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[QUOTE=Big C BC;5551132]Hey Ronnie
Was thinking of starting a cycle of winnie and anavar . How does this look :Not a big fam of running winnie and var together unless you are female but if you are going to do it run both for 8 weeks and take about 40 mgs of var daily and 50 mgs of winnie daily.wk 1-2: var 40 mg ED
wk 3-6: var 60 mg ED
wk 7-8: var 80 mg ED
wk 5-8: winnie 50mg ED
Also what kind of pct, and for how long? read through this thread as pct has been rehashed to death. hcg only for 2-3 weeks post cycle is a good plan. 2500 eod.[/QUOTE]above
03-04-2011, 03:38 AM #2406Junior Member
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thanks ronnie, ive read a few of trevor smiths articles some time ago but did'nt really know who he was until i researched him, seemed a very nice down to earth and intelligent guy.
ronnie how do you think the best way is to come off or effectively clean receptors if thats possible. say 3 or 4 consecutive reload/deloads have been done which i plan to do, would a full pct be needed or would a 4 week prime do the trick (as i plan on staying on year round for best possible gains) and would the prime be completely aas free or just test at a very low dose.
thanks ronnieLast edited by ricky23; 03-04-2011 at 03:41 AM.
03-04-2011, 12:19 PM #2407
Hi Ronnie,
In reference to starting the 2nd 20weeks reload/deload cycle after PCT can I keep the same dosage of test/eq or would I need to increase them both.
1st reload: test/eg - 500/400
1st deload: test/eg - 250/200
2nd reload: test/eq - 750/600
2nd deload: test/eq - 375/300
Now for the 3rd reload/deload and the 4th reload/deload can I keep the same cycles/dosages as above or do I need to increase them?
thanksLast edited by ridedivefx; 03-04-2011 at 02:10 PM.
03-04-2011, 12:58 PM #2408
Thanks a lot Ronnie.
Another question, although you might have answered it already...
Is there a point where it's wiser to come off after several reload/deload to clear the receptors so that you surpass where you were once you're back on, especially when the dosage gets very high for example?
03-04-2011, 01:30 PM #2409New Member
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Hi Ronnie, love this thread and the hardwork you put into it.
I have seen some serious results since following your protocol rather than the yo yo'ing from 12 weeks and time off cycles but I need some advise on my next reload.
Current reload is 1g Test E 200mg Deca a week and not sure what to do for my next reload. I have not suffered any real sides just the odd spot on my shoulders but not sure moving up to 1.25g a week is the right thing to do so i was thinking of adding in Tren E but never used this compound before. Would you advise i keep the Test at 1g a week and add in some tren (if so what would be a good starting dose something around 400mg a week?) or should i drop the Test a little if adding in Tren e for the first time or would you recommend a completely different stack to keep the gains coming?
03-04-2011, 04:41 PM #2410Junior Member
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ron will taking all ur shots into one muscle help that muscle respond better or does it matter at all ? i wudnt have thought so at all but i always take my shots inda ass and it cud be just all in my head but its luks to me like my ass is growing better dan anywhere else lol! hadnt much der before , now ive a ghetto ass lol ! its the most circular muscle group i have!
Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
As luck would have it, I'm in my 4th week of a reload and have contracted Dengue fever. Symtoms are fever, joint pain and complete loss of energy and appetite. (Perfect for a BB huh?) I did my workout last night but it was really tough. I'm seriously dehydrated no matter how much water I drink. I'm currently doing 1 gram of Test/525 Tren /Proviron 50 mg ed. This is suppose to last a week or 2 so my question is should I try to tough it out with a deload type workout thing and reduce to 500 mg test only or should I just rest and try to recuperate or what do you think? It seems like a waste of good Tren to stay on when I can't push to the limit. stop training altogether, get off of everything except 300 mgs of test per week and start back training and continue cycle in two weeks or when better. Do not try working out with a fever as this can be dangerous!!
That's what I thought. Thanks Ron. In regards to diet, would it be a good idea to reduce carbs by 40-50% since I'm completely in active? Wouldn't this act as a sort of a prime?
03-05-2011, 09:30 PM #2413New Member
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Hi Ron
Just one more query.
does taking steroids just once or twice a year with modrate dosages and Proper PCT will have any kind of ill health effects in the long run.
03-06-2011, 02:35 PM #2414Banned
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03-07-2011, 12:52 PM #2415
Help ronnie!
I am in my 3rd week of reload/cycle and have been doing a 5day split. Today I aggravated really badly an old nagging injury in my elbows and arms. I am not able to put any weight on them right now or do any push exercises. I can manage pull exercises however.
What should I do?
1. Take a week off and see how it goes and continue my cycle.
2. Stop everything deload my cycle and stop working out for a week or till it heels.
3. Stop cycle and stop lifting till it heels
Please advice... and thanks
03-07-2011, 02:00 PM #2416
I got a question regarding long-estered drugs and your reload/deload protocol.
Let's assume one runs the following plan (speculation):
1-8 Test-e @ 500mg/week
1-8 Tren -e @ 300mg/week
9-10 Test-e @ 250mg/week
9-10 Tren-e @ 150mg/week
11-18 Test-e @ 500mg/week
11-18 Tren-e @ 300mg/week
Because of the long ester, won't the user attain his lowest dosage during week 11-12 or so? Now if the user was using test-prop and tren-ace, I could see that plan make total sense.. But as it is laid out, which is the way you seem to be recommending, won't the drugs level slowly decline by week 9-10, to attain their lowest point at week 11-12, to then build up again from there? Please enlighten me.Last edited by bernimx; 03-07-2011 at 02:01 PM. Reason: grammar
03-07-2011, 07:27 PM #2417Junior Member
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03-08-2011, 01:49 AM #2418New Member
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Hey Ronnie
First , thanks for contributing so much to the forums bro . Youre always finding time to answer questions .
My question is if i can reload and deload on test only & once in awhile had another compound to the mix ?
Ive done all test only cycles and im very happy with how ive grown . Im looking to compete in the NPC and wondering if test only reload and deloads are a pipe dream ...
5'6 193lbs. 14% bodyfat
03-09-2011, 12:46 AM #2419Associate Member
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Ok buddy of mine is about to come off of a 4wk m-drol 4wk epimax PH cycle. He showed me what he planned to use for a PCT (bc that's what the guy at the store gave him to buy) and the only thing I saw remotely PCT related was Formestane. Now after pouring over the boards here, I saw that it's not that good, esp the pill form, bc of the limited bioavailability. I told him that he'd prolly be better off figuring out a Nolva/Clomid PCT fast and forget the pills. Am I right or was the store guy right?
03-09-2011, 04:11 PM #2427Associate Member
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Ron, have a few more questions. I'm doing a 20 week blast right now. Test only 500 1st reload, 750 for second. I'm 38 and don't care about having kids but would like to avoid HRT if possible. So after this blast and PCT(nolva/clomid/hcg ) how long to stay clean till my next 20 week blast without losing too much of my gains?
EDIT: re reading thread and found this: (I'm guessing I should follow it)
Beginning second cycle 6 weeks post 4 weeks of pct is a good plan. This allows you to start pct during phase 3 which begins with an 8 week reload. During the last 4 weeks of the reload you will be finished with pct. Next you enter a 2 week deload (still all natural). This adds up to 6 weeks. Then you can start back at phase 1 once again by starting another 8 week reload using anabolics. You'll be ready for another 20 week cycle if desired.
Also I saw you mentioned this a while ago for cycles:
2nd cycle: Test/deca
3rd cycle: Test/tren
for the 2nd cycle what amount of deca to go with either a 500(1st reload)/750(2nd) base of test or 750/1000?
EDIT: I found this in this thread while looking around, should I just go off this?
Wk 1-8 test@500mg/deca@400mg
wk 9-10 test @250mg (no deca)
wk 11-18 (test 1 gram/deca 400)
wk 19-20 test@250mg (no deca)
wk 21-25 full pct
Should the deca doses be split or can I do 400 once a week?
Bloating/Gyno hasn't been much of an issue but like I said I'm doing test only, should I be running anything when adding the Deca?
Thanks Ron! I am seeing some great results from following your STS program!!!Last edited by djdizzy; 03-09-2011 at 06:41 PM.
03-09-2011, 04:32 PM #2428Associate Member
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Double post
03-09-2011, 06:56 PM #2429
Ronnie, I was under the impression that the reason I became stale on a long cycle was because my receptors were no longer capable of absorbing the amount of juice I was using. Granted I did not increase the amount after weeks 10, 12 and through 20. I was told I needed to take a month or two off so my body can regulate itself and my receptors could clean out. If this recomendation was accurate, then why wouldn't my receptors again become clogged on the 8 on 2 off program over and over? Is two weeks off long enough to to cause a
"re stimulization" once you start the reload over again each time? Two weeks off does not seem like enough time for your testies to even wake up after multiple reloads. If shutdown occurs, which it will after a year of this cycle, where does that leave us? My guess is the doctor for T.R.T. and in the US that equates to fist full of doctor bills. I was planning on waiting another three weeks to cycle (8 total) but when I read you post I got excited. Good info
03-09-2011, 07:20 PM #2430
Hey, quick update. Did chest/tri's last night. (which was the last workout I did while getting blood work done.) Went up big time in all lifts and in reps also!!! Couldn't believe it!! All my nagging little injuries seem to be healed too. Tonight I have back/bi's which was a problem 2 weeks ago, but with any luck things should roll forward. I moved dead lifts to the beginning of my back workout and feel like this was something I should have done a long time ago. Back/bi is one of my hardest nights, so I'm going to just try to maintain. If I can do that I'm thrilled. The Dengue is definitely over since I'm back to the tren -induced insomnia problem that I was having before. I'm supposed to start cycling the clen again today but I think I've had enough of the elevated body temp for a while, lol. Thanks for all the help Ron. This thing had me worried...
One question though. I had blood work done and had some flags. My LDL was fine but my HDL was 15 which is less than half normal (35-65). The next one was SGOT (AST) 232. It says this should be15-37!!! Yikes!! Same deal with SGPT (ALT) was 265 normal is 0-40. These were the ones that had me worried. Other than that my MCHC was 31.9 (normal 32-36) good I guess, RDW was 16.7 (normal 11,5-14.5) not bad? Then PLT count was 111 Normal being 140-400. Is this acceptable or maybe some of it due to the dengue?
03-10-2011, 10:39 AM #2432New Member
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03-10-2011, 02:36 PM #2433Junior Member
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first time trying ur methods ron, in my 2nd reload, jus wondering, for this 2nd reload and every other from now the test ent will kick in the usual time week 3 r 4 correct? its not meant to kick in straight away like is it
03-10-2011, 07:51 PM #2436Junior Member
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Hey Ronnie
What if i cycle for 8 weeks and pyramid up slowly upto 50mg of Dianabol and pyramid down slowly? And also take Nolvadex at 20mg every day.
Will i see any gains then? Or will i still blow up and then deflate?
Could you recommend a begginers cycle for me that consists of only Oral tablets as i hate injections.
Thanks.Last edited by GoloLolo; 03-10-2011 at 07:57 PM.
03-10-2011, 07:53 PM #2437Junior Member
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03-11-2011, 03:18 PM #2439New Member
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Mr. Rowland, I'm new, and hopeful you can help.
Basics: I am a 40s male with limited use of my legs due to injury to spine some 20 yrs ago. Additionally due to same CNS does not deliver the Testosterone nor Thyroid production message fully. Duly I am on physician prescribed injectable test and oral usd thyroid. While my counts are not extreme I am on sufficient amounts to register in the high normal.
Lifting: Via primarily upper body free weight and machine lifting and body weight only wall squats (I can secure myself via holding on to rails) I have good strength and size where feasible.
Question: Essencially using limited upper body strength movements only and with no cardio of note, is there any substance I can combine with these two meds in order to maximize Fat loss without significant muscle loss and ideailly gains? thank you
03-11-2011, 08:43 PM #2440New Member
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First Tren Cycle (blast)