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  1. #2041
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ricky23 View Post
    hi ronnie, ive severly torn my pec/front delt the other day and waiting for a mri scan so hopefully no tendon damage. im into week 6 of of my reload 1.5g test and 750mg tren and have gone upto 123kg but stayed low on carbs and doing well. if i stay deloading during the recovery time will i be able to maintain gains? 1 was thinking of doing 600mg test with hcg and nolva during this time, hcg/nolva for 2 weeks though, is this ok? or would a higher dose be needed. i was thinking of keeping carbs at 150g fats at 90g and protein at 500g.
    thanks so much.
    Increase carbs and decrease protein. If you cannot train your chest or delts due to a pec tendon tear I do not see how you can maintain gains. You can maintain arms, legs and maybe lats but not chest and shoulders. Cycle looks okay. Let's see what the doc says!

  2. #2042
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by delta1111 View Post
    Many thanks Ronnie, I will try what you have suggested. Could do with some clarification on the excersise you descibed though. Sorry to be a pain but I don't fully understand what you mean "palms facing away"?? Look up a dual pulley cable lat pulldown machine by LIFE FITNESS. On that machine attach two separate handles and do pulldowns as if you were using a medium grip on a bar. Keep palms facing forward throughout entire movement. Will I be ok to continue training biceps as normal or should I stop or drop the weight? Drop weight and try some futuro elbow wraps for tendonitus. I know Publix carries them. If I do need to drop the weight, will I still make progress in terms of mass gain? You can if you can still train to failure!Thanks again.

  3. #2043
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by juicedupmonkey View Post
    does this sound familiar too you ronnie? They seem to be doing alot of low volume stuff like 5x5 over on bodybuilding(dot)com.. But they might incorporate these styles with sts kind of. It's confusing they do weeks to months of low volume training then do a deload where they do pretty much warm up sets... And then go back to heavy weights. Does this make any sense you or i'm thinking they aren't so much trying to gain mass but strength. It's kind of like sts but switched up for mainly strength gains?? Sorry i keep talking about there forum i'm just trying to get your perspective of this situation the 5x5 is a basis strength gaining program for football and such but not great at all for bodybuilding or powerlifting. Sounds very confusing too me because the focus should be on one or the other. If power-building is their goal they should start out with low reps and proceed to higher reps in the same training session. here is part of a thread that is teaching in full how to do a deload... This is just a portion of it but it sums it up :

    How to de-load:

    A de-load is a planned reduction in either volume or intensity, usually a week long (or one training cycle of your split). How you do it is up to you. The main thing is to back off your total effort to about 50-60% of what you would do during a normal training week. A few examples of how to train during a de-load week:

    * do your normal routine and normal volume (sets & reps) but reduce the weight you use to about 50-60% of what you normally work out with for each exercise.

    * use the same weight as you normally would, but drop your number of total volume (sets x reps) to 50-60% of your normal volume. (note that you should stick to an 8+ rep scheme here.)

    * train muscle groups that normally don't get a lot of attention

    * use light weight and focus on refining your form and technique

    * decrease your lifting and increase your cardio

    ,p.s ronnie i'm curious did you come up with the term deload? not sure but i think i came up with the term reload and a true progressive over-load!or was it being used long before you came out with sts? well, sts has been around for some time, you just never heard of it. That said, we talked about dleaod in the 1980's so no one knows for sure where it came from first. Just like mentzer was known for rest-pause but i'm confident it was used before his time. . I understand they show your way of deloading by just reducing the sets by half but what about the other way by keeping volume the same but like how i was saying doing pretty much warm up sets... The intensity is cut in half...?cut volume ih half and increase reps by reducing weight but keep intensity pretty high to maintain gains!

  4. #2044
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gymratbig View Post
    hi ronnie

    first off great thread and awesome read, i learned so much by just reading this thread you posted.

    My question is that im planning to start a test,deca and primo cycle first off what are your thoughts on that cycle in general? stick with test/deca as primo is too weak and expensive. Im 5'9, 170lbs 8-9%bf been lifting for 8 years im 27 years old. My goals are to gain 8-10 pounds of clean muscle while keeping the side effects to a complete minimum. I read it said that after 8 weeks the body doesn't respond to aas as well unless i up the dosage, i was planning on running this cycle for 12 weeks but after reading your post it got me thinking that i might be completely wrong with this. Please advise if possible run it for 20 weeks doing 2-2 week deloads using 250 mgs of test per week. Also, increase test/deca dosages during second reload or better yet, use test only during first 8 week reload then add deca with the test during second 8 week reload.

  5. #2045
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    Quote Originally Posted by youngbuck024 View Post
    yo ronnie, the advice you gave to me on my last cycle proved such a success, im back to ask for more help for my next cycle. My previous cycle was
    reload deca 400mg and andropen275 at 550mg
    deload andropen275 at 275mg a week
    reload tren e 300mg and supertest400 at 800mg
    deload supertest400 at 400mg

    i worked out just like you preach, none of that supersetting or drop sets, doing the basic exercises, and the right number of sets. Im currently on pct for that last cycle i just showed to you.

    The compounds i want to use for the 2nd cycle are eq250, prop200 ,supertest400, and primabol200. I want to use a pill also but im not sure to use halotestex,anadrol, or anavar. Could u help set up my next cycle so i can achieve maxium muscle gains? Thanks ronnie your help will be appreciated.

    note: If it were me i would not take primo as it's too weak! But i added it to this cycle just in case you decide to still use it.phase 1:

    8 week reload-primobolan , super test, test prop, eq
    2 week deload- super test

    phase 2:
    8 week reload-anadrol , super test,prop,eq
    2 week deload-super test


  6. #2046
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by the titan99 View Post
    as you probably remember, i've been priming, bridging and doing cardio for almost a month following surgery and as you can imagine, lost some fat, but lost some muscle mass too. About 5 kg. @$%#!!!! I'm planning my new reload and was wondering what you thought of it. Here are some pics i took yesterday and i can't help noticing my arms look small. I know they're long, but still they seem under developed. I had a guy suggest training them twice a week, but i wondered whether that might be over training. Also, before you told me not to train shoulders on the same day as chest, but i couldn't figure out where else to put it so i did anyway.Your shoulders grew training them after chest only because you have good shoulder genetics. The main reason to avoid training delts after chest is it can put too much strain on some people's rotator cuff. as it turned out, i think my delts turned out the best of all. So i was wondering at the idea of bi's on wednesday and then again on friday. you can train them twice a week but do not exceed 6 sets and use diffeernt exercises for heavy and light days to prevent over-use if at all possible. I would train themk light on tuesday after lats and heavy on friday when they are fresh! Train traps on another day then lats! i know you say not to exceed 12 sets a week and was wondering how you would set this up. I read your section on training body parts twice a week (heavy the first time, higher reps the second time) but what about changing exercises? Anyway, here's the workout i did for the last 3 reloads and here's the new one. Any suggestions will be followed religiously. I'm also limited because i have to use my own equipment, but i should be getting a full set of dumbbells soon!!

    8 week reload
    mon - chest/shoulders -flat bench press 3 x 4-6,8,10 incline bench 3 x 8,8,9 - decline bench - 3 x 8,9,10- - shoulders - vert rows 3 x 4-6,8,10 side laterals 3 x 8,9,10 rear laterals 3 x 8,9,10 am cardio 30 min

    tues - back - wide grip pull ups 3 x 12,10,9 - ez bar pull-overs 3 x 6,8,10 - bent over wide grip rows prep set, 4 x 4-6,8,9,10 - supported one hand rows 3 x 8,8,10 - deadlift, prep, 3 x 2-4,6,8 shrugs 6 x 8,9,10,11,12,13 am cardio 30 min

    wed - abs - weighted decline situps 4 x 16,13,10,9 weighted crunchs 4 x 20,16,14,12 - leg raises 3 x failure am cardio 30 min

    thurs - legs - squats, prep set, 4 x 4-6,8,9,8 leg extensions 4 x 7,8,8,8 leg curls 4 x 8,9,9,10 standing calf raises 6 x 14,12,12,10 am

    fri - arms -spider barbell curls 4 x 8,9,10,12 - hammer curls 3 x 8,9,10 - ez bar preacher curls 3 x 8,9,10 - triceps - decline skull crushers 4 x 8,9,10,12 - over head tricep extensions 3 x 6,8,10 dips 3 x failure no cardio

    sat - off

    sun - 30 min cardio

    monday - chest/tri's - chest flat bench warm ups, prep set, 4-6, 8-12, 8-12 incline bench 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 decline bench 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 triceps skull crushers warm ups, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 overhead extensions 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 tri kickbacks 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 am fasted cardio 30 min

    tuesday - back/traps back width close grip underhand pull ups 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 ex bar pull overs 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 back thickness underhand bent over rows warm ups, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 t-bar rows 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 dead lifts warm up, prep set, 1-4, 6-8, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 traps shrugs 6 sets 8-12 am fasted cardio 30 min

    wednesday - shoulders/bi's shoulders lateral raises warm up, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 standing overhead presses 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 rear laterals 8-12,8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 biceps standing barbell curls 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 spider curls ez bar close grip 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 preacher curls ez bar wide grip/incline dumbbell curls 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 am fasted cardio 30 min

    thursday - legs squats warm ups, prep set, 1-4,8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 leg extentions 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 leg curls 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 standing calf raises 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 no cardio

    friday - arms/abs biceps standing barbell curls warm up sets x 2, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 spider curls ez bar close grip 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 incline bench curls 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 triceps skull crushers warm ups, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 overhead extensions 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 tri kickbacks 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 abs weighted decline sit ups 6 sets 12-20 no cardio

    saturday - am cardio 30 minutes

    sunday - am cardio 30 minutes

  7. #2047
    YoungBuck024 is offline New Member
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    o aite ronnie. So i should do a similiar cycle as my first cycle but increase the mg of the compunds? Wut gear do u recommend to build the most mass?

  8. #2048
    delta1111 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Originally Posted by delta1111
    Many thanks Ronnie, I will try what you have suggested. Could do with some clarification on the excersise you descibed though. Sorry to be a pain but I don't fully understand what you mean "palms facing away"?? Look up a dual pulley cable lat pulldown machine by LIFE FITNESS. On that machine attach two separate handles and do pulldowns as if you were using a medium grip on a bar. Keep palms facing forward throughout entire movement. Will I be ok to continue training biceps as normal or should I stop or drop the weight? Drop weight and try some futuro elbow wraps for tendonitus. I know Publix carries them. If I do need to drop the weight, will I still make progress in terms of mass gain? You can if you can still train to failure!Thanks again.
    Thanks Ronnie you are the best.

  9. #2049
    The Titan99's Avatar
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    Just to clarify, do not exceed 6 sets per day (12 sets per week) for Tri's/Bi's.

  10. #2050
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    Just to clarify, do not exceed 6 sets per day (12 sets per week) for Tri's/Bi's when training each muscle group twice a week. So 3 sets per 2 exercises on Monday/Tri's Tuesday/Bi's Friday/both, changing the exercises between the two. Also, heavier weight/lower reps on Friday when the arms are fresh. Traps move to Wednesday with shoulders. Maybe like this?

    Monday - Chest/Tri's - Chest Flat Bench Warm Ups, Prep Set, 4-6, 8-12, 8-12 Incline Bench 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Decline Bench 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Triceps Overhead Extensions 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Tri Kickbacks 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 AM Fasted Cardio 30 min

    Tuesday - Back/Bi's Back Width Close Grip Underhand Pull ups 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 EZ Bar Pull Overs 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Back Thickness Underhand Bent Over Rows Warm Ups, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 T-Bar Rows 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Deadlift Warm up, Prep Set, 1-4, 6-8, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Biceps Standing Barbell Curls 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Preacher Curls 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 AM Fasted Cardio 30 min

    Wednsday - Shoulders/Traps Shoulders Lateral Raises Warm Up, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Standing Overhead Presses 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Rear Laterals 8-12,8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Traps Shrugs 6 sets 8-12 AM Fasted Cardio 30 min

    Thursday - Legs Squats Warm ups, Prep Set, 1-4,8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Leg Extentions 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Leg Curls 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Standing Calf Raises 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 No Cardio

    Friday - Arms/Abs Biceps Spider Curls EZ Bar Close Grip Warm ups, 6-10, 6-10, 6-10 Incline Bench Curls 6-10, 6-10, 6-10 Triceps Skull Crushers Warm ups, 6-10, 6-10, 6-10 Tri Kickbacks 6-10, 6-10, 6-10 Abs Weighted Decline Sit ups 6 Sets 12-20 No Cardio

    Saturday - AM Cardio 30 Minutes

    Sunday - AM Cardio 30 Minutes
    Last edited by The Titan99; 11-22-2010 at 01:13 AM.

  11. #2051
    ricky23 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Increase carbs and decrease protein. If you cannot train your chest or delts due to a pec tendon tear I do not see how you can maintain gains. You can maintain arms, legs and maybe lats but not chest and shoulders. Cycle looks okay. Let's see what the doc says!
    thanks ronnie, i was thinking that any more carbs might be too much as i cant train or even do much cardio yet due to the injury, and it might be a while before i go back. what do you think? i have an mri scan tomorrow and i'll tell you the results but im not sure its a tendon tear now as the main source of pain seems to be the hematoma just below my front delt and pec above the bicep. and i have a little more mobility but its still really tight. just have to wait and see. what do you think of ghrp-6 for recovery?
    thanks again

  12. #2052
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    Quote Originally Posted by YoungBuck024 View Post
    o aite ronnie. So i should do a similiar cycle as my first cycle but increase the mg of the compunds? Wut gear do u recommend to build the most mass?Yes, I like d-bol,tren,test combo..

  13. #2053
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    Just to clarify, do not exceed 6 sets per day (12 sets per week) for Tri's/Bi's.Correct. You may want to do 3-4 sets one week alternated with 5-6 sets the following week.

  14. #2054
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    Quote Originally Posted by ricky23 View Post
    thanks ronnie, i was thinking that any more carbs might be too much as i cant train or even do much cardio yet due to the injury, and it might be a while before i go back. what do you think? If you are not working out you need less protein. You can replace some protein with fats instead of carbs to keep down bloat. have an mri scan tomorrow and i'll tell you the results but im not sure its a tendon tear now as the main source of pain seems to be the hematoma just below my front delt and pec above the bicep. and i have a little more mobility but its still really tight. just have to wait and see. what do you think of ghrp-6 for recovery? It may help some (do not have any experience with this peptide) but I would suggest GH since it's tried and proven.thanks again

  15. #2055
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by the titan99 View Post
    just to clarify, do not exceed 6 sets per day (12 sets per week) for tri's/bi's when training each muscle group twice a week. So 3 sets per 2 exercises on monday/tri's tuesday/bi's friday/both, changing the exercises between the two. Also, heavier weight/lower reps on friday when the arms are fresh. Traps move to wednesday with shoulders. Maybe like this? yes! You got it now!
    monday - chest/tri's - chest flat bench warm ups, prep set, 4-6, 8-12, 8-12 incline bench 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 decline bench 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 triceps overhead extensions 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 tri kickbacks 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 am fasted cardio 30 min

    tuesday - back/bi's back width close grip underhand pull ups 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 ez bar pull overs 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 back thickness underhand bent over rows warm ups, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 t-bar rows 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 deadlift warm up, prep set, 1-4, 6-8, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 biceps standing barbell curls 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 preacher curls 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 am fasted cardio 30 min

    wednsday - shoulders/traps shoulders lateral raises warm up, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 standing overhead presses 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 rear laterals 8-12,8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 traps shrugs 6 sets 8-12 am fasted cardio 30 min

    thursday - legs squats warm ups, prep set, 1-4,8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 leg extentions 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 leg curls 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 standing calf raises 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 no cardio

    friday - arms/abs biceps spider curls ez bar close grip warm ups, 6-10, 6-10, 6-10 incline bench curls 6-10, 6-10, 6-10 triceps skull crushers warm ups, 6-10, 6-10, 6-10 tri kickbacks 6-10, 6-10, 6-10 abs weighted decline sit ups 6 sets 12-20 no cardio

    saturday - am cardio 30 minutes

    sunday - am cardio 30 minutes

  16. #2056
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    Ronnie, can you run tren throughout most of the reloads, or would you recommend only a few times per year? Also is there any disadvantages using tren enanthate over tren acetate?

  17. #2057
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    Quote Originally Posted by ricky23 View Post
    thanks ronnie, i was thinking that any more carbs might be too much as i cant train or even do much cardio yet due to the injury, and it might be a while before i go back. what do you think? i have an mri scan tomorrow and i'll tell you the results but im not sure its a tendon tear now as the main source of pain seems to be the hematoma just below my front delt and pec above the bicep. and i have a little more mobility but its still really tight. just have to wait and see. what do you think of ghrp-6 for recovery?
    thanks again
    I've been using GHRP-2 for 3 months now and within a month it cleared up a rotator cuff injury I had for 6 months. Also gives you deeper sleep at night and also skin feels tighter.

  18. #2058
    ricky23 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by yannyboy View Post
    I've been using GHRP-2 for 3 months now and within a month it cleared up a rotator cuff injury I had for 6 months. Also gives you deeper sleep at night and also skin feels tighter.
    thanks yannyboy really appreciate it.

  19. #2059
    ricky23 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by yannyboy View Post
    I've been using GHRP-2 for 3 months now and within a month it cleared up a rotator cuff injury I had for 6 months. Also gives you deeper sleep at night and also skin feels tighter.
    thanks yannyboy, really appreciate it.

  20. #2060
    ricky23 is offline Junior Member
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    ronnie, at what point would you suggest switching esters to counteract the receptor cells being accustomed to the compound? or would it be ok to keep multi estered compounds pretty much year round during reloads-deloads. and if gains stagnate should the dose simply be increased again or would it be worth it to switch compounds i.e tren to deca . thanks ronnie (just trying to do as much research as possible during my injury!)

  21. #2061
    YoungBuck024 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    should i stay away from deca and stick with tren the whole cycle?

    reload test-e -500mg tren-e 300mg dbol -50mg
    deload test-e - 250mg
    reload supertest400- 800mg tren-e 400mg
    deload suoertest400- 400mg

  22. #2062
    ellyka112 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by VASCULAR VINCE View Post
    Ronnie is correct...12 week cycles are a waste...8 weeks rule...
    I've always been very interested in what Ronnie has to say. For a guy like me I don't know any one else personally that works out hard so I try to follow some advice from Ronnie. Thanks bud.
    From what most people say on here when running test e you should run for 10-12 weeks then pct for about 4 then time on = time off before you start again. Your saying 8 week cycles with 1-2 weeks off before you start up you do any PCT during the 2 weeks off? Thanks for the tips

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  23. #2063
    Noone_Incognito is offline New Member
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    Okay, I hit my search button function and was immediately overwhelmed by a lot of stuff with the same drug names and nothing to do with my question so I decided my situation might be (possibly) slightly unique enough to justify a consult from a guru.

    Background: Once upon a time I hurt my rotar cuff right before going to work on a fishing boat in Alaska. I did d-bol 10mg per day 1 wk, 20mg per day 1 wk, 10mg per day 1 wk, in order to build up the muscles around the injury and increase my RBC to (I hoped) speed healing. No real reason I chose d-bol, it was just easy to get. I gained about 15lbs then lost all gains when I came off. Felt GREAT on it.

    Fast forward 15 years. I have a small tumor on my pituitary gland. Long story short, my natural tes is low because of this. The doctor put me on testosterone micronized in cream form. 30mg a day--a pretty conservative dose from what I've read. It's worked great. My own tes was below the threshold mark for "average" before; now I'm in the top 3/4 brackett for the "average" range. After 6 months I'm as strong as I was in my late 20's, I've lost belly fat and with DINO/Hard gainer style workouts I'm happy enough.

    But I'm just "on" the tes and will be for the long haul it seems. It occurred to me that perhaps since I'll never be "off" (unless the tumor grows so much it's removed surgically) that a cycle or two of AAS per year might not be bad. Also, I'm going to be working overseas and the common consencous seems to be that a large % of contractors are juiced.

    So my question is this: in your opinion, what would be a good way to approach my supplemental cycles? Should I just use my tes 30mg per day straight through and add in a second AAS for 6-12 weeks before going back on the simply tes 30mg OR should I go off the tes 30mg, do a 6-12 week cycle of an AAS then go back and use my "stored up" tes cream in increments 30mgx3 per day day then 30mgx2 per day until I'm back at my regular 30mg per day?

    Also I'm thinking of using the d-bol. I felt great on it, got almost immediate results but I did loose all gains and I've since heard many people stating they don't like d-bol. My goal is increased size and strength with cosmetic concerns being a distant second.

    Thanks for letting me bounce this off you--I appreciate it.

  24. #2064
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noone_Incognito View Post
    Okay, I hit my search button function and was immediately overwhelmed by a lot of stuff with the same drug names and nothing to do with my question so I decided my situation might be (possibly) slightly unique enough to justify a consult from a guru.

    Background: Once upon a time I hurt my rotar cuff right before going to work on a fishing boat in Alaska. I did d-bol 10mg per day 1 wk, 20mg per day 1 wk, 10mg per day 1 wk, in order to build up the muscles around the injury and increase my RBC to (I hoped) speed healing. No real reason I chose d-bol, it was just easy to get. I gained about 15lbs then lost all gains when I came off. Felt GREAT on it.

    Fast forward 15 years. I have a small tumor on my pituitary gland. Long story short, my natural tes is low because of this. The doctor put me on testosterone micronized in cream form. 30mg a day--a pretty conservative dose from what I've read. It's worked great. My own tes was below the threshold mark for "average" before; now I'm in the top 3/4 brackett for the "average" range. After 6 months I'm as strong as I was in my late 20's, I've lost belly fat and with DINO/Hard gainer style workouts I'm happy enough.

    But I'm just "on" the tes and will be for the long haul it seems. It occurred to me that perhaps since I'll never be "off" (unless the tumor grows so much it's removed surgically) that a cycle or two of AAS per year might not be bad. Also, I'm going to be working overseas and the common consencous seems to be that a large % of contractors are juiced.

    So my question is this: in your opinion, what would be a good way to approach my supplemental cycles? Should I just use my tes 30mg per day straight through and add in a second AAS for 6-12 weeks before going back on the simply tes 30mg OR should I go off the tes 30mg, do a 6-12 week cycle of an AAS then go back and use my "stored up" tes cream in increments 30mgx3 per day day then 30mgx2 per day until I'm back at my regular 30mg per day?

    Also I'm thinking of using the d-bol. I felt great on it, got almost immediate results but I did loose all gains and I've since heard many people stating they don't like d-bol. My goal is increased size and strength with cosmetic concerns being a distant second.

    Thanks for letting me bounce this off you--I appreciate it.

    Welcome to the site. I suggest you start your own thread.

  25. #2065
    Noone_Incognito is offline New Member
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    Okay. I thought this was an "ask the guru" running thread--so if I pulled a hijack much apologizes all around.

  26. #2066
    ricky23 is offline Junior Member
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    hi ronnie, sorry for all the questions but is muscle atrophy common in the tricep with pec tears? my left tricep is still big but the tricep on my injured side is really flat and almost half the size even though the tear is in the pec/bicep area. surprisingly the bicep is still big but it could be the swelling. is there anything i could do? thanks so much

  27. #2067
    SomeRandomGuy's Avatar
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    I am in the middle of my 20 week STS. 3rd injection, Week 12, running 1g Test E, 800mg Deca . I listened to your recommendations about a 16 week cutter. I have the stuff coming. Should I continue the STS 20 Weeker and then start a 16 week cut after a 2 week deload at the end of 20 weeks?

    Also I found a side effect of so much juice. I can't orgasm very easily. Increasing Cabergoline dose to .5mg EOD upon recommendation, what do you think? Also my testes even with the 250 i.u. HCG 2x/wk are nowhere near full size. They stayed large on the first 8 weeks, but not anymore. Clomid seems to work wonders for bringing them back if I stop, I think even after a 16 week cycle they will come back. Should I continue with HCG maintenance and/or use 1500 i.u.'s EOD for a week at the end?

  28. #2068
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yannyboy View Post
    ronnie, can you run tren throughout most of the reloads, or would you recommend only a few times per year? you can run tren pretty much year round as it's much safer than many believe! It primarily attaches to the muscle receptors not the receptors of the organs. Also is there any disadvantages using tren enanthate over tren acetate?no, in fact, there are advantage to using the enanthate version such as less injections and less tren cough

  29. #2069
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ricky23 View Post
    ronnie, at what point would you suggest switching esters to counteract the receptor cells being accustomed to the compound? the receptors do not become accustomed to certain esters, only dosages! or would it be ok to keep multi estered compounds pretty much year round during reloads-deloads. yes but only test during deloads and if gains stagnate should the dose simply be increased again or would it be worth it to switch compounds i.e tren to deca . increase dosage of drugs that agree with your chemistry as opposed to hoping from one drug to the next! thanks ronnie (just trying to do as much research as possible during my injury!)

  30. #2070
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    please do not pm me question but rather post all of them in this thread. For unknown reason this thread keeps closing periodically while i am in the process of answering questions. It's put me behind but i will catch up soon..

    Thanks guys!

  31. #2071
    delta1111 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    [/b]ronnie, can you run tren throughout most of the reloads, or would you recommend only a few times per year? you can run tren pretty much year round as it's much safer than many believe! It primarily attaches to the muscle receptors not the receptors of the organs. Also is there any disadvantages using tren enanthate over tren acetate?no, in fact, there are advantage to using the enanthate version such as less injections and less tren cough
    Hi Ronnie, coulld you please elaborate on the above?

  32. #2072
    The Titan99's Avatar
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    Hey Ron, I just finished with my check up with the Doctor after the spinal surgery and he cleared me to start my new reload. The thing is, I've been bridging with 500 mg of Test, priming and doing 6 days a week of cardio. My question is 2 parts.

    First, for some reason my right triceps has really lost strength and size. It's noticeable at a distance. The Doctor reassured me that after spine/nerve surgery that weakness is normal and my arm will balance out in a few months. I noticed that my right arm was weak during bench press and also went from doing 20 dips with a 10 kg plate to doing 12 with NO weight. It's only when switching to Tri kickbacks that I noticed the extent of the problem. I can only achieve full extension and perfect form with about HALF the weight!! Now I tend to believe the Doc as far as his prognosis for complete recovery, but what exercises or regime do you suggest to catch one side up to the other? Do you go with the lighter weight for one side and try to stay at good failure, 8-12 reps, then heavier on the other? It seems like in the old days, a guy would just do more sets with the weaker arm, but I know that probably won't work. What do you suggest?

    Part 2 is this. I've been Blasting since July and have just finished a 6 week bridge (750 Sustonon/ 20 mg Anavar ) while recovering from surgery. Before that I was on 1 gram Test/800 mg Deca /100 mg Proviron ed. I've been running HCG at 250 iu's twice a week through out with a 3 week break during and after the surgery I plan on doing one more reload, one deload then PCT and BW. This is what I'd planned for the last 10 weeks. What do you think?

    Week 1-4 1 gram Test/800 Deca/50 mg Proviron ed/80 mg Anavar ed/250 iu's HCG taw (Dropped the Proviron to 50 mg due to the fact that I lost my favorite sex asian toy... didn't think I'd need all that now...)
    Week 5-8 1.5 grams Test/ 1000 mg Deca/50 mg Proviron ed/80 mg Anavar ed/250 HCG iu's taw.
    Week 9-10 500 mg Test/50 mg Proviron ed/250 iu's HCG taw
    Week 11-12 25 mg Proviron ed/500 iu's HCG taw(Proviron 1/2, HCG doubled. (Is this right?)

    Week 1-8 Tamox 20 mg/ed (40 mg for the first 7 days)
    Week 1-8 Tore 60 mg/ed (120 mg for the first 14 days, 100 mg for the next 7 days)
    Blood work 4 weeks later.

    How do you like it? I have Aromasin and could take it while on cycle, or could take it during PCT, or both, but I've never had and ES problems (Never done 1.5 grams of Test 1 gram Deca before either). The Proviron seems to work for me while on cycle as far as a mild AI, sex etc. Should I just hold off on it unless I need it? How would you use/not use it? I've heard a lot of conflicting opinions on this.

    Sorry for the size of the post, but you seem to answer very efficiently and accurately.

    Thanks again...
    Last edited by The Titan99; 12-05-2010 at 10:45 PM.

  33. #2073
    kingcream is offline New Member
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    Hey, I was thinkin about tryin my first cycle of roids to bulk up but i really dont know much about steroids .. I was thinkin about getting this package..can anyone help me out ? What type of gains can i expect w this stuff and what can i expect after im off of it ? will my weight decrease significantly if so is it really worth it then ?.. Im currently 5'10 145lbs and tryin to get to 180 or anything higher

    My diet will during the cycle be 4000+cal/day circa200g protein i try to get to this daily right now but work/school keep me busy and dont have time to make food..

    Training Includes
    Sat: Legs/Shoulders
    Sun: Off

    2 x Deca 250 (Decca 250)
    2 x Trenbolone (Finaplix ) 75 (Tren Fina 75)
    2 x Dianabol (D-bolic)

    British Dragon Gear products *.

    By clicking Add To Cart, you agree to our Disclaimer and Terms of use.

    Week Decca 250 D-bolic Tren-Fina
    1 2 caps/day 2 caps/day 2 caps/day
    2 2 caps/day 2 caps/day 2 caps/day
    3 3 caps/day 3 caps/day 3 caps/day
    4 3 caps/day 3 caps/day 3 caps/day
    5 4 caps/day 4 caps/day 4 caps/day
    6 4 caps/day 4 caps/day 4 caps/day
    7 1 caps/day 1 caps/day 1 caps/day
    8 1 caps/day 1 caps/day 1 caps/day

    This amazing cyle will put on mass fast! Use these mass bulking compounds with a good bulking diet and you'll get big. Many users report fast gains and good long term mass increase within the first 2-4 weeks. If you have a smaller frame, this is a cycle for you.

  34. #2074
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    Quote Originally Posted by kingcream View Post
    Hey, I was thinkin about tryin my first cycle of roids to bulk up but i really dont know much about steroids .. I was thinkin about getting this package..can anyone help me out ? What type of gains can i expect w this stuff and what can i expect after im off of it ? will my weight decrease significantly if so is it really worth it then ?.. Im currently 5'10 145lbs and tryin to get to 180 or anything higher

    My diet will during the cycle be 4000+cal/day circa200g protein i try to get to this daily right now but work/school keep me busy and dont have time to make food..

    Training Includes
    Sat: Legs/Shoulders
    Sun: Off

    2 x Deca 250 (Decca 250)
    2 x Trenbolone (Finaplix ) 75 (Tren Fina 75)
    2 x Dianabol (D-bolic)

    British Dragon Gear products *.

    By clicking Add To Cart, you agree to our Disclaimer and Terms of use.

    Week Decca 250 D-bolic Tren-Fina
    1 2 caps/day 2 caps/day 2 caps/day
    2 2 caps/day 2 caps/day 2 caps/day
    3 3 caps/day 3 caps/day 3 caps/day
    4 3 caps/day 3 caps/day 3 caps/day
    5 4 caps/day 4 caps/day 4 caps/day
    6 4 caps/day 4 caps/day 4 caps/day
    7 1 caps/day 1 caps/day 1 caps/day
    8 1 caps/day 1 caps/day 1 caps/day

    This amazing cyle will put on mass fast! Use these mass bulking compounds with a good bulking diet and you'll get big. Many users report fast gains and good long term mass increase within the first 2-4 weeks. If you have a smaller frame, this is a cycle for you.
    This has got to be a joke... If your 5'10" and weight 145 lbs you should try some foodralone. Awesome for weight gain!!
    Last edited by The Titan99; 11-30-2010 at 09:16 PM.

  35. #2075
    kingcream is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    This has got to be a joke... If your 5'10" and weight 145 lbs you should try some foodralone. Awesome for weight gain!!
    Haha. I know man. I do eat but the most ive got up to is 158 then had a bad couple weeks was really sick and i came down to 145.. It took me a lot of work to get up to 158 then to lose that much weight in a couple weeks really gets to me.. Im tired of being the skinny guy.

  36. #2076
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by youngbuck024 View Post
    should i stay away from deca and stick with tren the whole cycle? i would as i feel it's safer and much more effective. Deca is best used in males only to relieve joint pain imo as it can be hard on the arterial walls and libido.

    Reload test-e -500mg tren-e 300mg dbol -50mg
    deload test-e - 250mg
    reload supertest400- 800mg tren-e 400mg (save d-bol for second 8 week reload and run it al the way through)
    deload suoertest400- 400mg

  37. #2077
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somerandomguy View Post
    i am in the middle of my 20 week sts. 3rd injection, week 12, running 1g test e, 800mg deca . I listened to your recommendations about a 16 week cutter. I have the stuff coming. Should i continue the sts 20 weeker and then start a 16 week cut after a 2 week deload at the end of 20 weeks?I WOULD IN ORDER TO GIVE YOUR BODY A BREAKAlso i found a side effect of so much juice. I can't orgasm very easily. Increasing cabergoline dose to .5mg eod upon recommendation, what do you think? keep caber at .05 mgs twice a week and drop the deca as it's the deca delaying you sexually! also my testes even with the 250 i.u. Hcg 2x/wk are nowhere near full size. They stayed large on the first 8 weeks, but not anymore. Clomid seems to work wonders for bringing them back if i stop, i think even after a 16 week cycle they will come back. YES THEY WILL Should i continue with hcg maintenance and/or use 1500 i.u.'s eod for a week at the end?yes and you can go to 2500

  38. #2078
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    Quote Originally Posted by ellyka112 View Post
    i've always been very interested in what ronnie has to say. For a guy like me i don't know any one else personally that works out hard so i try to follow some advice from ronnie. Thanks bud.
    From what most people say on here when running test e you should run for 10-12 weeks then pct for about 4 then time on = time off before you start again. Your saying 8 week cycles with 1-2 weeks off before you start up you do any pct during the 2 weeks off? you can pct anytime you choose to do so as everyone has a preferred method of choice. During the 2 week deloads you bridge with 200-1000mgs of test depending on your level as a bodybuilder. Some run hcg at 500ius per week all the way through where as others do 2500 ius during their bridge or post cycle thanks for the tips

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  39. #2079
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by noone_incognito View Post
    okay, i hit my search button function and was immediately overwhelmed by a lot of stuff with the same drug names and nothing to do with my question so i decided my situation might be (possibly) slightly unique enough to justify a consult from a guru.

    Background: Once upon a time i hurt my rotar cuff right before going to work on a fishing boat in alaska. I did d-bol 10mg per day 1 wk, 20mg per day 1 wk, 10mg per day 1 wk, in order to build up the muscles around the injury and increase my rbc to (i hoped) speed healing. No real reason i chose d-bol, it was just easy to get. I gained about 15lbs then lost all gains when i came off. Felt great on it.

    Fast forward 15 years. I have a small tumor on my pituitary gland. Long story short, my natural tes is low because of this. The doctor put me on testosterone micronized in cream form. 30mg a day--a pretty conservative dose from what i've read. It's worked great. My own tes was below the threshold mark for "average" before; now i'm in the top 3/4 brackett for the "average" range. After 6 months i'm as strong as i was in my late 20's, i've lost belly fat and with dino/hard gainer style workouts i'm happy enough.

    But i'm just "on" the tes and will be for the long haul it seems. It occurred to me that perhaps since i'll never be "off" (unless the tumor grows so much it's removed surgically) that a cycle or two of aas per year might not be bad. Also, i'm going to be working overseas and the common consencous seems to be that a large % of contractors are juiced.

    So my question is this: In your opinion, what would be a good way to approach my supplemental cycles? Should i just use my tes 30mg per day straight through and add in a second aas for 6-12 weeks before going back on the simply tes 30mg or should i go off the tes 30mg, do a 6-12 week cycle of an aas then go back and use my "stored up" tes cream in increments 30mgx3 per day day then 30mgx2 per day until i'm back at my regular 30mg per day? the cream is weak so go off it and run some aas then go back on the cream 2-3 times per day to maintain as much gains as possible. also i'm thinking of using the d-bol. I felt great on it, got almost immediate results but i did loose all gains and i've since heard many people stating they don't like d-bol. My goal is increased size and strength with cosmetic concerns being a distant second. test/tren/d-bol is hard to beat for size/strength but start with test only for a first time cycle. D-bol can affect your sex drive and cause lethargicness. Test only is hard to beat. Do 750 mgs per week! thanks for letting me bounce this off you--i appreciate it.

  40. #2080
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    hey coming up to my final DELOAD of my 20 weeker slingshot... im must say, i am very very happy with the results...contrary to what most people believe, this is really great compared to the old, come off and on equal time...

    my concern is however, i do wanna recover naturally so i was thinking do to my final deload of 250 test with PROP instead of enanthate as i have been doing...thus i can get the drugs out of my system faster, and begin a 1 month PCT of aromasin and hcg ....then i will jump on another STS cycle...what do u think?

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