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[QUOTE=The Titan99;5572916]Hey Ron, I've done a lot of gear in the past and had some sore injection sites, usually in relation to the amount injected, speed of injection and how often in one site. This cycle I've had a bunch of 1" 23 gauge needles, so I've been hitting mainly alternating delts and quads. I also inject vitamin B1-B6-B12 (3 ml). Also I'm doing Sust 250 and Parabolan which is 76.5 mg/1.5 ml. 1 gram Sust/608 mg Parabolan then I usually put the vitamin B in another syringe. Because of the size of the injections I do what amounts to 4 ml 4 times a week. Last Monday I found a 1.5" needle and decided to do all 7 ml (including the vitamin B) in my glute. THATS TOO MUCH IN ONE SHOT! Anyway, as you can imagine it was sore which I expected. The thing is, 2 days later all the way up to 6 days later it has been so sore I couldn't even lay on that side. No redness or heat and I'm always super clean, the thing is I developed a fever 2 days after the injection. Now to make matters more dubious, I just got over Dengue fever which put me out a week, but after that I came back stronger than ever on all lifts. This was one full week previous. I don't have access to anything you'd call a real Doc, but I thought a cycle of antibiotics (Zithromax) might be worth a try. Most people think it's an after shock from the Dengue which isn't unheard of, but I haven't told anyone about the injections. Is there any adverse effects that taking the Zithro with Test/Tren that you know of? YOU CAN USE ANY ANTI-BIOTIC WITH TEST/TREN AND INJECTING TOO MUCH IN ONE SITE WILL CAUSES AN ABCESS-HENCE CAN TURN INTO AN INFECTION AS YOU MAY HAVE JUST FOUND OUT. FROM HERE ON OUT DO 3MLS MAX PER SHOT AND START DOING SOME PEC INJECTIONS TO GIVE OTHER AREAS A BREAK Maybe better safe than sorry? I mean I know I've seen a lot of new guys on here complaining about injection site pain, and I'm no stranger to that, but this is a whole new level of pain....(But no swelling, heat or redness...). I keep expecting the pain to lessen, but it really isn't. I've lately seen, as I'm sure you have too, an interview with that dude with the worlds biggest biceps that had an abscess and did surgery on himself (?) and seriously fvcked himself up. It scared the hell out of me... What would you do? ICE IT AND TAKE ADVIL FOR 3 DAYS AND IF IT DOES NOT IMPROVE TAKE THE ANTI-BIOTICS.[/QUOTE]ABOVE
03-19-2011, 02:52 PM #2485Junior Member
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if u brake ur dbol /adrol cycle for a few days due to stomach craps or any reason is der any point in starting up again or is the cycle ruined as far as taking the tablets go? also does site injection increase the certain muscle or is the no differance at all ?
[QUOTE=lynxeffect1;5573359]if u brake ur dbol /adrol cycle for a few days due to stomach craps or any reason is der any point in starting up again or is the cycle ruined as far as taking the tablets go? No, just start back up ASP. also does site injection increase the certain muscle or is the no differance at all ? No difference at all.[/QUOTE]above
03-20-2011, 08:57 AM #2487New Member
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Hi Ronnie,
regarding oxymetholone - some say you will bloat extremely, some say they get even more vascular. What is your experience? How is the bloat of 100mg oxy ed compared to 1g test a week?
Another side effect should be bad acne. How bad is it really compared to test?
I really appreciate that you share all your experience in this thread that honestly. This is rare and a great help!
03-20-2011, 02:28 PM #2488
Ok here was my question:
The best way to overcome sticking points is by changing your routine with a deload.
Do you mean to change it for the two week duration and then come back to your old routine, or to change during the deload, but keep the new routine for the next reload too?
It takes 6-8 weeks for full-adaptation to occur when using anabolics. Full-adaptation is what you want so go with 8 weeks! When you start to feel over-trained during a blast or your joints begin to ache, simply reduce the total work sets by deloading and keep blasting. A longer reload gives the body more time to adjust and you will hold onto the muscle better! LET'S RECAP-THERE IS NO SET LIMIT ON HOW LONG YOU CAN BLAST. THE KEY IS TO DELOAD AND RELOAD THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE BLAST AND THEN DO A 1-2 WEEK PRIME WHEN TOTAL BURN OUT OR A NAGGING INJURY OCCURS.
If one of your trainees would still makes gain at week 8, could you keep him going for one or two more weeks (9-10 totals), or do you still deload at week 8?
One more question.
During a 2 week deload, what is a good strategy to follow? I'm finishing my 7th reload week, and feel like I am slowly getting overtrained, which is good. Main reason is that I kept adding a set here and there as the weeks passed by so that when I would deload, my body would have a reason to over-compensate (if that makes sense). On my reload, I basically followed an UPPER/LOWER split, 3-4 days a week.
For my deload coming soon, I was thinking of doing it in two different ways.. Either:
1 - Train only M-W-F, reduce volume and train mainly my big lifts for low reps (1-5) to recover AND increase strength (ex: bench press for 3x3, followed by some light laterals raises and push-downs, you get it..)
2 - Train only M-W-F, slightly reduce volume, but basically go there and hit only isolation exercises for high reps, keeping 2 reps shy of failure(pec-dec instead of bench press, etc..), only aiming for a good pump, keeping the session short.
3 - Begin with a new training (keeping what has worked well though), but only hitting 50% of the volume for the first two weeks.
Advice? (Thanks Ronnie)
03-20-2011, 04:33 PM #2489Banned
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my damn elbow is hell while doing any overhead ext for tris...anything else that i can use to nail the long head of my tris...??????i figure if anyone knew.. it would be you!!!
03-20-2011, 08:04 PM #2490
Hi Ron,
What's up?
How are you doing?
I am on the 3rd week of second reload of slingshot cycle.
My second reload consists of 500mg of Test Enanthate + 200mg of Deca per week.
Last monday (March 7th) I first noticed that my right arm was weak while flat bench pressing and incline pressing. I felt that the right front delt had no energy and much weaker than the left one. It reached failure faster than the left one.
I felt this also on the shoulder/delts day (the day after). I couldn't do military press or either dumbbell press and lateral raise. For example : Usually I can do 60kg military press for 8 reps, buat that day I could only do 30kg for 8 reps (because the right delt reached failure faster and I had to stop lifting it)
I have no idea what happen to my right arm... It has never been like this before.
Do you have any idea what this is, ron?
Please help me, ron. It is so annoying.. I can't train intensely until now
Many thanks for the time and attention.
GBU & Family always...
03-21-2011, 12:19 AM #2491Junior Member
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Hey RR,
Ive read through most of your amazing thread and these are the 2, 20 week cycles i have come up with:
Cycle 1:
Reload: (12 working sets heavy weight, high protien intake)
Wk 1 - 8: 525mg EW (EW = every week) Test p (Inj; M,W,F)
Deload: (Increase Reps decrease sets, Increase Carbs for 2 weeks)
Wk 8-10: 255mg EW Test p (Inj; M,W,F)
Reload (Phase 2): (12 working sets heavy weight, high protien intake)
Wk 11-18: 795mg EW Test p (Inj; M,W,F)
Deload (Phase 2): (Increase Reps, Increase Carbs for 2 weeks)
Wk 18-20: 300mg EW Test p (Inj; M,W,F)
*HCG Only Weeks: 4, 8, 12, 16: 250iu x2 Every Week
PCT (4 Days after last pin)
Wk 21+: Nolva 40/20/20/10
Wk 21 – 23: HCG 2500iu E4D
Do the same thing but, for my deaload in Week 8-10, instead of decreasing Test p dosage, should I just jump onto a 2 week PCT looking like….
Cycle 2:
Wk 1 - 8: 525mg EW Test p (Inj; M,W,F)
Deload: (Increase Reps, Increase Carbs for 2 weeks)
Wk 8-10: Nolva 20mg ED
Wk 8-10: HCG 1250iu E4D
Reload (Phase 2):
Wk 11-18: 795mg EW Test p (Inj; M,W,F)
Deload (Phase 2): (Increase Reps, Increase Carbs for 2 weeks)
Wk 18-20: 300mg EW Test p (Inj; M,W,F)
* No HCG throughout!
PCT (4 Days after last pin)
Wk 21+: Nolva 40/20/20/10
Wk 21 – 23: HCG 2500iu E4D
Im not sure which cycle to choose. Which would be better? Are my HCG, timing and dosages correct? Is the second Deload necessary (Wk 18-20) or should I just jump to PCT in Week 19? Would I get much gyno symptoms?
Thanks For the help!
PS: im 32, 5'11" tall, and weigh 220 lbs, bf 16%.
My Suppiments are:
Multi-v/ fish oil/ milk thistle/ celery seed.Last edited by kisektah1; 03-21-2011 at 12:24 AM.
03-22-2011, 01:19 AM #2496
Great thread bro
03-22-2011, 02:42 PM #2497Junior Member
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forgot to mention ron , the first time i took dbol , under the side of my ankles and in between my elbow joints were extremely lubricated i had lumps there and it was fantastic for lifting heavy. since then ive used diff dbol and never had that again, shud i have gotten that again if the dbol was proper or was it just because the first time is ur best ? ive also being reading more books and online about the wrestlers inda 80s/90s inda wwe and basically it seems everyone was on amounts totalling nearly 10grams a week, how the hell did they combat the water retention ??? was it t up just up the amounts of anti e's aswel ? ud expect their heads to be like balloons! lastly ron this is a bit off topic but have u ever watched jersey shore , theres 2 guys in it ,ronnie and mike, ronnies like pj braun and mikes like rambo! i know ur not seeing everything but it seems they both eat **** all and when they do its something crap and totally differant everyday, no sets meals ever and they go out drinking then nearly every night of the week!!! this is totally against everything ur supposed to be doin, how is this , is it just abusing large doses again?
03-22-2011, 06:17 PM #2498
Ronnie, I know you advise to run HCG at 1500 - 2500iu for 2-3 weeks in PCT, so what the F is with this quote I just read by a member in another thread I started???
"hcg should not be taken during pct, as it can shut you down. You should take it 2 weeks into the cycle and stop a week or 2 before the end of the cycle. Swifto has a great thread on hcg you should check it out."
This guy went on to say he learned this from Swifto's thread on PCT and HCG usage. Please help me understand this, as I'm SUPER confused. You and many others on here say to use HCG as it kicks ur boys BACK UP AND RUNNING, not shut you down. What the hell???
03-23-2011, 08:13 AM #2499Banned
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does tendon size...determine rep prevent injury????
03-23-2011, 12:22 PM #2500Banned
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03-23-2011, 02:15 PM #2501Member
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Hey Ron
I’m in the middle of week 5 of first 8 week reload. Test E @ 500mg weekly. I am keeping calories about 200-300 over maintenance in an effort to gain muscle while losing fat.
I started the reload at approx 275ish. Now I am hovering between 280 & 283. I feel the muscle is growing, but I certainly don’t feel leaner. Is that too much weight gain to not be adding fat. I don’t have exact macros with me, but this would be the approx count.
450 pro, 135 total fats, less than 30 sat fat, & about 330 carbs.
Carbs and Pro first 4 meals & fats pro from work out (5-6pm) on.
Diet looks close to this
8am shake 1 cups egg whites, 1cup skim, 1.5 cups oats, & 1 scoop whey.
10am Shake 2. Same as above.
12:30ish 12once Tilapia & half cup rice
3:30 ish same fish and rice, 12once Tilapia & half cup rice
5-6 lift
630 PWO 1cup milk, 2 scoops whey & 1 to 2 bananas.
7:30 to 8 Chicken burger. 66grms pro, 2.5 sat fat, 18 total fat, No carbs
10ish, shake # 3- 1cup egg whites, 1 cup skim, 1 scoop whey, 1 scoop protein blend.
Thanks Ronnie
Any advice is great!
[quote=vascular vince;5577278]does tendon size...determine rep prevent injury???? yes! In general, the thinner your tendons the higher reps you should do and you will probably have to do more cable work for arms. Slower reps are also best. People with thicker tendons tend to get by with doing free weights using more explosiveness in the lower rep range and they tend to be stronger but not necessarily have larger muscles. The ones with larger tendons and muscles are what we refer to as beasts! Here's a perfect example (Mariusz Pudzianowski vs Ronnie Coleman- /quote]above
03-23-2011, 10:20 PM #2507
Yes, I did experiencing the sharp pain in the lower back a month before (while heavy squatting)...
No pain in the right arm, right elbow tendon or right rotator cuff / deltoid region.
Do you think it's the main cause of this?
This weakness occurs in my right delts and biceps.
However, my right triceps and forearms are good.
I do 9-10 sets for chest, shoulders and 6-8 sets for smaller muscles like biceps, triceps.
What should I do to get it solved, ron?
Should I just rest and wait?
This problem has occured for 3 weeks.Last edited by Yellow; 03-24-2011 at 12:13 AM.
03-24-2011, 10:41 AM #2508Junior Member
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Ronnie, I appreciate your Answer to post # 2469 on the page previous to this one, but here is my real issue right now:
I can only get hcg in 10,000iu bottles and once you reconstitute with bs water, it only last 20-30 days. So my problem is i'd have to get like 5-6 bottles and waste alot of it. Anyone have any tips for making it last longer, or dividing it up when its a powder accurately? Or can i run it another way?
I'm having an issue with determining how to run the HCG with 10,000IU bottles.
[QUOTE=kelevra;5577675]Hey Ron
I’m in the middle of week 5 of first 8 week reload. Test E @ 500mg weekly. I am keeping calories about 200-300 over maintenance in an effort to gain muscle while losing fat.
I started the reload at approx 275ish. Now I am hovering between 280 & 283. I feel the muscle is growing, but I certainly don’t feel leaner. Is that too much weight gain to not be adding fat. I don’t have exact macros with me, but this would be the approx count.
450 pro, 135 total fats, less than 30 sat fat, & about 330 carbs.
Carbs and Pro first 4 meals & fats pro from work out (5-6pm) on.
Diet looks close to this
8am shake 1 cups egg whites, 1cup skim, 1.5 cups oats, & 1 scoop whey.
10am Shake 2. Same as above.
12:30ish 12once Tilapia & half cup rice
3:30 ish same fish and rice, 12once Tilapia & half cup rice
5-6 lift
630 PWO 1cup milk, 2 scoops whey & 1 to 2 bananas.
7:30 to 8 Chicken burger. 66grms pro, 2.5 sat fat, 18 total fat, No carbs
10ish, shake # 3- 1cup egg whites, 1 cup skim, 1 scoop whey, 1 scoop protein blend.
Thanks Ronnie
03-24-2011, 02:20 PM #2513Member
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Hey Ronnie,
I’ve heard you say there are many ways to run HCG . I found this write up on the forum and wanted to get your opinion about this part. There was no author or sited source. This is a small part of the full write up. Write up below.
HCG should only be taken for a 4 weeks maximum.
If HCG is taken by male athletes over many weeks and in high dosages, it is possible that the testes will respond poorly to a later HCG intake and a release of the body's own LH. This could result in a permanent inadequate gonadal function. Cycles on the HCG should be kept down to around 3 weeks at a time with an off cycle of at least a month in between. For example, one might use the HCG for 2 or 3 weeks in the middle of a cycle, and for 2 or 3 weeks at the end of a cycle. It has been speculated that the prolonged use of HCG could permanently, repress the body's own production of gonadotropins. This is why short cycles are the best way to go.
03-24-2011, 04:32 PM #2514Banned
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Hey Ronnie, I'm looking to start up a cycle soon 20 weeks long, I am planning test only
750mgs/week 1-8
250mgs/week 9-10
1000-1250mgs/week 11-18
250mgs/week 19-20
Now I'm just wondering I've asked you questions about anti-e's before because I am prone to gyno, ive tried nolvadex , arimidex , letrozole and I feel like none have worked, the sensitiveness doesn't go away and I started noticing a lump on my left pec... I didn't think the anti-e's were garbage because it came from the same place as my gear but who knows... Now when I do this next cycle I want to keep my libido high so should I try the proviron like you've suggested before? And is it possible that the anti-e's just didn't work for me but were real? I felt my libido drop but not the gyno...
I want to continue using steroids but not if im going to have big breasts in a couple of years... Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
03-24-2011, 05:32 PM #2515Junior Member
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hi ronnie, do you normally look fuller after loading on fats? ive recently upped fats and after every fat meal i look fuller, i think dave palumbo recommends fat loading as well as carb loading for the stage but havent found an explanation for why. it doesnt have any effect on glycogen but dave said that after a show when he looked flat he had a cheat meal that was high in fats and filled out and looked better. i went to the british grand prix and was surprised to hear how many bodybuilders go really high carbs and how low their fats were. what do you think,
also do you think that keeping fats and carbs separate from meals has an impact on staying lean, or are there exceptions like pre workout meal or breakfast where both can be combined. thanks
03-25-2011, 02:22 PM #2516Associate Member
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Ron, went to the doctor to get some refills and he had me schedule a physical and bloodwork. It will be on the last day of my 2nd reload. Should I postpone it? The bloodwork sheet says to check Comprehensive Metabolic Panel, Lipid Panel, Blood Count, Hemoglobin and TSH.
you can run higher dosages for more than 4 weeks without ever experiencing any negative effects like the article mentions so that's just someone's opinion. The truth is that everyone is different and there is nothing set in stone regarding the usage of hcg and it's dosing schedule. To prove my point about how different each of us are, my close friend who has been using test,tren and anadrol for the past two years just got his wife pregnant and hes never taken hcg because he has been on a non-stop 2 year slingshot cycle throwing in tren/drol here and there. We are talking 1-1.5 grams of test non-stop for the past 2 years except for 2 week deloads in which he went down to 250 per week.
Back to the answering your question- my experience has shown to keep it simple and go with what we know works (run small dosages of hcg while on cycle and larger amounts post-cycle) if having children is a priority.
03-27-2011, 12:36 AM #2520
Hi Ronnie,
In this 1st Reload (6 weeks in) Test/Eq 500/400 I seemed to be accumulating more fat around my gut than any where else. My shoulders, traps arms and chest, legs are lean.
I have not be doing much aerobics just once a week...but was thinking in the 2nd reload to add Clen and up the aerobics x3/week.
1. Should I start moderate to high aerobics now during 1st reload and add clen? cycling 2 weeks on /off all the way through the end of my 2nd reload
2. Should I wait till 2nd reload for clen cycling and upping the aerobics. My 2nd reload would be 750/600 of TestE and EQ
3. Any other recommendations!
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First Tren Cycle (blast)