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Thread: The mainstream media did this to America

  1. #921
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    EL PASO, TX—After Trump brought attention to the coyote epidemic at the southern border during the debates, Democrats on Twitter are offering unique solutions to the problem, such as setting up decoy roadrunners to distract the coyotes.

    "Everyone knows that a coyote's greatest nemesis is the roadrunner. That's just science," said AOC to reporters. "Trump has done nothing to stop the scourge of deadly coyotes smuggling innocent children into the concentration camps at the southern border. We need to do something with science to make it stop!"

    AOC and The Squad have partnered to promote legislation that would require large cardboard cutouts of the roadrunner from the famous Warner Brothers cartoons to be placed every 8 feet at the southern border.

    "Why is this the first I'm even hearing about this?" said AOC. "I, like, literally can't believe Trump hasn't done anything about the coyotes. We need to do something now, like this new and ambitious plan to place a million roadrunner decoys throughout the desert!"

    According to progressive legislators, the new plan will cost only 800 trillion dollars and will create infinity jobs.

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    Conservatives push to discredit Facebook, Twitter and Google just days before the election

    "Discrediting" Fakebook, Twatter and G**gle is grasping at low-hanging fruit, on par with challenging the virtuousness of video whore Stormy Daniels. Or Hunted Biden.

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    Democrat Biden Supporters Terrorize Upscale Seattle Suburb of Bellevue, Washington

    Antifa Black Bloc “peaceful protesters” made their way through Bellevue, Washington, screaming at residents and anyone unlucky enough to be passing by. They also shut down streets despite police being present as travelers were stuck for extended periods of time.....

    Follow the hotlink in the headline to watch the numerous videos of the leftists terrorists shutting down the community.

  2. #922
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    Sheikh Obama (piss be upon him) stumps for Joe Bite-Me in Philly ...

    ... and four (4) people show up.

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    Chuck-U Schumer -- who wants to end the filibuster in the Senate -- tries (unsuccessfully) to filibuster the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett

    Senate clears key hurdle to Barrett’s Supreme Court nomination, teeing up final vote Monday

    Washington — Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination to the Supreme Court cleared its final procedural hurdle Sunday, setting up a final vote on her confirmation expected on Monday evening, just days before the presidential election.

    The procedural vote — which starts the clock for 30 hours of debate on her confirmation — split 51-48, with GOP Senators Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Susan Collins of Maine joining Democrats in voting against limiting debate. Murkowski, however, said Saturday she will vote to confirm Barrett to the high court. A simple majority, 51 votes, was needed for the procedural motion to pass. Senator Kamala Harris of California, the Democratic vice presidential nominee, did not vote.

    “The Senate is doing the right thing. We’re moving this nomination forward, and colleagues, by tomorrow night, we’ll have a new member of the United States Supreme Court,” Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on the Senate floor Sunday.

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    Bombshell report lays out how the family of Joe Biden has been compromised by the Communist Chinese

    .. In recent days, Americans were introduced to bombshell allegations of monumental corruption involving the former vice president’s son, Hunter Biden, that were discovered on a laptop he abandoned at a computer repair shop in Delaware. And almost every day since, additional information involving emails, photos, videos and even eyewitness whistleblowers has been released.

    And as if all of that wasn’t damning enough, a new well-sourced report lays out more details that, if true, would make the Biden Crime Family seem almost tame in comparison to the Mafia.

    “For two months I have worked on behalf of my colleague to ensure that this report helped others report on the documented evidence of Biden activities with regards to China. I want to emphasize a couple of things about my own involvement,” writes Christopher Balding, Associate Professor at Peking University HSBC School of Business Shenzhen, China, who is also Bloomberg contributor.

    The report exposes Biden activities in China which “the press has simply refused to cover,” and which also reveals “how Biden was compromised by the Communist Party of China.”

    In a series of tweets, Balding summarized what is in the report — and when you consider how China is never criticized by Joe Biden, then you can begin to understand just how compromised he will be by a country that is no friend (and could soon well be an enemy of) the United States.

    “I had really not wanted to do this but roughly 2 months ago I was handed a report about Biden activities in China the press has simply refused to cover. I want to strongly emphasize I did not write the report but I know who did,” Balding begins as he moves on to list the report’s “key points.”

    “Hunter Biden is partnered with the Chinese state. Entire investment partnership is Chinese state money from social security fund to China Development Bank. It is actually a subsidiary of the Bank of China. This is not remotely anything less than a Chinese state funded play,” he continued.

    “Though the entire size of the fund cannot be reconstructed, the Taiwanese cofounder who is now detained in China, reports it to be NOT $1-1.5 billion but $6.5 billion. This would make Hunters stake worth at a minimum at least $50 million if he was to sell it,” Balding wrote.

    “Disturbingly, everyone on the Chinese side are clearly linked with influence and intelligence organizations. China uses very innocuous sounding organization names to hide PLA, United Front, or Ministry of Foreign Affairs influence/intelligence operations,” he adds.

    “This report cannot say Hunter was the target of such an operation or that China even targeted him. However, based upon the clear pattern of individuals and organizations surrounding him it is an entirely reasonable conclusion,” Balding said.

    In fact, The Wall Street Journal reported earlier this year that the Justice Department had begun moving on Chinese researchers in the U.S. working at American universities who failed to disclose their ties to the People’s Liberation Army.

    Balding, on his blog site, added additional key points, including:

    — “Joe Biden’s compromising partnership with the Communist Party of China runs via Yang Jiechi (CPC’s Central Foreign Affairs Commission). YANG met frequently with BIDEN during his tenure at the Chinese embassy in Washington.”

    — “Hunter Biden’s 2013 Bohai Harvest Rosemont investment partnership was set-up by Ministry of Foreign Affairs institutions who are tasked with garnering influence with foreign leaders during YANG’s tenure as Foreign Minister.”

    — “HUNTER has a direct line to the Politburo, according to SOURCE A, a senior finance professional in China.”

    — “[Joe] BIDEN’s foreign policy stance towards China (formerly hawkish), turned positive despite the country’s rising geopolitical assertiveness.”

    Balding also goes on to note that the report appears to suggest that the ‘Russian collusion’ narrative is, at least in part, an effort at misdirection....

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    Same pathetic media that ran with the “Trump-Russia collusion” hoax for years on NO evidence won’t cover Biden corruption story with an abundance of evidence (and a witness!)

    Monday, October 26, 2020 by: JD Heyes

    (Natural News) For more than four years, the “mainstream media” trumpeted the lie that the 2016 campaign of Donald Trump “colluded” with Mother Russia to “steal the election” from the most inept presidential contender ever, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. But now that there IS evidence of a scandal — about a democrat — the media is silent.

    There was never any evidence that collusion existed between Trump’s team and the Russians. The deep state produced a bogus “dossier” that was compiled by a former British spy named Christopher Steele; the document (and his efforts) was funded by the Clinton campaign; the FBI new the document was phony but elements of the bureau used it anyway to get four FISA court warrants so they could spy on the Trump campaign and then the president himself, via a former adviser, Carter Page.

    And it turns out that U.S. intelligence officials and the FBI knew that Hillary was the one who invented the collusion hoax in the first place in order to take heat off of her for alleged criminal mishandling of classified emails.

    To this day, the same garbage media continues to allow goofball partisans and Russia truthers like House Intelligence Committee chair Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) to lie about Russian ‘collusion.’

    It never happened. And what’s more, the media knew it never happened, but because the lie was intended to hurt President Trump, it was repeated ad nauseam for years.

    The media claimed that they had to report it because there were investigations going on and there were various claims made by various federal officials (whose names were always confidential) and so forth — even though there was never any evidence of said collusion.

    Now, juxtapose that scenario with the burgeoning, massive scandal involving the Biden Crime Family’s pay-to-play corruption schemes involving foreign governments and entities in Ukraine, Moscow (!), Kazakhstan, and China: Actual evidence exists of these potentially criminal schemes, but the garbage media is working to bury the story, and why?

    Because they claim ‘there’s no corroboration of the evidence.’

    Say what?

    Literally, there is all kinds of corroboration. There are multiple sources of information. There are emails. There are documents. There are photos. There are videos. There is an eyewitness.

    So, what’s the problem? Oh, that’s right. Biden is a Democrat, and since the mainstream media is really just the Democratic Party’s propaganda wing, they are making up every excuse in the book, using every hypocritical angle, to ignore how someone who could very well be president in a few days is also the same someone who is very compromised by foreign powers.

    WND reports that the outlet which first unveiled the startling evidence of corruption, the New York Post, which was founded by founding father Alexander Hamilton, is railing against the lying ‘mainstream’ media for it’s blatant double standard:

    Pushing back on the establishment media’s dismissal of the New York Post’s reporting on Hunter Biden’s emails as “unverified,” the paper’s editors laid out the facts in an editorial.

    The board said Sunday night it’s “particularly rich that The New York Times has fixated on the ‘unverified’ excuse, since it’s spent much of the Trump era offering supposed dirt from anonymous sources — which, by definition, makes the info unverifiable.”

    After laying out the soundness of the paper’s reporting, the board noted that other media (not many) have interviewed the owner of the Delaware computer repair shop where Hunter Biden abandoned a MacBook Pro full of incriminating evidence.

    In addition, the board noted that no one from the Biden camp has said the laptop and its contents aren’t genuine. And that would be an easy thing to debunk if the laptop didn’t used to belong to Hunter, wouldn’t it?

    Face it: The computer is real, the information on it is real, and the Bidens are in real trouble right now, as they should be.

    But once again, there are deep staters behind the scenes already working to kill the story or shield the crime family from punishment. And as usual, they’re getting an assist from their pals in the fake news media.

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    Trump just pulled the plug on the swamp

    Draining will commence forthwith

    ... The new class of “Schedule F” employees refers to those serving in “confidential, policy-determining, policy-making, or policy-advocating positions that are not normally subject to change as the result of a presidential transition,” according to the order.

    These civil servants will now be easier to hire and agencies will have greater flexibility in being able to “remove them without going through a lengthy appeals process.”..

    ... The order represents the culmination of work by a group of conservatives in the White House who began to work on reining in the sprawling government bureaucracy. Coordinating labor policy for the White House’s Domestic Policy Council was James Sherk who was a former research fellow in labor economics at The Heritage Foundation.

    According to The Washington Post:

    Soon after Trump took office, a young aide hired from the Heritage Foundation with bold ideas for reining in the sprawling bureaucracy of 2.1 million came up with a blueprint. Trump would hold employees accountable, sideline their labor unions and give the president more power to hire and fire them, much like political appointees.

    The plan was a counterweight to the “deep state” Trump believed was out to disrupt his agenda...

    ... U.S. Rep. James Comer of Kentucky praised the president for following through on his promise to the American people to “drain the swamp” in Washington, D.C.

    “Our Founding Fathers never envisioned a massive unelected, unaccountable federal government with the power to create policies that impact Americans’ everyday lives. President Trump has long pledged to take on this bureaucracy and restore power to the people by draining the swamp,” the top Republican on the House Oversight Committee said in a statement.

    “Today, President Trump again delivered on his promise by signing an executive order that will help make bureaucrats who have the ability to create and implement policy more accountable for their actions,” Comer added. “I applaud President Trump’s efforts and I look forward to working with him to continue to strengthen transparency and accountability in the federal government.”
    (emphasis added)

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    If you hadn't noticed, Hunted has absolutely shit writing skills. And his business decorum is just as bad.

    E-mails obtained by The National Pulse appear to reveal Hunter Biden – son of the former Vice President and current Democratic nominee for President Joe Biden – arranging meetings with White House officials including his father for a Mexican businessmen. In return, Hunter appears to have received artwork, stays at resort villas, and potential involvement in business deals.

    The individual who provided Hunter with these gifts is Miguel Aleman Magnani.

    “I really appreciate you letting me stay at your resort villa… I have brought every single person you have ever asked me to bring to the F’ing WHite House and the Vice President’s house and the inauguration.” – Hunter Biden

    Magnani, the grandson of a former Mexican President and son of one of Mexico’s richest men, is the CEO of Mexican airline Interjet.

    In an email dated February 24, 2016, Robert “Hunter” Biden contacted Magnani, appearing to lament being ignored by a man he claimed to have given White House access to.

    Hunter Biden’s e-mail

    In the email, Hunter reveals he “delivered on every single thing [Magnani] ever asked.”

    Favors Hunter complete for Magnani appear to involve bringing “every single person [Magnani] ever asked me to bring to the F’ing WHite House and the Vice President’s house and the inauguration”:

    I haven’t heard from you since I got you a mtg for Carlos and your Dad. We have been talking about business deals and partnerships for 7 years. And I really appreciate you letting me stay at your resort villa…but I have brought every single person you have ever asked me to bring to the F’ing WHite House and the Vice President’s house and the inauguration.

    In addition to the email revealing Magnani let Hunter “stay at [his] resort villa,” additional correspondence shows “Miguel” gifted Hunter artwork.

    An email from January 9th, 2017 shows Rosemont Seneca Partners Senior Advisor Joan Peugh listing one of Hunter’s “outstanding to dos” as “need[ing] to say thank you” in response to a piece of artwork from Miguel.

    Hunter’s close relationship with the Mexican businessman extends to being invited to his 50th birthday party, which the email below describes as being postponed:


    Dear friends,

    I have been very pleased with the incredible response and interest that we have received in relation to my 50th birthday celebration.

    Unfortunately due to a stronger force, we must postpone the party for a new date, which we will inform you soon with the hope of being able to count on your presence for the celebration.

    Miguel Aleman Magnani


    Burisma, a controversial Ukrainian oil company where Hunter served on the Board of Directors, was also in business with Pemex – a state-owned, Mexican petroleum company.

    Emails reveal that Burisma, a scandal-ridden and oligarch-led company, was granted the ability to pursue a “Pemex privatization opportunity,” per an email from Hunter on January 27th, 2015 in partnership with Magnani’s family company, the Aleman Group.

    The email lays out how the stakeholders in the deal – Hunter, Magnani’s Aleman Group, and other associates of Hunter such as Devon Archer and Jeff Cooper – would need to figure out remuneration if the deal was to materialize....

    The story continues with more emails that only pile the shit all the deeper.

  4. #924
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    Bullet points only, there are videos under each bullet. Follow the hyperlink in the headline to watch.

    This Week in Leftist Violence and Intimidation Vol. 9

    6. BLM Protesters in Rhode Island Throw Smoke Bombs, Bottles at Police

    5. Portland Antifa Militants Lob Projectiles, Call for Execution of Federal Officers

    4. BLM Protesters Storm Trader Joe’s in Seattle

    3. ‘More Dead Pigs’: Anti-Police Protesters Graffiti Northwestern’s Weber Arch

    2. Boston Antifa Members Burn Flag, Eat Heart, Curse Law and Order

    1. Counterprotesters Attack Black Free Speech Rally Organizer, Knock His Teeth Out

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    Fakebook, Twatter and Big Tech Make Their Money in China

    ... To a large degree, Amazon’s business is China. Behind the smiling logo, the massive array of businesses covering everything from running the CIA’s cloud to spending $500 million to make a Lord of the Rings streaming series, are a bunch of grim offices, apartments, and warehouses in Chinese cities that make up its real business...

    ...Three years ago, third-party sellers topped Amazon's own sales. They now make up 58%. Who are they? If, like most Americans, you shop at the giant dot com retail monopoly, you’ve already waded through a stream of random shop names, fake misspelled reviews, and counterfeit products while searching for just about anything. What happened? China happened.

    Between 40% to 48% of top third-party sellers on Amazon are operating out of China. The massive growth in Chinese third-party sellers has been fairly recent and transformative.

    What Amazon Prime members are really buying is membership in a club that helps third-party sellers from China push counterfeit and imitation products to Americans. (emphasis added) Amazon acts as a middle man, charging Chinese sellers and American customers for handling listing, shipping and sales...

    ... Facebook is officially banned in China, but, much like Amazon, its business comes through the Communist dictatorship.

    China is Facebook's second largest revenue source after America with $5 billion a year in ad revenue. And the social media monopoly which controls 80% of the social media market in America, keeps pleading and begging to be allowed back into China.

    Why are Chinese companies advertising on a service that Chinese users are blocked from accessing through the Great Firewall? Some, like TikTok, which built its business through Facebook, are trying to reach American customers and then build their own ad business...

    ... Like Amazon, Facebook is a one-way system for allowing Chinese businesses to take advantage of Americans. While US companies may not be allowed to do business in China, they’re happy to help Chinese companies do business in America. Or, as Facebook put it, it's "committed to becoming the best marketing platform for Chinese companies going abroad".

    But it’s not just Chinese businesses using Facebook for ads: it’s also China’s regime.

    Chinese state broadcasters like Xinhua spend a lot of money advertising their propaganda on Facebook. Some of that propaganda aimed at Americans explicitly attacked President Trump...

    ... Facebook, like most of Big Tech, understands that its future rests with China’s Communist Party. Its growth potential and a sizable amount of its revenues are tied to better relations with China. And for that to happen, Hunter Biden’s dad has to win and President Trump has to lose. And so the social media monopoly led the way in censoring a damaging story about Hunter Biden.

    Like Facebook, Twitter is blocked in China. And, like its much bigger social media brother, Twitter makes a lot of the ad revenue for its shaky business model from China.

    "Helping Chinese companies expand their visibility overseas has been one of the fastest-growing businesses for Twitter," a China Twitter executive claimed.

    The so-called China Export Market has been driving Twitter’s ad revenues.

    And, also like Facebook, it’s not just products that are being exported. During the Communist dictatorship’s crackdown on Hong Kong, Xinhua ran ads on Twitter defending the repression...

    ...The real foreign election interference is coming from China. Big Tech companies are just doing the dirty work of the Communist dictatorship. China’s Communist leaders don’t even need to say anything. The message is clear. The only way forward for them is through Joe Biden.

    That’s why Big Tech is far more driven to defeat President Trump and elect Joe Biden and its election interference has become much more blatant than it was in the previous election.

    It’s not just about the politics, it’s also about the money.

    Big Tech companies are selling out our election to China the way they have our jobs. And their election interference is reaching unprecedented heights as they function like a cartel.

    Twitter not only banned a story about Hunter Biden’s China ties, it ruthlessly suspended, blocked, and shut down accounts belonging to government officials and journalists, even as it promoted a counter-story from the Washington Post: a paper owned by Amazon CEO Bezos.

  5. #925
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    New York Times Accidentally Confirms Breitbart’s Voter Fraud Reporting

    The far-left New York Times accidentally confirmed all of the voter fraud reporting we’ve done here at Breitbart News.

    So, let me extend my congratulations to all our hard working reporters and editors.

    New York Times Headline:

    Conservative News Sites Fuel Voter Fraud Misinformation


    Breitbart, The Washington Examiner, and others amplify false claims of rampant cheating in what a new Harvard study calls a “propaganda feedback loop.”


    So far in October, Breitbart has published nearly 30 articles with the tag “voter fraud.” President [Donald] Trump has posted links to several Breitbart articles on Twitter, including one in August in which a Republican-appointed poll challenger estimated that up to 20,000 absentee primary ballots had been improperly counted in Detroit, a city “known for voting heavily Democrat,” the article said. The Detroit News later reported that election officials in Michigan said the problems “weren’t examples of fraud and don’t call into question the integrity of the results.”

    Facts to Back Up Complaint:

    Crickets: Chirp. Chirp. Chirp....

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    Washington Post Quote Shows ‘Media Know Hunter Biden Emails Are Real,’ But Continue Their Cover-Up

    A passage in The Washington Post shows that media are determined to call the emails on Hunter Biden’s alleged laptop Russian disinformation – even though they know that they’re not – Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) said Monday.

    Jordan, the ranking Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, tweeted:

    “The media knows the Hunter Biden emails are real.

    “They know it’s not Russian disinformation.

    “But they continue to cover up the scandal”

    As evidence, Rep. Jordan posted a quote from a “Perspectives” piece by Author Thomas Rid in the October 25, 2020 edition of The Washington Post:

    “We must treat the Hunter Biden leaks as if they were a foreign intelligence operation — even if they probably aren’t.”...

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    Twitter Goes Full Orwell, Censors All Topics
    "Likely To Be Subject To Election Misinformation"

    Twitter is pulling out all the stops, with just 7 days left until the 2020 election.

    As if a complete and total coverup of the Hunter Biden story by the mainstream media and big tech wasn't far enough; and as if every social media product and app you use annoyingly reminding you to vote on November 3 wasn't enough, Twitter has now apparently gone "full Orwell" and, through a spokesperson, basically said they will prompt users with warnings on "topics that are likely to be the subject of election misinformation"....

    __________________________________________________ _____________
    CONFIRMED: Facebook Uses Chinese Nationals To Censor Americans On ‘Hate Speech Engineering’ Team

    New information reveals Facebook is using Chinese nationals in a team with the title ‘Hate Speech Engineering’ to affect censorship of political posts

    As Facebook and Twitter come under fire for overtly censoring the Hunter Biden scandal, arguably the biggest political story of the last 50 years, new information reveals Facebook is using Chinese nationals to head-up their “Hate Speech Engineering” team.

    The Hate Speech Engineering team – which is primarily tasked with what, in the end, constitutes censorship of certain political posts, is mostly located deep inside the secured floors of Facebook’s Seattle and has a staff that includes six Chinese nationals holding H-1B visas....

    __________________________________________________ _____________
    Matthew McConaughey Hammers ‘Illiberal’ Left as ‘Condescending And Patronizing,’ Calls Out the Anti-Christian Bias In Hollywood

    Oscar-winner Matthew McConaughey hammered the “illiberal” left in America as both “condescending and patronizing,” warning that there is a bias in Hollywood against committed Christians like himself.

    In an interview on the Joe Rogan Experience, the 50-year-old described the negative reaction of his industry colleagues in the audience to his acceptance speeches where he thanks God and credited his Christian faith with his success.

    “I have had—and I won’t throw any people under the bus—but I have had moments where I was on stage receiving an award in front of my peers in Hollywood, and there were people in the crowd that I have prayed with before dinners many times, and when I thanked God, I saw some of those people go to clap, but then notice that, ‘bad thing on my resume’ and then sit back on their hands,” McConaughey explained....

  6. #926
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    Bad juju for Biden ...

    ... because he can't win without carrying Pennsylvania.

  7. #927
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    Even milquetoast Senator Rick Scott is mad. Why aren't you?

  8. #928
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    Yesterday the black Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States swore in a woman (with two black children) to be the court's newest associate

    And rather than celebrating, the demoncrats, ersatz champions of diversity, are melting down

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    Another gem from James Woods

    Disturbing video from Canada…

    Where else but Canada would a terrorist use a lacrosse stick to attack a police cruiser? (while the police sit passively and watch)

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    This is for all the marbles

    The election isn't about whether you like Donald Trump

    Karen Kataline, October 26, 2020

    There’s a ubiquitous Hollywood plot about a madman who has an evil plan to take over the world and he’s willing to destroy anything or anyone who gets in his way. The protagonist and other good guys save the world with only minutes to spare, sometimes even seconds.

    Election Day, November 3, 2020 is the closest thing I’ve ever seen to a real-life morality play in which the future of America as we know it hangs in the balance. We have only days before we choose Individual freedom or collectivist conformity, the Constitution or Communism, Liberty or tyranny in America leading to a globalist, socialist, one world government. Nothing too serious, right?

    In the kitch movie, Superman II, Terence Stamp is General Zod (like god only different) who delivers one of my favorite movie lines: “You will kneel before Zod!”

    He uses his massive power to bring America to its knees and make everyone, especially the President of the United States bow down to him.

    Unlike a free market system, Marxism and its derivatives is a zero-sum game. It requires compliance from all except those in control. They are never expected to follow their own rules.

    Liberty dies in fear, ignorance, and forced compliance. Tyranny does not and will never tolerate Liberty.
    It’s not that socialism and communism have “failed wherever they’ve been tried” as so many conservatives weakly proclaim. It’s that eventually socialism will always require dissenters to be silenced, demonized, “re-educated,” banished or even killed. If you can’t see that this is the road the Left which now controls the Democrat party is on today, you haven’t been watching.

    It’s essential to recognize who the tyrants are in our midst and who they are not. In this race, one candidate represents American sovereignty and Liberty. The other represents the destruction of America and it’s Constitution, to be replaced with socialism/communism. Talk about cultural misappropriation!

    It doesn’t matter whether you think Joe Biden is a communist. (At this point, I’m not sure he could articulate what he believes without help.) The people with the power in the Democrat party are socialists and communists. Some have admitted it, others have not. Listen to my recent interview with Trevor Loudon who has done extensive research on this subject.

    Avowed and secret socialists have infiltrated every area of American life so successfully that they have convinced more Americans than ever before that America is evil and should be “perfected” —that our free market system should be replaced with a more “just” system in which everyone gets what they are told they are entitled to.

    It’s a Faustian bargain that preys on our greatest human weaknesses. Whether it’s lust, the desire for control others, wealth, social acceptance or recognition, Marxism’s poison pill is always wrapped in a pretty package. Not only do you get to feel generous with other people’s money, you feel virtuous for taking it from those who earned it and giving it to those who didn’t.

    The price you pay for what you think you desperately want is in the fine print or maybe it’s not in the phony contract at all. The promise to remove all your burdens, perhaps give you peace and quiet from the constant wrangling or give you something for nothing will require everything you have and hold dear.

    Before you realize what you’ve done, you are enslaved. Your individual free will has been snuffed out.

    Sadly, history has shown again and again that this is not an overly dramatic characterization. The problem among others, is that the communists and the radicals et. al. are determined to erase history so few people will know the true destruction this ideology has wrought.

    So, It’s Liberty or it’s Tyranny. That’s what this election is about, Charlie Brown. -and it’s for all the marbles.

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    At least 30 Philadelphia cops injured during riots over police shooting of knife-wielding black man

    At least 30 Philadelphia cops were injured by early Tuesday as violent mobs torched squad cars and charged lines of officers in a night of carnage sparked by the police shooting of a knife-wielding man.

    Organized protests gathered at a park chanting “Black lives matter” soon after news broke of the 4 p.m. , who was shot by police after refusing to drop a knife.

    Hundreds of people then swamped the streets, leading to at least 33 arrests by the early hours Tuesday on charges including rioting, assault on police officers, looting and possession of firearms, ABC News said.
    The carnage was caught in a series of disturbing videos on social media, including a speeding black truck that , hitting a 56-year-old female sergeant. She remained hospitalized with a broken leg and other injuries, NBC Philadelphia said.

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    Right smack in the boilerroom of this thread

    Guardians of the swamp

    How angry, entitled and shockingly dishonest 'journalists' are destroying America

    Published October 26, 2020 at 12:17pm

    “There is no truth in Pravda and no news in Izvestia.” That was the famous joke during the dark days of the Soviet Union regarding its two major newspapers – Pravda, which means “truth,” and Izvestia, which means “news.”

    The sole purpose of those two giant propaganda mills cynically disguised as journalism organizations was to guard, protect, lie for and defend at all costs the elite ruling class in charge of the 20th century’s most destructive totalitarian regime.

    Ironically, here in America – the nation that defeated the Soviet Union – almost all of today’s “mainstream media” serves the same purpose as Pravda and Izvestia once did: To protect, defend, and lie day in and day out to preserve this nation’s elite ruling class. That includes the wildly radicalized Democratic Party, as well as the permanent governing bureaucracy called the “deep state,” and even today’s violent neo-Marxist blitzkrieg dedicated to tearing down and transforming what they all condemn as an unjust, immoral and irredeemably racist country...

    ... A few of the hottest battlegrounds in the establishment media’s war on traditional America:

    * Millions of Americans wonder aloud how it’s even possible that someone like Joe Biden – who not only is obviously disintegrating mentally, is wrong on virtually every issue, and lies continually, but also, as reams of new evidence prove, is one of the most spectacularly corrupt politicians in memory – could become the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate.

    * Likewise with regard to his vice-presidential candidate, Kamala Harris, who would likely become president sometime during Biden's first term, as he inevitably fades further and fails. In addition to being rated the most leftwing member of the U.S. Senate by the nonpartisan, Harris has also proven to be one of the most thoroughly unlikable, abrasive, condescending, greedy, grasping, shallow and insincere candidates in a generation.

    * As openly Marxist revolutionary groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa have burned, vandalized and looted America’s cities daily for months, destroying businesses, assaulting and sometimes murdering people, today’s journalists have routinely dismissed it all as “mostly peaceful protests” against “systemic racism” and “police brutality” – while complaining loudly that America is actually under siege by “white supremacists.” Those who dare point out that it’s really hard to find many genuine “white supremacists” in today’s America, let alone rampaging hordes of them laying waste to the nation’s cities, are of course immediately condemned as white supremacists themselves.

    * Since explosive proof finally emerged that Hillary Clinton was the person behind the Trump-Russia collusion hoax, the media have ignored the true story of the worst political scandal in American history: It was Clinton, not Trump, who actually colluded with Russia. It was she who bought Russia’s intelligence product (the fake “Trump dossier”) and then channeled the false, defamatory “intel” through cooperative American news organizations – precisely mirroring the modus operandi of Soviet disinformation campaigns of yesteryear. That is, carefully create a false narrative to advance a secret agenda, and then induce trusted Western media to broadcast the disinformation as “news.”

    * Instead of the media apologizing once their four-year Trump-Russia hoax was definitively exposed as a fraud, many of the top-tier deep-state conspirators that engineered the Russia collusion hoax actually joined today’s media! In their post-Obama careers, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former CIA Director John Brennan, former FBI Director James Comey and former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe became either paid cable news analysts or frequent commentators. Most recently, Lisa Page, disgraced FBI agent and paramour of even-more-disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok, was hired as the new national security and legal analyst at NBC News and MSNBC.

    * Meanwhile, the promised Biden-Harris agenda – from virtual open borders and mass amnesty, to the confiscation of “assault weapons” (otherwise known as semiautomatic firearms), to eliminating America's fossil fuel industries, to socialized medicine, to fundamentally altering America’s constitutional system of government by “packing” the Supreme Court, eliminating the Senate filibuster, abolishing the Electoral College and much more – would rapidly lead to a totalitarian dictatorship in the United States of America...

    ...Recently, Tucker Carlson summed up the future of the American news media with this prophetic statement: “When the smoke clears from this election, there’ll be a massive realignment in the media, no matter who wins. Because they showed who they are, and it’s so unappealing, it’s so far from journalism that it can’t continue.” (emphasis added)

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    Chuck-U Schumer claims Justice Amy Coney Barrett's stance on abortion will cause future generations to needlessly suffer the anguish ... of being alive

    At the end of this sordid chapter in the history of the Senate, in the history of the Supreme Court, my deepest and greatest sadness is for the American people. Generations yet unborn will suffer the consequences of this nomination.”

    Isn't he just one humane son of a bitch.

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    'Trump brought peace to the Middle East, we want four more years of the Trump White House'

    Marc Zell, head of Republicans Overseas Israel, speaks with Arutz Sheva about the pro-Trump caravan and Trump's prospects in the election.

    Hezki Baruch , 27/10/20 15:01

    Attorney Marc Zell, chief of Republicans Overseas Israel, spoke with Arutz Sheva Tuesday, at the end of a pro-Trump caravan which made its way from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

    “We have people who joined us from all over Israel,” Zell said at the post caravan gathering in the capital. “It’s amazing.”

    Dozens of vehicles took part in the caravan, which was organized by the Trump campaign’s offices in Israel.

    “We want to see him reelected for the next four years, and we’re here to tell the world that,” Zell continued.

    “We’re also here to say that when we come to express our support for Donald Trump, we do so peacefully. Unlike what happened in New York when our friends in New York were attacked by violent people. We’re against violence, we’re for peace,” said Zell, referencing attacks on the Jews For Trump caravan in New York which was targeted by Antifa rioters over the weekend.

    “We’re for this president who brought peace to the Middle East. It’s like a dream that is happening.”

    “As far as the polls are concerned, I know everybody is saying, ‘Biden is leading, or maybe it is really close.’ We have some different information about that.”

    “We are going to expect some very surprising things November third and afterwards.”

    A Pro-Trump motorcade in Israel:

    Last edited by Beetlegeuse; 10-27-2020 at 05:22 PM.

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    The Legacy of Obama and Biden: Weaponizing Federal Agencies

    Jeff Davidson Posted: Oct 25, 2020 12:01 AM

    Contrast the Trump/Pence ticket running for re-election with the last time an incumbent ticket ran for re-election: Obama/Biden in 2012. For most of our history, the press has served as a Democracy's child, willing to tell the truth about situations as they unfold. Then, Barack Obama and Joe Biden were elected.
    Either because Obama was the first African American president, or the mainstream media was so steeped in their own ideology, they abdicated their position for eight years running, and since then.

    From Magnifying Glass to Feigned Disinterest

    With Bush/Cheney, the mainstream media covered every infraction, error, and misspoken word and then magnified the issue endlessly. With Trump/Pence, the constant dissection and distortion, 24/7/365, has risen to unimaginable heights.

    For the first five years after Obama/Biden took office, the mainstream press treated them with kid gloves and did not pursue anything controversial, at least not for long. Then, their transgressions became so egregious that mainstream media was finding it nearly impossible to continue to shield him. The list of their sordid policies, botched programs, gerrymandering of our democratic process, and outright fraud and deception was ample.

    Had Bush/Cheney been at the helm of the IRS targeting of political groups, let alone Fast and Furious, Black Panther voter intimidation, the Benghazi cover-up, the Affordable Care Act’s website debacle, the Gulf Oil Spill, the National Security Agency's snooping, the General Motors recall, the Veterans’ Administration scandal, the Bergdahl swap, the border debacle, the ISIS menace, etc, the headlines would be non-stop.

    The Most Dangerous Change

    Cleta Mitchell is a prominent Washington, D.C. attorney representing many clients who had been victimized by IRS criminal conduct. She previously served as a Democrat in the Oklahoma House of Representatives from 1976 to 1984. In her testimony before Congress, she asserted that the Obama/Biden administration was responsible for ‘lies upon lies’ covering up the multifarious, politically inspired wrongdoing of the IRS.

    Mitchell regarded the politicization of the IRS as the most dangerous change in her lifetime and perhaps in the history of the U.S. because Obama/Biden did liberals' bidding and the press was willing to endure a wide variety of their non-democratic, dangerous practices. Thus, we experienced government intrusion in unprecedented ways, picking sides in the long-term debate between conservatives and liberals and ensuring that liberals win, as happened in the 2012 election.

    Mitchell notes, “The charge that Richard Nixon attempted to misuse the IRS” for political purposes was included in the second of the three articles of impeachment against him. Nixon sought to weaponize the IRS, but his efforts were futile. "By contrast with Nixon's failures to misuse the IRS, the IRS have very effectively screwed Obama/Biden’s political opponents...”

    We have yet to learn the full story about what Barack and Joe knew and when they knew it. Late one Friday, before the Father’s day weekend, the IRS “announced” that it had lost 28 months worth of Lois Lerner’s emails... after 12 months of looking. In other words, the incriminating communications that the Senate investigating committee had requested “couldn’t” be found. This obstruction of justice, in a democracy, is intolerable.

    In any other era, Lerner, an Obama/Biden devotee, would already be serving hard time. Instead, for eight years she’s been enjoying her well-paid retirement, funded by you.

    Contorting History

    The typical uninformed voter perks up a couple weeks before an election. Such voters find their way by what appears on the front page of news sites, morning newspapers, morning talk shows, etc. Imagine that the Watergate Commission, led by Sam Ervin, investigated a Democratic president. Wait... would the Commission even have been formed?

    Obama/Biden’s politicization of the IRS, and our federal agencies in general, which should otherwise be completely non-partisan and non-biased, was an assault on our civilization. The utter contortion of our democracy that we experienced with their Attorney General, Eric Holder, was a sad legacy to leave. Holder stepped over legal and constitutional lines so often that the line faded. His rap sheet is long and involved.

    None of the transgressions of Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton, or George W. Bush come close to what Obama and Biden did and for which the mainstream media turned a blind eye.
    Donald Trump and Mike Pence have done nothing on the order of these Democrat contortions. Liberal icon Noam Chomsky summed it up well when he the Obama administration's attacks on civil liberties "go well beyond anything I would have anticipated, and they don’t seem easy to explain."

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    Tucker Carlson interviews Tony Bobulinski, the man who's
    blowing the whistle on the Biden crime syndicate

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    Project Veritas exposes the employee of a Republican candidate who guides,
    cajoles, coerces and bribes the elderly into voting DEMONCRAT

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    Election interference: YouTube is suppressing videos about Joe, Hunter, and Ukraine

    Good luck finding a video on YouTube that details ANYTHING other than positive spin and fake debunking of the Hunter Biden laptop story.

    This news will be shocking to none of our readers. If you’ve followed us for a while, you know that we’ve documented dozens of cases of censorship and suppression on Big Tech publishers like Facebook, Twitter, Google, and their video giant YouTube, among others. We’ve also shown how they’ve all placed various “fact-check warnings” on content, including ours, even when the facts detailed in the content are beyond reproach.

    The latest as well as one of the most consequential moves by YouTube as it pertains to the election is their suppression and fact-checking of videos searched for through keywords like “Hunter Biden Ukraine” and “Joe Biden Ukraine.”...

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    ‘Joe Biden Corruption’ Trends on Google – But Google Whitewashes Autocomplete Suggestions

    Interest in allegations of corruption against Joe Biden, as well as his alleged ties to Burisma, spiked in the month of October according to Google trends, with more people searching for the topics than ever before.

    But unlike other search engines, Google fails to display search suggestions such as “Joe Biden corruption” and “Joe Biden Burisma,” similarly to the way it failed to display negative search suggestions about Hillary Clinton in 2016.

    This is despite the fact that the search terms “Joe Biden corruption” and “Joe Biden Burisma” are enjoying a popularity spike in Google trends, meaning that large numbers of people are searching for them.

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    The October surprise is here, but the media won’t touch it

    Let’s suppose for a moment that former Hunter Biden business partner Tony Bobulinski was lying last night. Let’s stipulate that everything he said in his hour-long interview with Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson — that China was loaning money to the Biden family and that Joe Biden was being untruthful when he said he knew nothing of his son’s business dealings — was demonstrably false.

    The story is nevertheless a bombshell, one of the biggest ever to emerge in the eleventh hour of a race for the U.S. presidency. Why, then, aren’t the media all over it? How is it possible that the New York Times or better yet the Washington Post, which is the undisputed king of bombshell reporting, is silent this morning?

    One major outlet, Newsweek, was at least willing to give the interview the time of day. That is to say the newsmagazine ran a piece titled “Tony Bobulinski’s Tucker Carlson Interview Has QAnon Supporters Thinking He’s Conspiracy’s Leader.” Note that in Newsweek’s world, the story is a priori a “baseless conspiracy theory,” so why bother delving into the particulars?

    Those particulars include a clip within a clip, an audio file of Biden family associate Rob Walker saying Bobulinski would “bury all of us” if he went public with revelations about Biden wrongdoing. [I already posted the video a couple of posts back]

    But not even that detail was worth the media’s bother.

    At one time, the media in this country saw their obligation as to report the news without prejudice or bias. Obviously, those times are gone forever.

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    Biden Scandals Are Rolling Out Like An Avalanche

    Bombshells are rolling out so fast on the Biden family corruption, that it’s difficult to keep up with all of the scandals. While Giuliani, Bannon, and Lude Media have been exposing evidence from Hunter Biden’s laptop, Matthew Trymand, Peter Schweizer, and Seamus Bruner have been unveiling additional corruption schemes that they have extracted from Bevan Cooney’s email account, with his permission. Several other media sources have been given access to the laptop and have also been reporting on their findings. It’s an ongoing avalanche with no end in sight. This list of shocking headlines, backed with emails, texts, documents, photos, videos, and audio recordings, should help to show just how explosive this is, how the Biden’s have sold out America, their potential sex abuse of minors, and that Joe Biden isn’t the good Catholic he tries to portray himself to be....

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    BREAKING: Reporter in Philadelphia Says Black Lives Matter Rioters Are ‘Specifically Targeting and Attacking White People’

    According to Blaze reporter Elijah Schaffer, Philadelphia Police have lost control of the riot and white people are now being “specifically targeted and attacked.”

    The mob is so anti-white, that Antifa was not welcome with them and had to hold a separate demonstration in another location.

    Schaffer, who was violently attacked earlier in the evening while reporting live from a shop that was being looted, tweeted that the rioters are also “shooting each other.”

    “Philadelphia police have completely lost control of the affected rioting region which stretches multiple city blocks,” Schaffer tweeted. “Looters have broken into over 30+ stores and are attacking white people. They are also shooting each other. I’ve only witnessed one arrest.”

    Shaffer added in a subsequent tweet that “they were specifically targeting and attacking white people tonight in Philadelphia.”

    “It was clear, if you were white, you weren’t welcome,” the tweet continued. “That’s why Antifa had their own demonstrations in a separate part of the city.”...

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    U.S. Voters Agree on One Thing: They'd Feel Better Owning a Gun

    CHANTILLY, Va. — Like many Americans, two women a thousand miles apart are each anxious about the uncertain state of the nation. Their reasons are altogether different. But they have found common ground, and a sense of certainty, in a recent purchase: a gun.

    Ann-Marie Saccurato traced her purchase to the night she was eating dinner at a sidewalk restaurant not long ago in Delray Beach, Florida, when a Black Lives Matter march passed, and her mind began to wander.

    It takes only one person to incite a riot when emotions are high, she remembers thinking. What if police are overpowered and can’t control the crowd?

    Ashley Johnson, in Austin, Texas, worries about the images she’s seen in past weeks of armed militias showing up to rallies and making plans to kidnap governors. The outcome of the election, she thinks, will be devastating for some people regardless of the winner.

    “Maybe I’m just looking at the news too much, but there are hints of civil war depending on who wins,” Johnson said. “It’s a lot to process.”

    In the U.S., spikes in gun purchases are often driven by fear. But in past years that anxiety has centered on concerns that politicians will pass stricter gun controls. Mass shootings often prompt more gun sales for that reason, as do elections of liberal Democrats.

    Many gun buyers now are saying they are motivated by a new destabilizing sense that is pushing even people who had considered themselves anti-gun to buy weapons for the first time — and people who already have them to buy more....

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    Armed Texans Who Stopped Church Shooters expose Joe Biden's Gun INSANE Control Plan

    The two heroes responsible for intervening in deadly mass shootings at Texas churches in 2017 and 2019 are speaking out against Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s “insane” gun control views.

    On Tuesday, the National Rifle Association published a nearly 6-minute web video featuring Stephen Willeford and Jack Wilson condemning the former vice president for his progressive perspective on firearms.

    Wilson, who took down a would-be attacker at a Fort Worth church in 2019, asserts in the video that, if elected president next week, Biden will work “to make gun ownership only affordable to the elite.” He went on to say gun ownership is a fundamental right in the U.S., arguing, “The fact is, the only thing that will keep us safe in times of evil are our guns. Evil will always exist.”

    There is a clip of Biden in the NRA video condemning Willeford for using an AR-15 rifle to stop the attacker at Sutherland Springs Baptist Church, where 26 people were ultimately murdered.

    Biden said Willeford “shouldn’t be carrying” such a firearm.

    “If it was Hunter Biden and your wife and family sitting in those pews at that church, would you still not want me to have this gun to protect them with?” asked Willeford, rhetorically.

    Wilson argued it is Biden’s “dream” to leave everyday Americans without a line of defense against deadly criminals like the assailants he and Willeford stopped.

    “I put a terrorist down in a matter of seconds with this gun, and it’s not even a weapon of war or whatever that means,” he said. “You know what Joe told me? That I shouldn’t have been armed in that church.”

    In the immediate aftermath of the attack, which left two congregants dead, Wilson said he is “thankful to God” he was “blessed with the ability and desire to serve Him in the role of head of security” for his church.

    “I am very sad in the loss of two dear friends and brothers in Christ, but evil does exist in this world and I and other members are not going to allow evil to succeed,” he added at the time.

    Willeford, for his part, told CBN News he is “no hero,” adding he just did what was right when he intervened in the deadly church attack. He said, “I just wish I could have gotten there faster.”
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    When yahoo says its true, then by god its true . Still shocked lol. Debated on posting in this in the guns thread or here. If you can find the video watch it, it really shows what a shitbag biden is. His temper is just as bad as Trump, but trump usually flares at reporters and politicians. This is a union worker, i am a union worker. I didnt like this at all
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  18. #938
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    Please understand that Biden isn't an elected official.
    He doesn't work for that guy.
    That guy's elected official does.

    Do you work for me?
    No you don't.
    You are not my mayor, or governor, or president.

    Does that upset me?

    “You’re working for me, man,” the worker told Biden.

    “I’m not working for you,” Biden said. “Give me a break, man. Don’t be such a horse’s a--.”

    Now, the reason why they were arguing is that the man claimed Biden would take his precious guns away.
    Why did the man say that?
    Because he saw right wing propaganda which went viral which was made by manipulating different clips.

    "Biden said the videos the worker was referring to were "simply a lie." A number of manipulated videos of Biden have circulated on social media."

    Now if you think that Biden should've held his temper better I ask you...
    Does Trump EVER hold his temper?
    The fucking baby walked out of the 60 Minutes Interview.

    Funny how people like Trump because he is so "Alpha" but they expect Democrats to act differently.

    I know you and I will never see eye to eye on anything political.
    I am simply trying to respectfully present a counter argument.

    I personally wish Biden would've been more respectful.
    I personally wish trump would be more respectful.

    Biden, like myself, is sick and tired of the relentless propaganda spewed out by far right organizations.

    I will delete this in about 30 minutes and never touch this thread again. (Hopefully...)
    Last edited by The Deadlifting Dog; 10-29-2020 at 08:23 AM.
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    He did exactly what he was supposed to do. The guy said to Biden "You work for me." Who the fuck does he think he is? Biden never said he's coming for anyone's guns, and he told the guy he even owns guns and his son hunts. I call that telling it like it is. The amount of lies and misrepresentations coming from the right deserves exactly that kind of response. And him trying to get tough at the end for being called out on lying, what a fucking bitch.

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    Ted Cruz tears Jack Dorsey (disguised as Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn) a new asshole

    Dorsey's defense is even more arrogant and transparently contrived than when Der Schlickmeister equivocated over the meaning of "is."

  21. #941
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    He did exactly what he was supposed to do. The guy said to Biden "You work for me." Who the fuck does he think he is? Biden never said he's coming for anyone's guns, and he told the guy he even owns guns and his son hunts. I call that telling it like it is. The amount of lies and misrepresentations coming from the right deserves exactly that kind of response. And him trying to get tough at the end for being called out on lying, what a fucking bitch.
    You’re exactly right Biden was acting like quite the bitch when the young man called him out on it...he even says “do you need an ar 14” lol he meant ar -15 but Biden is so dementiated he cant remember which one it is.

    Another funny thing thats mention Biden doesn’t work for him? Well anyone running for political office should Act like they are on the job imho. Ive seen Biden get upset on another occasion and was downright rude once again cursing at the gentleman for asking about his corrupt crack cocaine addicted son working in Ukraine...of course all thats a lie according to Biden.

    By the way how are those Philadelphia riots going? Just seen where looters were shooting other looters..maybe they will kill themselves off? Hope so

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    Why Voting For Biden To Stop The Riots Will Ensure They Never Go Away

    By Kyle Sammin, October 29, 2020

    This republic endures when people vote based on what they think will be right and good for all of us. Americans don’t pay tribute.

    There is a palpable fear on the left that each new spasm of rioting and violence in the streets will drive more people away from their side. While Joe Biden himself is not tossing bricks and setting fire to police cars, his Democratic Party is the home of those who would excuse the rioters while Republicans are more likely to condemn street violence. It is natural that people who oppose anarchy in their cities and towns might consider voting for the candidate who does the same.

    One line of thinking from the leftists now holds that the real way to stop violence in the streets is to elect Democrats, who will surely be better at calming the far-left mobs by giving them at least part of what they want. To be sure, the mob would be gratified by Donald Trump leaving office, but giving in to violent demands never makes the threat go away. Instead, it proves that violence works and leads to more of it. A mob is never satisfied.

    The Only Way to Stop the Left Is to Elect Them?

    Shadi Hamid of The Atlantic explained this theory last month when he wrote:

    [ident]A loss by Joe Biden under these circumstances is the worst case not because Trump will destroy America (he can’t), but because it is the outcome most likely to undermine faith in democracy, resulting in more of the social unrest and street battles that cities including Portland, Oregon, and Seattle have seen in recent months. For this reason, strictly law-and-order Republicans who have responded in dismay to scenes of rioting and looting have an interest in Biden winning — even if they could never bring themselves to vote for him.[/indent]

    This month in the same publication, Yascha Mounk wrote that people who are tired of illiberal leftism should vote for Biden. “[A] Biden victory would make it easier, not harder, to push back against antifa types who think engaging in violent tactics to resist the Trump administration is justifiable,” Mounk said. “So long as citizens can contest political injustice at the ballot box, there can be no excuse for burning down government buildings.”

    Neither Hamid nor Mounk is saying explicitly that the only way to stop left-wing violence is to vote for left-wing candidates, but they’re not not saying it, either. Giving in to fear and conceding to the rioters sounds, for some tremulous voters, like a way out of the problem.

    Paying the Dane-Geld Never Works

    We have known for a long time that such concessions rarely, if ever, succeed. Rudyard Kipling wrote about it in his 1911 poem “Dane-Geld.” In it, he retold the historical events of nine centuries earlier, when Viking raiders came to pillage England.

    Rather than get murdered and robbed, King Æthelred proposed to just give the Danes money (called the “Dane-geld”) so they would go away. The Danes agreed — and then came back every year for more. Kipling described the exchange:

    It is always a temptation to an armed and agile nation, ⁠
    To call upon a neighbour and to say: —
    ‘We invaded you last night —
    We are quite prepared to fight, ⁠
    Unless you pay us cash to go away.’

    And that is called asking for Dane-geld, ⁠
    And the people who ask it explain
    That you’ve only to pay ’em the Dane-geld
    And then you’ll get rid of the Dane!

    It is always a temptation to a rich and lazy nation,
    To puff and look important and to say: —
    ‘Though we know we should defeat you,
    We have not the time to meet you, ⁠
    We will therefore pay you cash to go away.’

    Then, as now, human reactions are pretty predictable. If you make something profitable, more people will do it. The Vikings were presented with an easy win: just show up and get money, no need to risk life and limb. For Æthelred, paying them off was the easy short-term fix.

    The problem, however, was not solved, and the Vikings kept coming. Eventually, their king, Canute, conquered England and held it until his death.

    Americans Must Vote for What Is Good and Right

    Delivering votes and policy victories to a mob out of fear is little different. If some voters actually want to defund the police and to enshrine Ibram X. Kendi’s Orwellian Department of Anti-Racism in the Constitution, or want any other far-left idea to come to pass, then by all means, they should vote for lefty candidates. But if other, more reasonable voters think that giving in to rioters will pacify the streets of Portland once more, they are surely mistaken. The Dane never left for long, and neither will Antifa, not if their violence is rewarded.

    Kipling explained why we should act out of conviction, not cowardice:

    And that is called paying the Dane-geld; ⁠
    But we’ve proved it again and again,
    That if once you have paid him the Dane-geld ⁠
    You never get rid of the Dane.

    It is wrong to put temptation
    In the path of any nation,
    For fear they should succumb and go astray,
    So when you are requested to pay up or be molested, ⁠
    You will find it better policy to say: —

    ‘We never pay any one Dane-geld, ⁠
    No matter how trifling the cost,
    For the end of that game is oppression and shame, ⁠
    And the nation that plays it is lost!’

    A nation that votes out of fear is lost. Americans have not done so in the past, and we should not start now. That is true not only because it will not work, but because it is wrong.

    This republic endures when people vote based on what they think will be right and good for all of us. Americans don’t pay tribute. Once we do, this grand experiment in republican self-government will be headed for failure.

  23. #943
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    Corporate media outlets have been warned not to cover Tony Bobulinski & Hunter Biden’s laptop or they will be blacklisted by any future Biden/Harris Administration - according to several media sources.

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    BREAKING: Philly Police Discover Van Full Of Explosives, Dynamite, Propne, ATM Machines Blown Up Around The City

    I can't for the life of me imagine what use PEACEFUL PROTESTERS would have for Dynamite and Propane.

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    Twitter is running a blackmail operation — cooperate or no traffic for you

    For all their talk of “neutral platforms,” the Big Shots at Big Tech — Twitter, Facebook and Google — are running a protection racket. They figure they can dictate what Americans get to see and read, and what other media companies must do to reach the public via those platforms.

    It’s a clear threat to a healthy democracy — and Congress has noticed. On Wednesday, the Senate launched a hearing to investigate “Big Tech’s bad behavior.”...

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    New York Post editor accuses Twitter CEO of 'high-tech racketeering' over Hunter Biden story

    Sohrab Ahmari asks, 'What will happen if the only journalism that is allowed is journalism that the subject of the story permits?'

    Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey is practicing "blackmail" by demanding the New York Post delete a tweet sharing a link to its bombshell report about Hunter Biden before its account is unlocked, op-ed editor Sohrab Ahmari told "The Story" Wednesday.

    During an exchange with Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, while testifying before the Senate Commerce Committee Dorsey explained that the Post is not technically locked out, because it can go back and delete the original post from two weeks ago announcing the Hunter Biden laptop story, and re-post it today because the site's "terms of service" have since changed.

    "I say that sounds like high-tech racketeering," Ahmari told host Martha MacCallum. "We’re being blackmailed the way an old mob boss would do."

    Though unable to tweet Thursday's cover, Ahmari said that it is available on the New York Post website and features Dorsey "blackmailing" investigative journalism....

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    Senate committee verifies Bobulinski materials

    A Senate committee has reportedly verified all of the materials that it reviewed so far from Tony Bobulinksi, the former business partner of Hunter Biden who has accused the Biden family of being "compromised."

    In an interview with Fox News's Tucker Carlson, Bobulinski said that he knew firsthand that Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden was aware of his son's business dealings in China, a claim that the former vice president has rejected...

    ... A tranche of emails, texts, and business documents obtained by the Washington Examiner documents how Hunter Biden’s former business partners, Bobulinksi and James Gilliar, routinely pitched deals with their firm as politically advantageous due to their relationships with the Biden family. Both Hunter Biden and Joe Biden’s brother, Jim Biden, were often copied on the emails, many of which describe banal meetings or opportunities to pitch business to new clients.

    Bobulinski said he has also turned over documents to the FBI that he says show that he met with the former vice president on two occasions regarding business with Hunter Biden.

    Johnson was scheduled to interview Bobulinski last week, but the meeting was postponed after lawyers for Bobulinski told Johnson that the FBI had asked to meet with him the same day.... (emphasis added)

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    BREAKING: Spotify Deletes Joe Rogan Episode Featuring Alex Jones and Vaccine Conspiracy Theories

    The streaming service Spotify removed an episode of podcaster Joe Rogan’s show on Wednesday after outcry over his Tuesday interview with Infowars conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.

    Social media users began noticing the removal just after 10:00 p.m. Eastern on Wednesday. The episode — #1,555 — was conspicuously absent from Spotify’s list. The preceding episode, #1,554 with rapper Kanye West, and the following episode, #1,556 with Intercept co-founder and journalist Glenn Greenwald, were still active.

    The development comes after the InfoWars founder joined Rogan on Tuesday to talk about issues including Ghislaine Maxwell, QAnon, the allegations about Hunter Biden...
    Last edited by Beetlegeuse; 10-29-2020 at 11:54 AM.

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    Money laundering: Joe Biden’s brother sent bank “wiring instructions” to “spy chief of China”

    (Natural News) Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell” is the gift that keeps on giving, with the latest revelation being an email containing bank wiring instructions that was sent from Joe Biden’s brother Jim to Patrick Ho, the infamous “spy chief of China.”

    Jim Biden, described by The Gateway Pundit‘s Cristina Laila as “Joe Biden’s slimy grifter brother,” told Ho, a Hong Kong national who was suspected of being a covert agent for the communist Chinese regime, to wire the funds to Owasco LLC, Hunter’s personal firm.

    “The wiring instructions for Dr. Ho’s representation funds are as follows,” Jim wrote at the top of the email, copying it to Hunter, who also goes by the name of Robert, along with Kevin Dong and Mervyn Yan. A screenshot of the email, as shared by The National Pulse‘s Raheem Kassam, can be viewed at this link.

    Ho, it turns out, was previously under FISA surveillance after having been charged with money laundering in connection with CEFC China Energy Co. contracts that were established in Africa. CEFC, in case you missed it, is a Chinese energy company that gave Hunter and the Biden family a $5 million “interest-free” loan, according to leaked emails.

    In a leaked audio recording that was shared by the Pulse this week, Hunter is heard describing Ho as his business partner and the “f***ing spy chief of China.” Hunter is also heard complaining about his business partner Devon Archer, who summoned Hunter and his father Joe as witnesses in a criminal case in the Southern District of New York, supposedly without notifying them....

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    Biden co-conspirator pleaded with Bobulinski to not go public: "You're Just Gonna Bury All Of Us Man"

    Because they never dreamed the mainstream media would be corrupt enough to cover for their criminality.

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    Project Veritas releases second video of Texas "ballot chaser", who is paid (>$8000/month) to coerce the eldery to vote demoncrat

    I'm sure all that money will buy her lots of creature comforts ...

    ... from the prison commissary.

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    Up on the rooftop reindeer pause, Out jumps good old Santa Claus, ...

    FBI Investigating Hunted Biden
    for Money Laundering

    A Department of Justice (DOJ) official confirmed Thursday that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) opened a criminal investigation into Hunter Biden and his associates in 2019, focused on allegations of money-laundering, and that it remains “open and active,” according to Sinclair investigative reporter James Rosen.

    Previously, the DOJ had confirmed to Breitbart News and other outlets that the FBI had possession of the laptop with the hard drive containing thousands of Hunter Biden’s emails where he discussed his international business dealings.

    Hunter Biden has been involved in at least several questionable business endeavors.

    As recently reported by Breitbart News’ Joel Pollak, Hunter Biden had allegedly acted as the personal attorney for the chair of a major Chinese energy firm in a deal to buy 14 percent stake in a Russian state oil company Rosneft, which would allow Rosneft to evade U.S. sanctions. The deal ultimately fell through, as the Chinese energy firm came under investigation by China and other countries as well.

    The accusation was exposed by Hunter Biden’s former business partner, Tony Bobulinski, during an interview with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson on Tuesday evening.

    Bobulinski also said that $5 million from the Chinese company that was meant to fund his own company went to an account controlled by Hunter Biden, instead. He cited a recent Senate report that described Hunter Biden’s diversion of that money for to his own firm, for “consulting fees.”

    Bobulinski told Rosen that he was recently interviewed by the FBI in Washington, D.C., on October 23, 2020, for about five hours with up to six agents, and expects to be interviewed by the FBI again.

    Another one of Hunter Biden’s business partners, Bevan Cooney, sits in jail over a bond scheme involving Native Americans that allegedly involved Hunter Biden. Another associate, Devin Archer, has also been charged.

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    Candy is dandy
    and liquor is quicker
    but incest is best!

    HUGE BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden Has a PornHub Account Where He Uploaded His Personal Porn – Including with Family Member

    ... Today we completely destroy any idea that the Biden family and Hunter Biden are All American heroes.

    Hunter Biden not only was involved in depraved activities, he filmed them and took pictures of these events too and today we have evidence that he published and promoted these activities at the porn website PornHub...

    ... We know this is Hunter’s account and one of the reasons is because of the screen shot below where one of his pages bookmarked is “Joe Biden Smiling”.

    But we also are able to confirm this account with Hunter because the pictures and videos in the account are also on the Hunter Biden laptop that was recently uncovered. There are pictures of two women on top of Hunter on PornHub and these same pictures were located on his laptop...

    ... A shocking piece of information in this squalid story is found on Hunter’s site. The picture of the woman’s behind on his PornHub home page is that of a family member! Hunter also includes pictures of that same woman within his account...

    ... Why would the Biden family use Hunter as their bag man in their pay-to-play scheme? Hunter was an animal and a mess. He admittedly did drugs. He was with seedy people in seedy places yet the family did all they could to cover it all up.
    This tells you all you need to know about Joe Biden’s judgement. Joe Biden should never come close to the White House ever again.

    __________________________________________________ _____________

  27. #947
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    No source checks
    Quote Originally Posted by Beetlegeuse View Post
    Up on the rooftop reindeer pause, Out jumps good old Santa Claus, ...

    FBI Investigating Hunted Biden
    for Money Laundering

    A Department of Justice (DOJ) official confirmed Thursday that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) opened a criminal investigation into Hunter Biden and his associates in 2019, focused on allegations of money-laundering, and that it remains “open and active,” according to Sinclair investigative reporter James Rosen.

    Previously, the DOJ had confirmed to Breitbart News and other outlets that the FBI had possession of the laptop with the hard drive containing thousands of Hunter Biden’s emails where he discussed his international business dealings.

    Hunter Biden has been involved in at least several questionable business endeavors.

    As recently reported by Breitbart News’ Joel Pollak, Hunter Biden had allegedly acted as the personal attorney for the chair of a major Chinese energy firm in a deal to buy 14 percent stake in a Russian state oil company Rosneft, which would allow Rosneft to evade U.S. sanctions. The deal ultimately fell through, as the Chinese energy firm came under investigation by China and other countries as well.

    The accusation was exposed by Hunter Biden’s former business partner, Tony Bobulinski, during an interview with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson on Tuesday evening.

    Bobulinski also said that $5 million from the Chinese company that was meant to fund his own company went to an account controlled by Hunter Biden, instead. He cited a recent Senate report that described Hunter Biden’s diversion of that money for to his own firm, for “consulting fees.”

    Bobulinski told Rosen that he was recently interviewed by the FBI in Washington, D.C., on October 23, 2020, for about five hours with up to six agents, and expects to be interviewed by the FBI again.

    Another one of Hunter Biden’s business partners, Bevan Cooney, sits in jail over a bond scheme involving Native Americans that allegedly involved Hunter Biden. Another associate, Devin Archer, has also been charged.

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    Candy is dandy
    and liquor is quicker
    but incest is best!

    HUGE BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden Has a PornHub Account Where He Uploaded His Personal Porn – Including with Family Member

    ... Today we completely destroy any idea that the Biden family and Hunter Biden are All American heroes.

    Hunter Biden not only was involved in depraved activities, he filmed them and took pictures of these events too and today we have evidence that he published and promoted these activities at the porn website PornHub...

    ... We know this is Hunter’s account and one of the reasons is because of the screen shot below where one of his pages bookmarked is “Joe Biden Smiling”.

    But we also are able to confirm this account with Hunter because the pictures and videos in the account are also on the Hunter Biden laptop that was recently uncovered. There are pictures of two women on top of Hunter on PornHub and these same pictures were located on his laptop...

    ... A shocking piece of information in this squalid story is found on Hunter’s site. The picture of the woman’s behind on his PornHub home page is that of a family member! Hunter also includes pictures of that same woman within his account...

    ... Why would the Biden family use Hunter as their bag man in their pay-to-play scheme? Hunter was an animal and a mess. He admittedly did drugs. He was with seedy people in seedy places yet the family did all they could to cover it all up.
    This tells you all you need to know about Joe Biden’s judgement. Joe Biden should never come close to the White House ever again.

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    I literally laughed my fuckin ass off

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    EXCLUSIVE: NY Post’s ‘Smoking Gun’ Hunter Biden Email 100% Authentic, Forensic Analysis Concludes

    ... The [Daily Caller News Foundation] obtained a full copy of Hunter Biden’s alleged laptop from former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani on Wednesday. The DCNF provided Robert Graham, the founder of the cybersecurity firm Errata Security, with a copy of the email and its metadata for forensic analysis.

    Graham, who has been cited as a cybersecurity expert in The Washington Post, the Associated Press, Wired, Engadget and other news and technology outlets, told the DCNF that he used a cryptographic signature found in the email’s metadata to validate that Vadym Pozharsky, an advisor to Burisma’s board of directors, emailed Hunter Biden on April 17, 2015...

    ... Graham previously told the DCNF that emails sent from Gmail, such as Pozharski’s message to Hunter Biden, can be “absolutely verified beyond a shadow of a doubt” by testing its contents against the unique DKIM signature found in its metadata.

    Graham used the DKIM signature within the email to verify with a private key on Google’s servers that the sender, recipient, subject, date and body of the message that the DCNF obtained from Giuliani were unchanged from when the email was originally sent in April 2015....

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    Is America Going To Let The Party Of Riots, Re-education Camps, Coups, Intolerance And Segregation Win The White House Tuesday?

    By I & I Editorial Board, October 30, 2020

    Tuesday’s election is without question the most important in most of our lifetimes. America can pick the soft tyranny, guaranteed to grow harder, of the Democrats, or stand athwart history, to borrow a phrase from William F. Buckley, and yell stop. Voters must choose wisely. There’s a future at stake.

    President Donald Trump is not a perfect man, nor is the Republican Party a faultless institution. But the Democrats, as constituted today, are flawed beyond repair. Their leadership mutters at times about patriotism and American values, but only to pander to select audiences. Today’s Democrats are defined by policy choices and actions that are not consistent with liberty and independence. They are the party of:

    *A coup attempt.

    *Re-education camps.



    *Segregation (through its support for Black Lives Matter and racially divisive policies in higher learning).

    *Marxist indulgence. (see BLM again).

    *Election fraud.

    *Using government to punish political enemies.


    *A modern serfdom.

    *The cancel culture.

    *A job-destroying $15 minimum wage

    *Dependence on government.

    *Campus and workplace speech codes.

    *Crackdowns on dissenting political views.

    *Apologies for America being America.

    *Coastal elitism.

    *Crony capitalism.

    *Miserable health care.

    *More bureaucracy.

    *Second Amendment infringements.

    *Mandated masks.

    *Nags, scolds, and shrill ideologues
    *Court packing.

    *Smothering regulations.

    The Democrats’ plans also include robbing workers of their freedom; dictating Americans’ choice of automobiles; forcing on the country a crackpot green energy plan that will severely damage the economy while providing zero environmental benefits; transforming the country into a socialist “paradise”; and establishing single-party governance.

    Democrats don’t wish for a civil society but a political society, coercive (and rotten) to its core. They want Americans to live as the Democratic Party requires them to, not as emancipated citizens who make their own choices. The European model of the collective before the individual is the paradigm.

    Our main point: The Democratic Party no longer believes in a nation liberated from government reach. Its objective is to use the political power of the state to supervise, bully, and plot against a people who were meant to be free. Simply put, it does not believe in America.

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    demoncrats intimidate Girls Scouts of America and Kappa Delta sorority into deleting messages of congratulations to Sister Amy Coney Barrett

    The Girl Scouts were not the only organization to issue a non-partisan tweet congratulating Amy Coney Barrett only to delete it after a woke mob descended upon their Twitter page. Apparently, the Kappa Delta sorority, of which Amy Coney Barrett was a member, also deleted their congratulatory post....

    __________________________________________________ _____________


    The IG report established that the Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign, and the spying was much worse than previously thought.

    The story is too long and detailed to summarize here. If you're interested in the actual facts, the entirety of the IG's report is here.

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    The mainstream media buried Sheik Obama's (piss be upon him) Alinsky-Marxist past, including his belief that America was unfairly founded and requires deconstructing. In contrast, Donald Trump has lived his life in technicolor news bites and 72-point headlines. The Trump who campaigned for POTUS in 2016 wasn't one iota different from The Trump who Rona Barret interviewed 40 years ago. He wasn't, isn't and apparently never will be a "politician." He's a businessman who only ran for public office because he deplored the direction the neo-Bolsheviks were taking this country in, and was willing to put his private life on hold, roll up his sleeves and get to work saving us from what the demoncrats had in store.

  30. #950
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    You’re exactly right Biden was acting like quite the bitch when the young man called him out on it...he even says “do you need an ar 14” lol he meant ar -15 but Biden is so dementiated he cant remember which one it is.

    Another funny thing thats mention Biden doesn’t work for him? Well anyone running for political office should Act like they are on the job imho. Ive seen Biden get upset on another occasion and was downright rude once again cursing at the gentleman for asking about his corrupt crack cocaine addicted son working in Ukraine...of course all thats a lie according to Biden.

    By the way how are those Philadelphia riots going? Just seen where looters were shooting other looters..maybe they will kill themselves off? Hope so

    Biden's son was/is a drug addict and whatever he does in his personal time is his problem. I find it offensive that a some kid in a hard hat is going to tell the former Vice President of a very successful presidency that pulled us out of an economic depression, saved our auto industry, and killed Osama, "you work for me." You don't say that to a person who is 50 years older than you and highly accomplished in his field. That's like me going to Trump while I'm at his hotel and saying "hey my room's not clean, get to it... you work for me!" That's disrespect and he got put in his place for the disrespect, as he should have.

    Every election the right says that the left is going to take your guns, and you fall for it. Every time. It's the same strategy, even though it's not true, you still believe it. And I'm sure Biden's tired of being accused of shit that simply isn't true. Wouldn't you be? If someone accused you of stealing on a daily basis, would you be cordial and pleasant all the time?

    The looters and criminals destroying property and hurting people are pieces of shits that belong in jail. I'm not taking the sides of those people, I'm taking the sides of good people who want to do good things for this country. Just because I think Trump is a corrupt narcissistic criminal that is putting democracy in danger doesn't mean I agree with far-left ideas, the PC culture, riots, blacks acting a fool and wondering why they got shot, etc. I have a problem with the same things people on the right have a problem with. I don't think Trump is our answer, but to each his own.

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    WTF was a psychiatrist doing with Hunt-ed Biden's second laptop? Do you reckon the shrink does computer repair on the side, or maybe Hunt-ed stashed it there in the vain hope that doctor-patient privilege would protect it?

    Report: Second Hunter Biden Laptop Seized by DEA

    A second laptop belonging to Hunter Biden, son of former Vice President Joe Biden, was reportedly seized in February during a raid on a psychiatrist by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Hunter Biden was reportedly not the target of the raid.

    NBC News first reported the best Friday afternoon at the end of an article in which it defended its reporting — or lack thereof — about the emails on an abandoned laptop, which purportedly connect Joe Biden to his son’s businesses....

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    Democrat Rep. Ro Khanna Vouches For Biden Whistleblower Tony Bobulinski

    by Kristina Wong, 30 Oct 2020

    Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) vouched for the credibility of Hunter Biden’s former business partner Tony Bobulinski, who has alleged that former Vice President Joe Biden was intimately involved in the shady business dealings of his son, despite his claims of ignorance.

    Fox News’ John Roberts posted an October 30, 2020, email from Khanna to Bobulinski, a former Navy lieutenant, that said:

    “Tony, hope you are doing okay. I did give an on the record statement to The NY Times that I know you, you have always acted honorably with me, and you and other family members supported me. I have told any media outlets that have asked the same thing.”

    Khanna also said he told those outlets that he respected Bobulinski’s service to the nation, that he has “never been a ‘partisan hack'” in their interactions, and that he does not think he is a Russian agent.

    Trump campaign communications aide Matt Wolking questioned why the New York Times has not reported Khanna’s statements:

    Tony Bobulinski is a Democrat donor. That makes sense, he was a Biden family insider who worked closely with Hunter. Bobulinksi supported Rep. Ro Khanna, who says in this email he vouched for Bobulinski’s credibility to The New York Times. Why hasn’t the NYT reported that?

    The private email from Khanna, which Roberts had scrubbed for personal contact details, counter the narrative from Democrats that Bobulinksi is part of a Russian disinformation campaign, as his colleague Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) has claimed.

    Bobulinksi said during a recent interview with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson that he spoke out about the Biden family’s business dealings because he wanted to clear his and his family’s name.

    He began speaking out after the New York Post obtained and published Hunter Biden emails that included his name, and the Biden campaign and Schiff began claiming it was part of a Russian disinformation campaign. He further said he asked the Biden campaign and Schiff to retract their statements, but they ignored him, forcing him to speak out.

    Bobulinksi said he was interviewed by the FBI for five hours on October 23, 2020, and expects to be interviewed again.

    Khanna, who was tagged in Roberts’ tweet, has not disputed the authenticity of the email.

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    Excerpt only. Long-ish article, intricate and detail rich; not for the short attention span crowd. Click on the hyperlink in the headline for the whole enchilada.

    Joe & Co Didn’t Just Sell Out America, They Sold Out The Whole Free World

    On December 4, 2013, Joe and Hunter Biden arrived in Beijing, China aboard Air Force Two. What followed from this trip would have wide-ranging national security implications and affect geopolitics across the West, potentially for generations to come.

    It had been a well-known for decades that Joe Biden, the credit card senator from Delaware, was for sale. Now the Chinese Communist Party wanted to make him, and his son Hunter, rented agents of China’s political agenda. After deals were inked, the Bidens and their crew were poised to reap hundreds of millions of dollars in exchange for soft lobbying services (ie: undisclosed and unregistered) and endorsed access to the entire West’s developed economic market and its most powerful political structures. This was tantamount to selling out the American people, and by virtue of aiding China on its economically imperial path to global hegemony, the rest of the developed Western world as well.

    By indirectly selling his influence through his son to the murderous Chinese Communist Party, Joe Biden was enabling the rise of an actor capable of unleashing horrific outcomes for America and her allies, the world’s developed democracies.

    Hunter Biden, the ne’er do well son of the VP, with well-documented issues making headlines all too often, was the perfect useful idiot for this project. Addicted to drugs, even having been booted from the military for cocaine usage, sexually promiscuous, and connected all over Washington D.C. thanks to his father’s half century political career, he was an ideal bagman. With recently-released emails and text messages from his now famous laptop, it appears Hunter gave his father ‘50%’ of his earnings from these activities. By all indications, and thanks to Tony Bobulinski’s first person testimony to a national audience, Joe was fine with the ChiComs using his son so ‘the big guy’ could bring home the bacon for himself and his clan; siblings, spouses, and the next generations. Meanwhile, Hunter degenerated into a life of debauchery and drug abuse, that had the potential to eventually bring down the Democratic candidate for the President of the United States...

    ...To conclude, we have a very powerful political family from the Democratic Party and the Obama administration, selling its influence across the world for personal gain. In reality, the Bidens were selling the American people out to our adversaries for personal wealth accumulation and at the same time allowing hostile actors to gain at our expense. In the case of China, the Bidens helped them along with their long-term plan to conquer the West through economic imperialism, which has been the current phase undertaken to achieve their hegemonic ambitions.

    China is hellbent on controlling the world. It’s censorship, military aggression in the South China Sea, the One Belt One Road project, which uses debt as a weapon to gain infrastructure and raw materials around the world, are all part of this agenda.

    In the Bidens, Mao’s proteges saw the perfect opportunity to weaken and exploit the leading sovereign of the free world – the United States – and use America’s political power, a usurpation attempted through economic means, for its nefarious ends.

    Ukrainian, Russian, and Kazak “partners” of the Bidens and their crew also engaged this team for their own ends, some motivated by financial corruption and venality, others were politically motivated. There will no doubt be more stories coming from these theaters and others.

    The one consistent thing to glean across all these self-interested activities was that Joe Biden, “the Big Guy,” and “my chairman” according to Hunter’s own recently-uncovered communications, was only too happy to oblige and help in any way he could, and to line his own pocket as we have seen throughout the panoply of recent proofs, no matter the damage to his son, the American people, or the Western free world.

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    Glenn Greenwald: A journalist swallowed by the black hole of censorship

    WASHINGTON — Investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald resigned from the online news journal he co-founded in 2014. The reason? Despite a contractual agreement giving him free rein to cover stories of his choice, the editors of The Intercept, Greenwald’s online publication, refused to publish his hard-hitting piece on Hunter Biden. Specifically, Greenwald’s censored piece closely examined Hunter Biden’s use of his father Joe’s US government position to broker lucrative business deals on behalf of family members. But the publication’s editors promptly sent it down the black hole of censorship. They demanded Greenwald eliminate his detailed article’s most crucial portions that detailed the growing Biden Family scandal or they would not publish it.

    So Glenn Greenwald refused to agree to the cuts and made his decision to very publicly resign.

    Censorship in time of war

    Who could have predicted that protecting the image of a potted plant like Joe Biden would serve as a harbinger for dying journalism? But the Biden pay-to-play scandal initially revealed in the New York Post immediately generated an automatic screen of secrecy from mainstream-media outlets. The combined media and social media news blackout on the stunning NY Post revelations dropped on the Post’s stunning revelations like an iron curtain. This blanket censorship was and remains the kind of total news blackout not seen since the US government Office of Censorship enacted the Code of Wartime Practices for the American Press during World War II...

    ... Editors once proudly pounded their chests as they proclaimed themselves the great protectors of the First Amendment.

    But now, they serve as its fiercest enemy.

    Today, most members of the traditional and social media universe autonomically collude to censor their own. Now, even a co-founder of a largely left-wing news site has chosen self-exile. Why? Because he possessed the courage to report (and source) the truth.

    Radicalized editorial staffers on countless publications similarly crusade to crush real journalism. These dogmatic reactions have pushed what remains of that sad profession into an irreversible decline. Proof? The constant, depressing job losses in this crucial line of work.

    The current, rampant misuse of “editorial discretion” demonstrates the kind of fanaticism exhibited by countless jihadists today. They detonate their explosive vests knowing full well the consequence to themselves.

    Suppressing the still-breaking Biden family scandal and of Glenn Greenwald’s detailed article reveal an even greater tragedy. Clearly, the media’s own self-immolation reveals their shameful intent. They aim to protect the least consequential, glad-handing, money-grubbing, office-seeking dolt to arise in American politics in over a century. At all costs.

    So, to its dying breath, the media decides to go all-in on concealing the mendacity of Joe Biden....

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    Biden’s Baffling Show of Cognitive Impairment Rules Rally

    Click here to skip the intros and go straight to Biden's impersonation of Norm Crosby.

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    Would a President Harris pardon the Biden family?

    Exclusive: Lt. Col. James Zumwalt advises Americans to 'Say it ain't Joe' for whom you are voting

    By Lt. Col. James Zumwalt
    Published October 30, 2020 at 7:40pm

    ... If Biden is really a Trojan horse for Harris to ride into the White House, with the Hunter scandal looming and clearly implicating him and other family members, one can only wonder should Joe prevail Tuesday if he would voluntarily step down for the promise by Harris to pardon those involved....

    IOW, "Kommiemala, I'll step down and make you president if you pardon me and all of my family."

    And do you really think an ambitious political animal like Harris, who got exactly ZERO delegates in the demoncrat presidential primary, knowing this is the ONLY way she'd ever end up in the Oval Office, could resist the offer?

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    National Police Association: Antifa is structured like 'Islamic terror cell'

    by Frank Salvato, October 30, 2020

    Far from simply being an ‘idea,’ Antifa is structured more like an Islamofascist terror cell than it is an organic movement one law enforcement organization declares

    Antifa, the organization that Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden said was more an “idea” than anything else, has a structure that resembles that of a sophisticated Islamofascist terror cell one national law enforcement organization has declared.

    Retired Sargent and spokeswoman for the National Police Association, Betsy Brandner Smith, refuted Biden’s off-the-cuff dismissal of Antifa stating that it is a dangerous organization with an organizational structure akin to an Islamic terror cell.

    “Antifa is more than just an idea, Antifa has quite a history, going back to the 20s and 30s and Hitler’s brown shirts and then we come into the anarchists of the 60s through to today,” Smith said in an online interview.

    Attorney General William Barr said Antifa is a “revolutionary group” dedicated to establishing Socialism in the United States, so the groundwork is set to arrive at the end-game: Communism. Barr described the group as “essentially Bolsheviks.” Bolsheviks were an extremely radical, revolutionary Marxist faction that ended Tsarist Russia over 100 years ago.

    President Trump has rightly called out Antifa for its violence at protests across the United States. He accurately points out when addressing the issue that Antifa routinely hijacks peaceful protests to and mayhem, leaving a path of destruction and fear in its path.

    Smith said Democrats struggle to identify Antifa because there is “no head of the organization,” and “no real paramilitary structure.”

    “The left likes to be able to go to a blue-checked Twitter account and say ‘okay, this guy’s the head of Antifa.’ That’s now how it works,” Smith said. “Anita’s structure is really more like that of an Islamic terror cell, something like that. But just because we don’t have a paramilitary structure for Antifa, doesn’t mean they don’t exist and doesn’t mean they’re not dangerous.”

    Marxist-Progressives understand Antifa’s structure and routinely engage them to implement chaos so that they can set the groundwork for transformative change via voters at the ballot box.

    Smith explained, “What we have to do is look at their actions. For example, we have dealt with for quite a while in this country, going back to radical Islam, these lone-wolf terrorists who, are they a lieutenant or a captain in ISIS? No, that’s how we have to look at Antifa. Do they follow the beliefs of Antifa, do they dress like Antifa, are they mobilized as part of Antifa. And that’s what we’re seeing and I think we’re about to see it again this weekend.”

    “[P]eople need to start paying a lot more attention to that,” Smith warned. “It’s dangerous to the American public.” (emphasis added) ated

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    As usual, demoncrat's stupid rhetoric proves ... stupid. Walls work, holmes.

    As border wall proves effective on land, arrests at sea skyrocket near San Diego

    ... The new walls -- significantly larger and sturdier than earlier versions -- make it more difficult to dig shallow tunnels across the border or to enter the U.S. by water. While individuals can still swim or boat across the border, the wall into the ocean makes it more difficult...

    ... This has dramatically increased the number of arrests. According to the Examiner, in the San Diego region in the 2020 fiscal year (which ran from Oct. 1, 2019, to Sept. 30, 2020), border patrol agents on jet skis and boats made 302 arrests -- up from 195 in fiscal year 2019, and just 88 in 2015....

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    Twitter suspends US Border chief for border wall tweet, then reverses itself after public scrutiny

    Twitter briefly suspended U.S. Customs and Border Protection commissioner Mark Morgan’s account on Wednesday afternoon after Morgan tweeted a post celebrating the border wall construction. His account has since been restored.

    Fox News reported Morgan’s account was suspended after Morgan tweeted a video of wall construction, with the caption, “.@CBP & @USACEHQ continue to build new wall every day. Every mile helps us stop gang members, murderers, sexual predators, and drugs from entering our country. It’s a fact, walls work.”

    A Twitter spokesperson told Fox News, “We took enforcement action on the tweet…but the decision was reversed following an appeal by the account owner and further evaluation from our team.”

    Morgan’s account has since been restored. His account was unlocked when he appealed the decision against his account.

    The account suspension action came on the same day Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Google CEO Sundar Pichai were called to testify before the U.S. Senate regarding the censorship of content on their platforms....

  35. #955
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    Why the polls lie

    Written by Don Surber, Wednesday, October 28, 2020

    ABC just alleged Biden is up 17 points in Wisconsin. Well that's nice. Biden supporters can now stay home and not risk covid by voting.

    The fact is, no one has taken Wisconsin by 17 points since LBJ in 1964.

    The politicos and pundits know the polls are all lies this year. They cite these polls because the polls give them numbers that support their thesis that Americans can be conned into electing Biden president.

    That the greased polls failed to elect Hillary 4 years ago does not matter. They are doubling down. They fixed the polls. The imaginary margins are wider this year.

    Why do they lie?

    Because there are no consequences for lying.
    (emphasis added) Nobody got fired after the 2016 debacle. No one apologized. No one got left off the Real Clear Politics Average because they were wrong. Nope, it is business as usual.

    The pollsters said Hillary would win the popular vote by 3.2 points. She won by 2.1 points. The pollsters then say that was within the margin of error.


    The margin for error in a poll of 1,000 may be 3 points, but a poll of 10,000 has a margin of error of less than 0.5%. The sum of the people polled in the 10 polls in the final Real Clear Politics Average was 18,677.

    They also blew state race after state race. They said Hillary would win by 6 Electoral College Votes. She lost by 74. (After faithless electors voted, the margin was 77.)

    The pollsters went all in this year and now have Biden up by 7.1 nationally.

    The final Economist/You Gov poll had Hillary winning by 4. Now it has Biden winning by 11.

    The pros know better.

    Jim Lee, a pollster with Susquehanna Polling and Research, told the WFMZ the garbage polls are an attempt to suppress the vote. (emphasis added) WFMZ asked him if it worked.

    Lee said, "When a poll comes out with one candidate, in this case Hillary Clinton, winning by 11 points when the winner of the race is the other candidate, that is not an outlier, that is bad polling (emphasis added) and makes our entire industry look bad. I called on the American Associated of Public Opinion Research to crackdown on egregious polling to tighten standards for firms that clearly don't understand the landscape of Pennsylvania and that guys like Chris and I trying to do quality work, Chris' last poll in 2016 was in the margin of error. Ours showed the race a statistical tie. When others had the race at 11 points. Do you think that's voter suppression? I’m sticking up for the industry, we need to crackdown, someone needs to say this is out of control. Just look at those Real Clear averages."

    He also said the polls are not varying much this year. He sees a close racer in Pennsylvania than the 5.1-point win for Biden 538 predict or the 3.8-point win for Biden that Real Clear Politics projects.

    Lee said, "The polls are not moving. We have the race in Pennsylvania two points in the September poll and other firms showing a margin of error that the race is tied, it’s been tied all along in our estimation."

    He goes by more than numbers on a spreadsheet, as anyone should. He sees the problem that pollsters face in getting people to admit they are voting for President Donald John Trump.

    He said, "The president is out there with the narrative that we shouldn't do polling. Many people called him everything from a misogynist to a racist to everything in between. There are a lot of voters out there that don't want to admit they are voting for a guy that has been called a racist, that submerged Trump factor is very real. We have been able to capture it and I’m really disappointed others have not. In 2016 in the summer and early fall showed Pennsylvania up for grabs. Other firms are putting out leads for Hillary Clinton in double digits, that was never the case in my opinion and we are seeing it happening now."

    Charlie Cook of the overrated Cook Report said something in September that I must agree with: This cake is baked. People have decided whether or not they want this president. That much is true. The question is whether all the people who back President Trump will admit that to pollsters.

    Asked to call the race, Lee said, "I can't call it. If the turnout is going to be what I think, Trump wins it."

    He prefaced it with I can't call it before calling it.

    If a pollster has trouble saying President Trump will win, pity the poor voter being polled.

    But Lee is not the only pollster who knows most of these polls are garbage. They all do. They remember 2016.

    The reasons they are willing to lie for Biden is that if Democrats take back the White House, they will punish those who opposed them

    If President Trump wins, there will be no retribution.

    In his second term, The Donald must stop being Mister Nice Guy. There must be consequences.

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    Jingle bells, jingle bells, tra-la-la la-la....

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  38. #958
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    Joe says he can get elected without anybody voting for him ...

    ... which would be good for him (if it were true) because the voting bit ain't looking so good.

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  40. #960
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    Trump brings his own Jumbotron to his rallies ...

    .. and uses them to show Biden lying through his teeth. Repeatedly.

    Remember Biden's challenge to Trump in the debate, to prove that he'd ever said he would ban fracking?
    Well, that challenge as come back to BITE Bite-Me IN THE ASS.

    This was a rally this evening in Pennsylvania (= fracking country):

    You really want to watch the Trick or Treating campaign advert he plays at the end.

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