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Thread: You'll want to read this!

  1. #2761
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
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    Learning a LOT here....thanks Ronnie.....A LOT!
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
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  2. #2762
    11Bgrunt1 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    you are over-training! You need to cut cardio in half and workout for no longer than 90 minutes 4 times per week. Do around 9 sets per major body part and try to workout with weights before cardio. Unless you aer a genetic freak to begin with p-90x type stuff is not going to add any appreciable muscle to your frame. You must lift heavy!
    We don't do p90x stuff really its more of a functional fitness type work out. Tractor tire flips shit like that. I get all my workouts from Military Athlete dot com, This type of exercising was done for the SOF community ( Special Operation). This is what I am looking for I have one last deployment before I start the Q course (special forces qualification course). When I went to selection I lost around 30 LBS in 21 days. The Q course is about 18 months long. Your talking about the best the ARMY has to offer. MY endurance has to be extremely high I can not loose this. But I want to add some muscle and strength I noticed from the 21 day selection course that well, I needed to be stronger to compete with the rest of my peers. I lost every bit of my strength by the end. I am not asking to be a machine but i want to be as close as possible to one. Im not looking to add muscle for appearance reasons I am just looking for a way to gain the most strength I can and keep it when under extreme stresses. MAybe this is not the best place to get the information I need but I know not everyone one here does cycles just for appearances there has to be someone one here that understands what Im trying to do.

  3. #2763
    dirtysouth's Avatar
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    Hey Ron, First of all I have been reading this thread for the past week now and have soaked in all of this information. You seem very educated on the subject matter and I appreciate it. Now my question to you is this:
    I started a 12 week cycle of test/deca last October 500mgs Test/400mgs Deca, the cycle ended mid Jan and took 5 weeks off of both anabolics (no PCT). I started another cycle of Test/Dbol ( 750mgs Test/ 50mgs Dbol )after the 5 week break and am currently in my tenth week of that cycle. After reading through this thread I'm gonna finish up this last week and was wondering if I can continue cycling using the slingshot method by taking a 2 week deload using clomid and nolva since I didnt do a PCT last time and begin with a Test/Tren cycle ( Test 500mgs/Tren 75mgs EOD ) for 8 weeks reload and then start a full blown PCT with HCG , clomid, and nolva?? or my other option is if I could continue the slingshot method using AAS until Im burned out but still using clomid and nolva and stopping Anabolics during my 2 week deload phases to try and keep from shutting down permanently once I finish my run??? What do you think? any suggestions would be great, thanks Ron

  4. #2764
    jaws1174 is offline New Member
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  5. #2765
    jaws1174 is offline New Member
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    Hey Ronnie (or anyone lol). I have a few questions if i may please:

    Im 37yrs old 205lbs and ive been lifting for about 17 years. All ive taken supplement wise is whey protien after workouts (all natural) im not a serious bodybuilder but i do lift 4 days a week consistantly. I do more arms/upperbody than anything.
    Anyways, i know this post isnt very complicated but i was looking for some goood advice...and thanks to everybody ahead of time i really appreciate it

    1.) Im looking to start a cycle of Anavar /oxy....i WILL NOT be stacking because i dont want to put on a lot of weight and water retention, not to mention liver problems. Through research, this seems like the steroid most suited for my needs. My question is how much mg should i be taking everyday? Also, on days that i dont lift do i still maintain the same doseage? Should i cycle for 8 weeks.....then how many weeks off before the start of my next cycle (assuming i m happy with the results)
    2.) Right now im only taking Whey protien on the days i lift....(about 150 grams) then i get the rest from food. On the days i dont lift, i ONLY get my protien from food. I only consume about 2500 (roughly) calories a day, which i know isnt much...but like i said, i kind of worry about putting on too much weight because i just went from 235lbs down to about 205 and i feel better without the extra weight so i would like to keep off the weight while still gaining lean muscle and burning fat. I also run 5 days a week, about 3-4 miles each session. What would you reccomend for my daily Whey protien intake for me based on my wants?
    3.) Where the heck can i order LEGITIMATE Anavar/Oxy online for a decent price?

    If you have any other suggestions, im open to them. I would just really try to keep it simple because reading some of these posts is like reading Chinese to me lol....although the knowledge is quite impressive

    Thanks again to everybody....have a great night!!!


  6. #2766
    Tom Bodo is offline New Member
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    Hi Ronnie,

    I startet growth 2 days ago. I'm bloating pretty much, feeling tired after injects and getting extremely hungry for a couple of hours after the injects. I think these feelings are normal right?

    But then I also feel a significant increase in Libido. I'm sort of feeling, that i did double up my test dose. Did you notice something similar on growth?

  7. #2767
    holycow is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by holycow View Post
    Originally Posted by holycow
    thanks big guy.

    I've been adopting your approach. I've been eating carbs only at breakfast, pre-wo and post-wo, and added 2 cup egg whites and 2 oz mixed nuts instead of protein bars and shakes. My diet has gotten a lot better.

    I still have a few more questions for you. Do you think that the carbs that i eat pre-workout are giving me energy at all during my workout? absolutely! It only takes a few minutes to help someone recover from training induced low blood sugar when some carbohydrates are ingested.

    I'm talking pre-workout here though, but I think you mean that they get in your system pretty fast so they'll definitely help pre-workout, right? i mean, do they have the time to reach my glycogen stores? I'm currently taking in 30g carbs via oats, along with a 50g whey shake pre-workout, and bcaa's during. skip whey and bcaa's and use only liquid egg whites for amino acids/protein and mix them with a cup of yogurt. Keep oats in as welldo you recommend to mix them in yogurt to hinder the taste or something, or is it to help digestion? .on non-workout days, i thought about eating carbs for the first two meals of the day, and then eating pro-fat meals till bed time. Sounds good? i would take carbs in first 3 meals of day, every day, regardless of whether you work out or not inorder to prevent muscle loss and blood sugar crashes. You mentionned earlier though to only eat carbs for breakfast, pre-workout, and post-workout on training days. So what you mean here is, on NON-workout days, to have my first three meals P+C meals? Should I include fat in my breakfast? I saw that you've been recommending that.Also, is it safe to re-mix my hcg in the same vial that held my last 5000 iu's? yesone last question. Is it okay to switch the few exercises that stall during the middle of a reload? For example, i've used incline bench for my first reload, and now 5 weeks into my second reload i'm losing reps on it, so i thought i'd switch it with something else before my deload shows up..if you are losing reps then you are over-trained or dieting down hard enough to lose strengthI'm not dieting, and I would not think that I am overtraining do not think that one can adapt to an exercise when over-using it? thanks!

    Thank you!

    (Remember, my goal is to slowly lean out a little bit without sacrificing strength.)

  8. #2768
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 11Bgrunt1 View Post
    We don't do p90x stuff really its more of a functional fitness type work out. Tractor tire flips shit like that. I get all my workouts from Military Athlete dot com, This type of exercising was done for the SOF community ( Special Operation). This is what I am looking for I have one last deployment before I start the Q course (special forces qualification course). When I went to selection I lost around 30 LBS in 21 days. The Q course is about 18 months long. Your talking about the best the ARMY has to offer. MY endurance has to be extremely high I can not loose this. But I want to add some muscle and strength I noticed from the 21 day selection course that well, I needed to be stronger to compete with the rest of my peers. I lost every bit of my strength by the end. I am not asking to be a machine but i want to be as close as possible to one. Im not looking to add muscle for appearance reasons I am just looking for a way to gain the most strength I can and keep it when under extreme stresses. MAybe this is not the best place to get the information I need but I know not everyone one here does cycles just for appearances there has to be someone one here that understands what Im trying to do.
    I see! Orals like winstrol and anavar can help you gain strength without adding bulk. 40 mgs of anavar daily would be the best place to start IMO..

  9. #2769
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slimshady01 View Post
    in regards to running aromasin during cycle whether you are gyno prone or not.

    Here is a copy and past from another post on this board. He had blood work done on and off the ai. His free test was 3x higher running 10mg eod.

    Would it not be good to do this since it's known aromasin lowers shbg? i would choose proviron at 50 mgs per day over aromasin. Proviron like aromasin has bascially no estrogen rebound when coming off and proviron wont affect joint health and sex drive in a negative way like aromasin does and proviron also lowers shbg levels!yes it is

    .......................aromasin 10mg aromasin

    total test (8-35)............40................................> 50
    estrogen (<.18).............0.32.......................... . .. 0.69
    shbg (8-60)..................5............................ ........17
    free test (2.3-9.9)........81.2...............................29. 8

    the last bw was taken 5 days after ceasing aromasin.
    After the bw, i immediately got back on.
    Got tired, lost libido, lost energy and lift, and looked a little bloated.
    I have to take this week off from workout.
    Finally starting to feel better today, and wood is back.
    I guess this experiment cost me some, but i really wanted to find out what impact the aromasin had.
    Imo, why run without. Look what the small dose did to my free test......3 times higher!!!!!!

  10. #2770
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirtysouth View Post
    Hey Ron, First of all I have been reading this thread for the past week now and have soaked in all of this information. You seem very educated on the subject matter and I appreciate it. Now my question to you is this:
    I started a 12 week cycle of test/deca last October 500mgs Test/400mgs Deca, the cycle ended mid Jan and took 5 weeks off of both anabolics (no PCT). I started another cycle of Test/Dbol ( 750mgs Test/ 50mgs Dbol )after the 5 week break and am currently in my tenth week of that cycle. After reading through this thread I'm gonna finish up this last week and was wondering if I can continue cycling using the slingshot method by taking a 2 week deload using clomid and nolva since I didnt do a PCT last time and begin with a Test/Tren cycle ( Test 500mgs/Tren 75mgs EOD ) for 8 weeks reload and then start a full blown PCT with HCG, clomid, and nolva?? or my other option is if I could continue the slingshot method using AAS until Im burned out but still using clomid and nolva and stopping Anabolics during my 2 week deload phases to try and keep from shutting down permanently once I finish my run??? What do you think? any suggestions would be great, thanks Ron
    Clomid and nolva is not going to do much of anything positive to get your testis producing again during 2 week deloads. You need to think-HCG ! Some people run HCG at 500 per week through 2 weekly injections throughout entire cycle (both reloads and deloads) or wait unitl you come off to run a full pct at higher dosages for around 2-3 weeks.. During 2 week deloads you should stay on low dosages of test but hcg and nolva can be added during that 2 week period.

  11. #2771
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by holycow View Post

    (Remember, my goal is to slowly lean out a little bit without sacrificing strength.)Originally Posted by holycow
    thanks big guy.

    I've been adopting your approach. I've been eating carbs only at breakfast, pre-wo and post-wo, and added 2 cup egg whites and 2 oz mixed nuts instead of protein bars and shakes. My diet has gotten a lot better.

    I still have a few more questions for you. Do you think that the carbs that i eat pre-workout are giving me energy at all during my workout? absolutely! It only takes a few minutes to help someone recover from training induced low blood sugar when some carbohydrates are ingested.

    I'm talking pre-workout here though, but I think you mean that they get in your system pretty fast so they'll definitely help pre-workout, right? i mean, do they have the time to reach my glycogen stores? I'm currently taking in 30g carbs via oats, along with a 50g whey shake pre-workout, and bcaa's during. skip whey and bcaa's and use only liquid egg whites for amino acids/protein and mix them with a cup of yogurt. Keep oats in as welldo you recommend to mix them in yogurt to hinder the taste or something, or is it to help digestion? .on non-workout days, i thought about eating carbs for the first two meals of the day, and then eating pro-fat meals till bed time. Sounds good? i would take carbs in first 3 meals of day, every day, regardless of whether you work out or not inorder to prevent muscle loss and blood sugar crashes. You mentionned earlier though to only eat carbs for breakfast, pre-workout, and post-workout on training days. So what you mean here is, on NON-workout days, to have my first three meals P+C meals? Should I include fat in my breakfast? I saw that you've been recommending that.Also, is it safe to re-mix my hcg in the same vial that held my last 5000 iu's? yesone last question. Is it okay to switch the few exercises that stall during the middle of a reload? For example, i've used incline bench for my first reload, and now 5 weeks into my second reload i'm losing reps on it, so i thought i'd switch it with something else before my deload shows up..if you are losing reps then you are over-trained or dieting down hard enough to lose strengthI'm not dieting, and I would not think that I am overtraining do not think that one can adapt to an exercise when over-using it? thanks!
    I do not believe the body adapts to certain exercises and then becomes weaker. In fact, its just the opoosite given you are training properly! Change exercises if joint pain occurs or during deloads. When dieting down you need to add more healthy fats for breakfast in the way of whole eggs and add more smart balance peanutbutter into your diet at night. Try eating 6 whole egg for breakfast and cut carbs latter in day a bit to compensate for caloric increase. The fats help take off the water bloat allowing you to become more define and the fats help you maintain strength. Also, you need an oral steroid such as (40 mgs of anavar daily to increase atp levels) along with tren ( i like acetate mixed with enanthate version best) and test (i like sustanon ) to prevent getting weaker when focusing on getting harder.

  12. #2772
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Clomid and nolva is not going to do much of anything positive to get your testis producing again during 2 week deloads. You need to think-HCG ! Some people run HCG at 500 per week through 2 weekly injections throughout entire cycle (both reloads and deloads) or wait unitl you come off to run a full pct at higher dosages for around 2-3 weeks.. During 2 week deloads you should stay on low dosages of test but hcg and nolva can be added during that 2 week period.
    Ok so will continue with the test, im currently running 750mgs a week. What will I lower it too during the deload considering im using sustanon 250? And then what would I ramp it back up too along witht the tren a dosage ( I have never used tren before keep in mind )? One last thing when I start my full blown pct at the end of the test tren cycle what would consider as far as dosages for hcg clomd and nolva and for how long considering my cycles length over the past 6 months? Thank u so much for ur help, I really appreciate it.

  13. #2773
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    question i progresses as a bodybuilder...must i continue getting stronger.. to keep getting larger msucles???

  14. #2774
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Ronnie Rowland;5634205]
    Quote Originally Posted by MACHINE5150 View Post
    Sounds like a good plan! You could throw in some winstrol and/or clen during second 8 week reload to obtain an even harder appearance.
    thinking of running some anavar .. good call bud. i appreciate the help and will be posting a log to record progress.


  15. #2775
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    Maybe you overlooked my post? #2761 Not urgent, so no problem.

  16. #2776
    jaws1174 is offline New Member
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    Hi Ronnie (or others)......any help please? Post #2767

    Thanks guys!


  17. #2777
    lynxeffect1 is offline Junior Member
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    when trying to get bigger taking ent,cyp,or sust is better than prop but is this only because you would gain more weight because you would be gaining water weight aswel therefore goin up more on the scales, compared to no water weight with prop, or because also ud have more strength gains to help you get bigger that come with the water weight? water weight aside wud i gain just as much muscle taking the same amount of prop as enth if i switched over to prop and be leaner without the water weight, thats without changing anything and staying on a bulking diet? also ron why wud u think g.valentino insists in all those interviews that his arms were the result of 5g of test a week , when clearly for everyone to see it was synthol?

  18. #2778
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    ronnie...will t-3 .....cause muscle loss ..while cutting up????

  19. #2779
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    my 32 year old wife would like to inject some testosterone twice weekly...she plans to compete next year....her past cycles conisit of 10 mgs of anavar ...20 mgs of stanozol...any sugestions would be greatly appreciate big guy!!

  20. #2780
    delta1111 is offline Associate Member
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    Hi Ronnie,
    Most of the time we read about how important the role of protein is in building muscle mass and in comparison very little is mentioned about fats and carbs.
    I have been training consistantly now for several years and have done several cycles.
    Regarding diet, I spend most of my time ensuring I get sufficient protein and much less time worrying about fats, carbs and overall calorie intake. I know this is lazy and is probably why I feel i'm making little progress, even when on aas. Can anyone please confirm whether or not this is likely to be my problem? If I did increase my carbs in particular and my caloric intake, should I see rapid gains? How do I combat putting on fat or is this part of the package?

  21. #2781
    Rastapopolous is offline Junior Member
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    Great thread Ronnie!

    This is my first cycle using your slingshot system. I'm currently running 100mg Test. Prop + 100mg Tren . Ace EOD. I'm currently in week 6 of the reload and I'm just trying to decide on how I will do my deload.

    I'm leaning towards cutting all anabolics out for the two weeks of my deload, rather than dropping the Tren and using a lower dose of Test. Is this advisable with short half-life compounds? I read at the beginning of this thread somewhere that you say that the body will hold onto all muscle for about two weeks. Does this apply in my case?
    Last edited by Rastapopolous; 05-16-2011 at 01:06 PM.

  22. #2782
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cageit View Post
    ronnie- i asked this question in my own posts on several sited with a lot of mixed advice. Maybe asking the expert on his thread is the way to go...

    I want some advice on what to stack with eq suitable to mma (if anything). you should add 40 mgs of anavar daily to increase stregnth. I would also add some sustanon along with the eq and anavar. Sustaon at 750 mgs per week will help put on strength and size. i was originally introduced to all this with the advice to run eq only for 12-14 weeks(which doesn't match your advice) and then the appropriate pct. Then, when seeking other advice, i mostly got that i had to stack with a test. I am 160 walk around and fight at 145. I originally was only going to run eq until i researched and received advice from this site. I am 2 low dose injection of eq into it. I have come into some options on what to add with eq. Keep in mind that i do not want to add a lot of weight do to weight class, need to continue high cardio and circuit conditioning, some oxygen depletion training. I am in my early thirties, first cycle, will run a low to medium dose test as almost a trt, want to speed recoveries of re-occurring injuries (stay way from winstrol if you have inuries!) i have trained through for years that are getting worse. This is really a plot to make the mma last another few years before hanging it up. This is a last resort... I have done doctors, rehabs, every over the counter possible in fighting these injuries. Injuries are knees/ back and neck muscles and discs. if you have disc problems you need to give mma up before you are forced to live in chronic pain like i do with my lower back due to having had 10 operations. It's not worth it. Trust me! i need to consider a stack that won't kill cardio, bloat, or make heart rate crazy. Commission testing is not an issue. Possibilities thrown at me are andropen , var, prop, cyp, enth...

    I would appreciate any advice as to that...or if you think just running the eq alone to see what happens without the test.eq alone is about worthless imo and dcea would be better for joint health and repair as eq can dry you out. like i said, i am more worried about the unseen results inside my body with the injuries rather than what you see with size etc. I have time and am not impatiant. Anything else you need to know, please ask. i would run test and anavar and maybe a low dosage of deca for your knee. However, the anavar and deca can lower your libido. Eq increases endurance but it might make your knee worse. Again, i would hang up mma and just workout because if you keep hurting your disk you may not even be able to work out or even worse-"not be able to work!"


  23. #2783
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  24. #2784
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    Hey Ron, you always hear guys saying you have to add some body fat while bulking in order to see good gains. Also, you look at some of the big boys in the off season and they look pretty fat, then when show time comes they're ripped!! I was down to about 7-8% BF after my last cut, but now I'm doing 1.5 grams of Test 700 mg Tren E 60 mg Var ed and am getting a little fat (I'm half way through week 3 and getting very big on my lifts, I went from 5 days to 3 days of cardio) but I don't look as good as I did immediately after the cut. Now what I don't want to do is panic and roll my diet back to the point of never really getting a decent bulk going like I hear of guys doing all the time. I guess my question is what % BF can a guy hope to maintain and still bulk well. Will the Var and Tren take care of this? I'm not panicking or anything and I know I can cut later if that's what it takes, but I live in a 365 day a year tourist beach community and everyday's a good day to be ripped!! Var and tren help with getting cut (GH even more) but diet is most important. Stay around 12% body fat while bulking and you'll gain muscle.

  25. #2785
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    Quote Originally Posted by tom bodo View Post
    hi ronnie,

    i startet growth 2 days ago. I'm bloating pretty much, feeling tired after injects and getting extremely hungry for a couple of hours after the injects. I think these feelings are normal right? it can be because it causes a little water retention upfront and messing with your blood sugar levels. It should level off in 4 weeks or so,.

    But then i also feel a significant
    increase in libido. I'm sort of feeling, that i did double up my test dose. Did you notice something similar on growth? gh increases sex drive for some people!

  26. #2786
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirtysouth View Post
    ok so will continue with the test, im currently running 750mgs a week. What will i lower it too during the deload considering im using sustanon 250? do 1 shot per week which is 250 mgs per week of sustanon.and then what would i ramp it back up too along witht the tren a dosage ( i have never used tren before keep in mind )? keep test the same (750 per week) and do around 300 mgs of tren per last thing when i start my full blown pct at the end of the test tren cycle what would consider as far as dosages for hcg clomd and nolva and for how long considering my cycles length over the past 6 months? Thank u so much for ur help, i really appreciate it. i would take hcg at 2500 ius eod for 2 weeks. Take 50 mgs twice a day of clomid for 4 weeks and 20mgs of nolvadex once a day for 4 weeks

  27. #2787
    lynxeffect1 is offline Junior Member
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    ron if im jus sitn down watchin tv with my mouth closed im breathing very heavy im told, i dont notice it too much myself but is it linked again to the sleep apnea ? also sometimes when i cough i seem to get a pain inda middle of my back for a second, is there anything to that, last thing is lately no matter where i inject myself ders a problem, i used always inject into my ass and when id time off i got time to heal but since im follwing your great methods and never off im getn wot i think is a build up of scare tissue on both sides so im presuming it goes down when u give it a break? but everytime i inject into shoulders or tri's i seem to hit something or else im left with massive bruises for a week

  28. #2788
    kelevra is offline Member
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    I’m sure that it is some individually dependant, but what do think would be a max BF% to hit while bulking. The point when you are more likely to gain fat than quality muscle.

    What is the max ML per pin you recommend for delts and pecs?
    Last edited by kelevra; 05-16-2011 at 05:44 PM.

  29. #2789
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    need your opinion about hgh tops any good????

  30. #2790
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VASCULAR VINCE View Post
    question i progresses as a bodybuilder...must i continue getting stronger.. to keep getting larger msucles.
    No Vince..LOL..You do not have to keep getting stronger inorder to continue get bigger. Jay Cutler has not gained any strength for the past two years and he's bigger than ever! ONLY POWERLIFTER"S ARE REQUIRED TO LIFT MORE AND MORE WEIGHT. BODYBUILDING IS ABOUT LOOKING GOOD WHICH REQUIRES WORKING THE MUSCLES WITH TIME-UNDER-TENSION NOT NECCESARILY LIFTING HEAVY WEIGHTS EVEN THOUGH SOME CAN DUE TO THEIR THICK TENDONS, LARGE MUSCLES AND BIOMECHANICS...So, What is required for bodybuilding is time-under- tension and being consistent with workouts, diet and anabolics. When you perform enough volume using good form the muscle become stimulated to grow. Over time they will grow. Striving to always lift more weight as you become more and more advanced can be one the worst thing you can do as a bodybuilder because it brings forth injury and frustration. More volume and impeccable form to increase time-under-tension is the secret at that juncture! However, as a beginner making some strength gains are more important.

  31. #2791
    Tom Bodo is offline New Member
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    i startet growth 2 days ago. I'm bloating pretty much, feeling tired after injects and getting extremely hungry for a couple of hours after the injects. I think these feelings are normal right? it can be because it causes a little water retention upfront and messing with your blood sugar levels. It should level off in 4 weeks or so,.
    But then i also feel a significant increase in libido. I'm sort of feeling, that i did double up my test dose. Did you notice something similar on growth? gh increases sex drive for some people!
    I'm very glad to hear from you, that the bloat will level off sooner or later. I got 6 labs of water the first 3 days. Specially the face is looking sick.

    I did cut down the carbs and upped the water intake. I guess the only thing that really helps is some lasix right? Or do you have some other advice?

  32. #2792
    djdizzy is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelevra View Post
    I’m sure that it is some individually dependant, but what do think would be a max BF% to hit while bulking. The point when you are more likely to gain fat than quality muscle.
    He posted this 4 threads above yours:
    Stay around 12% body fat while bulking and you'll gain muscle.

  33. #2793
    dirtysouth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Your awesome man, I truly appreciate you taking the time to answer.

  34. #2794
    morado02 is offline Junior Member
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    Hi Ronnie:

    I'd like to ask you, what about a female doing this system?

    How would it be doing it with Primo? for a 30 y/o female


  35. #2795
    ridedivefx's Avatar
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    Hi Ronnie,

    I am on my 2nd reload, 3rd week in of test 750/week, EQ 600/week and proviron 50mg/day.

    Everything was good during the 1st reload but I suddenly have seem to have lost all appetite right now. I though EQ was supposed to increase hunger. Is this normal? What could the reason be?

    This lack of appetite has me eating less, and is affecting energy/strength in gym? Well I have not had a significant increase in strength compared to 1st reload. I am lifting the same if not a marginally more but with better form. Am I loosing muscle?

    Last edited by ridedivefx; 05-17-2011 at 02:16 AM.

  36. #2796
    delta1111 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    ???No Vince..LOL..You do not have to keep getting stronger inorder to continue get bigger. Jay Cutler has not gained any strength for the past two years and he's bigger than ever! What is required for bodybuilding is time-under- tension and being consistent with workouts, diet and anabolics. When you perform enough volume using good form the muscle become stimulated to grow. Over time they will grow. Striving to always lift more weight as you become more and more advanced can be one the worst thing you can do as a bodybuilder because it brings forth injury and frustration. More volume and impeccable form to increase time-under-tension is the secret at that juncture! However, as a beginner making some strength gains are more important.
    Interesting, I always thought that muscle size and strength were relative and have always used strength as one of the means of measuring my progress. Thanks for clearing that up Ronnie and good question VV.
    I still am still pretty weak when I compare some of my lifts to other people's. Does this mean I will not get much stronger than I am now and will I always be behind others in terms of strength?

  37. #2797
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    Hey Ron I think you missed me again, thanks:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bulkn View Post
    Hey Ronnie!
    I have some bloodwork questions for you:
    I am currently on 750mg sustanon , here are my hormone levels 5/6 weeks in:

    Oestradiol: 142 pmol/L (0-190) I am on 10mg Aromasin ED do you think it will be ok to lower it a little?
    Testosterone : >52.0 nmol/L (8.0-27.8)
    Calc. Free Test:1.702 nmol/L (0.091-0.579)
    SHBG: 20.4 nmol/L (10.0-70.0)

    Do you think my test levels are a bit low for 750mg? Last time i was on 520mg test C and my testosterone levels were around 30% higher. My blood was tested by a different lab this time so there is either inconsistencies between the two labs or my sustanon is dosed below 250mg/ml. What do you think?
    I feel that my strength and gains are just as good if not better with the sustanon so i am confused.

  38. #2798
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    Quote Originally Posted by the titan99 View Post
    maybe you overlooked my post? #2761 not urgent, so no problem.
    i did not see it!? Post 2761 was by slimshady. Wheres it at again?

  39. #2799
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaws1174 View Post
    Hey Ronnie (or anyone lol). I have a few questions if i may please:

    Im 37yrs old 205lbs and ive been lifting for about 17 years. All ive taken supplement wise is whey protien after workouts (all natural) im not a serious bodybuilder but i do lift 4 days a week consistantly. I do more arms/upperbody than anything.
    Anyways, i know this post isnt very complicated but i was looking for some goood advice...and thanks to everybody ahead of time i really appreciate it

    1.) Im looking to start a cycle of Anavar /oxy....i WILL NOT be stacking because i dont want to put on a lot of weight and water retention, not to mention liver problems. Through research, this seems like the steroid most suited for my needs. My question is how much mg should i be taking everyday? Also, on days that i dont lift do i still maintain the same doseage? Should i cycle for 8 weeks.....then how many weeks off before the start of my next cycle (assuming i m happy with the results)
    2.) Right now im only taking Whey protien on the days i lift....(about 150 grams) then i get the rest from food. On the days i dont lift, i ONLY get my protien from food. I only consume about 2500 (roughly) calories a day, which i know isnt much...but like i said, i kind of worry about putting on too much weight because i just went from 235lbs down to about 205 and i feel better without the extra weight so i would like to keep off the weight while still gaining lean muscle and burning fat. I also run 5 days a week, about 3-4 miles each session. What would you reccomend for my daily Whey protien intake for me based on my wants?
    3.) Where the heck can i order LEGITIMATE Anavar/Oxy online for a decent price?

    If you have any other suggestions, im open to them. I would just really try to keep it simple because reading some of these posts is like reading Chinese to me lol....although the knowledge is quite impressive

    Thanks again to everybody....have a great night!!!


  40. #2800
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lynxeffect1 View Post
    when trying to get bigger taking ent,cyp,or sust is better than prop but is this only because you would gain more weight because you would be gaining water weight aswel therefore goin up more on the scales, compared to no water weight with prop, or because also ud have more strength gains to help you get bigger that come with the water weight? water weight aside wud i gain just as much muscle taking the same amount of prop as enth if i switched over to prop and be leaner without the water weight, thats without changing anything and staying on a bulking diet?
    I pulled the following off of this site because it gives a detailed description- "So you see, the longer the ester on the testosterone is, the longer the steroid is active in your body, and the less actual test you get. This is because, for every 100mgs of testosterone cypionate you inject, only 69.90mgs of it is actually testosterone, the rest is the cypionate ester, which must be removed. On the other hand, with the propionate ester youll get 83.72mgs of Testosterone! The advantage to longer esters is that they need to be injected less frequently (test prop needs to be injected every other day while you can shoot test cyp once a week). The disadvantage to long estered steroids is that they contain less actual steroid. Anecdotally, however, most people from and other discussion boards who have tried differing esters on their various cycles agree: Testosterone Propionate causes the least side effects and the least bloating. For this reason, its often the testosterone of choice in cutting cycles. On a personal note, its the only form of testosterone I ever use, and its the only one most women will use, due to the previously mentioned factors (as well as its ability to clear your body quickly upon cessation in the case of side effects). Testosterone levels when youre using injectable testosterone propionate begin to decline sharply after the second day of use(5). Obviously this is not the drug of choice for those who are squeamish about injections, youll be shooting this stuff every other day at least.Read more: also ron why wud u think g.valentino insists in all those interviews that his arms were the result of 5g of test a week , when clearly for everyone to see it was synthol? I think Greg may have started out with synthol but it appears too me he had arm implants that got infected."

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