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Thread: You'll want to read this!

  1. #4121
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    when to stop using gh before a show????

  2. #4122
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    why so many competitors... eating rice cakes..n..peanutbutter.. morning of the show????

  3. #4123
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    should we drink anything..morning of show????

  4. #4124
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    can deca ..n...npp... be ran until day of show????

  5. #4125
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VASCULAR VINCE View Post
    how doe...s insulin ..increase effectiveness of.... gh??? Insulin aids in detering some of the insulin resistance build-up caused from using GH long term. Insulin increases receptor site sensitivity for igf-hence making GH and steroid more effective. Insulin also helps reduce levels of igf binding protein-1, allowing for more growth to occur by way of increasing igf-1 .
    Good grief vinnie..It's going to take some time answering all these questions...LOL

  6. #4126
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VASCULAR VINCE View Post
    bigron.. few competitors at our gym..have composed av large list..precontest????

    best to come in fuller... or.... drier??? It is best to come in drier and a tiny bit on the flatter side than fuller.You can't have both and this is where many people blow it. They also think taking in more carbs while reducing salt and water is what makes you come in both fuller and drier and just the opposite is true!
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 07-02-2012 at 05:35 AM.

  7. #4127
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    Hey Ronnie. My regular TRT dosage is 200 mg/week of test c. I will be using this as my cruise dose. What is your recommendation for the blast dosage? I was thinking 600-750 mg a week.

  8. #4128
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    Quote Originally Posted by 600@50 View Post
    Hey Ronnie. My regular TRT dosage is 200 mg/week of test c. I will be using this as my cruise dose. What is your recommendation for the blast dosage? I was thinking 600-750 mg a week.1 gram per week

  9. #4129
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=VASCULAR VINCE;6060483]at what time should you be ready before a show??? 1 week out?? 2 weeks out?? day of show??? Obviously you want to hit your peak the day of the show but you should be show ready 1 week out. Some will say you need to be show ready 2 weeks out but IMO it's more difficult to hold that kind of conditioning for 2 weeks as opposed to 1 week. [/QUOTE]above

  10. #4130
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    Vinny did someone hack your account?

  11. #4131
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VASCULAR VINCE View Post
    you say keep sodium in..should it be lowered 1-2 days before a show???? I do not recommend changing sodium intake much whatsoever. I like to cut my sodium intake by half on friday (the day before a saturday show) then add sodium back in very early around 3-5 am on saturday morning before pre-judging since water has been cut off for several hours. You don't want to lose too much water through reducing sodium or you will get a puffy- wet- look, and come in flat.

    Once again water would be cut off around 8-10pm before going to bed but do not taper water down on friday. Drink a lot all day friday as you have been doing the last few days after the tuesday carb load until 8-10 pm the night before the show. Sodium and fats are most important the day of the show, not tons of carbs as some preach and certainly not tons of water! When waking up on saturday morning you can take a sip of water here and there if you begin to feel dehyrated or start going flat-"same goes for some carbs"- but you also have to be very careful about drinking too much while keeping sodium high because you can hold subcutaneous water by taking in too much water and too much salt just as you can hold subcutaneous water by not drinking enough water or consuming enough salt . You need to be dry mouthed on stage but not dehydrated. It's all about water control and getting sodium levels back up to par on what they where on thursday while not allowing yourself to get dehyrated or revert to using dangerous diurectics.Too many carbs the morning of the show will surely cause you to bloat in the abs!
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 07-03-2012 at 09:44 AM.

  12. #4132
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    What's your thought on sodium intake bodybuilder should take per day?
    I take in about 5000-6000mg sodium per day (I count it from egg whites, whole eggs, fish like sardines/mackerel/salmon/shrimps, protein powders, whole wheat bread, BBQ sauces, etc..)
    Does kidney & heart work harder when I am taking that much sodium? I am using testosterone also and water retention should be high, isn't it?

    Since egg whites contains lots of sodium, can it be incorporated into pre-contest diet foods?
    I usually take 1 cup of egg whites + 1 whole egg + 1 scoop of protein powder three times daily (for each morning, mid-day & before-bed protein source).
    Besides that, I eat chicken/fish/beef for other meals.

    I think egg whites is good protein source with good amino acids profile. Do you agree here, ron?

  13. #4133
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Originally Posted by daniel20
    Also Ronnie, what do you recommend for cardio? HIIT etc?? I was thinking of adding in HIIT on an exercise bike 3 times a week post workout (not leg day!) for about 20 mins (5 min warmup,1min rest, 1 min high intensity for 20mins). I am already around 500 cals under maintenance but seemed to have stalled with regards to fat loss. I think I am at about 9-10%? What do you think from the avi? Your avitar looks great. Abs are awesome! I would not do HIIT cardio unless you are training for sports and taking in adequate amoutns of carbs which you are not.. Stick to moderate intensity for longer periods if need be to prevent burning muscle mass and over-training. By the looks of your abs you don't need to lose any more body fat but if you want to go a bit further do more cardio and reduce carbs to 100 per day 6 times per week or go into ketosis. Then you are ready to step on stage but this is not maintainable for the long haul because you will get burned out..
    Diet is around 280g protein, 170g carbs, 50g fat then I refeed every saturday with about 350g carbs, 200g protein, 60g fats. Anything you can see wrong?Looks good! If you start getting too depleted throw in an additonal 50 carbs on wednesdays!Thanks!
    Okay thanks ronnie.

    I've started adding in cardio for 30mins post workout 3x week on treadmill on 7-8% incline at 4-5mph walk. Burns just under 400 cals. Should I be upping this to 45-60 mins?

    Now with the 100g of carbs a day, am I right to assume to take my carbs only breakfast, pre and post workout? Rest of carb sources will be fibrous vegetables. Do I still keep protein high at around 250-280g with fat at about 50-60g? This would be low in calories thats all.

    May throw in 50g of carbs on wednesday but might not be needed as its a rest day. But saturday will be re-feed correct? Just up the carbs by 200-300g?

    Thanks again.

  14. #4134
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    I only placed Top 20 in Mens Physique Open Competition in another town last week due to not being able to attend the final session in the afternoon. Unfortunately, I suddenly had a family problem to be solved & had to go back to my town as soon as possible. What a pity, ron.. I was very confident that I could place at least Top 3 in that show. I was at best condition and felt so superior compared to the other competitiors..

    I do what you all recommend to me before. Many thanks & props to you, ron...

    FYI, for all contests I have been through, the pre-judging time was all in the sunday morning at 8 AM.
    I do the carb-load phase and still take lots of water. I cut water only at saturday night.
    I don't cut any sodium, just reduce sodium by half the friday & saturday before show.. The morning of show I eat carb/fat/sodium meal with 8-10oz of water. Then only sip water as needed...

    This Sunday I am going to compete again in another town.
    But this time, the pre-judging is going to be at 11:45 AM
    How to arrange the strategy in order to achieve the best condition for pre-judging at noon I have never done before?
    Last edited by Yellow; 07-03-2012 at 10:33 PM. Reason: word & sentence correction

  15. #4135
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=VASCULAR VINCE;6060486]you say keep sodium in..should it be lowered 1-2 days before a show????As stated earlier, lower sodium intake by half the day before the show then put it back in early the morning before pre-judging around 3-5 am. NOTE: Cutting sodium and drastically lowering water intake is another sure fire way to smooth out.I can practcially guarantee you that if you cut your sodium that you will after a few days still have a normal blood level of sodium, and the only thing that you will have succeeded in doing is messing up the delicate balance of your body’s water, sodium and potassium levels leaving you looking soft and puffy. Your body will start producing aldosterone in the absence of sodium to help retain sodium blood levels so nothing has changed. Some will counter with diuretics to lower aldosterone levels. Why lower water in the first place? Keeping water intake high and sodium intake high will keep aldosterone levels low and keep your muscles full and hard making you super dry on contest day. Why throw in a bunch of unpredictable drugs if you don't have too!? The body will hold water when there is not enough water being ingested. When water is running through the body on a consistent basis little water is retained if the electrolytes are in balance. When water intake is higher, sodium requirement are higher. It's just the opposite of what many have been taught!

    It is important to take note that water is not controlled by manipulation of sodium levels. It is manipulated by loading with larger amounts of fats, lesser amounts of carbs and adjusting water intake to fit your metabolism. The fastest way to go flat, and we see it happen all the time, is to drop sodium levels too low while trying to get water off. It is idea for sodium levels to remain anywhere from 3 to 8 grams throughout the entire pre-contest diet right up until the show. When you understand how sodium relates to other electrolytes and how it relates to manipulating water, you will hit the stage looking the best ever. Remember, lowering water levels to extremes will always result in a soft, smooth, flat appearance to the muscles
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 07-22-2012 at 06:45 PM.

  16. #4136
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    Quote Originally Posted by VASCULAR VINCE View Post
    after carb load on said...keep sodium in..carbs back to whatever it took to get condition and small carb load on fri...n..sat??? why the mild carb load fri...n sat night???? Think of it as filling your gas tank full earlier in the week and running your car very little around town to do a few erands over the next two days. Let's pretend you are going to make a long trip a couple of days after having filled your tank. What do most of us do? We top off our gas tank before leaving on that trip. If you take in only a few carbs near the show time you won't take any chances of bloating or holding water between the skin and muscles.

  17. #4137
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    Quote Originally Posted by VASCULAR VINCE View Post
    diuretics ever needed???? thoughts on bathing in epson salt to further dehydrate???? Never use diuretics of any form as you will most likely ruin your conditioning and you are playing with fire. Tells your guys to please try and understand the importance of never allowing themselves to to become dehyrdated before a show. There's a differnce between drying out and allowing yourself to become dehyrated! Keep in mind all steroids (including even mild drugs like anavar ) thicken the blood and a lack of water makes it much harder for the organs to push blood through the body. I am a big believer in keeping things simple, safe, predictable and effective!

    Diuretics have ruined many competitors’ conditions and they are never needed if you know how to manage water intake. You should never want to get rid of all your water because it makes up around 90 percent of your muscles. The key is control your water intake so that it stays in the muscles and not in the subcutaneous areas (under the skin) which hides muscle definition. You never want to put undue stress on the kidneys through the use of diuretics. This could cause death! PowerAde zero works very well for keeping electrolytes (potassium and sodium) in balance! Salt helps give you that hard look while diet makes you defined. Without salt you are probably going to cramp up on stage and mess up your posing.

    When I help dry someone out for a show I use the same baseline plan and make a few adjustments as needed depending on their metabolism and diet used to get them in contest conditioning. Everyone I instruct carbs up once a week on saturdays to do two things-1) see how long it takes them to get rid of the excess water from spilling over. 2)To increase t-3 output and speeds up their metabolism which helps them overcome weight loss plateaus. Things can vary some depending on how the person's body is reacting to everything but not a lot of adjustments are ever needed! Everyone is on low carbs the last few weeks before the show so there is never a need to lower them anymore after the massive carb up done on Tuesday (sometimes wednesday) before a Saturday show. Everyone is going to be very sensitive to carbs on Friday evening and Saturday morning so taking in a lot of carbs can speel disaster! By doing the once a week carb up on saturday throughout their entire contest they already have learned how their body is going to react after the massive carb load earlier in the week before a Saturday show. It's by far the most predictable way to enter a show given the competitor is lean.


    SECOND NOTE: Severe dehydration can result in internal organ failure, coma, and even death, particularly when diuretics are used. The death of Austrian bodybuilder Andreas Munzer should serve as a reminder of what can happen when the use of diurectics like Aldactone, lasix, dyazide and even epsom salt. His blood was viscous and slow-moving from excessive steroid use. His potassium levels were excessively high. He had been dehydrated by the diuretics he used in the days before his last competitions. His liver was melting and his kidneys began shutting down from not being able to rid themselves of the extra magnesium absorbed from bathing in mass quantities of epsom salt, etc . A post-mortem would find that it had dissolved almost completely!
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 07-06-2012 at 12:43 PM.

  18. #4138
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    Quote Originally Posted by slimshady01 View Post
    Vinny did someone hack your account?
    nah...large list of questions...composed from my friends...they really appreciate this bigron!!!!

  19. #4139
    massbuilders is offline New Member
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    ronnie, nice article bro. I just got done with my first gear consisted of Test e and var at 75 per day. I did 15 week cycle. I am supposed to start nova tomo. Can i just do nova at 40mg for two weeks?

  20. #4140
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    If i do 2 week pct at 40mg nova per day. Can i get back on test e at 500mg for eight weeks, var at 75 mg for 8 weeks and winstrol for eight weeks?. I am 218, 6 1, 14% BF. I want to be 205 with more ripped look. Is this right cycle for me? how would u recommend it? Should i start my two week pct and get on this cycle?. Please let me know.

  21. #4141
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    Also, should i keep taking .50mg of adex e3d?. Only side effects that i got from my test e and var cycle was some face acne. So what cycle would you recommend, i really dont want harsh side effects. Thank you.

  22. #4142
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    Hey Ron, my energy levels are at an all-time low and my appetite is terrible. I can usually get 5000 cal of clean food in easily and now I'm really struggling with3500-4000. I'm running Test A/Tren A/Mast P at 700 mg along with 400 mg Test E, 350 mg Test P, proviron 50 mg. Also running 8 i.u.'s of GH. I've done all these compounds together and in various combo's AND at a lot higher doses than right now with no problem other than a little insomnia from the tren. Also I'm not over training, actually what I feel to be under training due to postponed workouts because of the energy thing. 2 things I am doing for the first time is 50 mcg's of T3 as well as 75 mg of tbol ed. Do you think it might be because of one of these new compounds that I'm having these problems with energy and appetite? As you can see this is a lot of expensive gear to be on and not eating/training to the max. I'm especially concerned about the appetite. Right now my stats are 255 lbs. 6'2" 10 % BF 47 years old. Whatever you suggest I will implement immediately.
    I think you might have missed this one. Since then, I've dropped the T3 and reduced the Tbol to 50 mg. Also started vitamin B1, B6, B12 injections daily and started Prami at .5 mg ed at bed time. Just now starting to feel better. What do you think it was? I notice not many guy's doing Tbol over 50 mg ed. Makes me feel sorry for guy's who have problems with AAS. Now I know...

  23. #4143
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    Quote Originally Posted by VASCULAR VINCE View Post
    why so many competitors... eating rice cakes..n..peanutbutter.. morning of the show???? It's because they are consuming salt free rice cakes and quite often cashew butter. Many have been led to believe that all sodium should be cut off until after the show (including the morning before pre-judging)and this is wrong IMO! This is a perfect snack to use the night before the show once water has been cut off but sodium must be entered back into the equation before pre-judging.

    Most pre-contest loading methods are based on loading up to a day or so before the show and try to control water by cutting it at ridiculous times, cutting sodium a couple or three days out, etc. The most common method for supposedly coming into a show cut, full, and dry to the bone is to drop your carbs 7 days out, carb up on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday usually starting with high glycemic carbs and finishing with the low glycemic version after glygogen depletion workouts. Then you start tapering your water and salt intake around Tuesday and cut it out completely Friday afternoon. Start taking diuretics on Tuesday in order to lower aldosterone levels (Which should never be done if you are drinking plenty of water and taking in enough salt). An even stronger diuretic is sometimes used Saturday morning if needed, which is usually done since most people can't tell the difference between and dehydrated muscle and a muscle that has spilled over from consuming too many carbs. This scenario complicates things even more and don't forget they consume no water all day Saturday which is very dangerous for the kidneys and causes the body to over heat! After pre-judging some take it a step further by using more diuretics and fast burning carbs. Then they comaplain about looking better 1 week before their show because on friday morning before a Saturday show they weigh around12 pounds heavier and very smooth depending on how fast they metabolize their food, salt and water.

  24. #4144
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    Quote Originally Posted by VASCULAR VINCE View Post
    pros..n...cons..of carbing up hard precontest .verses high sodium and water???The body’s water hierarchy

    1) The most important place for water storage is in the blood and vascular system. Without it you would die.
    2) The second one is muscle tissue. Water is necessary within all muscles to support life.
    3) The least of importance for water storage is the subcutaneous area underneath the skin. This is the area you want to try and eliminate as much as possible the day of a contest.

    The secret to controlling subcutaneous water has to do with controlling the hormone aldosterone through salt and water intake. Salt intake should never be reduced as one approaches a show. When salt is decreased it increases aldosterone levels (which increase water retention because the kidneys have to reabsorb both water and sodium back into circulation.) And when you reduce salt, it lowers blood pressure, which means that plasma water has been pushed out of the vascular system which results in catabolism and flat muscles. So instead of now having water in your blood vessels making you look full, hard, and vascular, it will be in the subcutaneous areas making you appear softer and preventing you from being able to get a pump because once the salt content is reduced in muscles so is water and muscles are largely composed of water! Sodium will not cause water retention when carbs are kept under control and water is kept high. The high water intake helps your body excrete any extra sodium and aldosterone levels will be controlled by high salt and water intake. Salt is your friend, not enemy pre-contest. On Friday or night before a Saturday show, you stop drinking water. The body will continue to excrete water a normal rate throughout the entire night and following morning. This causes a decrease in blood volume and muscle volume water. Now think back at the body’s water hierarchy and remember that as a survival response, your body lets go of water from the areas of least importance first as a survival instinct. This means subcutaneous water is pumped into muscles and blood resulting in amazing vascularity, thin skin and full muscle bellies when you hit the stage!

    NOTE: It's best to keep salt moderately high by salting your egg whites generously for breakfast each morning throughout the entire contest prep . On friday morning before a saturday show you would want to skip salting your eggs (you will be adding more whole eggs into your diet at this point to increase fats and help fill out) then add back the salt early saturday morning before pre-judging. By skipping the salt on your eggs friday morning it helps to ensure that you remove all the subcutaneous water underneath your skin. Expect to be very thirsty after reintroducing some salt saturday morning before pre-judging and don't confuse that with becoming dehydrated because at this juncture the two are not one in the same!!!
    [/B] [/B]
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 07-06-2012 at 07:19 PM.

  25. #4145
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    Quote Originally Posted by VASCULAR VINCE View Post
    some mods are saying take tren out before show due to causing water retention say keep tren in..why???? Taking out tren would be a huge mistake IMO. Tren combined with winstrol is the best stack you can use to look hard on stage. Some add halotestin and masterone into the mix as well which really creates an androgenic environment-hence a major hardening effect.

    The reason some have been led to believe tren should be taken out before a show is because of it's ability to convert to progesterone. Tren does not cause water retention issues unless it's combine with testosterone which aromatizes to estrogen. It's when progesterone is combined with estrogen that subcutaneous water becomes a problem. In fact, progesterone alone has been shown to act like a mild diuretic and it also blocks aldosterone levels from rising which also helps prevent water retention!

  26. #4146
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    Quote Originally Posted by VASCULAR VINCE View Post
    why is 3 day carb load...going into a show... so popular???? is it wrong????IMO there is no ryme or reason to do a traditional carb up. It doesn't work most of the time because you spill over and then try and correct the problem taking diuretics, which usually makes matters even worse. Your body can only hold around 350 grams of glucose in the muscles and the rest will go to the liver and some in the blood stream. No one can expect to take in two-three few thousand grams of carbs over a 3 day period and not spill over. For every gram of glucose you take in your body will need around 2.5 grams of water to help with the storage of it. Once your muscles are completely saturated the extra carbs cause you to spill over.

    As stated earlier, after carbing up earlier in the week you need to lower your carbs/calories back to where they were prior to the Tuesday carb load and then do a small carbohydrate load again Friday night before a show and some on Saturday morning of the show, and after prejudging but again not to any great degree. Taking in a lot of carbs during this time would be counterproductive and are simple not necessary, especially when essential fat intake is increased.

    You need to lower the carbs mainly to dry out and then raise them little by little so as not to over spill. Yes, you could eat moee carbs and come in a little fuller, but not enough to matter and if they spill over all that hard work just goes right down the drain. Therefore, it's best to do a large carb along with a small fat load on Tuesday before a Saturday show then put them back on their normal diet (low carbs, moderate fats and high protein) on Wednesday along with plenty of salt and water. By keeping water and salt high the water retention leaves between Thursday and Friday morning. You also have the option of doing a moderate carb load on both Tuesday and Wednesday and some do best carbin gup hard on just wednesday. Then late Friday night through Saturday morning they begin a fairly high fat load with foods such as hamburgers without cheese and peanut butter on Ezekiel bread while utilizing only a low carb load on Friday night and Sat morning to prevent spilling over with excess glycogen. Fats help pull glycogen into the muscle-hence less carbs are needed to fill out the muscles and increase one’s vascularity. Fats do not cause one to over spill like carbs and it will be so close to the competition that the extra calories from the fat load won’t make you gain any body fat and they will provide you with sustained energy to pose on stage. You never need three or more days to carb up right before a show! It takes only hours, not days, to fill out if you carb up hard earlier in the week on Tuesday- (usually). After the big carb load on Tuesday competitors will notice that water begins to leave from underneath the skin after a couple of days while the muscle remains hard due to the high water and sodium intake. All weight training and cardio is stopped after carbing up in order to prevent glycogen from being used at a rapid pace. Most of your fullness will remain until the end of the week and then you put the finishing touch on it Friday night and Saturday morning without the risk of spilling over. I want to drive this point home!

    NOTE: The advantage of carbing up earlier in the week is that it allows for adjustments to be made if you over spill. Those who carb up 2-3 days prior to their show and over spill do not have time to make any corrections.

    The best way to lean out for a show involves low carbs, moderate fats and high protein. The fats help maintain the proper body weight without causing all the fuctuations in water weight that carbs do and this allows one to stay on top of their condition. Fatsd also hlep maintain your carb load for the show. If calories get too low afer the carb losd you will flatten out. You should not lose muscle size while using a lower carb approach given you take in enough calories through protein and essential dietary fats. Most people don't realize that your body needs a certain amount of dietary fats to grow, hold on to muscle, for central nervous system function and sleep. Fats are a superior energy than carbs because they burn slower and are more filling.

    I usually see my clients on the day before they carb up on Tuesday's. At this time they are always dry, hard and depleted. During the Tuesday carb up phase before as Saturday show, they will comment on how full and vascular they are around 10 hours after they begin carb loading hard. By the next morning they always spill over which is to be expected. This proves that if you try and carb up hard the day or days before the show you will spill over with glycogen and gather tons of subcutaneous water you won’t have time to get rid of. After a good carb load on Tuesday you will need a couple of days to normalize and see your abdominals get back in top condition. I always tell people this up front so they don’t freak out. And The only way you chance going flat using this protocol is cutting out all sodium1-2 days out, cutting off water too early and/or using diuretics.
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 07-07-2012 at 07:45 PM.

  27. #4147
    fineBody is offline Junior Member
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    I am 32 and I have took many cycles and i also realized that my gains stops in week 7-8 then i lose most afterwards if i dont eat/train properly, so i want to try this sling method so please tell me what do you think about this:

    PHASE 1:
    RELOAD: Weeks 1-3 Danabol 30mg/day
    RELOAD: Weeks 1-7 Test Enanthate 500 mgs
    DELOAD: Weeks 8-9 Test Enathate 250 mgs

    PHASE 2:
    RELOAD: Weeks 10-12 Danabol 30mg/day
    RELOAD: Weeks 10-16 Test Enanthate 500 mgs and Deca 200 mgs and Bolden 250mgs
    DELOAD: Weeks 17-18 Test Enathate 250 mgs

    PCT : Weeks 19-23
    HCG at 1500 iu eod for 2 weeks
    Clomid at 50 mgs once per day for 4 weeks
    Nolva 20 mgs per day for 4 weeks

    1- What do you think about the dosage and periods, any changes needed?
    2- Should i train normally again in PCT as in Reloads (12 sets/big body part/week)?

    Thanks in advance!

  28. #4148
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    hey ron, im currently on test cypionate 250mg/wk; dbol 40mg ed; equipoise 200mg/wk. im on my 5th week.

    Everytime i start off my sets after the second set i start experiencing extreme difficulty in breathing. i am abl to finish off my sets, but with the breathing problem I do not get the pumps. Even last time I was on juice, i had the same problem. any body knows the cure for this?since this is hampering my workouts no end!

    The first time(2011) I was on cycle I did not have this problem. then I was using dbol 30mg, quinbolon; omnadren and turinabol (all oral )

    P.S. this problem does not occur at other times when I am not working out.

  29. #4149
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1''pecker

    it may be becaose your gear may not be sterile (like an infection or somethign), not sure though???
    You don't know so quit answering people in Ronnie's thread. Dumbass

  30. #4150
    slowpoison's Avatar
    slowpoison is offline Junior Member
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    if gear is not sterile then it would most probably be a local infection like a swelling(internal or external) which it isnt

  31. #4151
    massbuilders is offline New Member
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    ronnie can u please answer the questions above, i am waiting on your reply for my pct. Thank you very much !

  32. #4152
    slowpoison's Avatar
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    he will when hes able to might be caught up in something

  33. #4153
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
    Ronnie Rowland is offline Author of Functional Training with a Fork
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    Quote Originally Posted by massbuilders View Post
    If i do 2 week pct at 40mg nova per day. Nolvadex alone is not going to help you with pct. Only HCG alone will help. HCG get the testis to start producing again. Nolvadex does not have this ability! is Can i get back on test e at 500mg for eight weeks, var at 75 mg for 8 weeks and winstrol for eight weeks?. I am 218, 6 1, 14% BF. I want to be 205 with more ripped look. Is this right cycle for me? how would u recommend it? Should i start my two week pct and get on this cycle?. Please let me know. If you do not have HCG then I would go ahead and run the cycle above because if you don't you are going to crash hard! You can mix the anavar and winstrol if you want but keep in mind winstrol can be hard on your joints without throwing in some deca and running two orals at a time is not great for your cholesterol levels unless you don't over do the dosages which I don't see you doing. You would have been better off IMO to run test, masteron (to decrease estrogen levels and increase androgen levels), deca for joint protection and winstrol and/or anavar. Diet and some cardio is key to getting that ripped but steroids are needed as well.

  34. #4154
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    149 endormorphs lose more muscle...dieting down for show..compared to mesomorphs????

  35. #4155
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    carbs recommended each day.....after tuesday carb load????

  36. #4156
    Kenlie is offline Junior Member
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    FINALLY!... THE ROCK HAS COME BACK TO... err I mean.... finally... I am starting my second reload week, and my question is this... is it just the hot weather, or should I be feeling much hotter than "naturally"? I feel like I am sweating all than time... I am doing 750gm susta per week, currently running 250mg tuesday mornings, thursday mornings, and saturday (midday).... it feels like in sauna. I would think that my body is working in higher revs, or am I just imagining+hot weather?
    I plan to run this 8 weeks like this, then 250 for 2 weeks... should I actually split that 250 to 2x125?, since susta is shorter duration test?
    I will inc dose to 1000mg for second 8 week reload, and then I am the king of the world in the week 20.... yeah... right...

  37. #4157
    slowpoison's Avatar
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    i have a funny feeling its to do with the roid.its same for me.i asked a couple of non-gymming frnds and they were all cool

  38. #4158
    massbuilders is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    So ronnie, i only have nova right now, but i am supposed to start taking in right now.

    Hence you said nova is not good, i have test e vials and no anavar . But i can get anavar within 4 days. So how much test e should i start taking right away without pct, how much anavar?. Also i am going to order HCG , please tell me what dosage i have to take it in with. Hopefully i dont get fully shutdown by not doing pct : (.

  39. #4159
    fineBody is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fineBody

    I am 32 and I have took many cycles and i also realized that my gains stops in week 7-8 then i lose most afterwards if i dont eat/train properly, so i want to try this sling method so please tell me what do you think about this:

    PHASE 1:
    RELOAD: Weeks 1-3 Danabol 30mg/day
    RELOAD: Weeks 1-7 Test Enanthate 500 mgs
    DELOAD: Weeks 8-9 Test Enathate 250 mgs

    PHASE 2:
    RELOAD: Weeks 10-12 Danabol 30mg/day
    RELOAD: Weeks 10-16 Test Enanthate 500 mgs and Deca 200 mgs and Bolden 250mgs
    DELOAD: Weeks 17-18 Test Enathate 250 mgs

    PCT : Weeks 19-23
    HCG at 1500 iu eod for 2 weeks
    Clomid at 50 mgs once per day for 4 weeks
    Nolva 20 mgs per day for 4 weeks

    1- What do you think about the dosage and periods, any changes needed?
    2- Should i train normally again in PCT as in Reloads (12 sets/big body part/week)?

    Thanks in advance!

  40. #4160
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
    Ronnie Rowland is offline Author of Functional Training with a Fork
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    Quote Originally Posted by vascular vince View Post
    when to stop using gh before a show???? if it's pharm grade gh like Ansomone or Jintropin then I would stop injecting it on wednesday night (day following your carb load). If using generic gh I would stop it 2 weeks out because it bloats people up like crazy for the most part.

    Marcus300 has discussed in great detail about all the fake generic gh being sold, especially from China. Some are still under the false belief that the water retention issue caused from generics has to do with the manufacturers claiming that the more you purify the peptide the more of the potency you lose-hence they compromise more on purity than to sacrifice potency. Too me this makes no sense!

    I stand with marcuss300 on this issue as the generics not being real 100% grade gh because it cost a lot of money to make real gh. At the very best I am of the opinion that these Under ground Growth Hormone manufacturers are buying real gh like Ansomone and then cutting it with some form of powder that mimics the look of gh.

    [u]user beware: There have been various tests done showing that most underground/generic gh being sold is under dosed, some drastically, and some without any gh whatsoever!!!
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 07-10-2012 at 10:37 AM.

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