analysis of 188 patients, changes in fasting serum lipids from baseline to month 12 were compared between the placebo and toremifene groups. RESULTS: Changes in serum lipids differed significantly between the groups. Mean (+/- SE) total cholesterol decreased by 1.0% +/- 1.7% from baseline to month 12 in the placebo group and decreased by 8.1% +/- 1.4% in the toremifene group (P = .001 for between group comparison). Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol increased by 0.8% +/- 2.5% in the placebo group and decreased by 8.2% +/- 2.5% in the toremifene group (P = .003). In contrast, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol decreased by 4.9% +/- 1.2% in the placebo group and increased by 0.5% +/- 2.2% in the toremifene group (P = .018). Triglycerides increased by 6.9% +/- 4.2% in the placebo group and decreased by 13.2% +/- 3.6% in the toremifene group (P = .003). CONCLUSION: Toremifene significantly decreased total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides, and increased HDL cholesterol in men receiving ADT for prostate cancer.
    PMID: 18398147 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    Toremifene on bone mineral density:

    J Urol. 2008 Jan;179(1):152-5. Epub 2007 Nov 14.

    Toremifene increases bone mineral density in men receiving androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer: interim analysis of a multicenter phase 3 clinical study.

    Smith MR, Malkowicz SB, Chu F, Forrest J, Price D, Sieber P, Barnette KG, Rodriguez D, Steiner MS.

    Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts 02114, USA. [email protected]

    PURPOSE: We evaluated the effects of toremifene on bone mineral density, a surrogate for fracture risk, in men receiving androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In an ongoing, multicenter, phase 3 fracture prevention study 1,392 men 50 years or older with prostate cancer receiving androgen deprivation therapy were randomized to 80 mg toremifene per day or placebo. Bone mineral density of the lumbar spine, total hip and femoral neck was assessed using dual energy x-ray absorptiometry. In this planned interim analysis of the first 197 subjects we compared bone mineral density changes from baseline to month 12 between the placebo and toremifene groups. RESULTS: Compared with the placebo group men in the toremifene group had significant increases in bone mineral density at each evaluated skeletal site. Lumbar spine bone mineral density decreased 0.7% in the placebo group and increased 1.6% in the toremifene group (between group comparison p <0.001). Total hip bone mineral density decreased 1.3% in the placebo group and increased 0.7% in the toremifene group (p = 0.001). Femoral neck bone mineral density decreased 1.3% in the placebo group and increased 0.2% in the toremifene group (p = 0.009). Between group differences in the change in bone mineral density from baseline to month 12 were 2.3%, 2.0% and 1.5% for the lumbar spine, total hip and femoral neck, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Toremifene significantly increased hip and spine bone mineral density in men receiving androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer. The effect of toremifene on the fracture risk is being assessed in the ongoing randomized, controlled trial.
    PMID: 18001802 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    Toremifene, it seems, will also be a valuable tool for fighting prostate cancer in males. As is Tamoxifen.

    Estrogen is VERY important when causing prostate problems in males, so it DHT. A SERM that increase expression of ERbeta and reduces ERalpha is prefered at fighting tumor growth. Tamoxifen does this and Toremifene may also exert this effect on the ER.

  25. #385
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    Quote Originally Posted by gymnerd View Post
    Just cuious are you running HG var or UGL?
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    That is a debatable question since some vets told me HG while some others UGL.
    The web site of the company states HG but "to write is easy".
    I exhumed a contact I used to have in Beijing.
    That person told me the factory is Human Grade Pharmaceuticals.

  26. #386
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    Started my GSH protocol.
    I injected 600 mg of Glutathione intramuscular (right shoulder), even though I could have inject it also into a vein.
    It was very painful and 600 mg are a lot all in once, so I guess it will be easier with test.

  27. #387
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    Behind you
    This needs to be stickied somewhere appropriate. Or put in an experiment forum or something.

    This is great. 19lbs on anavar .

  28. #388
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReX357 View Post
    This needs to be stickied somewhere appropriate. Or put in an experiment forum or something.

    This is great. 19lbs on anavar.
    ... and eating correctly I am able to hold either the weight and the strength.

  29. #389
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    Third day and tried the right quadriceps.
    I felt nothing comparing to the shoulder while I though it could be very painful.
    I used a 22g for the injection, so a quite big needle.

  30. #390
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    Actually, I think I went too deeply with the needle inside my quad.
    I have now a huge bulge just where I injected.

  31. #391
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    I am experiencing some weird effects by injection glutathione.
    I am on day 5 and injected 2400 mg so far, with tonight I will be up to 3 g total.

    My daily Kcalories have not changed at all as well as the proportion among macronutrients.
    My strength is back as it used to be while on cycle and at the same time I am a little leaner, especially on my ribs.

    Any clues from anyone who has tried glutathione to detox?
    Last edited by BJJ; 12-22-2009 at 09:22 AM.

  32. #392
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    13th Week (5th Week PCT)

    60 oxa - 3.436 Kcal - (Biceps & Triceps, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    60 oxa - 3.550 Kcal - (Back, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Bursts of Heat

    60 oxa - 3.199 Kcal - (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Appetite, Diarrhea, Tiredness

    60 oxa - 3.340 Kcal - (Legs)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Appetite, Diarrhea, Tiredness, Face Swelling, 8 mg Loperamide

    60 oxa - 2.799 Kcal - (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Appetite, Diarrhea, Tiredness, Face Swelling, Yellow Skin (left biceps & shoulder), 8 mg Loperamide, 25.000 iu Neomycin

    60 oxa - 3.646 Kcal - (Chest)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Appetite, Tiredness, Yellow Skin, 1 g Acetylsalicy Acid

    60 oxa - 3.912 Kcal - (Shoulders)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin, 600 mg Acetylcysteine

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.411

    The first week was very hard to go through. No will to eat at all and lots of problem to understand if the diarrhea was due from oxandrolone or liv.52; also I got a persistent sore throat.
    The strength increase was considerable, especially on legs and shoulders.
    As daily supplements throughout the cycle: (Multi Vitamins/Minerals 1 tb, Vitamin C/Ester 3 gr, EFA complex 6 gr, ALA 600 mg, LIV.52 2 tabs, CLA 4 gr, ZMA, Tribulus Terrestris 3 gr, Chromium Picolinate 400 mcg, Acetyl L-Carnitine 600 mg, Coenzyme Q10, Glutamine 35 gr, BCAA 20 gr, MT Gakic Hardcore 8 tbs (only before w/o), UN Animal Flex 1 pckt.

    Day 8
    60 oxa - 2.415 Kcal - (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Appetite,Tiredness, 25.000 iu Neomycin, 8 mg Loperamide, 600 mg Acetylcysteine

    Day 9
    60 oxa - 3.400 Kcal - (Biceps & Triceps)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Appetite

    Day 10
    60 oxa - 2.760 Kcal - (Cardio 35’)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Appetite

    Day 11
    60 oxa - 4.208 Kcal - (Legs)
    Sides & Notes: Oxandrolone kicked in

    Day 12
    60 oxa - 3.332 Kcal - (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 13
    60 oxa - 3.645 Kcal - (Back)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 14
    60 oxa - 3.976 Kcal - (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request)

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.392

    At day 11 finally Anavar showed me its potentiality by improving my strength incredibly. Not only the power to lift was improved but also the reps needed to exhaust the muscles.
    Furthermore, I am starving again especially after the work-outs.
    The diarrhea was given by Liv.52. I solved the problem by taking only 1 tab in the morning.

    Day 15
    60 oxa – 3.698 Kcal – (Chest)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request), Back pain on the lumbar right region

    Day 16
    60 oxa – 3.645 Kcal – (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request), Back pain on the lumbar right region

    Day 17
    60 oxa – 3.591 Kcal – (Shoulders)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request), Diarrhea, 8 mg Loperamide

    Day 18
    60 oxa – 3.016 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request), Back pain on the lumbar right region
    Blood Work: Blood Analyses After 18 Days of Oxandrolone at 60 mg ED

    Day 19
    60 oxa – 3.125 Kcal – (Biceps & Triceps)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request)

    Day 20
    60 oxa – 3.332 Kcal – (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request), Sinusitis, 400 mg Acetylsalicy Acid

    Day 21
    60 oxa – 3.129 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request), Sinusitis, Headache, 2 g Paracetamol, 500 mg Acetylcysteine Antibiotic, 600 mg Acetylcysteine

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.362

    I understood that the best time to take oxandrolone is after the meals, not before or during, otherwise I get diarrhea and this apart from ingesting Liv.52.
    Unfortunately, I got a bit sick yesterday and today is even worse. Every year I suffer from sinusitis which I hope to cure as fast as possible.
    In regards of the results of blood analyses above reported, my bilirubin values decreased within the normal range, as expected. Oxandrolone seems "to cure" Gilberts's syndrome (which I have).
    Of course, either LDL, HDL and Transaminase went up; as well as azotemia which was already a bit higher and surely it could not start declining during the cycle.
    Strangely, creatinine stayed at the same level but this is good in relation with azotemia.
    What I do not understand are the values related to LH, FSH and HGH compared with DHEAS. Hopefully my endocrinologist, if not someone in here before, will explain this issue.

    Day 22
    60 oxa – 5.096 Kcal – (Legs)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request), Sinusitis, Diarrhea, 100 mg Nimesulide, 500 mg Acetylcysteine Antibiotic, 600 mg Acetylcysteine, 25.000 iu Neomycin, 10 mg Diazepam

    Day 23
    60 oxa – 4.003 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request), 10 mg Diazepam

    Day 24
    60 oxa – 3.650 Kcal – (Back)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request)

    Day 25
    60 oxa – 4.021 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request)

    Day 26
    60 oxa / 50 mes – 4.374 Kcal – (Chest)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request)

    Day 27
    60 oxa / 50 mes – 5.338 Kcal – (Biceps & Triceps)
    Sides & Notes: Libido is Back, Back pain on the lumbar right region

    Day 28
    60 oxa / 50 mes – 3.071 Kcal – (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Back pain on the lumbar right region

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 4.221

    Fortunately sinusitis, which I had between day 20/22, went away quickly.
    At day 26 I added 3 gr of Tribulus Terrestris daily.
    Since also from day 26 I am ingesting Mesterolone, my libido in back and I have very hard erections. Furthermore, I feel I can last longer while having sex.
    My daily Kcalories intake was brought up to more than 4.000 (just checking how much fat I will store comparing to when I was eating/training the same, naturally).
    This afternoon I underwent a full abdominal echography to see the overall situation and try to figure out if the pang I felt sometimes around my lower back was due to a kidney problem. The response was negative, all the organs are fine and was told it might be a problem related to training, probably a muscular micro-lesion less than 1mm, therefore not visible.
    The persistent sore throat, reported at week 1, it is still there.[/QUOTE]

    Day 29

    60 oxa / 50 mes – 5.723 Kcal – (Shoulders, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Back pain on the lumbar right region, Problems to fall asleep because I took the last tabs of Oxandrolone around midnight, 2 g Ketoprofen foam, 10 mg Diazepam

    Day 30

    70 oxa / 50 mes – 4.790 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Back pain on the lumbar right region, 2 g Ketoprofen foam

    Day 31

    70 oxa / 50 mes – 5.999 Kcal – (Legs)
    Sides & Notes: Back pain on the lumbar right region

    Day 32

    70 oxa / 50 mes – 3.461 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Back pain on the lumbar right region, Diarrhea, 8 mg Loperamide, 10 mg Diazepam

    Day 33

    70 oxa / 50 mes – 2.763 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Back pain on the lumbar right region, 200 mg Nimesulide, 4 g Ketoprofen foam

    Day 34

    70 oxa / 50 mes – 4.321 Kcal – (Chest & Back)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 35

    60 oxa / 50 mes – 3.973 Kcal – (Biceps & Triceps)
    Sides & Notes: Back pain on the lumbar right region, Diarrhea, 100 mg Nimesulide

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 4.432

    So, in 19 days I took 6,6 lbs of lean mass (estimate) while fat increased a bit more but still under control (considering also I am not eating low glycemic index carbs at all) and water kept at the same value.
    I would say so far, oxandrolone is showing its ability to increase the lean mass controlling either the fat and the water.
    I am quite satisfied because I think I can easily go down to 12% bf retaining most of the lean mass acquired. I will act so the last ten days of the cycle. Till that time, I want to continue eating that much calories and proteins. Perhaps I can start eating more oats instead of pasta and rice.
    At day 30 I started to ingest 10 mg more of Oxandrolone daily, for a total of 70 mg.
    At day 35 I went back to 60 mg since I noticed no differences at all and the back pain on the lumbar right region came back again in a vigorous way. I am getting tired of this also because in spite of the echography I took lastly (which was fine), the pain is always there and seems to get worse after I ingest Oxandrolone. I had no possibility, as previously stated, to go taking blood analyses a few days ago, but I’ll go tomorrow morning. I want to see if the values related to the liver and the kidneys have stabilized or not. In negative case, it could be an explanation for the pain. Surely, I cannot keep taking nimesulide to get rid of the pain since it is very liver toxic too and gives diarrhea.
    Strength keeps increasing.
    The persistent sore throat, reported at week 1, it is finally gone.

    Day 36

    70 oxa / 50 mes – 3.640 Kcal – (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Nil
    Blood Work: Blood Analyses After 36 Days of Oxandrolone at 60/70 mg ED

    Day 37

    70 oxa / 50 mes – 3.511 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Back pain on the lumbar right region, 100 mg Nimesulide

    Day 38

    60 oxa / 50 mes – 3.332 Kcal – (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 39

    60 oxa / 50 mes – 3.042 Kcal – (Cardio 30’)
    Sides & Notes: 10 mg Diazepam

    Day 40

    60 oxa / 50 mes – 3.046 Kcal – (Cardio 30’)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 41

    80 oxa / 50 mes – 4.050 Kcal – (Biceps & Triceps)
    Sides & Notes: Diarrhea, Dizziness late after dinner (several hours)

    Day 42

    60 oxa / 50 mes – 4.824 Kcal – (Legs)
    Sides & Notes: Diarrhea, Dizziness late after dinner (just a few minutes)

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.635

    On day 41 I tried to raise the input from Oxandrolone by ingesting 20 mg more, for a total of 80 mg. The results were dizziness and confusion. The morning after I felt also some kind of hallucination and both yesterday and today the diarrhea came back. I decided not to push my luck and from day 42 I went back to 60 mg ed. After all, I had good results so far and see no reasons to screw everything up.
    This week I ate a bit less to see if I could obtain a better definition but I also had the possibility to work-out only two days, so this made my effort fruitless.
    Regarding my sperm, I realized it is more viscous than before and it seems also heavier.
    Wondering if PCT is required since both LH and FSH are (and always were) within the normal ranges.

    Day 43

    60 oxa / 50 mes – 2.637 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Took 150 mg of Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid) by mistake

    Day 44

    60 oxa / 75 mes – 2.659 Kcal – (Shoulders)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 45

    70 oxa / 75 mes – 2.511 Kcal – (Chest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil
    +0.10 oxa

    Day 46

    70 oxa / 75 mes – 3.373 Kcal – (Back)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 47

    70 oxa / 75 mes – 2.754 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Sore Throat/Ears/Head, 2 g Paracetamol

    Day 48

    70 oxa / 75 mes – 2.564 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Sore Throat/Ears, 2 g Paracetamol

    Day 49

    70 oxa / 75 mes – 3.237 Kcal – (Biceps & Triceps)
    Sides & Notes: Sore Throat, 2 g Paracetamol

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 2.819

    On day 43, I wrongly took 150 mg of Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid) at breakfast. I had an intestine discomfort, which lasted the entire morning.
    On day 44, I raised the Mesterolone (Proviron ) daily intake of about 0,25 mg.
    On day 45, I raised the Oxandrolone (Anavar) daily intake of about 0,10 mg.
    I did not notice any improvement of any sort.
    I figure out that strength increase ceased, even though I have not pushed to the limit to avoid injuries since I work-out in solitude.
    This week I lowered my daily Kcalories intake because I realized I was putting on too much fat. I should be now back to 14% or less maybe, while by the end of last week I surely was above 15%.
    In any case, in the next weekend I am going to check my stats again.
    In the following and last week (8th), I am going to lower the daily intake of anavar down to 60 mg while starting from tomorrow morning I shall not ingest proviron anymore.
    I need to see if mesterolone is related to the upsurge of my LH and FSH values. So, next Saturday I shall take the last blood work on cycle and accordingly, I set up the proper pct.

    Day 50

    60 oxa – 2.589 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Cough, 2 g Paracetamol, 10 mg Diazepam

    Day 51

    60 oxa – 3.299 Kcal – (Shoulders)
    Sides & Notes: Cough, 1 g Paracetamol
    Sperm Analyses: Sperm Analyses After 51 Days of Oxandrolone at 60/70 mg ED

    Day 52

    60 oxa – 3.051 Kcal – (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Cough, 1 g Paracetamol

    Day 53

    60 oxa – 2.978 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 54

    60 oxa – 2.897 Kcal – (Legs)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 55

    60 oxa – 3.040 Kcal – (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 56

    70 oxa – 2.598 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil
    Blood Wok: Blood Analyses After 56 Days of Oxandrolone at 63 mg ED (Averaged)

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 2.921
    Daily Average Bulking KCalories Intake (56 days): 3.159
    Oxandrolone Daily Ingestion Average (56 days): 63 mg

    Nothing particular to report on this final week, except I lowered the total daily intake of Kcalories to prepare myself for the following three weeks of PCT, where I am going to use 3.000 Kcalories on a daily average with 300/330 grams of protides.
    Furthermore, after discontinuing the Mesterolone at day 49, the FSH dropped back while testosterone free doubled, +100%.

    Being on my first cycle, I believe I had good results especially in strength.
    After almost 20 years of martial arts as well as training in the gym plus other spare sport activities, I started this cycle with a bit of concern in relation to some elbows pangs I have felt in the last months. So, I never pushed to the limit really and always trained in solitude to avoid that.
    Furthermore, I was not able to accomplish a ”perfect” diet regime throughout the cycle, as I wanted to, due to personal reasons which also led me to sleep no so goodly and enough.
    Said that, I believe I could have achieved better results but I am satisfied anyway.

    As reported during the cycle, Oxandrolone gave me some strong dizziness at 80 mg ed.
    For the rest, except a total loss of appetite the first week or so and some diarrhea till I understood when to ingest the drug (after main meals), I would say I have gotten only benefits. The pang on my elbows disappeared after one week supporting what I read regarding the ability of Oxandrolone to cure problems related to ligaments and tendons, or in case to relieve the associated pain.
    Another good ability was in regard of water percentage in the body. I ate a lot, compared to what I have burned especially in the first weeks, and I got just a little fat on and no water retention at all. This is good for martial artists or any other sport where the “not useful” weight is an issue.
    Regarding vascularization, I cannot say I noticed any improvement because I did not mean to use this compound to get ripped, while I wanted more strength and see how much lean mass I could obtain. I started the cycle at 12,9% bf, went up to 14,6% bf and then back to 14% bf now, more or less. However, I tried to reduce the daily Kcalories at the end of the cycle but mostly helped me to reduce the fat I have put on, not to see any veins on my chest.

    Overall Strength Increase: 35% (estimate)

    Squat (legs) 100 kg (220 lbs) 130 kg (286 lbs) +30%
    One Arm Dumbbell Row (back) 30 kg (66 lbs) 44 kg (96,8 lbs) +46,66%
    Bench Press with Dumbbells (chest) 30 kg each (66 lbs) 40 kg (88 lbs) +33,33%
    Military Press with Dumbbells (shoulders) 24 kg each (52,8 lbs) 34 kg (74,8 lbs) +41,66%
    Dumbbells Curls (biceps - seated) 24 kg each (52,8 lbs) 30 kg (66 lbs) +25%
    Dumbbells Curls (triceps - lying down) 18 kg each (39,6 lbs) 24 kg (52,8 lbs) +33,33%

    Lean Body Mass Acquisition (LBM): 9,043 kg (19,89 lbs)
    by Whole Body Hologic QDR-4500W DXA Fan-Beam Scanner

    (current-previous)/previous*100 = (+) increase% or (-) decrease%

    Day 57
    Day 1 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.555 Kcal – (Chest)
    Sides & Notes: Flatulence, 20 mg Tadalafil

    Day 58
    Day 2 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.556 Kcal – (Biceps & Triceps)
    Sides & Notes: Increased size of testicles

    Day 59
    Day 3 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.484 Kcal – (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 60
    Day 4 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.596 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 61
    Day 5 pct

    50 clo / 40 nol – 2.708 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Testicles back to normal

    Day 62
    Day 6 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.383 Kcal – (Shoulders)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 63
    Day 7 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.513 Kcal – (Chest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.399

    Strength kept being at the same level while muscles, right after I stopped the ingestion of Oxandrolone, started to ache for a few days.
    Testicles increased the day after I started my pct, but after a few days came back to their normal size.
    At day 5 (61) I ingested 40 mg of Tamoxifen Citrate to see if I could notice any difference but that day I could not eat as much as I had to, so I thwarted the attempt. In any case, having also used 50 mg of clomid, 20 mg of Nolva should be enough.
    While, I shall get a full blood work to be compared to the one taken before the cycle, after my detox protocol (GSH), which will start three days after the end of PCT.
    Regarding Tadalafil, I took it at day 1 to give it a try, in spite of during the entire cycle I had loss of libido but never problems to have sex normally. Anyway, I noticed no differences while my intestine became full of gas in about two hours. Fortunately, the morning after I was fine again.

    Day 58
    Day 8 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.907 Kcal – (Back, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 59
    Day 9 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.583 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: 4 mg Loperamide

    Day 60
    Day 10 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 4.345 Kcal – (Legs, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 61
    Day 11 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.697 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 62
    Day 12 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.510 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 63
    Day 13 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.912 Kcal – (Back, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 64
    Day 14 pct

    20 nol – 3.093 Kcal – (Chest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.721

    Strength decreased a bit. If I could achieve a “x” weight for 10 reps, now I go up to 8 max.
    On day 14 (64), I ceased ingesting clomid, so the rest of the final week will be only nolva 20 mg ed.

    Day 65
    Day 15 pct

    20 nol – 3.373 Kcal – (Shoulders)
    Sides & Notes: 10 mg Vardenafil

    Day 66
    Day 16 pct

    20 nol – 4.365 Kcal – (Biceps & Triceps, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 67
    Day 17 pct

    20 nol – 3.566 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: 2 g Ketoprofen foam

    Day 68
    Day 18 pct

    20 nol – 3.366 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: 2 g Ketoprofen foam, 10 mg Diazepam

    Day 69
    Day 19 pct

    20 nol / 0,06 cln – 3.552 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 70
    Day 20 pct

    20 nol / 0,06 cln – 3.607 Kcal – (Legs)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 71
    Day 21 pct

    20 nol / 0,08 cln – 3.014 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.549
    Daily Average PCT KCalories Intake (21 days): 3.556

    On day 69 I started a ten days cyle of Clenbuterol (60/60/80/80/100/100/100/100/60/60). After that, 3 days off in order to start a 10 days GSH detox protocol. Then, I shall have my final and complete blood work done.

    Day 72
    Day 22 pct

    0,08 cln – 2.700 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 73
    Day 23 pct

    0,10 cln – 3.416 Kcal – (Biceps & Triceps)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 74
    Day 24 pct

    0,10 cln – 2.907 Kcal – (Shoulders)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 75
    Day 25 pct

    0,10 cln – 3.038 Kcal – (Back, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: 8 mg Loperamide, 2 g Ketoprofen foam

    Day 76
    Day 26 pct

    0,10 cln – 3.094 Kcal – (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: 2 g Ketoprofen foam

    Day 77
    Day 27 pct

    nil – 3.324 Kcal – (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: 3 g Ketoprofen foam

    Day 78
    Day 28 pct

    0,06 cln – 3.233 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.101

    Nothing to report.

    Day 79
    Day 29 pct

    nil – 3.229 Kcal – (Biceps & Triceps)
    Sides & Notes: 1 g Ketoprofen foam

    Day 80
    Day 30 pct

    nil – 3.019 Kcal – (Shoulders)
    Sides & Notes: 1 g Ketoprofen foam

    Day 81
    Day 31 pct

    600 gsh – 3.229 Kcal – (Legs)
    Sides & Notes: Started GSH injections

    Day 82
    Day 32 pct

    600 gsh – 3.101 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 83
    Day 33 pct

    600 gsh – 3.555 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: 4 mg Loperamide

    Day 84
    Day 34 pct

    600 gsh – 3.112 Kcal – (Legs)
    Sides & Notes: 25.000 iu Neomycin, 4 mg Loperamide

    Day 85
    Day 35 pct

    600 gsh – 3.336 Kcal – (Chest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.225

    I noticed by keeping (more or less) the same amount of Kcalories and proportion among macronutrients, a visible improvement of my LBM, especially on my ribs.
    Last edited by BJJ; 12-23-2009 at 02:31 PM.

  33. #393
    BJJ's Avatar
    BJJ is offline Sapiens Fingit Fortunam Sibi
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    14th Week (6th Week PCT)

    60 oxa - 3.436 Kcal - (Biceps & Triceps, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    60 oxa - 3.550 Kcal - (Back, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Bursts of Heat

    60 oxa - 3.199 Kcal - (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Appetite, Diarrhea, Tiredness

    60 oxa - 3.340 Kcal - (Legs)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Appetite, Diarrhea, Tiredness, Face Swelling, 8 mg Loperamide

    60 oxa - 2.799 Kcal - (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Appetite, Diarrhea, Tiredness, Face Swelling, Yellow Skin (left biceps & shoulder), 8 mg Loperamide, 25.000 iu Neomycin

    60 oxa - 3.646 Kcal - (Chest)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Appetite, Tiredness, Yellow Skin, 1 g Acetylsalicy Acid

    60 oxa - 3.912 Kcal - (Shoulders)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin, 600 mg Acetylcysteine

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.411

    The first week was very hard to go through. No will to eat at all and lots of problem to understand if the diarrhea was due from oxandrolone or liv.52; also I got a persistent sore throat.
    The strength increase was considerable, especially on legs and shoulders.
    As daily supplements throughout the cycle: (Multi Vitamins/Minerals 1 tb, Vitamin C/Ester 3 g, EFA complex 6 g, ALA 600 mg, LIV.52 2 tabs, CLA 4 g, ZMA, Tribulus Terrestris 3 g, Chromium Picolinate 400 mcg, Acetyl L-Carnitine 600 mg, Coenzyme Q10, Glutamine 35 g, BCAA 20 g, MT Gakic Hardcore 8 tbs (only before w/o), UN Animal Flex 1 pckt.

    Day 8
    60 oxa - 2.415 Kcal - (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Appetite,Tiredness, 25.000 iu Neomycin, 8 mg Loperamide, 600 mg Acetylcysteine

    Day 9
    60 oxa - 3.400 Kcal - (Biceps & Triceps)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Appetite

    Day 10
    60 oxa - 2.760 Kcal - (Cardio 35’)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Appetite

    Day 11
    60 oxa - 4.208 Kcal - (Legs)
    Sides & Notes: Oxandrolone kicked in

    Day 12
    60 oxa - 3.332 Kcal - (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 13
    60 oxa - 3.645 Kcal - (Back)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 14
    60 oxa - 3.976 Kcal - (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request)

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.392

    At day 11 finally Anavar showed me its potentiality by improving my strength incredibly. Not only the power to lift was improved but also the reps needed to exhaust the muscles.
    Furthermore, I am starving again especially after the work-outs.
    The diarrhea was given by Liv.52. I solved the problem by taking only 1 tab in the morning.

    Day 15
    60 oxa – 3.698 Kcal – (Chest)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request), Back pain on the lumbar right region

    Day 16
    60 oxa – 3.645 Kcal – (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request), Back pain on the lumbar right region

    Day 17
    60 oxa – 3.591 Kcal – (Shoulders)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request), Diarrhea, 8 mg Loperamide

    Day 18
    60 oxa – 3.016 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request), Back pain on the lumbar right region
    Blood Work: Blood Analyses After 18 Days of Oxandrolone at 60 mg ED

    Day 19
    60 oxa – 3.125 Kcal – (Biceps & Triceps)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request)

    Day 20
    60 oxa – 3.332 Kcal – (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request), Sinusitis, 400 mg Acetylsalicy Acid

    Day 21
    60 oxa – 3.129 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request), Sinusitis, Headache, 2 g Paracetamol, 500 mg Acetylcysteine Antibiotic, 600 mg Acetylcysteine

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.362

    I understood that the best time to take oxandrolone is after the meals, not before or during, otherwise I get diarrhea and this apart from ingesting Liv.52.
    Unfortunately, I got a bit sick yesterday and today is even worse. Every year I suffer from sinusitis which I hope to cure as fast as possible.
    In regards of the results of blood analyses above reported, my bilirubin values decreased within the normal range, as expected. Oxandrolone seems "to cure" Gilberts's syndrome (which I have).
    Of course, either LDL, HDL and Transaminase went up; as well as azotemia which was already a bit higher and surely it could not start declining during the cycle.
    Strangely, creatinine stayed at the same level but this is good in relation with azotemia.
    What I do not understand are the values related to LH, FSH and HGH compared with DHEAS. Hopefully my endocrinologist, if not someone in here before, will explain this issue.

    Day 22
    60 oxa – 5.096 Kcal – (Legs)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request), Sinusitis, Diarrhea, 100 mg Nimesulide, 500 mg Acetylcysteine Antibiotic, 600 mg Acetylcysteine, 25.000 iu Neomycin, 10 mg Diazepam

    Day 23
    60 oxa – 4.003 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request), 10 mg Diazepam

    Day 24
    60 oxa – 3.650 Kcal – (Back)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request)

    Day 25
    60 oxa – 4.021 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request)

    Day 26
    60 oxa / 50 mes – 4.374 Kcal – (Chest)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request)

    Day 27
    60 oxa / 50 mes – 5.338 Kcal – (Biceps & Triceps)
    Sides & Notes: Libido is Back, Back pain on the lumbar right region

    Day 28
    60 oxa / 50 mes – 3.071 Kcal – (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Back pain on the lumbar right region

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 4.221

    Fortunately sinusitis, which I had between day 20/22, went away quickly.
    At day 26 I added 3 g of Tribulus Terrestris daily.
    Since also from day 26 I am ingesting Mesterolone, my libido is back and I have very hard erections. Furthermore, I feel I can last longer while having sex.
    My daily Kcalories intake was brought up to more than 4.000 (just checking how much fat I will store comparing to when I was eating/training the same, naturally).
    This afternoon I underwent a full abdominal echography to see the overall situation and try to figure out if the pang I felt sometimes around my lower back was due to a kidney problem. The response was negative, all the organs are fine and was told it might be a problem related to training, probably a muscular micro-lesion less than 1mm, therefore not visible.
    The persistent sore throat, reported at week 1, it is still there.

    Day 29

    60 oxa / 50 mes – 5.723 Kcal – (Shoulders, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Back pain on the lumbar right region, Problems to fall asleep because I took the last tabs of Oxandrolone around midnight, 2 g Ketoprofen foam, 10 mg Diazepam

    Day 30

    70 oxa / 50 mes – 4.790 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Back pain on the lumbar right region, 2 g Ketoprofen foam

    Day 31

    70 oxa / 50 mes – 5.999 Kcal – (Legs)
    Sides & Notes: Back pain on the lumbar right region

    Day 32

    70 oxa / 50 mes – 3.461 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Back pain on the lumbar right region, Diarrhea, 8 mg Loperamide, 10 mg Diazepam

    Day 33

    70 oxa / 50 mes – 2.763 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Back pain on the lumbar right region, 200 mg Nimesulide, 4 g Ketoprofen foam

    Day 34

    70 oxa / 50 mes – 4.321 Kcal – (Chest & Back)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 35

    60 oxa / 50 mes – 3.973 Kcal – (Biceps & Triceps)
    Sides & Notes: Back pain on the lumbar right region, Diarrhea, 100 mg Nimesulide

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 4.432

    So, in 19 days I took 6,6 lbs of lean mass (estimate) while fat increased a bit more but still under control (considering also I am not eating low glycemic index carbs at all) and water kept at the same value.
    I would say so far, oxandrolone is showing its ability to increase the lean mass controlling either the fat and the water.
    I am quite satisfied because I think I can easily go down to 12% bf retaining most of the lean mass acquired. I will act so the last ten days of the cycle. Till that time, I want to continue eating that much calories and proteins. Perhaps I can start eating more oats instead of pasta and rice.
    At day 30 I started to ingest 10 mg more of Oxandrolone daily, for a total of 70 mg.
    At day 35 I went back to 60 mg since I noticed no differences at all and the back pain on the lumbar right region came back again in a vigorous way. I am getting tired of this also because in spite of the echography I took lastly (which was fine), the pain is always there and seems to get worse after I ingest Oxandrolone. I had no possibility, as previously stated, to go taking blood analyses a few days ago, but I’ll go tomorrow morning. I want to see if the values related to the liver and the kidneys have stabilized or not. In negative case, it could be an explanation for the pain. Surely, I cannot keep taking nimesulide to get rid of the pain since it is very liver toxic too and gives diarrhea.
    Strength keeps increasing.
    The persistent sore throat, reported at week 1, it is finally gone.

    Day 36

    70 oxa / 50 mes – 3.640 Kcal – (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Nil
    Blood Work: Blood Analyses After 36 Days of Oxandrolone at 60/70 mg ED

    Day 37

    70 oxa / 50 mes – 3.511 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Back pain on the lumbar right region, 100 mg Nimesulide

    Day 38

    60 oxa / 50 mes – 3.332 Kcal – (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 39

    60 oxa / 50 mes – 3.042 Kcal – (Cardio 30’)
    Sides & Notes: 10 mg Diazepam

    Day 40

    60 oxa / 50 mes – 3.046 Kcal – (Cardio 30’)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 41

    80 oxa / 50 mes – 4.050 Kcal – (Biceps & Triceps)
    Sides & Notes: Diarrhea, Dizziness late after dinner (several hours)

    Day 42

    60 oxa / 50 mes – 4.824 Kcal – (Legs)
    Sides & Notes: Diarrhea, Dizziness late after dinner (just a few minutes)

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.635

    On day 41 I tried to raise the input from Oxandrolone by ingesting 20 mg more, for a total of 80 mg. The results were dizziness and confusion. The morning after I felt also some kind of hallucination and both yesterday and today the diarrhea came back. I decided not to push my luck and from day 42 I went back to 60 mg ed. After all, I had good results so far and see no reasons to screw everything up.
    This week I ate a bit less to see if I could obtain a better definition but I also had the possibility to work-out only two days, so this made my effort fruitless.
    Regarding my sperm, I realized it is more viscous than before and it seems also heavier.
    Wondering if PCT is required since both LH and FSH are (and always were) within the normal ranges.

    Day 43

    60 oxa / 50 mes – 2.637 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Took 150 mg of Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid) by mistake

    Day 44

    60 oxa / 75 mes – 2.659 Kcal – (Shoulders)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 45

    70 oxa / 75 mes – 2.511 Kcal – (Chest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 46

    70 oxa / 75 mes – 3.373 Kcal – (Back)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 47

    70 oxa / 75 mes – 2.754 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Sore Throat/Ears/Head, 2 g Paracetamol

    Day 48

    70 oxa / 75 mes – 2.564 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Sore Throat/Ears, 2 g Paracetamol

    Day 49

    70 oxa / 75 mes – 3.237 Kcal – (Biceps & Triceps)
    Sides & Notes: Sore Throat, 2 g Paracetamol

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 2.819

    On day 43, I wrongly took 150 mg of Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid) at breakfast. I had an intestine discomfort, which lasted the entire morning.
    On day 44, I raised the Mesterolone (Proviron ) daily intake of about 0,25 mg.
    On day 45, I raised the Oxandrolone (Anavar) daily intake of about 0,10 mg.
    I did not notice any improvement of any sort.
    I figure out that strength increase ceased, even though I have not pushed to the limit to avoid injuries since I work-out in solitude.
    This week I lowered my daily Kcalories intake because I realized I was putting on too much fat. I should be now back to 14% or less maybe, while by the end of last week I surely was above 15%.
    In any case, in the next weekend I am going to check my stats again.
    In the following and last week (8th), I am going to lower the daily intake of anavar down to 60 mg while starting from tomorrow morning I shall not ingest proviron anymore.
    I need to see if mesterolone is related to the upsurge of my LH and FSH values. So, next Saturday I shall take the last blood work on cycle and accordingly, I set up the proper pct.

    Day 50

    60 oxa – 2.589 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Cough, 2 g Paracetamol, 10 mg Diazepam

    Day 51

    60 oxa – 3.299 Kcal – (Shoulders)
    Sides & Notes: Cough, 1 g Paracetamol
    Sperm Analyses: Sperm Analyses After 51 Days of Oxandrolone at 60/70 mg ED

    Day 52

    60 oxa – 3.051 Kcal – (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Cough, 1 g Paracetamol

    Day 53

    60 oxa – 2.978 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 54

    60 oxa – 2.897 Kcal – (Legs)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 55

    60 oxa – 3.040 Kcal – (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 56

    70 oxa – 2.598 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil
    Blood Wok: Blood Analyses After 56 Days of Oxandrolone at 63 mg ED (Averaged)

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 2.921
    Daily Average Bulking KCalories Intake (56 days): 3.159
    Oxandrolone Daily Ingestion Average (56 days): 63 mg

    Nothing particular to report on this final week, except I lowered the total daily intake of Kcalories to prepare myself for the following three weeks of PCT, where I am going to use 3.000 Kcalories on a daily average with 300/330 grams of protides.
    Furthermore, after discontinuing the Mesterolone at day 49, the FSH dropped back while testosterone free doubled, +100%.

    Being on my first cycle, I believe I had good results especially in strength.
    After almost 20 years of martial arts as well as training in the gym plus other spare sport activities, I started this cycle with a bit of concern in relation to some elbows pangs I have felt in the last months. So, I never pushed to the limit really and always trained in solitude to avoid that.
    Furthermore, I was not able to accomplish a ”perfect” diet regime throughout the cycle, as I wanted to, due to personal reasons which also led me to sleep no so goodly and enough.
    Said that, I believe I could have achieved better results but I am satisfied anyway.

    As reported during the cycle, Oxandrolone gave me some strong dizziness at 80 mg ed.
    For the rest, except a total loss of appetite the first week or so and some diarrhea till I understood when to ingest the drug (after main meals), I would say I have gotten only benefits. The pang on my elbows disappeared after one week supporting what I read regarding the ability of Oxandrolone to cure problems related to ligaments and tendons, or in case to relieve the associated pain.
    Another good ability was in regard of water percentage in the body. I ate a lot, compared to what I have burned especially in the first weeks, and I got just a little fat on and no water retention at all. This is good for martial artists or any other sport where the “not useful” weight is an issue.
    Regarding vascularization, I cannot say I noticed any improvement because I did not mean to use this compound to get ripped, while I wanted more strength and see how much lean mass I could obtain. I started the cycle at 12,9% bf, went up to 14,6% bf and then back to 13% bf now, more or less. However, I tried to reduce the daily Kcalories at the end of the cycle but mostly helped me to reduce the fat I have put on, not to see any veins on my chest.

    Day 57
    Day 1 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.555 Kcal – (Chest)
    Sides & Notes: Flatulence, 20 mg Tadalafil

    Day 58
    Day 2 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.556 Kcal – (Biceps & Triceps)
    Sides & Notes: Increased size of testicles

    Day 59
    Day 3 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.484 Kcal – (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 60
    Day 4 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.596 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 61
    Day 5 pct

    50 clo / 40 nol – 2.708 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Testicles back to normal

    Day 62
    Day 6 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.383 Kcal – (Shoulders)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 63
    Day 7 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.513 Kcal – (Chest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.399

    Strength kept being at the same level while muscles, right after I stopped the ingestion of Oxandrolone, started to ache for a few days.
    Testicles increased the day after I started my pct, but after a few days came back to their normal size.
    At day 5 (61) I ingested 40 mg of Tamoxifen Citrate to see if I could notice any difference but that day I could not eat as much as I had to, so I thwarted the attempt. In any case, having also used 50 mg of clomid, 20 mg of Nolva should be enough.
    While, I shall get a full blood work to be compared to the one taken before the cycle, after my detox protocol (GSH), which will start three days after the end of PCT.
    Regarding Tadalafil, I took it at day 1 to give it a try, in spite of during the entire cycle I had loss of libido but never problems to have sex normally. Anyway, I noticed no differences while my intestine became full of gas in about two hours. Fortunately, the morning after I was fine again.

    Day 64
    Day 8 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.907 Kcal – (Back, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 65
    Day 9 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.583 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: 4 mg Loperamide

    Day 66
    Day 10 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 4.345 Kcal – (Legs, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 67
    Day 11 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.697 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 68
    Day 12 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.510 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 69
    Day 13 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.912 Kcal – (Back, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 70
    Day 14 pct

    20 nol – 3.093 Kcal – (Chest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.721

    Strength decreased a bit. If I could achieve a “x” weight for 10 reps, now I go up to 8 max.
    On day 14 (70), I ceased ingesting clomid, so the rest of the final week will be only nolva 20 mg ed.

    Day 71
    Day 15 pct

    20 nol – 3.373 Kcal – (Shoulders)
    Sides & Notes: 10 mg Vardenafil

    Day 72
    Day 16 pct

    20 nol – 4.365 Kcal – (Biceps & Triceps, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 73
    Day 17 pct

    20 nol – 3.566 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: 2 g Ketoprofen foam

    Day 74
    Day 18 pct

    20 nol – 3.366 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: 2 g Ketoprofen foam, 10 mg Diazepam

    Day 75
    Day 19 pct

    20 nol / 0,06 cln – 3.552 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 76
    Day 20 pct

    20 nol / 0,06 cln – 3.607 Kcal – (Legs)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 77
    Day 21 pct

    20 nol / 0,08 cln – 3.014 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.549
    Daily Average PCT KCalories Intake (21 days): 3.556

    On day 75 I started a ten days cyle of Clenbuterol (60/60/80/80/100/100/100/100/60/60). After that, 3 days off in order to start a 10 days GSH detox protocol. Then, I shall have my final and complete blood work done.

    Day 78
    Day 22 pct

    0,08 cln – 2.700 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 79
    Day 23 pct

    0,10 cln – 3.416 Kcal – (Biceps & Triceps)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 80
    Day 24 pct

    0,10 cln – 2.907 Kcal – (Shoulders)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 81
    Day 25 pct

    0,10 cln – 3.038 Kcal – (Back, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: 8 mg Loperamide, 2 g Ketoprofen foam

    Day 82
    Day 26 pct

    0,10 cln – 3.094 Kcal – (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: 2 g Ketoprofen foam

    Day 83
    Day 27 pct

    nil – 3.324 Kcal – (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: 3 g Ketoprofen foam

    Day 84
    Day 28 pct

    0,06 cln – 3.233 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.101

    Nothing to report.

    Day 85
    Day 29 pct

    nil – 3.229 Kcal – (Biceps & Triceps)
    Sides & Notes: 1 g Ketoprofen foam

    Day 86
    Day 30 pct

    nil – 3.019 Kcal – (Shoulders)
    Sides & Notes: 1 g Ketoprofen foam

    Day 87
    Day 31 pct

    600 gsh – 3.229 Kcal – (Legs)
    Sides & Notes: Started GSH injections

    Day 88
    Day 32 pct

    600 gsh – 3.101 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 89
    Day 33 pct

    600 gsh – 3.555 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: 4 mg Loperamide

    Day 90
    Day 34 pct

    600 gsh – 3.112 Kcal – (Legs)
    Sides & Notes: 25.000 iu Neomycin, 4 mg Loperamide

    Day 91
    Day 35 pct

    600 gsh – 3.336 Kcal – (Chest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.225

    I noticed by keeping (more or less) the same amount of Kcalories and proportion among macronutrients, a visible improvement of my LBM, especially on my ribs.

    Day 92
    Day 36 pct

    600 gsh – 3.156 Kcal – (Shoulders)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 93
    Day 37 pct

    600 gsh – 3.484 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 94
    Day 38 pct

    600 gsh – 3.053 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: 10 mg Vardenafil, 10 mg Diazepam

    Day 95
    Day 39 pct

    nil – 3.124 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 96
    Day 40 pct

    600 gsh – 3.036 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.170

    Cycle Over.

    Day 98 & 122
    Blood Work & Spermatic Cytoanalysis: Blood Work & Spermatic Cytoanalysis after Oxandrolone Cycle at 63 mg ed (averaged)
    Last edited by BJJ; 12-07-2010 at 02:41 PM.

  34. #394
    VR4's Avatar
    VR4 is offline Associate Member
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    So what do you weigh now? interested to see if your dropping noticable weight...

  35. #395
    BJJ's Avatar
    BJJ is offline Sapiens Fingit Fortunam Sibi
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    Quote Originally Posted by VR4 View Post
    So what do you weigh now? interested to see if your dropping noticable weight...
    Still 95 kg, nothing changed since I quit ingesting oxandrolone.
    I eat around 330 g of protides ed and around 3.200 Kcal ed.
    See no reason why I should lose weight.

  36. #396
    pwnflow is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    The following, thanks to Swifto, should answer your question:
    Thanks for the post. Now I can clearly see why fareston is better than nolva but I still don't get while add clomid too. From what I understand they work the same way so just one or the other should be sufficient.

  37. #397
    Serotonin's Avatar
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    God's colon.
    Fortunately sinusitis, which I had between day 20/22, went away quickly.
    At day 26 I added 3 gr of Tribulus Terrestris daily.[/Q]

    Curious... why the trib? Oxandrolone has been shown to be very easy on the liver even at higher BB dosages. It's quite mild. Just for piece of mind then?

    Or if you're using it for libido that also has been shown in clinical studies to be ineffectual.

    I did 30 days on pretty high dose fluoxymesterone without taking anything to "shield my liver" or help it metabolize the orals. All my enzymes were fine after that cycle.

  38. #398
    PO OFFICER's Avatar
    PO OFFICER is offline Junior Member
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    Why would you add nolva to your pct? There is no reason for it at all on this cycle.

    1. Anavar has the least amount of gyno in any steroid out there.
    2. Even if your prone to gyno (like me) you still probably won't get it.
    3. Clomid will take care of the little/any gyno you might get.

    BJJ, what I'm trying to say is that there is no reason at all for nolva to be included in your pct. Var hardly ever converts to estrogen, and when it does, it's such a small amount that clomid takes care of it.

    Now with that said, I'm not saying next time that you get gyno on a different cycle that you go ahead and take some clomid to get rid of it, because nolva is more effective. 150mgs of clomid = 40mgs of nolva for the treatment of gyno.

    Best luck

  39. #399
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    Quote Originally Posted by pwnflow View Post
    Thanks for the post. Now I can clearly see why fareston is better than nolva but I still don't get while add clomid too. From what I understand they work the same way so just one or the other should be sufficient.
    It should be, yes.

  40. #400
    BJJ's Avatar
    BJJ is offline Sapiens Fingit Fortunam Sibi
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    Quote Originally Posted by Serotonin View Post
    Fortunately sinusitis, which I had between day 20/22, went away quickly.
    At day 26 I added 3 gr of Tribulus Terrestris daily.[/Q]

    Curious... why the trib? Oxandrolone has been shown to be very easy on the liver even at higher BB dosages. It's quite mild. Just for piece of mind then?

    Or if you're using it for libido that also has been shown in clinical studies to be ineffectual.

    I did 30 days on pretty high dose fluoxymesterone without taking anything to "shield my liver" or help it metabolize the orals. All my enzymes were fine after that cycle.
    Sorry, I do not understand your first question.

    For libido, it does work for me; while it is ineffective in raising endogenous testosterone production.

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