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  1. #2721
    MercuryEvo is offline Junior Member
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    Hey Ronnie, ended up finding someone local to get stuff from so I'm on this plan below. I'm on week 3 right now. I'm thinking of stacking Mast Prop into it. Or something that will help cut fat even more. I'm considering hgh, anavar ... I'm not sure what to stack in without drastically affecting my PCT plans. I also dropped Clomid out as I dont think I'll need it.

    Reload: (12 hard sets per body part each week, 300g protein, 200g carbs, 80g fat)
    Week 1 750mg Test E
    week 2 750mg Test E
    week 3 750mg Test E
    week 4 750mg Test E, HCG 500iu, Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
    week 5 750mg Test E, HCG 500iu, Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
    week 6 750mg Test E, HCG 500iu, Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
    week 7 750mg Test E, HCG 500iu, Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
    week 8 750mg Test E, HCG 500iu, Aromasin 12.5mg EOD

    Deload: (6 sets per body part each week and change exercises, lower weights, higher reps. 150g protein, 100g carbs, <40g fat )
    week 9 250mg Test E, HCG 500iu, Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
    week 10 250mg Test E, HCG 500iu, Aromasin 12.5mg EOD

    Reload: (12 hard sets per body part each week, 300g protein, 200g carbs, 80g fat)
    week 11 1g Test E, HCG 500iu, Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
    week 12 1g Test E, HCG OFF, Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
    week 13 1g Test E, HCG OFF, Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
    week 15 1g Test E, HCG 500iu, Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
    week 16 1g Test E, HCG 500iu, Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
    week 17 1g Test E, HCG 500iu, Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
    week 18 1g Test E, HCG 500iu, Aromasin 12.5mg EOD

    Deload: (6 sets per body part each week and change exercises, lower weights, higher reps. 150g protein, 100g carbs, <40g fat )
    week 19 200mg Test E, HCG 500iu, Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
    week 20 200mg Test E, HCG 500iu, Aromasin 12.5mg EOD

    PCT: (continue reload / deload workouts and exercises as well as diet)
    week 21 Aromasin 12.5mg EOD, HCG 500iu
    week 22 Nolvadex , 40mg ED,
    week 23 Nolvadex, 40mg ED,
    week 24 Nolvadex, 20mg ED,
    week 25 Nolvadex, 20mg ED,

  2. #2722
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
    Ronnie Rowland is offline Author of Functional Training with a Fork
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    Quote Originally Posted by aj387 View Post
    How do you feel about Primobolan vs Masteron included in a lean bulking cycle? Is it true that if you take the right amount of primo you can hold onto everything?
    I don't think there's going to be a whole lof of difference between the two drugs but I would go with masteron because it's more androgenic -hence known to produce better results.. And no it's not true that with primobolan you hold onto everything while dieting down. Holding onto muscle while dieting down is best done with test as your base, trenbolone and growth hormone . Even more important is being genetically gifted with the metabolism that burns off more fat than muscle and having an even distribution of type2 fibers throughout your entire musculature. For example, if you have weak points during bulking those same areas will lose size faster while dieting down. Also, those who hold body fat evenly throughout their entire body as opposed to mostly the stomach region are able to hang onto more muscle overall while dieting down and still remain symmetrical. Those who gain in the stomach have to lose muscle in undesired places such as the arms and legs to get their abs to come in..

  3. #2723
    holycow is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by holycow View Post
    Hi Ronnie, i'd really appreciate your suggestion on my plan. I'm currently on week 12 of it. I would like your cycle suggestion on cutting at week 20 and up. I'm currently around 214 pounds, 15-16% BF, and would like to reach 10-11% or so when i�m done cutting, not much lower than that. I thought about using test-p, tren -a and winny, but I thought that might be over-doing it on the tren as it's probably hard on the body when used for so long periods.

    1-8: Test-p @ 350mg/week
    1-8: Tren-a @ 275mg/week

    9-10 Test-e @ 250mg/week

    11-14 M-drol @ 20mg/day
    11-18 Test-e @ 500mg/week
    11-18 Tren-e @ 300mg/week

    19-20 Test-e @ 250mg/week

    20-??? (cutting cycle)

    Diet wise, I'm currently eating like that, trying to gain some lean mass with minimal fat gain. I know that my diet is far from optimal, but that�s what I�m able to get in right now with my new job. I thought about doing a timed-carb dieting approach for when I start cutting, eating all my carbs pre-workout, pwo and the meal after that which is usually pre-bed. What do you think? It�s gonna depends on my performance at the gym though, if I start losing too much strength I might up the carbs during the day...

    Meal 1:
    1 cup cottage cheese with 35g whey protein
    � cup oats
    � banana
    1 tbs peanut butter
    2g fish oil

    Cals Fat (g) Carbs (g) Prot (g)
    642.3 20.7 49.3 64.7

    Meal 2:
    Protein drink 30g
    Good amound of nuts
    2g fish oil

    Cals Fat (g) Carbs (g) Prot (g)
    497 31 16.5 38.2

    Meal 3:
    ~250g pork tenderlion
    ~300g sweet potatoe
    2g fish oil

    Cals Fat (g) Carbs (g) Prot (g)
    789 26.8 59.7 74.7

    Meal 4:
    2 Protein bar
    1 pear
    2g fish oil

    Cals Fat (g) Carbs (g) Prot (g)
    474 11.2 59.7 42.6

    Meal 5 (pre-workout)
    50g whey protein
    1 banana

    Cals Fat (g) Carbs (g) Prot (g)
    315 0.4 27.0 51.3

    Meal 6 (intra-workout)
    35g BCAA�s

    Cals Fat (g) Carbs (g) Prot (g)
    140 0 0 35

    Meal 7 (pwo)
    30g whey protein
    1 pop tart

    Cals Fat (g) Carbs (g) Prot (g)
    325 5.5 36.9 32.4

    Meal 8:
    175g chicken breast
    1 cup cooked rice
    1 cup cottage cheese
    1 tbs peanut butter
    3g fish oil

    Cals Fat (g) Carbs (g) Prot (g)
    783 31.3 53.0 90.0


    Cals Fat (g) Carbs (g) Prot (g)
    4066 127 302 429

    My body type, if it helps, is ecto/endo's pretty much impossible for me to add LBM naturally (I gave it 8 years)...I can add fat though.

    Thank you very much.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Thanks big guy.

    I've been adopting your approach. I've been eating carbs only at breakfast, pre-wo and post-wo, and added 2 cup egg whites and 2 oz mixed nuts instead of protein bars and shakes. My diet has gotten a lot better.

    I still have a few more questions for you. Do you think that the carbs that I eat pre-workout are giving me energy at all during my workout? I mean, do they have the time to reach my glycogen stores? I'm currently taking in 30g carbs via oats, along with a 50g whey shake pre-workout, and bcaa's during.

    On non-workout days, I thought about eating carbs for the first two meals of the day, and then eating pro-fat meals till bed time. Sounds good?

    Also, is it safe to re-mix my hcg in the same vial that held my last 5000 iu's?

    One last question. Is it okay to switch the few exercises that stall during the middle of a reload? For example, I've used incline bench for my first reload, and now 5 weeks into my second reload i'm losing reps on it, so I thought I'd switch it with something else before my deload shows up..


  4. #2724
    The Titan99's Avatar
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    I've posted threads on this topic before about extreme soreness of injection sites. At the time I determined that it was due to too much volume (up to 7ml in one shot). Since then I've had a couple (not all) of my shots cause long lasting soreness, but all of them have been 3 ml or less.

    Now here's the thing. I can't just throw the gear away since I have so much of it. It's from a UGL, but it's a good one (Most of you would know it if I said it) and I re-sterilized and re-bottled it and have been using it for some months with no problem. In fact before it was ultra-smooth (from *****). Lately though, about every third injection makes the spot feel like it's been hit with a sledge hammer (my right glute looks like it too). The first one I thought was an abscess, so I took a cycle of Zithromax and that seemed to work. I started thinking, "If it's an infection, where's the fever?" It's Tren E and Sust. The next one was the same pain, but I took no antibiotics and it cleared up in about the same amount of time, about a week. So then I think it must just be over use of injection sites so I started moving all around ( glutes, delts, quads, pecs, calves). Recently I went out of town for a few days and brought my shots pre-loaded with me. I did 3 ml in each pec and had zero problems. When I got home and wednsday rolled around, I did 3 ml in each calf and it hurts like hell. Now as an example of how much pain it is, it's about like the worst muscle pain I've ever had from working-out. Not crippling, but it's not nothing and it's certainly not the way it should be. Now since I quit taking antibiotics I'm sure the gear isn't tainted, but what's making it hurt so badly now when it was so smooth before? ***** stuff is known to be good and smooth.

    Now here's my latest theory, and the only difference between the first and last shots (painful) and the out-of-town shots (no problem). Now I know Test/Tren should be kept at room temp (red wine also) but where I live room temp is about 90 degrees. Last night picked up one of my bottles and it was warm to the touch. I keep my stuff next to my laptop which is always on and is blowing hot air on to the bottles in addition to being hot as hell. When I was out of town the shots were room temp or even lower, air con). What's it all mean????!!! I can't think of a reason in the world why this would make the gear hurt like this, but through the process of deduction it's pointing in this direction. One things for sure, if you store red wine in this hat (room temp) it will fvck it up almost immediately.

    So, what to do? Refrigerate the gear? Re-sterilize it? Re-sterilize then refrigerate it? Throw it out? (40 ml Tren/40 ml /Sust NO WAY!!!)

    AND, BTW, I do 2 ml vitamin B1, B6, B12 injections every day with no discomfort aside from the normal water-based thing.

    I've asked a lot of people and got no satisfactory response, if anyone can help me here it's got to be you Ron...
    Last edited by The Titan99; 05-06-2011 at 04:08 AM.

  5. #2725
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    149 it true..or ..false...less water retention with sustanon n prop vs test-c or test-e????

  6. #2726
    almard is offline New Member
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    what do you think will have better result as gain muscle for Noun Compateter...

    2-3 grams Test ONLY with 18-20 IU GH along with Insuline...


    2-3 Grams Of mix AAS, anabolics but with Low GH, Insuline doses.....

  7. #2727
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    149 much cardio you doing for masters nationals???? how much cardio is best ...for contest prep.... starting 12 weeks from show???

  8. #2728
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by holycow View Post
    thanks big guy.

    I've been adopting your approach. I've been eating carbs only at breakfast, pre-wo and post-wo, and added 2 cup egg whites and 2 oz mixed nuts instead of protein bars and shakes. My diet has gotten a lot better.

    I still have a few more questions for you. Do you think that the carbs that i eat pre-workout are giving me energy at all during my workout? absolutely! It only takes a few minutes to help someone recover from training induced low blood sugar when some carbohydrates are ingested. i mean, do they have the time to reach my glycogen stores? I'm currently taking in 30g carbs via oats, along with a 50g whey shake pre-workout, and bcaa's during. skip whey and bcaa's and use only liquid egg whites for amino acids/protein and mix them with a cup of yogurt. Keep oats in as well.on non-workout days, i thought about eating carbs for the first two meals of the day, and then eating pro-fat meals till bed time. Sounds good? i would take carbs in first 3 meals of day, every day, regardless of whether you work out or not inorder to prevent muscle loss and blood sugar crashes.

    Also, is it safe to re-mix my hcg in the same vial that held my last 5000 iu's? yesone last question. Is it okay to switch the few exercises that stall during the middle of a reload? For example, i've used incline bench for my first reload, and now 5 weeks into my second reload i'm losing reps on it, so i thought i'd switch it with something else before my deload shows up..if you are losing reps then you are over-trained or dieting down hard enough to lose strengththanks!

  9. #2729
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=VASCULAR VINCE;5630984] it true..or ..false...less water retention with sustanon n prop vs test-c or test-e???? TEST IS TEST BUT SOME PEOPLE DO INDEED EXPERIENCE LESS BLOAT WITH PROP AND SUSTANON[/QUOTE]ABOVE

  10. #2730
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by the titan99 View Post
    i've posted threads on this topic before about extreme soreness of injection sites. At the time i determined that it was due to too much volume (up to 7ml in one shot). Since then i've had a couple (not all) of my shots cause long lasting soreness, but all of them have been 3 ml or less.

    Now here's the thing. I can't just throw the gear away since i have so much of it. It's from a ugl, but it's a good one (most of you would know it if i said it) and i re-sterilized and re-bottled it and have been using it for some months with no problem. In fact before it was ultra-smooth (from *****). Lately though, about every third injection makes the spot feel like it's been hit with a sledge hammer (my right glute looks like it too). The first one i thought was an abscess, so i took a cycle of zithromax and that seemed to work. I started thinking, "if it's an infection, where's the fever?" it's tren e and sust. The next one was the same pain, but i took no antibiotics and it cleared up in about the same amount of time, about a week. So then i think it must just be over use of injection sites so i started moving all around ( glutes, delts, quads, pecs, calves). Recently i went out of town for a few days and brought my shots pre-loaded with me. I did 3 ml in each pec and had zero problems. When i got home and wednsday rolled around, i did 3 ml in each calf and it hurts like hell. Now as an example of how much pain it is, it's about like the worst muscle pain i've ever had from working-out. Not crippling, but it's not nothing and it's certainly not the way it should be. Now since i quit taking antibiotics i'm sure the gear isn't tainted, but what's making it hurt so badly now when it was so smooth before? ***** stuff is known to be good and smooth.

    Now here's my latest theory, and the only difference between the first and last shots (painful) and the out-of-town shots (no problem). Now i know test/tren should be kept at room temp (red wine also) but where i live room temp is about 90 degrees. Last night picked up one of my bottles and it was warm to the touch. I keep my stuff next to my laptop which is always on and is blowing hot air on to the bottles in addition to being hot as hell. When i was out of town the shots were room temp or even lower, air con). What's it all mean????!!! I can't think of a reason in the world why this would make the gear hurt like this, but through the process of deduction it's pointing in this direction. One things for sure, if you store red wine in this hat (room temp) it will fvck it up almost immediately.

    So, what to do? Refrigerate the gear? Re-sterilize it? Re-sterilize then refrigerate it? Throw it out? (40 ml tren/40 ml /sust no way!!!)

    And, btw, i do 2 ml vitamin b1, b6, b12 injections every day with no discomfort aside from the normal water-based thing.

    I've asked a lot of people and got no satisfactory response, if anyone can help me here it's got to be you ron...
    i need more information concerning this matter:

    1) have you tried adding grapeseed oil or anything else to reduce high ba content?
    2) how many 3ml injections are you doing a week?
    3) where are you injecting and how often in the same area?
    4) is the test worse then the tren or vice versa?

    note: Never do calf shots as they can be dangerous!

  11. #2731
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by almard View Post
    what do you think will have better result as gain muscle for noun compateter...

    2-3 grams test only with 18-20 iu gh along with insuline...


    2-3 grams of mix aas, anabolics but with low gh, insuline doses....
    whats your definition of low dosages of gh and insulin ?

  12. #2732
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vascular vince View Post much cardio you doing for masters nationals???? How much cardio is best ...for contest prep.... Starting 12 weeks from show???
    i will not be doing any cardio! the least amount of cardio you can get by with and still get the fat off is the right amount. Diet is key. I find that i lose even more leg size while dieting down and get even hungrier with cardio and i eat even more which does not allow my stomach to shrink as much. Cardio on top of weight training and a stringet diet only over-trains you that much more-hence making you weaker on your lifts and weak legged throughout the day. Some do need cardio but some do not. My advice to everyone is don't do cardio until the diet stops working and then do as little as possible!!!

  13. #2733
    The Titan99's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    i need more information concerning this matter:

    1) have you tried adding grapeseed oil or anything else to reduce high ba content?
    No, I'm not sure how to do that and I can't get any here for a couple of months. Could you use flaxseed oil?

    2) how many 3ml injections are you doing a week?
    A 3 ml and a 2 ml on Sunday (Sust and Tren E) and the same on Wednesday. Plus 2 ml vitamin B1, B6, B12 daily. Separate.
    3) where are you injecting and how often in the same area?
    Usually glutes, delts, quads, pecs. Now with this problem there are some sites I've not done in a while. (Right glute, left delt.) So that's why I started with the calves (No more!! Did my calf workout last night, brings a whole new meaning to the word "burn".)
    4) is the test worse then the tren or vice versa?
    The first couple I wasn't paying attention, but this last time the Sust was slightly more tender than the Tren ....maybe...

    I was thinking of pinning the sust 250 at 1 ml a day or 6 days (1.75 grams, have been doing 1.5 grams) and the Tren E every other day (was doing 800 mg Tren but this would bring it to, what, 700 mg, I'd like to stay at 800 mg) What do you think? That would keep me at 2 ml max.

    note: Never do calf shots as they can be dangerous!
    Thanks a lot for the quick response Ron.
    Last edited by The Titan99; 05-06-2011 at 11:41 PM.

  14. #2734
    almard is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    whats your definition of low dosages of gh and insulin ?
    4 IU GH, 10 IU Insuline, with MIx of Anabolics

    I was thinking to Blast Test Only with GH UP to 12 IU ED (pharmagrade), Instead of using MIx of Anabolics Cycle.....

    The ONly reason for that is to avoid all the UG Labs shit and wonder,if I save my money to buy More GH, will I make better Gains than Mix anabolics cycle. with Low GH cycle(4IU)....

  15. #2735
    kelevra is offline Member
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    Hey Ronnie.
    What would you recommend for a female who wants to gain some lean muscle for summer time. Would be her first cycle. She is about 110 pounds with a small athletic build. She is not looking to be any type competitor, just would like some extra lean muscle for summer.
    Cycle length?


  16. #2736
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mercuryevo View Post
    hey ronnie, ended up finding someone local to get stuff from so i'm on this plan below. I'm on week 3 right now. I'm thinking of stacking mast prop into it. Or something that will help cut fat even more. I'm considering hgh, anavar ... HGH AND VAR WOULD BE GREAT! I'm not sure what to stack in without drastically affecting my pct plans. I also dropped clomid out as i dont think i'll need it. you are corrrect, clomid would be a waste imo!reload: (12 hard sets per body part each week, 300g protein, 200g carbs, 80g fat)
    week 1 750mg test e
    week 2 750mg test e
    week 3 750mg test e
    week 4 750mg test e, hcg 500iu, aromasin 12.5mg eod
    week 5 750mg test e, hcg 500iu, aromasin 12.5mg eod
    week 6 750mg test e, hcg 500iu, aromasin 12.5mg eod
    week 7 750mg test e, hcg 500iu, aromasin 12.5mg eod
    week 8 750mg test e, hcg 500iu, aromasin 12.5mg eod

    deload: (6 sets per body part each week and change exercises, lower weights, higher reps. 150g protein, 100g carbs, <40g fat )
    week 9 250mg test e, hcg 500iu, aromasin 12.5mg eod
    week 10 250mg test e, hcg 500iu, aromasin 12.5mg eod

    reload: (12 hard sets per body part each week, 300g protein, 200g carbs, 80g fat)
    week 11 1g test e, hcg 500iu, aromasin 12.5mg eod
    week 12 1g test e, hcg off, aromasin 12.5mg eod
    week 13 1g test e, hcg off, aromasin 12.5mg eod
    week 15 1g test e, hcg 500iu, aromasin 12.5mg eod
    week 16 1g test e, hcg 500iu, aromasin 12.5mg eod
    week 17 1g test e, hcg 500iu, aromasin 12.5mg eod
    week 18 1g test e, hcg 500iu, aromasin 12.5mg eod

    deload: (6 sets per body part each week and change exercises, lower weights, higher reps. 150g protein, 100g carbs, <40g fat )
    week 19 200mg test e, hcg 500iu, aromasin 12.5mg eod
    week 20 200mg test e, hcg 500iu, aromasin 12.5mg eod

    pct: (continue reload / deload workouts and exercises as well as diet)
    week 21 aromasin 12.5mg eod, hcg 500iu
    week 22 nolvadex , 40mg ed,
    week 23 nolvadex, 40mg ed,
    week 24 nolvadex, 20mg ed,
    week 25 nolvadex, 20mg ed, i don't seen anything that stands out as a red flag.

  17. #2737
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    Quote Originally Posted by almard View Post
    4 iu gh, 10 iu insuline, with mix of anabolics

    i was thinking to blast test only with gh up to 12 iu ed (pharmagrade), instead of using mix of anabolics cycle.....

    The only reason for that is to avoid all the ug labs shit and wonder,if i save my money to buy more gh, will i make better gains than mix anabolics cycle. With low gh cycle(4iu)....
    your idea is a very good one. Use pharm grade test only as your main anabolic and take higher dosages of gh. You'll make better lean gains!

  18. #2738
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelevra View Post
    hey ronnie.
    What would you recommend for a female who wants to gain some lean muscle for summer time. Would be her first cycle. She is about 110 pounds with a small athletic build. She is not looking to be any type competitor, just would like some extra lean muscle for summer.
    Cycle length?

    have her run 10 mgs of anavar daily during reloads and only 5 mgs per day during deloads. She'll do great with a 20 week slingshot cycle of var!

  19. #2739
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    Hi Ronnie:

    I would love to know what your take is on working out arms for "pretty" feminine arms which are lean and toned as opposed to muscular bulky masculine bodybuilder arms. Do you think heavy weights with little reps? or light weights with lots of reps? or what?

    I am also in the process of losing weight too.

    Any tips would be appreciated. Thanks so much. Love your thread here.
    Last edited by SlimmerMe; 05-08-2011 at 01:05 PM.
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  20. #2740
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Ronnie Rowland;5597666]
    Quote Originally Posted by MACHINE5150 View Post
    Hey Ronnie.. thinking of trying this method here and wanted to know what you think:

    Okay.. stats first..
    228 16-17%BF now.. when i start on May 1st.. i should be 220-225lbs and 15%BF.. 5'11" 28y.o.
    previous cycles:
    2003 600mg Test400/300mg Norma Hellas (loved those) - 10 weeks
    2004 800mg Test400/400mg mexican deca - 10 weeks
    2010 600mg Test E/400mg Deca/100mg ProvironED -12 weeks (kickstarted with 100mg ABombs first 5 weeks)

    ended last cycle in late NOV.. so it will be 5 months off total, i was originally thinking of doing 100mg prop / 50 mg Tren A ED for 8 weeks..

    Weeks 1-8 (may 1st-june 25th) 700mg Prop / 350mg NPP
    Weeks 9-10 (June 26th - July 9th) 120mg Torem / 40mg Tamox ED
    Weeks 11-18 (July 10th - Sept 4th) 700mg Prop / 525mg NPP
    Weeks 19-20 (Sept 18th- Oct 1st) 120mg Torem / 40mg Tamox ED
    Weeks 21-24 (Oct 2nd - Oct 30th) 60mg Torem / 20mg Tamox ED

    Been cutting the 2 months prior to starting.. so i figured i could put on some good mass with the NPP and then chizzle it down with the tren at the end.. hoping to get to 240lbs 13% BF.. Thats my goal anyways.. all constructive criticism is welcome..TEST/TREN WILL BUILD MORE MASS THAN TEST/DECA UNLESS YOU ADD ANADROL OR D-BOL. THINK ABOUT THIS AND GET BACK WITH ME ON A NEW PLAN SO I CAN GIVE YOU MY OPINION![/QUOTE]ABOVE
    decided to go with tren ace and test p 75mg of each ED for 8 weeks.. then 2 weeks off deload with a torem at 120mg and then another 8 weeks at same dosage.. i suppose sticking to tren is the best thing to do regardless.

  21. #2741
    holycow is offline New Member
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    Originally Posted by holycow
    thanks big guy.

    I've been adopting your approach. I've been eating carbs only at breakfast, pre-wo and post-wo, and added 2 cup egg whites and 2 oz mixed nuts instead of protein bars and shakes. My diet has gotten a lot better.

    I still have a few more questions for you. Do you think that the carbs that i eat pre-workout are giving me energy at all during my workout? absolutely! It only takes a few minutes to help someone recover from training induced low blood sugar when some carbohydrates are ingested.

    I'm talking pre-workout here though, but I think you mean that they get in your system pretty fast so they'll definitely help pre-workout, right? i mean, do they have the time to reach my glycogen stores? I'm currently taking in 30g carbs via oats, along with a 50g whey shake pre-workout, and bcaa's during. skip whey and bcaa's and use only liquid egg whites for amino acids/protein and mix them with a cup of yogurt. Keep oats in as welldo you recommend to mix them in yogurt to hinder the taste or something, or is it to help digestion? .on non-workout days, i thought about eating carbs for the first two meals of the day, and then eating pro-fat meals till bed time. Sounds good? i would take carbs in first 3 meals of day, every day, regardless of whether you work out or not inorder to prevent muscle loss and blood sugar crashes. You mentionned earlier though to only eat carbs for breakfast, pre-workout, and post-workout on training days. So what you mean here is, on NON-workout days, to have my first three meals P+C meals? Should I include fat in my breakfast? I saw that you've been recommending that.Also, is it safe to re-mix my hcg in the same vial that held my last 5000 iu's? yesone last question. Is it okay to switch the few exercises that stall during the middle of a reload? For example, i've used incline bench for my first reload, and now 5 weeks into my second reload i'm losing reps on it, so i thought i'd switch it with something else before my deload shows up..if you are losing reps then you are over-trained or dieting down hard enough to lose strengthI'm not dieting, and I would not think that I am overtraining do not think that one can adapt to an exercise when over-using it? thanks!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Thank you!

  22. #2742
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    Thanks a lot for the quick response Ron.
    I would not go over 800 mgs on tren at your level. A good plan would be to go right pec, left pec, right glute, left glute, right delt, left delt, then start spot injection rotation all over.

    A good way to cut your gear with grapeseed oil is to add 1ml for every 3 mls of gear. So for a 10 ml bottles add 3mls. Some add 5mls a 1:1 ratio but try less at first. Put the oil into a sealed vial before filtering or anything. Next place the oil filled vial upright in boiling water for 15-30 minutes and do not let the vial float around in a pot of boiling water. Next, mix the grape seed oil in with the UGL gear. Lastly, filter the combined oils into a new sterile vial. This way you kill two birds with one stone (filter the UGL gear and the grape seed oil.)

  23. #2743
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    [QUOTE=SlimmerMe;5633432]Hi Ronnie:

    I would love to know what your take is on working out arms for "pretty" feminine arms which are lean and toned as opposed to muscular bulky masculine bodybuilder arms. Do you think heavy weights with little reps? or light weights with lots of reps? or what? I think higher reps with low volume is best! I would go with 2 exercises for 3 sets a piece for both biceps and triceps once a week. That's 6 sets for biceps and 6 sets for triceps. Hit right at muscualr failure on each work sets at around 15 reps. Wait only 60 seconds between work sets.I am also in the process of losing weight too. Keep protein intake high, fat intake moderate and carbs low (100 carbs per day). Clenbuterol is good to add once a plateau is reached. Anavar in low dosages also helps females require a toned body without becoming overly muscular. If you get stagnant with the weight loss let me know!Any tips would be appreciated. Thanks so much. Love your thread here. Thank you![/QUOTE]above

  24. #2744
    11Bgrunt1 is offline New Member
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    I am new to this site and was trying to PM you for some info but it says I cant, But i will say thanks for all the info

  25. #2745
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    Quote Originally Posted by 11Bgrunt1 View Post
    I am new to this site and was trying to PM you for some info but it says I cant, But i will say thanks for all the info
    Please ask any questions you want in this thread.

  26. #2746
    11Bgrunt1 is offline New Member
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    ok I am completely new to this and I am totally confused I wont lie. I don't have one clue as where to start. I am in the military and I am in good shape. Lets see I dont want to be a BB I just want to get stronger and add a little size IM 5'9 183LBS. Im 30 yrs old I eat right don't eat shit food, drink and don't smoke. I have no idea what to take or how much I have spent countless hours researching and keep coming up with the same consensus. Which is I am ****ing lost lol I work out every morning for 2 hours mostly cardiovascular type shit. In the gym for about 2 hours after work. My main concern is I dont want to lose my endurance. Basically I just need to be pointed in the right direction. If you could help I would greatly appreciate it.
    Last edited by 11Bgrunt1; 05-08-2011 at 08:19 PM.

  27. #2747
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    THANK YOU SO MUCH, RONNIE! Appreciate it~
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  28. #2748
    cageit is offline New Member
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    ronnie- i asked this question in my own posts on several sited with a lot of mixed advice. maybe asking the expert on his thread is the way to go...

    I want some advice on what to stack with eq suitable to mma (if anything). I was originally introduced to all this with the advice to run eq only for 12-14 weeks(which doesn't match your advice) and then the appropriate pct. Then, when seeking other advice, I mostly got that I HAD to stack with a test. I am 160 walk around and fight at 145. I originally was only going to run eq until I researched and received advice from this site. I am 2 low dose injection of eq into it. I have come into some options on what to add with eq. keep in mind that I do not want to add a lot of weight do to weight class, need to continue high cardio and circuit conditioning, some oxygen depletion training. I am in my early thirties, first cycle, will run a low to medium dose test as almost a TRT, want to speed recoveries of re-occurring injuries I have trained through for years that are getting worse. This is really a plot to make the mma last another few years before hanging it up. This is a last resort... i have done doctors, rehabs, every over the counter possible in fighting these injuries. injuries are knees/ back and neck muscles AND discs. I need to consider a stack that won't kill cardio, bloat, or make heart rate crazy. commission testing is not an issue. possibilities thrown at me are andropen , var, prop, cyp, enth...

    i would appreciate any advice as to that...or if you think just running the eq alone to see what happens without the test. like i said, i am more worried about the unseen results inside my body with the injuries rather than what you see with size etc. i have time and am not impatiant. anything else you need to know, please ask.

  29. #2749
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    I would not go over 800 mgs on tren at your level. A good plan would be to go right pec, left pec, right glute, left glute, right delt, left delt, then start spot injection rotation all over. Got it Ron, in fact I'm going to roll the Tren back to 700 mg just to simplify things.

    A good way to cut your gear with grapeseed oil is to add 1ml for every 3 mls of gear. So for a 10 ml bottles add 3mls. Some add 5mls a 1:1 ratio but try less at first. Put the oil into a sealed vial before filtering or anything. Next place the oil filled vial upright in boiling water for 15-30 minutes and do not let the vial float around in a pot of boiling water. Next, mix the grape seed oil in with the UGL gear. Lastly, filter the combined oils into a new sterile vial. This way you kill two birds with one stone (filter the UGL gear and the grape seed oil.)

    I may give this a try next chance I get to buy some grapeseed oil.
    Since I re sterilized the stuff and lowered the shot volume everything's been great, no pain at all.

    Thanks again buddy.

  30. #2750
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post

    decided to go with tren ace and test p 75mg of each ED for 8 weeks.. then 2 weeks off deload with a torem at 120mg and then another 8 weeks at same dosage.. i suppose sticking to tren is the best thing to do regardless.
    Sounds like a good plan! You could throw in some winstrol and/or clen during second 8 week reload to obtain an even harder appearance.

  31. #2751
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    As to my last post. Maybe this will clear up what i was trying to say im not looking for sources or anything like that. I am looking for Information that is valuable either on this site or maybe a place where i can find out information that is legit. Because what you find on the inter-net could be real or not and how is someone like myself, who knows very little about this subject other than the mazes of information i have gotten lost in. Im not asking for a miracle I just hoping someone can help me get my azimuth straight. And when i say information in other places I mean material i can touch and read that will help me get a grasp on what i want to do. I just want to do this the right way I dont like doing stuff half cocked.

    Last edited by 11Bgrunt1; 05-09-2011 at 11:12 AM. Reason: CLEARIFICATION

  32. #2752
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    hi again..

    so if I am working on my arms 1x a week then I assume push-ups are also 1x a week?
    what about crunches? can this be done ED or as much as desired?
    lunges? 1x a week I am guessing?
    and what about things like machine work...ex: arm ext or curls or flys? do you like machines and if okay, how many times a week here? or do you prefer free weights for their movement I assume?

    Also.....what do you advise for the best way to help lean the outer thighs?

    And any tips as far as best way to get a flat stomach as far as exercise goes...

    I am shocked now that I have had time to think about it.... that I am to only work my triceps and biceps 1x a week! This is amazing....

    I appreciate your help, Ronnie! so much~
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  33. #2753
    kelevra is offline Member
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    First reload was 500mg test only. second is 750mg test and 500mg decca.
    This is UGL gear and in all honesty is prob under dosed. When i come back for next 20 week sling shot (with quality pharm grade gear), would 750mg test first reload followed by the second with 750mg test e with 300mg of a tri tren be good? It will be my second sling shot run.

  34. #2754
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    Quote Originally Posted by 11bgrunt1 View Post
    ok i am completely new to this and i am totally confused i wont lie. I don't have one clue as where to start. I am in the military and i am in good shape. Lets see i dont want to be a bb i just want to get stronger and add a little size im 5'9 183lbs. Im 30 yrs old i eat right don't eat shit food, drink and don't smoke. I have no idea what to take or how much i have spent countless hours researching and keep coming up with the same consensus. Which is i am ****ing lost lol i work out every morning for 2 hours mostly cardiovascular type shit. In the gym for about 2 hours after work. My main concern is i dont want to lose my endurance. Basically i just need to be pointed in the right direction. If you could help i would greatly appreciate it.
    you are over-training! You need to cut cardio in half and workout for no longer than 90 minutes 4 times per week. Do around 9 sets per major body part and try to workout with weights before cardio. Unless you aer a genetic freak to begin with p-90x type stuff is not going to add any appreciable muscle to your frame. You must lift heavy!

  35. #2755
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    Hey Ronnie!
    I have some bloodwork questions for you:
    I am currently on 750mg sustanon , here are my hormone levels 5/6 weeks in:

    Oestradiol: 142 pmol/L (0-190) I am on 10mg Aromasin ED do you think it will be ok to lower it a little?
    Testosterone : >52.0 nmol/L (8.0-27.8)
    Calc. Free Test:1.702 nmol/L (0.091-0.579)
    SHBG: 20.4 nmol/L (10.0-70.0)

    Do you think my test levels are a bit low for 750mg? Last time i was on 520mg test C and my testosterone levels were around 30% higher. My blood was tested by a different lab this time so there is either inconsistencies between the two labs or my sustanon is dosed below 250mg/ml. What do you think?
    I feel that my strength and gains are just as good if not better with the sustanon so i am confused.

  36. #2756
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    Quote Originally Posted by slimmerme View Post
    hi again..

    So if i am working on my arms 1x a week then i assume push-ups are also 1x a week? i woulnd't even do pushups unless you are getting ready for a pt test of some sort and need more endurance in the type-1 fiber (endurnace fibers). And in that case do 1 set every day. For muscle tone like you are after do them only once a week for multiple sets inorder to exhaust type-2 muscle fibers (fibers that produce muscle tone). With each subsequent set of pushups you perform more type-2 fibers become stimulated until the point of diminishing returns is reached.what about crunches? Can this be done ed or as much as desired? do weighted abs once a week unless getting ready for pt exam that requires endurance.lunges? 1x a week i am guessing? yes! everything once a week!
    And what about things like machine work...ex: Arm ext or curls or flys? Do you like machines and if okay, how many times a week here? Or do you prefer free weights for their movement i assume? i like cables for flyes best as they keep constant tension on pecs. You should use a machine for inclines or use dumbbells as the upper pecs are moer visible on femels than lower pecs! I like the smith machine and hammer strength machine or use dumbbells on slight 10-15 degree incline to keep front delts from dominating exercise.. Use both free weights like seated dumbbell curls for biceps and do machine curls last. The cable machine for triceps-(tricep pressdowns and leaning overhead tricep extensions) are great!also.....what do you advise for the best way to help lean the outer thighs? lose body weight all over and do squats on smith machine, lunges on smith machine , leg ext, lying leg curls and toe presses on leg press machine for calves. Keep reps around 10-15 and train hard. Do 3 sets of squats, 3 sets of lunges, 3 sets of leg ext, 6 sets of leg curls, 3 sets of toe presses to failure. and any tips as far as best way to get a flat stomach as far as exercise goes...crunches, reverse crunches or hanging leg raises and mostly important is diet!
    i am shocked now that i have had time to think about it.... That i am to only work my triceps and biceps 1x a week! This is amazing....make those once a week workout count by using good form with great intensity. Stimulate, then back off and let them tone up.i appreciate your help, ronnie! So much~

  37. #2757
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelevra View Post
    First reload was 500mg test only. second is 750mg test and 500mg decca.
    This is UGL gear and in all honesty is prob under dosed. When i come back for next 20 week sling shot (with quality pharm grade gear), would 750mg test first reload followed by the second with 750mg test e with 300mg of a tri tren be good? It will be my second sling shot run.
    I would start first 8 week reload with 500 mgs of test and 300 mgs of tri-tren then increase both test and tren during second reload.

  38. #2758
    MercuryEvo is offline Junior Member
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    Hey Ron, I have a friend running the SAME exact plan as me and he's in his 4th week. The first 3 weeks, he was using one brand of Test E, 750mg a week and he complained of slight pain 1-2 days after each injection. He just switched to a new kind of Test E this week and it seems that there is NO pain the next day. The new stuff came with a hologram, auth codes, etc... The first one was unheard of and only had 8 mL's instead of a full 10. So now he's worried that it was bunk gear. Other problem is, he started his Ai and HCG this week as well, but now it seems like he's really only beginning his reload now. Should he still only do 8 weeks? Or just do 8 weeks from now and follow through as planned? Below is what he's on (just like me) for reference

    week 1 750mg test e
    week 2 750mg test e
    week 3 750mg test e
    week 4 750mg test e, hcg 500iu, aromasin 12.5mg eod
    week 5 750mg test e, hcg 500iu, aromasin 12.5mg eod
    week 6 750mg test e, hcg 500iu, aromasin 12.5mg eod
    week 7 750mg test e, hcg 500iu, aromasin 12.5mg eod
    week 8 750mg test e, hcg 500iu, aromasin 12.5mg eod

    deload: (6 sets per body part each week and change exercises, lower weights, higher reps. 150g protein, 100g carbs, <40g fat )
    week 9 250mg test e, hcg 500iu, aromasin 12.5mg eod
    week 10 250mg test e, hcg 500iu, aromasin 12.5mg eod

    reload: (12 hard sets per body part each week, 300g protein, 200g carbs, 80g fat)
    week 11 1g test e, hcg 500iu, aromasin 12.5mg eod
    week 12 1g test e, hcg off, aromasin 12.5mg eod
    week 13 1g test e, hcg off, aromasin 12.5mg eod
    week 15 1g test e, hcg 500iu, aromasin 12.5mg eod
    week 16 1g test e, hcg 500iu, aromasin 12.5mg eod
    week 17 1g test e, hcg 500iu, aromasin 12.5mg eod
    week 18 1g test e, hcg 500iu, aromasin 12.5mg eod

    deload: (6 sets per body part each week and change exercises, lower weights, higher reps. 150g protein, 100g carbs, <40g fat )
    week 19 200mg test e, hcg 500iu, aromasin 12.5mg eod
    week 20 200mg test e, hcg 500iu, aromasin 12.5mg eod

    pct: (continue reload / deload workouts and exercises as well as diet)
    week 21 aromasin 12.5mg eod, hcg 500iu
    week 22 nolvadex , 40mg ed,
    week 23 nolvadex, 40mg ed,
    week 24 nolvadex, 20mg ed,
    week 25 nolvadex, 20mg ed

  39. #2759
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    Hey Ron, you always hear guys saying you have to add some body fat while bulking in order to see good gains. Also, you look at some of the big boys in the off season and they look pretty fat, then when show time comes they're ripped!! I was down to about 7-8% BF after my last cut, but now I'm doing 1.5 grams of Test 700 mg Tren E 60 mg Var ed and am getting a little fat (I'm half way through week 3 and getting very big on my lifts, I went from 5 days to 3 days of cardio) but I don't look as good as I did immediately after the cut. Now what I don't want to do is panic and roll my diet back to the point of never really getting a decent bulk going like I hear of guys doing all the time. I guess my question is what % BF can a guy hope to maintain and still bulk well. Will the Var and Tren take care of this? I'm not panicking or anything and I know I can cut later if that's what it takes, but I live in a 365 day a year tourist beach community and everyday's a good day to be ripped!!
    Last edited by The Titan99; 05-11-2011 at 09:20 AM.

  40. #2760
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    In regards to running aromasin during cycle whether you are gyno prone or not.

    Here is a copy and past from another post on this board. He had blood work done on and off the AI. his free test was 3x higher running 10mg eod.

    Would it not be good to do this since it's known aromasin lowers shbg?

    Yes it is

    .......................Aromasin 10mg EOD...............No Aromasin

    Total Test (8-35)............40................................> 50
    Estrogen (<.18).............0.32.......................... . .. 0.69
    SHBG (8-60)..................5............................ ........17
    Free Test (2.3-9.9)........81.2...............................29. 8

    The last BW was taken 5 days after ceasing Aromasin.
    After the BW, I immediately got back on.
    Got tired, lost libido, lost energy and lift, and looked a little bloated.
    I have to take this week off from workout.
    Finally starting to feel better today, and wood is back.
    I guess this experiment cost me some, but I really wanted to find out what impact the Aromasin had.
    IMO, why run without. Look what the small dose did to my Free Test......3 times higher!!!!!!

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