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  1. #2801
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rastapopolous View Post
    great thread ronnie!

    This is my first cycle using your slingshot system. I'm currently running 100mg test. Prop + 100mg tren . Ace eod. I'm currently in week 6 of the reload and i'm just trying to decide on how i will do my deload. do not stop all anabolics during 2 week deload, instead run test prop only (mwf) at 50 mgs per shot.i'm leaning towards cutting all anabolics out for the two weeks of my deload, rather than dropping the tren and using a lower dose of test. Is this advisable with short half-life compounds? I read at the beginning of this thread somewhere that you say that the body will hold onto all muscle for about two weeks. Does this apply in my case? stopping all anabolics during deloads is too hard on your system as a whole because of the great hormonal fluctuation that occurs.

  2. #2802
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Tom Bodo;5642304]I'm very glad to hear from you, that the bloat will level off sooner or later. I got 6 labs of water the first 3 days. Specially the face is looking sick.

    I did cut down the carbs and upped the water intake. I guess the only thing that really helps is some lasix right? DON'T MESS WITH LASIX AS IT CAN BE DANGEROUS! Or do you have some other advice? WHAT COMPOUNDS ARE YOU RUNNING IN ADDITION TO THE GROWTH AND IS THE GROWTH PHARM GRADE OR SOME KIND OF GENERIC SUCH AS BLUE TOPS? YOU SHOULD NOT BE SWELLING THAT BAD ON REAL GH![/QUOTE]


  3. #2803
    Rastapopolous is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks Ronnie!

  4. #2804
    Tom Bodo is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Bodo View Post
    I'm very glad to hear from you, that the bloat will level off sooner or later. I got 6 labs of water the first 3 days. Specially the face is looking sick.

    I did cut down the carbs and upped the water intake. I guess the only thing that really helps is some lasix right? DON'T MESS WITH LASIX AS IT CAN BE DANGEROUS! Or do you have some other advice? WHAT COMPOUNDS ARE YOU RUNNING IN ADDITION TO THE GROWTH AND IS THE GROWTH PHARM GRADE OR SOME KIND OF GENERIC SUCVH AS BLUE TOPS? YOU SHOULD NOT BE SWELLING THAT BAD ON REAL GH!
    I'm taking 1,5g test with 50mg deca for joints and 0,25mg Arimidex eod. I did try some tren , but got bad acne and breathing problems. I took out the tren a couple of weeks ago and started the growth now. I'm bloatet from the test also, but since i started the growth it is like doubled up.

    It is Keifei HGH. A Chinese, well established, big lab. I have heard a lot of good things about it and no bad things. I'm getting it from someone who never sold me crap in 10 years. Only good stuff. But of course, you can never be sure. This is why I asked about your experiences with side effects.

    Here are my symptoms:
    - acne is getting better.
    - dry skin on fingers is not dry anymore.
    - 6 labs bloat at 5 I.E in a couple of days. Some of it might be, because of increased appetite.
    - Feeling tired after injection.
    - Sleeping good. Haven't slept like this for years.
    - Getting very hungry after injection.
    - Mind is feeling a little dizzy at work. Might be allergies that got worse because of improved immune system.
    - Sexdrive has improved a little.
    - Feeling very anabolic .
    - Feeling less stressed.
    - A little improvement in strength.

    What do you think about these symptoms? The improvements in skin tell me it might be allright. I'm sure it is no test, no deca and as i know these drugs well and would know the difference. Cortisol would feel different i guess, more restless and improvment on allergies. Never took HCG , but this wouldn't bloat me that bad right?

    Maybe I have to get it analyzed or get a couple of pharme grades to notice the difference.
    Last edited by Tom Bodo; 05-17-2011 at 02:46 PM.

  5. #2805
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    i did not see it!? Post 2761 was by slimshady. Wheres it at again?
    You got me already. Thanks Ronnie.

  6. #2806
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=VASCULAR VINCE;5640392]ronnie...will t-3 .....cause muscle loss ..while cutting up????It will if you take too much! Women tend do do well with 50-75 mgs daily because they hold onto their muscle better than men in general but they also tend to have a more difficult time losing body fat. I would not recommend over 50 mcgs per day for males and if you lose weight fast don't use it. Some people just flatten out using t-3. I think GH helps prevent the t-3 induced muscle loss. You'll also need to take in 2 grams of protein per pound of body weight while dieting down with t-3's assistance or you'll probably lose more muscle than you want.[/QUOTE]


  7. #2807
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    Hey Ron, I just read your excerpt on Test Prop vs E, C. Since I'm doing 1.5 grams of sust/700 mg Tren E on reloads and injecting every day anyway, it seems to me that Test Prop/ Tren Ace would be the only smart thing for me to do anyway. Maybe keep some Sust or Cyp around for deloads. I'm just about to order and am rethinking, Sust or prop, Tren E or Ace. One thing is on the Tren I'm experiencing no Tren cough or breathing problems with the E which seems, from what I've read to be more of an ace thing. What do you suggest for me? I'm definitely not scared of the needle...

  8. #2808
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    Quote Originally Posted by VASCULAR VINCE View Post
    my 32 year old wife would like to inject some testosterone twice weekly...she plans to compete next year....her past cycles conisit of 10 mgs of anavar ...20 mgs of stanozol...any sugestions would be greatly appreciate big guy!! She will need only 1 weekly injection of testosterone. I would start at 1/4 of an ml of test-e once a week and increase to 1/2 ml mas as she advances given virilization does not occur. Many females do well on 1/4 ml of test-e per week and 5-10 mgs of anavar daily.

  9. #2809
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    Quote Originally Posted by delta1111 View Post
    Hi Ronnie,
    Most of the time we read about how important the role of protein is in building muscle mass and in comparison very little is mentioned about fats and carbs.
    I have been training consistantly now for several years and have done several cycles.
    Regarding diet, I spend most of my time ensuring I get sufficient protein and much less time worrying about fats, carbs and overall calorie intake. I know this is lazy and is probably why I feel i'm making little progress, even when on aas. Can anyone please confirm whether or not this is likely to be my problem? If I did increase my carbs in particular and my caloric intake, should I see rapid gains? How do I combat putting on fat or is this part of the package? You combat putting on bodyfat by using about 4ius of pharm grade growth homone daily while trying to gain weight. That's the secret many are in search of but few seem to find! Another secret is adding weight gradually (minus water weight gained from taking large dosages of aromatizing steroids) by increasing both carbs and fats once protein needs have been met.

  10. #2810
    lynxeffect1 is offline Junior Member
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    ron as regards the above question posted by delta1111...... growth hormone is the secret to combating bodyfat while being big, its obviously the best way but is it the only way , can u just use test aswel, e.g , if a person is gaining bodyfat now while bulking and wants less bodyfat, apart from cutn his diet down, wud using more test combat this if more test means more muscle/strength/less fat , then taking more test to utilize all the food hes taking in and wud make him bigger with less bodyfat ? or wud he end up with huge amounts of water weight from the large doses of test.
    i bought the dynamite kids book last wk and in one chapter he states he used take at least 6ml a day,3 of test and 3 of liquid dbol and cycle that for 6 wks with one week off taking hgh and repeating until he got the size and strength that he wanted and when he got to where he wanted he used cruise on 1shot eod to maintain it. i know this prob falls into the abuse catagory but my question is if ur not looking to become mr.olympia and jus wanted to be big and followed this approach and then used a shot eod to maintain ,althought ud be using large amounts innitially ,when u then maintain at a shot eod ,wudnt that be better in the long run health wise if u only needed to use that maintanance dose of about 1gram a wk from there on for years, as oppossed to continually upping your dosage only when needed because u wud be using 2 to 3 grams for many years longer than you wud have been on the amount dynaite was taking ? incase im gone off the plot here , to sum it up ---wud taking a large dose for a short time then maintaining on a low dose for a long time be healthier than always upping your dosages when needed because ud always be in the bracket of using a medium amount of gear for years.

  11. #2811
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    Yeah 4iu of Pharma growth is out of the question for most as its required to take out a second mortgage to get lol.

    I personally only will run AAS types such as Test, Var, Deca and EQ. Im to worried about hairloss from the others such as tren and winny etc. I can control my hairloss on test using certain things.

    Being that those are the only ones I will run It seems as my bulker will always be test and Deca and my cutter Test and Var.

    Both of those should do the job wouldnt you think Ronnie?

  12. #2812
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tom bodo View Post
    i'm taking 1,5g test with 50mg deca for joints and 0,25mg arimidex eod. I did try some tren , but got bad acne and breathing problems. I took out the tren a couple of weeks ago and started the growth now. I'm bloatet from the test also, but since i started the growth it is like doubled up. this should not be!

    it is keifei hgh. A chinese, well established, big lab. well, i just took someone off that very brand who i am preparing for a show because their hands swelled up something fierce and they bloated up all over with no signs of body fat loss! i have heard a lot of good things about it and no bad things. I'm getting it from someone who never sold me crap in 10 years. Only good stuff. But of course, you can never be sure. This is why i asked about your experiences with side effects.

    Here are my symptoms: (the main symptom should be a noticebale decrease in body fat accompanied by an increase in vascularity. Have you seen this???)-
    acne is getting better.
    - dry skin on fingers is not dry anymore.
    - 6 labs bloat at 5 i.e in a couple of days. Some of it might be, because of increased appetite.
    - feeling tired after injection.
    - sleeping good. Haven't slept like this for years.
    - getting very hungry after injection.
    - mind is feeling a little dizzy at work. Might be allergies that got worse because of improved immune system.
    - sexdrive has improved a little.
    - feeling very anabolic .
    - feeling less stressed.
    - a little improvement in strength.

    What do you think about these symptoms? first of all, you should be taking gh at night right before you go to bed. And i was going to say your arimidex may be bogus but it sounds more too me like your gh is not 100% pure and may contain some form of an anti-diurectic causing you to swell. the improvements in skin tell me it might be allright. I'm sure it is no test, no deca and as i know these drugs well and would know the difference. Cortisol would feel different i guess, more restless and improvment on allergies. Never took hcg , but this wouldn't bloat me that bad right? hcg can bloat you some but no one can say for sure until you get it tested. Here's my advice to you-"get off the gh for a few weeks and see how things go without it. I peronally wouldn't touch blue tops with a ten foot pole. Tried them once and they were pure garbage! You need pharm grade growth hormone from china like anasome (the brand doctors and hospitals use) to ensure you get legit gh!!! Please read what marcus has to say in this link concerning chineese generics. He's tested enough of the chinnese brands to know what real and whats not. and furthermore had a friend who almost died taking generic GH out of China. PRETTY SCARY STUFF! maybe i have to get it analyzed or get a couple of pharme grades to notice the difference. Once you use pharm grade you won't go back to generics. Everyone needs to read through the following link-

  13. #2813
    Tom Bodo is offline New Member
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    well, i just took someone off that very brand who i am preparing for a show because their hands swelled up something fierce and they bloated up all over with no signs of body fat loss!
    (the main symptom should be a noticebale decrease in body fat accompanied by an increase in vascularity. Have you seen this???)-
    This does not sound good. The guy you took off that brand, was it Keifei kit with 10 times 10 I.U. in every package with 10 amps of water? Black tops?
    Actually I'm not bloated all over. I'm bloated in the face and in the muscles. Shoulders, Arms, Pecs did swell up. I'm shooting the growth for 2 weeks now and abdomen fat has gone from 8 mm to 6 mm (1/4"). But I have decreased carbs to compensate for bloat, so the fat loss might be due to diet. I think some veins are getting more visible than before, but I can not say this for sure.

    first of all, you should be taking gh at night right before you go to bed. And i was going to say your arimidex may be bogus but it sounds more too me like your gh is not 100% pure and may contain some form of an anti-diurectic causing you to swell
    In the beginning i took 2,5 IE in the morning and 2,5 after workout. Now I'm shooting before bedtime as you advised earlier.
    The arimidex is pharm grade right out of the pharmacy. But the test bloat doesn't bother me, it looks okay. The bloat of the gh, looks like I am sick though.

    You might be right, that the GH might not be 100% pure. Maybe even complete bullshit. Thank you very much for the link. It really made me thinking.
    I think, now I have done 2 weeks allready, I will go for 2 more weeks to see how the body will react and if the bloat will level off. If no improvements happen by then I will take it out and go with pharm grade in future and only pharm grade. All other drugs I'm taking are pharm grade as well. I thought I would try the cheap gh, because there is really some money to safe in the long run. But if it aint allright you obviously safe nothing.

  14. #2814
    ricky23 is offline Junior Member
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    hi ronnie, the max tren ive used is 600-700mg if i come down to 450mg this reload (i havent used tren for a couple of months) would this dose be ineffective or would gains/effects still be prominent. or would my body be accustomed to this and stop responding meaning 600-700 would have to be minimum from now on to see gains.
    Last edited by ricky23; 05-18-2011 at 01:19 PM.

  15. #2815
    TestAce is offline Junior Member
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    I have decided to run my next cycle like this. Going to read through all of the pages. Thanks for the info man.

  16. #2816
    bgvillones is offline New Member
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    Good day guys! Please help me I want to bulk up fast. Can someone give me a good workout program for bulking up fast. Thanks in advance.

  17. #2817
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Sorry for the delay in getting everyones questions answered. I have been unable to get on this thread and post because the server has been timed out. The anabolic review board is getting slammed!

  18. #2818
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    Quote Originally Posted by tom bodo View Post
    this does not sound good. The guy you took off that brand, was it keifei kit with 10 times 10 i.u. In every package with 10 amps of water? Black tops? it was actually both a male and female and it was keifei!actually i'm not bloated all over. I'm bloated in the face and in the muscles. Shoulders, arms, pecs did swell up. I'm shooting the growth for 2 weeks now and abdomen fat has gone from 8 mm to 6 mm (1/4"). But i have decreased carbs to compensate for bloat, so the fat loss might be due to diet. yes, cutting carbs will do that as well. The pharm grade allows you to eat more carbs and still get cut/vascular. There's no way that cheap keifei can compare to a more expensive pharm grade gh like anasome which cost double price. You get what you pay for most of the time. Buy cheap and you get cheap. i think some veins are getting more visible than before, but i can not say this for sure. with pharm grade people know for certain they are geting more cut, with blue tops people tend to think they are getting more cut but never sure its the gh. Blue tops are pure garbage imo from what i have seen. I am here to be honest and help. I wish it weren't true about the blue tops but it is. .

    In the beginning i took 2,5 ie in the morning and 2,5 after workout. Now i'm shooting before bedtime as you advised earlier.
    The arimidex is pharm grade right out of the pharmacy. But the test bloat doesn't bother me, it looks okay. The bloat of the gh, looks like i am sick though. maybe you are getting sick from it. Think about your heart. It's not worth the risk. I would get off that stuff and save up your money for some legit gh. Who knows whats in the stuff you are shooting into your body. I am concerned for you. you might be right, that the gh might not be 100% pure. Maybe even complete bullshit. Thank you very much for the link. It really made me thinking. marcus is a straight shooter regardless of what the blue top supporters may claim. Blue tops are a joke if you've ever had real pharm grade gh and that's all marcus is saying in that thread. He's telling the truth!i think, now i have done 2 weeks allready, i will go for 2 more weeks to see how the body will react and if the bloat will level off. If no improvements happen by then i will take it out and go with pharm grade in future and only pharm grade. All other drugs i'm taking are pharm grade as well. I thought i would try the cheap gh, because there is really some money to safe in the long run. But if it aint allright you obviously safe nothing. i think you are seeing the light. A lot of people getting taken with the blue tops imo.

  19. #2819
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    Quote Originally Posted by lynxeffect1 View Post
    ron if im jus sitn down watchin tv with my mouth closed im breathing very heavy im told, i dont notice it too much myself but is it linked again to the sleep apnea ? sleep apnea can cause it but so can tren and water retention from aromatizing steroids. I have also noticed that steroids made by under ground labs who use excessive alcohol content cause allergic reactions in some which severely affects their breathing to the point of causing athsma attacks! also sometimes when i cough i seem to get a pain inda middle of my back for a second, is there anything to that,probably just a tight muscle last thing is lately no matter where i inject myself ders a problem, i used always inject into my ass and when id time off i got time to heal but since im follwing your great methods and never off im getn wot i think is a build up of scare tissue on both sides so im presuming it goes down when u give it a break? yes give it a break but everytime i inject into shoulders or tri's i seem to hit something or else im left with massive bruises for a week inject a 1 inch needle 2 inches directly above the nipples in both pectoral muscle and you will do better. Alswo, you can inject in the lower outer pec regions. I learned this technique from one of my bodybuilding friends whom is a top-notch doctor.

  20. #2820
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelevra View Post
    i’m sure that it is some individually dependant, but what do think would be a max bf% to hit while bulking. The point when you are more likely to gain fat than quality muscle. for males around 15% with 12% being goodwhat is the max ml per pin you recommend for delts and pecs?3 mls

  21. #2821
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    Quote Originally Posted by vascular vince View Post
    need your opinion about hgh tops any good???? no! Go with pharm grade gh or don't use it at all!

  22. #2822
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    Quote Originally Posted by morado02 View Post
    hi ronnie:

    I'd like to ask you, what about a female doing this system?

    How would it be doing it with primo? For a 30 y/o female [b]with tabs have her take 50 mgs daily during first 8 week reload. First deload take 25 mgs daily. During second 8 week reload she can increase primobolan to 75-100 mgs daily. Finish 20 week cycle with 2 week deload consiting of 25 mgs of primo daily. if injectable primobolan is used inject it once a week and keep dosages the same as is listed for tabs ( 1st reload 50 mgs weekly, 1st deload 25 mgs weekly/2nd reload 75-100 mgs weekly, 2nd deload 25 mgs weekly. [/b]

  23. #2823
    Big Digger is offline New Member
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    Hi Ronnie. Thanks for the information, this was a great read. Thanks.

  24. #2824
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    Quote Originally Posted by ridedivefx View Post
    Hi Ronnie,

    I am on my 2nd reload, 3rd week in of test 750/week, EQ 600/week and proviron 50mg/day.

    Everything was good during the 1st reload but I suddenly have seem to have lost all appetite right now. I though EQ was supposed to increase hunger. Is this normal? What could the reason be?

    This lack of appetite has me eating less, and is affecting energy/strength in gym? Well I have not had a significant increase in strength compared to 1st reload. I am lifting the same if not a marginally more but with better form. Am I loosing muscle?

    Hi Ron, You may have missed this post among a whole bunch of other questions. When you get a chance would like to hear from you


  25. #2825
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ridedivefx View Post
    Hi Ron, You may have missed this post among a whole bunch of other questions. When you get a chance would like to hear from you

    ThankHi Ronnie,

    I am on my 2nd reload, 3rd week in of test 750/week, EQ 600/week and proviron 50mg/day.

    Everything was good during the 1st reload but I suddenly have seem to have lost all appetite right now. I though EQ was supposed to increase hunger. Is this normal? What could the reason be?

    This lack of appetite has me eating less, and is affecting energy/strength in gym? Well I have not had a significant increase in strength compared to 1st reload. I am lifting the same if not a marginally more but with better form. Am I loosing muscle? You are not losing muscle if you are maintaining your body weight and/or strength but I can tell you what is going on- It's the Equipoise! Even though it's taunted as increasing the appetite, it can also have the reverse effect of destroying one's appetite. Everytime I tried it I got anxious and could not eat. If you can't eat you can't grow. The same rule applies to Anadrol! Go off the EQ and increase your test to 1.5 grams per week and you should see much better gains.s

  26. #2826
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    Thanks Ron, I will drop EQ right away and the remaining 5 weeks of reload would be just 1.5grams Test and Proviron .

    Would 1.5g show good results in remaining 5 weeks compared to 750mg/week? and then deload at 500mg/week for 2 weeks.

    Should I increase the reload by 3 more weeks at 1.5g test to make a total 11weeks reload (8 weeks at 1.5g test and 3 weeks of 750mg/week)?

    Thanks again
    Last edited by ridedivefx; 05-19-2011 at 06:35 AM.

  27. #2827
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=ricky23;5644281]hi ronnie, the max tren ive used is 600-700mg if i come down to 450mg this reload (i havent used tren for a couple of months) would this dose be ineffective or would gains/effects still be prominent. or would my body be accustomed to this and stop responding meaning 600-700 would have to be minimum from now on to see gains. TREN IS SO STRONG YOU CAN STILL MAKE GAINS USING LESS GIVEN YOU FOLLOW THE PROPER TRAINING PROGRAM AND DIET.[/QUOTE]ABOVE

  28. #2828
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    Hey Ron, I just read your excerpt on Test Prop vs E, C. Since I'm doing 1.5 grams of sust/700 mg Tren E on reloads and injecting every day anyway, it seems to me that Test Prop/ Tren Ace would be the only smart thing for me to do anyway. Maybe keep some Sust or Cyp around for deloads. I'm just about to order and am rethinking, Sust or prop, Tren E or Ace. One thing is on the Tren I'm experiencing no Tren cough or breathing problems with the E which seems, from what I've read to be more of an ace thing. What do you suggest for me? I'm definitely not scared of the needle...
    What do you think on this one Ron?

  29. #2829
    Toad. is offline New Member
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    Hi Ron, Firstly.... many thanks for putting all this very informative information out there for us! I have been using your slingshot methods for a few months now with great results.
    Apologies if this has been asked before... What are your thoughts on priming (7-14day diet) before doing a bulking cycle? If you feel it is good, how do you recommend one does it regarding timing & steroid cycles? Presumably, it’s not a good idea to diet on the 2 week deload (one would lose too much newly gained muscle)?
    I’m on a cutting cycle of test & tren at the moment & was wanting to make use of the rebound affect by going straight into a bulking cycle at the end. What are your recommendations on this? Do I still need to do a deload first?
    Many Thanks,

  30. #2830
    delta1111 is offline Associate Member
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    Hi Ronnie,
    I think you may have missed my last post 2797
    Many thanks.

  31. #2831
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    What do you think on this one Ron?
    Since you need to stay hard for the beach go with prop if you can take the post-injection pain..Tren-e is certainly better than ace as far as sides are concerned and running 40 mgs of clenbuterol on workout days only will drastically help open up your bronchial tubes so that you can breath right.

  32. #2832
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    Quote Originally Posted by bgvillones View Post
    Good day guys! Please help me I want to bulk up fast. Can someone give me a good workout program for bulking up fast. Thanks in advance.

  33. #2833
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    Quote Originally Posted by Toad. View Post
    Hi Ron, Firstly.... many thanks for putting all this very informative information out there for us! I have been using your slingshot methods for a few months now with great results.
    Apologies if this has been asked before... What are your thoughts on priming (7-14day diet) before doing a bulking cycle? If you feel it is good, how do you recommend one does it regarding timing & steroid cycles? Priming would require going off all steroids, decreasing training volume by around half and increasing cardio and/ or cutting carbs. Presumably, it’s not a good idea to diet on the 2 week deload (one would lose too much newly gained muscle)? Correct! The deload is a maintenance phase not a full blown prime but a prime none-the-less. I’m on a cutting cycle of test & tren at the moment & was wanting to make use of the rebound affect by going straight into a bulking cycle at the end. What are your recommendations on this? Do I still need to do a deload first? No, just do a full-blown 2 week prime taking out all anabolics and reduce training volume by half then reload/deload/reload/deload. Many Thanks,

  34. #2834
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Since you need to stay hard for the beach go with prop if you can take the post-injection pain..Tren-e is certainly better than ace as far as sides are concerned and running 40 mgs of clenbuterol on workout days only will drastically help open up your bronchial tubes so that you can breath right.
    Got it Ron. I'm gonna go with prop, but I'm not sure what your saying on the Tren , E or Ace? I've heard sides are worse with Ace, but what, if any are the advantages? I guess I'm not doing more than 800 mg for quite a while (your advise) and I get no sides I can't handle from the E so maybe Test P/ Tren E? As always I will do what you advise...
    Last edited by The Titan99; 05-19-2011 at 07:38 PM.

  35. #2835
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    Quote Originally Posted by delta1111 View Post
    Interesting, I always thought that muscle size and strength were relative and have always used strength as one of the means of measuring my progress. Thanks for clearing that up Ronnie and good question VV.
    I still am still pretty weak when I compare some of my lifts to other people's. Does this mean I will not get much stronger than I am now and will I always be behind others in terms of strength? It's hard to say but if you start out behind most people in strength and/or muscle size they will always stay ahead of you given they do similar things inside and outside the gym. For example, there are many people out there who have made just as much progress as Ronnie Coleman in terms of adding muscle and gaining strength but he started out so far ahead of them in the beginnning that they will never be able to catch up. If someone has big diamond shaped calves like Dorian Yates, then someone like myself who was born with tiny high calves will never be able to catch him! Make sense? You will only get so strong given your genetic potential, then you have to focus on other avenuse to gain more size. [U]There are 6 ways to increase muscle growth. 1) Gain strength 2) Add more volume/time-under-tension. 3) Add intensity 4) Being consistent with training for many years. 5) Increasing calories 6) Increase anabolics [/U]

  36. #2836
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    Quote Originally Posted by the titan99 View Post
    got it ron. I'm gonna go with prop, but i'm not sure what your saying on the tren, e or ace? I've heard sides are worse with ace, but what, if any are the advantages? I guess i'm not doing more than 800 mg for quite a while (your advise) and i get no sides i can't handle from the e so maybe test p/ tren e? As always i will do what you advise...
    yes, go wth test propionate and tren enanthate.

  37. #2837
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bulkn View Post
    Hey Ron I think you missed me again, thanks:Originally Posted by Bulkn
    Hey Ronnie!
    I have some bloodwork questions for you:
    I am currently on 750mg sustanon , here are my hormone levels 5/6 weeks in:

    Oestradiol: 142 pmol/L (0-190) I am on 10mg Aromasin ED do you think it will be ok to lower it a little? [B](normal levels post cycle are 10-53 pg/ml) Yes lower it some.[/B
    Testosterone : >52.0 nmol/L (8.0-27.8) (normal total test levels post cycle are 241-827 ng/dl)
    Calc. Free Test:1.702 nmol/L (0.091-0.579) (normal fee test levels post cycle are 8.7-25.1 pc/ml)SHBG: 20.4 nmol/L (10.0-70.0)

    Do you think my test levels are a bit low for 750mg? Last time i was on 520mg test C and my testosterone levels were around 30% higher. My blood was tested by a different lab this time so there is either inconsistencies between the two labs or my sustanon is dosed below 250mg/ml. What do you think? If you are using UG lab steroids then expect blood levels to be inconsistent most of the time. Sometimes their products are over-doses and sometimes they are way under-dosed. There is no regulation of these products so you are at the mercy of the lab guy making them. You really never know what you are getting! I feel that my strength and gains are just as good if not better with the sustanon so i am confused. Some people tend to make more stregnth gains off sustanon in comparison to enanthate even though you hold a little less water so that explains that! In addition, people tend to have to take higher dosages of sustanon than test-e or test-c inorder to receive the same libido enhancing effects. I've seen people have to double their dosages. This means if they took 1 gram of test-e in the past they needed 2 grams of sustanon per week to obtain a comparable libido. So, bump up your dosage to 1000 per week!

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    Quote Originally Posted by ridedivefx View Post
    Thanks Ron, I will drop EQ right away and the remaining 5 weeks of reload would be just 1.5grams Test and Proviron .

    Would 1.5g show good results in remaining 5 weeks compared to 750mg/week? and then deload at 500mg/week for 2 weeks.

    Should I increase the reload by 3 more weeks at 1.5g test to make a total 11weeks reload (8 weeks at 1.5g test and 3 weeks of 750mg/week)? Since you are increasing androgens go ahead and increase reload time to a total of 11 weeks! Thanks again

  39. #2839
    lynxeffect1 is offline Junior Member
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    sorry ron ,think u missed my post 2811.

  40. #2840
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    yes, go wth test propionate and tren enanthate.
    Got it, thanks again!!

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