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  1. #4481
    Peter32 is offline New Member
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    3rd cycle

    Hey Ronnie

    Im in my last week of my 2nd cycle and ran sst program as directed I did 2 weeks off aas and training as a prime/deload after 1st cycle (500mg per week of test e on a HIT program) i reached 81-82kg but got gastro in thailand and dropped back down to 77-78kg. My 2nd cycle consisted of 500mg teste + 300mg of deca300. I started the sst blast program (ran blast for 6 weeks felt i was still gaining and didnt want to stop) on a 5 day split, mon-chest, tues-arms, wed off, thurs-shoulders, fri-back&traps, sat-legs/calfs sun off, started doing the 2 warmup sets 12 & 10 reps 1 x prep set 6 reps to 3 working sets x 10 reps to good failure and 1 x 12-15 reps burnout not to complete failure but . then dropped the prep set in week 3. Ive finished up the blast phase at 84-85kg im pretty sure at around 15-17% bf i think was closer to 20% bf early on wks 2-5.

    Im starting the cruise phase (dropping AAS to 250mg per wk) this week but really want to gain a few more kg of lean mass and drop my bf% to in the 10-12% or lower if possible so at this point was considering running anavar as i have acces to it and possibly test e at 750mg per ?? also have access to dbol 10mg tabs. so my question is what do you recon i do aas wise and with my program and how do i tweak my diet into new cycle? I have clomid and nolvadex and hcg ready to go for PCT aswell. Again thanks for your knowledgeable help and advice


  2. #4482
    Mr Bolic is offline New Member
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    Wow! Some decent info in that lot!

    Just wondering - running that style
    Of cycling (which I'm understanding as being pretty much continuous) would give the HPTA a hell Of a pounding yeah? Would pct be an issue if you wanted to come off for breather?

    Nb. Ive been trying to post a question about my up coming cycle, but the spam filter won't let it through - It must be a word I've used tripping the filter - any other ways to get a question through?


  3. #4483
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    Ronnie you said... Most gains are made during 8 week reloads so extending deloads past 2 weeks is not optimal. After much more than 2 weeks of deloading (reducing hormonal levels and/or training volume) the body will begin to reach homeostastis-hence muscle/strength gains will be on the decline. My question: so if you cruise at 200 to 250mgs a week for a month will you still lose muscle if you are training each body part hard once a week and continue to eat right? Thanks PM sent also.

  4. #4484
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    I think I found my answer on page 13. Two week deload with lower volume and then back to higher volume while staying on the deload dosage (200 or 250mgs). Hopefully not losing muscle while on lower dose.

  5. #4485
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    Hey Ronnie I am 45 yrs old..5.9 ft tall and weight 185. I have been lifting solid for about four years. Prior to that I lifted off and and on for ten years. On 9/14/10 I weighed 165 and did my 1st shot of test and stayed on until 1/29/11 (4 months) at doses between 500 and 750mgs. Made great gains even though my diet was terrible. But as you know my gains fizzled out. I tried a half assed post cycle for 6 weeks and felt terrible so I jumped back on 3/13/11. I do get yearly physicals btw. My second cycle was no where near as good for gains. Didnt feel like superman anymore even though I was hack squatting 920 for reps. Hadnt read your stuff yet. Bumped dose up to a gram a week for a couple of weeks and lost sex drive so I lowered dosage back to 750mgs..600 mgs..then 500 mgs.. 4 months later I cut my dosage back to 250mgs a week and cruised for a month. On 10/09/11 i jumped back on 500mg test and Dbol for a couple of weeks. I have done dbol before. Made some strenght gains but no weight ( bad diet) On 11/21/11 I cruised again for about 1 months, then stopped copletely for 1 month to get blood work done ..everything ok for the most part. Test level was 297..tried to get on hrt. Doc told me to try clomid and would not prescribe injectable. So I went home and shot a gram of sust and 500 weekly after that for a month and then ran tren for 9 weeks at 300 mgs weekly. Felt great but labido was shot afterwards. I stopped log book after that. I stayed on 500 to 750 of sust up until 2 weeks ago. Cruisin 2 weeks then back on for 8 following your recipe. I know I desperately need to eat more. Plus I have sustained back, neck, rotator cuff, and elbow injuries along the way. Poor form and lifting way too phsyco heavy for my size. Can I continue like this or am I askin for trouble? If I cruise for a month or two can I hang on to gains if I eat alot? And if I have to increase mgs every reload I will be broke and asking for negative sides. I guess if I cruise for a minimum of 2 weeks I will still make gains once back on. Maybe a month cruise would be better, but will I lose alot of size. Also experiencing poor erections after being on for the better part of two years. E levels are probably too high. Never taken an AI...just adjusted my test levels myself. My guess is I have screwed up my system and I will be pinning for life now. Any advice would be appreciated.
    Last edited by Chris J; 09-20-2012 at 06:04 PM.

  6. #4486
    Foxgear is offline New Member
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    Hey Ronnie, i am just wondering if you could help me out...I started taking sust250 and i have gone through a vial of it but have decided to switch over to test enanthate ....
    I am i first timer so i am just wondering if i can just start taking the test e right away at 500mg per week?...and also how often would i shoot that?
    should i shoot 250 on monday and then another 250 on thursday?...or what do you recommend.....Then after the 8 weeks i have clomid and nolva, how much would you say to take during the two weeks and also for the full pct at the end of the 20 weeks.....Your reply is very much appreciated...Cheers

  7. #4487
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    fox gear...this is on page 13
    Full pct!!!!

    I keep getting the same questions over and over again about how to do a FULL PCT .


    hcg 2500 is every other day for 2 weeks
    clomid 50 mgs twice per day for 4 weeks
    nolvadex 20 mgs per day for 4 weeks

    As for switching to test e, no problem. 250mgs twice week same routine as sust. I do sundays and wednesdays. Monday/Thursday is fine.

  8. #4488
    Gixxer1000rp is offline New Member
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    Hey Ronnie ....

    I was going to run test e /tren e?

    Should I do 1-8 test 600 mg maybe add some dbol
    9-10 test 250mg
    11-18 test 600mg tren 400mg
    19-20 test 250mg
    21-24 full pct....

    How dose this look ? Should I run test and tren through out? Or only for the last 8 weeks?
    Last edited by Gixxer1000rp; 09-20-2012 at 06:40 PM. Reason: Forgot something

  9. #4489
    Gixxer1000rp is offline New Member
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    Let me me know Ronnie .. I tried to pm u but I guess I'm to new of a member

  10. #4490
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adamjames View Post
    500 mg is minimum for a second cycle? hmmm I thought natural levels were around the 50 mgs a week for a male not 300? Synthetic test is not as powerful as endogenous test your body makes-hence it takes around 200 mgs of pharm grade test cypionate to put your levels in the normal to high range on the scale ranging from 300-1300. Mine stays around 1000 using trt at 200 mgs of test depot weekly. And from what ive read elsewhere primo is best when you run it at a higher dose than the test on a cutting cycle? Thats not true if you are running an anti-es. Large dosages of test is what makes you big and large dosages of test is what helps keep you big when dieting down.


  11. #4491
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peter32 View Post
    Hey Ronnie

    Im in my last week of my 2nd cycle and ran sst program as directed I did 2 weeks off aas and training as a prime/deload after 1st cycle (500mg per week of test e on a HIT program) i reached 81-82kg but got gastro in thailand and dropped back down to 77-78kg. My 2nd cycle consisted of 500mg teste + 300mg of deca300. I started the sst blast program (ran blast for 6 weeks felt i was still gaining and didnt want to stop) on a 5 day split, mon-chest, tues-arms, wed off, thurs-shoulders, fri-back&traps, sat-legs/calfs sun off, started doing the 2 warmup sets 12 & 10 reps 1 x prep set 6 reps to 3 working sets x 10 reps to good failure and 1 x 12-15 reps burnout not to complete failure but . then dropped the prep set in week 3. Ive finished up the blast phase at 84-85kg im pretty sure at around 15-17% bf i think was closer to 20% bf early on wks 2-5.

    Im starting the cruise phase (dropping AAS to 250mg per wk) this week but really want to gain a few more kg of lean mass and drop my bf% to in the 10-12% or lower if possible so at this point was considering running anavar as i have acces to it and possibly test e at 750mg per ?? also have access to dbol 10mg tabs. so my question is what do you recon i do aas wise and with my program and how do i tweak my diet into new cycle? Run test 750 mgs weekly and 30 mgs of d-bol daily for first four weeks to add more size then switch over to 750 mgs of test and 40 mgs or more of anavar during last 4 weeks or even longer and begin dieting down gradually by reducing fats first then carbs if needed. Adding 300 mgs of masteron weekly to this entire cycle would make it better because gains would be leaner due to less water retention. . I have clomid and nolvadex and hcg ready to go for PCT aswell. Again thanks for your knowledgeable help and advice


  12. #4492
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Bolic View Post
    Wow! Some decent info in that lot!

    Just wondering - running that style
    Of cycling (which I'm understanding as being pretty much continuous) would give the HPTA a hell Of a pounding yeah? Would pct be an issue if you wanted to come off for breather? I recommned running hcg at 500 weekly during entire cycle if you want kids. At the very least do a full pct with hcg after a 20 week cycle. If you do not want kids then do trt when desired when going off a slingshot cycle!
    Nb. Ive been trying to post a question about my up coming cycle, but the spam filter won't let it through - It must be a word I've used tripping the filter - any other ways to get a question through? Dont use lab names just the types of steroids.

  13. #4493
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chris J View Post
    Ronnie you said... Most gains are made during 8 week reloads so extending deloads past 2 weeks is not optimal. After much more than 2 weeks of deloading (reducing hormonal levels and/or training volume) the body will begin to reach homeostastis-hence muscle/strength gains will be on the decline. My question: so if you cruise at 200 to 250mgs a week for a month will you still lose muscle if you are training each body part hard once a week and continue to eat right? It all depends on how advanced you are as a steroid user as to how much you will lose when dropping back the doses for lengthy period of time. The longer and more you take, the more test it takes to maintain muscle when you get past that 2 week deload mark. Much of what is lost will be water up front but eventually you will lose hardness, size, and strength. I have found a 2 week deload to be more optimal and easier on the endocrine system, sex drive, emotionally, etc than a 4 week deload. Thanks PM sent also.

  14. #4494
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chris J View Post
    I think I found my answer on page 13. Two week deload with lower volume and then back to higher volume while staying on the deload dosage (200 or 250mgs). Hopefully not losing muscle while on lower dose. Correct and the very advanced deload with 500-1000mgs of test weekly.

  15. #4495
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chris J View Post
    Hey Ronnie I am 45 yrs old..5.9 ft tall and weight 185. I have been lifting solid for about four years. Prior to that I lifted off and and on for ten years. On 9/14/10 I weighed 165 and did my 1st shot of test and stayed on until 1/29/11 (4 months) at doses between 500 and 750mgs. Made great gains even though my diet was terrible. But as you know my gains fizzled out. I tried a half assed post cycle for 6 weeks and felt terrible so I jumped back on 3/13/11. I do get yearly physicals btw. My second cycle was no where near as good for gains. Didnt feel like superman anymore even though I was hack squatting 920 for reps. Hadnt read your stuff yet. Bumped dose up to a gram a week for a couple of weeks and lost sex drive so I lowered dosage back to 750mgs..600 mgs..then 500 mgs.. 4 months later I cut my dosage back to 250mgs a week and cruised for a month. On 10/09/11 i jumped back on 500mg test and Dbol for a couple of weeks. I have done dbol before. Made some strenght gains but no weight ( bad diet) On 11/21/11 I cruised again for about 1 months, then stopped copletely for 1 month to get blood work done ..everything ok for the most part. Test level was 297..tried to get on hrt. Doc told me to try clomid and would not prescribe injectable. So I went home and shot a gram of sust and 500 weekly after that for a month and then ran tren for 9 weeks at 300 mgs weekly. Felt great but labido was shot afterwards. I stopped log book after that. I stayed on 500 to 750 of sust up until 2 weeks ago. Cruisin 2 weeks then back on for 8 following your recipe. I know I desperately need to eat more. Plus I have sustained back, neck, rotator cuff, and elbow injuries along the way. Poor form and lifting way too phsyco heavy for my size. Can I continue like this or am I askin for trouble? You are saking for trouble because you are all over the place and the heavy lifting in poor form (ego lifting I call it) at 45 is going to keep you in constant pain and eventually rip a tendon. If I cruise for a month or two can I hang on to gains if I eat alot? You can hang onto your weight but you will lose msucle and gain fat. And if I have to increase mgs every reload I will be broke and asking for negative sides. At your age and since you are not competing you do not need to increase dosages each reload. Find a comfort zone and stay there for 8 weeks then back to trt dosages for 2 weeks then back on more test for next 8 week reload. You may find that 500-750 mgs of test alone is all you need and can afford to make your long term goals. Afterall you are not a national level competitor so why not just look good, feel good and do something that you can afford? Diet plays a key role in how you look anyways and you need to stop trying to keep geting stronger and stronger at your level and focus more on less weight and squeezing the muscle to get a pump and burn! My suggestion to you is stay on trt for life and use the slingshot method of cycling when you are cycling. I am willing to bet you are over-training as well for your age. Less can be more as you get past 40 years of age! I guess if I cruise for a minimum of 2 weeks I will still make gains once back on. Maybe a month cruise would be better, but will I lose alot of size. Also experiencing poor erections after being on for the better part of two years. E levels are probably too high. I highly recommend using test and masteron year round to help prevent these issues. You also need to take cialis on a daily basis at age 47 because many people over age 40 have a slightly enlarged prostate. Cialis helps with this issue. Also, if you are one of these people who get an increase in sex drive while using tren expect a crash when you come off. However, cialis and masterone helps counteract this. Never taken an AI...just adjusted my test levels myself. My guess is I have screwed up my system and I will be pinning for life now. Any advice would be appreciated.

  16. #4496
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    Quote Originally Posted by Foxgear View Post
    Hey Ronnie, i am just wondering if you could help me out...I started taking sust250 and i have gone through a vial of it but have decided to switch over to test enanthate ....
    I am i first timer so i am just wondering if i can just start taking the test e right away at 500mg per week? Yes you can.Sustanon is a good anabolic but no better than test-e or test-c and it cost more!..and also how often would i shoot that? Once or twice a week both works fine!should i shoot 250 on monday and then another 250 on thursday?...or what do you recommend. Enanthate is released over a 7 day period so you can shoot 500 mgs only once a week. Test cypionate would be even better IMO due to a 2 week release-hence the reason endocrinologist use it for TRT. ....Then after the 8 weeks i have clomid and nolva, how much would you say to take during the two weeks and also for the full pct at the end of the 20 weeks You need HCG for pct much more than clomid or nolvadex as hcg is what causes the testis to start producing their own testosterone again!......Your reply is very much appreciated...Cheers
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 09-20-2012 at 08:32 PM.

  17. #4497
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gixxer1000rp View Post
    Hey Ronnie ....

    I was going to run test e /tren e?

    Should I do 1-8 test 600 mg maybe add some dbol
    9-10 test 250mg
    11-18 test 600mg tren 400mg
    19-20 test 250mg
    21-24 full pct....

    How dose this look ? Should I run test and tren through out? Or only for the last 8 weeks? It depends on how advanced you are. If you are fairly new to cycling use the tren only during the second 8 week reload but if you are an intermediate user then run test and tren during both 8 week reloads for maximum gains and save d-bol for second 8 week reload. You might opt to add a milder oral like anavar during the first 8 week reload if you are at the intermediate level.

  18. #4498
    Gixxer1000rp is offline New Member
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    Thanks Ronnie ..this will be my second tren cycle.. .I have some deca and eq laying around maybe I could toss that in the first 8? What do you think..

  19. #4499
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gixxer1000rp View Post
    Thanks Ronnie ..this will be my second tren cycle.. .I have some deca and eq laying around maybe I could toss that in the first 8? What do you think..That will work but be aware that running tren and deca together normally causes sexual dysfunction. EQ mixes fine with tren or deca. My first choice would be a test/tren/eq stack while leaving out the deca.

  20. #4500
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    Thanks for the reply and feedback Ronnie. Yes I probably do overtrain. I just felt like like the greater the stress I put on the body, it would have to grow. I thought constantly pushing it more and more in the form of poundage or resistance was what forced the muscle to grow?? You stated that I should just stick with 500 to 750 mgs on my reloads. Sounds good, but will that be enough to make solid gains on each reload? Or will I just maintain at that level? I guess my concern is if I stop lifting heavy and stay on the same dose... am I going to see size increases? Thnx

  21. #4501
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    Ronnie, for the first year I was blasting and cruising I was enjoying solid wood and sex daily...sometimes more. All I wanted to do was f#ck and work out. Now two years later I am havin trouble getting hard and staying hard unless I take cialis. Is this a normal side effect of blasting and cruising for two years? I mean even on 700 mgs of test weekly I still have probs. On 500 or 200 mgs..its the same. This is a real blow to the ego. I know you said add Masteron with test, cialis may be cheaper.

  22. #4502
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    What dosage would I run the mast and test together?

  23. #4503
    totallyok3d is offline Junior Member
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    moved my carbs up to 300g now that I have shifted into PCT. I was originally on your carb cycling diet and it was great, i was leaner then ever. With all these carbs i look really bloated and lost most my deep cuts and definition. Is it ok to go back to the carb cycling or even keto during PCT? I just dont react well with carbs. The only difference is I would be eating at maintenance instead of cutting because im in PCT. Is this ok? Or do i need carbs in PCT?

  24. #4504
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chris J View Post
    Thanks for the reply and feedback Ronnie. Yes I probably do overtrain. I just felt like like the greater the stress I put on the body, it would have to grow. I thought constantly pushing it more and more in the form of poundage or resistance was what forced the muscle to grow?? You stated that I should just stick with 500 to 750 mgs on my reloads. Sounds good, but will that be enough to make solid gains on each reload? Well, at 47 years of age it takes a lot more gear to grow than what it would take someone young. Since you cannot afford to stay on higher dosages for lengthy periods and are not competing I would just use lower dosages and just focus on looking good and remaining healthy. You can still gain a little size over time with 750 mgs weekly but it will take getting stronger by taking some orals and more calories to get noticeably larger. This takes more money and becomes harder on your joints so you have to be careful. Or will I just maintain at that level? I guess my concern is if I stop lifting heavy and stay on the same dose... am I going to see size increases? Training too heavy can actually make you smaller because momentum comes into play. Bodybuilding is not powerlifting and these big muscled guys throwing around heavy weights due to having good genetics could get bigger and have less joint pain using better form. You can move a weight too slow as well but most go too fast. Thnx

  25. #4505
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    4 day split for Injury

    I'm not able to train Chest and Biceps together. The biceps long head tendon gives me irritation at the shoulder. I need to give it some rest. What is a good 4 day split that doesn't train chest/bi's together?

    I'm currently doing:
    Day 1: Legs (Quad/hams/calf)
    Day 2: Chest/Tri's
    Day 3: Off
    Day 4: Back/Traps
    Day 5: Shoulders/Bi's/Abs
    Day 6/7: Off

  26. #4506
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    What rep ranges do you suggest during the reload phase?

    I had great success in the beginning with 5-8 to gain my initial size.

    My most recent success has come from set 1 7-9 set 2 3-6 set 3 10-12. ive been using this quite often over the last 2 years.

    What are your thoughts?

  27. #4507
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    Great input thanks!

  28. #4508
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    Hey Ronnie, I've been considering your sst method lately but I wanted to ask a few questions before I take on the lifestyle. I've been training for close to 2 years now, hard. I trained before that but took 1 year off due to unrelated injury. I've had good gains and major strength improvements, but like most of us, its not enough. I have 1 complete cycle of sus under my belt and am on week 9 of second cycle. I love it! I'm just under 170lbs and very lean. I'm 26 and already have 3 rugrats, so I'm not to worried about loosing the ability to have kids. What I want to know is when is a good age/exp to start with your slingshot training method and blast cycling? I want to get as big as possible and nothing compares to being on gear and training IMO. I would love to compete one day but i know I'm far from it. I want to do it right, and avoid trt if I can. Money is not much of an issue, but I choose to be frugal. Do you think I'm to young or to in experienced to start your sst method?

    Could I do sst and still avoid trt if I cycle with hcg and ai and moderate dose?

    Thanks in advanced

  29. #4509
    fusion777 is offline Junior Member
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    Hi I got a question for ya brother ! , I've been training for about 2 years on and off but for the past month I've been really comitted I've been hitting the gym 5 days a week for a month haven't missed a day & I don't plan on it (sometimes working out twice a day ), the only problem I have is my weight I've been stuck at 180-187 what kind of training would you recommend to me I eat like 4 meals a day and not junk food or frozen pizza home cooked meals but I still can't see weight gains , really need some advice on this one thanks ! BTW I'm 6'3 26 y-o

  30. #4510
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    Ron, I had great success with your slingshot carb cycling diet which is 5 low carb days & 1 medium carb day (wednesday-add 100gr carbs) & 1 high carb day (saturday-cheat day).
    Now I'm entering the deload phase (reduce protein to half & replace the protein calories with fats like peanut butter and extra virgin olive oil).
    How should I go with diet on the deload phase? Should I still do carb cycling diet while on deload or just straight deload diet?

  31. #4511
    alex.mitev is offline Associate Member
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    Ronnie, can you share some thoughts on Ben Pakulski`s MI40 program - this guy seems to be very well prepared and backed up in terms of studies and facts. And also he doesn`t have this great genetics but he made it Pro anyways?

  32. #4512
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    ronnie...alternative for posterior deltoids???? reverse calbe flys..getting old...thanks bro!!!

  33. #4513
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    opinion of pec minor phil hernon says they are great for upper chest???
    Last edited by VASCULAR VINCE; 09-28-2012 at 03:47 PM.

  34. #4514
    jeff52069 is offline New Member
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    Ronnie heres what i want to run

    600mg test e wk 1-8 reload
    300mg test e wk 9-10 deload
    600mg test e wk 11-18 reload
    300mg test e wk 19-20 deload
    900mg test e wk21-28 reload
    300mg test e wk29-30 deload
    4wk pct
    By not going up on test dosage in 2nd reload cycle would this cycle still be benificial.Maybe throw some dbol in 2nd reload.Whhats your thoughts and by the way great reading.

  35. #4515
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    Hey ron, thanks for all teh great help so far. i have been using your system for a bit now. slightly different then you have explained, only to focus more on body recomp and strength instead of mass, and it has gone nicely.

    Click on the above to go to my thread where i have posted some week 1 pictures and week 7 pics.

    I start my deload next week. Ive been craving carbs so bad all this week so i look forward to the protein drop and carb replacement for the next two weeks. Ill be eliminating all protein shakes , except post work out. so all protein micros will be 100% whole foods.

    i dont think myostatin is a drama thus far since i have been doing a slow controlled cut. But i may go above maintenance when i add the addition of tren and hcg into teh next reload. i haven't been doing cardio so perhaps i will add fasted cardio as well to help with teh surplus of calories. i still wanna drop 4% bf, not sure how much tren will help with that...

    have a look at the progress your SSTS has done for me, thanks so much man!!

  36. #4516
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    moved my carbs up to 300g now that I have shifted into PCT. I was originally on your carb cycling diet and it was great, i was leaner then ever. With all these carbs i look really bloated and lost most my deep cuts and definition. Is it ok to go back to the carb cycling or even keto during PCT? I just dont react well with carbs. The only difference is I would be eating at maintenance instead of cutting because im in PCT. Is this ok? Or do i need carbs in PCT? You can stay at maintenance and keep carbs lower during pct. Expect to soften up some anyways on pct after a few weeks. Another option is to reduce protein and keep carbs around 250 carbs daily for increased energy because coming off test lowers your energy levels which makes it difficult to want to train at all sometimes! [/QUOTE] above

  37. #4517
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
    Ronnie Rowland is offline Author of Functional Training with a Fork
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chris J View Post
    Ronnie, for the first year I was blasting and cruising I was enjoying solid wood and sex daily...sometimes more. All I wanted to do was f#ck and work out. Now two years later I am havin trouble getting hard and staying hard unless I take cialis. Is this a normal side effect of blasting and cruising for two years? I mean even on 700 mgs of test weekly I still have probs. On 500 or 200 mgs..its the same. This is a real blow to the ego. I know you said add Masteron with test, cialis may be cheaper. By age 40 around 50% of males have a slightly enlarged prostate causing sexual problems-hence you need to stay on cialis daily (10-20 mgs) to improve blood flow which helps prevent the prostate from enlarging. You may be experiencing some elevated levels in prolactin as well.

  38. #4518
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chris J View Post
    What dosage would I run the mast and test together?The cheapest cycle is 500 mgs of test-e and 200 mgs of mast-e weekly. A little better cycle would be or 750 mgs of test-e and 300 mgs of mast-p weekly. If you go the latter route do 3 injections weekly(mwf). If you go the first route you can get by with only 1 injection weekly.

  39. #4519
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    Quote Originally Posted by F4iGuy View Post
    I'm not able to train Chest and Biceps together. The biceps long head tendon gives me irritation at the shoulder. I need to give it some rest. What is a good 4 day split that doesn't train chest/bi's together? Does training shoulders and bicep together cause you problems?

    I'm currently doing:
    Day 1: Legs (Quad/hams/calf)
    Day 2: Chest/Tri's
    Day 3: Off
    Day 4: Back/Traps
    Day 5: Shoulders/Bi's/Abs
    Day 6/7: Off

  40. #4520
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    Quote Originally Posted by gonzo6183 View Post
    What rep ranges do you suggest during the reload phase?

    I had great success in the beginning with 5-8 to gain my initial size.

    My most recent success has come from set 1 7-9 set 2 3-6 set 3 10-12. ive been using this quite often over the last 2 years.

    What are your thoughts? I like 8-12 reps per set best with the occasional 15 rep set once you become more advanced. Some 6 rep sets works well for beginners but can be dangerous for your tendons as you become stronger pushing too good failure. 6 rep sets should be done very sparingly as you become more advanced if at all.

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