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  1. #4961
    totallyok3d is offline Junior Member
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    i'm interested in mast but both my father and grandfather are bald and started balding in there early 20's. im 26 but still have a full head of hair. am i shit out of luck for trying mast?

  2. #4962
    totallyok3d is offline Junior Member
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    when on deload low dose of test of 250mgs is it better to do the test e at 250mgs on 1 day of the week or split it into 2 shots of 125mgs or possibly 3 shots a wekk of 75mgss??? what is best?

  3. #4963
    totallyok3d is offline Junior Member
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    Appreciate all your support and guidance ron!
    Last edited by totallyok3d; 03-26-2013 at 10:41 AM.

  4. #4964
    kml999 is offline Associate Member
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    i am having ED issues when i am about to climax and Cialis is helping me out to get a full erection, but now i noticed my sensitivety is very low and mostly numb so i cant ejaculate when having sex. i believe its related to the nerve system and would like some recommendations here?

  5. #4965
    totallyok3d is offline Junior Member
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    ron -

    Last edited by totallyok3d; 03-25-2013 at 05:33 PM.

  6. #4966
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kml999 View Post
    i am having ED issues when i am about to climax and Cialis is helping me out to get a full erection, but now i noticed my sensitivety is very low and mostly numb so i cant ejaculate when having sex. i believe its related to the nerve system and would like some recommendations here?
    List all the drugs you are taking and anything over 5 mgs of cialis per day can do this to you and so can Orals nd deca . Test and proviron along with 5 mgs of cialis work well!

  7. #4967
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Hey Ronnie. I have been running the slingshot method for almost 2 yrs now and my cholesterol level is taking a beting and has my doctor worried. He doesn't know about the aas. Total is 251 hdl is 33 and LDL is 191. My question is how do you combat this? Thank you in advance.

    Over the past 2 yrs I have run test tren deca npp mast halo liquidex but have switched to stane .


  8. #4968
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    ron...former bodybuilder Nasser El Sonbaty dies at 47...............factors involved????? all steroid related????

  9. #4969
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    Quote Originally Posted by VASCULAR VINCE View Post
    ron...former bodybuilder Nasser El Sonbaty dies at 47...............factors involved????? all steroid related????
    renal failure. Malaria.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  10. #4970
    totallyok3d is offline Junior Member
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    ron -

    trying to figure out what's going on with me right now. I had just finished reloading at 500mg Test E and traveled so had 2 weeks on nothing. My last shot was the day I left, exactly 14 days. When i got back I started deload of 250mg test e and finished the first week. Now I've noticed the past few days Ive had a bit of a down attitude and feeling a bit depressed. I have a supressed libido and my skin is really oily. Just got home tonight and have a small tiny lump behind my right nipple. no lactating. My testes are shutdown as well. but sometimes i suddenly feel with energy and have a big sex drive, its like a roller coaster right now. Did I have some kind of estrogen rebound? How did this happen when I only ran 250mg Test in the week? Is it because I had the 2 weeks on nothing? I'm a bit confused. I have nolva,stane,prami, and hcg on hand looking for a bit of your guidance on what is happening. My gear is comming soon for my last blast of the year and I am going to completley come off for a few motnhs after that. Should I stay on this small dose of test until I blast and reload? Do anything with the SERMs and AI's i have on hand? I'm usually good with all this and reading my own body but i'm scrathing my head on this one

    - Update. I pinned last night after not pinning since last sunday (6 Days) and already I am feeling better this morning. Woke up with an erection. It seems as I'm feeling this way towards the end of the week? Maybe split my shots up into 125mg on Monday and 125mg on Thursday?

    -Update to the Update - Feeling a lot better after my pin. My conclussion is that when I had finished my last pin of Test E 500mg after those 2 weeks it was completley out of my system and I was pretty much completley shut down. Then jumping right back on to 250mgs Test through my hormones for a loop. My 2nd week back on 250mgs I feel better, testicles arn't aching as much and my mood and energy is up more then before. I slept very well last night to. I started nolva because of the lump and will continue probably until the end of this week. I'm still learning all this myself but think I am on the right track or am I just talking out of my butt? Thanks ron.

    thanks ron!!
    Last edited by totallyok3d; 03-26-2013 at 02:00 PM.

  11. #4971
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    Hey Ronnie. I have been running the slingshot method for almost 2 yrs now and my cholesterol level is taking a beting and has my doctor worried. He doesn't know about the aas. Total is 251 hdl is 33 and LDL is 191. My question is how do you combat this? Thank you in advance.

    Over the past 2 yrs I have run test tren deca npp mast halo liquidex but have switched to stane .

    Blood work is not sufficient enough to measure all health related aspects. You really need to have a yearly scans/test done on heart, liver, and kidneys to get a holostic report in what's really going on inside your body.

    IMO arimidex is terrible for lipids. Any oral like halo is even worse and tren even though it's an injectable. I don't think 100 mgs of tren weekly is going to be that bad but upwards of 300 starts to cause issues for many when used long term. There's a lot of factors to consider such as cycle duration, dosages and steroid combinations.

    I would stick to moderate dosages of test and low dosages of mast to control estrogen levels. I've always said to rely on test to build muscle for a reason and that is it's safety record! I know it's not as powerful as tren, d-bol and anadrol but it's more user friendly and this must be taken into account. I would not use aromasin unless you cannot control gyno with masteron and/or masteron elevates your cholesterol levels. If this be the case drop mast and use only aromasin and test. I would add 3 grams of EPA/DHA from fish oils to your diet daily to lower lipids. I would also take 5000ius of D3 daily to help improve overall cholesterol and add niacin b3. Perform 15 minutes of HIIT cardio 3 times per week. Get lean (don't bulk) and steer clear of bad carbs, bad fats, and bad proteins such as red meat, whole eggs, and the protein powders on the market which are full of cholesterol. Some have had luck taking turmeric/curcumin for improving cholesterol but it causes some to have horrible heartburn making it unusable.
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 04-04-2013 at 06:57 PM.

  12. #4972
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VASCULAR VINCE View Post
    ron...former bodybuilder Nasser El Sonbaty dies at 47...............factors involved????? all steroid related????
    At first they said congestive heart failure but now they are saying Malaria.

  13. #4973
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by totallyok3d View Post

    when on deload low dose of test of 250mgs is it better to do the test e at 250mgs on 1 day of the week or split it into 2 shots of 125mgs or possibly 3 shots a wekk of 75mgss??? what is best? Once shot a week is sufficient because little estrogen conversion is going to happen with injecting a single 250 mgs of test-hence the reason endocrinologist do not use anti-es with TRT dosages..

  14. #4974
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by totallyok3d View Post

    i'm interested in mast but both my father and grandfather are bald and started balding in there early 20's. im 26 but still have a full head of hair. am i shit out of luck for trying mast? Masteron never bothered some who did not have male pattern baldness in thier family. Since this gene comes from the father's side of the family (not the mother's) I would be very very careful and use the prop version at only 50mgs eod. Keep a close eye on your hair and if it starts to show signs of thinning discontinue. Proviron at 25 mgs per day would be a better option IMO

  15. #4975
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Blood work is not sufficient enough to measure all health related aspects. You really need to have a yearly scans/test done on heart, liver, and kidneys to get a holostic report in what's really going on inside your body.

    IMO arimidex is terrible for lipids. Any oral like halo is even worse and tren even though it's an injectable. I don't think 100 mgs of tren weekly is going to be that bad but upwards of 300 starts to cause issues for many when used long term. There's a lot of factors to consider such as cycle duration, dosages and steroid combinations.

    I would stick to moderate dosages of test and low dosages of mast to control estrogen levels. I've always said to rely on test to build muscle for a reason and that is it's safety record! I know it's not as powerful as tren, d-bol and anadrol but it's more user friendly and this must be taken into account. I would not use aromasin unless you cannot control gyno with masteron and masteron elevates your cholesterol levels. If this be the case drop mast and use only aromasin and test. I would add 3 grams of EPA/DHA from fish oils to your diet daily to lower lipids. I would also take 5000ius of D3 daily to help improve overall cholesterol. Perform 15 minutes of HIIT cardio 3 times per week. Get lean (don't bulk) and steer clear of bad carbs, bad fats, and bad proteins such as red meat, whole eggs, and the protein powders on the market which are full of cholesterol. Some have had luck taking turmeric/curcumin for improving cholesterol but it causes some to have horrible heartburn making it unusable.

    Thank You Ronnie
    Im on it.

  16. #4976
    totallyok3d is offline Junior Member
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    ron -

    here is my last slingshot of the year and will give myself a much needed break after this. This is what I have planned. This is my 3rd slingshot cycle.

    Stats -

    13-14% Bodyfat
    Endomorph(gain easily, hard to loose)

    My goal for this last one is to put on some size while reaching 10% BF. I read in another post you had advised somebody to lean bulk the first 10 weeks and cut for the 2nd 10 weeks. I think I'll try this?

    1st Reload(lean bulk)
    Weeks 1 - 8 - Test E 750mg
    Weeks 1 - 8 - Tren E 500mg
    Weeks 1 - 8 - Another Compound? (I have good funds right now so was looking for what you might add)

    1st Deload
    Weeks 9 - 10 - Test E 250mg

    2nd Relaod(cutting)

    Weeks 11 - 17 - Test E 1g
    Weeks 11 - 17 - Tren E 600mg?
    Weeks 11 - 17 - Another cutting compound? (not willing to give mast a try yet, as you brought up balding and my family genes. Again my funds are in good shape so open for ideas. I know var is pricey. Maybe Dbol for 1st reload and var for 2nd reload?)

    2nd Deload

    Weeks 18 - 20 - Test E 250mg

    PCT - Nolva 40/20/20/20/20 HCG 1500iu EOD for first 2 weeks. Even know I am running 250iu 2x week through the whole cycle I feel that I need a boost here at the end for the end of the year as I did not run any HCG earlier this year on my first slingshot and still cruising into this next one. Good idea?

    Proviron - I have no experience with this yet? still doing some reading. I was thinking about adding it into my slingshot but not sure where to incoporate it and what it would provide? This would subbstitute my aromasin and just have the aromasin on hand if gyno flares up, correct?

    Supporting -

    2nd Reload - Running T3 at 33-50mcg and Clen at 40mcgs and increase up to max 120mcg and run through PCT?
    HCG - 250iu x 2 week on reload weeks. none on deload weeks. 1500ius EOD 2 weeks into PCT?
    Cialisis - 5mg x2 ED through entire cycle
    Prami - .5mg ED on Reloads
    Aromasin - 12.5mg Monday-Wednesday-Friday on Reload Weeks or none at all if proviron is introduced?

    Not sure if I'm missing anything this is what I have so far for my final run this year. As I mentioned before 500mgs is doing nothing for me anymore, I'm pretty much just maintain at those dosages, little to no gains.

    Looking to start this next month - Thanks again ron!
    Last edited by totallyok3d; 03-26-2013 at 02:31 PM.

  17. #4977
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    why.. does tren cause tiredness????

  18. #4978
    slimshady01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VASCULAR VINCE
    why.. does tren cause tiredness????
    Why does all gear cause tiredness, at least for me it does.

  19. #4979
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by totallyok3d View Post
    ron -

    trying to figure out what's going on with me right now. I had just finished reloading at 500mg Test E and traveled so had 2 weeks on nothing. My last shot was the day I left, exactly 14 days. When i got back I started deload of 250mg test e and finished the first week. Now I've noticed the past few days Ive had a bit of a down attitude and feeling a bit depressed. I have a supressed libido and my skin is really oily. Just got home tonight and have a small tiny lump behind my right nipple. no lactating. My testes are shutdown as well. but sometimes i suddenly feel with energy and have a big sex drive, its like a roller coaster right now. Did I have some kind of estrogen rebound? How did this happen when I only ran 250mg Test in the week? Is it because I had the 2 weeks on nothing? It's because the test-e left your system after around 7 days and your endocrine system went haywire. Estrogen remained the same but test lowered which caused your body to perceive an hormonal imbalance-hence the reason for oily skin and small lump behnd nipple. went haywire. I'm a bit confused. I have nolva,stane,prami, and hcg on hand looking for a bit of your guidance on what is happening. My gear is comming soon for my last blast of the year and I am going to completley come off for a few motnhs after that. Should I stay on this small dose of test until I blast and reload? Do anything with the SERMs and AI's i have on hand? I'm usually good with all this and reading my own body but i'm scrathing my head on this one

    - Update. I pinned last night after not pinning since last sunday (6 Days) and already I am feeling better this morning. Woke up with an erection. It seems as I'm feeling this way towards the end of the week? Maybe split my shots up into 125mg on Monday and 125mg on Thursday?

    -Update to the Update - Feeling a lot better after my pin. My conclussion is that when I had finished my last pin of Test E 500mg after those 2 weeks it was completley out of my system and I was pretty much completley shut down. I agree! Then jumping right back on to 250mgs Test through my hormones for a loop. My 2nd week back on 250mgs I feel better, testicles arn't aching as much and my mood and energy is up more then before. I slept very well last night to. I started nolva because of the lump and will continue probably until the end of this week. I'm still learning all this myself but think I am on the right track or am I just talking out of my butt? You are correct.Thanks ron.

    thanks ron!!

  20. #4980
    NewandCurious is offline New Member
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    Great initial post, and many since. I learned a lot, but i haven't read 125 pages deep yet. Great support you're offering.

    I have a question, but you're probably going to suggest i read all 125 pages.. which i should - and i plan to, but i might forget my question by the time i finish it. Feel free to tell me to read 125 pages but i'll ask anyway on the off chance it hasn't been asked and you're feeling nice

    I read that after 8 weeks we should take "less anabolics". I have modest goals, and have no plans for long-term use. I've read several people talk about 12 week cycles. Is your system designed for longer-term use or can it be equally applicable to 'single cycles' where it might be months before i do another cycle (if ever). If it can/should be used for 'one off' cycles too, please clarify the reduction of anabolics at 8 weeks. Should i reduce it until 12 weeks and then stop?

    Thanks. Sometimes i worry about asking such questions. I feel a bit stupid, but i'm not. I'm just ignorant.

  21. #4981
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    Quote Originally Posted by slimshady01 View Post
    Why does all gear cause tiredness, at least for me it does. Estrogen suppression using anti-es cause a lot of the problem because it affects neurotransmitters in the brain like serotonin. Strong Anti-es make you sluggish even while not taking anabolics. Also, high estrogen increases water retention and you get a subsequent increase in blood pressure which also makes you feel tired. An increase in blood viscosity from increased red blood cell count also makes you feel tired because organs have to work harder. Drinking more fluids, less salt, and keeping estrogen levels a little on the high side as opposed to the low side can help. 3 gram of DHA/EPA from fish oils day helps thin out blood and you can donate blood to lower red blood cell count.Side effects from Estrogen tend to accumulate over time, especially when anties are used long term. The human body is very complex.
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 03-29-2013 at 05:54 AM.

  22. #4982
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    Quote Originally Posted by VASCULAR VINCE View Post
    why.. does tren cause tiredness????
    I think tren 's androgenicity over stimulates the central nervous system- hence the reason it causes insomnia and fatigue in general. It increases prolactin levels more so than test so it affects dopamine levels more so. It jacks up red blood cell count more than test which is why it causes headaches and high blood pressure even though there's no water retention. The male body does not like the progestin conversion. And the biggest thing IMO is that tren creates a lack of oxygen throughout the entire body due to bronchial tube constriction and the effects it has on cardio efficiency. This is why people get fatigued and sometimes severe headaches while training during tren's use. It's your body way of telling you it's not getting enough oxygen!
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 03-29-2013 at 06:06 AM.

  23. #4983
    The Titan99's Avatar
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    That last post was just awesome Ron! One of the many reasons your the gold standard in BB education/knowledge. Thanks.

  24. #4984
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    Quote Originally Posted by VASCULAR VINCE View Post
    ron...former bodybuilder Nasser El Sonbaty dies at 47...............factors involved????? all steroid related????
    The most recent update is Nasser had been on dialysis since nov of 2012 and was experiencing congestive heart failure. Used 5 grams of testosterone weekly year round and added more anabolics on top of the test base to total roughly 10 grams of anabolics weekly.He supposedly used around 20 ius of GH daily. He could have possibly died from malaria but my opinion is that he died from steroid abuse . Too much of anything is going to catch up with you eventually. I do my best to provide accurate information. Anabolics are just like anything else we do in life. Moderation is the key. Anytime you go to extremes you eventually pay the price.

    I urge everyone to not have the mind set to get big at all cost. Instead,think in terms of training for the rest of your life using low to moderate dosages. I am of the opinion that higher dosages do bring forth more gains but there's a price to pay that's not worth it in the end!

  25. #4985
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland
    That for the post Ron, I have been
    On anti estrogens for a while but low only .25 eod of arimidex . I've found that this keeps my sex drive better then without.. Do you think I should stop? I'm not really gyno prone but if that small amount of anti e is more negative then positive I would.

  26. #4986
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    Quote Originally Posted by slimshady01 View Post
    That for the post Ron, I have been
    On anti estrogens for a while but low only .25 eod of arimidex. I've found that this keeps my sex drive better then without.. Do you think I should stop? I'm not really gyno prone but if that small amount of anti e is more negative then positive I would.
    I was wondering this too. I've been taking 12.5 mg of Aromasin ed for about 8 weeks. My E2 was in the 300's and I was retaining so much water my feet and ankles were swollen up worse than my pregnant girlfriend's. This was alzo raising my BP even when taking cialas and amlopine. Now it's down towards 140/85 even on high Tren (stopping tren for a while in a couple of weeks like you said.) Going to go with test and that new Ukrainian HGH only for a while with maybe some masteron .) My questions the same. With your traditional cycles maybe AI is alright, but for guy's on AAS year around (Slingshot) do you think they do more harm than good? I'm going to do bw at the end of this cycle to see how the stane has effected my lipids etc. Thanks Ron.

  27. #4987
    just40 is offline New Member
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    Ronnie ~ Have a FEW questions for you and would like to gain some of your insight along with a new schedule for workouts and diet. That is if your looking for a new client?

    Great thread been a very informant read.

  28. #4988
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    I am 5 weeks out of show. I have been using 100mg Test Prop EOD + 100mg Tren Acetate EOD + 100mg Masteron Prop EOD (dosing 1.35cc EOD from a blend of 225mg/ml consists of 75mg Test Prop + 75mg Tren Ace + 75mg Masteron Prop).
    I am also taking 50mg Proviron daily.

    I usually stop test prop around 7-10 days out, but since I am using a blend of 3 compounds and don't have access to single compound test prop. I am going to stay on the gear until show day, but this includes test prop also since it's in a blend form.
    I am using femara (pharm grade letrozole ) for the last 2 weeks.
    What do you think I should do to achieve maximum dryness while still using test prop until show day?
    Any thoughts?

    Many Thanks Ron.

  29. #4989
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    Ronnie, felt like I may have torn my left pec doing weighted dips today during my shoulder/triceps routine. The pain isn't too bad just when I flex the pec muscle hard it's a sharp pain on the outside of muscle near the underarm/shoulder. Going to see physiotherapist but in the mean time how would you recommend training chest? Anything you can recommend to help the recovery? I'm 6 weeks into the first reload and annoyed I may have to stop training chest for a couple of weeks.
    Routine is:
    Monday Shoulder / Triceps / Abs
    Tuesday Back / Traps
    Thursday Chest / Biceps / Forearms
    Friday Legs / Calves

    Current cycle is:
    Test E 200mg week
    Tren E 400mg week
    No anti e's
    Caber 0.25mg 2 x week


  30. #4990
    mass.hunk is offline New Member
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    Hey ronnie ..

    . Im from india , i have 4 weeks left for my contest . Currently im using masteron + tren 700mg / week ,stanazol 700 mg /week , testosterone 700 mg / week . Proviron 50 mg .. .. my body has great affinity for water retention .. i want to be in shredded condition . Pls help me out with dieuretics .

    Thanks a lot in advance ron...

  31. #4991
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    Quote Originally Posted by totallyok3d View Post
    ron -

    here is my last slingshot of the year and will give myself a much needed break after this. This is what I have planned. This is my 3rd slingshot cycle.

    Stats -

    13-14% Bodyfat
    Endomorph(gain easily, hard to loose)

    My goal for this last one is to put on some size while reaching 10% BF. I read in another post you had advised somebody to lean bulk the first 10 weeks and cut for the 2nd 10 weeks. I think I'll try this?

    1st Reload(lean bulk)
    Weeks 1 - 8 - Test E 750mg
    Weeks 1 - 8 - Tren E 500mg
    Weeks 1 - 8 - Another Compound? (I have good funds right now so was looking for what you might add)

    1st Deload
    Weeks 9 - 10 - Test E 250mg

    2nd Relaod(cutting)

    Weeks 11 - 17 - Test E 1g
    Weeks 11 - 17 - Tren E 600mg?
    Weeks 11 - 17 - Another cutting compound? (not willing to give mast a try yet, as you brought up balding and my family genes. Again my funds are in good shape so open for ideas. I know var is pricey. Maybe Dbol for 1st reload and var for 2nd reload?)

    2nd Deload

    Weeks 18 - 20 - Test E 250mg

    PCT - Nolva 40/20/20/20/20 HCG 1500iu EOD for first 2 weeks. Even know I am running 250iu 2x week through the whole cycle I feel that I need a boost here at the end for the end of the year as I did not run any HCG earlier this year on my first slingshot and still cruising into this next one. Good idea?

    Proviron - I have no experience with this yet? still doing some reading. I was thinking about adding it into my slingshot but not sure where to incoporate it and what it would provide? This would subbstitute my aromasin and just have the aromasin on hand if gyno flares up, correct?

    Supporting -

    2nd Reload - Running T3 at 33-50mcg and Clen at 40mcgs and increase up to max 120mcg and run through PCT?
    HCG - 250iu x 2 week on reload weeks. none on deload weeks. 1500ius EOD 2 weeks into PCT?
    Cialisis - 5mg x2 ED through entire cycle
    Prami - .5mg ED on Reloads
    Aromasin - 12.5mg Monday-Wednesday-Friday on Reload Weeks or none at all if proviron is introduced?

    Not sure if I'm missing anything this is what I have so far for my final run this year. As I mentioned before 500mgs is doing nothing for me anymore, I'm pretty much just maintain at those dosages, little to no gains.

    Looking to start this next month - Thanks again ron!
    I need to know your goals. If you are not competing, I see no need in adding anything to test and tren except mast. Also, I would keep tren on the low end of the scale since it can hurt your lipids. No more than 300 mgs weekly!

  32. #4992
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=slimshady01;6474553]That for the post Ron, I have been
    On anti estrogens for a while but low only .25 eod of arimidex . I've found that this keeps my sex drive better then without.. Do you think I should stop? I'm not really gyno prone but if that small amount of anti e is more negative then positive I would. Arimidex is always an option but aromasin alone or nolvadex combined with some masteron is a better option because it does not mess up your lipids like arimidex. In your case it's a trade off. Adding more drugs to counteract others is never the best solution but if your sex drive is improving you could try a little aromasin eod or just use less test.

    Steroids alone (some much more than others) increase bad cholesterol and lower good cholesterol. A high protein diet can as well unless you place primary emphasis on eating cooked egg whites and drinking liquid egg whites. You don't have to consume red meat to jack up cholesterol. You can do it from a lot of fish and chicken as well. I think people tend to forget this. [/

  33. #4993
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    I was wondering this too. I've been taking 12.5 mg of Aromasin ed for about 8 weeks. My E2 was in the 300's and I was retaining so much water my feet and ankles were swollen up worse than my pregnant girlfriend's. This was alzo raising my BP even when taking cialas and amlopine. Now it's down towards 140/85 even on high Tren (stopping tren for a while in a couple of weeks like you said.) Going to go with test and that new Ukrainian HGH only for a while with maybe some masteron .) My questions the same. With your traditional cycles maybe AI is alright, but for guy's on AAS year around (Slingshot) do you think they do more harm than good? I'm going to do bw at the end of this cycle to see how the stane has effected my lipids etc. Thanks Ron.The water retention from test will be helped with arimidex but it wont do anything to lower blood pressure from tren. I have found that diet plays a huge role in how much water you will or will not hold while using aromatizing anabolics like testosterone . Less carbs/fats/salt/body fat=less water retention. Swelling of the ankles is a sign your diet is not optimal more than your estrogen is high. However, high e2 can cause edema. I would use aromasin or nolvadex /masteron instead of arimidex. I have found most people take in too much salt and don't drink enough when using testosterone. I also think bulking up is more of the culprit than high estrogen in terms of holding water. I would also try using less test, more mast, and add gh and see how you do before adding maybe 20 mgs of nolvadex daily with mast or a little aromasin.

    Long term use of arimidex is not a great idea IMO. I would also like to point out that your body eventually adapts to testosterone and you will hold less water using the same dosages. I know of people who swolled up bad using a gram of test weekly when they started cycling and now if they watch thier diet they don't hold a lot of water. I've witnessed the same thing with females using anavar! I also think the more anti-estrogens you use, the more your body adapts to them-hence the need start using them even when using small amounts of test that normally would not be indicated. Anti-es used long term are not healthy. I realize gyno prone people need them but a lot of people abuse them and don't even realize it. Anti-es are very powerful anti-cancer drugs that deliver potent side effects (some of which are unkown)! If possible it's better to use less test and stay off the anti-es.
    I am looking forward to seeing baby pictures. You have a beautiful girlfriend so I know you are going to have one cute baby!
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 04-04-2013 at 07:34 PM.

  34. #4994
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    Thanks for the post Ron ! I actually stopped my AI and I am going to see how I do off.

    Another question for you, I think I'm going to get some of that Ukraine jintropin . The ones that the vets on here and others are running. They seem to be legit and licensed not generic china crap!

    I'm going to get 600iu but really want to get my money's worth. Would 2-3 IU a day 5 on 2 off be enough? I'm not looking for huge mass but rather fat loss and keep it off with my already strict year round diet. Some tissue growth and anti aging benefits would be nice as well.

  35. #4995
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yellow View Post

    I am 5 weeks out of show. I have been using 100mg Test Prop EOD + 100mg Tren Acetate EOD + 100mg Masteron Prop EOD (dosing 1.35cc EOD from a blend of 225mg/ml consists of 75mg Test Prop + 75mg Tren Ace + 75mg Masteron Prop).
    I am also taking 50mg Proviron daily.

    I usually stop test prop around 7-10 days out, but since I am using a blend of 3 compounds and don't have access to single compound test prop. I am going to stay on the gear until show day, but this includes test prop also since it's in a blend form.
    I am using femara (pharm grade letrozole ) for the last 2 weeks.
    What do you think I should do to achieve maximum dryness while still using test prop until show day?
    Any thoughts?

    Many Thanks Ron.
    [COLOR="#B22222"]I would do your last injection 2 days before the show. The pharm grade femara should take out the water. Do not use diurectics as they can cause kidney faiure and kill you!

    Carb up all day Tuesday if the pre-judging is on Saturday morning. Drink a lot of water starting Wednesday (day after carb load) and go back on low carb/fat diet that got you contest ready. Continue drinking a lot until 8pm Friday night before the show, then cut off all water.

    Take in salt for breakfast on egg whites daily starting now. On friday morning (day before the show) skip salting your egg whites for breakfast in order to lose more water Friday night. Do a moderate fat load on Friday night before going to bed. Peanut butter is a good choice. Add salt back into diet early Saturday morning before show and fat load some more and add in a few carbs to ensure glycogen levels are good. Don't drink anything until after pre-judging and you will be dry given body fat levels are very low.

    How much letro are you planning on using daily beginning 2 weeks out? And how many times per day?

  36. #4996
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    I would do your last injection 2 days before the show. The pharm grade femara should take out the water. Do not use diurectics as they can cause kidney faiure and kill you!

    Carb up all day Tuesday if the pre-judging is on Saturday morning. Drink a lot of water starting Wednesday (day after carb load) and go back on low carb/fat diet that got you contest ready. Continue drinking a lot until 8pm Friday night before the show, then cut off all water.

    Take in salt for breakfast on egg whites daily starting now. On friday morning (day before the show) skip salting your egg whites for breakfast in order to lose more water Friday night. Do a moderate fat load on Friday night before going to bed. Peanut butter is a good choice. Add salt back into diet early Saturday morning before show and fat load some more and add in a few carbs to ensure glycogen levels are good. Don't drink anything until after pre-judging and you will be dry given body fat levels are very low.

    How much letro are you planning on using daily beginning 2 weeks out? And how many times per day?

    Wow.. Very great advice & awesome explanation, Ron..

    My pre-judging is on Sunday Morning around 10.00 AM
    I am an Asian Bodybuilder who weigh around 165lbs (contest weight) and 5'8" tall.
    How much fat load should I do on Saturday night? Should I incorporate carbs too when fat loading the night before show?

    FYI, I am also taking 200mg per week Tren Enanthate (due to having leftover vials from last cycle) in addition to 100mg Test Prop EOD + 100mg Tren Acetate EOD + 100mg Masteron Prop EOD + 50mg Oral Winstrol Daily + 50mg Proviron Daily.

    I have Novartis Femara 2.5mg Tablets (Pharm Grade Letrozole ).
    I am planning on using 1/2 tabs or 1.25mg daily beginning 2 weeks out. Do you think it's enough since I am already getting some estrogen control effects from 100mg Masteron Prop EOD + 50mg Oral Winny daily + 50mg Proviron daily?

    Thanks a lot, Ron..
    Last edited by Yellow; 04-05-2013 at 05:15 AM. Reason: fixing the typo

  37. #4997
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    Quote Originally Posted by totallyok3d View Post
    ron -

    here is my last slingshot of the year and will give myself a much needed break after this. This is what I have planned. This is my 3rd slingshot cycle.

    Stats -

    13-14% Bodyfat
    Endomorph(gain easily, hard to loose)

    My goal for this last one is to put on some size while reaching 10% BF. I read in another post you had advised somebody to lean bulk the first 10 weeks and cut for the 2nd 10 weeks. I think I'll try this?

    1st Reload(lean bulk)
    Weeks 1 - 8 - Test E 750mg
    Weeks 1 - 8 - Tren E 500mg
    Weeks 1 - 8 - Another Compound? (I have good funds right now so was looking for what you might add)

    1st Deload
    Weeks 9 - 10 - Test E 250mg

    2nd Relaod(cutting)

    Weeks 11 - 17 - Test E 1g
    Weeks 11 - 17 - Tren E 600mg?
    Weeks 11 - 17 - Another cutting compound? (not willing to give mast a try yet, as you brought up balding and my family genes. Again my funds are in good shape so open for ideas. I know var is pricey. Maybe Dbol for 1st reload and var for 2nd reload?)

    2nd Deload

    Weeks 18 - 20 - Test E 250mg

    PCT - Nolva 40/20/20/20/20 HCG 1500iu EOD for first 2 weeks. Even know I am running 250iu 2x week through the whole cycle I feel that I need a boost here at the end for the end of the year as I did not run any HCG earlier this year on my first slingshot and still cruising into this next one. Good idea?

    Proviron - I have no experience with this yet? still doing some reading. I was thinking about adding it into my slingshot but not sure where to incoporate it and what it would provide? This would subbstitute my aromasin and just have the aromasin on hand if gyno flares up, correct?

    Supporting -

    2nd Reload - Running T3 at 33-50mcg and Clen at 40mcgs and increase up to max 120mcg and run through PCT?
    HCG - 250iu x 2 week on reload weeks. none on deload weeks. 1500ius EOD 2 weeks into PCT?
    Cialisis - 5mg x2 ED through entire cycle
    Prami - .5mg ED on Reloads
    Aromasin - 12.5mg Monday-Wednesday-Friday on Reload Weeks or none at all if proviron is introduced?

    Not sure if I'm missing anything this is what I have so far for my final run this year. As I mentioned before 500mgs is doing nothing for me anymore, I'm pretty much just maintain at those dosages, little to no gains.

    Looking to start this next month - Thanks again ron!
    I am on my iPad so I will answer everything right here. 1) lower tren to 300 mgs once a week during first reload and add 25 mgs of dbol if you want to maximize gains. I am not a huge fan of Orals due to side effects but dbol at 25 mgs daily will provide more size-strength. 2) For maximum hardness reduce test to 500 mgs weekly during second reload. Increase tren to 600 mgs per week. Add 40 mgs of anavar daily. 3) continue using HCG during deloads. 4) don't use proviron if you have issues with hair loss. 5) Add 3 grams of EPA/DHA dailyu from fish oils, 4000 ius of Vitamin D3, and some niacin B3 alogn with a b-complex daily to help keep cholesterol and homosysteine levels in check 6) everything else looks good!

    NOTE: I want to make something very clear-this cycle will provide awesome results. However, Test only cycles are by far the most user friendly health wise. All RECREATIONAL BODYBUILDERS should emphasize test only cycles throughout most of the year. Save the more harsh drugs like tren, orals, and clen for precontest or when trying to peak for a beach trip during the summer. Use test the rest of the year in order to maintain good health. Low dosages of GH are safe as well. I hope everyone please listens to my advice..Thanks guys,
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 04-06-2013 at 09:11 AM.

  38. #4998
    JohnnyJohnson is offline New Member
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    Hey guys. Looking for some advice. I'm going into week 2 of my first cycle ever, wanting to maximize what I have access to. I am 28 years old. I am 6'0" 215 lbs and have been training 5 days a week for 2 years. I have a clean, high protein diet. I have never used any gear before though. I thought I was ready and educated enough to begin a basic cycle, but I'm second guessing myself now. I began last week with one ML of dual test (E and C) at 200 Mg per ML and one ML of Deca at 200 Mg per ML. This is how it was explained to me as the best way to use it. I am using 10 Mg of Aromasin ED as an AI...right now after what I've started with, I have at my disposal: 9 ML of Dual Test at 200 Mg/ML, 9 ML of Deca at 200Mg/ML and about 700 Mg of Aromasin left. (I have a plan for PCT that I'm not inquiring about yet). I would like to get opinions on how to maximize results from what I have and how to dose it safely at the same time. If I keep going on the same track I've been on, I'll be dosing again on Monday. Please let me know what you think.

  39. #4999
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    Quote Originally Posted by slimshady01 View Post
    Thanks for the post Ron ! I actually stopped my AI and I am going to see how I do off.

    Another question for you, I think I'm going to get some of that Ukraine jintropin . The ones that the vets on here and others are running. They seem to be legit and licensed not generic china crap!

    I'm going to get 600iu but really want to get my money's worth. Would 2-3 IU a day 5 on 2 off be enough? I'm not looking for huge mass but rather fat loss and keep it off with my already strict year round diet. Some tissue growth and anti aging benefits would be nice as well.
    All Jintropin still comes out of China I do believe but what you have described is in fact pharm grade and gtg. 3-4 ius 7 days per week would be your best bet. Taking off the weekends is a bad approach IMO.

  40. #5000
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland
    All Jintropin still comes out of China I do believe but what you have described is in fact pharm grade and gtg. 3-4 ius 7 days per week would be your best bet. Taking off the weekends is a bad approach IMO.
    Thanks ron for the update.

    , ill squeeze 3iu 7 days a week taken at 630am then eat an hour later.

    I will also run ghtp6 with modgrf 1-29 post workout and before bed along side with hgh upon waking.. I hear this is good with those running low GH like myself.

    It's ordered and will start ASAP .. Do u think this dosage schedule is good?
    Last edited by slimshady01; 04-09-2013 at 04:35 PM.

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