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Thread: You'll want to read this!

  1. #4521
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Sorry for my absence!

    My computer got a worm and I was down for a while. I'll finish answering all these questions ASP!

    Thanks guys!

  2. #4522
    totallyok3d is offline Junior Member
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    your the man ron!

    i had another question -

    im currentley in the middle of my PCT. I just started week 3 today and so far hate it. Im an emotional trainwreck and feel like im being a little girl half the time. only things that are good is ive maintained all my strength from the whole 20weeks that i gained when I was on. I guess this really isnt a question just more so of....Is this how PCt always is? These emotion and mood swings are like that of a teenage girl.. Is there any type of preventatie mesaure for this?

  3. #4523
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Exclamation Important!!!

    For those of you who are experiencing acne there's a new topical prescription medication out called "EPIDUO" that works great!

  4. #4524
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by totallyok3d View Post
    your the man ron!

    I had another question -

    im currentley in the middle of my pct. I just started week 3 today and so far hate it. Im an emotional trainwreck and feel like im being a little girl half the time. Only things that are good is ive maintained all my strength from the whole 20weeks that i gained when i was on. I guess this really isnt a question just more so this how pct always is? These emotion and mood swings are like that of a teenage girl.. Is there any type of preventatie mesaure for this? what are you using for pct?

  5. #4525
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by >Good Luck< View Post
    Hey Ronnie, I've been considering your sst method lately but I wanted to ask a few questions before I take on the lifestyle. I've been training for close to 2 years now, hard. I trained before that but took 1 year off due to unrelated injury. I've had good gains and major strength improvements, but like most of us, its not enough. I have 1 complete cycle of sus under my belt and am on week 9 of second cycle. I love it! I'm just under 170lbs and very lean. I'm 26 and already have 3 rugrats, so I'm not to worried about loosing the ability to have kids. What I want to know is when is a good age/exp to start with your slingshot training method and blast cycling? You are at a perfect age and in the perfect situation to gain the most from Slingshot Training! I want to get as big as possible and nothing compares to being on gear and training IMO. I would love to compete one day but i know I'm far from it. I want to do it right, and avoid trt if I can. Money is not much of an issue, but I choose to be frugal. Do you think I'm to young or to in experienced to start your sst method? NO.

    Could I do sst and still avoid trt if I cycle with hcg and ai and moderate dose? Probably. But if done for a long time you could still end up on trt just to have a good sex drive.

    Thanks in advanced
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 10-01-2012 at 01:54 PM.

  6. #4526
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by f4iguy View Post
    i'm not able to train chest and biceps together. The biceps long head tendon gives me irritation at the shoulder. I need to give it some rest. What is a good 4 day split that doesn't train chest/bi's together?

    I'm currently doing:
    Day 1: Legs (quad/hams/calf) chest/tris
    day 2: Chest/tri's legs
    day 3: Off
    day 4: Back/traps back/traps
    day 5: Shoulders/bi's/abs shoulders/biceps/abs
    day 6/7: Off
    note: It's good practice to not train the day after legs due to cns fatigue!

  7. #4527
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fusion777 View Post
    Hi I got a question for ya brother ! , I've been training for about 2 years on and off but for the past month I've been really comitted I've been hitting the gym 5 days a week for a month haven't missed a day & I don't plan on it (sometimes working out twice a day ), the only problem I have is my weight I've been stuck at 180-187 what kind of training would you recommend to me I eat like 4 meals a day and not junk food or frozen pizza home cooked meals but I still can't see weight gains , really need some advice on this one thanks ! BTW I'm 6'3 26 y-o You need to reduce your training to 4 days per week if using steroids and only 3 days per week if natural. Never train twice a day! You are over-training and under-eating. Increase meals to 5-6 per day and you will gain weight.

  8. #4528
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yellow View Post
    Ron, I had great success with your slingshot carb cycling diet which is 5 low carb days & 1 medium carb day (wednesday-add 100gr carbs) & 1 high carb day (saturday-cheat day).
    Now I'm entering the deload phase (reduce protein to half & replace the protein calories with fats like peanut butter and extra virgin olive oil).
    How should I go with diet on the deload phase? Should I still do carb cycling diet while on deload or just straight deload diet? I would not carb cycle on deload.

  9. #4529
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    Quote Originally Posted by alex.mitev View Post
    Ronnie, can you share some thoughts on Ben Pakulski`s MI40 program - this guy seems to be very well prepared and backed up in terms of studies and facts. And also he doesn`t have this great genetics but he made it Pro anyways? There is nothing new out there! He made it to the pro ranks due to his genetics, consistent training, and massive drug use.

  10. #4530
    totallyok3d is offline Junior Member
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    Hey ron....

    For my PCT I am running Nolva/Clomid. Also I was running aromasin through it along with prami because my prolactin levels were so high as you requested i do. I feel good and not lactating anymore. I have about 1 more week of prami left and Ive already finished the aromasin last week. now its the start of week 3 with nolva 20, clomid 50 and prami 1mg. I plan on continuing this for 6 weeks total you reccomended since i have no hcg . the prami will be done next week though. Thanks for your help! Ive never been this emotional i feel like a woman!!

  11. #4531
    shanebrock93 is offline New Member
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    Roonie that article was so interesting and I am definitely trying that out. Since you said you'd help anyone out there regarding the steriod cycles so I have so many questions to ask you regarding my 'FIRST EVER' cycle
    I've read a lot about AAS and now I want to try em out to get bigger and lean. My cycle looks like this:

    Testosterone Propionate EOD for 8 weeks, Nolvadex and Clomid combined together for 2 weeks for my PCT

    I am doing a reload for the 8 weeks and then my PCT for the next 2 weeks; deload I mean

    My questions are:
    1. Is PCT enough for just 2 weeks?
    2. I've heard taking HCG during the cycle every 4-5 days avoids testicular atrophy? Should I combine HCG into my cycle? Cause at all costs, I want to avoid testicular atrophy
    3. What if I don't want to do my second cycle or the second reload anytime soon? Will I keep the gains?
    4. I am looking to go for Tren Ace and Test Prop for my second cycle but I want more time between my first and second cycle. So what should I do in between this period of time?
    5. Is Keto Diet good enough for my reload and deload? I take up 50 g carbs and 300 g protein?

  12. #4532
    alex.mitev is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland;61***16
    Ok Ron, makes sense for sure. I`ve been using your system quite successfully the last 3 months. My question is can i combine Ben`s methodology (it`s not new as you said) with your principles. In another words ,keep the straight sets, keep the split as it is , just reduce the weight, reduce the rest between sets to 45-60 sec and apply more control on the negative (it affects the load i`m using , but the tension is greater IMO). What do you think?

  13. #4533
    totallyok3d is offline Junior Member
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    Im about halfway through PCT and been cutting for almost 6 full months now, which was about 1 month of natty cutting then the rest on your test e sling shot. Im down to about 170lbs and look pretty good but just kind of small now. im already planning my next cycle to bulk and add LBM. my question is after I complete the PCT should I do maybe like a 2-4week vacation type thing where I dont workout or follow a strict diet? I almost feel like my body could use this after dieting and training hard for half a year. Or can I just jump right back on another slingshot once I complete my PCT?

  14. #4534
    senorrebo is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks, man! This is great!

  15. #4535
    lynxeffect1 is offline Junior Member
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    ron, im after losing an inch and a half off my height from 6'2 to 6 foot and half an inch, this is clearly from heavy squating compressing my spine, is this permanent? taking into account im only 28 and havent been able to train the past year due to money issues so ive had plenty time to gain this height back. i had a feeling about it with months but only checked it last night. not happy about it lol

  16. #4536
    totallyok3d is offline Junior Member
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    ending of week 3 in my PCT and my emotional woman like mentallity is pretty much subsided now. Im more agressive, testes are more then enough back to normal size and my libido is getting back into the normal range and woke up with morning wood this morning. I originally planned and u said 6 weeks was good, should I continue on the 6 weeks or since im feeling this way could I just go 4?

  17. #4537
    Steve.O is offline Junior Member
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    hey ronnie been following your sst program for the last year reloading and deloading throughtout made awsome gains. the only thing is my priorities have now changed. i want to make my wife pregnant. im 26 and recently married. my sexdrive has always been sky high. anyway i avnt takin any roids for 3week iv stoppd cold turkey. reason for this is bcos i said to myself now or never. i love the bodybuildin lifestyle and i wont lie roids are somewhat addictive the benefits and how u feel while on them is second to none. so id really love to get some advice from you please what would be the best cause of action for me now? i should my test levels will b very low. i feel ok in myself, iv lost noticable amount of muscle, i can get an erection and maintain it. the main problem which im experiencing at the moment is that my sex drive is none existent. it takes a fair bit to get me going. i feel no desire for it. before i couldnt go without it dailey. whats the best way to go about this please ron? also im curious does the average guy have a good chance getting the mrs preggers while stil cycling and using hcg ? previous to al this we have used protection and feel now is the time for a child. do u recommend i get a sperm test? cheers big ron

  18. #4538
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    Hey Ron, I know test is test, but what's the difference between Ace and Prop? Next reload I'm thinking using a blend I have that's 50/50/50 mg/ml Test A/Tren A/ Masteron P with a 900 mg base of Test E and 10 i.u.'s of HGH. What do you think?
    Last edited by The Titan99; 10-07-2012 at 09:18 AM.

  19. #4539
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    Hey Ronnie, I've been doing the Slingshot Method for a few months now with great results. It seem that when I return to my TRT dose of 200 mg/wk that I get almost a second boost in strength for a couple of weeks. Then it drops back when I start the blast and starts to build again. Why do I get an increase when I lower the dose? Thanks man.

  20. #4540
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    149 you recommend using creatine during reloads???..deloads??

  21. #4541
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by totallyok3d;61***22
    Hey ron....

    For my PCT I am running Nolva/Clomid. Also I was running aromasin through it along with prami because my prolactin levels were so high as you requested i do. I feel good and not lactating anymore. I have about 1 more week of prami left and Ive already finished the aromasin last week. now its the start of week 3 with nolva 20, clomid 50 and prami 1mg. I plan on continuing this for 6 weeks total you reccomended since i have no hcg . the prami will be done next week though. Thanks for your help! Ive never been this emotional i feel like a woman!! It's the clomid! That's why I highly recommend most people just use HCG and an ANTI-E if needed. You need HCG not clomid to get the testis to produce your own test again.

  22. #4542
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    Quote Originally Posted by shanebrock93;61***45
    roonie that article was so interesting and i am definitely trying that out. Since you said you'd help anyone out there regarding the steriod cycles so i have so many questions to ask you regarding my 'first ever' cycle
    i've read a lot about aas and now i want to try em out to get bigger and lean. My cycle looks like this:

    Testosterone propionate eod for 8 weeks, nolvadex and clomid combined together for 2 weeks for my pct you would have been better of using test-e or test-c because you can inject it only once a week for a first time cycle. You need hcg for pct!

    i am doing a reload for the 8 weeks and then my pct for the next 2 weeks; deload i mean

    my questions are:
    1. Is pct enough for just 2 weeks? do 3 weeks of hcg 2500 ius eod
    2. I've heard taking hcg during the cycle every 4-5 days avoids testicular atrophy? yes should i combine hcg into my cycle? Cause at all costs, i want to avoid testicular atrophy i would add 250 ius twice a week. If you run hcg during cycle then 2 weeks of hcg pct is plenty at your level
    3. What if i don't want to do my second cycle or the second reload anytime soon? Will i keep the gains? a few gains will be kept for a while but not as much. It's much better to do a 20 week cycle in order to give your body time to adjust to the new size-hence you will hold onto more mass and strength for longer when coming off!
    4. I am looking to go for tren ace and test prop for my second cycle but i want more time between my first and second cycle. So what should i do in between this period of time? creatine
    5. Is keto diet good enough for my reload and deload?no! You don't make gains with a keto diet and it's an extreme diet that should only be used for 4 weeks or so. You need carbs to gain muscle and overall health! Recent studies show that no carbs could cause cancer by breaking down the immune system just as too many carbs can cause problems such as diabetes and heart disease. Keep things in moderation unless you are prepping for a show or something like a beach trip. i take up 50 g carbs and 300 g protein? take carbs up to 250 per day to make muscle gains even if it means reducing protein intake to 1 gram per pound of body weight. This will keep you from getting fat. Carbs build muscle and strength. Insulin produced from carbs is the most anabolic hormone in the body. Protein alone is way over-rated for muscle growth!

  23. #4543
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    Quote Originally Posted by alex.mitev View Post
    Ok Ron, makes sense for sure. I`ve been using your system quite successfully the last 3 months. My question is can i combine Ben`s methodology (it`s not new as you said) with your principles. In another words ,keep the straight sets, keep the split as it is , just reduce the weight, reduce the rest between sets to 45-60 sec and apply more control on the negative (it affects the load i`m using , but the tension is greater IMO). What do you think? You can do this if you want. I would recommend alternating your training each week by training normal for a week using more rest between sets and placing less emphasis on the negative then using Ben's methodology the following week.

  24. #4544
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    Quote Originally Posted by totallyok3d View Post

    Im about halfway through PCT and been cutting for almost 6 full months now, which was about 1 month of natty cutting then the rest on your test e sling shot. Im down to about 170lbs and look pretty good but just kind of small now. im already planning my next cycle to bulk and add LBM. my question is after I complete the PCT should I do maybe like a 2-4week vacation type thing where I dont workout or follow a strict diet? Taking 2 weeks off from training is a good plan at this point and just eat normal while not gorging. I almost feel like my body could use this after dieting and training hard for half a year. Or can I just jump right back on another slingshot once I complete my PCT? Give your body a 2 week break because cutting is harder on both the CNS and the joints. The rest will do you good. Then you will come back chomping at the bit like a mad dog ready to put on some additional size during your next 8 week reload!

  25. #4545
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    Quote Originally Posted by lynxeffect1 View Post
    ron, im after losing an inch and a half off my height from 6'2 to 6 foot and half an inch, this is clearly from heavy squating compressing my spine, is this permanent? taking into account im only 28 and havent been able to train the past year due to money issues so ive had plenty time to gain this height back. i had a feeling about it with months but only checked it last night. not happy about it lol Doing heavy squats will not make you shorter but if you have some serious degenerative disk disease (very unlikely at your age) on multiple levels you could lose a little height. Do you have disk problems?

  26. #4546
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    Quote Originally Posted by totallyok3d View Post

    ending of week 3 in my PCT and my emotional woman like mentallity is pretty much subsided now. Im more agressive, testes are more then enough back to normal size and my libido is getting back into the normal range and woke up with morning wood this morning. I originally planned and u said 6 weeks was good, should I continue on the 6 weeks or since im feeling this way could I just go 4? Sounds like you are good to go!

  27. #4547
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.O View Post
    hey ronnie been following your sst program for the last year reloading and deloading throughtout made awsome gains. the only thing is my priorities have now changed. i want to make my wife pregnant. im 26 and recently married. my sexdrive has always been sky high. anyway i avnt takin any roids for 3week iv stoppd cold turkey. reason for this is bcos i said to myself now or never. i love the bodybuildin lifestyle and i wont lie roids are somewhat addictive the benefits and how u feel while on them is second to none. so id really love to get some advice from you please what would be the best cause of action for me now? i should my test levels will b very low. i feel ok in myself, iv lost noticable amount of muscle, i can get an erection and maintain it. the main problem which im experiencing at the moment is that my sex drive is none existent. it takes a fair bit to get me going. i feel no desire for it. before i couldnt go without it dailey. whats the best way to go about this please ron? also im curious does the average guy have a good chance getting the mrs preggers while stil cycling and using hcg ? previous to al this we have used protection and feel now is the time for a child. do u recommend i get a sperm test? I would go all out with PCT and use hcg for 3 weeks at 2500iu eod, clomid at 50 mgs twice a day for 4 weeks, and nolvadex 20 mgs per day for 6 weeks. At week 7 go get sperm count. You can have your sperm frozen and artificially injected into your wife wife for future needs if need be as well. I've seen guys get their wife's pregnant while on steroids and using no hcg and they had been on for a couple of years non stop. Some get their sperm frozen for future needs just in case they were to become infertile. That's the smart thing to do! cheers big ron

  28. #4548
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    Hey Ron, I know test is test, but what's the difference between Ace and Prop?

    Propionate esters will slow the release of a steroid for 2-3 days and acetate esters for 1-2 days.

    Next reload I'm thinking using a blend I have that's 50/50/50 mg/ml Test A/Tren A/ Masteron P with a 900 mg base of Test E and 10 i.u.'s of HGH. What do you think? Sounds very good!

  29. #4549
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    Quote Originally Posted by 600@50 View Post
    Hey Ronnie, I've been doing the Slingshot Method for a few months now with great results. It seem that when I return to my TRT dose of 200 mg/wk that I get almost a second boost in strength for a couple of weeks. Then it drops back when I start the blast and starts to build again. Why do I get an increase when I lower the dose? I suspect it's because you are deloading (doing fewer work sets and your CNS is recovering better). Also, you may be over-training during your reloads! What's your reload training program look like? Thanks man.

  30. #4550
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    Ronnie, for months one question has perplexed me about this. When does it end. I mean if you have to constantly reload with more and or different AAS to make gains, when does it stop? Only when bad sides kick in and force you to cut back? If I were to do a prime for a couple of weeks (AAS free) or cruise for lets say a month, would I be able to jump back on 500 or 700 mgs and make noticable gains all over again? Remember I posted stats and history on previous page. After 2 years of being on test I now feel like 500 mgs of cyp is a cruise dose.

  31. #4551
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    [QUOTE=Ronnie Rowland;6092216]
    Quote Originally Posted by VASCULAR VINCE View Post
    reverse bench press..verses...inclines for upper chest [B]IMO most people get very little overall chest development from incline presses, including the upper pecs . Muscle stimulation of the upper chest during incline presses only increases by about 5% as compared to the flat or slight decline press bench press. But muscle stimulation in the front deltoids increased by a whopping 85%! This is why I recommend incline presses on a standard incline press at around 30-45 degrees for those who have weak front delts instead of front raises to supplement to their overhead shoulder presses. Incline presse work the front delts more so than overhead persses because the side heads of the delts are strongly stimulated during overhead shoulder presses.

    The neck press using a wide grip is superior to incline presses for upper chest development but it's hard on the rotator cuffs. In addition, incline presses can put a lot of strain on the rotator cuffs and the muscles/disk located in the neck (cervical spine)! A better exercise to increase muscle stimulation in the upper chest regions is using a flat bench with a reverse grip because muscle stimulation of the upper chest increases by around 30% when using the reverse-grip as opposed to the regular over-hand grip . However, doing this with a bar puts way too much strain on the wrist, even when using a smith machine for balance control so the answer is using a life fitness dual cable flat chest press machine using a modified reverse grip. Turn the handles so that your palms are facing one another to prevent wrist strain. You also want to begin the movement with a grip slightly wider than your shoulders and then allow your arms to travel inwards and slighlty upwards during the contraction to stimulate the upper chest. The modified reverse grip still helps keep your elbows in close to the body and your upper arms parallel to your torso-hence increasing the stimulation of the of upper chest!You can use dumbells as well. NOTE: That funky so-called upper chest exercise you see people at the gym doing with cable where they bring their arms up in front up their body with palms facing upward does not stimulate the upper chest as some have been misled into believing but rather the anterior deltoids! [/B][/

    You have a video of this being performed you can cite? Would love to see it.

    Also, for those men with Male Pattern Baldness, we know Masteron can cause hairloss; would 300mg of Masteron cause significant hairloss for guys with MPB? I have a little trouble getting ripped due to slow metabolism. I know Test/Tren /Mast. would be ideal but hairloss occurs with Tren and Mast so might just go with Test/Var or maybe add low dose Mast. and see how I fare? What do you think?
    Last edited by Brohim; 10-11-2012 at 01:56 AM.

  32. #4552
    totallyok3d is offline Junior Member
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    ron -

    thanks for all the solid feedback!!

    another question. Ive been on Prami at 1mg for almost 2 months now and overlapping into my 4th week here with nolva. I still have miniscule amount of clear discharge from my nipples and they look a tad puffy but not to bad. my prami is pretty much all gone. Will this subside over time or should I continuing using Prami and order some more?

  33. #4553
    totallyok3d is offline Junior Member
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    ron - here is what i have next setup of what im going to bulk off of.

    1-8 Test Prop 300mgs/wk
    1-8 Tren Ace - 400mgs/wk
    1-8 Prami - 1st week at .5mg then 1mg up to week 8
    1-8 Aromasin - 12.5mg EOD
    9-10 - Test Prop 200mgs/wk
    11 - 20 - Test Prop 300mg/wk
    11 - 20 - Tren Ace 500mgs/wk


    Nolva 40/20/20/20
    HCG - 2,500IUs last week EOD

  34. #4554
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    Hey Ron, you know I've been using STS and training hard for the last +3 years, made crazy progress but been periodically stalled by injury (I'm injury free right now thank God!). Do you think it would benefit me at my age and stats to do a heavy week followed by a lighter weight/higher rep week? Say, 1 week 8-12 followed by a what, 12-15? What do you think? Or should I continue with progressive overload? Also, how do you handle the reload on such a program?

  35. #4555
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chris J View Post
    Ronnie, for months one question has perplexed me about this. When does it end. I mean if you have to constantly reload with more and or different AAS to make gains, when does it stop? You do not have to constantly keep bumping up your dosage with each subsequent reload nor should you due to health reasons. The take home story is that you have to progressively over load with anabolics until you reach a level that you are happy with in terms of feeling good and looking good. Once that point has been reached you can continue to reload with the same dosages and same steroids over and over again. It's good to give your overall system and joints a 2 week break after training hard and using more anabolics for 8 weeks. Every time you deload or take time off your body becomes a little more sensitive to previous dosages-hence the reason to not stay on high dosages all year long and the reason you can come back and make a few more gains with the same dosages over the long haul. If your diet and training is dialed in and you are consistent you will slowly continue to make more gains throughout the years. It's not all about drugs. Training hard and a proper diet play a huge role as does genetics. Drugs like test, masteron and anavar tend to be the easiest on the system. Test is the best of all drugs and it can usually be used at higher dosages for lengthy periods of time without causing health issues where as d-bol or anadrol taken long term is not healthy IMO even though many will gain more strength using oral drugs. You have to experiment to find your sweet spot. Only when bad sides kick in and force you to cut back? If I were to do a prime for a couple of weeks (AAS free) or cruise for lets say a month, w'ould I be able to jump back on 500 or 700 mgs and make noticable gains all over again? After a while if you go back on the same dosages you will only be able to get back to the point you were prior to stopping it in terms of strength but reloading and deloading helps you get the most bang for your buck in terms of both training and steroid dosages. Also, you will still gain more muscle size over time without getting stronger if you train with enough volume using good form on a "consistent basis" and eat the right diet. Remember I posted stats and history on previous page. After 2 years of being on test I now feel like 500 mgs of cyp is a cruise dose. Unfortunately, that's how it works.
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 10-11-2012 at 08:15 AM.

  36. #4556
    lynxeffect1 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    no ron ive no problems at all with my discs as far as i know everything is fine and feels fine, i remember sometimes i used get a slight pain at the very bottom of my back onda left hand side if squating very heavy but not always, but it wasnt anywhere near my discs r spine. wud a trip to a chiropractor be any gud? i still think it has to be from squating myself because im sure id still be 6'2 now if id never squated.

  37. #4557
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    Hey Ronnie, I've been doing the Slingshot Method for a few months now with great results. It seem that when I return to my TRT dose of 200 mg/wk that I get almost a second boost in strength for a couple of weeks. Then it drops back when I start the blast and starts to build again. Why do I get an increase when I lower the dose? I suspect it's because you are deloading (doing fewer work sets and your CNS is recovering better). Also, you may be over-training during your reloads! What's your reload training program look like? Thanks man.

    I've mainly been following the Westside template for the bench. 2 bench workouts a week - 1 speed day and 1 max effort day. I was feeling a little overtrained the last few weeks and spaced the workouts about 4-5 days apart rather than the 2 a week. I wasn't running a huge blast just 800 mg test c a week. I wasn't doing any deadlifts and only 1 leg workout a week. 1 or 2 back workouts depending on my work schedule. I am 51 years old so you're probably right on the overtraining. Got any suggestions? I primarily specialize on the bench due to my work schedule and want to do a couple of meets next year. Thanks a bunch Ronnie.

  38. #4558
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    Quote Originally Posted by lynxeffect1 View Post
    no ron ive no problems at all with my discs as far as i know everything is fine and feels fine, i remember sometimes i used get a slight pain at the very bottom of my back onda left hand side if squating very heavy but not always, but it wasnt anywhere near my discs r spine. wud a trip to a chiropractor be any gud? i still think it has to be from squating myself because im sure id still be 6'2 now if id never squated. You are too young to lose an inch and a half from squats unless you have degenerative disk disease. Sounds more like scoliosis. I would get an evaluation from a reputable chiropractic. Avoid the quacks who claim they can cure all sorts of ailments with mere spinal adjustments. What a legit chiropractor can do is try and help correct subluxations by trying to move the vertebrae back in place due to muscle imbalances and some can do active release therapy. NOTE: Try Weighted Dumbbell Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat for quads to prevent compressing the spinal disk.
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 10-11-2012 at 12:24 PM.

  39. #4559
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post

    You have a video of this being performed you can cite? Would love to see it. I have not seen a video with the reverse bench press using cables but what I usually suggest for building the upper pecs is to find a hammer strength decline press machine (the plate loaded version "is not" the best option here!) where the handles travel together on the eccentric movement. Drop the seat down so that your arms are at about mid-chest level. Use a very wide grip and this will nail your upper chest without straining your wrist like the reverse grip bench press. It's my overall favorite upper chest movement. Most of us have dominant front delts so inclines work our front delts much more than our upper chest because the dominant muscle takes over the movement . The decline press machine with the seat in a more down position than used to hit the mid/lower pecs takes the front delts out of the movement to a large degree and allows us with dominant front delts to nail our upper pecs!!

    Also, for those men with Male Pattern Baldness, we know Masteron can cause hairloss; would 300mg of Masteron cause significant hairloss for guys with MPB? Yes it can. I would recommend using only 100 mgs of masteron weekly for those with hairloss issues. I have a little trouble getting ripped due to slow metabolism. I know Test/Tren /Mast. would be ideal but hairloss occurs with Tren and Mast so might just go with Test/Var or maybe add low dose Mast. and see how I fare? What do you think? Go with test at 1 gram weekly, a little mast (100 mgs weekly) and 40 mgs of var daily. Focus on diet and then add in some cardio!

  40. #4560
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    Quote Originally Posted by totallyok3d View Post
    ron -

    thanks for all the solid feedback!!

    another question. Ive been on Prami at 1mg for almost 2 months now and overlapping into my 4th week here with nolva. I still have miniscule amount of clear discharge from my nipples and they look a tad puffy but not to bad. my prami is pretty much all gone. Will this subside over time or should I continuing using Prami and order some more? I would order some pharm grade cabergoline and stay on it when on a cycle. Caber will take prolactin levels down and with pharm grade you know what you are getting is the real deal.

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