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[QUOTE=creactiveprotein;5387982]Thanks Ronnie, you don't know how frustrating it is busting your ass in the gym and seeing zero results while guys around you slack off and get huge. I will say my diet needs to be a little better as well, but I still get my protein in everyday. So you think I should go with a split like this? check out my suggestion in bold below
Mon - Chest/Back (chest)
]Tues - Legs (back)
Weds - Delts/Abs (shoulders/arms)
Thurs - Arms (legs)
off 3 days
9 sets for each body part? TRY BOTH 6 AND 9! my stats are 6' 217lbs around 20% bodyfat, never cycled before (the fact you have never cycled before is a large part of your may be able to lift as much as people with bigger muscles than yours but you will never catch them in muscle size!), but I feel like i'm in good shape and I can hang with anyone in the gym regarding weights and sets, I just look like crap.IMO you need some testosterone and a higher protein diet![/QUOTE]ABOVE
[QUOTE=delta1111;5389625]Hi Ronnie,
I have loaded and deloaded 4 times now, so i've been on for a total of 38 weeks inclusive of reloads and deloads. I feel I should perhaps come off for a while now. What do you think?
Also, how long should I come off for before starting again?
Thanks.[/QUOTE]For health purposes I would go off for 6 weeks then start reloading again!
10-14-2010, 03:33 PM #1845Associate Member
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Thanks for the answers Ronnie, you are awesome.
10-14-2010, 05:28 PM #1846New Member
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[QUOTE=Ronnie Rowland;5390115]Thanks for reading my post Ron!
The only probelm is i dont have 20 weeks to cycle. The max is 13-14 weeks. So what would be the best thing to do? just:
1-14 wk test e - 500mg
6-14 wk Anavar - 50mg ed
And up the test dosage to 750mg week 8-14??
Or split it up unto 2x 6 weeks?
What are your thoughts on t3/clen , to cycle for 6 weeks(ramp up to 100mg and ramp down), is it too catabolic? Or should i just do the odd 2 week cycle of clen on cycle for lean gains?
ty!Last edited by Gramao; 10-14-2010 at 05:42 PM.
I think you might have missed this one. Still wondering what would be good replacements. No hurry though, I'm currently trying to get what may be a c6-c7 nerve compression problem sorted out. It really sucks. I've already had an MRI thats showing some funky stuff going on in there. At that point they said I would probably need surgery, but first I should get an EMG to detemine the exact location of the problem. (Keep in mind I've had this problem for 10 months and have recieved a lot of non-treatment in the form of anti-inflamatories, pain killers etc.) Now the Doc that did the EMG said all I need is physical therapy. I haven't lifted this week at all (Super sucks) and am 4 weeks into the second reload, 1 gram TestC/600 Deca / 100 mg provironED, just ending 50 mg dbol ED. Should I finish the cycle and PCT in the case of surgery? (Gains gone!!) They say recovery 2-3 months. In the case of acupuncture/ Physical Therapy would I continue the cycle, just using less weight? Sorry about the rant, but I need some advise from someone over 110 lbs. And from what you've wrote, you seem to have had some experience with this type of thing. HELP!!
Last edited by The Titan99; 10-14-2010 at 10:32 PM.
10-15-2010, 05:16 AM #1853New Member
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10-15-2010, 10:55 AM #1854Associate Member
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Hey ronnie, what is your opinion on running deca higher than test? Which cycle would seem to produce better results??
Weeks 1-8 Test enanthate 400mg/week
Weeks 1-8 deca 600mg/week
Weeks 1-8 aromasin 12.5mg EOD
Weeks 1-8 Test enanthate 600mg/week
Weeks 1-8 deca 400mg/week
Weeks 1-8 aromasin 12.5mg EOD
I have prami on hand incase of libido issues, but I have never had libido issues with deca.Last edited by Jumbo18; 10-16-2010 at 07:00 PM.
10-15-2010, 01:37 PM #1855New Member
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Hey ronnie, I asked you a question earlier and thought of making some changes after you replied to my steroid cycle in terms of compounds and dosage: Please help me with respect to my workout routine as well as cycle:
Also, I'm 5 weeks already into first reload.
Week 1-8: Test-e at 500mg/week
Week 5-8 : Blue hearts at 50mg ed
2 week deload-
Week 9-10: Test-e at 250mg/week
Week 11-18: Test-e at 750mg/week, Tren -e at 250mg/week, Blue Hearts at 50mg ed
Week 19-23: PCT with Nolva and Hcg
And my workout routine looks like:
DB decline press: 3* 6-8
DB incline press: 3*6-8
Dips: 3*6-8
Close Grip Bench Press: 3*6-8
Deadlift: 3*4-6
Chinups: 3*6-8
T-Bar rowing: 3*6-8
Lat Pulldowns: 3*6-8
Squats: 3*4-6
Leg press: 3*6-8
Military press: 3*6-8
Side Lateral raises: 2*8-10
Close grip Upright Rows: 2*8-10
I am 5'7", 165 lbs and 13%bf and have a 1.5 years lifting experience. I have done 1 cycle before and it was a test-e, dbol cycle , didn't go so well because of my crappy diet. Also, I don't want to do direct arm work or many isolations because I consider myself between beginner and intermediate level.
I have corrected my diet on all corners now and am taking like 300gms of protein, 150gms of carbs and 100 gms of fat in a day from 5 meals.
Please tell me anything I need to change about my diet macros, workout routine or the cycle dosage and duration.
I am 5 weeks into this cycle and I really want this cycle to go well.
Thanks Ron. Just saw a new spinal surgeon yesterday. Specialist from the Spinal Center in Bangkok. They had already done an MRI and an EMG at the other hospital. The new Doc said it's GLARINGLY apparent that I need surgery. C2-C3 AND C6-C7. Says he goes in through the front, takes 2 hours and out in two days. Says I can clift with a neck brace in 2 weeks and Max lift in 2 months!!! He told me 100% resolution of the problem is what he expects. Thank Christ. I've been living in pain for 11 months now and spent thousands of dollars. He says the other surgeons probably weren't comfortable with this procedure but he does 2 a week. Thai face-saving b*llsh*t!! They didn't want to admit they couldn't do it. It just goes to show you that just because you have a medical degree doesn't mean your not an a**hole!!! I suppose I'll bridge the thing for 2 weeks with 250 Test E. Then go back to the original doses. Any other tips and/or suggestions would be appreciated. I feel like Tiny Tim, finally gonna get his operation!!!
10-16-2010, 10:50 AM #1857
I had the same surgery in Feb of this year. I was fully fused & recovered in 2 months compared to the 6 they originally thought. I attribute being on & staying on GHRP2/cjc 1295 100/100, 3x day. Started this 5 months prior to surgery & still on it.
I'm so glade I did the surgery!!!
Good luck
10-16-2010, 02:05 PM #1858Banned
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ronnie...having sore knees..... very painful around mid-lower....mid-upper from hammer strength squat machine...any advice would be helpful !!!!!!?????
10-17-2010, 07:19 AM #1859New Member
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[QUOTE=Ronnie Rowland;5390851]Ty, for reading my post just Ron i just want to get a couple more things cleared
So now my second cycle will look like this:
Wk 1-4: Test e 500pw
Wk 5-8:Test e 500pw/ Anavar 40mg ED
Wk 4-8: Cytomel (T3) – Ramp up to 75mcg and ramp down slowly (Ratio 5/45/50)
Wk 9: Test e 250pw (Deload – cut protein intake & cut training volume)
Wk 10-14: Test e 750pw/ Anavar 40mg ED
Wk 15: Test e 250pw (Deload – cut protein intake & cut training volume)
wk17+ nolva: 40/40/20/20/20
wk 17+ clomid: 50/50/50/50
* During Deloads do we increase our carbs or just decrease protein intake?
* Should I Take HCG , if so how would I dose it, and when?
* If i cant get my hands on HCG, would my PCT suffice to get my HTPA back to normal?
* On this cycle can clen be taken 2 weeks on 2 weeks off (if needed) – ramp up to 100 mcg?
* Ron, I know you don’t like using AI’s, but if I take Adex at a low dose on cycle (wk 1-15) of 0.5 mg EOD or E3D on cycle would that keep bloat from test e down to a minimum?
* Would I still put on mass/ or even keep my muscle mass, if I take the t3 at a dose of 75mcg? Or would i mainly lose bf?
Thank You!!Last edited by Gramao; 10-17-2010 at 07:57 AM.
10-17-2010, 07:22 AM #1860New Member
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I need some advice
What's up Im nick. I was just wondering what a good dosage, when and how many weeks I should take Anavar staked with test 100. I would also like to know if thats even a good idea to take the two together. I'm going about this on my own. I just got out of the army and haven't really been exposed to the culture. I just want to cut up but keep my size. someone who knows what there talking about please respond. Thank you
GREAT! Until you have experienced nerve pain of this caliber it's hard to understand. And many doctors are clueless!
When is your surgery? I would not get back on a cycle until post surgery because the thicker your blood, the greater the chances are for a blood clot. I would give bloos 2 week prior to surgey to lower hemocrit levels even further. Post surgey I would run 500 mgs of test per week and 20 mgs of anavar per day. Anavar was originally manufactured for building strong bones! Also, as magaton stated in the post below some form of GH would not hurt and it would also prevent muscle loss.
10-17-2010, 12:25 PM #1868Associate Member
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Thanks for the previous deca response, and I am going to come to a final conclusion. I am on HRT and my original goal was to cut right after I do a cycle including deca first. My current stats are 195lbs, 5"10, 14-15% bodyfat. What would I seem to benefit more from?
Weeks 1-8 Test 500mg/week
Weeks 1-4 tbol 40mg/day
Weeks 8-10 deload 250mg/week
Weeks 10-18 Test 500mg/week
Weeks 10-18 deca 600mg/week
Weeks 4-18 aromasin 12.5mg EOD
With the added deca in the next reload, would I noticed increased gains throughout? or I would be better off at including deca first then go into a cut next reload to lower my bodyfat?Last edited by Jumbo18; 10-17-2010 at 12:32 PM.
10-17-2010, 02:01 PM #1869Associate Member
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Does your original arm size (before starting body building) determine how big you can make your arms grow? What I mean is, with the help of anabolics, if a person started off with say 14" arms, is their maximum potential going to be less than someone that starts with 16" arms? or could both individuals finish with the same size arms. Also, when we see big guys with 20" - 22" arms would any of these guys have started with really thin arms amd is it possible for someone starting at 14" or smaller to get to 20" and over?
PS I have also started a thread asking this question to get feedback form other vets.
10-17-2010, 03:05 PM #1870Banned
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finally...a voice of reason..!!!! been telling my personal trainer that i assumed that particular squat machine was causing me to have severe knee pain...he said nope...big thanks to you ronnie...i am thinking of dropping him and just asking you question as needed if thats okay???? you actually know what you are talking about...he obviously does not know jack shit!!!
10-17-2010, 08:33 PM #1874
10-17-2010, 08:42 PM #1875
Thanx man good info!!!!!!
I'm just waiting on approval from my insurance company. I'm currently on week 14 of a 20 week reload/deload/reload. 1 gram test/600 mg Deca /50 mg dbol . I just did my last shot yesterday (500 mg Test/300 Deca. I do shots on monday morning/Thursday evening.) For the last 4 weeks I was planning on 1 gram Test/600 Deca/50 mg Anavar . I don't think I have time to give blood. Assuming I get the surgery this week, what should I take leading up to and then post surgery. I can't get any GH. Thanks a lot for the help and thanks to everyone for the support.
Last edited by The Titan99; 10-19-2010 at 01:09 AM.
10-19-2010, 02:32 AM #1877New Member
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Ron, how about cutting with ECA and some test? I have some 12 lbs to loose to reach below 10% body fat and I feel Clen will be too much for me as a Ectomorph.
[QUOTE=Indian Muscle;5394917]Ron, how about cutting with ECA and some test? I have some 12 lbs to loose to reach below 10% body fat and I feel Clen will be too much for me as a Ectomorph.[/QUOTE]That will work...
10-19-2010, 09:10 PM #1880
Great info. Thanks!!
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First Tren Cycle (blast)