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Thread: You'll want to read this!

  1. #3961
    Join Date
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    [QUOTE=Ronnie Rowland;6008631]
    Quote Originally Posted by VASCULAR VINCE View Post
    bigron..number 1 ASS building exercise ...for females??? Smith machine barbell lunges using a (reebok step up as used in aerobics/body pump classes in order to get down deeper and make those glutes work even harder than a standard lunge.). /QUOTE]above girl's ass is sore as hell....lmao!!!

  2. #3962
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
    Ronnie Rowland is offline Author of Functional Training with a Fork
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    Hey Ronnie you have helped me before and I have made grat gains running your program. Just read this article that was posted and wanted to get your thoughts on it.A different outlook on cycling and AAS usage, very interesting article.

    Comes from bodybuilders in Germany and Europe.

    by hojo33 of


    I began BBing with a trainer from Germany. In educating me, he related to me that, in his time BBing there, European BBers were relatively without American influence. Common practice called for the use of short half-life ester injectables, the variety of which was much greater than exists today, combined with mild orals like Anavar and Winstrol and, sometimes, Dianabol - methandrostenolone - . Short cycles (2-4 weeks) were also the norm. Most interesting, use of test was very uncommon, and considered a horror. What was commonly used was Parabolan , what we, today, call Trenbolone . Eight week cycles were virtually unheard of, and the desire to pack on 20-40 pounds in such a short time was unthinkable. European BBers took a much more unhurried pace of growth. Young, competitive BBers were very much smaller than those found in the US, today, due to this orderly pace of growth. It was only the very rare, genetically unusual BBer who was big at a young age. Europeans simply had a different outlook and different standards.

    IAN: Yes, within 5 months I was using 200 lbs for like 14 reps.

    Early on, my trainer lamented the situation he found in the US: heavy dependence upon test, long halflife esters used in long cycles, gross overeating, poor estrogen suppression, acceptance of high body fat percentages, and excessive lean body mass development in short time spans. He was horrified at what he envisioned would be the long term consequences of widespread use of these practices. He was associated with IFBB pros, like Zhur, el Sonbaty, Schlierkamp, and Ruhl, while in Europe. He was well aware of the health complications associated with extreme muscularity. He kept reiterating "BBing is a sport for life".

    While still a natural, I began to examine how an entire philosophy of anabolicsteroids use might be developed, based upon the European experience. By the time it was appropriate for me to begin anabolic steroids , years later, I already had a plan. Initially, I quietly used myself as a lab rat. The results became quite visible, and, before too long, questions followed. My trainer asked that we work together, to develop a new way for his athletes to grow. And here we are.....

    Characteristics of anabolic steroids :
    There are two clearly discernable characteristics of interest to BBers. Anabolic: muscle growth/hypertrophy. and Androgenic : strength, aggression, fat burning. Most anabolic steroids possess these two characteristics in varying ratios, and in various strengths. For example, Halotestin may be seen to produce a pure androgenic response, but no anabolic response. Deca -Durabolin - nandrolone decanoate - , on the other hand, will produce anabolism with no significant androgenic response. test produces roughly a 50 percent anabolic response, and 50 percent androgenic response. Then there is strength of response. Winstrol is a moderate, pure anabolic. Anavar is a moderate, pure androgen. Trenbolone is a very powerful androgen (80 percent of total response), much more powerful than the androgenic characteristics of test. trenbolone's anabolic characteristic (20 percent of total response), is weaker than that of test. And so on. I have built a complete table of response characteristics of all the anabolic steroids components we use.

    "In a stunning scoop that has shaken bodybuilding to its core, we have convinced six of the current Top 20 professional bodybuilders in the world to reveal every detail of their drug and steroid regimens… What does this mean for you? Every bodybuilder who's ever stepped inside a gym has wondered what it is that separates the guys who lift for years and years (and get big, but not that big)... and the monsters that win the big professional contests. It isn't genetics that accounts for the incredible difference in size... and it isn't training or nutrition …"

    Site injection and localized growth:
    Time and time again, we have seen localized growth response to site injected, esterless and short halflife anabolic steroids. I no longer accept that a positive response is anecdotal. It's just too commonplace, in my own work. Consequently, we no longer waste gear in glutes and quads. We identify and then site inject any and all lagging body parts, in a rotating injection program. And we have seen some startling responses. In nearly every case, we prefer trenbolone and an esterless anabolic steroids, for the most powerful response. There must be weak-, or non-responders, but I have yet to find any. I owe much, in this particular area, to the work of Paul Borreson.

    The Oxford English dictionary defines the term somatotype as the "The physique of an individual as expressed numerically in terms of the extent to which it exhibits the characteristics of each of three extremes (the endomorph, mesomorph, and ectomorph)." So for example, a person exhibiting extreme mesomorphy might be assigned the numerical tail of 2-7-1. What does this mean?

    cycle design:
    Cycles are assembled by, first, determining the end response characteristics desired, and assembling components whose anabolic steroids characteristics interlock together to produce that end response with a minimum of overlap, over the cycle time span desired. Consider this cycle: Nandrolone phenylpropionate (EOD), trenbolone (EOD), Winstrol (ED), optional Anavar (ED). I've remarked, elsewhere, on the desirability of pairing trenbolone with Winstrol. We require the use of a pure androgen for EVERY cycle, to insure ongoing muscle definition, density, and post cycle androgenicity, so Anavar is our choice for this cycle. Here, trenbolone is our primary androgen, and nandrolone our primary anabolic. All of these agents are selected for their lack of water retention. All are either short acting or esterless, so that meets our requirements for site injection. And, yes, we do site inject it all. We begin by frontloading the estered injectables, up to three days before cycle day zero, and add the orals and esterless injectables at cycle day minus one. On cycle day zero, the anabolic steroids is already active, with blood levels increasing. We end the injectables and orals, suitably in advance of the end of the cycle, so that, on cycle day 15, the anabolic steroids is non-inhibitory, and HTPA recovery begins immediately. Add on 14 days further system recovery, and then a cycle can begin anew. Seven weeks, total. Over a year, this might be accomplished seven times. When HCG - human chorionic gonadotropin - , and an Anti-E at suitable dosage, is added to the Clomid , the HTPA may be recovered in only 2 weeks. This shortens the next cycle availability point by one week.

    Yes, it's a lot of injections . And the Winstrol hurts.

    What might be expected, in the way of results? Bulking, we have seen as much as 10 pounds lbm. Average is five pounds. Over a year, that's 35 pounds. You say, "Hell, I can grow that much in 8 weeks". I say, let's see how many times a year you can accomplish that, and over how many years do you think you will continue to accomplish that? We have this steady, measured growing, going on and on. My guess is that this approach, using only a modest bulking diet , rather than the typical American pig-out bulking diet, can be accomplished for years and years. Due to short cycle length and rational diet design, there is very little fat gain. No pressing need to cut. No need to look like the typical big, smooth BBer, who only looks cut once a year. Our people are lean, defined, and feel healthy, all the time. They only spend two weeks cycling, while seven (or six), clean. And, since they get normalized quickly, they can train and grow natural, more quickly, because there is none of the weeks and weeks of getting that slow anabolic steroids out of their systems. The BBer doing the typical 8 week long acting ester cycle exists for weeks in a kind of limbo, where the blood levels are not high enough for anabolism, but are still inhibitory, and he must wait all that extra time. My people are off, longer than they are on. Their bodies free of drugs, all that time.

    We tend to avoid test. Not completely; just most of the time. What we found is that, anytime you use test, it magnifies the sides of whatever you use with it. trenbolone, used in rational dosages, is relatively free of sides, and causes fewer overall sides during cycles. We use trenbolone, like the typical BBer uses test. With trenbolone, you get much more response, with much lower dosages, with greater androgenic intensity. Someone once wrote that trenbolone was "the gear of the gods". Indeed, the Europeans brought to BBing anabolic steroids, a very great gift. We do use test, but only for very specialized purposes.

    We only use one type of eight week bulk cycle. That for Boldenone , which now can only be obtained in a very long halflife ester. We are working with a supplier, and are patiently awaiting him to provide us with our first esterless Boldenone. Testing will begin immediately afterwards, to develop new dosage and protocols, following which, we expect to end our use of nandrolone phenylpropionate. Too many of our clients exhibit some degree of bloat from progesterone aromatization, emerging from the nandrolone. We consider any bloat, from any origin, entirely unacceptable, on health and esthetic grounds.

    Body fat gain on cycles:
    Ever notice how productive of muscle a cycle usually is, during the first four weeks, and how it slows down and body fat accumulates during the second four weeks? You end up eating more in the attempt to return things to the former rate. More body fat. Finally, the whole process slows down for good. What's going on? The common explanation is that you are getting bigger, so that requires more nutrition. We say no. We say the body realizes what is going on, it exhausts and compensates, and body metabolism and developmental processes simply will no longer support this process. But you continue to eat. And that food has got no place else to go, but be turned into fat, with unproductive lbm production.

    What's infinitely more interesting than Sheldon's view on somatotype permanency, is his assertion that somatotype and temperament are somehow intertwined. I'll use the example of a mesomorph's temperament because it leads to an amusing corollary involving Arnold Schwarzenegger.

    Our short cycle designs, whether for 2, 3, or 4 weeks features trenbolone, as a foundation, which is a potent fat burner, due to powerful androgenicity, and will not aromatize to estrogen. And a diet, which is clean, and appropriately sized for rational lbm gain, while minimizing conversion to fat. Later, the body is clean of anabolic steroids, and primed for most sensitive and effective response, before the cycle begins. The conversion from nutrition to muscle takes place under optimum conditions, at low body fat levels. The anabolic steroids ramp-up is swift and full, and the cycle ends before the system can desensitize and cause spillover of nutrition to body fat.

    Estrogen pileup is another cause of body fat accumulation, during the typical 8 week, long halflife ester cycle. I suggest that readers visit the AE zine Issue 46, and download the blood concentration calculator from the excellent article on blood concentration of various halflife esters of anabolic steroids. Then, plug in your long halflife ester cycle components, and witness the startling blood level concentrations of what you are injecting , late in the cycle. Using the typical paltry Anti-E dosages of the typical BBer, is it any wonder that, late in the cycle, estrogen levels build up out of control, and body fat follows?

    Estrogen and Anti-E:
    It is an obsolete belief that estrogen is necessary in any cycle. Indeed, ANY amount of estrogen is BAD in any cycle! There is not one study which supports the notion. But the idea lived on in yet another obsolete notion; that water weight is good weight, in a cycle. That, water introduced into the muscle, causes increased lifts, and by lifting heavier, greater growth is obtained. The experts would purposely advise minimal amounts of anti-estrogen drugs, only to minimize the chance of gynecomastia , but to insure lots of this, supposedly, desirable water weight. On the AE boards, I have witnessed these experts advising NO Anti-E's, but only to have some Nolvadex at hand, to deal with gynecomastia, should it appear. Not only do you end up with fake strength and fake muscle size, but, at the same time, the estrogen buildup causes high blood pressure, electrolyte imbalance, and a host of health issues. There is water buildup in the lower back to the extent that posts frequently document BBers in pain, cramps, and difficulty, attempting deads. The champions of this approach say "Oh just take some ibuprofen, and you will be just fine". Try asking your liver what it thinks about that approach. Following the cycle, the water disappears, along with the strength and size it fooled the user into believing was real muscle. This often causes depression, and chases the user into a course of creatine, to re-introduce that fake size and strength. The muscle character appears smooth, and the density is poor. When the BBer diets down, all this is lost, and the truth is seen. It's no wonder that certain other experts advise that BBers never come off anabolic steroids, so this scenario may never be exposed for what it is: a rollercoaster of reality versus water weight. I agree with them. It is not healthy to run back and forth between lost size and fullness caused by water weight. But it also is not a good thing to stay on anabolic steroids, all the time, either. This is a totally brain dead approach to anabolic steroids use. And the BBer who engages in it never attains the quality, defined physique he deserves. It's just a lot of smooth water weight and high body fat.

    And body fat. Everyone should know that the presence of excess estrogen causes fat deposition. The greater and the longer the exposure to elevated levels of estrogen, the greater the body fat accumulation. Endos, listen up; stay away from any situation which creates elevated estrogen levels. Everyone, listen up; it is OBSOLETE cycle technology to enable anything but minimal levels of estrogen, at any time. Estrogen is evil, and it is NOT your friend. Using Anti-E's cannot reduce estrogen to levels below which the male body cannot function properly. It requires very little estrogen to function, and no Anti-E removes it all.

    What to do? Begin, with an entirely different approach. Say that ANY water weight is BAD weight. That estrogen must be banished, to the fullest rational extent. And that the muscle you grow and see is, in fact, muscle, and not water. That the muscle produced will be dense and well defined. A quality physique. How, then does one obtain that increased strength, which the water provided, to enhance growth during the cycle? As stated, we first kill off the estrogen and bloat. Second, we emphasize the introduction of powerful androgens into the cycle structure. I am speaking, once again, of trenbolone and anavar. Together, these components make you VERY strong. And with NO bloat or estrogen required. The concentrated androgenicity encourages intense, aggressive workouts, while also encouraging fat burning. It is very commonplace to observe body recompositions during such cycles. In other words, you get big and lose body fat, simultaneously. The androgenicity also produces significantly increased muscle density and definition. At cycle end, what you end up with, is the real deal. Solid muscle, growth, and increased definition. No need to rush to the nearest container of creatine to stem your losses. And that strength is yours, to keep. And no test.....

    Now, go back to that blood concentration calculator, and compare the blood concentrations of the typical 75 mg EOD of trenbolone, to what you were subjecting yourself to, with that long halflife ester cycle. No stress caused by estrogen pileup, either. Now, you tell me which alternative is better.

    What do we use to suppress estrogen? Well, we formerly used Arimidex . Arimidex is now an antique for us. We use Femara. We prefer one 2.5 mg tab ED. Our clients are kept dry as a bone. We will begin to study Aromasin , in mid-September. Aromasin utilizes a different approach to Estrogen control, which promises to be even more powerful than Femara. But research indicates that IGF -1 production is not suppressed by Femara, but may, in fact, be enhanced by it. We do not see that with Aromasin. Time and experimentation will tell.

    Most importantly, we keep our people on Anti-E, post cycle, during the HTPA recovery process, and later. This both speeds recovery of the HTPA, as well as minimizing fat buildup, while hormone levels fluctuate wildly.

    Androgenicity and quality:
    BBers commonly justify their long cycles by saying that they need the long cycle to enable "consolidation". They observe that this effect only occurs late in the cycle. Why is this? It's because the androgen level of the Sustanon test, typically used, takes that long to pile up and affect the muscularity of the BBer. But what about Trenbolone? Almost without fail, users commonly report density and hardening to appear within a few weeks. Why is this? Because the androgenic response of trenbolone is so much more powerful than that of test. You can get this response to produce quality muscle at dosages of only 75 mg EOD, in less than a month. In a Sustanon test, it takes many weeks to accumulate an immense blood concentration, to achieve the same result. It is commonplace to observe trenbolone users burning fat, while they cycle. Sustanon users never report this effect. Why? Once again, the androgenic response of trenbolone is so much greater than that of test. Intense androgenicity induces fat burning. If Anavar is added, the androgenicity effect is intensified, still further.

    Ever hear of the term "muscle maturity"? It describes muscle which is dense and defined. The commonly accepted belief is that it takes years and years to acquire this muscle characteristic. But why? Because, using test, the exposure to the muscle hardening androgenicity only occurs for about two weeks in the typical long cycle. And that cycle can only be repeated a few times a year. In the trenbolone/anavar-based short cycle, the exposure to muscle hardening androgenicity occurs for longer periods, and the cycle can be repeated many times a year. "Muscle maturity", and quality, appears with rapidity, and not with years and years. I see muscle quality in only one year of regular short cycling, which I never see in the typical long cycle BBer, unless it occurs for years. Which would you prefer?

    The issue of health:
    There are those who say the typical American method of cycling, using long acting ester cycles, for 8 weeks or more, and eating 7-8000 calories per day, for all that time, is no danger to health. To that, I say this: in the millions of years of human evolution, at no time, ever, has the male of our species been exposed to the barrage of hormonal, metabolic, and developmental pressure and manition, as occurs during the long acting ester eight week cycle. Do you really believe our bodies were engineered and evolved to deal with this attack, as well as the stress of being forced to add 20-40 pounds of lbm and body fat in this same time span, over and over, again? Don't be a fool. If you believe so, then you are whistling past the ***etery. And there are additional fools, who would have you believe that staying on this course, continuously, can do you no harm. There is currently an unprecedented, uncontrolled lab experiment, taking place all over the world, with thousands of men as lab rats. The long term outcome cannot be predicted by anyone, today. True, every single one of us will die, someday. My people and I have no intention of hastening the arrival of that inevitable day, just to look big in a coffin, as we are laid to our eternal rest. What the hell is YOUR hurry? And, what if you don't die? What if you are forced to leave your beloved sport, and spend the rest of your days, living with hypertension and heart damage due to tachycardia? And kidney damage caused by the hypertension. And still other health issue possibilities. Is this any way to live? It's a personal value judgment and risk assessment process. Step back for a moment, and re-evaluate your position and priorities.

    The end game:
    One other matter, which few consider. Everyone has a genetically pre-programmed maximum of lbm, which their body will support, regardless of whether you reach it via anabolic steroids. The faster you approach it, the sooner your gains will decline, no matter how much juice you cycle, and how often you cycle it. You will end up spending money, juicing larger quantities of gear, and stressing your body, for diminishing returns. Finally, you are tapped out. All the insulin , growth hormone , IGF-1, and whatever else you toss at it, will never get you past that limit. In a minority of individuals, they will attain immense lbm gains, over time. The rest of us, face the remainder of our BBing careers, re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. All we accomplish is staying right where we are, until we leave the sport in frustration.

    BBing is a sport for life. Why exhaust yourself and your body, in a hurry to arrive at the end of the journey, earlier than you need to? I'm 48 years old, and I look forward to growing and growing, for as long as I remain in the sport. We have a 65 year old client, who last competed 11 years ago. We did a few short cycles with him, dieted and prepped him, and he walked away with a second prize trophy, healthy and happy. Have any of you ever considered that you might still be able to lift and compete at that age? You better forget it, if all you can think of is slamming on endless pounds, today and tomorrow. Your time in BBing will either end in poor health, or the frustration of having reached your limit, and going no further.

    I have presented, above, only the most basic introduction to my philosophy and approach to short cycling, and offered only a simple example out of a program which I spent years developing. I have devised an entire series of special-purpose cycles, each of which embody most, if not all, of the above principles.

    The purpose of the short cycle is to employ moderate dosages of short halflife ester and esterless injectable and oral anabolic steroids, combined with moderate and healthy diet, to promote moderate stress anabolic growth, over time. This same process results in very high quality muscle production, which only increases with each cycle, and minimal health impact. It assumes a long term outlook. It is intended for the mature and rational BBer, who expects to remain in the sport for the rest of his life. If you truly love BBing, you never want to leave, and you want to keep your interest and grow, then consider how the short cycle might be what you need for your future in our beloved sport.

    I want to take the time to publicly thank my very special friends and clients, who put their faith in me, and assisted me by using my protocols. Through their invaluable feedback and experience, they enabled me to refine and perfect my overall program. Without them, this all would be nothing but theory. Some are former and present members of this fine board.

    And thank you, for taking the time to read all these words. I hope they help you in your journey, as BBers.

    Now, let the discussion begin!!.....

    Fact is no one knows for sure what will happen as everyone on the planet responds differently due to their genetic make-up. Testosterone is one of the safest drugs but when mixed with other aromatizing orals such as d-bol and/or anadrol it can cause high blood pressure issues which can ultimately lead to kidney failure and heart disease. So keep body fat levels and hemocrit under control as well as your blood pressure if you want to remain safe while using steroids. Most people worry about their liver when it’s their blood pressure that needs to be of most concern. Orals can put a strain on the liver but it’s the heart and kidneys that you need to most be concerned with. I want to drive this point home!!!

    Most of these huge guys you see on the net and in magazines are taking huge amounts of insulin and gh with their steroids. Insulin is well known for making people pass out and it can makes their heart beat hard and fast. I personally wouldn’t touch the stuff because I feel it causes one to age at a faster pace but if you do please use with great caution!

    I am of the opinion that after a period of time the body reaches a normal homeostasis with particular dosages of steroids. For example, 1 gram of steroids can produce a lot of side effects for a beginner but after a while 1 gram will no longer shock the system-hence causes as many side effects. This is a very important concept to grasp! Your body will let you know when enough is enough because you’ll feel like garbage and your heart rate can increase or palpitate when you take too much. As you advance you can take larger dosages with fewer side effects.

    I also believe some people can experience fewer side effects by running 4 week mini-slingshot cycles within each 8 week reload. This involves changing compounds every 4 weeks. STAY ON 8-10 IU OF GH THROUGHOUT ENTIRE CYCLE IF YOU CAN AFFORD TO DO SO! Below are some examples:

    Wk 1-4: test-e/anadrol/mast/GH
    Wk 5-8: test-e/ tbol/mast/GH
    Weeks 9-10: deload with test only/GH
    Weeks 11-14=test/dbol /mast/GH
    Weeks 15-18= test/deca/ mast/GH
    Weeks :19-20 deload with test only/GH

    3rd RELOAD:
    Weeks 21-24 test/tren /mast/GH
    Weeks 25-28 test/winstol.deca/mast/GH
    Weeks 29-30 Deload with test only/GH

    In final, all of us are going to die. It’s a fact of life! Live your dreams but do it as safely as humanly possible while respecting your body, GOD and others around you.

    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 05-19-2012 at 08:31 PM.

  3. #3963
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by ronnie rowland View Post
    fact is no one knows for sure what will happen as everyone on the planet responds differently due to their genetic make-up. Testosterone is one of the safest drugs but when mixed with other non-aromatizing orals such as d-bol and/or anadrol it can cause high blood pressure issues which can ultimately lead to kidney failure and heart disease. So keep body fat levels and hemocrit under control as well as your blood pressure if you want to remain safe while using steroids . Most people worry about their liver when it’s their blood pressure that needs to be of concern. Orals can put a strain on the liver but it’s the heart and kidneys that you need to most be concerned with. I want to drive this point home!!!

    Most of these huge guys you see on the net and in magazines are taking huge amounts of insulin and gh with their steroids. Insulin is well known for making people pass out and it can makes their heart beat hard and fast. I personally wouldn’t touch the stuff because i feel it causes one to age at a faster pace but if you do please use with great caution!

    I am of the opinion that after a period of time the body reaches a normal homeostasis with particular dosages of steroids. For example, 1 gram of steroids can produce a lot of side effects for a beginner but after a while 1 gram will no longer shock the system-hence causes as many side effects. This is a very important concept to grasp! Your body will let you know when enough is enough because you’ll feel like garbage and your heart rate can increase or palpitate when you take too much. As you advance you can take larger dosages with fewer side effects.

    I also believe some people can experience fewer side effects by running 4 week mini-slingshot cycles within each 8 week reload. This involves changing compounds every 4 weeks. stay on 8-10 iu of gh throughout entire cycle if you can afford to do so! below are some examples:

    1st reload
    wk 1-4: Test-e/anadrol/mast/gh
    wk 5-8: Test-e/ tbol/mast/gh
    weeks 9-10: Deload with test only/gh
    2nd reload
    weeks 11-14=test/dbol /mast/gh
    weeks 15-18= test/deca / mast/gh
    weeks :19-20 deload with test only/gh

    3rd reload:
    Weeks 21-24 test/tren /mast/gh
    weeks 25-28 test/winstol.deca/mast/gh
    weeks 29-30 deload with test only/gh

    in final, all of us are going to die. It’s a fact of life! Live your dreams but do it as safely as humanly possible while respecting your body, god and others around you.

    note: Don't be so afraid of dieing yet be very afraid of not living!
    interesting big ron..thoughts on injectable dianabol .. And ..anadrol???

  4. #3964
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
    Ronnie Rowland is offline Author of Functional Training with a Fork
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    Quote Originally Posted by vascular vince View Post
    bigron..agree..or..disagree..with article??

    The great oral debate: Anadrol vs. Dianabol
    by gavin kane

    for many years, a great debate has raged over which oral is superior for mass gains, and two of them have stood the test of time; dianabol and anadrol. The debate has continued, arguing which of the two is superior, yet no conclusive evidence has proven one better than the other. People respond to each one differently, some swearing by dbol and some swearing by anadrol. Before we declare one the winner, i am going to go over a bit of history and chemical structure on both products. i agree so far.
    anadrol (oxymetholone) was first made available in the 1960’s by syntex. It is very effective at increasing red blood cell production and was promising for treating severe cases of anemia. With the advent of newer and more advanced drugs such as erythropoietin, which have less androgenic side effects, anadrol was discontinued. New studies in aids/hiv patients revealed anadrol was particularly effective at reducing wasting symptoms so it was re-released in the late 1990’s.

    Oxymetholone is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone, which in theory means it should not convert to estrogen. Since it does not aromatize but still causes gynecomastia in some users, there are other pathways by which it converts. After looking at studies on aids patients, i found that it may convert by actively activating the estrogen receptor, so this is a product that would need an anti-estrogen such as nolvadex . i would use masteron over nolvadex unless gyno was evident because nolvadex decreases igf-levels and does nothing for muscle mass gains unlike masterone which increase size while mildy reducing estrogen.
    dianabol (methandrostenolone ) was first made in 1956 by john zieglar of ciba fame. Dianabol has been one of the most por oral steroids of all time, exploding in pority in the 1970’s with bodybuilders and football players and expanding into all avenues of athletics during the 1980’s. It somewhat waned during the 1990’s with the steroid control act, but was hot again in the early 2000’s with reproduction in mass quantities by mexican labs and underground labs.
    Methandrostenolone is a derivative of testosterone and hence will convert to estrogen. Gynecomastia will be a concern for sure, in almost all users, whereas only less than 25% have problems with anadrol. not true! If d-bol causes gyno for you then so will anadrol in the majority of cases and those not prone to gyno will have no issues with either drug. Who makes up these myths i often wonder!? again water retention will be a problem, usually due to the estrogenic properties.

    Both products will have similar androgenic side effects, which include; acne, water retention, oily skin, male pattern baldness, and increased body hair growth. Both drugs are c17 alpha alkylated, therefore liver protection will be necessary, especially when combining the two.the best liver protection is not overdoing strong orals.
    so we come to the premise of this article, anadrol vs. Dianabol. Why, the great debate over which product to take? They work on different pathways, have similar side effects you will have to combat, and both are liver toxic. not really as some feel sleepy all the time on d-bol and nauseated all the time on anadrol but some feel great on both d-bol and anadrol. There's no set rules! so why is there a debate over which is better and which one should you take? Well, as i stated earlier, different people have different responses to each product. true! many people, including myself, find high doses of anadrol to be too much to handle in trade of the results you get. With this product, i have an extreme loss of appetite, massive water retention, and overall aches and pains and headaches.

    On the other hand, when i take dianabol, i get a general sense of well-being, good but not great size gains, and the ability to keep eating. It sounds like i should keep taking dianabol and drop the anadrol, right? Wrong. I get massive male pattern baldness from dianabol, which i do not experience from anadrol. I have an increase in blood pressure levels at doses that are high enough to match my gains from anadrol, and i have to shorten my cycles because of the massive dosages i take to get good gains. So in all, i get some side effects from each that i would like to avoid, while still retaining the great benefits that i can only get from each product.this is not true either as some who have mixed small amounts of d-bol and anadrol together felt sicker than ever. Then theres those who do fine with the injectable versions and then theres some who do not.
    anadrol is well known for its ability to cause massive size and strength increases, and as we all know, a stronger muscle has to become a bigger muscle with enough calories to feed it. Dianabol gives me large, quality muscle gains without as much water retention as anadrol. some gain more water on d-bol than anadrol so this is simply not true! so what is the compromise? Do i take one during one cycle and then the other product during my next cycle?

    The answer is no to both. There is no need to short change yourself gains in either department when you can have your cake and eat it too. I am not alone in my assessments of both products. Most guys have similar issues of massive water retention, headaches and loss of appetite with anadrol, and mpb and fewer gains with dianabol comparatively. So, the best thing we can do is decrease our dosages of both products to cut down on side-effects and take them at the same time to increase the benefits. [bnot so as ]this works for some and makes things worse for others.[/b]
    my recommendation is to take both products in lower dosages but for longer periods of time. Dianabol has been found to work much better for quality gains when taken in lower dosages but for longer periods of time. High doses have severe side effects in some users, a loss of all gains with cessation of the product because of the short cycle (4-6 weeks) and most of the aforementioned side-effects. i agree that taking it for longer periods at lower dosages is best or switch over to a different compound after 4 weeks of usage.
    your dosages will be cycle history dependent but when i was at the peak of my career, i was taking cycles of 200mg dianabol for 6 weeks per cycle, or 250-300mg anadrol per 6 week cycle. In later cycles when i decided to combine the two products together, i was able to drop my dianabol use to 50mg per day, and my anadrol use to 100mg per day and because of the synergistic effect of the two products combined, the effect was similar to high doses of each but with none of the sides. the majority still have some side effects taking d-bol and anadrol at the aforementioned dosages. There is something very synergistic when taking these two products together with just a simple cycle of testosterone and deca -durabolin .true only if you are one of those who do better mixing the two but not if you do better using one or the other!
    i would run my anadrol cycles for 8 weeks at that dose and my dianabol cycles for 10 weeks at that low dose with no liver toxic effects as proven by my quarterly blood tests. I did not have to take liver protectants, but i recommend them for most users.i see a contradiction here! Hes promoting liver aids but does not use them himself!? Liver protectors make some people sick and do nothng positive for them. i no longer had to watch my blood pressure, my water retention was minimal compared to earlier cycles, and i was able to continue eating massive amounts of food because i did not experience appetite loss from a massive dose of anadrol.this has more to do with long term use and getting along better with the drugs due to building up a tolerance not because mixing d-bol and anadrol works magic. Some do well mixing them in injectable form but not oral but some feel like garbage even on the injectable d-bol and anadrol.

    I highly recommend on your next bulking cycle you try the following: A base cycle of test and deca, add in the anadrol and dianabol mix, and some nolvadex. You will be able to control your water retention, liver toxicity, and other side effects by controlling your dosages. Your doses will vary from mine, but just adjust accordingly and run them for longer periods of time. You will be amazed at the simplicity of this cycle and yet the synergy is un-describable. Your gains will be far better than you have ever had when taking each product alone, your side effects will be less than if you were to take either product in higher doses, thanks to the different biochemical pathways. Everyone already knows that test and anadrol, and deca and dbol are very synergistic. Now combine all four in a cycle and watch yourself just blow up this can work for some and not work for others!
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 05-20-2012 at 12:32 PM.

  5. #3965
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    [QUOTE=The Titan99;6008065]Hey Ron, this last cycle I was running MENT (Acetate), Masteron P, NPP. A week before my deload I started adding 200 mg Test E Mon. and Thurs. It's the first time I've done a reload with all fast esters like this one. Usually I have either test Enth, Cyp or Sust, as a base, or run Prop for my deload at 350-525 mg. Anyway, WOW!!! Unbelievable how my strength dropped during this last week!! I was squatting 462 lbs for 6 reps on my first working set last week for instance. This week I knew I would have to drop the weight and go for high reps. I was doing my second warm up set at 375 lbs when I realized that like it or not, this was my first working set, not a warm up after all. Like I said, WOW!! I got 10 reps but just barely!!! Almost panicked was thinking about 1 ml of prop being afraid I'd waste away!! I haven't done that since I thought I'd wait to get your opinion on the subject. Like I said, I led the thing by a week and still felt like the rug was jerked out from under me. I'm wondering if this is cool or if you'd leave in say 400 mg of enth during future reloads, deload with prop or just do it like I have been? YOU'LL LOSE MORE STRENGTH ON DELOADS WHEN ONLY FAST ACTING ESTERS ARE USED DURING RELOADS. THAT'S ONE OF SEVERAL REASONS TO RUN A LONG ACTING TESTOSTERONE AS YOUR BASE IN ALL YOUR RELOADS. STILL YET, LOSING STRENGTH FOR A COUPLE OF WEEKS IS GOING TO GIVE YOUR JOINTS ALITTLE MORE BREAK FROM THE HEAVY LIFTING AND AT YOUR AGE IT'S NOT NECESSARILY A BAD THING. ANOTHER OPTION WOULD BE TO DELOAD WITH PROP AS OPPOSED TO LONGER ACTING TEST ESTERS IF YOU WANT TO USE ONLY FAST ACTING ESTER DRUGS FOR RELOADS OR YOU CAN JUST ADD A BASE OF 4-500 MGS OF TEST-E WEEKLY DURING RELOADS AND KEEP THAT DOSAGE IN FOR THE DELOADS.QUOTE]ABOVE
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 05-19-2012 at 09:04 PM.

  6. #3966
    Allaaro is offline Associate Member
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    Hi Ronnie,

    Great thread, I've read it all and learned much and appreciate you helping the online community.

    My question is, is it possible to do this slingshot system with 4 week deloads? I ask since I'm on TRT right now and have blood work every 3 months. My bloodwork can't come back with showing anything elevated, any advice? This would be my first cycle so will just being doing testosterone only. I picked prop since I don't want to take chances with 4 weeks out on test-cyp from bloodwork. I've heard mixed things but rather be safe and use prop. Just tired of not seeing the results I want in the gym since I'm stuck in the low/mid range of testosterone and can't get dosage increased on TRT and my look for other doctors has been disappointing....but still need scripted legal for traveling.

    I was thinking of:
    weeks 1-8 test-prop 100-150 eod
    week 9-12 TRT 100mg test cyp 2 shots per week(norm trt protocol, i convert to estrogen easily)
    Bloodwork end week 12
    week 13-21 test-prop 150-200 eod

    Then repeat. If this works, a few ideas on a second/third cycle be greatly appreciated. I was thinking of just adding in DBOL at 30-50 per day(what you suggest for first time oral dosage?) for next 8 week, then trying NPP for 3rd 8 week run with keeping test in 150-200 eod for both then upping dosage on test and do a test/dbol/npp run before trying tren . Thanks for the help.

    Edit: Also like to add that I'd prob be taking adex 1mg eod. As currently I take 1mg per week for just 100mg trt.
    Last edited by Allaaro; 05-19-2012 at 11:33 PM.

  7. #3967
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    My wife (Kathy Rowland) is having foot fusion on two of her joints in less than 2 weeks. Even with that painful right foot she did 340 lb squats for reps yesterday on the smith machine yesterday...

    Kathy's 1st set -
    Kathy's 2nd set-
    Kathy's 3rd set

    And here's me just now gaining some of my muscle back after that 4-levlel spine fusion - (S-1/L-3) done a little over over 4 months ago .
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 05-20-2012 at 04:01 PM.

  8. #3968
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    [QUOTE=BeetleBlue;6012333]Hey Ron,

    I'm a new poster who's just started your Slingshot system for the first time. I love it so far, but I'm looking for some clarification. Please excuse the obsessive-compulsive nature of these questions! I'm fully aware of the fact that I can be overly nitpicky, but I just wanna make sure I fully understand the principles behind your program.

    The first is in regards to the rep ranges you recommend for isolation exercises. You have compound exercises performed in the 4-6 range, 8-10 range, and 12-15 range. But for isolation exercises such as Bicep curls, your routine only includes sets in the 8-10 rep range. Is there a specific reason for this? First, I do not recommend doing anything below 8 reps on compound exercises for more advanced or older bodybuilder's because it's hard on their joints but for beginners it help gain some strength faster which is needed IMO. You never want to do low reps with isolation exercises because it's too hard on the tendons and joints! the 4-6 rep-range for more adI'm assuming that perhaps smaller muscles don't require such a varied range of attack for complete development? It has nothing to do with using a different rep-range to obtain complete development.Beginners trying to gain strength need to do their heavy weight/low rep set first while they have the most strength.8-12 reps is the best and safest for overall mass once you get past the beginner stage. And for future reference, I had a couple questions in regards to a Super-Blast cycle. You recommend focusing only on lower rep-ranges, IE: 4-6 for compound, 6-8 for isolation. But you would still up the rep-ranges during a deload (in conjunction with halving the sets, of course) on a Super-Blast, right? When training each muscle twice a week I recommend doing lower reps(6-10) for one weekly workout and higher reps(10-15) for the second weekly workout for that muscle group. I also feel it's best to do different exercises each workout to prevent over-use injuries. However, with the SUPER BLAST (WHICH IS TO BE USED SPARINGLY BECAUSE IT CAN CAUSE OVER-USE PROBLEMS WHEN USED TOO FREQUENTLY) you want to train each muscle group twice a week using the same exercises and keep rep-ranges around 6-12 per set. And if so, how high would you recommending going? IE: 6-8 for compounds, 8-10 for isolation?

    Thanks![/QUOTE} Post above was recently edited due to an error I made prior.
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 05-22-2012 at 05:23 AM.

  9. #3969
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    Quote Originally Posted by Allaaro View Post
    Hi Ronnie,

    Great thread, I've read it all and learned much and appreciate you helping the online community.

    My question is, is it possible to do this slingshot system with 4 week deloads?YES I ask since I'm on TRT right now and have blood work every 3 months. My bloodwork can't come back with showing anything elevated, any advice? When you first go to an endocrinologist they have you coming in every 3 months but then they reduce it to once every six months then once a year. Ask your doctor if you can now start seeing him every 6 months as opposed to every 3 monhts. Tell him it's hard to get off work and find the time to get there and since you are not sickly with diabetes you see no value in going every 3 months! If he disagrees find a different endocrinologist. This would be my first cycle so will just being doing testosterone only. I picked prop since I don't want to take chances with 4 weeks out on test-cyp from bloodwork. I've heard mixed things but rather be safe and use prop. Just tired of not seeing the results I want in the gym since I'm stuck in the low/mid range of testosterone and can't get dosage increased on TRT and my look for other doctors has been disappointing....but still need scripted legal for traveling.

    I was thinking of:
    weeks 1-8 test-prop 100-150 eod Do 150 of prop eod along with your hrt once a week
    week 9-12 TRT 100mg test cyp 2 shots per week(norm trt protocol, i convert to estrogen easily)Go donate blood after your first few cycles 2 weeks before giving blood work to ensure hemocrit levels remain low. Also, do 3/4 of a cc of hrt twice a week instead of 1cc 2 weeks out from your blood work to make your test levels just a little lower but not much so they do not reduce it or want you to keep coming back for 3 month evaluations!
    Bloodwork end week 12
    week 13-21 test-prop 150- 200 of prop eod. Go with 200 eod plus use hrt 200 mgs weekly as your base drug

    Then repeat. If this works, a few ideas on a second/third cycle be greatly appreciated. I was thinking of just adding in DBOL at 30-50 per day(what you suggest for first time oral dosage?)25 mgs of legit d-bol is enough for first time use. Use d-bol it for 8 weeks along with 750 mgs of test-e for 8 weeks for next 8 week, then trying NPP for 3rd 8 week run with keeping test in 150-200 eod for both then upping dosage on test and do a test/dbol/npp run before trying tren . Thanks for the help. you could do that!
    Edit: Also like to add that I'd prob be taking adex 1mg eod. As currently I take 1mg per week for just 100mg trt. Do you get gyno? If not use masterone or proviron instead so you can keep your sex drive and not dry out your joints .

  10. #3970
    Allaaro is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks for the reply.

    No problems with gyno. I currently have DHT levels double the normal would that be a bad idea to use mast or proviron then to keep estrogens down? I could just keep on my 1mg adex per week and only use more if I see sides come up? My high DHT probably would/has been helping with preventing gyno maybe? I've had estrogens test at double range before was on adex and never had any gyno problems.

    I have an appointment next month and I'll discuss moving to 6 months. I'm afraid if he says no I don't have much choice but to stick with him and using short esters since I'm in Canada and sadly...he's the best I could find and it takes 6 months to a year to even get to other endos and so far they've all been horrible with no AI or HCG . This guy is a wellness center. I'm always looking around though.

    Is the normal TRT during the 150-200 prop eod just to keep a steady base because its test-cyp and not prop?

    Also I realize my wording was messed up, I meant to say 100mg is my TRT split into 2 shots, so 100mg total per week. Saw how you read it as I wrote it as 200 total instead. If I was at 200 scripted I'd be happy even without cycling heh. So cycle would look like this:

    week 1-8 150 eod test-p
    9-12 100mg test-cyp TRT per week
    Bloodwork (donate blood 2 weeks before)
    13-20 200eod test-p
    21-24 100mg test-cyp TRT per week
    Bloodwork (donate blood 2 weeks before)
    ....then repeat with 200eod prop 30mgdbol, Prop/NPP, Prop/NPP/dbol , Prop/Tren , Prob/Tren/Oral.

    while doing adex 1mg per week(more if get sides) and doing TRT 100mg test-cyp per week during entire time for base.

    Probably will start this cycle once winter starts since want to get down a bit more pounds and bodyfat at 10%. Just trying to get everything in order ahead of time. Hopefully by then I can use longer esters. With test-cyp, what would be the most safest time for bloodwork coming back normal, 6 weeks back on TRT dosage? Or I could end cycle on Test-Prop also I guess to extend it slightly. Really going to try and push it to 6 months between bloodwork. Seems like alot of pinning...especially for me being a new at this. I'd do it if I need to though if stuck on 3 months. Shorter esters cost so much more money though so might even wait longer to start if I can even get the doctor to give me an okay for 6 months for even down the road on bloodwork timings. Thanks.

  11. #3971
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    Quote Originally Posted by Allaaro View Post
    Thanks for the reply.

    No problems with gyno. I currently have DHT levels double the normal would that be a bad idea to use mast or proviron then to keep estrogens down?I feel the extra dht produced by masterone or proviron can help. Let me explain- The best thing to stack masterone or proviron with is testosteron because it will become more easily bound to SHBG. DHT can compete for these structures with higher affinity which can increase testosterone levels even further than using test alone. When DHT levels increase the androgen receptoris stimulated harder-hence causing more strength gains as estrogen level decrease, but not in excess as often happens while using arimidex. This means you will make leaner gains and have a better libido.. i do not th I could just keep on my 1mg adex per week and only use more if I see sides come up? My high DHT probably would/has been helping with preventing gyno maybe? I've had estrogens test at double range before was on adex and never had any gyno problems.

    I have an appointment next month and I'll discuss moving to 6 months. I'm afraid if he says no I don't have much choice but to stick with him and using short esters since I'm in Canada and sadly...he's the best I could find and it takes 6 months to a year to even get to other endos and so far they've all been horrible with no AI or HCG . This guy is a wellness center. I'm always looking around though.

    Is the normal TRT during the 150-200 prop eod just to keep a steady base because its test-cyp and not prop?Yes and it will cause you to have to do less prop to make better gains
    Also I realize my wording was messed up, I meant to say 100mg is my TRT split into 2 shots, so 100mg total per week. Saw how you read it as I wrote it as 200 total instead. If I was at 200 scripted I'd be happy even without cycling heh. So cycle would look like this:

    week 1-8 150 eod test-p
    9-12 100mg test-cyp TRT per week
    Bloodwork (donate blood 2 weeks before)
    13-20 200eod test-p
    21-24 100mg test-cyp TRT per week
    Bloodwork (donate blood 2 weeks before)
    ....then repeat with 200eod prop 30mgdbol, Prop/NPP, Prop/NPP/dbol , Prop/Tren , Prob/Tren/Oral.

    while doing adex 1mg per week(more if get sides) and doing TRT 100mg test-cyp per week during entire time for base. That will work but you can also just use test-e for 8 week relaods then reduce down to hrt levels for 4 weeks then go see your doc. Give blood 1-2 week out before seeing him. Using test-e means fewer painful injections!
    Probably will start this cycle once winter starts since want to get down a bit more pounds and bodyfat at 10%. Just trying to get everything in order ahead of time. Hopefully by then I can use longer esters. With test-cyp, what would be the most safest time for bloodwork coming back normal, 6 weeks back on TRT dosage? Or I could end cycle on Test-Prop also I guess to extend it slightly. Really going to try and push it to 6 months between bloodwork. Seems like alot of pinning...especially for me being a new at this. I'd do it if I need to though if stuck on 3 months. Shorter esters cost so much more money though so might even wait longer to start if I can even get the doctor to give me an okay for 6 months for even down the road on bloodwork timings. Thanks.

  12. #3972
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    What would happen if i just wanted to try roids and i bought a bottle of D-anabol 25.. just to test them out? I know its not as simple as this, what else would be needed and any other critical info that i need to know? I am sure you might have gone over this, but your initial post was very, very long!

  13. #3973
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sauceyy View Post
    What would happen if i just wanted to try roids and i bought a bottle of D-anabol 25.. just to test them out? I know its not as simple as this, what else would be needed and any other critical info that i need to know? I am sure you might have gone over this, but your initial post was very, very long!
    Too much trouble to read Ron's thread so you thought you'd just ask him if you should jump on a Dbol only cycle? In your second post...? Oh, I'm sorry. A bottle of D-anabol...WTF!!!! LMAO!!!
    Last edited by The Titan99; 05-24-2012 at 02:04 AM.

  14. #3974
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sauceyy View Post
    What would happen if i just wanted to try roids and i bought a bottle of D-anabol 25.. just to test them out? I know its not as simple as this, what else would be needed and any other critical info that i need to know? I am sure you might have gone over this, but your initial post was very, very long!I am unqualified to answer specifics questions about the current pro-hormones on the market other than some can cause gyno. You'll want to ask about pro-hormones in the main section as this thread deals only with steroids, etc.

  15. #3975
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Plateauing : A plateau effect will occur within 8 weeks with most steroids/anabolic supplement cycles. This is the perfect time to deload and decrease anabolics. Strength gains occur during a deload due to a rebound effect of stopping anabolics and by putting less demand on the nervous system/joints/tendons by training with only half the volume. The deload primes the body for future gains and allows you to get stronger/bigger during the next reload/anabolic cycle. Cycling in this manner increasing the effectiveness of every 8 week anabolic steroid or pro-hormone cycle. There's no value in going past 8 weeks of using anabolics unless you are cutting and getting ready for a show. Once an 8 week cycle is completed you would have to escelate anabolic dosages much higher to get additional results-hence more side effects would occur and over-training would manifest itself.

    Hey bro, would you say this applies to all types of AAs?

    Since I sure feel like I hit a plateau on my cycle.

    But, at the same time I see so many post of cycle up to 16 weeks.

  16. #3976
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    Hey Ronnie got a question, I'm on trt with test cyp. 80 mgs twice a week

    If say I want to do test cyp at 500mg a week, I was just going to up dose for 8-10 weeks deload for 2 weeks and do it again..

    The question is do I continue my trt during deload or just get off all together?

  17. #3977
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    Picture of one of my female co-workers

    Here's a picture taken of one of my good friends/co-workers at last weeks Jr. Nationals in Charleston SC. I helped with her diet and another female friend of mine helped with her posing/presentation. I am of the opinion she will get her pro-card in figure within 2 years..
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails You'll want to read this!-julie-2012-jr-nationals.jpg  

  18. #3978
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    adductor machine...any good..for men???

  19. #3979
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Here's a picture taken of one of my good friends/co-workers at last weeks Jr. Nationals in Charleston SC. I helped with her diet and another female friend of mine helped with her posing/presentation. I am of the opinion she will get her pro-card in figure within 2 years..

  20. #3980
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    Big ron...pros...n..cons of ..nolvadex ..vs..letrozole ???

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    [QUOTE=samson_420;6019850]Hey bro, would you say this applies to all types of AAs?Yes, but not with GH.

    Since I sure feel like I hit a plateau on my cycle. You will after around 8 weeks-hence back off two weeks and hit it again if you are after more size.
    But, at the same time I see so many post of cycle up to 16 weeks. I actually recommend a minimum 20 week cycle for beginners which is acgtually longer than 16 weeks. Remember, during the 2 week deload you are still taking steroids and GH if used but lesser amounts of steroids. Advanced bodybuilders who have built up a tolerance can take upwards of 500-1000 mgs of test weekly during the 2 week deload. And if you are on a cutting phase you can stay onhigher dosages for long than 8 weeks. QUOTE]above
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 05-28-2012 at 05:15 AM.

  22. #3982
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    Quote Originally Posted by FONZY007 View Post
    Hey Ronnie got a question, I'm on trt with test cyp. 80 mgs twice a week

    If say I want to do test cyp at 500mg a week, I was just going to up dose for 8-10 weeks deload for 2 weeks and do it again..Reload for only 8 weeks not 10 unless you are in a cutting phase.
    The question is do I continue my trt during deload or just get off all together? Continue hrt during 2 week deload because if you don't it will throw off your hormonal balance in excess which is very unhealthy!

  23. #3983
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    Quote Originally Posted by VASCULAR VINCE View Post
    adductor machine...any good..for men???It's good to throw in at the end of a quad workout if your lower back can take it after the fusion surgery you had. That machine causes too much compression in my sacrum area which is not worth the pain. Hopefully this will change when I fully recover. Remember that the adductors make up a large portion of the upper legs so wide stance squats, leg presses and the adductor machine works that area. Around 4-6 sets once per week on that machine is a good plan. Take a look at the picture below of Tom Platz and you will notice that a large part of what made his legs appear so big was his well developed adductors. My wife has huge adductors as well but she has never used the adductor machine. She does wide squats and leg presses to make that area grow which I feel are superior to the adductor machine.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails You'll want to read this!-tom_platz_legsfront.jpg  
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 05-28-2012 at 05:31 AM.

  24. #3984
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland
    Thanks for the reply

  25. #3985
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    [QUOTE=Ronnie Rowland;6022091]
    Quote Originally Posted by samson_420 View Post
    Hey bro, would you say this applies to all types of AAs?Yes, but not with GH.

    Since I sure feel like I hit a plateau on my cycle. You will after around 8 weeks-hence back off two weeks and hit it again if you are after more size.
    But, at the same time I see so many post of cycle up to 16 weeks. I actually recommend a minimum 20 week cycle for beginners which is acgtually longer than 16 weeks. Remember, during the 2 week deload you are still taking steroids and GH if used but lesser amounts of steroids. Advanced bodybuilders who have built up a tolerance can take upwards of 500-1000 mgs of test weekly during the 2 week deload. And if you are on a cutting phase you can stay onhigher dosages for long than 8 weeks. QUOTE]above

    Great info, man. Sure wish I had that idea about 3 weeks ago. Had great gains, they stopped so I just didn't change much. Oh well, there's next round.

  26. #3986
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    Hey ronnie. Had to cut my first 20 week blast of test e only short due to sickness. So I finished up with pct of 1500iu of HCG EOD for 2 weeks. Its been about 8 weeks now since pct, feeling great, got my diet dialled in even more, so I'm looking at another 20 week blast.

    I have 100ml of Test E and 500 tabs of 10mg Dbol .

    Now should I do Test E only again, seems though I cut my last blast short at 11 weeks??. OR add in the dbol to second reload or both reloads this time round. What is your opinion?

    To be honest I would rather max out my gains on Test only for as long as possible, before I add another anabolic , just because I feel Test is safe, I feel great on it and I have great gains.. Again I would love to hear your opinion on adding another anabolic.

    500mg Test E /Week
    25mg Dbol /Daily (or leave this out?)
    250mg Test E /Week
    750mg Test E /Week
    40mg Dbol /Daily (and add dbol at 25mg daily here?)

    Also do you believe there is any correlation between estrogen and acne? I see some Mods on boards say that running an AI like arimidex at 0.25mg EOD can help if your prone to acne like myself, (but not gyno! thank god!!). I just can't see how an AI would help because isn't acne androgen related?

    Last edited by daniel20; 06-06-2012 at 06:18 PM.

  27. #3987
    Gronkowski's Avatar
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    Great thread Ron... So many pages I can't read it all haha. I'm sure this has been asked before, but could you lay out an example for a first time AAS user. Should the cycles last no longer than 20 weeks? Is it better to bridge during the deload or run a pct?

  28. #3988
    The Titan99's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gronkowski View Post
    Great thread Ron... So many pages I can't read it all haha. I'm sure this has been asked before, but could you lay out an example for a first time AAS user. Should the cycles last no longer than 20 weeks? Is it better to bridge during the deload or run a pct?
    Since he took the time to write it, you probably should read it. Then, with your vast wealth of newly attained knowledge, you can lay out your own cycle and he would probably critique it. Just an idea...

  29. #3989
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99
    Since he took the time to write it, you probably should read it. Then, with your vast wealth of newly attained knowledge, you can lay out your own cycle and he would probably critique it. Just an idea...
    I read his entire post.. , just not the 250 extra pages with it. Just want to know what's the best way to do this for a first timer. Run a 2 week pct of clomid at 50/50 and Nolva 20/20 or just bridge during the deload at 250 mg test e, than when the ol reload fires back back up to 500 mg / wk? Run this for 3 mini cycles and start pct.

  30. #3990
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    I'm not answering Ron's thread except to say this question has been addressed repeatedly in those 250 pages you don't want to read. Think about this though. It takes Test E 14 days to leave your system, (it does) which is when you would start PCT (with that particular compound) your back on already at that point right. That's why he doesn't really state specifically what to do, cause it doesn't much matter. PCT is for after the WHOLE cycle and will be much longer than 2 weeks. IMO.

    Also, if you do get bored, read the whole thread. It answered every question I ever had regarding AAS, diet, workout, etc.

  31. #3991
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99
    I'm not answering Ron's thread except to say this question has been addressed repeatedly in those 250 pages you don't want to read. Think about this though. It takes Test E 14 days to leave your system, (it does) which is when you would start PCT (with that particular compound) your back on already at that point right. That's why he doesn't really state specifically what to do, cause it doesn't much matter. PCT is for after the WHOLE cycle and will be much longer than 2 weeks. IMO.

    Also, if you do get bored, read the whole thread. It answered every question I ever had regarding AAS, diet, workout, etc.
    Okay thanks man I'll buckle down and try to digest as much as I can .. Ya that's I thought to, but I remember reading somewhere on this thread to not run short esters. How long is your usually pct? 4 weeks?

  32. #3992
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gronkowski View Post
    Okay thanks man I'll buckle down and try to digest as much as I can .. Ya that's I thought to, but I remember reading somewhere on this thread to not run short esters. How long is your usually pct? 4 weeks?
    I'm 47 years old and on TRT so I never go off completely.

  33. #3993
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99
    I'm 47 years old and on TRT so I never go off completely.
    How is that for you?

  34. #3994
    Zero0 is offline New Member
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    I should've read all this before and learn...

  35. #3995
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gronkowski View Post
    How is that for you?

  36. #3996
    Kenlie is offline Junior Member
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    Hi Ronnie.

    I have few questions...

    Your best PCT suggestion was:
    full pct:hcg 2500 is every other day for 2 weeks
    This was said in the HCG description, here in the steroidcom:

    The old saying more is better definitely does not apply to the use of HCG. You dont want to finish PCT after using too much HCG only to find out your back at the beginning again. Your best bet is to start at 250iu or 500iu ed for 5 or 6 days, and if you dont notice anything happening (nuts dropping and getting bigger) up the dose slightly. Small doses like 500iu two days a week isnt going to cut it like some people think.
    I also run clomid and nolva in my PCT. I have pretty good idea about it already: 100 clomid daily + 20mg nolva, for 4 wks.

    edit: OK update on this hcg/pct: I've realised that using Hcg in pct is not as simple, as I thought. You won't just chunk them in like pills.
    Also, I've read some 8 more hours of this thread and in the future I will be running nolva+hcg PCT, with 2x5000ui hcg for 2 weeks.

    EDIT2: Looks like I have now good idea about Hcg mixing as well, after doing full day of research... if I keep this up, I will run out of questions!
    I plan to buy 2x5000iu and put 10000iu divided into 5 syringes (to fridge) and inject 2000iu every other day, for 10 days.(or 1000iu eod for 20 days better?)

    My NEW plan for the first cycle is the following:
    1-8 week: 500mg/susta (reload/12 sets each musclegrp, around 8-10 reps per set) (250mg/ml, twice per week)
    9-10 week: 250mg/susta(deload/higher repcount(15)/only 6 sets)
    11-18 week: 750mg/susta (reload/12 sets, around 8-10 reps) (250mg/ml three times per week)
    11-18 week: 300mg/deca (reload/12 sets, around 8-10 reps) (300mg/ml once per week)
    19-20 week: 250mg/susta(deload/more reps (15)/less sets)
    21-24 PCT, then start over

    Do you think it could be done in following way?:
    in weeks 11-18, inject 500mg in 2ml of susta in monday morning, then inject 250mg of susta WITH 300mg of deca (2ml total here too)in the same syringe, in thursday evening? Totalling 2 injections per week also in weeks 11-18.

    Next cycle after that(and more or less my norm cycle then):
    1-4 week: dbol 50mg/ed
    1-8 week: 750mg/susta
    9-10 week: 250mg/susta
    11-14 week dbol 50mg/ed
    11-18 week: 750mg/susta
    11-18 week: 300mg/deca
    19-20 week: 250mg/susta
    21-24 PCT

    I have been lifting for 3-4 years with very good program(I did some working out before that, but not so seriously), 5 times a week, 2 musclegroups per day, very good diet for the last year, but now hitting plateau. Before this very good progress. I did something very similar to your TST system, doing some 2 months of hard training, then letting things settle down, or even took week break, and then ghoing back at "maximum attack", and this "slingshotting" has really worked for me. I've gained some 15 kilograms(33 pounds) in just last 2-3 years and none of it is fat. Some say that that much is not even possible, as natural BB!
    I want to see how this same idea works with steroids , and using your instructions. Thanks for all the info, this sounds like a great system!
    I've used a lot of dropsets and I get good pump with them. I need more strength and hope that using more straight sets and test will help. I have excellent form and I believe to have good genetics too(symmetry more or less just perfect, feeling lucky!), but don't know how I react to steroids, and how much size I can get with great program/diet/rest/steroids. NOT aiming for competitions, but for perfect body and max size.

    PS. I am 40 years old, and have done sports all my life. I'm in great shape and even ran half marathon 21km last year(It was very hard, since I already had too much mass. Yes, I walked a lot...). Now I have way too much muscle mass for long runs. I stick to some 2km, twice per week, for cardio.

    My cholesterol levels are running a bit high. Any good tips how to get that down a bit?

    I weight only 170+lbs(78kilos), but I am only 5'0" tall(165cm), and I am almost in "competition" form now, very low in bodyfat. I have been "eating like crazy", but I don't get a lot of bodyfat. How ever in the future I will decrease my workload in my main job, and try to eat more often during the day. For now I've tried to eat every 4 hours, but sometimes it slips to 5-6 hours, because I've done 16 hour workdays every now and then.
    Last edited by Kenlie; 06-08-2012 at 06:54 AM.

  37. #3997
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    With the 100 lb plates.
    I just started the Blast and Cruise method. I'm 51 and been on TRT since 1994. I've got a question about using an AI during the cruise portion. My last 8 week blast consisted of 750 mg. of test E per week, 30-40 mg Dbol per day the first 4 weeks. 30 mg on non workout days and 40 mg on workout days. AI was liquidex at .25 mg eod. This kept my E2 great as confirmed by bw. I am returning to my normal TRT dose of 200 mg test E per week for the cruise. What are your recommendations for an AI during the cruise / normal TRT dosage?

    Thanks for all the help.

  38. #3998
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    Hey Ron, I have friend coming off his first cycle of Test E 400 mg for 10 weeks. He's interested in an HCG only PCT and I know you have recomended this before. I've always run HCG on cycle so I'm not sure how it goes. Do you wait till 14 days after the last test shot like with clomid/nolva? Also, what is the dose? If I recall it's 2500 i.u.'s every 3 days for 2 weeks?

  39. #3999
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    sex drive gone

    Hi Ronnie, its embarrasing to write this but my sex drive has been dead for 12 weeks or so, on my 3rd cycle. Taking testoterone only at 750mg a week.
    Have not taken any Ai's since I only have acne,puffy nipples, little sensitive, also the head of my penis is sensitive. Have tried sex supplements, Nothing. Started taking proviron 2 weeks ago, started with 50mg a day for a week, then bumped it up to 100mg a day second week. Have any idea what is going on? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

  40. #4000
    kevin2590 is offline New Member
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    I just started deca 250 and 250 testo gel and im in my 3rd week. still have 7 to go. I already started feeling sensitive around the nipple area and felt soreness today on my right side. is better to start taking nolva during to prevent from gyno or would guys recommend ai or letro? please advice. thanks...

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