Results 961 to 1,000 of 1317
10-31-2020, 11:27 PM #961
11-01-2020, 08:58 AM #962
What the propaganda wing of the neo-Bolshevik party was afraid to tell you this week
11-01-2020, 09:03 AM #963
demoncrats now brazenly introducing Kommiemala as "next president of the United States"
11-01-2020, 11:31 AM #964
With deference to the title of your thread, of which I am agreeing with more and more.
Do you think the barrage of information (Edit: from the media, not yourself) has had a desensitizing effect, where there is now a necessity to be more outlandish in “reporting” new “news”, so that people take notice? Edit: when I re-read it it came off as commenting on you, which was not the intent.Last edited by wango; 11-01-2020 at 11:51 AM.
11-01-2020, 11:54 AM #965
11-01-2020, 12:10 PM #966
11-02-2020, 08:23 AM #967
11-02-2020, 10:59 AM #968
Election Tampering: Facebook Manually Censored NY Post Biden Corruption Bombshell
... According to a report by the Guardian, internal documents from Facebook suggest that the platform intentionally restricted the distribution of a New York Post report that allegedly revealed ties between Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and a Ukrainian energy company. The suppression was not automatic or based on Facebook’s AI and algorithmic approach to content, but rather done by hand by Facebook moderators....
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Kommiemala makes full-blown Marxist campaign speech
It's profound and a bit perplexing that she's making a "mistake" this late in the game. Or, maybe it all makes perfect sense.
by Scott Boyd
Two days before the biggest election of our lifetimes, vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris has put out a video describing her vision of a Neo-Marxist society. And she isn’t just describing it. She’s selling it.
There’s a big difference between equality and equity.
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) November 1, 2020
Conventional wisdom tells us this was a huge mistake. Even if the country is limping to the left on many issues, we’re still a capitalist nation that believes in exceptionalism. Heck, most Democrats do not want to see the economic upheaval associated with Neo-Marxism, at least not wholesale. They don’t mind piecemeal offerings like Obamacare and perhaps a little sliver of the Green New Deal so they can get more tax credits on their Priuses, but “ending up in the same place,” as Harris noted in her video, is not readily acceptable to moderate Democrats or Independents.
I think I know why. Before I go down a conspiratorial route, let’s look at a handful of facts. First, she doesn’t mention the campaign. This was all about an idea. Heck, she doesn’t say anything about Democrats, voting, her running mate, or even herself. She’s just selling the notion that equality and equity are not the same thing. “Equitable treatment means we all end up at the same place.”
It’s conspicuous that nobody in the campaign or Biden himself retweeted the video. That tells us something very important. This wasn’t intended for everyone. It was put out for a very specific audience. Who? My guess would be the Justice Democrats, but it could actually be an entity or organization higher up in the radical leftist food chain.
We’ve heard that many “Democratic-Socialists” as they’re called have been hoping to “guide” a Biden administration to the far left. Bernie Sanders is the only notable Democratic-Socialist who hasn’t come out and said it publicly. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, and prominent radical strategists have all expressed an expectation that a Biden administration will be as “woke” as they want it to be. But they’ve been a bit less supportive the last couple of weeks. Sure, they’ll attack President Trump and Republicans, but they haven’t been pushing for voters to embrace the Biden-Harris ticket.
My conspiracy theory is that this group, whether it’s the Justice Democrats or someone else, has said they will not make a hard push to get their millions of supporters out to the polls unless they hear something concrete that embraces their Neo-Marxist ideology. They wanted something public that announces this ticket is woke, and this video is just the ticket. It’s the fodder they need in order to hold a Biden (and eventually a Harris) administration accountable to a pre-election promise. And while she did not offer a direct policy example, she pushed their talking points.
She said what they needed to hear and they will use it as ammunition if a Biden-Harris administration gets out of line. It also allows them to justify the push to their own base, many of whom see no real difference between Biden and President Trump.
This is the clearest indicator we’ve seen in months that the radical left has strong influence over Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. The Democratic-Socialists hold many of the cards Biden-Harris need. And they come at a price.
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Follow the hyperlink to the webpage to read the transcripts or from there follow that webpage's links to watch the videos and see and hear for yourself.
Leaked Zoom Calls Reveal Federal Workers Conspiring To Shut Down White House/Disrupt Government
We are going to be in a crisis, but we want it to be one that we are creating. – Lisa Fithian, Trainer
WASHINGTON, DC, November 1 – Dozens of leaked internal documents and Zoom call video footage were made public today describing plans by progressive activists and federal workers to disrupt and destabilize Tuesday’s US election outcome, including plans to “shut down the White House.”
The documents and footage can be viewed at a new website or and will be regularly updated with additional content during the next 48 hours. All content has been handed over to law enforcement.
The information was leaked by a disaffected insider of the “Sunrise Movement,” part of a loose but extremely coordinated network of liberal activists mobilizing around the country in an effort to foment chaos in the wake of a potential Trump victory or a contested election.
The videos and documents discuss a well-coordinated plan to shut down federal buildings (including the White House), public transportation portals, and disrupt Congress when it returns post-election. Sunrise is an umbrella movement comprised of 400 “hubs” and hundreds of affinity groups including 350.0rg and Extinction Rebellion.
The Shut Down DC Zoom video can be found here.
...The first step is, we think we need to start the post-election phase in the streets....
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Mexican Journalist Exposes Joe Biden For Signing Compact That Created Influx Of Child Trafficking, Immigrant Children In Cages
Remember those border cages with children that were photographed under the Obama administration? Well, they came as a result of an United Nations global compact signed by the usurper, Obama, and Biden. The signing of that compact seemed to have led to a “massive influx” of child trafficking.
Immediately following the final presidential debate between President Donald Trump and Joe Biden, Mexican journalist Oscar “El Blue” Ramirez, based out of Tijuana, created a live event to dispel the deadly lies spewed by Biden concerning children in “cages” at America’s southern border.
Joining the chorus of the rest of the liberal left, Biden not surprisingly tried to blame Trump for immigrant children being “separated from their parents” at the border, accusing the current administration of creating the “border cages” where parentless children are supposedly being housed.
What Biden failed to mention, however, is that it was he and Barack Obama who signed the U.N. Global Compact that created those border cages in the first place, not to mention the tens of thousands of immigrant children that have been trafficked through America’s southern border ever since the Obama administration made it all possible.
According to El Blue, Obama and Biden’s signing of this compact created a “massive influx” of child trafficking, resulting in more than 20,000 children being locked in cages during Obama’s occupation of the White House.[/b] (emphasis added)
El Blue also told viewers that he has witnessed first-hand how the “coyote” networks of child smugglers are taking full advantage of Obama and Biden’s open borders policies, which created a “massive black market industry” for trafficked children.
“The fake families that resulted from the compact are a result of the poorly designed text with loopholes wide enough to build concentration camps within,” reports Sooner Politics...
... “El Blue says 72,000 trafficked kids have been rescued during the Donald Trump administration because of efforts to determine if the child was actually a biological offspring of the so-called ‘parent’ who paid coyotes for the use of the child.” (emphasis added)
Far-left Antifa also involved in child trafficking syndicate created by Obama, Biden
Contrary to the stupidity demonstrated by Twitter’s infamous “blue checkmarks” following Trump’s debate comments about coyotes – no, Trump was not talking about actual coyote animals – coyote child traffickers are very real.
While the Trump administration has done much over the past four years to put an end to their disgusting crime syndicate, the left is desperately trying to maintain a hold on the open borders policies created by Obama and Biden because there is big money in child trafficking.
“Trump’s effective shutdown of the global human trafficking has crushed the ‘cash cow’ of international trafficking,” Sooner Politics reveals.
As it turns out, very few of the “parents” that accompany immigrant children – you know, the ones the left keeps complaining are being “separated” from their parents – even know who their parents are because most of them are trafficked over and over again by fake “parent” coyotes.
With the help of Antifa, believe it or not, these coyotes pretend to be the children’s parents, using them repeatedly as anchors to maintain a foothold in America. In the process, these innocent little ones end up being raped and tortured, all thanks to the open borders policies of Obama and Biden.
“Coyotes have used those same kids over [and] over again, as an anchor to keep an illegal alien in the USA long enough to disappear in the interior of the U.S.,” Sooner Politics explains.
“That’s when the child is collected by the coyotes and looped back to the border regions of Mexico, to be recycled into another fake family and sent again, through the U.S. / Mexican border.”
Since these children are basically purchased, or rented, property – meaning they are child slaves, thanks to Obama and Biden – they are forced to live in perpetual fear because of the ominous presence of global human trafficking syndicates, many of which are the product of leftist policies.
And if you recall, all of this has been attributed to the Trump administration. The Trump administration has actually gone in the opposite direction on this issue.Last edited by Beetlegeuse; 11-02-2020 at 11:06 AM.
11-02-2020, 02:38 PM #969
It's long but not a word to spare (end extensively footnoted)
Biden, Never
By Jack Fowler, October 30, 2020 3:10 PM
On Election Day, this #NeverBiden voter will vote.
Editor’s Note: If you would like to read more pros and cons on voting for President Trump, further essays on the subject, each from a different perspective, can be found here, here, here, here, here and here. These articles, and the one below, reflect the views of the individual authors, not of the National Review editorial board as a whole.
In my 34th year of “Never Biden,” exhausted by the political commentariat’s Trump myopia, I offer some reasons, selective, that explain a complete, personal disdain for the idea of a President Biden. These reasons for opposing this vanguard of Warren/Sanders/Harris socialism, for objecting to this doddering culmination of a half-century of hackery and blarney, elicit varying degrees of disqualification and rage-inducement. The handful of reasons (there are many more) are disqualifying. They are presented without the obsession of “But Trump . . .” rhetoric — look elsewhere (the places are plenty) if that is what floats your boat. This is done with an understanding, maybe delusional but likely not, that #NeverBiden is a status that applies to many Americans.
Demeaning Vaccines
The true game-changer to this pandemic should be a successful vaccine (or, vaccines) that, if taken, would restore normalcy of work, travel, commuting, socializing, weddings, worship, vacations, camaraderie, and so much more (consumer spending) that has been curtailed and suppressed by lockdowns and other measures. Or at least, with vaccines, much would be met with far less fear. Vaccines will be empowering and restorative agents. They are deserving of overwhelming support. This summer, as Operation Warp Speed’s pedal hit the metal, Gallup reported that two-thirds of Americans were willing to be vaccinated. But then came the disingenuous and disparaging political rhetoric of the Biden-Harris ticket, which has severely harmed public support for the de facto cure: that number has dropped to 50 percent. In August, 83 percent of Democrats polled were willing to take the vaccine — as of late September that number plunged to 53 percent.
On his largely virtual hustings, the former vice president has repeated COVID anti-vaxxing rhetoric. “I trust vaccines. I trust scientists. But I don’t trust Donald Trump,” Biden said in a September 16 speech in Delaware, which followed a meeting with scientists to discuss coronavirus policy. “And at this moment, the American people can’t either.” Infecting America’s receptiveness to an anticipated COVID counterattack was on display at the first presidential debate, when Biden disparaged the efficacy of vaccines being tested by pharmaceutical giants: “And by the way, in terms of the, the whole notion of a vaccine. We prefer a a [sic] vaccine, but I don’t trust him at all, and neither do you, I know you don’t. What we trust is a scientist.”
Trump retorted: “You don’t trust Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer?”
A moderator interruption stopped any response, but later, Trump said, “I spoke to the scientists that are in charge. They will have the vaccine very soon.” Biden attacked: “Do you believe for a moment what he’s telling you, in light of all the lies he’s told you about the whole issue of COVID?”
At the vice-presidential debate, Kamala Harris repeated Biden’s vax attacks. Mike Pence’s response nailed the dastardliness of the Democrats’ theme: “I just ask you to stop playing politics with people’s lives. The fact that you continue to undermine public confidence in a vaccine, if a vaccine emerges in the Trump administration, is unconscionable.”
Who does not believe that, should he prevail next week, Americans will hear quite different rhetoric from POTUS-elect Biden about COVID vaccines, language that in ensuing weeks will surely turn boastful and heroic and self-congratulatory? But by then serious damage will have been done — indeed, it has been done — to a greater and vital American openness to a medical counterattack to the pathogen. For Biden to have done this, willingly and willfully, is malevolent, if not demented.
Plowing the Fields of Tragedy
The awful story of the first Mrs. Biden, Neilia, is well known: Along with her daughter Naomi, she was killed in a car accident in December 1972, just weeks after her husband had been elected to the U.S. Senate. It was what it was — an accident. A truck hit the Biden car, but the truck driver was blameless. Whatever the cause, this is true: No charges were filed. Nor should they have been.
But what if the driver, the late Curtis Dunn, had been drinking?
That’s not true either. But years after this terrible tragedy — a tragedy that has generated genuine sympathy for Joe Biden, a tragedy that could not possibly generate more sympathy for Joe Biden — Joe Biden sought . . . more sympathy.
It is one thing to exaggerate your class standing, to manufacture teen tough-guy stare-downs at the public pool. But this is a wholly different strata of lying in which Biden engaged. Nearly 30 years after his wife’s death, he began telling audiences that Dunn had been drinking, that he had had the old liquid lunch (I wrote about this for NR last year). The Dunn family called out Biden — the boozed-up story was a lie. It denigrated their late dad, who lived out his years bowed by the heaviness of the tragedy. Biden ignored repeated requests to end the fictional death tale. Eventually he stopped (without apologizing). But he should never have started.
Joe Biden embellished a profound tragedy, he persisted at it, he repeatedly lied in the face of all known evidence, his exaggerations pained actual people, whose cease-and-desist requests were ignored for years. To be Joe Biden means at times to be a twisted Walter Mitty, a contriver who thrills to go down fantastical alleyways. His thought processes, his motivations, his objectives — it can combine, and does, to produce a deeply disturbing package.
Joe and the Volcano of Partisanship
When will it ever end? is the accusatory question about harsh partisanship that a projecting Left always asks. There’s a related question Alinsky’s stepchildren should ask, but don’t, because the answer includes Joe Biden: How did this madness begin?
Not kidding ourselves: Partisanship, often harsh, has been part-and-parcel of American politics since the Founding. But the intense ratcheting-up of recent vintage was precipitated on Capitol Hill a little over three decades ago. On the House side, two events broke a prevailing comity (enabled by the milquetoast Bob Michel GOP). One was the Democrat majority’s political theft of a contested House seat (Indiana’s “Bloody Eighth”) after the 1984 election. The other animus-compounding act was Speaker Jim Wright’s 1987 invention of a rules-circumventing “legislative” day, contrived in order to pass a tax-hike bill. It was an act of raw power which shocked Republican members, and played a key role in birthing hard partisanship, as well as in accelerating the demise of centrism.
Wright’s stunt was a pipsqueak compared to what was happening on the other side of Capitol Hill, where then-Judiciary Committee chairman Senator Joe Biden was engineering a scurrilous SCOTUS confirmation process that would prove harshly ideological, defamatory, activist-empowering, and word-creating (“borked”). The character assassination of the eminently qualified Judge (the late Bob Bork was a great friend of NR, and an even greater friend of the Constitution) proved a culture war broadside. After the Senate votes were counted, National Review surveyed the damage, and contended, in its “The Bork Disaster” editorial, “There are other good Supreme Court possibilities. But it’s not morning in America, baby. It’s hard-ball time.”
It has been ever since.
A few years later, still the Senate Committee’s chairman, Biden outdid his Bork performance when he oversaw the lurid confirmation hearings for Clarence Thomas, which the nominee aptly described as a “high-tech lynching.” Among his many unctuous acts, Biden’s eager and prolonged questioning of Anita Hill on things explicit and pornographic brought at least one viewer to tears, bemoaning how low this hack and his sidekicks had brought the Republic.
These confirmation spectacles shared a scriptwriter, a stage manager, a director. It was the senator from Delaware. But for Clarence Thomas’s confirmation, they played out how he had intended — to break American traditions and to empower the Left. We live with the consequences of Joe Biden — hot and bitter rancor that is now the hallmark of American politics, corrosive civic life, a battered American soul.
We fool ourselves to believe our coarsening politics are of a more recent vintage, of AOC and the like. The truth is the Squad has nothing on the man who fomented a generation and more of bitterness and attacks on the foundations of the Republic.
Go to Heller
Earlier this year, Joe Biden and his slap-happy rhetoric had it out with gun-rights advocates. At a Michigan event — which preceded a Biden meeting with gun-control groups — a factory worker confronted the former veep, saying, “You are actively trying to end our Second Amendment right and take away our guns.” Joe got all Joe on him:
“You’re full of sh**,” Biden responded. A Biden aide tried to end the discussion, but the candidate silenced her in order to continue speaking with the worker. “I support the Second Amendment . . . from the very beginning. I have a shotgun. I have a 20-gauge, a 12-gauge. My sons hunt,” he said.
The two men then argued about whether Biden had said he would try to take away Americans’ guns.
“This is not okay, alright?” the worker said, to which Biden responded, “Don’t tell me that, pal, or I’m going to go out and slap you in the face.”
“You’re working for me, man!” the worker responded.
“I’m not working for you,” Biden shot back. “Don’t be such a horse’s ass.”
A few months earlier, at a townhall event in New Hampshire, the alleged Second Amendment friend told the crowd, when asked about the Supreme Court’s Heller decision, that “if I were on the Court I wouldn’t have made the same ruling,” and then brandished his professorial chops to explain just what the Founders really meant:
I taught for years constitutional law and separation of powers, I taught the Second Amendment. And the Second Amendment is not absolute. And we can argue, the fundamental argument is well-regulated militia and all those things, I won’t get into that. I think that the fundamental argument is the reason that was given as a right because we needed to be able to muster people to deal with an enemy called Great Britain we were fighting in a war.
While Democrat mayors, governors, and city councils allow the emasculation of police departments and restrict policing tactics, as law and order breaks down because of willful action, while violent-crime rates increase, while criminals are protected by district attorneys, an anxious population has moved to protect itself, fearful that government is increasingly hostile to its fundamental duty. Joe Biden has already unfriended the unborn. That he now plans to stand in the way of individuals protecting family and self, and to obstruct government’s constitutional obligation to ensure domestic tranquility, comes as no surprise, and is equally disqualifying.
Commander McBragg Redux, or, Joe the Baptist
Those of a certain age will recall a regular segment on the ancient Tennessee Tuxedo show, “The World of Commander McBragg” (here’s a sample). They feature a retired blowhard officer who troubles his fellow club members with unbelievable yarns about outrageous exploits. McBragg was harmless. He was a cartoon character, after all. But there is something darkly reminiscent of him in the Democrat nominee, whose biographical yarns can also prove unbelievable and outrageous. And cartoonish.
We know of Biden’s pedigree as a self-proclaimed practicing Catholic (which on occasion has blended with his fisticuff pretensions, if one recalls his 2005 threat: “The next Republican that tells me I’m not religious, I’m going to shove my rosary beads down their throat.”) But of late, Catholic Joe has revealed to us his black Baptist religious roots: Last year, following a debate in which Kamala Harris throttled him over busing, Biden of Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow/PUSH outfit that he “got raised in a black church.” Specifically, the Union Baptist Church in Wilmington, Del., where “we would go sit in Reverend Herring’s church, sit there before we’d go out, and try to change things when I was a kid in college and in high school.” Uh huh. This effort to shore up his dented civil-rights credentials has been exposed for its contrivance: Maybe he sat regularly in the back row, behind a pillar, but the fact is not a single parishioner or church official recalls Congregant Joe. You can’t see what’s not there.
Another Biden doozy has been his recent claim that he was arrested (later amended to “stopped,” because everyone knows how easily the two things can be confused) in South Africa in 1990:
“This day, 30 years ago, Nelson Mandela walked out of prison and entered into discussions about apartheid. I had the great honor of meeting him. I had the great honor of being arrested with our U.N. ambassador on the streets of Soweto trying to get to see him on Robben Island . . .”
Of course. And then, the dish ran away with the spoon.
It wasn’t true, but so what: Joe Biden is a habitual fabulist, equipped with a psyche that is predisposed to craft preposterous (and disprovable) serial fictions.
There is so much else that is disqualifying of a President Biden, that burnishes the #NeverBiden brand — such as the failure by the party leader (“I am the Democratic Party,” coo coo kachoo) to personally demand that partisan big-city mayors end devastating riots, his always-at-the-ready put-y’all-back-in-chains rhetoric, his openness to packing the Supreme Court, his family’s Delaware Corleone business practices, and his likely role in such. Some excellent one-stop shopping for such can be found in William Voegeli’s masterful article published in the new Claremont Review of Books.
God, Bismarck is alleged to have said, protects fools, drunks, and the United States of America. On Election Day, this #NeverBiden voter will vote, and will pray the Almighty protects the latter. We sure as h*** won’t survive the former.
11-02-2020, 03:23 PM #970
Just excerpts; follow the hyperlink in the headline for the complete story.
Revenge of the Democrats: What's in store for Trump voters
Whether Trump wins or loses, we're getting disturbing hints about what the Democrats have in store for anyone who votes for Trump. Consider some examples:
• "Some media liberals urge revenge, payback if Trump loses."
• "Governor Gretchen Whitmer: If you're tired of masks and wish you could go back to church, vote for Biden."
• "CEO of Expensify urges customers to vote for Biden or risk civil war over Trump."
• "Letters threaten to burn down homes of Trump supporters."
• "Colorado Democratic Party exec calling for VIOLENT STREET WAR and #ArmedRevolution."
• "Keith Olbermann: Trump's supporters must be removed from society."
• "Former Twitter CEO goes online with threat." "Me-first capitalists who think you can separate society from business are going to be the first people lined up against the wall and shot in the revolution. I'll happily provide video commentary."
• "Women's Marchers rally for women's rights in Washington DC – then stomp, beat, choke and punch female Trump supporter."
• "'We're going to make sure Trump leaves': Leftists plan to storm DC after election, ShutDownDC vows to target members of Congress at their homes."
• "'Crossed the line': Pro-Trump homeowners threatened in New Hampshire, Missouri."
• "Microsoft rep threatens to 'slide knife between ribs' of 'a**hole' conservatives."
And on and on it goes, threat after threat after threat of political vindictiveness. As the saying goes: Conservatives might disagree with you, but liberals want you dead. No wonder we're seeing headlines about people planning to bug out of the cities before Election Day. No wonder authorities are bracing for chaos in the streets. "The message is clear," observes Melissa Mackenzie in the American Spectator. "Vote for Trump and America will pay."
And of course, if Dems get their way, no one will be able to defend himself. They're salivating at the thought of gun control.
"Despite the fact that leftist protesters and counter-protesters are the ones responsible for the political violence so far in this election cycle," notes James Fite on Liberty Nation, "the media narrative is overwhelmingly that those crazy Trump supporters on the right are a danger to civilization."
"Should we expect the left to unleash a bloody cleansing of its political opponents?" asks independent journalist Leo Hohmann, who adds: "A far-left outfit called Public Service Media Group Inc. has created an online database called Donald Trump Watch that identifies Trump donors and reveals their home addresses, setting them up for attacks by Antifa and BLM-aligned thugs. … [U]sers simply punch in the address of any location in the country and a map will show the name and address of any Trump donor in the area."
Just remember this: Trump supporters are not starting this violence.
But never, ever underestimate their ability to end it.
11-02-2020, 03:31 PM #971
A 2020 Election Fable -- The Bunny Rabbit, the Bear, and the Bees
-- by Newt Gingrich
We are living through a contest between a Bunny Rabbit and an American Bear
The Bunny Rabbit is hidden away in the Biden basement. It is timid, cautious, likes tiny meetings – preferably with people locked away in cars. It avoids exhaustion by simply not working.
I began to sense this image of the timid, exhausted Bunny when Biden took five out of six days off before the last debate (the one day he did something in public, it was a weird automobile rally, like a small drive in theater, in Durham North Carolina). Then, it was back to the basement – apparently the Bunny was exhausted by that one event.
The Bunny is intimidated by COVID-19, and just wants to hide and hope it goes away. The Bunny wants to minimize contact with the public to avoid tough questions. It wants to dodge any commitments on anything controversial. In fact, the Bunny is so comfortable hiding in the basement it thinks everyone could be isolated. A shutdown would be fine to keep everyone safe from the virus – even if it bankrupted them.
The Bunny’s opponent is just the opposite.
The Bear is afraid of nothing. As a Bear, he likes to bounce around, entertain crowds, and be surrounded by people. Where the Bunny fears the virus, the Bear has already had it and returned to full vigor in record time. Where the Bunny is terrified of making a mistake which will lead people to make fun of him (something which happens at least once a week), the Bear cheerfully acts, learns from any mistakes, and moves on.
Of course, swarming around the candidates are the Bees – members of the news media who love the Bunny and hate the Bear.
The Bunny calculates. After 47 years of constant effort, often with embarrassingly bad results, he has finally got a shot at the big time. He could become the Big Bunny – unless something stops him.
The Bunny knows that the Bees hate the Bear and will do anything to drive the Bear back into the forest. That is why the Bunny relies on the Bees for two big assignments. First, the Bees must sting the Bear every day, and, if necessary, they must create a swarm to keep the Bear confused and on defense. Second, the Bunny knows the Bees will protect it, so it can lie and hide. The Bees would never sting the Bunny – even for the most flagrant lies, or the most obvious examples of family corruption.
As the Bee’s favorite Bunny, he knows he can do very little, and the Bees will make up for his lack of effort.
The Bear knows that he is in exactly the opposite position from the Bunny. The Bees have been attacking him for five straight years. When they could not find any real scandals, they simply made some up. The Bear has found itself constantly forced onto defense – and most of the time against falsehoods invented by its enemies.
The Bear has also learned that even when it does something remarkable, the hostile Bees ignore it. Get three countries to recognize and trade with Israel for the first time in 25 years, and the Bees yawn and look for something with which to attack the Bear. Move before anyone else in cutting off travel from China to save lives from the Chinese virus and get attacked for alleged xenophobia. Move a naval hospital ship and four army field hospitals to New York City (and have the US Corps of Engineers transform a convention center into a 1200-bed hospital) and the Bees praise Gov. Andrew Cuomo, whose policies killed more Americans from COVID-19 than any other governor.
The Bear has learned to be loud, because the Bees will never acknowledge his triumphs and achievements.
The Bunny did not irritate many people because it stayed hidden for hours every day (and sometimes all day) in the basement.
The Bear has irritated some people because its constant fight with the Bees made it seem aggressive – it is a fighting bear, not a stuffed toy bear.
The American people, puzzled by the hidden Bunny in the basement and cautious about the aggressive Bear on the stage, have a difficult question to answer.
Is the world safe enough to trust a hidden Bunny in the basement to protect us, our children, our neighborhoods, and our country?
Or is the world simply too dangerous to put our trust in a tired, timid, hiding Bunny?
Alternatively, is the world so difficult, the challenges so big, and the threats so serious that we need a Bear – even if it is sometimes a noisy or irritating Bear?
Finally, the Bunny has spent 47-years in office and now he promises to fix everything he has not fixed (or indeed broken) over a half-century.
Meanwhile in four short years, the Bear has kept its word on every major policy, reformed the judiciary, grown the strongest economy in American history, created the lowest unemployment for African Americans and Latino Americans, and aggressively pursued a bold plan for vaccines for COVID-19.
The Bunny in the basement or the Bear on the stage?
The American people will decide next week.
11-02-2020, 04:39 PM #972
These demoncrats are so bat-shit crazy with Trump Derangement Syndrome that they have lost all regard for the rule of law or the American electoral system.
11-02-2020, 05:14 PM #973
In the spirit of bipartisanship, although I wouldn’t agree with the word always . . . . .
11-02-2020, 05:26 PM #974
11-02-2020, 06:13 PM #975
Ain't it queer how the British press is more apt to publish the truth about American politics (to include elections) than the American press is?
Donald Trump set to win US presidency by electoral college landslide
DONALD TRUMP is on course to win four more years in the White House with a one point lead in the popular win, the final Democracy Institute poll for the Sunday Express has found.
... The last Democracy Institute/Sunday Express poll gave the US President a two point lead and landed just after he went into hospital with coronavirus.
Significantly, the President has, according to the latest findings, maintained a four point lead of 49 percent to 45 percent in the key swing states including Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
It means he is on course to easily win the electoral college by 326 to 212 votes against his Democrat rival in a result which would shock the world even more than his astonishing defeat of Hilary Clinton in 2016. (emphasis added)
The Democracy Institute/Sunday Express poll has throughout the campaign been one of the few to predict a Trump victory since March.
This is because unlike other polls it only looks at people identifying as likely voters instead of just registered to vote and it has tried to identify the shy Trump vote....
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More dead demoncrats trying to vote
Officials stop scheme to register dead voters as Democrats
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) — Investigators in South Florida have uncovered an attempt to register dozens of dead people as Democratic voters, though no mail-in ballots were requested or cast under the falsified IDs...
... “This is an organized effort by someone who knew a little bit about Florida law but not a lot and had a scheme to either undermine the Florida registration system with fake voters or intended to vote 50 times,”...
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Loony Lefty Karim Zidan at The Bloody Elbow MMA site links III%ers with "far right militia"
First of all, there is no "far right." That is a myth created by Leftists to try to paint whitebread, mainstream conservatives with the same brush they're using on the white supremacy groups. But just like the Proud Boys, the truth is far, far different from their portrayal in the media. The III%ers don't give a fuck what color you are, or if you're light in the loafers, so long as you support America's underpinning democratic principles and are willing to stand up and put your ass on the line to defend them.
And to a neo-Bolshevik, that makes them "far-fight."
11-02-2020, 06:37 PM #976
Follow the hyperlink in the headline to view the evidence.
New Evidence Supports Whistleblower Claim Biden Crime Family Made Millions From Communist China, Swindled Americans
Several MSM outlets have been challenging the validity of Tony Bobulinski’s claims regarding Joe Biden’s and his brother Jim’s involvement with Hunter’s China business activity. The latest NY Post forensic evaluation confirmed that Bobulinski’s email was legit. But apparently, this is not good enough for propaganda outlets like CNN, NYT and WaPo which continue to challenge these emails and any claim of “family” involvement.
The following is a small sampling of documents and other digital evidence that confirms Bobulinski’s assertions. This content has been certified via traditional computer forensic techniques and has been authenticated via these sources and methods:
1. Hunter Biden’s official identification documents such as driver license, passport, and birth certificate
2. A variety of Hunter Biden’s financial records
3. Detailed records of wire transfer activity into and out of his accounts
4. Source documents
5. Email and messaging activity
6. Voice recordings
7. Imagery, video, cell phone, laptop, and geospatial linkages...
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CBS News Decides to Break it to Viewers, Runs Report Showing "Republican-Surge" Scenario Where Trump Easily Wins
"...In our Republican-surge scenario, the size of the Election-Day vote is relatively large, so given that these voters break for Mr. Trump, it mitigates Biden’s early-vote edge, and Mr. Trump inches out close wins in enough states to go over 270...."
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Not just their leftist agenda, they have forsaken their responsibility to be an honest broker and instead aspire to be power brokers.
The Media Hates President Trump Because He Calls Out Their Leftist Agenda
Why does the media hate Donald Trump so much? There are all kinds of theories, but only one really makes sense: We are a country at odds over the most fundamental principles of ideology, economics, religion, race, culture, morality – even our own history. The media is on one side of that metaphorical war, and President Trump calls it out...
... If people knew for a fact that the media were taking sides, the jig would be up. The media would lose much of its ability to influence the outcome. This is what lies behind the media’s fear and loathing of the president. It wants desperately to advance an agenda, but knows that to do so effectively it needs to be perceived as impartial. In other words, the media cares nothing about reality—only the perception of reality.
Though the president has repeatedly condemned white supremacy, reporters keep asking if he is willing to do so. Though the Supreme Court confirmed his travel ban wasn’t based on religion, many still refer to it as a “Muslim ban.” And who could forget the evidence-free claims, repeated for more than two years, that the president was colluding with Vladimir Putin, or was himself a Russian agent? For four years, Mr. Trump has shined a piercing light on the media’s bias. He has blown the lid completely off its cover. And despite relentless attempts to discredit and destroy him in response, he has survived and even gained momentum.
In a real sense, the president has defeated the media. No matter what the outcome of this election, the media will never again be able to convince the public that it is objective. Everyone – not only conservatives – now knows where it stands.
That is the real reason the media hates Trump with a blazing, white-hot intensity.
11-02-2020, 08:36 PM #977
Why did ALL THESE PEOPLE come to see the most evil man who has ever lived?
They know Trump rose because America's ruling class ... has failed.
They know a vote for Trump is a vote AGAINST the ruling class.
11-02-2020, 10:10 PM #978
Top Coup Experts Training Left with Revolutionary Tactics Ahead of Election
Using their expertise in past coups, professionals who assisted in overthrowing governments globally have developed thorough resources and a radical guide to instruct far-left groups — who have been training for months — in toppling a government.
Under the guise of preventing a coup, left wing groups have been planning their own — if things don’t go as they desire on Election Day.... (emphasis added)
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11-03-2020, 09:24 AM #979
“What did you do for our country at her greatest hour of need?” You can now proudly reply, I stood up to their tyranny, I stood up to their hate, I stood up to their lies! I voted to re-elect President Donald John Trump--for Four More Years.
Be Not Afraid! We Got This America!
by Fredy Lowe, November 2, 2020
The draft title for this piece was, “Lies, Damned Lies, and Democrats” because that is all Dems do—-Lie! Lie! Lie! But, after going back through my recent articles, I came to realize that I had (surprisingly!) used that title on March 23rd which can be said again today, because if a Democrat’s lips are moving, they are lying. It is now a proven fact that they lie about everything, not nearly everything—everything!
As we went to turn off the TV last night, we noticed a CBS news flash saying that their research polls, and votes already in, gave Biden 279 vs. Trump 163. Knowing that it only takes 270 Electoral College votes to win; so basically CBS, which is synonymous for DNC, believing their own lies by inadvertently telling all Biden voters to stay home, since he already won. Lies! Lies! Lies!
An old corrupt politician being promoted by a complicit Fake Media
President Trump so often refers to them, with good reason, as the Fake News. Well that is exactly what we have here, an old corrupt politician being promoted by a complicit Fake Media.
Why would you believe them when they tell us that the only way for President Trump to be re-elected is by cheating? While we know that the Democrats are the ones who will cheat, but it will not matter. There are too many of us. We’ve got this!
What do the rallies tell you? President Trump draws between ten and twenty thousand supporters at multiple rallies each and every day. Even in Minnesota, where the corrupt Dem governor and his AG tried to prevent a big Trump Rally using Covid mandates to limit the size. But, the people of Minnesota told the Governor where to go, with tens of thousands surrounding the fenced off area they had set aside. Biden, Harris and even Obama got maybe a few hundred, and that high water mark was reached in the Democratic stronghold of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Let’s analyze what advantage the dems would gain by lying to you. One reason for their fabricated numbers is to make you question yourself, thinking how—could that many people be voting for such an obviously-absentminded-old-corrupt-man to be president of the Free World. Biden has trouble reading a canned script from the screens of a teleprompter. Just the other day he told a rally of 25-30 of his supporters, “...I have a 40 year record and I can beat Joe Biden…” It was bad enough when Sleepy Joe thought he was running against George(?) or running for the US Senate, but now he’s running against himself. DUH!
My prediction is now 99.9% that Donald J. Trump will be reelected in a landslide
My prediction is now 99.9% that Donald J. Trump will be reelected in a landslide with over 300 Electoral College votes. Prior to President Trump getting Covid-19, we were comfortably at a 75% chance of him winning. Then he got the Chinese virus and three days later he was cured and came out—stronger than ever before. And then, when the GDP numbers showed an unheard of ‘V-Recovery’ at 33.1%, our prediction also went through the roof to 99.9%
Will they ‘attempt’ voter fraud in every Democratically-controlled-city and state? Yes, of course they will. But, we use the term ‘attempt’ as stated by Stephen Green from PJ Media: “I won’t bother getting into vote fraud. If the Dems can steal big enough to steal this one from Trump, then voting and the Electoral College no longer matter and this whole country is moot.”
We totally agree and for this very reason the liars at the Transition Integrity Project (TIP) conference used the fear tactic saying Trump can only win by cheating, and if he does win, we will burn it all down.
My wife, Pat, and I joined thousands-upon-thousand of our neighbors on Sunday, in the pouring rain, no less, with Trump banners, flags, and signs, for the final 30-plus mile Horns-Blaring-Trump-Train-Rally on the Garden State Parkway, traversing throughout Covidistan, New Jersey. OMG! Can you only imagine if Trump won New Jersey! Nah, neither can we, but we won’t need it. Many great Jersey Shore beaches, but, far too many ignorant liberals.
Will there be chaos in Washington, DC and most democratic-controlled-cities?
We’ve got this. Sundance, from Conservative Treehouse confirms everything, by saying, “The American people have overwhelmed the mechanisms of narrative control; and we are doing it the old-fashion way, by making ourselves visible. A combination of old school and modern-era-tech workarounds have collapsed the false premise presented within the [fake] media polling. It’s quite honestly the most remarkable political dynamic since the organic Tea Party erupted in 2009.”
But, nonetheless, will there be chaos in Washington, DC and most democratic-controlled-cities? Yes, most definitely. But, my fellow Americans, know that our newly re-elected President Donald Trump will utilize, where necessary, the Insurrection Act and the 14th Amendment against any and all cities by bringing the US military to the streets of America, to begin cleaning-up and arresting those responsible. The question is: How many of them will be willing to die for their cause?
Also know that there is an old, but true saying, that one platoon (75) US Marines, if needed, could take out any major city in the country. How much of a problem do you think a bunch of ill-trained-marauders will do against US Soldiers, once the ‘Forward’ order is given?
We got this, America!
“Be not afraid, I go before you, Always. Come follow Me, and I will give you rest”, says the Good Lord. Believe Him!
When your children or grandchildren ask you, “What did you do for our country at her greatest hour of need?” You can now proudly reply, I stood up to their tyranny, I stood up to their hate, I stood up to their lies! I voted to re-elect President Donald John Trump—for Four More Years.
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Three More Indicators Suggest Trump Victory on Tuesday
by Bob Adelmann November 2, 2020
The report released Monday morning by the Institute for Supply Management (ISM) once again exceeded forecasters’ expectations, and added to the momentum of the Trump reelection campaign. That campaign has touted the V-shaped rebound from the COVID shutdown for months, and today’s report confirms it.
The ISM’s index of purchasing managers (PMI) reflects their optimism in the manufacturing sector of the U.S. economy, and any number above 50 reflects expansion. Forecasters had expected a reading of 55.7. ISM reported it rising to 59.3, nearly four full points in just the last month. It’s also the highest reading since September 2018 when the economy was already in full throat.
The index not only reflects how purchasing managers are viewing the economy at the moment, it’s also a harbinger for the expansion continuing well into the new year, according to Timothy Fiore, head of the survey. “This figure indicates expansion in the overall economy for the sixth month in a row,” Fiore said, adding:
Manufacturing performed well for the third straight month, with demand, consumption and inputs registering growth indicative of a normal expansion cycle.
While certain industry sectors are experiencing difficulties that will continue in the near term, the overall manufacturing community continues to exceed expectations.
Of the 18 industries reflected in the ISM’s latest survey, 15 reported growth in October.
This comes on the heels of the triggering of the highly accurate “stock market indicator” that was generated on Monday as Wall Street rebounded strongly from its recent sell-off. According to research by the Socionomics Institute that goes back more than 200 years, when the stock market rises prior to a presidential election, the incumbent wins reelection 87 percent of the time.
As Stephen Gandel of CBS News explained:
The research, going back to George Washington, found 16 times in U.S. history when an incumbent president ran for reelection and the stock market was up more than 20% in the preceding three years. In 14 of those 16 times, the incumbent won reelection, giving a success rate of 87%.
If the trend holds, Mr. Trump could be No. 15.
The trend holds, despite the shock to the economy and Wall Street that was caused by the COVID-inspired shutdown. Three years ago the Dow Jones Industrial Average traded at 23,400. At the March 2020 low the Dow traded at 18,600. On Monday the Dow is trading at 26,900.
Put another way: Despite losing a third of its value this past spring, the Dow has rebounded strongly, coming close to its prior all-time high before the recent selloff.
For those picky enough to point out that, strictly speaking, Wall Street doesn’t qualify for the 200-year indicator, there’s another one that does: the S&P 500 three-month performance indicator prior to the election. Its discoverer, Dan Clifton of Strategas Research, learned that if stocks are higher in the three-month period before the election than they were at the beginning of the year, the incumbent wins reelection almost 90 percent of the time.
On January 2, 2020, the S&P 500 Index closed at 3,257. On Monday it is trading at 3,310.
Wall Street is reflecting a healthy economy, which reflects a happy and optimistic consumer. He is not very likely to change horses in the middle of such a run.
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Massive voter fraud uncovered in Harris County, Texas
Former Houston City Councilman and poll watcher Andrew C. Burks, a lifelong Democrat, came forward to private investigators to express his belief that the long-running Democrat voter fraud operation in Harris County, Texas is still in operation in the 2020 election...
... According to the National File, twenty private investigators have uncovered a great deal. What has been uncovered is a group of masterminds wanting to destroy the Texas voting voice. Some of the masterminds include Democrat County Commissioner Rodney Ellis and Democrat State Senator Boris Miles. They have two captains, Gerald Womack and Dallas Jones...
... They harvest ballots by mail from nursing homes, homeless centers, door to door in poor neighborhoods, often dressed as Census workers. Also, they offer $50 gift cards in front of stores asking people to take ballots by mail, acquired from the above, to sign and mail at a local post office. They hold ballots by mail in several locations where people forge signatures on the collected ballots by mail...
... In the meantime, the Democrats are implementing their massive election voter fraud scheme, mostly in open sight. One arrest would go miles in stopping this election fraud scheme. The drive-through locations are located primarily in Democrat areas. This also violates the 14th Amendment.”...
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Democrats are like cows ....
11-03-2020, 10:08 AM #980
Antifa gearing up for false flag violence disguised as Trump-supporters
By Thomas Lifson November 3, 2020
With merchants in Democrat-run cities boarding up their storefront windows, the possibility of serious urban violence is well understood. As horrific as that could get (ask anyone who lives in Minneapolis), the progressive fascists appear to have a plan in place to make it even worse: disguising their rioters as Trump-supporters in order to make the case that Donald Trump truly is a dictator that must be violently overthrown if he wins or arrested and prosecuted if he loses.
A source that has always been reliable was able to photograph an Antifa flyer:
What makes all of this particularly chilling is that progressives already are absurdly claiming that the threat of violence comes from our side. Portland's Mayor Ted Wheeler warns of white racist rioters inspired by the rhetoric from Washington, D.C. (i.e., Trump):
Other media players, such Vox and the New York Times, warn of both sides, a disguise of balance but ridiculously unrealistic, considering the utter lack of property destruction by the right and massive destruction at the hands of the left since Gorge Floyd's death in police custody.
Tucker Carlson and Lisa Boothe last night addressed Ted Wheeler's warning and correctly pointed out its absurdity. As they noted, if merchants believed that white supremacists were the threat, they would not be spray-painting "We support Black Lives Matter" on their plywood window coverings. If they thought Ted Wheeler were for real, not a vicious liar, they would spray white power rhetoric. The segment begins at about 1:30 in the video below (courtesy of Media Matters!):
Can't link to the referenced video on this forum; click here to watch.
Dan Crenshaw makes a similar point:
Speaking of Tucker C., his opening monologue last night nailed it, explaining what this election is all about. Do yourself a favor and devote five minutes to watching if you missed it. It demonstrates why Tucker is now the most important figure in television today.
11-04-2020, 09:36 AM #981
The election fraud is the crime and the polls are the cover-up.
Think of them that way in reverse chronological order.
The election results badly shattered the false image created by the polls. But the polls were meant to suppress the Republican vote and provide cover for the cover-up of the election fraud now underway in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, among other places.
The endgame was always going to come down to a wave of ballots that would appear out of nowhere in just the right number.
But for the country to swallow this big lie, it had to appear as if President Trump were doomed, as if few voters were going to the polls, and then the fraud would be plausible.
Instead, Republican voters stormed the polls and took part in huge rallies. The in-person vote was undeniable and couldn't be stopped. The polls were discredited.
But that doesn't mean that the election fraud won't go forward anyway. It just means that it won't be plausible.
The millions and millions of Americans who showed up to the polls make the lie that the media will spend all day selling us unsupportable. The Democrats will find their ballots. They found them in Wisconsin, they'll find them in Pennsylvania.
No matter how many Kenosha residents, revolted by Black Lives Matter violence and terror, came out against them, the Democrats found plenty of ballots to offset them. That's going to be the game again and again.
It's not the first time.
That's how JFK beat Nixon.
But this time, Republicans are no longer going to be afraid to challenge the fraud. The election is over, the struggle for the truth is underway.
The ultimate question on the ballot was whether the American people would allow themselves to be lied to. The votes on that will be cast day in and day out as the struggle for the election continues.
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Election Rioting: How Violence Became A Forecastable Event In America
Driving around Washington, D.C. a couple days ago was a shocking experience. Block after block of businesses are boarded up and anything throwable or movable has been removed from the streets.
In the meantime, faculty, staff, and students at George Washington University (where I teach) have been told to stockpile medicine and food “as you normally would for a hurricane or a snowstorm.”
The reason? We are about to have a democratic election. The expectation is that is, unless it is a landslide for Biden, there will be rioting and arson in Washington and other cities. A warm front moving in with “possible election related disruptions” is being reported like an electoral meteorological event.
When exactly did election rioting become as forecastable as inclement weather?
The forecast for rioting with a chance of passing looting and arson is being repeated across the country as if it is now an inconvenient truth of the political version of global warming.
The most likely disruption would come a close election or Trump lead. That risk is heightened after Democratic leaders like House Majority Whip James Clyburn, D-S.C. declared on Sunday that the only way Democrat Joe Biden could lose the election would be “for voter suppression to be successful.”
Thus, if Trump is close or winning on election night, it can only be due to unlawful conduct. When President Trump made such statements about stealing the election, the media went into full alert over his laying the foundation for a coup.
Yet, the media seems entirely comfortable with Clyburn’s pre-election declaration that either Biden wins or the election is invalid.
The fact is that the odds are against President Trump. However, the current polling shows a tightening of the race in critical states.
The country remains sharply divided with even the best Biden polls still showing a solid 45 percent for Trump. Yet, Democratic members like Clyburn are already stating that either Biden wins or the election is stolen.
No wonder officials are declaring a violent front moving into major cities with political doppler readings with developing protest vortexes and political depressions.
Yet, rioting is not an act of God, but the criminal acts of those who only embrace democratic elections to the extent that they result in the “right” outcomes. D.C. Police Chief Peter Newsham warned “it is widely believed that there will be civil unrest after the November election regardless of who wins.”
For those of us tasked with doing the legal analysis on election night and the ensuing days, the rising threat of violence only clouds the understanding of viewers. There is already pressure on many networks to shape legal analysis to meet the needs of the echo-journalism model.
People have little tolerance for analysis that does not reaffirm their bias. They want clarity and reinforcement like Clyburn assuring them that any close election or Trump victory is by definition a stolen election.
This expectation has been magnified by the unrelenting media coverage supporting Biden and his campaign. If you watch CNN or MSNBC, there is no other possibility than voter fraud if Trump comes close on election night.
I have covered presidential election nights for different networks for roughly 20 years. In each election, there have been irregularities and challenges. The greatest such controversy came with the 2000 election that was ultimately decided in the Bush v. Gore decision by the Supreme Court.
Yet, I do not recall any prior election where there were predictions of rioting, let alone such predictions in virtually every major city.
The legal forecast is not good. Absent a Biden landslide, this is going to be messy. We have never relied on this number of mail-in ballots. Even in a normal year with a fraction of this number of mail-in balloting, we have had inevitable challenges on when and how to count such votes.
This could be a perfect storm of such election issues. Both campaigns have assembled forces of lawyers that make D-Day look like a small intimate gathering. They are going to use those lawyers.
It falls into the old military adage that “when all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.” In any contested election, all these campaigns will have are lawyers and every problem will look like fraud.
Yet, the advantage of legal challenges is that lawyers do not throw their burning briefs through the broken windows of courthouses. We have a political system to bring democratic change and a legal system to make sure that such change comes from as the result of balloting, not rioting.
So here is my legal forecast. This constitutional system will survive this election even if our windows do not. Those rioting will be triggered by the exercise of democracy, not its denial.
For the rest of us, this too will pass.
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Black Lives Matter = Marxism Matters
It’s called “Black Lives Matter” because Marxism Matters would get less $upport.
Wed Nov 4, 2020 Bosch Fawstin
I suppose some people need this to be spelled out explicitly, about what really matters to “Black Lives Matter". It's not about blacks, it's not about caring about black lives, it's not about anything that the leftist media, socialist media, and leftist-run corporations who $ponsor this black supremacist terrorist group tell us it's about. It's about cold-blooded Anti-American Marxism, just as its black communist founders explicitly stated. And because they then scrubbed that fact from their official website, after they realized it hurt their "cause", my cartoon is an explicit reminder.
11-04-2020, 10:19 AM #982
If it's too small to read, follow the hyperlink in the headline to see the original.
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Election 2020 Exposes Culture War: Overcoming Fear With Truth
Star Parker | Posted: Nov 04, 2020 12:01 AM
Submitting my weekly column on the morning of the 2020 presidential election was surreal. But not as surreal as walking to work through an apocalyptic cityscape of boarded-up buildings.
No, this isn't communist Cuba; this is Washington, D.C., the supposed center of the free world.
Even more disquieting than the scenery is the knowledge that my own organization, the Center for Urban Renewal and Education (UrbanCURE), has been targeted by ShutDownDC, a left-wing group promising to execute vigilante justice if the election doesn't play out to its liking.
According to The Daily Signal, a daily online newsletter from The Heritage Foundation, ShutDownDC has scornfully labeled at least 27 conservative organizations as "Trump boosters," including well-respected partners of UrbanCURE -- major policy institutes that have been in Washington for years -- such as The Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute. ShutDownDC's interactive map of "Trump boosters" has the potential to make rage-fueled election riots more convenient than ever.
On my walk to work, looking at the boarded-up buildings, I chuckled to myself that I should have invested in lumber stock. But I couldn't help feeling mournful over this sad state of affairs -- that in 2020 America, election-related fear is tantamount to election-related fear regularly felt in Third World countries run by dictatorships.
When I wrote my most recent book, "Necessary Noise: How Donald Trump Inflames the Culture War and Why This Is Good News for America," released in November 2019, I knew that America was in trouble. But I didn't anticipate the overwhelming fear that would grip our nation exactly one year later.
From widespread panic about COVID-19 to protesters agitating entire police departments, the America we knew is increasingly unrecognizable.
But most voting-age Americans in 2020 still haven't grasped the fact that freedom is never guaranteed. Historically, many once-free societies have voluntarily given up their freedom -- and we could be next.
Yes, we Americans know the grim stories. We just need to glance at our neighbors to the south: Cuba and Venezuela. We've clung to the belief that America is different -- that, at the end of the day, we can always go to battle at the voting booth, and that even if things don't go our way, we'll get another chance in two, four or six years.
But in 2020, we can't be so sure. In fact, if we're honest with ourselves, we already had reason to doubt the survival of our democratic system back in 2016.
By the 2016 election, America had fundamentally changed, although very few noticed. America had split in two, not just between red and blue, between Democrat and Republican, but between two polar-opposite philosophies and world views.
But most critical, there are substantial numbers on the left who like to throw around the word "democracy" but do not at all believe in freedom. They believe in power, force and intimidation.
Hence, most major U.S. cities, including Washington, D.C., and Beverly Hills, California, are boarded up in anticipation that we won't see the kind of peaceful election we expect in our democracy.
We can discuss the causes for the split all day. We can blame our colleges and universities, our ethnic policies and diversities, our lack of religion or our diminished value of traditional marriage and family.
But in this moment, we as a nation face an existential threat. American citizens rightly fear that their business could be torched by an angry mob, or that their person could be attacked, just because they put up an election sign or wear a MAGA hat.
This is not the America we know and love.
On this Election Day, we have reason to worry that America is changed forever -- that fear, rage and violence have overpowered freedom and democracy. But all hope is not lost. Truth is always stronger than fear. And we'll keep fighting for the truth, no matter what happens.
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Racist Donald Trump gets substantially more non-white votes than in 2016
... and why Florida is forecasting the future of the nation
Apparently the Black LIES Matter bullshit gets more traction with guilt-ridden white snowflakes than with blacks, Hispanics and other non-whites.Last edited by Beetlegeuse; 11-04-2020 at 10:23 AM.
11-04-2020, 10:22 AM #983
The Hammer
11-04-2020, 11:27 AM #984
Larger image of the Michigan vote count fraud.
At the same time Biden got an additional 138,339 votes, Trump, Jorgensen, Hawkins and Blankenship (individually and collectively) got an additional zero (0) votes.
Just learned that these were 138,000 early votes that somehow didn't get counted ... until they discovered that Biden needed them to take the state. Then they automagically appeared.
Also hearing that the administration has formally requested a re-count in Wisconsin because they had more votes cast than they have registered voters.Last edited by Beetlegeuse; 11-04-2020 at 12:39 PM.
11-04-2020, 01:01 PM #985
Isn't it curious that the demoncrats stopped whining about "Russian interference" as soon as they reckoned they had manufactured enough votes to defeat Trump?
And the latest rumor is that Biden intends declaring victory at 5 p.m. EST.
And Twitter censored four of the President of the United States' seven most recent Tweets.
11-05-2020, 08:17 AM #987
Mayor Giuliani shits on the Philadelphia demoncrats day
11-05-2020, 08:25 AM #988
= vote fraud
Seven Milwaukee districts report higher than 100%
Two districts in Milwaukee had over 200% voter turnout.
... Seven City of Milwaukee voting wards reported more 2020 U.S. Presidential election votes than they had registered voters, according to an analysis of results and Secretary of State files...
Of the city’s 327 voting wards, 90 reported turnout of greater than 90 percent; 201 reported turnout higher than 80 percent. In 2016, city voter turnout was 75 percent.
It is absolutely not possible that Wisconsin had 90% voter turnout.
With seven districts in Milwaukee alone reporting HIGHER than 100% voter turnout, as high as 202%, it’s treasonous that mainstream media and Big Tech won’t report on it.
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Michigan USPS Whistleblower Claims Late Ballots Received Backdated Postmarks
Whistleblower: "We were told to collect any ballots that we find in mailboxes, collection boxes, et cetera, for outgoing mail, at the end of the day, we are supposed to separate them from the standard letter mail, so they can hand-stamp them with yesterday’s date—and put them through the Express Mail system—to get wherever they need to go," said the whistleblower, adding "For clarification, today is the fourth of November."
James O'Keefe: "Hand-stamp them with Nov. 3’s date?"
Whistleblower: "Yes
James O'Keefe: "That seems wrong--"
Whistleblower: "Yeah, that’s why I am coming forward with this information. That is a very shady—in addition to, as far as I am aware, we’re not supposed to be counting ballots that are postmarked after the third of November here in the state of Michigan."
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William Bradley from Wayne County, Michigan, voted for Joe Biden. William Bradley died in 1984.
The results of this election are so unquestionably bogus, one has to wonder just how big President Trump's landslide really was.
... We confirmed that this is, indeed, accurate according to Michigan’s voter portal. William Bradley in Wayne County, Michigan, voted in the 2020 election. But according to online death records, William Bradley died on June 1, 1984. While it’s technically possible there’s another William Bradley who is 118-years-old living in the same city and who has somehow been able to escape the fame and scrutiny of being the oldest living human on earth, we have our doubts....
11-05-2020, 09:03 AM #989
Dims want total control over everything
Making this country "better" was never the point
This was the end-game of Obamacare. Given time it would have -- by design -- driven all private health care insurers out of business, leaving only a state-run bureaucratic nightmare. And since health care insurance was required by law, that would have given the government the power to curtail or ban any activity it chose to by claiming it was contrary to the objectives of national health care. And firearm ownership would have been one of the first on the list, banned with claims that patching up people who had been shot by private citizens defending life and personal property posed an undue burden on the system and could not be supported. There is literally no behavior they could not control under the pretense of it conflicting with the goals and objectives of Obamacare.
11-05-2020, 10:18 AM #990
Bozell Calls for Investigation Into Media's Election Tampering
“While votes are still being counted and the outcome of the election is undetermined, there is one thing we can say with certainty: once again, the polls weren’t just wildly wrong, they were deliberately wildly wrong.
This was no mistake. These were the same pollsters who predicted the same thing four years ago, day after day after day: there was no way Donald Trump could win. It was clear then that they were attempting to suppress the vote. The pollsters denied it, of course.
Here we go again four years later. Same pollsters, same prediction, day after day after day: Trump could not win. This time it’s indisputable. They did it on purpose. They knew exactly what they were doing. Just as with Clinton four years ago, they were firmly vested in Biden’s election.
There needs to be a federal investigation. This is clearly election tampering. At the very least, this is a violation of federal election laws.
So many of these pollsters worked for the national ‘news” media.’ It’s yet another reason why Americans should never believe these hucksters again.”
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Image surfaces of poll workers in Philly wearing ‘Biden 2020’ face masks while on the job
Electioneering near a polling station is illegal for everyone. It's especially egregious when the people electioneering are poll workers.
Pennsylvania Statutes 25 P.S. § 3060 § 3060. Regulations in force at polling places
c) No person, when within the polling place, shall electioneer or solicit votes for any political party, political body or candidate, nor shall any written or printed matter be posted up within the said room, except as required by this act.
(d) All persons, except election officers, clerks, machine inspectors, overseers, watchers, persons in the course of voting, persons lawfully giving assistance to voters, and peace and police officers, when permitted by the provisions of this act, must remain at least ten (10) feet distant from the polling place during the progress of the voting.
This also implicates whoever their supervisor was because he/she/it was at least complicit in their criminality. Which means this also likely is an image of vote fraudsters self-identifying.Last edited by Beetlegeuse; 11-05-2020 at 10:38 AM.
11-05-2020, 11:12 AM #991
11-05-2020, 11:42 AM #992
Eye-Witness description of vote count irregularities in Michigan and exclusion of Republican poll-watchers.
Twitter video; can't be displayed here. Follow the hyperlink in the headline to watch.
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Is America a Banana Republic Now?
Greg Johnson • November 4, 2020
This year’s US Presidential contest is between the Republican Party and the Banana Republican Party, formerly known as the Democrats. As I write this, the Democrats are trying to destroy American democracy because the people have disappointed them once again. Donald Trump is the rightful victor of this election, and if Biden ends up with more votes, it is only because he cheated. Trump should not concede under any circumstances until all challenges have been exhausted.
Let’s review how the Democrats are trying to destroy American democracy.
First, the only way to ensure both the integrity of the electoral rolls and the secrecy of people’s votes is for registered voters to show up in person (to prove they are alive) with valid identification papers (to prove that they are who they say they are), then receive a ballot. So that their choices remain secret, all ballots must be identical. There can be no numbers that would allow a given ballot to be connected with a given voter.
Democrats violate this process flagrantly in two ways.
First, they object to voter identification, which they say is “racist,” because many black and brown people somehow can’t manage to get proper identification — yet the opinions of these people are supposed to matter just as much as the opinions of those who are intelligent and responsible enough to secure proper identification.
Second, Democrats are champions of ballots that are simply mailed out to voters then mailed back in. When I lived in Washington State, I received the ballots of the four previous residents of my apartment. In the lobby of my building was a trash can, filled with discarded ballots sent to previous occupants. In the post office around the corner, trash cans were overflowing with discarded ballots. There is nothing to prevent these ballots from being collected and filled out by anyone.
How can one ensure that a mailed-out ballot is filled out by the intended recipient? The only way is to make every ballot trackable, which violates the whole idea of secret balloting.
It is an idiotic system, designed by corrupt Democratic machines to destroy democracy. Covid-19 was the Democrats’ excuse to push to expand mail-in balloting this year, corrupting the electoral process even more.
Sadly, Republicans have been too weak and too stupid to challenge these obvious frauds.
The integrity of this election has also been compromised by months of Left-wing violence, followed by threats of intensified violence if Trump is re-elected, including from Joe Biden himself. People can’t make free and informed decisions if they are threatened with violence.The integrity of the election has also been compromised by the press and tech giants (Twitter, Facebook, Google), who are throttling the free flow of information and the free expression of opinions because they are open partisans of the Left. Democracy is obviously compromised when people can’t make informed decisions.
Republicans disproportionately vote in person on election day. Yet across the country, in Democratic-run cities that have been convulsed by months of violence, these voters had to ask themselves if they could safely go to the polls.
The deepest form of Democratic voter fraud is the Great Replacement: the demographic swamping of white America with non-whites, who vote for Democrats more than seven out of ten times. Every non-white immigrant dilutes the political power of white Americans. Every non-white immigrant lowers the wages of white Americans. That’s why they are here.
When we point this out, the Left dismisses it as a “conspiracy theory.” But they also openly gloat about how well it is working.
Democracy is based on the sovereignty of the people. Third World immigrants are not the American people. They are scabs stealing our wages and ringers stealing our votes.
Democracy is about making elites accountable to the people. Non-white immigration is a plot by the elites to replace uppity whites with brown helots who will be grateful to the employers and bureaucrats who dispense their diminished wages and benefits.
In a democracy, the people elect the elites to serve the people’s interests. Democracy no longer exists when the elites decide to choose a new people to serve elite interests.
Non-white immigration delegitimizes democracy. Time to end this farce.
What should Trump do?
If I were Trump, I would sit down with Biden and lay out every detail of the corruption charges that can and will be lodged against him and his family. Then I would offer him a deal: concede. High-mindedly refuse to be made president by an undemocratic process. In exchange, all charges will go away, and Joe can nap in peace for the rest of his life. It would be worth it to save the country from bloodshed.
Trump certainly has nothing to lose. If he concedes, the vindictive Democrats will try to destroy him and his family. Machiavelli recommended always leaving one’s enemy a way to retreat, since if his back is against the wall, he will fight even harder, and even if you win, your victory will be far more expensive. Trump’s back is to the wall. He has no choice but to fight, but he should leave Biden a way to retreat.
Even if Biden took such a deal, Trump should not start his second term under a cloud of doubt about the real will of the electorate. Thus we should pinpoint every rotten precinct where fraud is taking place. Then we should throw out the results and rerun the election, under fully transparent conditions, with international observers. The eligibility and identity of every voter need to be verified.
If Democrats refuse, then America is officially a banana republic. Careful what you wish for, though. If the Democrats wish to discard the Constitution, then Trump and his supporters don’t have to follow the rules either. In fact, quite a lot of them are looking for any excuse to take up arms. Banana republics are the original home of Right-wing death squads. They usually end up being ruled by strongmen. And in this race, Donald Trump is the strong man.
Trump has been Tweeting like a Latin dictator for years. I’m sure he’s ready for the role.
So I’ve got to ask the Democrats: Are you sure you want a banana republic?
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Their strategery almost worked with Algore in 2000 but now the Dims have got Big Tech (which didn't exist in Y2K) on their side.
Morning Greatness: Count, Count, Count Until Biden Hits 270
It’s the Thursday after the 2020 election and we continue to wait for election results from states with Democrat strongholds. Does that sound fishy to you? It should. Remember: this crowd executed a coup against a sitting president and spied on him, his campaign, his family and associates. They generated phony impeachment charges to remove him from office. They spent four years delegitimizing everything he did with anonymous leaks and gaslighting the public by insisting he was a RUSSIAN spy. Do you think the institutional state wouldn’t be willing to cheat to win this election?
We are told there was record high turnout and that Biden got more votes than Obama in 2008! That sounds absurd. Wisconsin, we learned had a ridiculous 90 percent voter turn out. Geographic bundles of ballots were processed with 100% Biden votes. 100%!!!! Not a single mistake or vote for Trump. Not one. Republicans are denied poll watchers in vote count facilities. Voting inexplicably stopped on election nights in critical (Democrat-controlled) states. Just a reminder, Florida is a huge state and they didn’t have a problem processing their votes in a timely manner. Biden states were called quickly, Trump states very slowly. In fact, Arizona was called for Biden well before there was evidence Biden even won the state. It’s not clear he has won the state as I write this and Trump could pull out a victory here.
The purpose of all this is to make sure that Biden can get to 270 as soon as possible after Democrats took the necessary time to figure out the number of votes needed to bridge the Trump victory margin in key states. This is why wholesale vote by mail is a nightmare and now it has been normalized. All elections will be VBM elections going forward. Right now, since Arizona has been erroneously called for Biden, he only needs to wait for Nevada’s results (6 electoral votes) and I assure you, those are coming in for him. He will declare victory and the media will advance this narrative and any court cases and reversals will further fuel the left’s violence and claims of stealing and cheating. Social media has and will continue to censor anything other than the news that Biden has hit 270 and will be the new president.You will see no evidence of vote fraud and you will read no information casing doubt on the results.
There’s no good way out of this: either the vote is stolen from Trump who I think won legitimately or the left believes they’ve been cheated as they’ve been gas-lighted by the media and the polls that a Biden landslide was a guarantee. Buckle up.
Election shenanigans:
Wisconsin Sees Massive Turnout Surge in 2020: 89% of Registered Voters
Pressure rises on Facebook, Twitter to rein in Trump as false claims spread
GOP Women Fuel House Gains
Early Exit Polls Show Trump Performed Historically Well With Jewish Voters
Trump campaign files lawsuits targeting Pennsylvania vote count
Trump campaign files suit over absentee votes in Georgia
Trump campaign files Michigan lawsuit demanding vote count be halted statewide
Michigan USPS Whistleblower Claims Late Ballots Received Backdated Postmarks
Colorado passes resolution to award electoral votes to whoever wins the popular vote
DOJ tells prosecutors armed federal agents are allowed in ballot counting centers: report
These people are deranged. ‘Old white men are dying,’ so Trump looked elsewhere for votes in Florida
‘Merica. Man in ‘BBQ, BEER, FREEDOM’ shirt disrupts Nevada presser, rants about Biden family
Group tries to disrupt ballot counting at Detroit convention center
There you go again. No presidential candidate in modern history has refused to concede. There’s no law that requires it, either.
Hollywood starts to get excited as Biden picks up battleground states; expresses disappointment over Senate
Nevada vote count will continue into Thursday, state official says
Trump supporters protest at Arizona voting center while ballots are tallied
Data Error in Arizona Reveals 86 Percent of the Vote Counted, Not 98 Percent
Arizona GOP Demands Fox News Retract ‘Rash Call Biden Has Won’ the State.... edited by Beetlegeuse; 11-05-2020 at 05:24 PM.
11-05-2020, 12:25 PM #993
Candace Owens: This man is searching for random dead people who voted for Biden ... and findiing them
There's video on Twitter of one such search in progress.
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Ballot Count Watcher Describes At Least 130,000 Ballots ALL FOR BIDEN Arriving in Three Vehicles in Detroit in Dead of Night
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Game-On for the Coup?
Post 11.04.2020
It will all go according to plan—unless we stop it.
Strictly speaking, a coup is an illegitimate change of government by violent means. But what if you can do it without violence? To win without fighting is best, Sun Tzu says. An ostensibly (“mostly”) peaceful ouster from power is preferable to the use of force because it can much more easily be sold as “our democracy” at work.
National polls consistently predicted a huge Biden blowout. That they were wrong (again) is demonstrated by the facts that (a) the 2020 popular vote is, so far (California is not fully counted), a mere two-point spread, hardly a blowout; (b) Trump got a higher share of the vote than last time; and (C) Trump received far more total votes than last time.
But it’s the swing states that matter. Here (again) Trump was supposed to lose—if not necessarily bigly in every case, at least widely.
But throughout the day, the president consistently outperformed the polls. He crushed his 2016 performance in Florida. He also outperformed in Iowa, Ohio, South Carolina, and Texas. Senators he was supposed to drag down with him, including Joni Ernst, Lindsey Graham, and Mitch McConnell, won handily. Even Susan Collins, who was supposed to be sure goner and lose by at least three, won by nine. A party that was “certain” to lose the Senate has kept it and gained (so far) six seats in the House.
Looking at states no one expected Trump to lose, his overperformance is even more stark. The polling average for West Virginia was Trump +17; he won it by 39. Kansas was estimated at +9; the result was +15.
Throughout the day the president was also outperforming his expected result in key states such as Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. He even, for a time, looked like he was within striking distance in Virginia, a state Hillary Clinton won by five points in 2016. At one point the New York Times’s “meter” had Trump’s chances in North Carolina at 92%. The needle was also sliding in the president’s direction in Arizona and Georgia, among others.
And then, suddenly, the counting stopped in at least five states (or parts of states): Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin; all but one with a Democratic governor (coincidence, surely!). When has that ever happened? Well, it happened in Broward County, Florida, in 2018, when a dodgy Democratic election official appeared to be intervening, illicitly, on her party’s behalf. The process only got back underway when the state’s (Republican) governor intervened and had her removed from the process.
But getting back to last night, some time in the wee hours, additional ballots were “found” and added to early totals which had Trump ahead. To no one’s surprise, those votes were overwhelmingly—literally as much as 100% in some batches—for Biden. According to Nate Silver, no one’s idea of a Trumpist, one tranche of 23,277 votes that turned up in Philadelphia were “all for Biden.” Absent some kind of harvesting or fraud (or both), that’s a logical and statistical impossibility.
Through the night, all such ballots came from heavily Democratic areas posting unusually, improbably high turnout. 85% in Milwaukee? A city that turned out at only 61% in 2016, and even with Obama on the ballot in 2012, at 71%? But 85% for Sleepy Joe? According to one report, seven Milwaukee precincts returned more presidential votes than they have registered voters. Turnout in Wisconsin overall is alleged to have been 89.25%, more than five standard deviations for the state’s mean turnout since 1960—another statistical impossibility.
One might also wonder why this urban Blue wave materialized only in close states. Milwaukee was way up but not Cleveland? Philly but not St. Louis? Granted Ohio and Missouri are Red, but their big cities aren’t.
How It’s Done
We’ve seen this movie before. This is how they beat Scott Walker in Wisconsin in 2018, Tom Foley in Connecticut in 2010, and Norm Coleman in Minnesota in 2008.
Why stop the count? Because that’s the only way to know how many votes you need to “win.” Sure, you can just brute force things by backing up a truck full of ballots. But that looks bad. You might even end up counting more votes than there are registered voters in the state. Better to eke out a narrow win. As Joseph Kennedy, Sr. allegedly said to his second son, “I’m not paying for a landslide.”
Speaking of the Kennedys, veteran political observer Theodore H. White—in their company on election night 1960—explained how it’s done. In Illinois, the race came down to
Downstate (Republican) versus Cook County (Democratic), and the bosses, holding back totals from key precincts, were playing out their concealed cards under pressure of publicity as in a giant game of blackjack….
The AP ticker chattered its keys once more and reported: “With all downstate precincts now reported in, and only Cook County precincts unreported, Richard Nixon has surged into the lead by 3,000 votes.”
I was dismayed, for if Nixon really carried Illinois, the game was all but over. And at this point I was jabbed from dismay by the outburst of jubilation from young Dick Donahue, who yelped, “He’s got them! Daley made them go first! He’s still holding back—watch him play his hand now.” I was baffled, they were elated. But they knew the counting game better than I, and as if in response to Donahue’s yelp, the ticker, having stuttered along for several minutes with other results, announced: “With the last precincts of Cook County now in, Senator Kennedy has won a lead of 8,000 votes to carry Illinois’s 27 electoral votes.”
Later that evening, Kennedy told his friend Ben Bradlee of an early call from Daley, when all seemed in doubt. “With a little bit of luck and the help of a few close friends,” Daley had assured Kennedy before the AP had pushed out the count, “you’re going to carry Illinois.”
Is that what happened last night? Sure looks like it. Plus ça change.
To say nothing of other considerations, it’s hard to believe that an eight-point win in Ohio would be coupled with losses throughout the rest of the upper Midwest, or that historically deep purple Florida would go strongly for Trump while Georgia and North Carolina would not. Are those states really so unrepresentative of the American electorate?
Stop the Steal
The thing could (but will never) be proved. Those who ran the operation are also in charge of all the potential investigating agencies. There’s zero chance they will use any of that power to uncover their own malfeasance. Think a Biden Justice Department will look into it?
Expect instead a media typhoon of propaganda insisting that the results are all legit, that any anomaly you think you see (or saw) is a “conspiracy theory,” or at any rate innocently explainable by mundane process details too boring to get into. Twitter is already slapping warnings on the accounts of those who point out irregularities. How long before they start outright suspensions?
Will it work? That depends on the president and his allies and what they do. The odds and the forces arrayed against them are immense.
What would I have them do? I’m no expert but the crew at Revolver has some good ideas: (1) challenge the late-night “finds” in the courts; (2) hold rallies in contested states; (3) urge GOP officials in close states to expose shenanigans and, if necessary, to refuse to seat Biden electors in the event of a fake count; (4) mount a campaign to marshal grassroots public opinion in the president’s favor. Convince the people that if in fact the election is in the process of being stolen, the president and his allies are going to fight the steal on their behalf. If middle America wants to prevent this election from being stolen, it will have to be willing to act—now. I know they are willing, but they need to hear from the President and his best surrogates. I’d get Trump on Tucker, tonight, to explain his plan.
But in another sense, the Democrats’ plan won’t “work.” Even if the steal can be made to stick, half the country won’t accept it. That is, they’ll accept the reality that power is now in the hands of a party that took it by fraud. But they won’t believe that the election was fair or the outcome real. They will believe, or be confirmed in a belief that’s been brewing for a long time, that the system is rigged, the process is fake, the ruling class are liars, the government is illegitimate, and that they themselves are subjects and not citizens—anything but a free people with a say over its own destiny. If the ruling class can get away with this, they will be able to get away with anything. And they will know it.
The irony will be that those who, over the last four years, have bleated the loudest about “our democracy” will have been most responsible for killing it off.
11-05-2020, 01:56 PM #994
In Milwaukee's 478 wards, the most common final two digits in the vote tally ... is 00.
The demoncrats are so confident of not getting caught that they can't be bothered to cheat discretely. Or plausibly. Or maybe they're just too stupid to realize the red flags they're waving.
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Some Things Are Clear
Laura Hollis | Posted: Nov 05, 2020 12:01 AM
At this writing, there is no newly elected president of the United States. And with lawsuits and recounts in the works, it's not clear when we will know that we have one or who it will be.
But a number of conclusions are clear as we watch this latest drama unfold, and they raise deeply serious issues about the political future of this country.
1. The path to minority support is not through identity politics and class warfare. Notwithstanding the efforts of the left to demonize President Donald Trump as a racist and a bigot, he has drawn record support across racial and ethnic lines, and he has done so by promoting policies and solutions that actually improve people's lives. A message of empowerment and hope resonates. A message that is nothing but hatred; excuses; and blame of systems, structures and other people doesn't.
2. The left's obsession with race and ethnicity is nothing but political expediency. Social and other media are filled with comments about how Cubans, Venezuelans and even Blacks who voted for Trump are now "white," because "whiteness" -- as you should have figured out by this point -- is a catch-all designation that means "You don't agree with us politically." How long before we call out this hypocritical posturing for what it is and stop groveling before those who profit by it?
3. The left still thinks most people who don't vote the way they're "supposed to" are stupid. Even if minorities who voted for Trump aren't white, they only did so because they were manipulated by "misinformation campaigns" tying Biden to socialism. It doesn't occur to the left that many of these voters fled countries with systems that promised -- much as Kamala Harris' little video did -- that everyone should "end up at the same place." They know firsthand what that "same place" looks like, and they'll pass, thank you very much. Do the rest of Americans understand?
4. Blue-state politicians continue to get rich making empty promises. Joe Biden has become a multimillionaire as a "public servant," but the people of Delaware aren't any better off than they were 47 years ago. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Maxine Waters live in mansions, and Gov. Gavin Newsom is doing very well, indeed. But the number of homeless people, the amount of human waste and the number of used drug paraphernalia on the streets of California keeps increasing, as do the taxes and the onerous regulations. Meanwhile, basic services like electricity are interrupted. Illinois is run by Democrats at every level, but poor Chicago neighborhoods are battered by gun violence, and the state is, for all intents and purposes, bankrupt. How long are voters in these states going to keep electing -- and reelecting -- politicians who line their own pockets but never manage to improve the lives of their constituents?
5. Governments that do not protect the people will force people to protect themselves. It isn't just the congressional representatives and senators who are abandoning their constituents; Democratic mayors have permitted riots, looting, arson and bloody violence in blue cities across the country with few consequences for the perpetrators. This should concern everyone, and not just because of the horrific economic and human toll. At some point, it will become clear to even the most patient and hopeful citizens that vigilantism and frontier justice are their only options unless they are willing to have everything they own destroyed. Are we waiting for that? Is the rioting going to be successfully used as extortion to obtain by violence what the rioters cannot achieve through peaceful political means?
6. A "win-at-all-costs" mentality will destroy the country. Is it possible to have a free and fair national election in this country anymore? I'd call what we're seeing a "circus," but it's much more serious: states not being called for President Trump despite his overwhelming lead with 90-plus percent of the votes counted; states being called rapidly for Joe Biden with millions of votes not yet counted; the inexplicable "problems" that somehow only took place in battleground states (water main breaks, insufficient numbers of ballots, insufficient numbers of poll workers, broken voting machines); the unprecedented suspension of counting votes in all those same battleground states; the hundreds of thousands of "mailed-in" ballots that magically appeared in those states during the night, after the suspension of regular counting, all of which were cast for Joe Biden -- at least in Michigan. (Not a single vote for Trump or Jo Jorgensen or Kanye West? Not a single write-in candidate? Not one? Out of 138,000 mailed-in ballots? This is statistically impossible and thus utterly lacking credibility.) The fact that all of these ballots that arrived after counting was suspended managed not to strengthen Trump's lead in a single state but to eliminate his lead in every single one is implausible, and the circumstances are suspect.
It's abundantly clear that this is fraudulent. Politics ain't beanbag, as the saying goes, and everyone wants to win. But far more important than the win or the loss is maintaining the public's belief in the integrity of the process, and their faith that their voices are heard and their votes matter. A stolen election is a shallow victory and a temporary one. When cheating becomes the norm (and if it's permitted, it will), then only those politicians who cheat will run. The electorate will cease to care or participate. The United States will collapse under the weight of its own corruption.
That sounds like the description of a banana republic. Is that where we are headed?
11-05-2020, 02:54 PM #995
Judicial Watch finds 1.8 million 'ghost voters' in 29 states, warns of 'dirty elections'
Judicial Watch has released a comparison study of Census Bureau population statistics and state voter registration data to reveal a notable disparity. The watch dog group is now warning of potential voter fraud and “dirty” voter rolls.
The study found that 352 U.S. counties in 29 states managed to have 1.8 million more registered voters than eligible voting-age citizens. (emphasis added)
“In other words, the registration rates of those counties exceeded 100% of eligible voters. The study found eight states showing state-wide registration rates exceeding 100%: Alaska, Colorado, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Vermont,” reported Tom Fitton, president of the watchdog group.
Some of that excess ran as high as 187% in Texas, 177% in New Mexico and 171% in South Dakota.
“The new study of excess — or ghost voters — highlights the recklessness of mailing blindly ballots and ballot applications to voter registration lists. Dirty voting rolls can mean dirty elections,” Mr. Fitton noted.
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“The Hammer” is Coming Down on Voter Fraud, According to Maria Bartiromo
Maria Bartiromo, the Host of Sunday Morning Futures was on Fox Across America with Jimmy Failla, and she brought up Trump bringing down the Hammer while talking about election integrity for the United States.
“We need some accountability, we need Bill Barr to look at these systems. People do not trust the government. We saw strange things with counting. It is Outrageous,” Bartiromo told Failla.
“I would expect the Trump administration is going to take down the hammer. I think you’re going to see his lawyers come out, go to Pennsylvania, go to Wisconsin, go to Arizona and do a deep dive into these ballots. His fighters are going to do a deep dive on these ballots. I can’t imagine that Donald Trump, knowing the fighter that he has been all of these years, if he’s going to walk away and say, OK, I trust you guys, the same guys who abused power in 2016 who now want to be in power once again,” Bartiromo said.
“The media doesn’t want to show things. I don’t know why we sat on Florida for so long? Ohio? There are situations where you have to turn back and say, wait a minute, why didn’t we call this sooner? Why was this called at this time? Are there answers for that?” she said.
“Trump was so far ahead in numerous states and had a path to be victorious. He has had to fight in the mud at every single turn, and he has so many victories in sight. All of these things happening in plain sight and the media won’t report on the things has done,” she said.
We don’t know if she is referring to the “The Hammer” that fans of Steve Bannon have been talking about, but it is interesting to use that terminology.
Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney, who completed 4 tours in Vietnam, talked with Steve Bannon, on The War Room Pandemic on the Democrats deploying something called “THE HAMMER / SCORECARD” which is a cyberwarfare application that is being used (to intercept electronic vote transfers and changing the votes to favor Biden).
McInerney has an impressive background, according to
After a military career spanning 35 years, as a pilot, commander and strategic planner in the United States Air Force, Lt. General Thomas G. McInerney, USAF, retired from active military service in 1994 as Asst. Vice Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force, and Director of the Defense Performance Review (DPR), reporting to the Secretary of Defense. General McInerney led the Pentagon’s Reinventing Government effort, visiting more than 100 leading-edge commercial companies to assimilate their ideas about business re-engineering.
A command pilot with more than 4,500 flying hours, including combat missions, General McInerney served in numerous key Air Force assignments where he gained extensive military command and overseas experience. He completed four tours of duty in Vietnam, flight reconnaissance missions during the Cuban missile crisis and air escort missions in the Berlin Corridor. General McInerney is the recipient of numerous military awards and decorations.
Upon his retirement from the military, General McInerney joined Loral Defense Systems – Eagan (then Unisys Electronic Systems Division) as Vice President of Command and Control. From 1996-1999, he served as C.E.O. & President of BENS (“Business Executives for National Security”), a nonpartisan organization of business and professional leaders headquartered in Washington, DC. In January 2000, General McInerney founded Government Reform Through Technology (GRTT), a consulting firm that works with high-tech companies. GRTT conducts business with federal, state, city and local governments to help them introduce advanced technology into the public sector.
A respected military analyst, commentator and author, General McInerney is a FOX News Military Analyst, appearing regularly on the FOX News Channel as well as on other national television networks and nationally syndicated radio shows. He is a frequent contributor of articles to major publications such as The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Washington Times, Weekly Standard and others, and co-author of the book “Endgame: The Blueprint for Victory in the War on Terror.”
McInerney’s comments are at 1 Hour 23 Minute Mark on the video:
11-05-2020, 04:20 PM #996
Dims are too dim-witted to realize that in their bragging they're providing evidence of VOTE FRAUD and ELECTION TAMPERING...
... or maybe they just don't care.
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Milwaukee- The 202% Biden Vote Was Just The Beginning
by George EliasonNovember 5, 2020
Here’s where things get tricky for the DNC. In Milwaukee the turnout percentage and vote percentage for Biden follow a couple really unusual patterns. From 101% to 62% there is no break in the declining numbers. Below 62% the turnout distribution looks normal for the remaining few wards.
A distinct inorganic voting pattern repeats itself over and over and over. As long as the list is, it only shows exact matches. If (+-) 2-3% point margins are used, the list will be least one third longer. The original list found at Milwaukee City Wire shows all the voting wards in the city.
It is impossible for this to be a natural voting pattern in any city anywhere.
This might explain what happened in the early morning when Joe Biden’s campaign got a significant boost and no other mail in candidate, 3rd party or otherwise received anything. The vertical lines shown in the image below represent a specific moment in time when every mail-in vote counted was for Joe Biden.
Do Democrat’s believe they can get away with election fraud this blatantly? Time will tell.
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Twitter slaps #StopTheSteal and censors leader Marjorie Taylor Greene
Twitter has targeted the trending #StopTheSteal movement, censoring one of the leaders, newly elected House member Marjorie Taylor Greene.
At least 20 of her tweets and retweets were slapped with a “misleading” tag, though in most, all the Georgia conservative was urging followers to do is back President Trump’s focus on potential ballot counting fraud.
“This is beyond the pale. @jack has his minions CENSORING all of my tweets, even this one thanking @BuckForColorado for his congratulatory tweet. The Silicon Valley Cartel MUST BE STOPPED!” she wrote in one of her tweets that wasn’t blocked....
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ALERT — 34 counties in Michigan used faulty software program…
Joe Gumm, MSc | @JoeGummKXXV
UPDATE: The Antrim County Clerk’s Office in Michigan told me the election program it used (Election Source) had issues and the office is now reviewing 16,047 total votes. The source I spoke with said she believes 33 other counties used the program. #postelection2020
6:03 PM · Nov 4, 2020
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This is what it's come to to get demoncrats to allow GOP poll-watchers to do their jobs
Justice Department Okays Use of Armed Agents at Polling Stations During Vote-Counting
In a directive that appears to skirt longstanding prohibitions, the Justice Department told federal prosecutors early Wednesday they can send armed federal law enforcement agents to polling sites where votes were still being counted to “prevent potential federal crimes,” according to an email obtained by TIME....
11-05-2020, 05:37 PM #997
Project Veritas' undercover agent records Las Vegas postal worker agreeing to provide him with unclaimed mail-in ballots
Can't link to the video to play on this forum (and it isn't on YouTube yet), follow the hyperlink in the headline to watch.
[LAS VEGAS—Nov. 5, 2020] Project Veritas released today a video of a U.S. Postal Service carrier at the Loma Vista Apartments here telling an undercover journalist in May that he would leave unclaimed ballots out for him to take.
“Hey, not a problem, man, I’m gonna see if I can get you some, like a nice handful [of ballots],” said Art, a Las Vegas mailman.
Art next asked the journalist his apartment number, and upon hearing it said: “If it’s in there— I didn’t do it.”
The carrier said there are always old ballots around with the rest of the unclaimed mail.
“A lot of the times the people get rid of them, because they are an old tenant, and they don’t live there anymore,” he said.
Just how they normally deal with things that they don’t want,” he said. “They stick them - you’ll just see them like - they’ll be just stuck here, maybe they’ll throw them in the trash.”
Journalist: “Where do all the undeliverable ballots go?”
Las Vegas Mailman: “The undeliverable ballots? Normally they go back to me.”
The mail carrier told the undercover journalist he was aware that unclaimed ballots were wasted opportunities to vote against President Donald J. Trump.
Journalist: “We’re losing votes on those, man. We can’t let Trump win this damn thing.”
Las Vegas Mailman: “I know.”
Journalist: “We can’t let Trump win this damn thing.
Las Vegas Mailman: “He doesn’t like this way because I think more, I’m hoping more people vote because they don’t have to line up at polls and all that.”
Journalist: “If you can’t vote from mail in voting then what the hell?”
Las Vegas Mailman: “Yeah.”
James O’Keefe, the founder and CEO of Project Veritas said, “Americans want to trust the integrity of our elections and the postal service—if our voting is going to be trusted to the post office, we have to be able to trust the post office.”
The mailman’s admission is stunning, he said.
“When Art in Las Vegas told our undercover journalist he would quote: ‘See if I can get you a little handful,’ he’s talking about ballots, legal ballots but sent to the wrong address,” O’Keefe said.
“This is yet another example of real concerns when it comes to voter fraud across this country,” he said.
This video’s release follows a Project Veritas Insider coming forward with his account of a post office supervisor Nov. 4 ordering all the carriers at his Traverse City, Michigan post office to set aside ballots, so they could be fraudulently postmarked for Nov. 3, Election Day.
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Democrat poll watcher details vote counting irregularities he observed
It's a Twitter video, which can't be linked to play here. Follow the hyperlink in the headline to watch.
“I’m a registered Democrat in the city of Philadelphia. Today, I’m at the Philadelphia Convention Center and I am overseeing the ballot counters. I will let you know the corruption that is going on here. They will not allow us within 30 to 100 feet to supervise the ballots being counted.
This is a coup against the president of The United States of America and I want to call out the Mayor of Philadelphia James Kenney, the attorney general Josh Shapiro, who tweeted ‘there’s no way Donald Trump can win president of the United States of America, and also District Attorney of Philadelphia Larry Krasner.
I can’t believe what I’m seeing right before my eyes. This has nothing to do with Joe Biden or Donald Trump. This has to do with our Democracy, and I will tell you, there is corruption at the highest level in the city of Philadelphia.”
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It ain't over 'til it's over.
-- Yogi Berra
Wow! Even CNN & MSNBC Admit That Trump Appears to Be on Track to Win Arizona
PA Lt Gov predicts Joe will win state’s 20 electoral votes…
11-06-2020, 09:19 AM #998
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Is Ballotgate the Single Greatest Crime in Modern American History?
... The examples of this happening are too numerous to list here. But for the sake of time, we’ll limit this discussion to Michigan, where, indeed, hundreds of thousands of new votes appeared overnight, overwhelmingly votes for Biden. As poll watcher and attorney Kelly SoRelle reports from Detroit, three vehicles arrived at around 4 A.M., with “at least 130,000 ballots” which “were not delivered to the precinct before the cut off time” and that “literally 100% of those ballots” were votes for Biden. Amidst all of these allegations, rather than ramping up transparency, efforts have been made to limit access for GOP observers to the process. Nonetheless, there are several reports of ballots being counted despite having no names on them. James O’Keefe has released video of a whistleblower who reports that U.S. postal workers in Michigan were issued directives to back-date late mail-in ballots as received November 3rd, 2020, so they are accepted.”
There are so many crimes suspected to have occurred here that the severity of each of them may be lost in the deluge. But I cannot help thinking about this in the appropriate context, despite the media efforts to downplay the high-level political crimes that are being alleged....
11-06-2020, 11:21 AM #999
History Repeats Itself: Lenin’s Actions to Steal the 1917 Election in Russia Are Eerily Similar to the Democrats Steal Today
Did the Democrats copy the Lenin playbook in this year’s election?
By Joe Hoft | Published November 6, 2020 at 8:49am
A reminder…the first “free election” in Russia was held in 1917. Lenin promised a “free” election where all votes would be equal and each citizen would be heard. The election was scheduled and a number of political parties provided the voters a choice. The Russian Social-Democratic Labor Party (Lenin’s Bolsheviks) campaigned with appeals to win the majority’s vote with the promise of “Peace, Land and Bread.” The energy of the Bolsheviks and the promises of Lenin were insufficient to win the election (they only garnered 23%) of the vote.
But Lenin’s cunning campaign continued after the sunset on the election day. There was corruption in the balloting. There were “extensions” to allow more ballots. There was a long and strong public propaganda messaging to the public that the Bolsheviks had won when they had lost. The agenda to “transform” Russia into the first Marxist governed nation did not cease after the polls closed on the “election day.”
Violence, manipulation of the news, vociferous protests, armed vandals, and an attack upon the Russian governing structure increased. Eventually the Russian Provisional Government was absolved and the tyranny of 70 years slavery to Marxist dogmas resulted.
The Russian population was well armed (probably more weapons were in Russia than any other nation at that time) and many of the Russians had military experience having faced the Kaiser’s army on the eastern front. So, the presence of weaponry and veterans was not a factor in opposing the Bolsheviks. The civil war that was inevitable between Red and White Russians attest to the fact that weaponry was accessible. No, contrary to many opinions today, Lenin’s success was not because “guns were outlawed.”
The success of Lenin’s transformation of Russia can be laid at the feet of the Russian population. The nation assented to and conformed complacently with the dictates of a vocal and violent minority. The nation resigned its “free election” and surrendered to the prevailing propaganda! The actual facts did not influence the population. They accepted what they were told and complied without any question. An unanswered question haunts the history of this event: “What would have happened IF the general population had not surrendered to the violence and vocal minority?”
However, history shows that often the vocal minority becomes the governing especially if violence is threatened. It does not matter how many guns there are and how many millions of rounds of ammunition are bought, the population generally complies with and coalesces around the presented politicians who promise “peace, land and bread.”
Following the Bolsheviks’ takeover, a number of events unfolded:
The Tsar was arrested and eventually executed.
The nation entered into a bloody civil war.
The political opposition forces were systematically eliminated if they did not capitulate to the Bolsheviks.
The leaders of the transformed nation devolved into greater savagery and left a legacy of evil.
And now we turn history forward to 2020…
The election day of November 2020 is past but the election continues. Shuddering similarities to Russia 1917 are noted. There is a magnitude of never-before-seen voting fraud. Ballot harvesting, corrupt ballot counting, and destruction of select ballots. Intimidation and fear are used to violate the “free election” upon which our Republic is maintained. Suitcases full of ballots were stealthily taken into the counting rooms; boxes of ballots suddenly appeared and the rightful observers to validate counting were forbidden to see the ballots.
There is even an echo of the Bolsheviks’ call for the Romanov’s removal, imprisonment, and eventually death. In a shocking TWEET, Keith Olbermann announced, “TRUMP MUST BE REMOVED AND ARRESTED, TONIGHT. Gripped by a paranoid delusion, threatening the nation’s safety, this can’t wait any longer. It won’t happen; in fact he’ll probably concede and instantly announce he’s running in ’24. Full video:” Observed in this tweet is the intimidating propaganda ploy to silence any opposition to this criminal suggestion by claiming all opposing are “morons.” Unless you support and shout for President Trump removal and incarceration you are a “moron”!
The “transformation” of our Republic is now being announced as a funeral dirge. In the city of Minneapolis, protesters vandalized several local businesses and wreaked chaos in the city. But examine this event as a backdrop heralding the end of free elections in the USA—protesters marched to the city’s Uptown neighborhood, setting off fireworks as they carried the banner which read “America is Over.” During the protest, demonstrators attempted to block traffic throwing debris into the streets. Some went on to vandalize store-front windows.
The corruption of the ballot counting continues as the population is being groomed to accept the contorted fact that a violent, vocal minority has engineered the greatest coup in civilization’s history. The process will drag on causing the public to be desensitized, and eventually political figures will urge capitulation. Then the announcement will be made. And…it will be accomplished without a shot being fired!
A quote commonly attributed to Joseph Stalin highlights the election of November 2020 (or basically any election). There are several versions of the statement and the Progressives/ DEMS/ BLM/ ANTIFA/ RINOS are quick to castigate it as unfounded. However, one possible source for a version of the quote comes from Boris Bazhanov’s “Memoirs of Stalin’s Former Secretary,” published in 1980 in Paris and 2002 in Moscow and appearing to be available only in French and in Russian. While a search of the Stalin Internet Library yields nothing resembling the quote in the Soviet leader’s published writings, the possibility remains that it could have been excerpted from an unpublished speech or private conversation. There is a sobering book translated from the French called “Bazhanov and the Damnation of Stalin,” published by the Ohio University Press in 1990. In it, Bazhanov details how Stalin’s governmental machine was built through vote-rigging, tapping into opponents’ communications, and extinguishing those who had a moral center.
Regardless of the historicity of the quote the truth it expresses is frightfully accurate:
“It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.”
Welcome to 1917 in 2020!
11-06-2020, 11:45 AM #1000
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Nice story...
Guess you missed the fact that
Biden got more than 4,000,000 votes then Dump.
His almost 74,000,000 votes is 50.5% of the American votes.
Remember when he claimed Hillary only got the popular vote thru fraud?
Guess what...
His Republican panel looked into it and found no fraud.
In fact, no state has uncovered significant evidence to support the president’s claim, and election officials, including many Republicans, have strongly rejected it.
So please stop calling for a civil war...
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