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Thread: You'll want to read this!

  1. #1721
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by delta1111 View Post
    Hi Ronnie,
    What do you know about Saw Palmetto for use in preventing hair loss caused by DHT? It won't work. Only pharmaceutical drugs can work.
    It's supposed to block DHT from the scalp.
    Can it hinder gains from a cycle during this process?
    Do you know whar dosage should be taken? sorry but no I do not because it is not effective at any dosage.
    Is there anything else I should know about before trying it?
    I will be using it with Minoxidil & Nizoral btw. Nizoral does not work either!

  2. #1722
    Archangel. is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    It's still coming but due to my heavy work schedule it's taking longer than expected. These 12 hour shifts at the gym are tough but very rewarding!
    Well, I look forward to it when it comes out. Just wanted to give you a heads up on my current status. I'm currently almost at the end of my 2 week PCT of HCG only dosed @ 1500iu EOD, and I'm feeling GREAT! I barely even notice I'm not running test anymore, if at all, so the HCG only PCT must be doing a good job. I haven't lost any strength whatsoever, but I am down about 2-3 pounds, which I assume is water weight. I opted out on the nolva because I experience ZERO estrogen sides, and I opted out on the clomid because of everything you've written regarding it's negative side effects. I'm just curious if you have any thoughts, or any input for me regarding everything I mentioned here?

    P.S. I'm going to get blood work done 2 weeks after PCT, is this right???

    Overall, I'm extremely thrilled with your STS system, and I have opted to switch over to the twice a week/lower volume training option of STS for my third reload/deload period of 10 weeks while I go all natty.

  3. #1723
    delta1111 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Many thanks Ronnie.

  4. #1724
    ColdShot is offline New Member
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    Hi Ronnie!
    i read your protocol and find it quite enlighting....
    short question:
    what about long esters compunds that are supposed to take longer to act.
    In my case: BOLDENONE
    I've been always told and I read almost everywhere that 8 weeks with boldenone will show little to nothing and everybody advises to stick to it for AT LEAST 12 to 14 weeks to see noticeble results...
    should I consider a 8+2+8 for Boldenone as well?
    I'm thinking of a Boldenone(500/w)+TestE(500week) cycle with some 4 or 5 weeks D-bol kick-in at start
    Thanks a lot!

  5. #1725
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    More evidence showing that arimidex can destroy your joints!

  6. #1726
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by archangel. View Post
    well, i look forward to it when it comes out. Just wanted to give you a heads up on my current status. I'm currently almost at the end of my 2 week pct of hcg only dosed @ 1500iu eod, and i'm feeling great! I barely even notice i'm not running test anymore, if at all, so the hcg only pct must be doing a good job. good to hear! i haven't lost any strength whatsoever, but i am down about 2-3 pounds, which i assume is water weight. yes! i opted out on the nolva because i experience zero estrogen sides, and i opted out on the clomid because of everything you've written regarding it's negative side effects. I'm just curious if you have any thoughts, or any input for me regarding everything i mentioned here? you did it right!

    p.s. I'm going to get blood work done 2 weeks after pct, is this right??? i'd wait 4 weeks post pct.
    overall, i'm extremely thrilled with your sts system, and i have opted to switch over to the twice a week/lower volume training option of sts for my third reload/deload period of 10 weeks while i go all natty.

  7. #1727
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by coldshot View Post
    hi ronnie!
    I read your protocol and find it quite enlighting....
    Short question:
    What about long esters compunds that are supposed to take longer to act.
    In my case: Boldenone
    i've been always told and i read almost everywhere that 8 weeks with boldenone will show little to nothing and everybody advises to stick to it for at least 12 to 14 weeks to see noticeble'll see gains with eq just as fast as test-e. The active life OF EQ is around 1 week. However, it takes around 12 weeks for the blood to really thicken while using eq and that's the confusion! They are getting vascualarity mixed up with muscle growth and those two are not one in the same. EQ is very weak and provides little muscle growth IMO. I would just run more test!Should i consider a 8+2+8 for boldenone as well? I would only run the eq 8 weeks at a time, it at all, during reloads because increasing the thickness of your blood too much can creates high blood pressure and possible stroke. Stay well hydrated while using eq. I'm thinking of a boldenone(500/w)+teste(500week) cycle with some 4 or 5 weeks d-bol kick-in at start that will work.yes! but, test and the d-bol would work even better.[b][/b]above
    thanks a lot!

  8. #1728
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    best stack for strength????

  9. #1729
    V8Assassin's Avatar
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    Thanks for the answer Ronnie. I finished the four week pct with nolva/clomid. Feeling great and the gyno is completely under control. No senstitivity and noticable size difference in small knot as well as much less water retention on chest.

    Getting ready to start 20 week cycle to look like this:

    wks 1-8
    420mg test ent/420mg test cyp/600mg deca

    wks 9-10
    1500iu hcg

    wks 11-18
    1gram test e/300mg deca

    I have plenty of hcg on hand as well as adex, nolva and clomid. I would really like to stay away from the adex and rely on the nolva to control any signs of gyno. Would it be best to take something like 20mg of nolva eod from day one or just stay off the AI's unless needed and then go to the adex at .25 - .50 mg eod?

    Also, it's permissable I would like to post some pics and get your opinion.

    edit: forgot to add, will be starting 2ius ed of red top next week for four weeks, then go to 3ius ed for 2 weeks, and up to 4ius ed for the next 10.5 months as long as side effects are tolerable at 4ius ed.
    Last edited by V8Assassin; 09-10-2010 at 10:41 PM.

  10. #1730
    The Titan99's Avatar
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    I and having some elbow/lower biceps pain the last week or so. I can also work through it but it really hurts when I turn my wrist to the inside (checking the time on my watch) or during the rotation on a Zottman curl-type movement. Through trial and error I've narrowed the aggravation of the injury down to hammer curls and possibly bent over over hand grip rows. I'm one week into my deload and it seems to get better in the periods between these two exercises. Would you suggest cutting out hammers for a week? For biceps I'm currently doing 4 sets of spider curls 3 sets of preacher curls and 3 sets of hammers (deloads I'm doing 2,2,2). Would you add a set to each of the others? Thanks a lot in advance Ron.

  11. #1731
    JuliusPleaser's Avatar
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    Thought of something that could make Sling Shot more effective...

    I was thinking the other day, since STS deloads and reloads phases are about 10 weeks for the first half and 10 weeks for the second, the first half being 2.5 months as with the second half...

    Would you think it would be more beneficial to FURTHER sling shot into a growth phase by changing your workout during phase 2??? or even adding an extra set or 2 to each excersize...

    for example, i am only doing 9 sets for chest, triceps, bicep, shoulders and im doing 14 sets for back at 12 sets for legs (legs are split on two diff days) body has responded VERY VERY well to this type of training because I take about 2 mins break between each set, increase weight and really push to the good failure doing straight sets... so lets say with the new RELOAD phase to i increase each body part set by 2-3 sets...i was thinking this would add more change as well...what are ur thoughts on this?

    I will be trying this because i think it makes sense being that you should change your workout every couple of months, so i was thinking, not only are u sling shoting your results by increasing your dosages in phase 2, by doing this i believe you FURTHER shocking your muscles into forced growth with new excersizes

    what are your thoughts on this? makes sense to me

    by the way im on week 6, eating 8 meals a day and I'm looking/feeling great, can't wait to deload LOL then reload
    Last edited by JuliusPleaser; 09-12-2010 at 04:22 PM.

  12. #1732
    Maronn is offline New Member
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    Hi Ronnie,

    I started my second reload 2 weeks ago (with 700mg TE/week). Due to shoulder problems I have to rest for at least 2 weeks. I thought I just decrease test to 250mg/week during the rest and start new with the second reload after my shoulders are better. Is this a good idea?

    Another question. Do you think it is ok to inject 500mg test e5d (so a total of 700mg/week) or should I reduce the intervall to let say 300mg e3d. Would every 5 days ok or is the interval to long for a minimum of side effects?

    Many thanks!

  13. #1733
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    more opinions... on bi a post on promuscle please ron!!!

    "Pros have got their diet, training (health for the most part) and rest up to a standard that works for them perfectly, but they are only the size they are due to the drugs they take. Don't beleive the crap from anyone, that they are not, even from the 'in the know' people that are on this board. Those very same people for the most part have used/use extremely higher dosages than what they preach. Why do they preach the low dosages? - various personal agendas.

    Reality is that as a rule, 1g per week of test non stop year round is the 'off' time for the pros. Gear is added as it's obtained - no real detailed cycles as such. As long as they take the high dosages of gear, they'll grow (as long as the diet, training, health and sleep is up to scratch as mentioned previously).

    Several grams of test per week, several grams of anabolics per week, up to 2g/week of tren , a shit load of orals, insulin several times a day year round, GH as much as can be afforded - 15 to 30IU/day, etc.

    BUT, pros have the genetics to have their bodies accept the gear, and generally not get sick on it.

    And ancilliary use is huge - liver aids to the max, anti-e's, dht blockers, cardio supps, cholesterol supps, etc.

    Still, most of them are complete wrecks. They can't control bodily functions,
    they pass out from walking a flight of stairs, they get drenched in sweat from tying their shoelaces. Gyno, baldness, dry skin, gout, excess bodily hair, acne, etc are ALL existant in virtually all of them.

    It is not a healthy sport, drug use is ENORMOUS, but to ignore it and to preach otherwise is pathetic and not what this site is about."

    big a

  14. #1734
    Yellow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Yellow View Post
    Hi Ron,

    What do you think about 30 weeks slingshot cycle then 10 weeks OFF recurred?
    Since I want kids but I compete too...
    Is it a good way to go?

    FYI, I always take HCG 250IU twice a week during reload, then do 4 weeks PCT consists of clomid and nolva.
    week 1-8 : 250IU HCG twice a week
    week 9-10 : OFF from HCG
    Week 11-18 : 250IU HCG twice a week
    Week 19-20 : OFF from HCG
    Week 21-28 : 250IU HCG twice a week
    Week 29-30 : OFF from HCG (continue hcg here)
    Week 31-34 : PCT with clomid + nolva
    Week 35-40 : stay OFF (natural)
    then recommence again....

    Many thanks for the helps and advices, Ron...
    God Bless u and your fam...Looks pretty good! /
    Thanks for the advice & help, ron..

    BTW I still don't understand what you mean by " Week 29-30 (continue hcg here) "
    I plan to use HCG during 30 weeks slingshot cycle and then get PCT for week 31-34 with clomid+nolva. Is that ok?
    Or you still recommended me using HCG in the first 2 weeks of PCT?

  15. #1735
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    I've been experiencing computer problems. Finally got back on line today. Will work on everyone's questions soon. Sorry for the delay!


  16. #1736
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vascular vince View Post
    best stack for strength????
    test and anadrol or test and d-bol. Tren is also a good addition for some but it affects a lot of peoples breathing so much they cannot get in a good leg or back workout..deca is a good add-on as far as joint support is concerned from heavy lifting.

  17. #1737
    fozzy02 is offline New Member
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    need your help

    Ronnie, im starting a cycle with tren and test cyp.. couple qustions for you about your 8week load and reload.

    1. how often or when should i start using arimidex and how much? i have liquid form.

    2. also at the end of the 8 weeks and the other 2 weeks you say to stay off the anaobolics, what should i be taking during these 2 weeks until i start up again?

  18. #1738
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by v8assassin View Post
    thanks for the answer ronnie. I finished the four week pct with nolva/clomid. Feeling great and the gyno is completely under control. No senstitivity and noticable size difference in small knot as well as much less water retention on chest.

    Getting ready to start 20 week cycle to look like this:

    Wks 1-8
    420mg test ent/420mg test cyp/600mg deca

    wks 9-10
    1500iu hcg

    wks 11-18
    1gram test e/300mg deca (increase test to 1.5 grams and drop deca if libido goes south during (first reload. That's way too long time to run deca imo)
    i have plenty of hcg on hand as well as adex, nolva and clomid. I would really like to stay away from the adex and rely on the nolva to control any signs of gyno. Would it be best to take something like 20mg of nolva eod from day one or just stay off the ai's unless needed and then go to the adex at .25 - .50 mg eod? Stay off all anties!!! The best antie for men is aromasin not nolvadex . Letro is good 2 weeks out from a show as it makes you very dry.

    also, it's permissable i would like to post some pics and get your opinion. please do!

    edit: Forgot to add, will be starting 2ius ed of red top next week for four weeks, then go to 3ius ed for 2 weeks, and up to 4ius ed for the next 10.5 months as long as side effects are tolerable at 4ius ed. nice! Some need 8-12 ius to notice a lot but let's see how you respond.

  19. #1739
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    I and having some elbow/lower biceps pain the last week or so. I can also work through it but it really hurts when I turn my wrist to the inside (checking the time on my watch) or during the rotation on a Zottman curl-type movement. Through trial and error I've narrowed the aggravation of the injury down to hammer curls and possibly bent over over hand grip rows. I CAN NO LONGER DO HAMMER CURLS DUE TO THIS VERY THING. I WOULD USE CABLES "ONLY" FOR A COUPLE OF WEEKS AT 12-15 REPS PER SET TO ALLOW THE TENDON TO HEAL. USE ANTI-INFLAMMATORIES LIKE ADVIL AS WELL. BACK TRAINING IS HARD ON THE BICEP TENDONS AND ELBOWS. DO LESS WEIGHT AND FOCUS ON THE SQUEEZE. I CAN NO LONGER USE LOW REPS WITH BACK TRAINING AS IT CAN REALLY FLARE UP MY ELBOWS/BICEP TENDONS. YOU MAY NEED TO STICK WITH ALL CABLE WORK FOR TRICEPS AS WELL UNTIL IT HEALS. I STEER CLEAR FROM SKULL CRUSHERS AND DIPS AT MY AGE. I'm one week into my deload and it seems to get better in the periods between these two exercises. Would you suggest cutting out hammers for a week? STOP THEM FOR A MONTH OR MORE. HAMMERS ARE MOSTLY A FOREARM EXERCISE ANYWAYS.For biceps I'm currently doing 4 sets of spider curls 3 sets of preacher curls and 3 sets of hammers (deloads I'm doing 2,2,2). Would you add a set to each of the others? I would do 3 sets of cable curls to really get the tensons warmed up then proceed to five sets of spiders curls during reloads. That's my current bicep workout! Thanks a lot in advance Ron.

  20. #1740
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by juliuspleaser View Post
    thought of something that could make sling shot more effective...

    I was thinking the other day, since sts deloads and reloads phases are about 10 weeks for the first half and 10 weeks for the second, the first half being 2.5 months as with the second half...

    Would you think it would be more beneficial to further sling shot into a growth phase by changing your workout during phase 2??? Or even adding an extra set or 2 to each excersize...some of my clients do it all the time. Manipulating sets and reps during reloads is good but not mandatory.

    For example, i am only doing 9 sets for chest, triceps, bicep, shoulders and im doing 14 sets for back at 12 sets for legs (legs are split on two diff days) body has responded very very well to this type of training because i take about 2 mins break between each set, increase weight and really push to the good failure doing straight sets... So lets say with the new reload phase to i increase each body part set by 2-3 sets...i was thinking this would add more change as well...what are ur thoughts on this? i would not do too much as over-training will occur. 12 sets for any body part is enough period!!!! But with back you can do a little more than 12 total sets if needed as you are really working two muscle groups (lat width and lat thickness muscles) same principles applies to legs. You would never want to do over 12 sets for quads but once you add in hams you may do upwards of 20 sets for legs total. I have learned that 12 sets toal on lats is plenty for me. Anymore and i lose intensity! A good plan for chest would be 6 sets one week, then 9 sets the next week or two, then maybe 12 sets the next week, then start cycle all over. Do what keeps you motivated and feels right to you. I train with such intensity that i rarely need over 9 sets. Keep in mind i will be 45 in jan and my joints can only take so much volume. Younger people can usually do a bit more for longer if they get a lot of rest. i will be trying this because i think it makes sense being that you should change your workout every couple of months, so i was thinking, not only are u sling shoting your results by increasing your dosages in phase 2, by doing this i believe you further shocking your muscles into forced growth with new excersizes new exercises do not force growth. It's best to stick to the bread and butter exercises to prevent injury and allow specific adaptations to occur. Changing sets, reps and even the amount of time you rest between sets can help force growth but stay with the same exercises unless joint pain arises.
    what are your thoughts on this? Makes sense to me

    by the way im on week 6, eating 8 meals a day and i'm looking/feeling great, can't wait to deload lol then reload good to hear

  21. #1741
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    [QUOTE=Yellow;5356134]Thanks for the advice & help, ron..

    BTW I still don't understand what you mean by " Week 29-30 (continue hcg here) "
    I plan to use HCG during 30 weeks slingshot cycle and then get PCT for week 31-34 with clomid+nolva. Is that ok? THAT'S OKAY! MUST HAVE MIS-READ.
    Or you still recommended me using HCG in the first 2 weeks of PCT? YOU WON'T NEED IT IF YOU RUN IT STRAIGHT THROUGH FOR 30 WEEKS.[/QUOTE]


  22. #1742
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    Quote Originally Posted by fozzy02 View Post
    ronnie, im starting a cycle with tren and test cyp.. Couple qustions for you about your 8week load and reload.

    1. How often or when should i start using arimidex and how much? I have liquid form. you would never run it unless gyno occurs. If gyno occurs run it at .05mgs per day for 2 weeks then reduce to .025 mgs eod. Rememeber, anti-es can be much harder on your over-all health than the most potent steroids.
    2. Also at the end of the 8 weeks and the other 2 weeks you say to stay off the anaobolics, what should i be taking during these 2 weeks until i start up again?1 ml of test cyp per week

  23. #1743
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    Quote Originally Posted by maronn View Post
    hi ronnie,

    i started my second reload 2 weeks ago (with 700mg te/week). Due to shoulder problems i have to rest for at least 2 weeks. I thought i just decrease test to 250mg/week during the rest and start new with the second reload after my shoulders are better. Is this a good idea? yes!

    another question. Do you think it is ok to inject 500mg test e5d (so a total of 700mg/week) or should i reduce the intervall to let say 300mg e3d. Would every 5 days ok or is the interval to long for a minimum of side effects? either way is fine! I know guys who inject 3mls of test once per week and do fine.
    many thanks!

  24. #1744
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    Hey Ronnie I have to say man, this is the best info I have EVER come across. I think many are sick and tired of losing gains post cycle and taking huge amounts of time off.

    So you are basically saying if someone were to run a reload/deload of test @ 600mg per weeek/ 250mg per week, they would gain way more strength and size than if they just ran 20 weeks straight of test at 600mg?

    Then why does so many people even vets and mods on here propose 12-20 week cycles with no deload at all? so many ppl listen to them...

    Also...why do alot of people on here claim they keep their gains with proper PCT even months later, even though you say you WILL start losing them after only a few weeks? Thats probably the dilemma most reading this have...its hard to look at veds/mods on here who have great physiques but still preach time on=time off. i totally understand the STS and i KNOW it wll work better than straight 16 weekers on the same dosage. im just wondering how so many people on here claim to keep all their gains, yet according to yourself they should start losing it after a few weeks no matter how good diet and pct it. Not saying ur wrong or they are, just wanna clear that up man. Sorry if I came off rude, just trying to untangle shit .

    If so tell me if i am correct here with my proposed cycle:

    Reload week 1-8: Test cyp 800mg/week
    Deload week 9-10: Test cyp 250mg/week (or should i up this? I want my body to normalize enough to make the next reload super effective though....)
    Reload week 11-18: Test Cyp 800mg/week
    Deload 19-20: Test cyp 250mg/week

    Does injecting 2x a week or 3x or 1x etc matter much? I prefer to space it out as much as possible to keep blood levels stable...


    Reload: 12 sets MAX per bodypart/week
    Deload: 6 sets Max per bodypart/week

    What rep ranges do you suggest and do you recommend changing it from reload to deload? or just keep it the same because its less volume anyways?

    Also for sets, say 3 sets for flat bench...only the last set should be to failure correct? and should you ALWAYS go to failure on the last set on both the reload and deload?


    Reload: 2g/per lb bodyweight protein, lots of good carbs/fats but separated
    Deload: 1g/per lb bodyweight protein, lower carbs, higher fats for insulin sensitivity when next reload occurs, but stay at maintenance cals

    sound good? anything else i missed?
    Last edited by Stiffmeister; 09-15-2010 at 11:41 AM.

  25. #1745
    D@K is offline New Member
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    Hey Ronnie. I was planning on the following routine

    Mon OFF
    Tuesday Chest/Biceps/Forearms
    Wed Calves/Legs
    Thursday OFF
    Friday Shoulders/Triceps
    Saturday OFF
    Sunday Back/Traps

    But I am now suffering from a knee injury and cannot train legs for a couple of months. So how would you tweak this routine accordingly? The training days are the only ones that fit my schedules.. And I want to train 4days a week not 3. Thank you

  26. #1746
    Maronn is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Many thanks for your help!

  27. #1747
    RobMann2 is offline New Member
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    that was interesting reading my friend, can u explain it to me like i was a five year old...reloading and deloading?? The 8 weeks are enough to run a cycle?? And how do u know the stuff your using is legit?? Its so hard and frustrating at times??? AGREED??

  28. #1748
    drluv is offline New Member
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    Hi in my opinion, the two week deload is not long enough for your body to recover from steroid cycle (reload).

    Your body will still have active steroids in your system, as 2 weeks is not long enough for your receptor sites to unsaturate again. Especially from long acting esters.

    Could you please clarify why only two weeks and how in these two weeks you will come back stronger for a reload? And how in these two weeks (deload) will your receptors become unsaturated so quick?

    Last edited by drluv; 09-15-2010 at 03:20 PM.

  29. #1749
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vascular vince View Post
    more opinions... On bi a post on promuscle please ron!!!

    "pros have got their diet, training (health for the most part) and rest up to a standard that works for them perfectly, but they are only the size they are due to the drugs they take. true to a large degree but genetics play a huge role as well. No amount of drugs will turn a chiwawa into a pitbull. don't beleive the crap from anyone, that they are not, even from the 'in the know' people that are on this board. lol..he's certainly telling it like it is here! The agenda is usually to sell supplements, training or diet programs. those very same people for the most part have used/use extremely higher dosages than what they preach. Why do they preach the low dosages? - various personal agendas. true story!

    reality is that as a rule, 1g per week of test non stop year round is the 'off' time for the pros. yes, they use 1 gram of test or so during deloads! gear is added as it's obtained - no real detailed cycles as such. As long as they take the high dosages of gear, they'll grow (as long as the diet, training, health and sleep is up to scratch as mentioned previously). true again!

    several grams of test per week, several grams of anabolics per week, up to 2g/week of tren , a shit load of orals, insulin several times a day year round, gh as much as can be afforded - 15 to 30iu/day, etc. he tells the cold hard facts here! Got to respect that!
    but, pros have the genetics to have their bodies accept the gear, and generally not get sick on it. very true once again!
    and ancilliary use is huge - liver aids to the max, anti-e's, dht blockers, cardio supps, cholesterol supps, etc. not so much but somewhat true!

    still, most of them are complete wrecks. They can't control bodily functions, (this means stomach problems from excess protein intake and excess caloric intake)they pass out from walking a flight of stairs (this is from using so much trenbolone and/or holding too much water. Also from weighing so much!), they get drenched in sweat from tying their shoelaces same as above. Gyno, baldness, dry skin, gout, excess bodily hair, acne, etc are all existant in virtually all of them. yes!
    it is not a healthy sport, drug use is enormous, but to ignore it and to preach otherwise is pathetic and not what this site is about." true and that's the main reason i will never become a pro-bodybuilder..Well maybe when I am 60
    big a

  30. #1750
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    In addition to my forearm/biceps tendon issue (which is getting better since I've implemented what you advised) I've got some real pain right between my traps on a line between my shoulders. It came on slowly about 2 days ago, got better when I did my chest workout, then was aggravated last night while doing back. It's better with Advil, but I can feel it all the way down my arms while performing bent over over hand grip rows and also when I tip my head back and arch my back. Aching a lot. It's not debilitating, but I don't want it to become so either.

    I'm in the second week of my deload and have legs and arms to do the next two days. I'm bridging with 200 mg of Test C. My question is, should I deload with the bridge for another week, start my reload thinking the Extra Test/Deca will help it, or take a week off from lifting (this is what the Doc says, but it's the VERY last thing I want to do. Same guy tells me 100 g of protein a day and 20 minutes of walking is sufficient. I think everyone knows what I mean.) Maybe even PCT(Arrgh)? Also, what do you advise on the diet, based on what you advise on the rest, of course? I'm currently doing 350p/230c/85f and have the protein and carbs swapped due to the deload. I think everyone has to deal with various injuries as they workout and to stop with every little pain would be stupid. I also know this is a long haul sport and I'm on no specific time frame, I just don't want to waste time, nor do I want to end up with something that takes me out for 6 months.

    Sorry for the length of the post. Just a little frustrated...
    Last edited by The Titan99; 09-17-2010 at 12:50 AM.

  31. #1751
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Yellow View Post
    Thanks for the advice & help, ron..

    BTW I still don't understand what you mean by " Week 29-30 (continue hcg here) "
    I plan to use HCG during 30 weeks slingshot cycle and then get PCT for week 31-34 with clomid+nolva. Is that ok? THAT'S OKAY! MUST HAVE MIS-READ.
    Or you still recommended me using HCG in the first 2 weeks of PCT? YOU WON'T NEED IT IF YOU RUN IT STRAIGHT THROUGH FOR 30 WEEKS.
    Many thanks ron.
    I got it clear right now...

    From now on, I'll do 30 weeks slingshot cycle (with HCG of course) then 10 weeks OFF (including 4 weeks PCT) since I am competing but i want kids in the future.

  32. #1752
    darkcrayz is offline Member
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    Ronnie I work in a warehouse for a fast food chain on the west coast. I spend anywhere from 5-7 hours picking up items weighing 20-50 lbs. I want to lean out during the holiday season (we cant request time off due to the increased volume). as such its the perfect time to diet since I wont have the holiday distractions.

    I have read this sticky and your full STS sticky. Based on what you have said I cant figure out if it would be better to protein/fat or protein/carb to help me lean out. In the past I have run low carb because I had a desk job. Now though due to the physical nature of my work I am unsure if staying low carb/high fat is the way to go or vice versa. I have found if I dont eat enough carbs then by the 6 hour mark I start to get jittery and nausea, which usually entails me chugging some soda in the break room to get blood sugar back up, which is why I am leaning towards protein/carb. However, could that be avoided if I just ate more fat?

    Which would be best to keep blood sugar levels the stablest and allow me to lean out?

    Im 26, 6'1", 273, 20% bodyfat, 7 years training, 5 serious. I have been running 300mg Test E since June as a base. Did a 6 week Mdrol cycle in June, 50mg/ed. Right now Im on a 4 week Hdrol cycle, 200mg/ed, that I will be finishing in 9 days.. Starting mid-October I will be running two eight week blasts of 300mg Tren E on top of the 300mg Test E.


  33. #1753
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    Here is a few pics taken last friday. My workout partner was out of town so I had to take these by myself. I will get better quality pics at the end of this week and post them. These should give you an idea of what I am working with. My upper body is decent, but my wheels are lacking. Great calves, just need work on quads and hams. We moved legs (quads/hams) up to tuesday in our split to make sure they come early in the week. Squats have jumped up, but still need work. Anyway, here ya go....
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails You'll want to read this!-imag0119.jpg   You'll want to read this!-imag0120.jpg   You'll want to read this!-imag0121.jpg   You'll want to read this!-imag0123.jpg   You'll want to read this!-imag0125.jpg  

  34. #1754
    kikiboi is offline Junior Member
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    slc to lv
    Thanks for all that info. I had to read it a few times but it makes sence. I get lazy and do sets at times hehe

  35. #1755
    mediocre45 is offline Junior Member
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    Read about this system years ago and reread today. Awesome to have you here answering ?'s like this.

    My main focus is powerlifting, for my next cycle I had planned on running:
    1-12 Test E 750 mg/week (with a front load of 1500 mg first week cuz I can't deadlift on dbol )
    1-10 Deca 400 mg/week

    Please, tell me all the things that are wrong with that lol. I'm really curious to see what you have to say about cycling for powerlifting, and whether or not this system is useful for powerlifting. If you think I could incorporate STS into powerlifting, how would you run this cycle, and how would you break up the weekly dose?


  36. #1756
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    20 Week STS Cycle - Test E / Deca

    Here's what I have taken so far, going for 600mg Test E, 300mg Deca for the first 8 weeks:

    9/10/10 - 500mg Test E, 300mg Deca (Frontloading)
    9/13/10 - 500mg Test E, 300mg Deca (Frontloading)
    9/16/10 - 300mg Test E, 150mg Deca
    9/16/10 - Exemestane 10mg, Cabergoline .25mg


    9/19/10 - 2.5ml: (1.2ml Test E (300mg), 1.25ml Deca (150mg))
    9/19/10 - Exemestane 10mg, Cabergoline .25mg
    HCG 250i.u. Starting Week 3
    Repeat E3D till end of Week 8

    Week 9-10 Bridge with 250mg Test E (Break from HCG? Or PCT... Honestly bridging makes the most sense to me since you can't very well PCT with AAS still in your blood.)

    Weeks 11-18 - Same Regimen as before but 1000mg Test E, 600mg Deca, Drop Deca 3 weeks before Week 19-20

    Weeks 19-20 - Deload with 250mg Test E? Or Drop AAS and continue HCG? If I keep using Test, then Weeks 21-24 should be bumped out 2 weeks to wait for test levels to drop?

    Weeks 21-24 - PCT (I have it all, I'll figure this out at the end)

    BF % sucks, trying to bulk while cutting... At 1-2lbs/wk fatloss, it should take me the better part of a year to get to 10% BF :S. I'd run Clen /T3/Keto, but I always seem to rebound on that stuff.

    Getting 30 min cardio every day right after workouts, eating 6 500 cal meals = ~3000 cals/day, all whole foods except whey protein shakes. P: Tuna, Steak, Chicken - C: Oatmeal, Brown Rice, Whole Wheat Bread, OJ after workouts F: Peanut Butter or Olive Oil. ~2 Gal Water/day.

    Was doing 40/40/20 all day, but going to try and go Protein/Fat for last 1-2 meals now.

    I read what you said last post about only using HCG during 2nd 8 week reload, but I read from another reputable member online that "If your on AAS longer than 4-5 weeks using some sort of androgen that causes "shutdown", then HCG should be used during at the dose specified. But take a break from it every 8-10 weeks for 2-3 weeks, then start again on the same protocool.

    You can use HCG at the very end, but a larger initial dose is needed to activate the testes again. Thats a sort of treatment for the testes failing, I prefer and suggest a treatment."

    So since I'm not staying on cycle year-round (at least not yet :S), I figured I'd run the HCG starting Week 3 or so, till Week 8, then drop for 2 weeks, then throughout 2nd 8 Week period. Good?

    Reading through your responses... I guess you're not a fan of AI's like Exemestane unless needed. It's not as harsh as Anastrozole? I can drop this until needed... What about the Cabergoline to fix my prolactin issues from so much Deca?

    And finally, what about using Finasteride or Dutasteride to save what's left of my hair? I have it, but I am reluctant to use it because above all, I hate sides. They make me not want to do this anymore .

    Kinda lengthy, I should learn how to condense... Thanks much.
    Last edited by SomeRandomGuy; 09-16-2010 at 09:18 PM.

  37. #1757
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    Quote Originally Posted by V8Assassin View Post
    Here is a few pics taken last friday. My workout partner was out of town so I had to take these by myself. I will get better quality pics at the end of this week and post them. These should give you an idea of what I am working with. My upper body is decent, but my wheels are lacking. Great calves, just need work on quads and hams. We moved legs (quads/hams) up to tuesday in our split to make sure they come early in the week. Squats have jumped up, but still need work. Anyway, here ya go....
    Your upper body is more than decent! Kick ass.

  38. #1758
    troys355 is offline New Member
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    great info, especially if your new to the site. definite must read.

  39. #1759
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
    Ronnie Rowland is offline Author of Functional Training with a Fork
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    Quote Originally Posted by drluv View Post
    hi in my opinion, the two week deload is not long enough for your body to recover from steroid cycle (reload). full recovery will take around 6 weeks but we are after partial recovery in order to keep gains in tact and to help lower myostatin levels. Also, dosages are increased during second reload to help overcome adaptation factors!
    your body will still have active steroids in your system, as 2 weeks is not long enough for your receptor sites to unsaturate again. Especially from long acting esters.

    Could you please clarify why only two weeks and how in these two weeks you will come back stronger for a reload? And how in these two weeks (deload) will your receptors become unsaturated so quick? downregulation is not a factor as it's a myth. Two weeks of less training helps the cns and joints to recover. This allows you to come back to heavier training with more volume to make additional gains. You stil want to keep training some during 2 week deloads and you still want some steroids in your system. This prevents muscle loss/strength loss. Training with lower volume and increasing reps for only two weeks goes a long way in priming the body for future gains. Combining this training method while having less androgens/anabolics in your body for 2 weeks also goes a long ways in priming the body for future gains. "your body adapts in about 2 weeks to most hormone affecting stimuli before changing to less desirable changes (muscle loss and strength loss)- hence making 2 weeks the perfect duration to deload!" try it and you will see that it works!

  40. #1760
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    dont mean to be a dick because i know you're busy and probably answering ass loads of PM's but could you please answer these ?'s in order? my last post was # 1744. Thanks again ronnie for the awesome sitcky!!!

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