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  1. #1
    twitz's Avatar
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    Female Var Log

    I'm starting this here because it's hard to find good journals of females on cycle. There is one here (awesome job Electra ), but most of them start out great and then they never get updated. I am currently on day 5 of an anavar cycle and I have been logging my workouts and daily macros. I will paste it in here so I have everything in one spot.

    As I stated in my original post, I am currently taking 10mg ED and this will ramp up to 20mg, 30mg and possibly up to 40-50mg. Yes, I know that some people will not agree with this but if you consider that bodybuilders typically dose at 0.125-2.5mg/kg I am not doing anything outrageous. I am 68kg, so even if I ramp up to 50mg ED I will be dosing at 0.73mg/kg.

    I would also like to point out to any females who read this - Anavar is a steroid , AAS have side effects. No you will not grow a penis from taking anavar, yes you will probably have clit sensitivity. Of course everyone will react differently, but I know that this will happen to me. I have done one other cycle of anavar, I started at 5mg ED, and then bumped up to 10mg for a total of 6 weeks and I experienced it then. I enjoyed that part of it, so it's not a concern for me.

    Acne - it's bound to happen! If you don't experience it you're lucky! I didn't have a problem last time, but I am sure it's going to happen this time. I have stocked up on B5 and I have Accutane on the way INCASE I need it. I have also been prepping myself, taking Acnepril, using body wash and wipes with salicylic acid, and spot treating anything that may become a problem with benzoyl peroxide.

    To females who are reading this, and to anyone who uses aas in general it is important to find a lab or a source that you trust! I will not be commenting anymore on that, but I will mention that I purchased anavar from a friend, was not 100% comfortable with what I purchased so I sought out a reputable lab and did not start until I felt good about my decision. Do your own research but anavar can be easily faked and I personally am not game for taking that extra risk.

    I also should state that if you are considering any aas you need to make your own mind up. Yes, there is tons of great info online, and yes there are loads of great people that offer their advice, use this! Research, research, research and if you are not comfortable with something, scared of sides, or looking for weight loss, ass may not be for you. Check out the diet section.

    I hope that this does not sound bitchy, that's not my intent. Only my advice.

    I will post up my training & diet since the start of this here shortly.

  2. #2
    twitz's Avatar
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    A bit of background on me - I pretty much always stayed active through sports and Kbox or bootcamp style workouts. Then I decided I wanted to try to add some muscle. I managed to add a little myself and then I hired a personal trainer. Last Nov (2011), I started out around 126lbs and around 22% BF, by July (2012) I was 154 and 16.8%. Then I took 4 months off to make a move accross the country, and here I am, back into the swing of things.

    My mission is to add some mass to my delts and legs while losing some BF at the same time. I want some big meaty quads, the type you can see bulging through a gal's tights... love that look!


    - 31 years old
    - 5'7.5" (yes the .5 counts )
    - 150lbs
    - I'm going to guess that my current BF is around 22% - I have a handheld tester at home and will use this each week track process

    Current measurments:

    Neck - 13.2
    Shoulders - 39.5
    Chest - 37.2
    Waist - 30.5
    Navel - 31.8
    Hips - 39.0
    Thigh (R) - 23.5
    Thigh (L) - 24.0
    Calf (R) - 13.9
    Calf (L ) - 13.9
    Bicep (R) - 12.1
    Bicep (L) - 11.8
    CADD, LinLin and calfmuscle555 like this.

  3. #3
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    This week in a nutshell:

    Monday - Hamstrings & Calves

    Hack squat - feet wide & toes pointed
    90 x 15
    180 x 12 X 2

    SLDL - slow to feel the stretch
    60 x 12 X 3

    Laying Hamstring curl
    55 x 12
    55 x 8, 40 x 5 X 2

    Laying hamstring curl - elbows up
    30 x 8, 20 x 5
    20 x 15 X 2 - slow

    Seated hamstring curls /SS/ seated calve
    50 x 10 both legs - 35 x 10 singles /SS/ 120 x 15 X 3 sets

    1736 cals
    33 F
    163 C
    159 P

    Tuesday - Shoulders

    DB Press
    20 x 20
    30 x 10 X 4

    Machine loaded press
    25 x 15
    45 x 10 X 2

    Cable rows /SS/ cable laterals
    35 x 10 /SS/ 5 x 10 X 3 sets

    Presses (behind neck) on smith machine
    35 x 10
    45 x 10 X 2

    Rear delt flye
    55 x 12 - my left shoulder started to hike up a bit
    40 x 15 X 2

    20 mins walk on treadmill 15% incline

    1496 cals
    28 F
    165 C
    143 P

    Wednesday - back & bis

    Seated row
    55 x15
    70 x 12
    85 x 10
    100 x 6, drop, 70 x 10, drop, 40 x 15

    Plate loaded row (pulling up)
    45 x 12
    55 x 10 X 2

    Plate loaded row (pull down)
    45 x 12
    55 x 8
    45 x 10
    DB row
    35 x 15
    45 x 10 X 2

    Lat Pulldown
    70 x 12
    85 x 10
    85 x 8

    DB curls
    20 x 12 X 3

    Cable curls
    27.5 x 10
    30 x 10 X 2

    20 min walk on treadmill, 15% incline

    1616 cals
    28 F
    180 C
    158 P

    Thursday - Chest & tris

    Incline flyes
    17.5 x 15
    20.0 x 15
    22.5 x 12

    65 x 15
    85 x 12
    100 x 10, drop 85 x 8, drop 65 x 12

    Machine plate loaded press
    25 x 15
    45 x 10
    45 x 8 , rest pause, 45 x 2

    Squeeze press - I started doing a flye/squeeze, then just did SP with DB
    20 x 15
    25 x 12
    40 x 12 X 2 sets

    DB extensions
    20 x 15 X 3 sets w/hold/stretch on bottom

    Cable pushdowns
    50 x 12, drop, 35 x 12, 20 x till failure X 3 sets

    1540 cals
    26 F
    147 C
    153 P
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  4. #4
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    Supplements being used:

    - Fish oil drink that contains: flaxseed oil, borage oil and algal DHA
    - Active woman soft gel multi vitamin
    - Whey protien
    - Vit B - Will be uping this to 10gr/day
    - Vit C - 500mg
    - Taurine - 2000mg
    - Magnesium - 300mg
    - Potassium - 300mg
    - Fusion purple K creatine
    - Nutrabolics Thermal XTC - pre workout
    - Nutrabolics swollen - pre workout
    - Nutrabolics anabolic state - during workout
    - Nutabolics hemotropin 2XC - at bedtime
    - Anavar as stated

    I will also be adding in peptides in the next day or so. I have used CJC-1295 W/DAC in the past and really liked my results around the 6 month mark. This time I will be using CJC-1295 w/o DAC & Ipamorelin - 100mcg of each upon waking and at bedtime.
    alpha240 likes this.

  5. #5
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    Some place hot
    Good post. Subscribed

  6. #6
    -Ender-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by twitz View Post
    My mission is to add some mass to my delts and legs while losing some BF at the same time. I want some big meaty quads, the type you can see bulging through a gal's tights... love that look!
    ^love that also, great goal!

    Good luck! Nicely laid out thread thus far. I will check in. Have fun!

  7. #7
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    i will be watching this thread good luck!!

  8. #8
    twitz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yourmom View Post
    Good post. Subscribed
    Hey! Thanks

    Quote Originally Posted by -Ender- View Post
    ^love that also, great goal!

    Good luck! Nicely laid out thread thus far. I will check in. Have fun!
    Yeah, I lose my breath when I see girls with big ass quads!


    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    i will be watching this thread good luck!!
    Thank you!

  9. #9
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    Tdogg is subbed!

  10. #10
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    nice log, im following....good luck...

  11. #11
    ElectraMaddox is offline Banned
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    Good luck!

  12. #12
    lovex is offline Associate Member
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  13. #13
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Good luck with your cycle. . . . .

  14. #14
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
    GirlyGymRat is offline Knowledgeable Elite ~ Respected Female Leader ~
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    I'm in!!! Thank you lady for devoting your time!!!

  15. #15
    twitz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post
    Tdogg is subbed!

    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    nice log, im following....good luck...
    Thank you

    Quote Originally Posted by ElectraMaddox View Post
    Good luck!
    Thanks girl! Your log inspired me.

    Quote Originally Posted by lovex View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Good luck with your cycle. . . . .


    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    I'm in!!! Thank you lady for devoting your time!!!
    Whoot! Thanks GGR! Hope you're feeling better

  16. #16
    twitz's Avatar
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    Friday - Quads

    The squat rack & smith machine were both busy - there was a fella doing bent over rows with FIVE plates per side... Whoa!! Did not want to interupt that!

    Leg press
    90 x 15
    180 x 12
    270 x 12
    360 x 10
    360 x 8, drop, 270 x 9, drop, 180 x 12

    *** I started feeling tired after this which is a little unsual, but I was low on my cals yesterday and I didn't train till pretty late... around 930pm

    Linear hack squat machine
    90 x 15
    180 x 12
    230 x 10

    Leg extensions
    70 x 15
    85 x 15
    115 x 10, drop 85 x 3
    85 x 12

    Front squat - This was only my second time doing these so I was pretty anal about making sure my form was good. Do you guys go to parallel with this or to the floor?
    bar only - 15
    65 x 12 X 2 sets

    And that was all.

    Food for the day:
    1375 Cals
    20 F
    138 C
    153 P

    ~ No wonder I was tired! I have to work on getting my proper meals in...

  17. #17
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    I'm one of those unlucky people who have to work on Saturdays, so Saturday will be my off day and my cheat meal night.

    Tomorrow will be one week into this cycle, things that I am going to change:

    - I'll be uping the dosage to 20mg ED - 10mg at 6am & 10mg at 6pm (last week it was only the 1 dose at 6am)
    - I am going to work on having 4 meals in before 2pm. That way I'm eating enough and hopefully not so late at night.

    I think I should start feeling something next week, pretty pumped!

    Please feel free to leave me any feedback or suggestions. I really appreciate it
    calfmuscle555 likes this.

  18. #18
    Soar's Avatar
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    Good luck!

  19. #19
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    Excellent work on the intro and the desription of goals/effects/sides and your personal desires on what you hope to achieve during your cycle. This should be a great help to our female members considering a cycle. Looking forward to following your progress.

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  20. #20
    bigZthedestroyer's Avatar
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    Glad to see another log by a girl on here. Keep up the great work.

  21. #21
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigZthedestroyer
    Glad to see another log by a girl on here. Keep up the great work.
    I am in heaven
    alpha240 likes this.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Soar View Post
    Good luck!
    Thanks Soar!

    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    Excellent work on the intro and the desription of goals/effects/sides and your personal desires on what you hope to achieve during your cycle. This should be a great help to our female members considering a cycle. Looking forward to following your progress.

    Thank you I know it may be a little too detailed writing out my workouts and whatnot, but I'm hoping that will allow all of you to help me if you think I'm missing something or should incorporate something else etc...

    Quote Originally Posted by bigZthedestroyer View Post
    Glad to see another log by a girl on here. Keep up the great work.
    Thank you

    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    I am in heaven

  23. #23
    -Ender-'s Avatar
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    the avy picture looks very nice, with that in mind; at this point I am willing to say that the end result of this log will be quite nice!

    keep up the good work.
    TBrooks likes this.

  24. #24
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    Sunday - Shoulders

    Lat pulldown - to the front then to the back to target rear delts
    55 x 10 / SS / 55 x 15
    3 sets

    DB press
    25 x 15
    30 x 15
    35 x 12
    40 x 8 - I had a spotter for last 2

    Plate loaded machine press
    25 x 15
    35 x 12
    45 x 9
    45 x 7, drop 35 x 8, drop 25 x 10

    Machine lateral raise /SS/ holding arms out & having partner push down while I try to push up
    40 x 12 /SS/ 5
    3 sets

    Face pulls /SS/ rear delt flyes
    27.5 x 15 /SS/ 27.5 x 15
    2 sets then I did single arms on flyes because it felt like I was pushing more with my right

    20 mins treadmill walk at 15% incline

  25. #25
    boz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by twitz View Post
    I'm starting this here because it's hard to find good journals of females on cycle. There is one here (awesome job Electra ), but most of them start out great and then they never get updated. I am currently on day 5 of an anavar cycle and I have been logging my workouts and daily macros. I will paste it in here so I have everything in one spot.

    As I stated in my original post, I am currently taking 10mg ED and this will ramp up to 20mg, 30mg and possibly up to 40-50mg. Yes, I know that some people will not agree with this but if you consider that bodybuilders typically dose at 0.125-2.5mg/kg I am not doing anything outrageous. I am 68kg, so even if I ramp up to 50mg ED I will be dosing at 0.73mg/kg.

    I would also like to point out to any females who read this - Anavar is a steroid , AAS have side effects. No you will not grow a penis from taking anavar, yes you will probably have clit sensitivity. Of course everyone will react differently, but I know that this will happen to me. I have done one other cycle of anavar, I started at 5mg ED, and then bumped up to 10mg for a total of 6 weeks and I experienced it then. I enjoyed that part of it, so it's not a concern for me.

    Acne - it's bound to happen! If you don't experience it you're lucky! I didn't have a problem last time, but I am sure it's going to happen this time. I have stocked up on B5 and I have Accutane on the way INCASE I need it. I have also been prepping myself, taking Acnepril, using body wash and wipes with salicylic acid, and spot treating anything that may become a problem with benzoyl peroxide.

    To females who are reading this, and to anyone who uses aas in general it is important to find a lab or a source that you trust! I will not be commenting anymore on that, but I will mention that I purchased anavar from a friend, was not 100% comfortable with what I purchased so I sought out a reputable lab and did not start until I felt good about my decision. Do your own research but anavar can be easily faked and I personally am not game for taking that extra risk.

    I also should state that if you are considering any aas you need to make your own mind up. Yes, there is tons of great info online, and yes there are loads of great people that offer their advice, use this! Research, research, research and if you are not comfortable with something, scared of sides, or looking for weight loss, ass may not be for you. Check out the diet section.

    I hope that this does not sound bitchy, that's not my intent. Only my advice.

    I will post up my training & diet since the start of this here shortly.
    IF u think u need the accutane do tread with caution take lowest dose possible as this is a wonder drug for acne, i would advise u to take it before bed as it can have nasty sides, and by the time u wake up most of the nasty sides psychologically should be diminished. Also can be harsh on the liver/kidneys which im sure you already know.

    Your inspiring to alot of women out there, keep up the good work. I will keep track of this since i wouldnt mind knowing what works for women and what doesnt.
    Last edited by boz; 01-22-2013 at 08:34 AM.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by boz View Post
    IF u think u need the accutane do tread with caution take lowest dose possible as this is a wonder drug for acne, i would advise u to take it before bed as it can have nasty sides, and by the time u wake up most of the nasty sides psychologically should be diminished. Also can be harsh on the liver/kidneys which im sure you already know.

    Your inspiring to alot of women out there, keep up the good work. I will keep track of this since i wouldnt mind knowing what works for women and what doesnt.
    I was actually thinking about this and realized that I neglected to go into depth regarding the Accutane. So thank you for mentioning this!! Also, no one has ever mentioned to take it at night, so thanks for suggesting that

    To any ladies who are following this, I have acne prone skin and I have for about 7 years now. I was on a script for Minocycline during most of that time, and it has only been the last 5 months that I haven’t used any medication. I have the odd pimple, but my issue is with cystic acne and oily skin. I have a derm who is willing to put me on Accutane but so far I have managed to deal without it. I am telling you this because Accutane is not something to take lightly, nor something to jump to because of a few little pimples. I am keeping this on hand in case it gets out of control. There are many other things to try before jumping to Accutane. As mentioned, it is very hard on your liver and kidneys and it is not a good idea to take if you want to have children in the future. There are mixed views on this, but I have had a doctor tell me it stays in woman’s blood for 7 years, and a derm tell me 1 year. Either way, it’s not something to play around with. Also, if I do need it I will use it at a very small dose. Derm’s prescribe Accutane to destroy sebaceous glands and I wouldn’t take anywhere near the recommended dose. Actually, my entire monthly dose would be what some derms prescribe per day.

    Right now I take Acnepril which is a natural acne solution, I wash with salicylic acid and take 10 grams of vit B a day. Accutane is definitely a last resort for me.

  27. #27
    largerthannormal's Avatar
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    Nice log!!!! following!! im always intrested in femal logs as I try to help my significant other!, shes not up to par yet to mess with var but shes on a t3 clen cycle, ( had her drop the t3)

    Few years or training i may advice her to do what your doing now!!

    Keep up the good work!!

    ps meaty quads on females are bad A$$!!!!!!! nothings cooler than that!!!

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal View Post
    Nice log!!!! following!! im always intrested in femal logs as I try to help my significant other!, shes not up to par yet to mess with var but shes on a t3 clen cycle, ( had her drop the t3)

    Few years or training i may advice her to do what your doing now!!

    Keep up the good work!!

    ps meaty quads on females are bad A$$!!!!!!! nothings cooler than that!!!
    Glad she dropped the T3 - get her on here!!

    I LOVE that look... I'm far from blessed so it's a long term goal for me... working on it though

  29. #29
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    Week one is all over, things I have noticed:

    - My boobs are shrinking at a very fast pace. I was a full C and I am now wearing a B - This happened that fast!! In just a week.
    - I have had spotting for 3 days. Nothing major but I usually do not have periods (I have a mirena iud). Hopefully this stops soon as periods/spotting are a drag.
    - I have one pimple on my shoulder. Would have been minor until I messed with it
    - My appetite has increased.

    - I will weigh myself when I hit the gym tonight. I will also get updated measurments in the next couple of days.

    - I have increased my dose to 20mg ED
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  30. #30
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    Soon the mammary cannons will be no more...

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Soar
    Soon the mammary cannons will be no more...
    They r always the first to go. Sadly....
    sandrahr likes this.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Soar View Post
    Soon the mammary cannons will be no more...
    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    They r always the first to go. Sadly....
    Yup! It usually takes me about a month of dieting to lose this amount. This was a week! Enjoy them while you got em' ladies!

  33. #33
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    This thread just got depressing.
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  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Soar
    This thread just got depressing.
    Few thousands dollars and problem solved!!!
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  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Soar View Post
    This thread just got depressing.
    Imagine how we feel watching them deflate... the choice of having boobs or getting lean/adding muscle

    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    Few thousands dollars and problem solved!!!
    Problem solved

  36. #36
    ElectraMaddox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by twitz View Post
    Week one is all over, things I have noticed:

    - My boobs are shrinking at a very fast pace. I was a full C and I am now wearing a B - This happened that fast!! In just a week.
    - I have had spotting for 3 days. Nothing major but I usually do not have periods (I have a mirena iud). Hopefully this stops soon as periods/spotting are a drag.
    - I have one pimple on my shoulder. Would have been minor until I messed with it
    - My appetite has increased.

    - I will weigh myself when I hit the gym tonight. I will also get updated measurments in the next couple of days.

    - I have increased my dose to 20mg ED
    Mine did the same thing in the first week lol

  37. #37
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Funny ey. . . Guys have the possibility to sprout boobs on cycle while females have the opposite.

    Ain't that but a bitch. . . . .
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  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by ElectraMaddox View Post
    Mine did the same thing in the first week lol
    From this point on (to make myself feel better), I am going to say that boobs are overrated

    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Funny ey. . . Guys have the possibility to sprout boobs on cycle while females have the opposite.

    Ain't that but a bitch. . . . .
    Bitch is right! At least you fellas can take precaution and keep them down. I'm just shit outta luck

  39. #39
    twitz's Avatar
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    I know this is in 'member's cycle results' and it's more of a daily journal so please tell me if it should be moved.

    Monday Jan 21st

    I don't go to the gym on Monday. It's chest day brah, and that's not my thing.

    1744 cals
    52 F
    137 C
    150 P

    Tonight is hammies!

  40. #40
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    I also started my peptides yeserday.

    Starting with 50mcg of each to start, then I will go to 75mcg upon waking, pre-workout and at bedtime.

    I'm starting low and working up because I used to get that flushed/low blood sugar feeling. So far so good
    calfmuscle555 likes this.

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