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  1. #4761
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by >Good Luck< View Post
    Eq has an incredible capability to raise Red blood cell count much more than any other steroid . This will leave you looking vascular, but not for being low bf, but rather high blood pressure. Many people choose to donate blood to counteract the heightened Rbc count. This is true!

    Secondly it will increase appetite which is ok for people having trouble getting the food down but bad for people who already are eating above maintenance- because you'll be extra hungry even above maintenance This is not always true. EQ actually decreases some people's appetite and causes them to have severe anxiety!Tren usually increases appetite more than EQ-hence the reason they give it to cattle before the slaughter.

  2. #4762
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by misterd View Post
    hey guys looks like ron is out for awhile, maybe someone can help me with a couple of questions.

    Im in the first week of the sts blast and im currently taking
    300mg of propanaite a.. Eod
    400mg of t400 1cc . Which is 200mg of cioponate and 200 of enethate 1f you are going to run all three compounds i suggest mixing 1cc of test prop, 1cc of t400 and 1cc of eq in the same syringe and inject mon/wed/fri. That's a 3cc shot on monday,wednesday, and friday. That will put size on you! You need 800-1000 mgs of eq weekly to get a good effect.
    300mg of equipose 1cc ew.

    Normally ron recommends 750 of test a week added with another compound like deca , tren or eq.
    Does the short ester test like prop added to the total test im taking? Or should i be adding more of the t400 per week?
    And also should i raise the eq to like 450 ew.
    And lastly when we add up all the carbs and protien we eat per meal, i take 50g of dextrose and 60g of protien. Do those get added to our daily compsuption of carbs and protein like if it was a meal. yes!


  3. #4763
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by misterd View Post
    good luck,

    what are the negative sides to equipose. high blood pressure due to an increase in hematocratic levels, anxiety, and increase or decrease in appetite. Some also experience a decrease in sex drive but nothing like deca. have always read its pretty safe and doesnt bloat as much as the deca .


  4. #4764
    MisterD is offline Junior Member
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    Since i continued through the 2nd cycle should i just deload for 2 weeks dropping the test and protein to TRT and reload again with my bulking cycle or should i just stop and PCT and prime to start all over again.

    Also Ron i was currently take Arimidex 1mg EOD and i just added it to every other day. It seems the high test kept making my nipple hurt. Is there anything additional i have to take?

    I really appreciate your help!


  5. #4765
    MisterD is offline Junior Member
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    Sorry added Arimidex to Every Day

  6. #4766
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by misterd View Post

    well the good thing is that im bulking on this blast so i wouldn't mind the extra appetite

    now as for donating blood is that a monthly thing or do people actually get tested when there on there cycle. I have always done my blood work but after my cycle for my regular check up and trt.

    I really wanted deca for this blast but they told me i would retain less water on eq.

    So my plan was to blast this cycle with bulking compounds then do another cycle to cut down.

    What you think? since you are bulking i would not worry about water retention unless it causes your blood pressure/estrogen to get too high. It's true that eq causes less water than deca but for maximum size you need to add an oral with the injectables. Anavar or t-bol is good if you do not want to hold water. Most opt to use test/tren/d-bol for gaining maximal size when bulking.


  7. #4767
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by misterd View Post

    since i continued through the 2nd cycle should i just deload for 2 weeks dropping the test and protein to trt and reload again with my bulking cycle or should i just stop and pct and prime to start all over again. i would deload wth 1cc of test weekly then proceed with another 8 week reload!
    also ron i was currently take arimidex 1mg eod and i just added it to every other day. It seems the high test kept making my nipple hurt. Is there anything additional i have to take? you may need to take the arimidex daily to keep estrogen down. Also, much of the research liquid anti-es are not of high quality imo. Pharm grade anti-es are so potent they destroy just about everything that get's in their path, especially letro!

    I really appreciate your help!


  8. #4768
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    Quote Originally Posted by dally_de View Post
    wow ron, awesome thread... It is 4 consecutive days that i am reading this thread ,but i have decided to write not because i do not fully understand all the terms in here and it could be just more ideal if i just ask your advice ...
    I am 30 year old man ,loving this sport and practicing it for almost 12 years ( do not ask me for diet and protein intake and all that ) ) i am 1.83cm tall and 92kg, bf probably around 15-20% the past 3 years i was on/off gym because of work and now from about 2months i am back on and planning to all this time i did 3 cycles of sustanon 250 for 8 weeks each with decent gains . I want to start another 20week cycle but my problem now is that i have tooooo much information from here that i can't decide what would be best to proceed ...i would like that first reload to be a bulk cycle and in the second to include a cutting product as well (not sure how to proceed with the cutting/lean mass cycle

    i am thinking at this :
    Reload: Test e 500mg /week - week 1-8
    deca 400mg /week - week 1-8/ or eq 200mg? i would just run a gram of test weekly and forget the deca and eq!
    deload: Test e 250mg/week week 9-10

    reload: Test e 750mg/week w11-18
    masteron 200mg/week 11-18 ???? (for cutting ) ?? i would add anavar with this combo at 40 mgs per day for better ersults. Increase masterone to 400 mgs weekly if you want to hold less water!

    pct : Pct: Weeks 20-21
    hcg at 2500 iu eod for 2 weeks make it 3 weeks!
    clomid at 50 mgs once per day for 4 weeks optional
    nolva 20 mgs per day for 4 week keep

    thank you ron ...

  9. #4769
    MisterD is offline Junior Member
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    The Arimidex im getting from a local Pharmacy so its good however yesterday i started it on everyday. If i still continue with the nipple issue is there anything else i should add or should i just raise the dose.


  10. #4770
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by daniel20 View Post
    hi ronnie, what would you recommend for a 2nd 20 week blast?
    I can get any compounds. (definitely want to stay away from deca though!)

    was thinking this however:
    Week 1-8 test e 750mg add 250 mgs of tren-e weekly
    week 9-10 test e 250mg

    week 11-18 test e 1g add 250 mgs of tren-e weekly and 25-50 mgs of d-bol daily
    week 19-20 test e 250mg

    week 21-23 hcg 2500iu eod looks good

    i weight 205lb at ~8% bf and for my next blast i will be consuming around 400g protein, 250g carb and 70g fat. Is there anything you would change? Up the carbs? i would increase carbs to 350 daily and reduce protein to only 350 daily. i read you believe most only need 250-350g carbs a day.

    Am i correct to start a 20 week blast 10 weeks post last cycle? (including pct). that will be fine. 6 weeks would have been even better if you are looking to make and keep maximal size gains.

    also my source has test e 600mg/ml! What are your thoughts on this?? Would save large volume injections! too painful post injection for many due to potency but you may do okay. I would ony buy one bottle for now and give it a try. Get his normal blend to use first cycle and if the higher blend does not cause a negative reaction you can order it for use before starting your next reload. I normally recommned normal dosed gear.
    also what are your thoughts on 1-test cypionate ? very good!
    thanks again.

  11. #4771
    fineBody is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fineBody

    Can you advice me how to create 2 phases cycle out of these products that i have?

    I will take Danabol (through out the cycle) and PCT as a previous recommendation from you, so just put for me the injections together.

    I have enough for more than 8 weeks of each of these products:

    1- Testoviron Depot 250mg (100% legit)
    2- Sustanon 250mg (100% legit)
    3- Mastebolin 100mg (100% legit)
    4- Boldebolin 250mg (not sure)
    5- Nandrolone Deconate 2ml amp (not sure)

    Crazy Chris likes this.

  12. #4772
    dally_de is offline New Member
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    " Quote Originally Posted by dally_de View Post
    wow ron, awesome thread... It is 4 consecutive days that i am reading this thread ,but i have decided to write not because i do not fully understand all the terms in here and it could be just more ideal if i just ask your advice ...
    I am 30 year old man ,loving this sport and practicing it for almost 12 years ( do not ask me for diet and protein intake and all that ) ) i am 1.83cm tall and 92kg, bf probably around 15-20% the past 3 years i was on/off gym because of work and now from about 2months i am back on and planning to all this time i did 3 cycles of sustanon 250 for 8 weeks each with decent gains . I want to start another 20week cycle but my problem now is that i have tooooo much information from here that i can't decide what would be best to proceed ...i would like that first reload to be a bulk cycle and in the second to include a cutting product as well (not sure how to proceed with the cutting/lean mass cycle

    i am thinking at this :
    Reload: Test e 500mg /week - week 1-8
    deca 400mg /week - week 1-8/ or eq 200mg? i would just run a gram of test weekly and forget the deca and eq!
    deload: Test e 250mg/week week 9-10

    reload: Test e 750mg/week w11-18
    masteron 200mg/week 11-18 ???? (for cutting ) ?? i would add anavar with this combo at 40 mgs per day for better ersults. Increase masterone to 400 mgs weekly if you want to hold less water!

    pct : Pct: Weeks 20-21
    hcg at 2500 iu eod for 2 weeks make it 3 weeks!
    clomid at 50 mgs once per day for 4 weeks optional
    nolva 20 mgs per day for 4 week keep

    thank you ron ... "

    thank you Ron for reply...

    I am kinda worry to go at this time to 1g of test e so i was thinking:

    week 1-8 test e 500mg
    week 9-10 test e 250mg
    1 :week 11-18 test e 750mg
    anavar 40mg/day
    shoul i include here masteron 400mg/week or it is mandatorry??
    or :

    2: week 11-18 test E 500mg/week
    tren E 200mg/week

    witch one would you think that it would be a better choice for second reload ?

    should i use 10mg of nolva ed durring the cycle ( arimidex i can't find over here)??

    hcg could not find only in 5000u.i ...can i inject half and keep it in the fridge ???

    thank you allot...
    Last edited by dally_de; 01-13-2013 at 01:55 PM.

  13. #4773
    daniel20's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by daniel20
    hi ronnie, what would you recommend for a 2nd 20 week blast?
    I can get any compounds. (definitely want to stay away from deca though!)

    was thinking this however:
    Week 1-8 test e 750mg add 250 mgs of tren -e weekly
    week 9-10 test e 250mg

    week 11-18 test e 1g add 250 mgs of tren-e weekly and 25-50 mgs of d-bol daily
    week 19-20 test e 250mg

    week 21-23 hcg 2500iu eod looks good

    i weight 205lb at ~8% bf and for my next blast i will be consuming around 400g protein, 250g carb and 70g fat. Is there anything you would change? Up the carbs? i would increase carbs to 350 daily and reduce protein to only 350 daily. i read you believe most only need 250-350g carbs a day.

    Am i correct to start a 20 week blast 10 weeks post last cycle? (including pct). that will be fine. 6 weeks would have been even better if you are looking to make and keep maximal size gains.

    also my source has test e 600mg/ml! What are your thoughts on this?? Would save large volume injections! too painful post injection for many due to potency but you may do okay. I would ony buy one bottle for now and give it a try. Get his normal blend to use first cycle and if the higher blend does not cause a negative reaction you can order it for use before starting your next reload. I normally recommned normal dosed gear.
    also what are your thoughts on 1-test cypionate ? very good!
    thanks again.
    Ok thanks Ronnie. I will add the tren e and then decide with the dbol for second reload.
    What if I layed it out like this due to the added tren e:
    Week 1-8 test e 500mg and 250 mgs of tren-e weekly
    week 9-10 test e 250mg

    week 11-18 test e 750mg and 375 mgs of tren-e weekly and 50 mgs of d-bol daily
    week 19-20 test e 250mg

    Do you recommend running caber with the tren e straight away at the start of cycle or just keep it on hand with aromasin ?

    Am thinking also I'll run HCG 250iu 2x week throughout this 20 week blast.

    Also I've seen on another forum a pct protocol like this:
    Clomid 100/100/50/50
    Nolvadex 20/20/10/10
    Aromasin 12.5EOD/12.5EOD/6.25EOD/6.25EOD
    This would also be ran after blasting 500iu of HCG last week before commencing PCT.
    What do you think of this plan?

    Thanks again.
    Last edited by daniel20; 01-14-2013 at 11:26 PM.

  14. #4774
    MisterD is offline Junior Member
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    I started my deload as you recommended.

    My last shot was last Friday, when you start the deload and start the cruise which im going to do 100mg of Cipoinate for 2 weeks, when do recommend to take the shot? In the beginning, middle or end of the week?

    Also my pain on my nipple has reduced alot and slowly going away. Im taking 1mg of Arimidex daily, in the 2 weeks of the deload do i cut it down to EOD. I read alot of people talking about E2 crashes and i dont believe its every happen to me however what can you tell me to look out for?

    Ive also looked into on my next reload to change over to Aromasin which is better on the lipids, what do you recommend to your clients?

    Again thanks for all your help

  15. #4775
    MisterD is offline Junior Member
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    Hey im looking into using Aromasin any good sources on the internet. I went to my local Pharmacy and they wanted 100 bucks for like 10 pills, crazy!!!


  16. #4776
    >Good Luck<'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MisterD

    Hey im looking into using Aromasin any good sources on the internet. I went to my local Pharmacy and they wanted 100 bucks for like 10 pills, crazy!!!

    Not a source board bro. If arr doesn't carry it your sol

  17. #4777
    MisterD is offline Junior Member
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    Your right... Since is was only AI thought it would be ok.

    Sorry about that

  18. #4778
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    Quote Originally Posted by MisterD View Post

    Hey im looking into using Aromasin any good sources on the internet. I went to my local Pharmacy and they wanted 100 bucks for like 10 pills, crazy!!!

    Yea, I live in Thailand and they wanted 200 USD for 20 one mg Adex tabs!! WTF!!!

  19. #4779
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    Yea, I live in Thailand and they wanted 200 USD for 20 one mg Adex tabs!! WTF!!!

  20. #4780
    Jay-1000 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    above..You look great!
    Hi Ron thanks for the reply

    Let me get this right only 125mg of test E a week given most ampules for test are rated at 250mg per ml? Surely thats going to produce such little gains it wouldn't be worth even cycling? Forgive me if I'm wrong but the average male produces 70-80mg a week of test naurally anyway dont they?
    Also when using Anavar as you've suggested I've always been taught and researched to keep all other anabolics in your system under your test baseline. In this case would not using 50-60mg of Anavar ed not go against what everyone preaches?

  21. #4781
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    Ronnie, first off THANKS DUDE! Awesome awesome post, I am very excited to start the slingshot training method. I am currently in deload until feb 1st then start the reload. On a reload 12 intense sets, but how many reps do you suggest? And on a deload 6 sets of how many reps? Thank you bro, it's very much appreciated.

    Unfortunately I have been training like an animal these last two years with little gains. Mostly drop sets, super sets, high reps etc. stoked to try something new and grooooooow. By listening to what you said seems like I have been way over training.

  22. #4782
    lynxeffect1 is offline Junior Member
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    does arimidex /aromosin, reduce the same percentage of estrogen from test if using 500mg, or 1000,or 2000, ...if it reduces 46 percent of estrogen from 500 mg test, will it still reduce 46 percent off 2000mg of test ?

  23. #4783
    RANA's Avatar
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    I’m 41, 5’9” 222 lbs, 11% BF, and have done about 7 cycles using varies compounds (Test, tren , deca , winny, anavar , dbol ) with varies cycles. I’m looking to do more of a hardening cycle and I’m not looking for massive gains, oh I’m on a prescribed HRT.

    Reload: Test E 500mg/wk 1-8 wk
    Tren E 500mg/wk 1-8 wk
    Var 40mg/ED 1-8 wk

    Deload: Test E 250mg/wk 9-10

    Reload: Test E 750mg/wk 11-18 wk
    Mast E 400mg/wk 11-18 wk
    Winny 50mg/ED 13-18 wk

    PCT not needed (HRT for life)

    Thank you in advance,
    Last edited by RANA; 01-18-2013 at 08:13 AM.

  24. #4784
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    ROn, !!

    This hammer strength decline routine to fix my shoulder repetitive strain is the effing bomb, the weight keeps going up and i don't even feel shoulder pain any more or only for a fraction of a second, not every day all day like before talking to you. And my chest is getting fuller too.. wtf. THANK YOU SO MUCH

  25. #4785
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=MisterD;6336077]Sorry added Arimidex to Every Day[/QUOTE]Let me know if that's working for you. The next thing would to be add 300 mgs of masteron weekly. If that does not work you may need letro to get it under control. It's not uncommon for some to need letro daily for 2-3 weeks then be able to go back to a weaker anti-es once the nipple pain has been controlled.

  26. #4786
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fineBody View Post

    Can you advice me how to create 2 phases cycle out of these products that i have?

    I will take Danabol (through out the cycle) and PCT as a previous recommendation from you, so just put for me the injections together.

    I have enough for more than 8 weeks of these products:

    1- Testoviron Depot 250mg (100% legit)
    2- Sustanon 250mg (100% legit)
    3- Mastebolin 100mg (100% legit)
    4- Boldebolin 250mg (not sure)
    5- Nandrolone Deconate 2ml amp (not sure)
    It's kind of confusing from my end but from what I gather I would run 1cc of test depot, 1 cc of sustanon, 1 cc of eq, and 1cc of deca weekly for first 8 week reload. Shoot test depot and eq together on monday and sustanon and deca together on thursday. Then back off to 1 cc of test depot for 2 week deload. For second 8 week reload do as you did the first reload and add in the pro-hormone masterbolan for the entire 8 weeks at the recommended dosage on the bottle.


  27. #4787
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    Quote Originally Posted by dally_de View Post
    " Quote Originally Posted by dally_de View Post
    wow ron, awesome thread... It is 4 consecutive days that i am reading this thread ,but i have decided to write not because i do not fully understand all the terms in here and it could be just more ideal if i just ask your advice ...
    I am 30 year old man ,loving this sport and practicing it for almost 12 years ( do not ask me for diet and protein intake and all that ) ) i am 1.83cm tall and 92kg, bf probably around 15-20% the past 3 years i was on/off gym because of work and now from about 2months i am back on and planning to all this time i did 3 cycles of sustanon 250 for 8 weeks each with decent gains . I want to start another 20week cycle but my problem now is that i have tooooo much information from here that i can't decide what would be best to proceed ...i would like that first reload to be a bulk cycle and in the second to include a cutting product as well (not sure how to proceed with the cutting/lean mass cycle

    i am thinking at this :
    Reload: Test e 500mg /week - week 1-8
    deca 400mg /week - week 1-8/ or eq 200mg? i would just run a gram of test weekly and forget the deca and eq!
    deload: Test e 250mg/week week 9-10

    reload: Test e 750mg/week w11-18
    masteron 200mg/week 11-18 ???? (for cutting ) ?? i would add anavar with this combo at 40 mgs per day for better ersults. Increase masterone to 400 mgs weekly if you want to hold less water!

    pct : Pct: Weeks 20-21
    hcg at 2500 iu eod for 2 weeks make it 3 weeks!
    clomid at 50 mgs once per day for 4 weeks optional
    nolva 20 mgs per day for 4 week keep

    thank you ron ... "

    thank you Ron for reply...

    I am kinda worry to go at this time to 1g of test e so i was thinking:

    week 1-8 test e 500mg
    week 9-10 test e 250mg
    1 :week 11-18 test e 750mg
    anavar 40mg/day
    shoul i include here masteron 400mg/week or it is mandatorry?? I would add 300 mgs of masteron to both 8 week reloads for estrogen control.or :

    2: week 11-18 test E 500mg/week
    tren E 200mg/week

    witch one would you think that it would be a better choice for second reload ? test/tren/mast for second relaod would be best. Add in some anavar and you will get even strogner/harder.
    should i use 10mg of nolva ed durring the cycle ( arimidex i can't find over here)?? Keep nolvadex on hand in case masterone is not enough. Some people love a nolvadex/ masterone combo during cutting phases to stay dry.
    hcg could not find only in 5000u.i ...can i inject half and keep it in the fridge ???yes

    thank you allot...

  28. #4788
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    Quote Originally Posted by daniel20 View Post
    ok thanks ronnie. I will add the tren e and then decide with the dbol for second reload.
    What if i layed it out like this due to the added tren e:
    Week 1-8 test e 500mg and 250 mgs of tren-e weekly
    week 9-10 test e 250mg

    week 11-18 test e 750mg and 375 mgs of tren-e weekly and 50 mgs of d-bol daily
    week 19-20 test e 250mg cycle looks good!

    do you recommend running caber with the tren e straight away at the start of cycle or just keep it on hand with aromasin ? start cabergoline from the get go to prevent prolactin build up if you can get your hands on it. Prolactin not only causes sexual dysfunction but a sour smell when you sweat. Not something the ladies like!
    am thinking also i'll run hcg 250iu 2x week throughout this 20 week blast. good idea if you want kids in the future.
    also i've seen on another forum a pct protocol like this:
    Clomid 100/100/50/50 clomid causes one to become emotional and it not mandatory or really needed.
    Nolvadex 20/20/10/10 no need in taking nolvadex
    aromasin 12.5eod/12.5eod/6.25eod/6.25eod use ed not eod for best results
    this would also be ran after blasting 500iu of hcg last week before commencing pct. that will work but a better protocol imo would be to run hcg at 1000 mgs of hcg eod for 2 weeks post cycle then come off
    what do you think of this plan?

    Thanks again.

  29. #4789
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by misterd View Post

    i started my deload as you recommended.

    My last shot was last friday, when you start the deload and start the cruise which im going to do 100mg of cipoinate for 2 weeks, when do recommend to take the shot? In the beginning, middle or end of the week? beginning
    also my pain on my nipple has reduced alot and slowly going away. Im taking 1mg of arimidex daily, in the 2 weeks of the deload do i cut it down to eod. I read alot of people talking about e2 crashes and i dont believe its every happen to me however what can you tell me to look out for? ed use is better to keep estogen levels more stable. I would use only .025 during deloads. You wil be injecting less test-hence less estroen conversion will occur. There will be no need to use high doses of adex when running low amounts of test. An estrogen crash causes depression, joint pain. Lethargicness, and a major drop in libido.
    ive also looked into on my next reload to change over to aromasin which is better on the lipids, what do you recommend to your clients? nolvadex or armoasin is better for maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. Aromasin has no estrogen rebound like nolvadex but some people feel miserable on arimidex and aromasin yet perfectly fine using nolvadex or a masteron/nolvadex combo.
    again thanks for all your help

  30. #4790
    briansvk's Avatar
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    Hi Ronnie.

    I have read your threads about slingshot training and I am really interested in trying these principles during my next offseason. On 13.4.2013 I have national competition here and next year will be last junior year for me so I want to qualify for Europe or World championship 2014. Hopefully slingshot training will help me to achieve this. But I have few questions I have to ask, because I do not fully understand some principnes.

    Starting with the training. Last year I have been training 3+1 so 3 days training with 1 day rest. During two of these three day "training units" I trainer full body, but chest, delts and back has been trained twice, arms and legs once. This is because I have very good genetics for arms and legs, but lacking chest and back and this principle brought results for me, so may I use similar principle for slingshot?

    For example: legs, chest+back, delts, free day, chest+back, delts, arms, free day, repeat.

    During 8 week RELOAD phase I would train 2 heavy exercise with 4 working sets (6-8 reps.) and one lighter exercise (10-15 reps.) for each muscle group. Afterwards during DELOAD phase the split remains the same, but I would reduce training volume to two exercise with 3 sets each, one heavy one lighter for each muscle group. How does this sound so far?

    Ok lets move on... supplementation and AS:

    Talking about supplements I am using whey protein (with added maltodextrin after training), glutamine and BCAAs all year long. Vitamines and minerals are added if needed.


    last year I did according to principle heavy cycle and bridging. Example is here: I think you have seen this before.

    I would like to edit this to match slingshot principles. But the main question I have here is: If I will be using for example Test E with Boldenone (Equipoise ) or trenbolone hexa, which all are long esters.. How do I reduce the AS use during the DELOAD phase?

    For example I will be using 1g Test E/week (this will be base) with 500mg EQ/week for 8 weeks as RELOAD phase. Than the DELOAD come, so I should reduce AS use for example to 500mg test E/week only... But will this have ANY effect at all? Speaking of long esters, so the levels will hardly drop during those 2 DELOAD weeks. Or am I getting something wrong?

    Or, to get full shocking effect for the body for the next RELOAD I will bring test back UP to 1g/week and replace second ester for example with tren hexa? Or Deca ? Would it be any better comparing to continue as previous reload with 1g Test E/week with 500mg EQ/week for another 8 weeks?

    I totally understand how this works with short esters or orals for example 1g test E as base with TREN ace or something during reload and drop to 500mg test E for deload, so the short esters will be cleared from body in 2-3 days and the true nature of deload will be accomplished. But the long esters confuse me.

    And last question.. Would it be a good idea to run test E for 1g/week during reload and 500 or 400mg/week during deload all year long? Or would it be better approach to run for example like this:

    1st reload:
    1g/week test E
    500mg/week EQ

    1st deload
    400mg/week test E

    2nd reload
    test E back to 1g/week
    500mg/week Tren ace

    2nd deload
    50mg test prop/EOD

    3rd reload
    100mg test prop/EOD
    winstrol or drostanolone or primobolan or something milder

    3rd deload
    50mg test prop/EOD

    4th reload
    1g/week test E again or greater doses again

    My basic idea in this principle would be to let the body rest a bit for one reload/deload round from strong anabolics. And repeat this for example like I wrote 2 heavy reload/deload cycles following one milder. What do you think about this. Thanks a lot for your opinion.
    Last edited by briansvk; 01-21-2013 at 03:05 AM.

  31. #4791
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    O[QUOTE=Jay-1000;6341587]Hi Ron thanks for the reply

    Let me get this right only 125mg of test E a week given most ampules for test are rated at 250mg per ml? Surely thats going to produce such little gains it wouldn't be worth even cycling? Forgive me if I'm wrong but the average male produces 70-80mg a week of test naurally anyway dont they? True! You need to be using a minimum of 500 mgs of some form of test weekly to make good gains in lean muscle whe using anavar. I have to take 200 mgs of test cypionate weekly just to keep me at TRT levels.
    Also when using Anavar as you've suggested I've always been taught and researched to keep all other anabolics in your system under your test baseline. In this case would not using 50-60mg of Anavar ed not go against what everyone preaches? I agree that more test should be ran than anavar in most cases but, some find they do better using only TRT doses of test and high doses of other drugs such as tren. Some cannot handle the side effects of tren when moderate to high dosages of test are combined but do just fine when only TRT doses of test are used with their tren. There's no absolutes![/QUOTE]Above
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 01-22-2013 at 06:43 AM.

  32. #4792
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    [QUOTE=tdoe11;6344154]Ronnie, first off THANKS DUDE! Awesome awesome post, I am very excited to start the slingshot training method. I am currently in deload until feb 1st then start the reload. On a reload 12 intense sets, but how many reps do you suggest? I prefer 8-12 reps for reloads and 12-15 reps for deloads. willput mass And on a deload 6 sets of how many reps? Thank you bro, it's very much appreciated. ]

    Unfortunately I have been training like an animal these last two years with little gains. Mostly drop sets, super sets, high reps etc. stoked to try something new and grooooooow. By listening to what you said seems like I have been way over training. My suggestion to you is don't follow most of the routines and training methods written in Muscle Magazines, etc. Many articles are written by ghost writers. If they wrote about straight sets every month some people would get bored reading about it and sales would decline. They make up all sorts of training methods to reinvent themselves monthly. It's all about making money. For example, I read were Kai Greene claimed to do 25 sets for 25 reps when training his quads with compound exercises. I don't think so! /QUOTE]above

  33. #4793
    rblue is offline New Member
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    Ron, sorry if you covered this before but I cant find it. If I'm staying on year round do I need hcg ? I'm 50 did my first cycle at 48,never used hcg. I'm on my second deload now and plan on going up to at least a gram of test e and 600mg of deca on my next reload. Also you stated that ai use should be limited but others on this forum said that ai use is a must. I know when I take adex my joints ache from it.Thanks for your information and knowledge, greatly appreciated.

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    My next show is going to be on Sunday, 10th of March (7 weeks to go). I'm in the middle of slingshot contest prep cycle using Sustanon , Tren , Winstrol , Proviron , Clen and T3.
    You said that it's best to stop sustanon 4 weeks out due to the decanoate ester it contains.
    I take 750mg of sustanon per week. The schedule is on Sunday morning, Tuesday night, Friday morning, then back to Sunday morning again for the next week...

    What would be the best day to stop the sustanon? on Sunday morning at 4 weeks exact point before the show day? or on Friday (4 weeks + 2 days before show day)?
    FYI, I'm not switching to test prop for this time because on last show I switched from sustanon to prop for the last 4 weeks and my body was still holding water. That's why I'm just gonna stop the sustanon at this time and double dose the tren, winstrol and proviron for the last 4 weeks when I take out the sustanon.

  35. #4795
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    Need advice division one college football player trying to do whatever I can to get an advantage on my opponents. I recently purchased anadrol 50 and was wondering whether or not it's right for me. I'm 6 feet 231 pounds. Squat 500 plus deep bench 300 plus. I'm looking to look bigger but also trim some body fat at the same time, I was just wondering is this what's right for me or should I be looking elsewhere?

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    Ron...will as little as say 250 mgs...tren ..cause asthma to worsen....asthmatics??

  37. #4797
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    Yea, I live in Thailand and they wanted 200 USD for 20 one mg Adex tabs!! WTF!!!
    Sounds about right for pharm grade!

  38. #4798
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    Quote Originally Posted by lynxeffect1 View Post
    does arimidex /aromosin, reduce the same percentage of estrogen from test if using 500mg, or 1000,or 2000, ...if it reduces 46 percent of estrogen from 500 mg test, will it still reduce 46 percent off 2000mg of test ? This is a good question and I think it can depend on the individual. It's been my experience that a lot of people who use a particular dosages of anti-es when using 500mgs of test do not need higher dosages of anties when running 2000mgs of test. This tells me that many people tend to over dose on anties because more estrogen is going to be in circulation using 2000mgs of test verse only 500mgs of test. In general, I recommend taking the same amount of anti-es or only a small amount more whether reloading with 500mgs of test or 2000mgs of test. I believe in using the least amount of anti-es possible! Using high dosages of anti-es tends to have greater side effects than the extra estrogen conversion from using higher dosages of test. So, I do believe arimidex/aromosin, reduce about the same percentage of estrogen from test if using 500mg, or 1000,or 2000. If it reduces 46 percent of estrogen from 500 mg test, it would still reduce 46 percent off 2000mg of test. Same rule applies to prolactin levels and cabergoline usage. Using a lot more tren and/ or deca would still require higher dosges of cabergoline to keep prolactin under control.
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 01-25-2013 at 10:39 PM.

  39. #4799
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    Quote Originally Posted by RANA View Post
    I’m 41, 5’9” 222 lbs, 11% BF, and have done about 7 cycles using varies compounds (Test, tren , deca , winny, anavar , dbol ) with varies cycles. I’m looking to do more of a hardening cycle and I’m not looking for massive gains, oh I’m on a prescribed HRT.

    Reload: Test E 500mg/wk 1-8 wk
    Tren E 500mg/wk 1-8 wk
    Var 40mg/ED 1-8 wk

    Deload: Test E 250mg/wk 9-10

    Reload: Test E 750mg/wk 11-18 wk
    Mast E 400mg/wk 11-18 wk
    Winny 50mg/ED 13-18 wk

    PCT not needed (HRT for life)

    Thank you in advance,
    I would do test 500mgs weekly, 300mgs of tren weekly and 300mgs of mast weekly for first reload. Change nothing on second reload except add 40mgs of var daily

  40. #4800
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    Quote Originally Posted by mockery View Post
    ROn, !!

    This hammer strength decline routine to fix my shoulder repetitive strain is the effing bomb, the weight keeps going up and i don't even feel shoulder pain any more or only for a fraction of a second, not every day all day like before talking to you. And my chest is getting fuller too.. wtf. THANK YOU SO MUCH
    A lot of people are damaging their rotator cuffs doing flat bench and inclines. Declines are the way to go for building overall chest size. Another favorite is cable chest presses on a life fitness machine because you can bring the hands together and make the pecs fully contract. I cringe when I see people doing deep incline presses with their elbows flared out to the sides!
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 01-27-2013 at 09:03 AM.

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