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Thread: The mainstream media did this to America

  1. #841
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    What the propaganda wing of the People's Socialist Party was afraid to tell you this week:

  2. #842
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    Amen and amen.

    Apologies for the length but this is brilliant and there's there's not a spare word in it.

    Why The Left Needs Us All To Believe The United States Is Racist Forever

    As leftists believe racism is constant throughout American history, they take the absence of racist sentiments to mean racism is hiding deep in our minds.

    That America is a racist country is the great self-evident truth of the Left and of the ruling class whose moral opinions are shaped by it. This truth is self-evident in the sense of being readily apparent to them, as evidenced by the countless disparities in life outcomes between blacks and whites. No explanation for these disparities is ever required. Their mere existence is proof of racism.

    The disparities between Asians and whites, between Indians and whites, and between Nigerian immigrants and whites all go studiously ignored, since these groups generally outperform whites in income and educational attainment. Also ignored is the role that the pathologies of inner-city black culture—fatherlessness, crime, nihilistic alienation, and the exaltation of thuggery—play in producing and sustaining disparities.

    America’s racist nature is also self-evident in the philosophical sense. It is an axiomatic truth: the predicate (racism) is contained in the subject (America). In the same way that all bachelors are, by definition, single, so is America, by definition, racist.

    Formulated as such, the self-evident truth of American racism cannot be refuted. It is impervious to counterarguments, data, and historical developments. Believers in American racism don’t care about your facts. In 1991, Derrick Bell, one of the founders of critical race theory, declared that blacks had made no progress in America since 1865. He made this claim with a straight face at Harvard University, where he had been a tenured professor for two decades. In 1865, Harvard did not admit black students.

    In 2020, the claim that America is fundamentally racist is a lie. But it is a lie tenaciously defended by those on the Left who most benefit from it: the Democratic Party, its progressive allies in the academy, the intelligentsia and the media, and black political leadership. As the ultimate arbiters of all racial controversies, the Left have positioned themselves to occupy the moral high ground in America—the most important strategic position in any political conflict.

    Using Racism as a Smokescreen

    The accusation of racism is their most powerful political weapon. Playing the race card allows them to detract attention from their own corruption and the radical ideas they espouse. Whatever faults they have, at least they’re not racists like Donald Trump, the Republicans, and their base of deplorables. The Right is thus constrained to fight the enemy on the enemy’s own terms. Republican claims that “Democrats are the real racists” inevitably fall flat.

    The national obsession with racism is also obviously beneficial to those who work in the diversity and grievance industries. It is perhaps most useful for corporate and financial elites, who use it to distract Americans and direct their ire away from urban oligarchs like themselves toward the nebulous forces of racism. Corporate America is afraid of socialism, not of Black Lives Matter. The anti-capitalists hate the rich and corporations. The anti-racists do not; they can readily be bought off with performative wokeness and a sprinkling of diversity hires in the C-Suite.

    Well-intentioned Americans of all races must understand that these powerful constituencies have a vested interest in keeping America “racist” forever. No set of attainable conditions would ever lead them to admit that America is no longer racist. No sooner would the reparations checks be issued than new demands would arise.

    None of this is to deny that America was racist for centuries, that the legacy of racism is still with us, and that some racism endures to this day. But the Constitution of the United States is colorblind, and America’s Declaration of Independence proclaims that “all men are created equal.” There are no racist laws or regulations on the books anywhere in America—not at the federal level, not in any of the 50 states, and not in any of the 19,502 incorporated cities, towns, and villages.

    The Actual Reality of ‘Racist’ Police

    Since 1964, America has also had a Civil Rights Act that prohibits discrimination on the basis of race in both the public and private sectors. In explicit violation of the legislative history and text of the law, the act has been interpreted by the highest court of the land to countenance so-called “affirmative action,” i.e. racial preferences to benefit blacks (and to a lesser extent, Hispanics). America thus finds its itself in the paradoxical position of being a purportedly white supremacist nation that officially sanctions and practices discrimination against whites.

    Well, a critic might say, the laws may not be racist, but don’t police enforce them in a racist way? The overpublicized deaths of George Floyd, Rayshard Brooks, James Blake, and others before them supposedly prove that a “legalized genocide of colored people” is taking place. Yet none of the major studies of lethal shootings by police officers find evidence of racial bias. In fact, controlling for the very high black crime rate—African-Americans make up 13% of the population but commit more than 50% of homicides and about 60% of robberies—and the higher rate at which black suspects resist arrest, the share of blacks killed by cops is lower than one would expect.

    Somehow, America remains a racist country even as elected officials in both parties openly pander to racial minorities, blacks in particular, while paying no attention to whites as a group. The Republican Party studiously ignores whites, busy as it is courting the “naturally conservative” Hispanic vote, while the Democratic Party increasingly adopts the anti-white animus of Black Lives Matter and the rest of the woke Left. Because the demand for racism so completely outstrips the actual supply, we are left with unfalsifiable accusations of “dog whistling”—non-racist statements that supposedly send covert racist messages.

    Once every few years, it is true, a Republican will put his foot in his mouth and speak indelicately about race. Whenever this happens, the offender is universally condemned, with the loudest denunciations coming from the Republican Party and the conservative establishment, and the offender promptly apologizes. Such is the odd nature of “systemic” American racism, that racists are immediately denounced and eager to repent.

    The New Unforgivable Sin

    African-Americans occupy a larger place in the country’s collective imagination than any other group. They exert enormous cultural influence not just in America, but across the globe. At home, no group is more honored for its accomplishments, real or fake (no, a black man did not the lightbulb). The closest thing America has to a secular saint is Martin Luther King, Jr. Even the recent allegations that he may have been a serial philanderer who laughed as a woman was raped in front of him did not dent his reputation.

    In the public square, at school, and at work, Americans are also increasingly compelled to profess devotion to the creed of Anti-Racism. The thought police are everywhere. No one gets canceled for abandoning their children, betraying the country, or committing any number of immoral, indecent, or criminal acts. There is only one unforgivable sin: to deviate from the accepted script when speaking of African-Americans—and to a lesser extent, any of the other protected identity groups.

    Amid widespread sympathy for blacks, affirmative action policies, and the absence of racist laws, we are told that racism is nonetheless institutionalized—though there are no institutions of any significance in America committed to racism, let alone to white supremacy.

    The Southern Poverty Law Center, an alarmist fundraising machine for its now disgraced founder Morris Dees, keeps track of about 940 hate groups operating within our borders (more than a quarter of which are black separatists). By focusing on the number of groups, the SPLC can ignore their insignificant size, lack of funds, and complete marginalization in American life. By the SPLC’s count, there are 47 Ku Klux Klan groups in America—but their total membership is between 5,000 and 8,000. (The Anti-Defamation League puts the total at 3,000.) At its peak in the mid-1920s, the Klan had 6 million members (in a country with a third of our current population).

    So much for the institutions of hate. Meanwhile, corporate America, the media, Hollywood, professional sports, philanthropic foundations, nonprofits, churches, the academy, the arts, and the military all vociferously denounce racism. All eagerly embrace the diversity agenda. All are obsessed with hiring and promoting people of color.

    The Mind is the Last Frontier

    And this brings us to perhaps the strangest feature of America’s purportedly racist society: the growing phenomenon of whites passing as nonwhites. Elizabeth Warren claims to be Cherokee, BLM’s Shaun King claims to be , and a Jewish of African history at George Washington University is the new Rachel Dolezal. Needless to say, no Afrikaner ever pretended to be “coloured” under apartheid.

    Where, then, is racism to be found in America, if it is not in its law, its public rhetoric, and its institutions? Polls make it hard to find, too. Eighty-seven percent of Americans approve of black-white marriage, up from 4 percent in 1954. Gallup it “one of the largest shifts of public opinion in Gallup history.” When researchers asked teenagers to name the most famous Americans in history (excluding presidents), their top three picks were MLK, Rosa Parks, and Harriet Tubman.

    The last frontier is now the subconscious. Because the quantity of racism is held to be constant throughout American history, the absence of racist sentiments in people can only mean that racism is hiding deep in the recesses of their minds. With the help of Harvard University’s widely touted Implicit Association Test, everyone’s latent racism can now be brought to the fore. The test, of course, reveals no such thing. A peer-reviewed study found “little evidence to support [its] more provocative claim: that people possess unconscious racist attitudes.” Even Vox had to admit that “it might not work at all.”

    In the end, all we are left with as the definitive proof of American racism today is “systemic racism,” the meaning of which boils down to: America is racist because, well, it just is. Racism somehow suffuses the whole even though it is not visible in any of its major parts. Whereas all other racist regimes in history openly proclaimed their racism, America has pulled off the amazing feat of purging its laws, institutions, and culture of racism—all in the interest, of course, of perpetuating racism.


  3. #843
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    San Francisco Free Speech Rally Turns Violent When Antifa Arrives

    ...Rally organizers applied for and were granted a permit for the event and likely were not expecting such violence. A report by Fox News quoted Mr. Anderson as saying: “This is what happens when you lose free speech. This is what happens, America. This is what our country is turning into.”

    The Antifa counterprotesters outnumbered the dozen or so pro-Trump people – those on the scene reported “several hundred” Antifa showing up to thwart the rally – and thwart it they did....

    The organizer of the Free Speech rally (who happens to be black) had his teeth knocked out by Antifa's peaceful protesters.

    Social Media has banned Philip Anderson for spreading word of the VIOLENCE he suffered at the hands of the Antifa's peaceful protesters.

    Last edited by Beetlegeuse; 10-19-2020 at 12:16 PM.

  4. #844
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    It's a rhetorical question, truth be told, because 'projection' long has been the demoncrat's stock-in-trade.

    Antifa: Anti-Fascists, or Anti-Trump Fascists?

    By: James Fite October 18, 2020

    During a mid-October protest against the Twitter ban of the Biden family emails published in The New York Post, a dozen or so Trump supporters were viciously attacked by hundreds of Antifa counter-protesters. Liberty Nation’s Leesa K. Donner set the scene:

    “With the election only 16 days away, the optics of people in Trump T-shirts having the you-know-what kicked out of them is not a good one. However, that’s the visual this morning, October 18 in this most bizarre of presidential election years.”

    Rally organizer Philip Anderson, who had a tooth knocked out, said, “This is what happens when you lose free speech. This is what happens, America. This is what our country is turning into.”

    We at Liberty Nation have often commented on the irony of such people calling themselves anti-fascist, and we aren’t alone. In an article written for the Capital Research Center back in 2017, Tyler Stone summarized the fascist method of achieving control after a detailed look at the histories of Italy, Spain, and Germany:

    “So, what’s the pattern? How do fascists take power? First, they are angry with election results or how the country is being run. Then fascists use militant tactics to force the population into supporting, or acquiescing in, their cause, even though most citizens don’t actually support the fascist agenda.”

    Fascists use tactics like blockading roads, attacking those who disagree with them, and making sure to be as loud as possible so that – no matter how outnumbered they may be – their opponents simply can’t be heard over the din. Sound familiar? It should. This is exactly how leftist groups Black Lives Matter and Antifa behave.

    These groups and many others on the left have lied about the president and his supporters, physically attacked whenever it seemed safe to do so, and, done their level best to drown out any conservative voice since the day Trump defeated Clinton in 2016. Perhaps Antifa isn’t ironically named at all, though. Maybe instead of Anti-Fascists, it is really short for Anti-Trump Fascists.
    What to Watch For

    Leesa concluded her story by wondering how the violence will affect the election. Will this bring the pro-Trump voters – or, for that matter, simply the anti-violence voters – out in droves on November 3? It could well be that Antifa and the left in general will face defeat due to their own fascist tactics.
    Riots on the Right?

    Despite the fact that leftist protesters and counter-protesters are the ones responsible for the political violence so far in this election cycle, the media narrative is overwhelmingly that those crazy Trump supporters on the right are a danger to civilization. Liberty Nation’s Andrew Moran explains how backward this narrative is:

    “You only need to check out a Trump rally to see a monumental level of enthusiasm unmatched by any politician today – at home or abroad. Should the incumbent lose the election in November, will this type of loyalty and fervor ignite into national unrest among conservatives in Middle America? The cable news networks might champion this narrative, alluding to a niche group named the Proud Boys. But modern history proves the right is passive, patient, and peaceful, even when the government destroys the livelihoods of millions of people and forces everyone under house arrest. The left is, well, the opposite.”

    Anyone who actually pays attention to the goings-on today, of course, knows that it isn’t Trump supporters who are burning cities across the nation or attacking their political opponents in the streets.

    Remember when all the famous leftists were threatening to move to Canada if Trump beat Clinton in 2016? If only they had, we would all be better off. Unfortunately for the rest of us, they were completely full of it – and we’ve had to listen to them bellow and scream at the sky ever since.
    What to Watch for

    As Andrew explained, “Should Biden defeat Trump, you can anticipate conservatives to keep calm and carry on. You know, the same thing they have been doing the last four years – and the eight-year reign of Obama.” However, don’t expect the liberty-loving gun-toting types to just stand around and take a whooping too many times, especially when folks are being hospitalized. Don’t be surprised if the next time Antifa decides to turn out in the hundreds to attack a small group of Trump supporters, they find themselves facing their targets from the wrong end of a boom-stick or two.
    Washington Whispers & Other Juicy Tidbits

    Be on the lookout for:

    President Trump praised U.S. Marshals for a job well done after the shooting of self-proclaimed Antifa activist Michael Forest Reinoehl. The Marshals and the FBI had been surveilling Reinoehl, who was going to face a second-degree murder charge for allegedly killing Aaron “Jay” Danielson. Reinoehl was shot 37 times after sticking his hand in his pocket – a pocket that, according to authorities, held a gun. The left, of course, has lost its collective mind in response....

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    Last edited by The Deadlifting Dog; 10-19-2020 at 02:07 PM.

  6. #846
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    Trump Devastation

    Trump's affect on America...

    Last edited by The Deadlifting Dog; 10-19-2020 at 12:48 PM.

  7. #847
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    Stupid Conspiracy Theories People Actually Believe

    For the toil foil hat crowd...

    Last edited by The Deadlifting Dog; 10-19-2020 at 12:48 PM.

  8. #848
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    Real Presidents versus Humpy Bear

    Last edited by The Deadlifting Dog; 10-19-2020 at 12:47 PM.

  9. #849
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    This reinforces my reasoning for starting THIS. VERY. THREAD.

    Major Networks Follow Facebook, Twitter Lead Ignoring Hunter Biden Scandal

    Major broadcast networks, as well as CNN and MSNBC, follow social media giants Twitter and Facebook’s lead in largely ignoring the New York Post story about Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s son, Hunter.

    The fact the media networks ignored a potentially explosive story about the Biden family’s corruption shows social media didn’t even need to suppress the story to prevent people from seeing it. As NewsBusters reported, in the two days after the Post story was published, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC collectively devoted a total of 9 minutes and 47 seconds to the scandal, which amounts to less than 0.2% of their airtime. ABC and CNN didn’t mention the story at all. NBC spent 45 seconds on the story, which was about emails from Hunter Biden allegedly showing his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, met with a top executive at Burisma, the Ukrainian gas company where Hunter inexplicably worked....

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    New Data Analysis Finds 353 Counties With 1.8 Million More Registered Voters Than Eligible Citizens

    A total of 353 counties in 29 U.S. states have 1.8 million more registered voters than eligible voting-age citizens, according to an analysis by Judicial Watch.

    In addition, eight states, including Alaska, Colorado, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Vermont, were found to have statewide registered voter totals that exceeded 100 percent of eligible voters, according to the nonprofit government watchdog....

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    440,000 ‘Questionable’ Ballots Mailed Out in California’s Election

    Election Integrity Project CA reported irregularities to Secretary of State Alex Padilla

    In May, California Globe warned 458,000 dead persons could be mailed ballots if the state moved to an all-mail in November 2020 election. This warning was based on a report by the Election Integrity Project.
    And then Gov. Gavin Newsom issued an executive order requiring all California voters to vote-by-mail.

    Now, the Election Integrity Project California says hundreds of thousands of ballots for California’s November election were mailed to registered voters who have probably moved or died, while more than one ballot was mailed to thousands more.

    And the Secretary of State had all of this information, but failed to act ahead of the election....

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    Two positive data points for Trump…

    Trump won Denton County, a Dallas suburb, 57%/37%. Republicans currently lead 64%/26% in mail-in ballots returns and in-person early voting with 28% of the 2016 vote total.

    Trump won Collin County, a Dallas suburb, 56%/39%. Republicans currently lead 64%/25% in mail-in ballots returns and in-person early voting with 22% of the 2016 vote total.

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    Trump took Michigan in 2016 by less than 0.25% of the popular vote

    Check out this data from Ronna McDaniel…

    Less than half of the attendees were Republicans! And more than a third who came to the rally weren't energized enough to vote in 2016. Yet this election they are energized enough to drive from home to the rally and stand in line for hours to get in to see and listen to Trump.

  10. #850
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beetlegeuse View Post

    So funny you post that because Trump admits to silencing Fauci.

    "Trump says he doesn't want Fauci testifying in front of House..."

    Remember when he used to be allowed to speak at the Covid press conferences???


  11. #851
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    More excellent undercover work by Project Veritas:

    Google has decided that Trump will lose the election, they will make sure, according to their own people.

    You really want to see this video. It's proof that unless Trump knocks G**gle's pecker into its watch pocket, we have NO HOPE of ever having another fair election in America.

  12. #852
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    A few quick ones, headlines with no commentary but with the customary hotlink to the source (it's suppertime and my vichyssoise is getting warm)

    China is Using Companies like Twitter to Interfere in the Election

    Amazon, Facebook, and Twitter’s businesses are tethered to the Communist regime.

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    Meadows Suggests Trump Campaign Could Sue Twitter Over Hunter Biden Censorship As Early As Monday

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    Twitter Is STILL Refusing to Unlock NY Post’s Account

    It was the NY Post who broke the story of Hunter Bite-Me's laptop of pornucopia.

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    Sen. Ted Cruz to MRC: ‘Big Tech Crossed a Rubicon’ in Censorship

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    Donald Trump: Reporters ‘Criminal’ for Not Reporting Hunter Biden Stories

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    The Brownshirts Are Back

    Some American cities, like Portland, Seattle and San Francisco, are starting to look like Germany in the 1930s. Yesterday a free speech rally was held in downtown San Francisco. Those marching for free speech were attacked by fascists from Antifa. Zero Hedge has collected photos and videos.

    Event organizer Philip Anderson was attacked by the Brownshirts, who knocked out his front teeth. White mob attacks black man and knocks out his teeth? It’s OK, they’re Democrats:

    Antifa formed a mob to attack a black man. You couldn’t make this up.

    — Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) October 17, 2020

    Until now, America has never had a serious fascist movement. Antifa must be crushed, those who perpetrate violence must be jailed, and those who finance violent extremism must be exposed. And Joe Biden and the Democratic Party must stop covering for their militant wing.

  13. #853
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    ...And speaking of Brown Shirts ...

    Kansas man hospitalized for injuries inflicted by demoncrat peaceful protester trying to steal his Trump yard sign

    Prairie Village Police are investigating an aggravated assault with a motor vehicle after an alleged altercation injured Dwight Sutherland in Mission Hills on Monday night.

    Committeeman for the Kansas Republican Party, in the hospital, the victim of an alleged assault with a motor vehicle. Sutherland watched night and after night as signs in support of President Trump’s reelection and for Amanda Adkins for Congress disappeared from his front yard. He replaced the signs each day. On the sixth night, Sutherland watched and waited and when someone arrived attempting to abscond with his signs again, he was there.

    Sutherland says the man hit him and fled before turning his vehicle around and driving toward him as he was standing in front of his home. A physician who lives nearby assisted at the scene, but Sutherland was injured and taken to the hospital. He has since been released.

    Prairie Village Police say the incident is under investigation. According to the police report, detectives are investigating aggravated battery with a motor vehicle and misdemeanor criminal damage to property.

    Mike Kuckelman, chair of the Kansas Republican Party, says Republicans are repeatedly intimidated for expressing their political views.

    “It is shocking that someone would engage in such violence against Mr. Sutherland who was peacefully exercising his First Amendment right to display yard signs in support of Republican candidates as citizens have done for years. Only with the Democrat party having moved so far left has it become dangerous for Republicans to express their support for Republican candidates. This must stop. I hear from many Republicans that due to extreme intimidation by the Left, they will not express their political views out of fear for their safety. We wish Mr. Sutherland a speedy recovery.”

    Looks like Julian Assange, don't he?

  14. #854
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    Meanwhile back to reality...
    While some folks resort to only quoting fiction from far right radical propaganda websites or stories they heard on stormfront...
    Others resort to the AP Press or Reuters... I know I know... #fakenews

    FBI probing if Russia involved in Hunter Biden email story

    Funny thing about the laptop email story....

    The new "reporter" from the tabloid New York Post hadn't written any articles before this one...
    Guess who she worked for for years before that...
    Hannity from Fox News!!!!

    "Ms. Morris did not have a bylined article in The Post before Wednesday, a search of its website showed. She arrived at the tabloid in April after working as an associate producer on Sean Hannity’s Fox News show, according to her LinkedIn profile. Her Instagram account, which was set to private on Wednesday, included photos of her posing with the former Trump administration members Mr. Bannon and Sarah Huckabee Sanders, as well as Roger J. Stone Jr., a friend and former campaign adviser to Mr. Trump. (In July, the president commuted the sentence of Mr. Stone on seven felonies.)"

    Fucking priceless.
    It is truly amazing how low Trump and some Trumpettes will stoop.
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  15. #855
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    The business of pollsters isn't polling any more, it's disheartening Republican voters and depressing their turn-out.

    Hillary Clinton Leads Donald Trump by 14 Points Nationally in New Poll

    By Mahita Gajanan

    October 26, 2016 5:49 PM EDT

    Hillary Clinton has widened her lead over Donald Trump, polling 14 percentage points ahead nationally, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll, which comes 12 days before the presidential election.

    Conducted after the final presidential debate, the poll finds the Democratic nominee leads Trump among likely voters 51% to 37%, a significant lead over the Republican candidate.

    According to the poll, Clinton has support of 90% of likely Democratic voters, as well as support from 15% of moderate Republicans. Of the Republicans surveyed, 79% said they would vote for Trump.

    The poll finds that Clinton has consolidated the support of her party, while even managing to draw Republican voters.

    The margin of error for the AP-GfK poll, conducted between Oct. 20-24, is plus or minus 2.75 percentage points.

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    Ordered Liberty is Not White Supremacy and Does Not Date from 1619

    October 20, 2020

    By Mark J. Fitzgibbons

    The November 3 election will be an existential moment for the United States. As my friend, mentor, and boss Richard Viguerie has been saying, “it’s the ballgame.”

    The Democrat party has been overtaken by radical leftists bent on undermining those parts of the constitutional rule of law that interfere with their Marxist agendas.

    People see the corrupt, mentally infirm Joe Biden as a Trojan Horse candidate for the next stage of the Democrats’ Obama-Marxist wing’s transformation of America. Naming the “” Kamala Harris -- who sank from top-tier status in the Democrat Party primary as her smarmy, unlikeable persona became more widely known -- as his pick for his transition to private (and perhaps wealthier) citizen, provides easy speculation Biden cut a deal with the Obama-Marxist wing.

    In the midst of this election year we are seeing widespread assaults on freedom of speech of those who do not share the leftist dogma. Dissenters from the doctrine are labeled “racist.”

    The assaults on freedom of speech have been accompanied by rioting and violence in mostly Democrat-run cities under the guise of protests against “institutional” or “systemic” racism in policing and law enforcement. These riots are being conducted by Marxist-anarchists, and leaders of the Democrat party only began to condemn them when the polls reflected negatively on the Party’s chances for November.

    On the other side of this ideological civil war are those who believe in the positive aspects of American tradition, with its institutional and systemic protections of ordered liberty. In Donald Trump the conservative grassroots, independents, and sane Democrats have found a leader with the energy, dedication, and cojones lacking in so many establishment GOP leaders.

    Conservatives and others who cherish the Judeo-Christian bases of our Anglo-American rule of law, have become the true leaders of American civil rights, with the Democrat party having almost all but abandoning notions of traditional liberalism. Exasperated former New York Times editor Bari Weiss recently issued an insightful warning about her side’s betrayal and abandonment of true American liberalism. She yearns for the old-school principles as:

    Not liberal in the narrow, partisan sense, but liberal in the most capacious and distinctly American sense of that word: the belief that everyone is equal because everyone is created in the image of God. The belief in the sacredness of the individual over the group or the tribe. The belief that the rule of law—and equality under that law—is the foundation of a free society. The belief that due process and the presumption of innocence are good and that mob violence is bad. The belief that pluralism is a source of our strength; that tolerance is a reason for pride; and that liberty of thought, faith, and speech are the bedrocks of democracy.

    The 2020 Marxist riots and censorship, with their attacks on law and order, have brought a certain clarity about the historical ignorance or willful deceit of the radical leftists in the streets, at the keyboards, and on television.

    Slate, for example, touts the “racist roots of formal policing in America.” Malaika Jabali at The Guardian writes, “many researchers consider slave patrols a direct ‘forerunner of modern American law enforcement.’”

    The principles of America’s law enforcement system, however, are based in the English system from even before the time of America’s Founding. Those principles are some of the greatest human achievements to protect both law and order, and liberty. That liberty is based in principles of private property and freedom of conscience. And, it is no coincidence that the Marxist riots of 2020 are diametrically opposed to those principles.

    Examples of the comprehensive principles underlying the practices of the English system of law and order that influenced America’s are found in Volume II of Sir Mathew Hale’s History of Pleas of the Crown, published posthumously in 1736.

    The 17th Century English jurist Hale wrote of “certain officers and ministers of public justice, that virtute officii (by virtue of their office) are empowered by law to arrest felons, or those that are suspected of felony, and that before conviction, and also before indictment.” These officials ranged from predecessors of modern street-walking police and sheriffs to justices of the peace.

    The principal purposes of these law enforcement officials was not just to keep “the King’s peace,” in other words, to prevent uprisings or even violence that disrupts the physical safety of people in the community, but to arrest petty thieves and transgressors of private property rights.

    Hale goes into great detail describing the protocols and procedures law enforcement officials must follow for the execution of warrants to arrest, warrants to search homes, arrests made without warrants but with probable cause that a crime had been committed, and other duties that to this day are common needs of ordered liberty and security of the community.

    Hale was working from a body of law that had developed over centuries, and was based in statutes and court decisions, which we refer to as the “common law.” What is evident from these principles described by Hale is that the English law intended to prevent arbitrary use of law enforcement powers. For example, he writes that “warrants are judicial acts,” which sets forth one of the essential protections against abuses of government authority, the separation of powers.

    Among the judicial opinions from which the English common law drew was Semayne’s Case of 1604 by the great jurist Sir Edward Coke, in which he famously stated, “the house of every one is to him as his Castle and Fortress as well for defence against injury and violence, as for his repose.” This case informed the bases of search and seizure principles underlying the Fourth Amendment and judicial opinions interpreting its scope, and the principles of when searches may in fact be unlawful trespass by the government.

    Inherent in this English system of law enforcement that was adopted by America are the great principles of justice and protections of liberty found in our Bill of Rights: probable cause, due process, rights of defendants and witnesses, and more. But even with protections of liberty in place, there have always been those who abuse power. That’s not the fault of the systemic protections of ordered liberty.

    More importantly, what the American law enforcement system adopted from England relates to what we think of as the “rule of law.”

    One of the most celebrated documents of liberty is Magna Carta. Its importance is not only what it said regarding rights, but that it informed the rule of law as applying to -- indeed governing -- government itself.

    In his marvelous book Inventing Freedom: How The English-Speaking Peoples Made The Modern World, Daniel Hannan writes of this phenomenon, “[t]he rules did not emanate from the government, but stood above it, binding the King as tightly as they bound the poorest ceorl.” This invention about the rule of law over and governing government helped allay arbitrary power like no concept before, and unleashed liberty and prosperity.

    Hannan writes about this basis for the American rule of law, “English exceptionalism was defined with reference, not to racial characteristics, military prowess, or island geography, but to law, liberty, and representative institutions.”

    The English rule of law over government itself was never formalized by a written constitution, but it created a fabric of liberty within the system of law enforcement. America took it to the next level. In a 2015 concurring opinion Justice Clarence Thomas described that our written and “overruling constitution . . . was an improvement in the science and practice of government reserved to the American states.”

    Had the Democrat party moved to the middle instead of radically lurching leftward, and had Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer sided more with moderates such as Tulsi Gabbard, real reforms in law enforcement could have been achieved. After conservatives watched the criminalization of politics and even an attempted coup by players in the FBI, Justice Department, and others in the Deep State, reforms could have been bipartisan.

    Instead, they chose “the Squad” and the radicals who insist America began as racist and must be transformed from its foundations. With that shift to anti-American principles, their side has engaged in riots and street violence, widespread censorship, utter dishonesty in reporting news, an attempt through the New York Times’ 1619 Project to “reframe the country's history,” and an attempted coup of sitting American president.

    This election is about preserving the American tradition of the rule of law over not just society, but over government itself. On our side are those who agree with Calvin Coolidge’s 1926 Inspiration of the Declaration of Independence where he said, “If all men are created equal, that is final. If they are endowed with inalienable rights, that is final. If governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, that is final. No advance, no progress can be made beyond these propositions.”

    This election is the ballgame, folks.

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    NJ Politician, 3 Others Charged With Voter Fraud In Mail-In Election

    The New Jersey Attorney General’s office announced voter fraud charges Wednesday against four individuals, including a city councilman and an elected city councilman, according to a press release.

    Paterson City Councilman Michael Jackson, Councilman-elect Alex Mendez, and two other men are alleged to have exploited the mail-in voting process in the May 12th Special election in Paterson, New Jersey.

    The investigation was opened when U.S. Postal Inspection Service found hundreds of mail-in ballots stuffed in a single mailbox in Paterson and a number of additional ballots in a mailbox in Haledon....

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    But Trump re-tweeting "White Power" is White Supremacy.

    Just saying...

    The mainstream media did this to America-trump-white-power-retweet.jpg

  18. #858
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    Lol, thought this was funny. Another perfect example of liberal crazies...yet trumpers are gonna start a civil war ...right.
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    America Is Drowning in the Lies of the Left

    By Dennis Prager Oct 20, 2020 12:01 AM ET

    There are conservatives who lie, and there are liberals who lie, but both conservatism and liberalism hold truth to be a supreme value.

    This is not true for leftism.

    Truth is simply not a left-wing value.

    Lying is to the left what breathing is to biological life. That is why the father of modern leftism, Vladimir Lenin, named the Soviet communist newspaper “Pravda,” the Russian word for “truth.” Truth is what a leftist says it is. It is not an objective reality.

    The left has always relied on lies to gain and retain power. This is as true today in the United States as it was in the Soviet Union.

    Here are examples of lies Americans are told they must hold lest they be removed from social media, shamed, ostracized and even fired from their jobs.

    In no order of importance:

    Men menstruate. ACLU tweet, Nov. 19, 2019: “Men who get their periods are men. Men who get pregnant and give birth are men.” If this is not a lie, the word has no meaning.

    It is fair when males who identify as females compete in girls’ and women’s sports. In Connecticut, two biological men who are trans women have combined to win 15 girls state indoor or outdoor championship races since 2017. According to The Wall Street Journal, “19 state athletic conferences … allow athletes to compete based solely on their expressed gender identity.” No one with a passing acquaintance with truth could say this is fair.

    To be colorblind is to be racist. This left-wing assertion is the opposite of the basic liberal ideal to end racism: to have everyone colorblind, meaning we are all to view and judge people solely as individuals irrespective of race. “Colorblind is racist” is not just a lie; it is an Orwellian lie. But it is actually normative on the left. See, for example, “Color-Blindness Is Counterproductive” (The Atlantic, Sept. 13, 2015) or the book “Colorblind Racism” by Meghan Burke, associate professor of sociology at Illinois Wesleyan University.

    The Trump 2016 campaign colluded with Russia to win the election. This lie has permeated the American media for more than three years. There was never any truth to it. But those on the left — the Democratic Party and the mainstream media — found it a very useful claim, and they are doing so again in the 2020 campaign.

    President Donald Trump said there were “very fine” Nazis. This is “the Charlottesville lie.” First, the media spread it, and now Joe Biden has run with it, claiming repeatedly that this was the reason he decided to run for president. Of course, what Biden said is a lie; he has wanted to run for president all his life. At Trump’s press conference on Aug. 15, 2017, right after the Charlottesville march and demonstrations, Trump made it clear he wasn’t referring to the neo-Nazis when he said there were “very fine people on both sides.” He told the press, “I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists because they should be condemned totally.” He was referring to the two sides at the protest over statues. See the video “The Charlottesville Lie” by former CNN reporter Steve Cortes at

    [b]Donald Trump is a dictator.[/] This lie has been told since before Trump was elected. It is repeated by virtually every left-wing commentator and politician. See, for example, “10 Ways Trump Is Becoming a Dictator, Election Edition” by Harvard professor Stephen M. Walt (Foreign Policy, Sept. 8, 2020) or “Donald Trump Wants To Be a Dictator” by Guardian columnist Jonathan Freedland (The Guardian, July 5, 2019). It is a lie. The fact is no conservative American politician is a likely dictator because one of the fundamental goals of American conservatives is to shrink the power of the government. A dictatorship in America is far more likely to come from the left, which seeks to massively increase government power. For example, as reported in Politico on Aug. 21, 2020, Biden has already pledged, “I would shut it down,” referring to the American economy and Americans’ freedom of movement to combat the COVID-19 virus.

    America is a racist society. This is the greatest national lie since the medieval blood libel, in which Christians accused Jews of slaughtering Christian children to use their blood to bake matzo for Passover. America is, in fact, the least racist country in history. That’s why, for example, there are so many race hoaxes; the real thing is so hard to find. Jews didn’t need to concoct anti-Jewish hoaxes to prove there was widespread anti-Semitism in Germany in the 1930s.

    Ferguson was an example of racist police brutality. The Ferguson lie is frequently cited by the left as an example of police racism, including by figures as prominent as Barack Obama. Yet, a grand jury, which included black jurors, declined to indict the white police officer who shot and killed Michael Brown, a black man, because Brown had attacked the officer, sought to steal his gun and was in the process of a second attack when he was killed. The claim that Brown had said, “Hands up, don’t shoot” was also a left-wing lie. Brown never said it. See the PragerU video with Larry Elder.

    America was founded in 1619, not 1776. This is the infamous New York Times lie for which the Times was awarded a Pulitzer Prize. This is the same prize awarded to the same newspaper in 1932 for its horrific lie that there was no famine in Ukraine when, in fact, Joseph Stalin was deliberately starving about 5 million Ukrainians to death. Leading liberal scholars of American history have condemned the Times’ rewriting of American history — that the American Revolution was fought in order to preserve slavery — as a lie.

    These are just some of the left-wing lies increasing numbers of Americans believe. America’s survival depends on Americans — especially young Americans — recognizing them as such.

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    That time Hunter Biden got a six figure yearly retainer from a credit card company while Daddy Biden worked on major credit card legislation

    ... During the years that Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. was helping the credit card industry win passage of a law making it harder for consumers to file for bankruptcy protection, his son had a consulting agreement that lasted five years with one of the largest companies pushing for the changes, aides to Senator Barack Obama’s presidential campaign acknowledged Sunday.

    Mr. Biden’s son, Hunter, received consulting fees from the MBNA Corporation from 2001 to 2005 for work on online banking issues. Aides to Mr. Obama, who chose Mr. Biden as his vice-presidential running mate on Saturday, would not say how much the younger Mr. Biden, who works as both a lawyer and lobbyist in Washington, had received, though a company official had once described him as having a $100,000 a year retainer. But Obama aides said he had never lobbied for MBNA and that there was nothing improper about the payments.

    Campaign officials acknowledged that the connection between the Bidens and MBNA, the enormous financial services company then based in their home state of Delaware, was one of the most sensitive issues they examined while vetting the senator for a spot on the ticket.

    The financial services industry began seeking relief from Congress in the mid-1990s from an increase in bankruptcies that was cutting into its profits. Its initial support came from Republican lawmakers, who repeatedly introduced bills to make it more difficult for consumers to erase their debts. During that time, executives at MBNA, which was bought in 2006 by Bank of America, began donating heavily to both major political parties and many national politicians, including Mr. Biden.

    In late 1996, the company hired the younger of Mr. Biden’s two sons, Robert Hunter Biden, known as Hunter, who had just graduated from Yale Law School, as a lawyer. The company promoted Mr. Biden to senior vice president by early 1998. And after the younger Mr. Biden worked at the Commerce Department on electronic commerce issues from 1998 to 2001, MBNA hired him back on a monthly consulting contract to advise it on such issues, aides said.

    Consumer advocates say that Senator Biden was one of the first Democratic leaders to support the bankruptcy bill, and he voted for it four times — in 1998, 2000, 2001 and in March 2005, when its final version passed the Senate by a vote of 74 to 25.

    Aides to the Obama campaign said Sunday that Senator Biden’s goal was always to strike a workable compromise between the competing interests on the bankruptcy bill, and that he was not influenced by his son’s work for MBNA or the campaign donations. They said he had sought several changes in the bill to protect consumers that upset MBNA executives, then the largest employer in Delaware, while acknowledging that he also voted against other amendments proposed by other Democrats.

    Knowing what we know now, this looks really bad. In fact it really looks like the Biden influence peddling goes back quite a ways for the Biden crime family. Just imagine the level of influence peddling that will happen if Joe wins in November.

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    Documents acquired under court order show Zuckerberg is trying to buy Pennsylvania election

    Documents produced by the city of Philadelphia under a federal court order show millions of dollars in nonprofit grant money donated by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is being used to quadruple the number of voting places and massively grow the number of ballots cast in the Democratic stronghold on Nov. 3...

    ... [T]he Thomas More Society and its lead counsel Phill Kline have filed lawsuits against several of the jurisdictions receiving CTCL grants, arguing the money is wrongly privatizing an election function that should be handled entirely by government and that the grants are targeting mostly Democratic strongholds, raising questions of election interference...

    ... "This privatization of elections undermines the integrity of the election by using government to play favorites," he said. "Government targeting a demographic to increase turnout is the opposite side of the same coin as government targeting a demographic to suppress the vote." ...

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    Wikipedia bans contributions from Christians

    ... The website has now announced that it will no longer allow Christians who openly-display their faith on their profile pages to contribute to their website. According to Breitbart, a group of leftists went into a tizzy and got their panties all in a wad after it came to light that one of the editors displayed in their userbox profile that “This user believes marriage is between one man and one woman.”

    After a gaggle of leftists whined in a Wikipedia discussion about it, several other user profiles containing conservative, Christian statements and the decision was made by Wikipedia to pull the plug on Christians who openly expressed their beliefs.

    Meanwhile, Black Lives Matter and other leftism openly displayed in user profiles is perfectly fine and one user equated stating that marriage is between one man and one woman with saying “black lives don’t matter.”...

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    Just In: New Emails Reveal Hunter’s Associates Viewed Direct ‘Pipeline’ to Administration As ‘Currency’

    Hunter Biden’s business associates spoke candidly in emails about Hunter Biden’s role in the business, particularly as it related to foreign ventures, apparently viewing the Biden name as a form of “currency,” and bragging that they had a “direct…pipeline” to the Obama-Biden Administration....

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    Well played, Mr. President…

    Trump played video of Bite-Me and Kommimemala saying they were going to ban fracking and a rally in Pennsylvania.

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    Breaking — FBI in possession of Hunter Biden’s laptop…

    The FBI is in possession of the laptop belonging to Hunter Biden which contained emails revealing his foreign business dealings, including contacts in Ukraine and China, two senior officials told Fox News...
    ... Further, Fox News has learned that the FBI and Justice Department officials concur with an assessment from Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe that the laptop is not part of a Russian disinformation campaign targeting Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden....

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    Rudy Giuliani Breaking — Hunter Biden criminal evidence handed over to Delaware State Police…


  20. #860
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    FBI Investigating Threatening Emails Sent To Democrats In Florida

    Democratic voters in Florida reported receiving threatening emails Tuesday purportedly from the violent, far-right group Proud Boys directing them to vote for President Donald Trump or “we will come after you.”

    Fox news reported on this too but guess what they forgot to mention....

    Fox never mentions that only Democrats were targeted.

    Kinda scummy huh?

    People in at least two states, Alaska and Florida, reported they received intimidating emails warning them to vote for President Donald Trump or “we will come after you.”

    Note: I don't think it was the Proud Boys.

  21. #861
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    I know i for one will be damn glad when this horseshit is over and done with. (Election)
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    Chanel Rion Confirms — Hunter Biden EXPLICIT SEXUAL photos with underage girl… His 14 year-old niece…

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    Rudy Giuliani files police report on purported Hunter Biden laptop, alleging child endangerment

    Rudy Giuliani, one of President Trump's private attorneys, has reported to Delaware police concerns that materials on a laptop purportedly tied to Hunter Biden contained evidence of possible child endangerment.

    Giuliani, a former U.S. attorney and New York City mayor, confirmed Tuesday night he went Monday to a local police department in Wilmington to report his concerns of children endangerment and sexual exploitation. Giuliani told Just the News that former New York Police Department commissioner Bernard Kerik joined him when he delivered photographs and text messages to the New Castle County Police Department....

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    Hunter Biden's name used to legitimize sale of fraudulent tribal bonds

    WAKPAMNI LAKE – The Wakpamni Lake Community Corporation bond scheme that defrauded unwitting investors of more than $60 million, attracted the attention of the Wall Street Journal, because of a high profile name connected to it, Hunter Biden....

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    Chief of Staff Mark Meadows: Biden Crime Family Involved in “Hundreds of Millions of Dollars” in Money Laundering Schemes (VIDEO)

  23. #863
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    Did Rudy Giuliani Just Cop To Possessing Child Pornography?
    What could possibly go wrong?

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    SHOCK: Facistbook Declares War on the Babylon Bee

    On Tuesday, Facebook stood by its decision to demonetize the Christian satire site The Babylon Bee over a satire article regurgitating a witch joke from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Facebook claimed that the article “Senator Hirono Demands ACB Be Weighed Against A Duck To See If She Is A Witch” actually “incites violence.” The social media platform demanded that the Babylon Bee edit the article and not speak publicly about the review, but Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon went public....

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    Photo shows Joe Biden meeting Hunter’s alleged business partner from Kazakhstan

    Joe has claimed repeatedly that no such meeting ever happened ...

    So who are you gonna believe, Joe? ... or your own lyin' eyes?

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    Beyond 1984 – Project Veritas Strikes Again – G**gle gives free advertising to Democrats and denies Conservatives the right to advertise.

    Article linked to in the headline has three different Twitter videos (can't link to here) of G**gle agents confessing to systemic election interference.

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  26. #866
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    I know i for one will be damn glad when this horseshit is over and done with. (Election)
    The horseshit won't end when the election does. This is the new demoncrat-created reality. The civil disturbances will continue until the Right cedes control of government to the neo-Bolsheviks.

    Notice that neither Biden nor Kommiemala ever speak about their platfom, their 'issues'? They quite obviously aren't running "for" anything, they're just running "against" something. Specifically, Donald J. Trump. That's because the demoncrats have given up on gaining power through constitutional means and don''t give a fig about election results. They're "all-in" on Antifa, Black LIES Matter, The New Black Panthers and Occupy Wall Street (et Al) stirring up shit until you so exhausted you'll give them anything just to shut them up.

  27. #867
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beetlegeuse View Post
    The horseshit won't end when the election does. This is the new demoncrat-created reality. The civil disturbances will continue until the Right cedes control of government to the neo-Bolsheviks.

    Notice that neither Biden nor Kommiemala ever speak about their platfom, their 'issues'? They quite obviously aren't running "for" anything, they're just running "against" something. Specifically, Donald J. Trump. That's because the demoncrats have given up on gaining power through constitutional means and don''t give a fig about election results. They're "all-in" on Antifa, Black LIES Matter, The New Black Panthers and Occupy Wall Street (et Al) stirring up shit until you so exhausted you'll give them anything just to shut them up.
    The mainstream media did this to America-beetlegeuse.jpg

    Do tell...
    If the "DEEP STATE" is so damn powerful...
    How is it that they didn't remove Orange Julius from power?

    If the "DEEP STATE" is so damn powerful...
    Why haven't they killed the anonynous coward named Q?

    and if "Q-tip" is so smart...
    Why is he constantly wrong on his predictions?

    My guess is I will be waiting a long time for an answer...

    Listen... I think Biden is a marginal candidate at best...
    But Trump is outright dangerous to America and to Americans.

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    WWG1WGA - Isn't that what sheep do???
    Last edited by The Deadlifting Dog; 10-21-2020 at 02:01 PM.

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    October 21, 2020

    The Covfefe Revolution Is Real, and It's Glorious

    By J.B. Shurk

    No group of Americans has been more misunderstood by the political chattering class than the alliance of Trump voters. Until Donald Trump stepped onto the political stage, this voting bloc didn't exist. Now that it exists, it will not go away. A quiet revolution has occurred in America.

    For too many decades, the political parties have carved up Americans into separate and often vying camps based on region, race, and class, while never articulating a message that unified Americans as one. Since the fall of the Soviet Union, politicians have largely discarded the lofty battle between American individual freedom and socialist state control. They have cynically used American patriotism to hold foreign battlefields while decrying patriotism as unhealthy and xenophobic at home. They have played up Americans' differences and distorted their common history until Americans became strangers to one another.

    Every election since the Cold War has been about "change," but "change" has proven to be a cheap principle. Free trade politicians pushed NAFTA as a way to discourage illegal immigration by increasing wages south of the border but managed only to destroy millions of American manufacturing jobs while doing nothing to slow down unlawful border crossings. Washington politicians to the world's chief manufacturer with the promise that international trade would subdue the dictatorship's human rights abuses and hostilities toward its neighbors; instead, only Wall Street has profited, while China commits ethnic genocide on a scale not seen since WWII and parlays American investment dollars into territorial expansion that threatens global peace. After 9/11, Americans briefly remembered how important America's existence is to the world, but then they got lost in a twenty-year commitment to bringing "democracy" to the Middle East and Asia, while letting workers languish at home. Obama responded by selling "hope" to voters, but all Americans got for the price was the slowest economic recovery in American history and a front-row seat to an emerging class of Marxist Democrats intent on intruding into Americans' lives, expanding government power, and barreling the nation right to the edge of a socialist cliff. A quarter-century after the Cold War, Obama and the Democrats sought to flip the outcome.

    Then this non-politician with a big personality and even bigger ideas for America pointed out something that Washington politicians had been missing for entirely too long. "Change" is meaningless without concrete direction. It promises nothing; it aspires to nothing; it achieves nothing. Generic "change" isn't a goal that can be measured; it doesn't put food on the table; it doesn't send Americans to Mars or inspire Americans to greatness.

    He asked many uncomfortable questions. Why shouldn't America have the best blue-collar workforce on the planet? Why doesn't America have the world's best airports, bridges, and roads? Why is America's military protecting foreign borders around the world while America's borders remain porous? Why should Wall Street's wealth matter more than Main Street's survival? Why should we enrich Communist China with American dollars and sacrifice American independence to international institutions that wish to rule us from afar? Why should some religions matter more than others? Why should the lives of unborn Americans matter less? Why would we want to run away from the accomplishments of Western civilization? Why should the federal government stick its nose into every nook and cranny of American society? Why are federal intelligence and law enforcement agencies influencing political elections? How is it not a danger to free speech for all of the multimedia news conglomerates and Silicon Valley tech monopolies to be run exclusively by one political party? Why shouldn't every American be self-sufficient enough to own a firearm?

    For every question Donald Trump posed, Washington was silent, but more and more Americans began listening because they had been asking those same questions. Donald Trump was an outsider arguing for common sense, and Washington hates nothing more. For the elite in Washington to believe that only they are fit to govern after destroying American industry, crippling America's culture by diminishing her history, sinking America into insurmountable national debt, and sacrificing America's bravest for endless wars with questionable goals, common sense must be strictly forbidden. It is derided as "populist" (a counterintuitive insult coming from a political class always babbling about "democracy") and "nationalist" (as if anything good for the United States must be inherently bad) because what Democrats lack in argument and reason, they make up for with name-calling. At the end of the day, though, Donald Trump's policy proposals made too much sense for too many people, and the MAGA Era began.

    Along the way, the most remarkable thing happened. A lot of Americans stopped thinking of themselves as separate interest groups with competing problems and discovered there was more connecting them as Americans than they had been led to believe. It matters to all Americans that good jobs come back home. It matters to all Americans that the value of wage labor not be artificially sunk by importing more foreign workers than jobs available. It matters to all Americans that we never suffer through another 9/11 again, but it matters just as much that when America commits to war, the objectives for victory be clear. It matters to Americans that everyone be afforded equal treatment under the law, regardless of political power or affiliation, and it matters that the lives of police officers are valued as much as those they protect.

    When you pursue policies that respect these simple truths, their appeal cuts across all demographic barriers used to separate us. It should not be a revolutionary insight that most Americans from all backgrounds want a healthy, wealthy, and free America to call home, but in a world where language is increasingly controlled and success is increasingly shamed, Donald Trump's presidency has been nothing short of revolutionary.

    Real leaders behave with purpose and determination and fearlessness. Nobody trusts a country that leads from behind. Nobody follows a coward into battle. But at all times, President Trump's successes have been less about "letting Trump be Trump" than about "reminding America to be America."

    Few generations have a chance to change the future, yet this election is ours. When you look past the online censorship actively hiding the good news of this presidency, it's difficult not to conclude that a silent majority has come to the same conclusion. I saw it when members of the 1980 "miracle on ice" men's Olympic hockey team victoriously took to the stage at a Trump rally earlier this year. I saw it when a group of Phoenix Trump-supporters carried a hundred-year-old wheelchair-bound WWII veteran down the arena stairs of another packed Trump event. I see it when I rewatch Lloyd Marcus and his choir, the Deplorables, rally Americans to "get on board the Trump Train." And I see it every time there's a "Tractors for Trump" parade across entire counties of farmland or a boat parade so immense you could hop from vessel to vessel without ever getting wet or a Trump caravan that winds down highways for thirty miles.

    We find ourselves in a moment of history when we can begin to rectify a long train of government abuses with a single vote. As essential as President Trump has been to bringing this moment forward, this election will shape the years well past his presidency. This is our chance to prove that the Covfefe Revolution is real, that it is not going away, and that it remains glorious.

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    demoncrat politicians seem to get stupider with each passing day.

    Democratic House candidate pushes 'defund the Pentagon' idea to fund social services

    Missouri's Cori Bush took the concept of defunding police to another level

    Democratic Missouri congressional candidate Cori Bush suggested Tuesday that the federal government should take a cue from the recent movement to defund the police by doing the same to the U.S. Department of Defense....

  31. #871
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    this tweet bout sums it up....

    Over last 24 hrs, we've found out:

    -Trump has a secret Chinese bank account

    -Trump admin. effectively orphaned 545 kids

    -Trump stormed out of 60 Mins intrvw like a baby

    -Giuliani is on tape touching himself in a f***ing Borat movie
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  32. #872
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    still waiting for answers from questions above....

    what will come quicker:
    a) Trump reveals his taxes like he has been promising for 10 years.
    b) Trump reveals his healthcare plan like he has repeatedly for 4 years been claiming he will reveal in 2 weeks.
    c) Mexico pays for the wall. (But to Mexico's credit the wall isn't finished yet...)
    d) I get answers to how an all knowing Q-tip always makes bad predictions.
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    Project Veritas Does It Again – Google Senior Executive Exposed

    by CD Media Staff
    October 21, 2020

    Project Veritas has busted a Google senior executive discussing helping Joe Biden win the election.

    GOOGLE ELECTION INFLUENCE EXPOSED: Senior Google Executive Ashwin Agrawal: ‘There are many ways’ to influence elections … ‘I think ads is one way’ … ‘I think another way is search results’ … ‘YouTube is going to be another one’

    *Ashwin Agrawal: “The truth is, a deep platform is influencing you in a way that you didn’t sign up for.”
    *Agrawal: “If you’re a Democrat and you see more and more Democrat [content], you’re not given an opportunity to change your mind.”
    *Agrawal: “Biden creating 500 ads, one for each mission—but, each of us only seeing the one that we care about.”
    *Agrawal: “If I say that tomorrow, that I’m a Trump supporter, I’d probably lose my job.”

    [Silicon Valley, Calif.—Oct. 21, 2020] One of the most senior leaders in Google’s Cloud division told a Project Veritas journalist exactly how the search engine and social media giant manipulates how users act and feel politically.

    “All of the social media and the online platforms know your political leanings,” said Ashwin Agrawal, the head of global competitive analysis at Google Cloud. “Now, the more you see a Biden ad, the more, you know, passionate or the more sort of leaning you’re going to come for Biden.”

    James O’Keefe, the founder and CEO of Project Veritas, said, “Google is the most dominant Big Tech company in the world and its power to shape our politics is very scary.”

    Agrawal said Google algorithms identify Democratic voters and work to keep them as Democrats.

    “If you’re a Democrat and you see more and more Democrat, you’re not given an opportunity to change your mind,” he said.

    Journalist: “I could see how it’s interesting, from a data perspective, is if the algorithm favors certain ads over others that can dramatically impact an election. Right?”

    Agrawal: “Yeah, totally.”

    “I think you can feed so much Democratic ads, but this is content that they have not wanted to see, or they’ve just being fed, right?” he said. “All day, if I’m on YouTube, you know, two hours a day and I’m given, like, 50 ads, Democrat again.”

    Unlike traditional television political advertising, a candidate, such as former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., the 2020 Democratic nominee for president, can make hundreds of different ads and narrowcast them to very specific audiences, he said.

    “That’s the problem. I’m not only a Democratic addict, but I’m getting local ads that are aligned with the mission and the cause that I believe in,” he said.

    “Your pattern, your history, and right, like everything that you see, when you go to, everything is recommendation based,” he said.

    “Some people, when they would find out about that, may become very uncomfortable because it’s not like normal TV advertising, the personalization aspect of it,” Agrawal said. “Even the idea of like, you know, Biden creating 500 ads, one for each mission—but each of us only seeing the one that we care about.”

    Agrawal, who is a leading member of Google Cloud’s global competitive analysis team, said his company has more than one way to influence elections.

    How Google influences behavior

    “There are many ways, right? I think ads is one way,” he said. “I think another way is search results, right? YouTube is going to be another one.”

    Google and the social media platforms are actively working to affect political behavior, he said.

    Ashwin Agrawal: “No one’s complaining about the fact that the political ads that you get are actually based on your political leanings, right? So, if the algorithm understands that you’re a Democrat, you’re going to see Democratic ads, right? And—”

    Journalist: “For Biden—”

    Agrawal: “Right. But the question is, is that the right kind of influence or not?”

    Google users oblivious to how they are manipulated

    Agrawal said he regrets how Google exercises control over users without them becoming aware of how they are affected.

    “I think, the thing that I feel worse about is that people don’t know that it’s happening to them,” he said.

    “That for me is the thing that I feel, like, truly for me, sad about,” he said. “I think it doesn’t matter whether someone in Facebook or Google is sitting and thinking about this. The truth is, a deep platform is influencing you in a way that you didn’t sign up for.”

    Google’s culture makes it impossible for Trump supporters to work there

    Ashwin Agrawal: “If I say that tomorrow, that I’m a Trump supporter, I’d probably lose my job.”

    Journalist: “Really?”

    Agrawal: “Yeah, and I think it wouldn’t be direct, but indirectly it would become very, very hard for me to stay there.”

    Journalist: “Because they couldn’t directly fire you, right?”

    Agrawal: “No, they couldn’t. Nobody could do that, but I think it would become very, very hard for me to stay there– because you know, it’s the peer pressure, it’s the social pressure.”

    Journalist: “Yeah.”

    Agrawal: “And then, uh, you know, being a Trump supporter is being a bad person.”

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    They uncovered a non-secret.
    So impressive.

    look at this web search result on Google

    search "does google do targeted ads"

    and google support will tell you:

    "Google Ads analyzes web content and considers factors such as text, language, link structure, and page structure. It then determines the central themes of each webpage and targets ads based on your topic selections. Placement: Target websites on the Display Network that your customers visit.

    Targeting your ads - Google Ads Help - Google Support"

    Same things happen with your viewing recommendations on YouTube

    So: if you concstantly google right wing conspiracy theories...
    You will get ads geared to Republicans.

    So: if you constantly watch right wing militia propaganda videos...
    You will get recommendtions to watch Reublican themed videos and get Trumpy Bear ads!!!

    You see: what you did there is only presenting half the facts.
    Just like when Fox reported the threatening emails sent to registered voters but neglected to mention it was only sent to Democrats.

    Some people have very loose morals.

  35. #875
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    The inescapable conclusion is that the goal of these people is the ruination of the country.

    Congressmuslim Ilhan Omar wants to defund the Police, DHS, & ICE, and now she wants to defund the military

    demoncrats not satisfied with just defunding police departments across America’s cities are now looking to do the same with the U.S. Department of Defense.

    Democratic Missouri congressional candidate Cori Bush proposed the radical idea to defund the Pentagon and reallocate the funds to social service programs in a tweet on Tuesday. The progressive candidate’s eyebrow-raising suggestion apparently got the attention – and the approval – of Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-MN, who retweeted it....

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    Left-Wing Creates Web Site With MAPS, Names & Addresses of Trump Donors for Violent Retribution

    The lefties have truly gone nuts over this election season and they have, now, pulled out ALL the stops.

    The left has created a searchable database of Trump Donors WITH MAPS, names and addresses, so left-wingers can take action against Trump supporters! I searched my neighborhood, and MY NAME and address is shown!..

    ...Here is a direct link to the originating web site so you can look at YOUR neighborhood and maybe see if YOU are in there (CLICK HERE).

    It appears this is based off the 2016 campaign from Federal Election Commission (FEC) reports, which ARE all public information. But here's the thing: The FEC gives names and towns, but NOT addresses. The FEC does, in fact HAVE addresses, but does not give them out publicly. So how did these folks get that info?

    No matter. Now that I know they intend to use this info to attack, I did what every red-blooded, American, man would . . . I DONATED TO TRUMP AGAIN! This time, MORE than before!

    If the snowflakes of the left don't like it, try doing something about it.

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    Trump Supporters Receiving Sick Letters Threatening To Burn Down Their Homes!

    This is not ok!

    This is criminal behavior and whoever is doing this needs to go to prison for a long, long time!

    Multiple homeowners reported today receiving threatening letters sent to their homes threatening to burn the homes down because they had been "identified as a Trump supporter".

    From local WMUR:

    Milford police are trying to track down whoever is behind a series of letters that were sent to supporters of President Donald Trump threatening to burn down their homes.

    Kelly, a Milford resident who asked to be identified only by her first name, said she received one of the letters.

    "Dear neighbor," the letter read. "You have been identified by our group as being a Trump supporter. Your address has been added to our database as a target when we attack should Trump not concede the election."

    The anonymous author went on to say Kelly should hope her home insurance has fire coverage.

    "I was very taken aback," Kelly said.

    Milford police said the same letter was mailed to other homes that have signs supporting Trump's presidential campaign. The department is now investigating and has contacted the state Attorney General's Office.

    "This is my home," Kelly said. "You're not supposed to threaten my home. I'm very worried in the sense that this is going on in my town."

    Two people in Brookline have also received a letter.

    "I was kind of quite shocked that anyone would send a letter out with that type of threat," said Brookline police Chief Bill Quigley.

    Quigley said he alerted the U.S. Postal Inspection Service and said whoever is behind the letters could face serious charges.

    "Not only with us, with criminal threatening," Quigley said. "It's on a felony level, because of the threat of burning homes down and causing injury, but it could also be with the postal inspectors, something on the federal level."...

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    Twitter restricts donation links for Republicans…

    The National Republican Senate Committee is calling out Twitter for restricting the retweets of WinRed, the GOP’s fundraising platform. WinRed is the Republican alternative to the Democrats’ fundraising platform, ActBlue.

    Twitter is running interference on retweets of WinRed’s links to donate to Republican candidates but not links by ActBlue to donate to Democrats.

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    ‘Overwhelmingly criminality of Biden’… ‘More sources coming forward, signing affidavits’…

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    New York AG: 7 More States May Join DOJ’s Lawsuit Against Google

    An additional seven states may join the Department of Justice’s landmark antitrust lawsuit filed against Alphabet Inc.’s Google in the coming weeks, New York Attorney General Letitia James (D) announced Tuesday.

    James, along with the attorneys general of Colorado, Iowa, Nebraska, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Utah, said in the following joint statement regarding the DOJ’s suit against Google:

    Over the last year, both the U.S. DOJ and state attorneys general have conducted separate but parallel investigations into Google’s anticompetitive market behavior. We appreciate the strong bipartisan cooperation among the states and the good working relationship with the DOJ on these serious issues. This is a historic time for both federal and state antitrust authorities, as we work to protect competition and innovation in our technology markets. We plan to conclude parts of our investigation of Google in the coming weeks. If we decide to file a complaint, we would file a motion to consolidate our case with the DOJ’s. We would then litigate the consolidated case cooperatively, much as we did in the Microsoft case.

    James announced in September that she and multiple attorneys general would launch an investigation into Google for possible anticompetitive behavior. New York’s chief legal officer has also opened an inquiry targeting Facebook for potential antitrust concerns.

    The Trump administration on Tuesday sued tech giant Google, claiming in a landmark case that it has used monopolistic powers to dominate Internet searches....

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    What I found on Hunter’s hard drive – Rudy Giuliani

    Former NYC Mayor and current attorney to President Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, comments exclusively on new revelations regarding his investigation into Democratic nominee Joe Biden and his son Hunter, Hunter’s alleged actions in dealings with overseas nations, what Giuliani claims he has done with the ‘evidence’ he has, and more. – with Newsmax TV’s Greg Kelly

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    Hunter Biden Has Been Living Off Joe’s Politicking Since He Graduated in 1996

    'If any payments or jobs were neither ordinary nor customary, there may be legal issues...'

    Hunter Biden profited from his father’s political connections long before he struck questionable deals in countries where Joe Biden was undertaking diplomatic missions as vice president.

    In fact, virtually all the jobs listed on his resume going back to his first position out of college, which paid a six-figure salary, came courtesy of the former six-term senator’s donors, lobbyists and allies, a RealClearInvestigations examination has found.

    One document reviewed by RCI reveals that a Biden associate admitted “finding employment” for Hunter Biden specifically as a special favor to his father, then a Senate leader running for president. He secured a $1.2 million gig on Wall Street for his young son, even though it was understood he had no experience in high finance.

    Many of his generous patrons, in turn, ended up with legislation and policies favorable to their businesses or investments, an RCI review of lobbying records and legislative actions taken by the elder Biden confirms.

    That the 50-year-old Hunter has been trading on his Democratic father’s political influence his entire adult life raises legal questions about possible influence-peddling, government watchdogs and former federal investigators say...

    ... No fewer than three committees in the Republican-controlled Senate have opened probes into potential Biden family conflicts. Investigators are also poring over Treasury Department records that have flagged suspicious activities involving Hunter’s banking transactions and business deals that may be connected to his father’s political influence...

    ... In each case, Hunter Biden appeared under-qualified for the positions he obtained. All the while, he was a chronic abuser of alcohol and drugs, including crack cocaine, and has cycled in and out of no fewer than six drug-rehab treatment programs, according to published reports.

    He’s also been the subject of at least two drug-related investigations by police, one in 1988 and another in 2016, according to federal records and reports. A third drug investigation resulted in his discharge from the U.S. Navy Reserve in 2014.

    This comprehensive account of Hunter Biden’s “unique career trajectory,” as one former family friend gently put it, was pieced together through interviews with more than a dozen people, several of whom insisted on anonymity to describe private conversations, and after an in-depth examination of public records, including Securities and Exchange Commission filings, court papers, campaign filings, federal lobbying disclosures, and congressional documents....

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    Jason Whitlock Sits Down With President Trump

    OutKick partner Jason Whitlock traveled to our nation’s capital Wednesday to conduct a sit-down interview with the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump.

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    Dems Panic as DOJ Warns It May Go Public w/ Vote Fraud Probes

    ... Federal authorities already are known to have investigated a major ballot-stuffing ring in Pennsylvania, which may be one of the most crucial states in deciding the Nov. 3 election.

    Meanwhile, Democrats’ attempts to make 11th-hour changes to voting laws have only sowed confusion and led to a deluge of last-minute lawsuits.

    But the Left has continued to deflect from its suspicious operations by insisting that it is the authorities investigating such concerns who are, in fact, interfering with the election.

    They have even trotted out a popular old standby, claiming—without clear evidence—that the Russians were behind efforts to discredit mail-in voting....

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    It’s time to declare Big Tech to be terrorist organizations and seize their servers to shut them down

    Over the past four years, the Big Tech cabal (Facebook, Google, Twitter, Amazon, Apple, YouTube, etc.) have weaponized their platforms, turning them into factories of political and ideological censorship, to not only censor their opposition, but also .

    Big Tech has declared war on the truth, attacking conservatives, independents, the Republican Party and President Donald Trump — silencing anyone who dares question Left-wing narratives and authoritarian belief systems. The censorship, ignored by the mainstream media for years, is hitting a new climax now that Big Tech has censored a bombshell news report by the New York Post. The investigative report alleges massive criminal and government corruption within the Biden family...

    ... Big Tech algorithms, blacklists, news feeds and search engines are more than just thought control mechanisms; these platforms are part of a criminal operation, to conceal the crimes of their Left-wing associates. The only way to take them on is to call them out in the strongest way possible, exposing their criminal hypocrisies and double standards, and using their censorship tactics against them, while disrupting their operations. Big Tech promotes the most anti-American agendas, and can be defeated if they are declared the terrorist organization that they rightfully are. Seizing their servers and unraveling their corrupt network of censors should take top priority if the republic of the United States is to survive.... (emphasis added)

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    Rasmussen Says Trump Just Hit the 'Holy Grail' of Reelection Numbers

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    Clintons Accepted Up To $100,000 From Hunter Biden’s Chinese Energy Firm

    The Clinton Foundation accepted a donation between $50,001 and $100,000 from CEFC China Energy Company, the firm which Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden’s son Hunter appears to have leveraged his father’s office to gain equity and kickbacks from....

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    Biden whistleblower Tony Bobulinksi holds press conference…

    Joe Biden knew everything about Hunter's corrupt deals

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    Weekend at Biden's

    Political adverts just don't get any better than this.

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