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  1. #1961
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    Quote Originally Posted by yannyboy View Post
    what do you think of metformin?
    I read that you need to cut protein for 2 weeks in the priming stage of the diet to help with insulin sensitivity and metformin does this. i wouldnt do it! Too risky imo.

  2. #1962
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    Quote Originally Posted by juicedupmonkey View Post
    ronnie i know during reloads you do 2 warm up sets plus a prep set when doing mid range reps at 8-10 but when say during a deload doing 12-15reps do we still need that prep set? Or will 2 warm up sets do fine and skip the prep set? skip prep set but continue with warm-ups.

  3. #1963
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    [QUOTE=delta1111;5416419]Hi Ronnie,
    When performing bicep curls, do you start each rep from a straight arm position to encourage development of a longer fuller bicep? or do you come down to a slightly bent arm to keep tension on the muscle at all times? Advantages and disadvantages of using each method please.

  4. #1964
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    Quote Originally Posted by heman78 View Post
    ronnie, im trying to bring out my upper pecs and going for over all thickness. start chest workout with inclines on a smith machine using only a 15 degree incline. What would be best to do for this....... Im still doing my 8 week reload im taking omna 500mg a week thinkin bout bumpin it up to 750... Im taking 300 mg of dedca should i bump it up to 400mg. yes started the deca this week. Im on my third week of omna i feel stronger and im starting to see good gains. I wanna stack it with dbol as well. Would you advise this? yes, add d-bol or should i just stick with what i have for now? Thanx ronnie, you know ur stuff. And how many weeks bofore a show should i start a cutting cycle.12 weeks is good for most i have at the end of march, i wanna come in wit an eye popin package, and leave with a win.

  5. #1965
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    Quote Originally Posted by the titan99 View Post
    just as a side note. I've been away from home for almost 4 weeks getting spinal surgery. I brought the first weeks worth of test c with me, but was here longer than expected. I lifted pretty heavy in week 2 and had surgery in week 3. Had to pick up some test in bangkok to do the 250 mg leading up to surgery as well as the 500 mg post op. Got some vials of "testoviron depot" from a pharmacy. It was fake!!!! I went from 113 kg to 104 kg in about 10 days. Damn!!! Finally after all my friends said i was shrinking i weighed myself and figured it out. Last night i did 500 mg of test comp (sustanon ) and plan to do 250 mg on thursday. Was this the right thing to do? Should i have done 1 gram? it's not going to hurt you to do a gram but 500 is good for what you are trying to accomplish i'm so f**king angry i could kill someone!your probably more upset than usual because not being able to train causes anxiety. Try to relax and look at this time off as joint therapy and a priming stage.!

  6. #1966
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    Ronnie, I did my first slingshot chest workout yesterday.
    I did 10 sets and dropped weight slightly so I could use perfect form. When I normally train chest(I have been using Dorian Yates HIT training system) it takes about 24 hours before I feel some aches. After this workout I felt the aches about 10 hours later and today my chest is so sore, I can't even touch it.
    Cheers Ronnie for opening up my eyes to this form of training. I am sticking with this for good. I like to train 6 days a week, do you have a nice 6 day split you could recommend?

  7. #1967
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    Thanks a million Ron. Relaxing now...

  8. #1968
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    Ronnie, what do you think of Igf-1 and what is a normal dose?

  9. #1969
    delta1111 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Originally Posted by delta1111
    Hi Ronnie,
    I'm currently on my 5th week into my 3rd reload and seeing good gains thanks to you. This reload i'm using 60mg of Winstrol ED (which i've never used previously), 525mg of Tren blend PW and 1,400mg of Test blend PW ( both of which I have used many times before prior to using your STS. My problem is that i'm staring to see signs of thinning on the top of my scalp and thought it may be because of the Winstrol. I'm also using a lot more Test and Tren than ever before so could it be that? even though it did'nt seem to effect me on earlier cycles maybe due to me taking less of it. The thinning would be best decribed as all over thinning on the top of my head. There doesn't seem to be any receding of the hair line or bald patch on the crown, so i'm thinking, could it be the Winstrol? I think it's the winstrol! I'm hoping you may have seen a case like this in your many years of personal training and could offer me some advise. I have seen winstrol cause hair loss with others during contest prep. Should I stop using the Winstrol? YES! EShould I reduce the dosage of Test and Tren? Not unless it continues once the winstrol is stopped. If I act now how long should it be until I start seeing positive results? (hair stops thinning)? 2-4 weeks is average. Will the hair I've lost grow back? Hair grows back sort of like after taking chemo but a receeding hair line does not. Is it worth buying some Regaine from the chemist? I would try it for sure! Any help you could offer will be greatly appreciated.
    This is a post from back in July. I thought I would give you some feedback on how I got on. I stopped taking the Winstrol as you suggested and began to use Regaine and Nizoral shampoo and within a couple of months my hair thickened up and seems to be back to normal. Many thanks for the advise Ronnie you saved my hair I would like to know though if it was stopping the Winstrol or using the regaine, or maybe both that did the trick, I suppose I will never know for sure. What I do know is I won't be using Winstrol again. I have just started using Tren , Mast & Test again. Do you think this could cause problems for me with Tren and Mast being DHT based like Winstrol?

  10. #1970
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    Quote Originally Posted by yannyboy View Post
    Ronnie, what do you think of Igf-1 and what is a normal dose?
    I commented on this a few pages back..Simply scrol back and read..

  11. #1971
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    Quote Originally Posted by delta1111 View Post
    This is a post from back in July. I thought I would give you some feedback on how I got on. I stopped taking the Winstrol as you suggested and began to use Regaine and Nizoral shampoo and within a couple of months my hair thickened up and seems to be back to normal. Many thanks for the advise Ronnie you saved my hair I would like to know though if it was stopping the Winstrol or using the regaine, or maybe both that did the trick, I suppose I will never know for sure. What I do know is I won't be using Winstrol again. I have just started using Tren , Mast & Test again. Do you think this could cause problems for me with Tren and Mast being DHT based like Winstrol? Well, I would start out with just test/tren and leave out masterone and see what happens. I think winstrol is worse than tren for many but some are sensitive to tren as well. You won't know for sure until you try.

  12. #1972
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    I commented on this a few pages back..Simply scrol back and read..
    Ah yes, I found it Ronnie. I still have a couple of questions,
    1. You suggest going for IM but I read that after it is injected IM, within 30 seconds its in the blood stream so it makes no difference. What do you think?
    2. What dose do you think someone who has never taken it should start with? I read Dave Palumbo's protocol and he suggests a low amount between 10-20mcg to stop any receptor downgrading.

  13. #1973
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    Quote Originally Posted by yannyboy View Post
    Ah yes, I found it Ronnie. I still have a couple of questions,
    1. You suggest going for IM but I read that after it is injected IM, within 30 seconds its in the blood stream so it makes no difference. What do you think?I DOUBT IT MAKES MUCH DIFFERENCE EITHER WAY BUT IM IS THE WAY I HAVE SEEN IT USED THE MOST. 2. What dose do you think someone who has never taken it should start with? I read Dave Palumbo's protocol and he suggests a low amount between 10-20mcg to stop any receptor downgrading. I WOULD GO 20 mcg

  14. #1974
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    Ronnie, I have a questioin in our article you say, "There's no value in going past 8 weeks of using anabolics unless you are cutting and getting ready for a show. Once an 8 week cycle is completed you would have to escelate anabolic dosages much higher to get additional results-hence more side effects would occur and over-training would manifest itself". so that suggest coming off AAS totally (no-use=no-use). and my rep range for this 8 week reload is between 8-10. however at times I feel that i can go higher in reps. will that be counter productive during this phaes??? And thanx for advice on my laggin pec I'll be following your words to the T...........

  15. #1975
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    Ronnie when doing shoulder press should you only bring the weight down till your arms are about at a 90 degree angle? Instead of bringing the weight all the way down? To me that feels like doing a half rep like those people who bench press and bring the weight down like a foot away from there chest... I know I see lots of people say only go till your elbows are parallel with your shoulders to spare your rotator cuff but I would like to hear your opinion on this.
    I've always brought the weight all the way gown never bothered me and I have a rotator cuff injury... I've had it for 10 years or so before I started weight lifting and it doesn't seem to make it worse

  16. #1976
    morado02 is offline Junior Member
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    Hi Ronnie:

    I am planning to start my bulking phase in a couple of weeks, and I decided to give it a try with the STS.

    This is what I have on mind, so let me know what you think please.


    Phase 1

    8 week reload:Weeks 1-8
    d-bol 30 mgs per day
    test e 750 mgs per week
    Equipose 600 mgs per week

    2 week deload:Weeks 9-10
    test e 500 mgs per week

    Phase 2

    8 week reload: Weeks 11-18
    d-bol 50 mgs per day
    test e 1 gram per week
    Equipose 600 mgs per week

    2 week deload: Weeks 19-20
    test 500 mgs
    Last edited by morado02; 11-07-2010 at 10:42 AM.

  17. #1977
    DUCATI999 is offline New Member
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    Hello ronnie... Thanx on this wonderful thread...Iv been reading and having a blast bro...
    very informative ... also very fresh and renewing.. I must say Im a a high sets number person.. 15 sets per large body part once a week , I cant wait to start with this new style you presented... as i had been natural for a full year .. and im currently cuting.. in a month or so I should begin this new method I wana give it a try , it looks very promising...
    Im 22... been using since a young age (you can see iv been here a while) currently natural at 225 LBS 12%BF 180C"m
    will be kikin it old school - test enanthate + nandrolone
    weeks 1-8 Reload test enanthate on 750 m"g per week
    weeks 9-10 Deaload test enanthate on 250 m"g per week
    weeks 11-18 Reload test enanthate on 750 m"g per week
    weeks 11-18 Reload nandrolonr deconate (deca ) on 400 m"g per week
    weeks 19-20 Deload test enanthate on 250 m"g per week
    weeks 21-25 PCT clomide - 50 m"g per day
    week 21-22 PCT HCG 1500 IU EOD per injection...
    pure Pct I know but I do have some experience with my body + I do not belive in agressive Pct...
    protin intake will go accordingly to the reload and deload phases... and traning will do so as well
    I cant wait to get started.... Im asking this a month pre cycle so Ill have time to adjust everything to the top...
    is my protocol good by you?
    If you can add something Ill be more than happy to change what ever you fined to be wrong (sorry for my pure spelling)

  18. #1978
    tsr183 is offline Junior Member
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    Hey Ron I have read most of your post and you have answered some questions I have been wondering about for years! Im 24yrs old, have been working out for 8 years. Im 6'2'' Starting weight was 135lbs 8 years ago, currently 245lbs at 18%bf. I have done a couple of cycles and its the only time I ever felt "normal". I had two testicular torsions and finally decided to go to the Urologist and found out my nuts are two small for my age and my test levels were 150ng/dl. Dr put me on test cyp right away at 200mg/every two weeks. I felt great pretty quickly. My question is I have a great source for test-cyp, anavar , hcg , arimidex , and deca . I have been running the test cyp at 200mg every two weeks for 7 weeks the upped it to 400mg/week for last 3 weeks. I came upon your post and Im blown away with all your knowledge...

    My goals are to get as big a possible and lose a few pounds around the midsection, maybe get down to 12-14%bf. Can you tell me how to run my supps to get as big as genetically possible the correct way for slingshot. My current diet is 30%protein 50%carbs 20%fats. I follow my diet to a fault and dont see the fat loss coming although I have put on decent mass size.

    Would you mind giving me a breakdown on how the workout would go. When you say 12sets for major muscle groups does that mean chest/back/quads? How many sets/reps for smaller groups?
    Last edited by tsr183; 11-06-2010 at 04:35 PM.

  19. #1979
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    Just read that Tricky Jackson, user of the Slingshot Training System, has won the Sacremento Pro 2010.

  20. #1980
    delta1111 is offline Associate Member
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    Hi Ronnie,
    I'm 40years old, been cycling on and off for about 2 years now. Cycles have ranged from very low to over a gram per week. Always stacked with test, for example test and deca or test and tren and so on. The side effects produced by my cycles have always been quite mild, regardless of the cycle strength. The only side effects I have sustained are back acne and increased sex drive. I have never suffered from gyno or shrunken nuts. What does this mean? Am I just lucky? I know my gear is defo legit, no question there, but I was wondering if, because I have a low response in terms of negative side effects, could this also mean that i'm not responding as I should positively also, as in the muscle building properties of steroids . Do I just not respond well positively or negatively to gear or is it possible for a person to have more positive effects that negative effects? BTW I have always struggled to gain mass and strength.
    Many thanks.

  21. #1981
    FutureMr.Universe is offline New Member
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    What would you recommend to use for the cycles?

  22. #1982
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    Quote Originally Posted by heman78 View Post
    ronnie, i have a questioin in our article you say, "there's no value in going past 8 weeks of using anabolics unless you are cutting and getting ready for a show. Once an 8 week cycle is completed you would have to escelate anabolic dosages much higher to get additional results-hence more side effects would occur and over-training would manifest itself". So that suggest coming off aas totally (no-use=no-use). And my rep range for this 8 week reload is between 8-10. However at times i feel that i can go higher in reps. Will that be counter productive during this phaes???no you can still go as high as 15 reps on some sets and make gains, especially the larger muscle groups like legs and lats. But as a whole, low to moderate reps are best for building mass! and thanx for advice on my laggin pec i'll be following your words to the t...........

  23. #1983
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    Quote Originally Posted by juicedupmonkey View Post
    ronnie when doing shoulder press should you only bring the weight down till your arms are about at a 90 degree angle? Instead of bringing the weight all the way down? To me that feels like doing a half rep like those people who bench press and bring the weight down like a foot away from there chest... I know i see lots of people say only go till your elbows are parallel with your shoulders to spare your rotator cuff but i would like to hear your opinion on this.
    I've always brought the weight all the way gown never bothered me and i have a rotator cuff injury... I've had it for 10 years or so before i started weight lifting and it doesn't seem to make it worse it all depends on the individual. Bringing the bar down to only 90 degrees is not far enough for most imo but some are limnited to this range of motion. I have had some rotator cuff issues so i bring my hands down to my ear lobes which is still below 90 degrees as far as my elbows are concerned. I would do as full of a range of motion that you can without having shoulder pain..

  24. #1984
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    I've been using Test C for quite a while now, but have gotten a great deal on Test Comp 250 (similar to Sustonon 250 I'd imagine) and was wondering the best way to use it and get the best out of the short and long esters. What it consists of per ml is Test Decanoate BP 100mg, Test Isocaproate BP 60mg, Test Phenylpropionate 60mg, and Test Propionate USP 30mg.

    Now I'm familar with Test Cyp, Test Enth and Test Prop. These others I'm not sure of. I would guess the Test that say BP would be the longer esters, while the Phenylpropionate is similar the the Prop.

    What I'm wondering is if you were wanting to do a gram a week, or 500 mg in my case, but a gram for mathematical simplicitys sake, would it be better to do 1 ml/250 mg every other day to make the most of the Prop, or could you do 500 twice a week like I do withe Cyp or Enth?

  25. #1985
    blitzkrieg1985 is offline New Member
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    hey ronnie, I had a few questions for you..

    1. I am doing an 8 week reload followed by a 2 week deload, and then again an 8 week reload, followed by a 2 week deload.
    How much time after this bulking cycle and PCT should I start cutting?? Is there a definite time period for which I should wait and maintain my gains and then cut?

    2. Also, I saw some where mentioned in your post that after you come off anabolics, you lose most of your gains, so it's necessary that you stay on them as long as possible. Did I read it wrong or was it actually mentioned in your post? I don't want to do more than a 20 week cycle , so does that mean I'll lose my gains once I come off the anabolics, even if I eat more than maintenance during PCT and the few months after the end of my cycle.

    Thanks Ronnie

  26. #1986
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    Quote Originally Posted by morado02 View Post
    hi ronnie:

    I am planning to start my bulking phase in a couple of weeks, and i decided to give it a try with the sts.

    This is what i have on mind, so let me know what you think please.


    phase 1

    8 week reload:weeks 1-8
    d-bol 30 mgs per day
    test e 750 mgs per week
    equipose 600 mgs per week

    2 week deload:weeks 9-10
    test e 500 mgs per week

    phase 2

    8 week reload: Weeks 11-18
    d-bol 50 mgs per day
    test e 1 gram per week
    equipose 600 mgs per week

    2 week deload: Weeks 19-20
    test 500 mgs looks good! You might consider increasing test to 1.5 grams per week during phase 2.

  27. #1987
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    Quote Originally Posted by ducati999 View Post
    hello ronnie... Thanx on this wonderful thread...iv been reading and having a blast bro...
    Very informative ... Also very fresh and renewing.. I must say im a a high sets number person.. 15 sets per large body part once a week , i cant wait to start with this new style you presented... As i had been natural for a full year .. And im currently cuting.. In a month or so i should begin this new method i wana give it a try , it looks very promising...
    Im 22... Been using since a young age (you can see iv been here a while) currently natural at 225 lbs 12%bf 180c"m
    will be kikin it old school - test enanthate + nandrolone
    weeks 1-8 reload test enanthate on 750 m"g per week
    weeks 9-10 deaload test enanthate on 250 m"g per week
    weeks 11-18 reload test enanthate on 750 m"g per week(increase test to 1 gram during second phase)weeks 11-18 reload nandrolonr deconate (deca ) on 400 m"g per week
    weeks 19-20 deload test enanthate on 250 m"g per week
    weeks 21-25 pct clomide - 50 m"g per day
    week 21-22 pct hcg 1500 iu eod per injection...
    Pure pct i know but i do have some experience with my body + i do not belive in agressive pct...
    Protin intake will go accordingly to the reload and deload phases... And traning will do so as well
    i cant wait to get started.... Im asking this a month pre cycle so ill have time to adjust everything to the top...
    Is my protocol good by you?
    If you can add something ill be more than happy to change what ever you fined to be wrong (sorry for my pure spelling)

  28. #1988
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    Quote Originally Posted by tsr183 View Post
    hey ron i have read most of your post and you have answered some questions i have been wondering about for years! Im 24yrs old, have been working out for 8 years. Im 6'2'' starting weight was 135lbs 8 years ago, currently 245lbs at 18%bf. I have done a couple of cycles and its the only time i ever felt "normal". I had two testicular torsions and finally decided to go to the urologist and found out my nuts are two small for my age and my test levels were 150ng/dl. Dr put me on test cyp right away at 200mg/every two weeks. I felt great pretty quickly. My question is i have a great source for test-cyp, anavar , hcg , arimidex , and deca . I have been running the test cyp at 200mg every two weeks for 7 weeks the upped it to 400mg/week for last 3 weeks. I came upon your post and im blown away with all your knowledge...

    My goals are to get as big a possible and lose a few pounds around the midsection, maybe get down to 12-14%bf. Can you tell me how to run my supps to get as big as genetically possible the correct way for slingshot. My current diet is 30%protein 50%carbs 20%fats. I follow my diet to a fault and dont see the fat loss coming although i have put on decent mass size.

    Would you mind giving me a breakdown on how the workout would go. When you say 12sets for major muscle groups does that mean chest/back/quads? How many sets/reps for smaller groups? work sets are between 6-12 depending on what works best for the individual. It's imperative that you experiement to see what volume works best for you. Feel free to post your workout and i'll take a look at it and tell you what i think. Deca and var can decrease sex drive so using more test alone would be better in your case . For mass go with drugs like test/tren/d-bol. A combination of all 3 works great!

  29. #1989
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    Quote Originally Posted by delta1111 View Post
    hi ronnie,
    i'm 40years old, been cycling on and off for about 2 years now. Cycles have ranged from very low to over a gram per week. Always stacked with test, for example test and deca or test and tren and so on. The side effects produced by my cycles have always been quite mild, regardless of the cycle strength. The only side effects i have sustained are back acne and increased sex drive. I have never suffered from gyno or shrunken nuts. What does this mean? Am i just lucky? it means you are lucky! i know my gear is defo legit, no question there, but i was wondering if, because i have a low response in terms of negative side effects, could this also mean that i'm not responding as i should positively also, as in the muscle building properties of steroids . it can mean your body will require higher dosages of drugs to get a muscle building response. Do i just not respond well positively or negatively to gear or is it possible for a person to have more positive effects that negative effects? It can happen. Btw i have always struggled to gain mass and strength. try increaasing your dosages while adding test/tren/ d-bol together and see what happens.many thanks.

  30. #1990
    Mark7070 is offline New Member
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    It's an honor to read your insightful post and advice. Extremely helpful and I am glad to have found you. Here are my questions, maybe you can help. I am 5'10 weighed and weighed 385 lbs. Then I lost weight and weighed 285lbs. I am 36. Now I am 230lbs and 28% body fat and I am eating healthy, doing an hour cardio and working out twice a day, once with a personal trainer.

    I am thinking of doing equipose, sustain, and stanazol. Any recomendations on mixing those and at what cc?

    Should I do something after?
    Any other cycle recommendations for fat loss and getting ripped?

    Any place that is credible to buy from?

    Thanks for your help. I have cut out soda and alcohol.

    Last edited by Mark7070; 11-08-2010 at 07:05 AM. Reason: Added a sentence

  31. #1991
    tsr183 is offline Junior Member
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    Monday (Shoulder/Biceps?Triceps)
    Dumbbell Shoulder Press (4 sets during Reload 4-6 reps) (2 sets during Deadloads 12-15 reps)
    Lateral Cable Raises (4 sets during Reload 4-6 reps) (2 sets during Deadloads 12-15 reps)
    Rear Delt Flyes (4 sets during Reload 4-6 reps) (2 sets during Deadloads 12-15 reps)

    Standing Barbell Curls (4 sets during Reload 4-6 reps) (2 sets during Deadloads 12-15 reps)
    Preacher Curls (4 sets during Reload 4-6 reps) (2 sets during Deadloads 12-15 reps)
    Hammer Curls (4 sets during Reload 4-6 reps) (2 sets during Deadloads 12-15 reps)

    Skull Crusher (4 sets during Reload 4-6 reps) (2 sets during Deadloads 12-15 reps)
    Overhead Tricep Ext (4 sets during Reload 4-6 reps) (2 sets during Deadloads 12-15 reps)
    Tricep Push Downs (4 sets during Reload 4-6 reps) (2 sets during Deadloads 12-15 reps)

    Wednesday (Back and Chest)
    Lat Pull downs (4 sets during Reload 4-6 reps) (2 sets during Deadloads 12-15 reps)
    Pull Ups (4 sets during Reload 4-6 reps) (2 sets during Deadloads 12-15 reps)
    Bent Over Rows (4 sets during Reload 4-6 reps) (2 sets during Deadloads 12-15 reps)
    Seated Cable Rows (4 sets during Reload 4-6 reps) (2 sets during Deadloads 12-15 reps)

    Incline Bench Smith Machine (4 sets during Reload 4-6reps) (2 sets during Deadloads 12-15 reps)
    Decline Bench Smith Machine (4 sets during Reload 4-6 reps) (2 sets during Deadloads 12-15 reps)
    Dumbbell Flat Bench (4 sets during Reload 4-6 reps) (2 sets during Deadloads 12-15 reps)

    Friday (Legs)
    Squats (6sets during reloads 4-6reps) (3sets during deadloads12-15reps)
    Leg Ext (6 sets during Relaods4-6 reps) ( 3sets during Deadloads12-15reps)
    Lying leg curls 6 sets during reloads 4-6 reps) (3sets during deadloads 12-15 reps)

    Please let me know if any of my rep ranges are wrong or if I need to change any of the exercises...and THANK YOU!

  32. #1992
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    They got my diet straight...
    Last edited by tsr183; 11-09-2010 at 01:55 PM.

  33. #1993
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
    Ronnie Rowland is offline Author of Functional Training with a Fork
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark7070 View Post

    It's an honor to read your insightful post and advice. Extremely helpful and I am glad to have found you. Here are my questions, maybe you can help. I am 5'10 weighed and weighed 385 lbs. Then I lost weight and weighed 285lbs. I am 36. Now I am 230lbs and 28% body fat and I am eating healthy, doing an hour cardio and working out twice a day, once with a personal trainer.

    I am thinking of doing equipose, sustain, and stanazol. For starters try 750 mgs of sustanon 250 per week (inject 1 cc 3 times per week) 50 mgs of winstrol daily( in tab form) and 600 mgs of equipoise weekly (divided into two or three weekly injections) Any recomendations on mixing those and at what cc?

    Should I do something after? phase 2 you could add trenAny other cycle recommendations for fat loss and getting ripped? test/tren/winstrol/clen/t-3Any place that is credible to buy from? not allowed to answer this question and you are not allowed to ask in open forumThanks for your help. I have cut out soda and alcohol.


  34. #1994
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    Quote Originally Posted by tsr183 View Post

    Monday (Shoulder/Biceps?Triceps)
    Dumbbell Shoulder Press (4 sets during Reload 4-6 reps) (2 sets during Deadloads 12-15 reps)
    Lateral Cable Raises (4 sets during Reload 4-6 reps) (2 sets during Deadloads 12-15 reps)
    Rear Delt Flyes (4 sets during Reload 4-6 reps) (2 sets during Deadloads 12-15 reps)

    Standing Barbell Curls (4 sets during Reload 4-6 reps) (2 sets during Deadloads 12-15 reps)
    Preacher Curls (4 sets during Reload 4-6 reps) (2 sets during Deadloads 12-15 reps)
    Hammer Curls (4 sets during Reload 4-6 reps) (2 sets during Deadloads 12-15 reps)

    Skull Crusher (4 sets during Reload 4-6 reps) (2 sets during Deadloads 12-15 reps)
    Overhead Tricep Ext (4 sets during Reload 4-6 reps) (2 sets during Deadloads 12-15 reps)
    Tricep Push Downs (4 sets during Reload 4-6 reps) (2 sets during Deadloads 12-15 reps)

    Wednesday (Back and Chest)
    Lat Pull downs (4 sets during Reload 4-6 reps) (2 sets during Deadloads 12-15 reps)
    Pull Ups (4 sets during Reload 4-6 reps) (2 sets during Deadloads 12-15 reps)
    Bent Over Rows (4 sets during Reload 4-6 reps) (2 sets during Deadloads 12-15 reps)
    Seated Cable Rows (4 sets during Reload 4-6 reps) (2 sets during Deadloads 12-15 reps)

    Incline Bench Smith Machine (4 sets during Reload 4-6reps) (2 sets during Deadloads 12-15 reps)
    Decline Bench Smith Machine (4 sets during Reload 4-6 reps) (2 sets during Deadloads 12-15 reps)
    Dumbbell Flat Bench (4 sets during Reload 4-6 reps) (2 sets during Deadloads 12-15 reps)

    Friday (Legs)
    Squats (6sets during reloads 4-6reps) (3sets during deadloads12-15reps)
    Leg Ext (6 sets during Relaods4-6 reps) ( 3sets during Deadloads12-15reps)
    Lying leg curls 6 sets during reloads 4-6 reps) (3sets during deadloads 12-15 reps)

    Please let me know if any of my rep ranges are wrong or if I need to change any of the exercises...and THANK YOU!
    Looks good! You may find 9 sets is enough for bis and tris and 10 sets is enough for delts, quads and chest. I would leave lats where they are for now and see how that works.

  35. #1995
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    Quote Originally Posted by the titan99 View Post
    i've been using test c for quite a while now, but have gotten a great deal on test comp 250 (similar to sustonon 250 i'd imagine) and was wondering the best way to use it and get the best out of the short and long esters. What it consists of per ml is test decanoate bp 100mg, test isocaproate bp 60mg, test phenylpropionate 60mg, and test propionate usp 30mg. run it 3 times a week on non-consecutive days (for ex: Mon, wed,fri)now i'm familar with test cyp, test enth and test prop. These others i'm not sure of. I would guess the test that say bp would be the longer esters, while the phenylpropionate is similar the the prop.

    What i'm wondering is if you were wanting to do a gram a week, or 500 mg in my case, but a gram for mathematical simplicitys sake, would it be better to do 1 ml/250 mg every other day to make the most of the prop, or could you do 500 twice a week like i do withe cyp or enth? do 1 ml 3 times per week

  36. #1996
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    Quote Originally Posted by blitzkrieg1985 View Post
    hey ronnie, i had a few questions for you..

    1. I am doing an 8 week reload followed by a 2 week deload, and then again an 8 week reload, followed by a 2 week deload.
    How much time after this bulking cycle and pct should i start cutting?? Is there a definite time period for which i should wait and maintain my gains and then cut? no, it's a personal decision
    2. Also, i saw some where mentioned in your post that after you come off anabolics, you lose most of your gains, so it's necessary that you stay on them as long as possible. yes, but small dosages can help you maintain as does gh did i read it wrong or was it actually mentioned in your post? I don't want to do more than a 20 week cycle , so does that mean i'll lose my gains once i come off the anabolics, even if i eat more than maintenance during pct and the few months after the end of my cycle. you will eventually lose most of your gains. Eating more when coming off will only make you gain fat while simultaneously losing muscle. You want to eat a bit less during pct!
    thanks ronnie

  37. #1997
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    There's a lot of theories on how to make maximum muscle gains while using anabolic steroids . You do not need steroid cycles that are so complicated that you would need a degree in bio-chemistry to figure them out. You can't just climb your way to the top of the mountain in one shot. You have to slingshot your way up in increments! I want to share with everyone what I have learned in 24 years of experience as both a bodybuilder and personal trainer. I have seen a lot in my days!

    Feel free to ask me any questions concerning steroid cycles, etc in this thread. I see a lot of the same old questions being asked and I want to hand out some sound advise for those wanting to know what I have found to work best. It's really quite simple. KEEP ANABOLIC STEROID CYCLES/PRO-HORMONE CYCLES AT 8 WEEKS!

    Take care,

    Ronnie Rowland

    Slingshot Training Overview and Cliff Notes:

    Slingshot Training entails blasting for as long as humanly possible before having to take time off from heavy training. A blast is composed of two training phases-a “reload” and a “deload”. The reload is a higher volume training phase that last 8 weeks and a deload is a lower volume training phase that last 2 weeks. Slingshot training works by reloading with more volume while your on an 8 week anabolic steroid cycle or 8 week pro-hormone cycle, etc. Anabolics have been shown to work best for appoximately 8 weeks. After that point, additional muscle gains slow dramatically and you would need to use higher amounts drugs or supplements to advance further. The problem with that approach is unwanted side effects. So in order to keep making maximum progress you come off a heavy cycle by lowering the amount of anabolics used, do a pct, or bridge with a small dose of anabolics for 2 weeks-all while reducing training volume and protein intake. This 2 week period of reducing volume and protein is called a deload and it encourages receptor sites to become more sensitive to anabolics so that when you return to another (steroid cycle/reload) you'll make more gains with less side effects. To recap: You use more training volume and take in more protein during your 8 week anabolic steroid cycles so you can get the most out of each cycle. This is your reload ! After the reload you begin deloading for 2 weeks by using less training volume, higher reps (12-15) less anabolics and taking in less protein so you can return to another 8 week anabolic cycle/reload 2 weeks later and make continued progress. The cycle continues (reload/deload/reload/deload/reload/deload,etc)

    Important Note: During 8 week reloads/8 week anabolic steroid cycles, you must be prepared to push training and protein intake to the limit. As you progress, anabolic dosages and calories must be increased in order to make continued gains!) Most people fail to max out their genetics because they use momentum to lift the weight. When momentum is used the ancillary muscle can do more of the actual work than the targeted muscle group. It's an ego thing and has no part in bodybuilding.

    It’s up to you as an individual to find out how many sets work best for your body. I prefer 6-12 intense sets per body part once a week during reloads and only 3-6 intense sets during deloads. Experiment with your anabolic cycles to see which drugs/supplements work best. You will make your most gains somewhere during weeks 3,4,5 6,7, and 8! You must use once a week muscle group training as a baseline! It's no secret that the majority of people do best with once a week muscle training but training each muscle twice a week with more frequency on occasion will help break training plateaus. When training each muscle twice a week you will still need to stay within the guidelines I have suggest for training volume. This means no more than a maximum of 12 intense work sets total per week for any major muscle group. If you want to get as big as humanly possible then there's no need in going off steroids. You heard me right! The 8 week reload is not a standard 8 week cycle but rather one long continual cycle that stops only when you discontinue making any gains. This long cycle is called a blast and it consist of reloading and deloading. When you go off steroids for a lengthy period or decide to come off (for example time off = time off) you will lose a lot of your gains and go back to just above what you could have obtained naturally.

    Note: When high amounts of androgenic anabolics steroids such as testosterone enanthate are introduced into the body, maximum receptor site stimualtion occurs during the first 3-8 weeks. After having been on test for around 8 weeks your libido will begin to level out and eventually decline as will your muscle growth as these receptor sites adjust to the exogenous testosterone. It's during this 3-8 week period of enhanced libido that maximum muscle growth occurs! Some of you will make the majority of your gains during weeks 3-6 while reloading others will gain more during week 5-8. Gains are finalized during the deload (weeks 8-10 of anabolic cycle). I do believe in set time frames in regards to reducing training volume and anabolic dosages. A 2 week deload following an 8 week reload is very important because it makes you stronger and packs on some additional muscle due to a rebound effect. Long acting esters will still present during a deload. In addition, the reduction in protein actually helps the body store more protein-hence more muscle mass!

    When going for maximum mass you go off all steroids with Slingshot Training during a 2 week prime to allow receptors to clear and catabolic hormormone ( cortisol , myostatin levels, etc) to decline. You'll know when to prime because all progress will come to a grinding halt. Do not confuse the deload with the prime even though the deload also primes body for future gains!

    I strongly believe that changing your exercises constantly is a huge mistake. Doing so will not allow for SPECIFIC ADAPTATIONS to occur to their fullest. If you are changing exercises every time you train you will have no history of progress. Results can only be measured against your baseline exercises that give you the most bang for your buck. For example: squats for the thighs! Alternating leg presses with squats every other week would not be as beneficial as sticking with squats for most of your leg training sessions unless squatting every week caused joint pain. By using the same key exercises most, if not all the time (during reloads) your results will be better. It's during the deloads you should consider changing exercises! I WANT TO DRIVE THIS POINT HOME!!!!!!!!!

    BLAST: You'll want you to put your focus on one long training phase called a "blast". During this blasting cycle you will perform 2 mini-cycles. I refer to them as a reload and a deload. A reload is high volume training cycle and a deload is low volume training cycle. The best plan is to reload for 8 weeks while using anabolic supplements then follow up with a 1-2 week deload while eliminating anabolic supplements or bridging. To simplify things you reload (high volume) for 8 weeks while the anabolics are working at full capacity then you deload (low volume using high reps) for 2 weeks once the body has reached a plateau with 8 weeks of anabolic usage and the higher volume training. The benefit of using higher volume training and taking in more protein during an 8 week anabolic steroid cycle works magic! Performing higher volume not only damages muscles, it also causes them to respond by activating genes in the nuceli of the muscle cells. During a reload/anabolic steroid or pro-hormone cycle you could do 12 sets once a week for your chest for 8 weeks or 6 sets twice a week for chest. Next, after doing high volume (12 sets total per week) for 8 weeks, you will deload for 2 weeks doing only half as many sets (6 sets once a week or 3 sets twice a week). During this two week deload you will reduce or eliminate anabolic supplements depending on what you are using).

    Reloading and Deloading : I want to drive this point home so everyone understand the importance of proper periodization! The deload has nothing to do with the amount of weight or training intensity used, only the number of work sets change. Use higher reps but still train with great intensity during deloads as the number of work sets will be reduced! Deloading allows for catch-up growth to occur that was stimulated during a Reload. I compare the gains made during the deload to the gains you'll make during the first 2 weeks after doing a show even though training has been reduced and you have come off of all or most anabolics and have reduced protein intake. It takes higher volume training to blast the type-2 fibers to the utmost and this causes fatigue to accumulate. During intense periods of blasting, some of the gains made are delayed because the body isn’t capable of converting all the extra training into gains because more training is happening at the same time the body needs more rest for recovery. Once a deload is incorporated and the body fully-adapts, your Central Nervous System will recover and allow maximum gains in size-strength to occur.

    During a blast, you gain additional strength during a deload, then take these additonal strength gains and break down more muscle tissue during the following reload by performing more work sets while adding in more anabolic supplements. This type of repetitive progress is the secret so many are in search of yet few have found!

    Pro-bodybuilder’s would not be the size they are today if they lifted the same weights they started out with or used the same low volume programs they used as a beginner to get stronger! I am often asked, "is it really necessary to do both a deload and a reload during a blast"? My answer is yes! - “There are a lot of people who think they are making progressive strength gains but in reality they are stuck in a training rut using the same weight loads over and over again. They will keep returning to train hard but continue using the same weights they used last month while staying on high dosages of anabolic supplements year yet their genetic potential in strength is far from being reached. They get a massive pump with high volume but they do not get any stronger even though they never go off anabolics! On the other hand, there are people who think they are making progressive gains in muscle size because they are getting stronger but in reality their ability to max out muscle size for their genetic potential is not being reached because they are always performing low volume. They use the same low volume approach over and over again while neglecting to go for a serious pump. They also stay on high dosages of anabolics year round instead of cycling off for 1-2 weeks after each 8 week anabolic cycle. They will keep returning to the gym pushing heavy weight loads for only a set or two while making minimal gains in muscle size. Let me be clear, it takes both high volume and low volume to max out your genetic potential while simulataneously cycling anabolic dosages!”

    A deload consist of performing about half as many sets while using the same intensity, weight loads and rep-ranges. The entire blast will consist of training each body part once a week as a baseline then twice a week once a plateau has been reached. If you prefer once a week training then you can continue doing so indefintely. After 2-3 months of training a muscle once a week you could benefit by switching over to training each muscle group twice a week during the next 8 week reload. It's not manadory, but a good way to help prevent boredom/break plateaus!

    When training a muscle twice a week it's best to do one heavy training day (lower reps) during your first weekly workout and a lighter training day (higher reps) during second weekly workout. It’s also best to use different exercises on light days but not mandatory. Only when using the Slingshot Super Blast is being utilized should you stick with the same exercises for both heavy and light days (the way they trained in the Arnold era)! When you find you need time off from heavy training and all anabolic supplements you can do a 1-2 week prime (active or non-active lay-off). An active prime is a high rep/low volume/low intensity training phase or total lay-off from training that allows the joints/tendons/nervous system to recover so you can enter back into a blast with full-power. If you go on vacation, etc it would also be considered a prime. Its all depends on the individual how often a prime is needed. I like to do a 1 week prime about every 6 months or after a show.

    Plateauing : A plateau effect will occur within 8 weeks with most steroids/anabolic supplement cycles. This is the perfect time to deload and decrease anabolics. Strength gains occur during a deload due to a rebound effect of stopping anabolics and by putting less demand on the nervous system/joints/tendons by training with only half the volume. The deload primes the body for future gains and allows you to get stronger/bigger during the next reload/anabolic cycle. Cycling in this manner increasing the effectiveness of every 8 week anabolic steroid or pro-hormone cycle. There's no value in going past 8 weeks of using anabolics unless you are cutting and getting ready for a show. Once an 8 week cycle is completed you would have to escelate anabolic dosages much higher to get additional results-hence more side effects would occur and over-training would manifest itself.

    Work Sets:There's never a need in exceeding more than a total of 12 intense work sets for any body part each week. After around 12 intense work sets are completed the muscles stop firing. Doing upwards of 20 intense sets will result in injury and total burnout! All to often I see people thinking they need to do 20-25 work sets per muscle group. Now I want to drive this point home-"If you cannot break down your muscles to the max with 6-12 intense work sets total for the week (warm up sets not included) whether you train them once a week or twice a week you have a serious training problem"!

    Slingshot Diet:

    RELOAD DIET: During a reload you will need to increase protein! Do not exceed around 2 grams of protein per pound of body weight during a reload!

    DELOAD DIET: During a deload less protein is needed. Protein intake will need to be reduced by 1 gram per pound of body weight. During a deload you will need to keep calories the same (maintenance level) so growth can occur or be maintained. Use mostly healthy dietary fats like olive oil and ***** 3's from various nuts and smart balance peanut butter to replace the protein calories that have been removed. However, carbs can remain the same in order to spare the lesser amounts of protein being taken in but if you need to get leaner before the next reload reduce the carbs. Reaching a sticking point after an 8 week reload is normal. The best way to overcome sticking points is by changing your routine with a deload. The reduced protein intake during a deload will improve insulin sensitivity because less protein will be converetd over to glucose and non-stop anabolic usage has been suggested to cause insulin resistance. When more protein/carbs are added during the next reload more amino acids will have the opportunity to be accepted by muscle cells when they are being broken down the most!

    Carbs vs fats: In regards to the best diet plan for your body type you must figure out whether you do better on higher carbs or higher fats then go from there. Protein always remains high! If you do better on carbs then keep the fats lower. On the other hand, if you do better on less carbs and more fats keep the carbs lower. Some of you with a very fast metabolism may do better utilizing both a high carb and high fat diet. In that case it's good practiced to alternate protein/carb meals with mostly protein/fat meals to increase your ability to digest larger amounts of food.

    PRIME: If you are over-trained you should begin each training cycle by using strategic de-conditioning (priming phase) over a 1-2 week time span. Total work sets and weight loads are reduced during the prime to make the muscle more responsive to the stimulus of weight training. Not training at all will do the same thing! This will help set up an environment for muscle growth to occur during the following blast!

    Slingshot your way to the top!

    The Slingshot Training System By Ronnie Rowland.”


    No liability is assumed by the author for information contained within. Anabolic steroids are illegal in many countries and are not condoned by the author. All readers, are advises that any form of supplements or drugs described may be illegal, prohibited, or used only with a doctors prescription. The author does not participate, advocate, or encourage in any illegal activities. Readers must consult with appropriate legal and medical authorities if not certain about what has been stated in this article. COPYRIGHTED BY Ronnie Rowland....


    When many weight lifters hit a plateau, what do they do? They begin to push even harder by adding more intensity to their routine. This kind of thinking is wrong because a muscle has to be exposed to something it is not used to doing without over-training the nervous system and joints. Adding intensity, by way of beyond failure training techniques, is widely known for producing frustrated bodybuilders! It's no secret that progressively adding more weight to every lift is a sure-fire way to increase total lean body mass, given the diet, training volume, and exercise selection is spot on. Almost everyone starts out using low volume. They grow at a phenomenal rate until the body adapts and quits responding. Because some feel the gains were so great using the lower volume approach, they begin to try and lift heavier weights while using the same program for extended periods of time. They put continued pressure on themselves to try to beat personal records each training session in hopes it will somehow further their muscle mass. Unfortunately, they end up with nothing more than chronic injuries and stagnation as a result.

    The intelligent trainer's switch-over to using more volume, while the less fortunate keep thinking less is always more! The next mistake comes into play by the trainees who have switched over to using the higher volume approach. Many become so overwhelmed with their newly found muscle mass after having increased the volume that they begin to reason with themselves thinking more must always be done from that point on. They quickly hit a point of diminishing returns and eventually develop over-use injuries and an over-trained nervous system, instead of reverting back to using a lower amount of volume that worked so well at the beginning.

    Sometimes their training will take the form of more sets-reps, exercises, intensity, training sessions, etc. Some are in constant search for the latest routines that will shock their muscles even further. However, all this does is hold them back even more because no one can overcome diminishing returns or keep using the same routine for extended periods of time and expect to make good gains. Slingshot Training helps you overcome both of these dilemmas by employing both low volume and high volume during the appropriate time frames!

    ** As someone who lifts weights, you will be going up against giants. In biblical times David used a "slingshot" to destroy his largest opponent of all, Goliath. Slingshot Training will dramatically change your physique in a short amount of time, trust me on this one.* *

    Every time I browse the internet it’s the same old question being asked over and over again; “What’s the best training routine to gain lean muscle mass and strength?” Many of you are jumping from program to program and it’s not really making any noticeable differences in your strength or appearance. Some of you were making gains but have now reached a plateau. Others believe that a properly structured routine won’t really make much difference in comparison to other training programs and you tend to be either an obsessive-compulsive high volume trainees (always going for a pump) or an obsessive-compulsive low volume trainees (always trying to gain more strength). If you fall into any of these categories, I want to share with you what I have found optimal for making forward progress as a weight lifter.

    First, not everything that works is good. You can be sincere in what you believe and still be wrong. So far, so good, doesn’t mean you’re not going to have some serious issues with joint and tendon pain later on down the road. All too often a hero on this months muscle magazine turns into a zero a few months down the road because they become injured and can no longer train. Listen carefully, opinions and trends come and go. I get a head ache just thinking about all the high-intensity training techniques such as pre-exhaustion, forced reps, heavy negatives, down the rack, rest-pause, super sets, drop sets, and the list goes on, and on!

    Let me be clear, various training techniques have nothing to do with genetic capabilities. There is not one single variable that is the total downfall of not being able to gain more muscle size. Forced reps, rest pause, drop sets; etc will all depict some form of muscular hypertrophy. However, a major problem (other than these techniques being less effective at stimulating muscular size-strength and putting more strain on the joints, tendons, and CNS) is that they take in a much selected group of principles and apply them. The theory of combining all different training techniques to increase muscle hypertrophy is short-sighting the way the human body responds. If genetics dictated the needs for a different training style, then some could use rest-pause or drop-sets and get bigger/stronger than what they could obtain with straight sets, and we know this is not the case! Time has proven that the genetically superior will respond better to all forms of training methods when compared to the genetically inferior. Simply changing the way you create damage by employing various beyond failure training methods does not alter the fact that overtraining of the CNS and joints/tendons will out pace muscular damage. So, it all boils down to finding that one training method that’s not only the most effective for all genetic types, but the safest. It just so happens that straight sets is that one training method. In final, straight sets is the superior training style that out does all the rest when periodized properly!

    * * Just because something has been shown to work doesn't mean it’s the best way**

    A lot of talented people fail because they don't have a strong work ethic or they get poor information and stick too it. It's very important to get the right information. Do some investigating. Our projection of things is how all of us make our decisions. And all too often, people tend to believe something just because they have heard others say it over and over again. You must resist letting others condition or brainwash you into believing something that is not altogether true. Be skeptical when someone is trying to sell you something. It pays to be defensive because there is always something being promoted as "new and amazing" that turns out to be pure garbage. I'm not telling you that Slingshot Training is the only one way to success, or that all other training systems are wrong. I'm all about teaching others what I have found to be optimal. I get tired of all the silly debates on the internet that means absolutely nothing. For every article debunking a certain method, 25 can be found supporting it. Studies are fine, and theories are great, but reality hits hard and the paper studies that are put out become worthless when the truth is finally revealed. When someone gives the default answer "Well there's not an effective off-season program that will work for everyone in terms of maxing out their genetics potential," I realize they are basically admitting they do not understand how the human body responds to outside stimuli. The big picture is learning what it takes to create an effective progressive over-load (lift more weight) without getting injured and then taking those strength gains and proceeding forward to create a true progressive over-load (performing more sets with heavier weight loads) without developing over-use injuries and over-training. Add the proper nutrition into the mix and that’s how you get results. I refer to this as using a slingshot approach (hurling intensity to the muscles). Link showing pro and cons of low volume and high volume training- Bring Back Hard Work and Volume Training

    ## Taking it to the edge is what it's all about##

    If you gain strength but fail to gain some muscle size over time, it’s because you are not eating enough calories. If you gain strength by way of decreasing training volume (deload) but neglect to increase training volume (reload) during a period of using more calories to put on weight, you will gain more body fat and less muscle size. Combining more volume with extra calories and increased strength gains is what causes maximum growth Then you must periodize these 3 factors so progress and recuperation can be made year round. Training has to do with adaptation. Volumes, Intensity, Frequency and Strength have their limitations. None of them are infinite. For e.g.; If you perform 1 intense set of heavy barbell curls twice a week, the neural pathways will eventually adjust themselves by getting stronger so they can handle an even heavier weight load next time you train. Yes, the biceps will get stronger, but not a lot bigger. Stay with me here! When you take advantage of the added strength gains made by using less volume (deload) and then co-mingle those added strength gains with additional training volume (reload) while not over-training, you can be assured you will grow bigger muscles. That is how you create a true progressive overload! You can use all the fancy beyond failure training methods such as drop sets and rest-pause for hours on end and never create a true progressive overload because limitless adaptation equals a heavier workload in conjunction with additional volume to breakdown down more muscle tissue, while never going past the point of diminishing returns.

    A progressive over-load and a true progressive over-load are not one in the same. Creating a progressive over-load is brought forth by being able to lift more weight using the same form, amount of work sets, and rest periods between sets. A true progressive over-load (a phrase I coined) is also brought forth when you can lift more weight using the same form, and rest periods between sets, but the amount of work sets performed must be greater than what’s required to produce a progressive over-load! After each subsequent set that follows the first work set, the type-1 fibers tire out earlier in the set and the type 2 fibers that are most responsible for giving you muscle size-strength take over the load for longer periods of time. By the time you have done only 2-3 intense sets, the endurance fibers are shutting down much earlier in the set and it's mostly the type-2 fibers lifting the weight. This is why volume training works well for pro-bodybuilders. The type-2 fibers must be made to adapt to lift more weight for longer periods of time in order to grow larger. In order to accomplish this feat, you must handle heavier weights over time. By training each bodypart only once a week as a "baseline," you will produce the most size gains with the least amount of effort, all while sparing the joints and central nervous system. Once the body adapts to once a week bodypart training you'll want to periodically hit each muscle group twice a week in order to keep progressing forward at the fastest rate humanly possible! Always training each muscle group once a week or always training a muscle group twice a week stops being the most productive way to train for the more advanced bodybuilder. Once the muscles have fully adapted to the training frequency it should be changed if you are to continue to force the body to adapt. When done correctly this leads to further growth and strength gains! It takes 6-8 weeks for full-adaptation to occur when using anabolics. Full-adaptation is what you want so go with 8 weeks! A longer reload gives the body more time to adjust and you will hold onto the muscle better! LET'S RECAP-THERE IS NO SET LIMIT ON HOW LONG YOU CAN BLAST. THE KEY IS TO DELOAD AND RELOAD THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE BLAST AND THEN DO A 1-2 WEEK PRIME WHEN TOTAL BURN OUT OR A NAGGING INJURY OCCURS.

    IMPORTANT LINK: Click on link provided for a more in depth version of Slingshot Training - The Slingshot Training System
    ok thanks great info

  38. #1998
    SomeRandomGuy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    What dosing would you recommend on the Test E, Tren E, T3, Winstrol ? I know you recommend 20mcg Clen and work your way up to ~100mcg. Good, what about Ketotifen? What about Anavar ?

    So 16 weeks:
    1-12: Test E, Tren E, T3
    10-16: Clen/Keto
    12-16: Winstrol

    I'm gonna pick up some Proviron to use for AI, dosing? Continue HCG at 500iu/wk? Diet 40/40/20%, 2800-3000cals? Or try for Ketogenic? Frequency/duration on cardio and on weights?

    Thanks a lot. I'm pretty determined on cutting. I'm gonna be religious about it.

    Wow, I just realized that the fast-forward icons on the quotes take you to the related post quoted from.
    Last edited by SomeRandomGuy; 11-10-2010 at 12:21 AM.

  39. #1999
    Ronann1 is offline New Member
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    Nov 2010
    Hey guys, great site and info. Can any one help me. I have just started my first cycle of decca and Sus 250. I am new to this, and have been told to take certain tables to compensate with all the steriods going in my liver tables, estrogen tables,fish oils etc. I just want to know what I should be taking.


  40. #2000
    The Titan99's Avatar
    The Titan99 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronann1 View Post
    Hey guys, great site and info. Can any one help me. I have just started my first cycle of decca and Sus 250. I am new to this, and have been told to take certain tables to compensate with all the steriods going in my liver tables, estrogen tables,fish oils etc. I just want to know what I should be taking.

    You should start a new thread.

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